Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_object_type_not_union_if_abstract():
    schema = Schema()

    class Query1(ObjectType):
        field1 = String()

        class Meta:
            abstract = True

    class Query2(ObjectType):
        field2 = String()

        class Meta:
            abstract = True

    class Query(Query1, Query2):
        '''Query description'''
        my_attr = True

    object_type = schema.T(Query)
    assert issubclass(Query, ObjectType)
    assert Query._meta.type_name == 'Query'
    assert Query._meta.description == 'Query description'
    assert isinstance(object_type, GraphQLObjectType)
    assert list(Query._meta.fields_map.keys()) == ['field1', 'field2']
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_field_none_type_raises_error():
    s = Schema()
    f = Field(None)
    f.contribute_to_class(MyOt, 'field_name')
    with raises(Exception) as excinfo:
    assert str(
        excinfo.value) == "Internal type for field MyOt.field_name is None"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_field_self():
    field = Field('self', name='my_customName')

    class MyObjectType(ObjectType):
        my_field = field

    schema = Schema()

    assert schema.T(field).type == schema.T(MyObjectType)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_argument_internal_type():
    class MyObjectType(ObjectType):
    schema = Schema(query=MyObjectType)
    a = Argument(MyObjectType, description='My argument', default='3')
    type = schema.T(a)
    assert isinstance(type, GraphQLArgument)
    assert type.description == 'My argument'
    assert type.default_value == '3'
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_field_string_reference():
    field = Field('MyObjectType', name='my_customName')

    class MyObjectType(ObjectType):
        my_field = field

    schema = Schema(query=MyObjectType)

    assert isinstance(field.type, LazyType)
    assert schema.T(field.type) == schema.T(MyObjectType)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_field_resolve_argument():
    def resolver(instance, args, info):
        return args.get('first_name')

    field = Field(String(), first_name=String(), description='My argument', resolver=resolver)

    class Query(ObjectType):
        my_field = field
    schema = Schema(query=Query)

    type = schema.T(field)
    assert type.resolver(None, {'firstName': 'Peter'}, None, None) == 'Peter'
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_field_internal_type_deprecated():
    deprecation_reason = 'No more used'
    field = Field(String(), description='My argument',

    class Query(ObjectType):
        my_field = field
    schema = Schema(query=Query)

    type = schema.T(field)
    assert isinstance(type, GraphQLField)
    assert type.deprecation_reason == deprecation_reason
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_enum_values():
    RGB = Enum('RGB', dict(RED=0, GREEN=1, BLUE=2), description='RGB enum description')

    schema = Schema()

    object_type = schema.T(RGB)
    assert isinstance(object_type, GraphQLEnumType)
    assert RGB._meta.type_name == 'RGB'
    assert RGB._meta.description == 'RGB enum description'
    assert RGB.RED == 0
    assert RGB.GREEN == 1
    assert RGB.BLUE == 2
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_inputobjecttype():
    class InputCharacter(InputObjectType):
        '''InputCharacter description'''
        name = String()

    schema = Schema()

    object_type = schema.T(InputCharacter)
    assert isinstance(object_type, GraphQLInputObjectType)
    assert InputCharacter._meta.type_name == 'InputCharacter'
    assert object_type.description == 'InputCharacter description'
    assert list(object_type.get_fields().keys()) == ['name']
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_field_resolve_type_custom():
    class MyCustomType(ObjectType):

    f = Field('MyCustomType')

    class OtherType(ObjectType):
        field_name = f

    s = Schema()
    s.query = OtherType

    assert s.T(f).type == s.T(MyCustomType)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_object_type():
    class Human(ObjectType):
        '''Human description'''
        name = String()
        friends = String()

    schema = Schema()

    object_type = schema.T(Human)
    assert Human._meta.type_name == 'Human'
    assert isinstance(object_type, GraphQLObjectType)
    assert object_type.description == 'Human description'
    assert list(object_type.get_fields().keys()) == ['name', 'friends']
    assert Human._meta.fields_map['name'].object_type == Human
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_interface():
    class Character(Interface):
        '''Character description'''
        name = String()

    schema = Schema()

    object_type = schema.T(Character)
    assert issubclass(Character, Interface)
    assert isinstance(object_type, GraphQLInterfaceType)
    assert Character._meta.interface
    assert Character._meta.type_name == 'Character'
    assert object_type.description == 'Character description'
    assert list(object_type.get_fields().keys()) == ['name']
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_field_objectype_resolver():
    field = Field(String)

    class Query(ObjectType):
        my_field = field

        def resolve_my_field(self, *args, **kwargs):
            '''Custom description'''
            return 'RESOLVED'

    schema = Schema(query=Query)

    type = schema.T(field)
    assert isinstance(type, GraphQLField)
    assert type.description == 'Custom description'
    assert type.resolver(Query(), {}, None, None) == 'RESOLVED'
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_enum():
    class RGB(Enum):
        '''RGB enum description'''
        RED = 0
        GREEN = 1
        BLUE = 2

    schema = Schema()

    object_type = schema.T(RGB)
    assert isinstance(object_type, GraphQLEnumType)
    assert RGB._meta.type_name == 'RGB'
    assert RGB._meta.description == 'RGB enum description'
    assert RGB.RED == 0
    assert RGB.GREEN == 1
    assert RGB.BLUE == 2
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_mutation():
    class MyMutation(Mutation):
        '''MyMutation description'''
        class Input:
            arg_name = String()
        name = String()

    schema = Schema()

    object_type = schema.T(MyMutation)
    assert MyMutation._meta.type_name == 'MyMutation'
    assert isinstance(object_type, GraphQLObjectType)
    assert object_type.description == 'MyMutation description'
    assert list(object_type.get_fields().keys()) == ['name']
    assert MyMutation._meta.fields_map['name'].object_type == MyMutation
    assert isinstance(MyMutation.arguments, ArgumentsGroup)
    assert 'argName' in schema.T(MyMutation.arguments)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_inputfield_internal_type():
    field = InputField(String, description='My input field', default='3')

    class MyObjectType(InputObjectType):
        my_field = field

    class Query(ObjectType):
        input_ot = Field(MyObjectType)

    schema = Schema(query=MyObjectType)

    type = schema.T(field)
    assert field.name is None
    assert field.attname == 'my_field'
    assert isinstance(type, GraphQLInputObjectField)
    assert type.description == 'My input field'
    assert type.default_value == '3'
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_inputfield_string_reference():
    class MyInput(InputObjectType):
        my_field = InputField(String, description='My input field', default='3')

    my_input_field = InputField('MyInput')

    class OtherInput(InputObjectType):
        my_input = my_input_field

    class Query(ObjectType):
        a = String()

    schema = Schema(query=Query)

    my_input_type = schema.T(MyInput)
    my_input_field_type = schema.T(my_input_field)
    assert my_input_field_type.type == my_input_type
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_field_internal_type():
    def resolver(*args):
        return 'RESOLVED'

    field = Field(String(), description='My argument', resolver=resolver)

    class Query(ObjectType):
        my_field = field
    schema = Schema(query=Query)

    type = schema.T(field)
    assert field.name is None
    assert field.attname == 'my_field'
    assert isinstance(type, GraphQLField)
    assert type.description == 'My argument'
    assert type.resolver(None, {}, None, None) == 'RESOLVED'
    assert type.type == GraphQLString
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_uniontype():
    class Human(ObjectType):
        name = String()

    class Pet(ObjectType):
        name = String()

    class Thing(UnionType):
        '''Thing union description'''
        class Meta:
            types = [Human, Pet]

    schema = Schema()

    object_type = schema.T(Thing)
    assert isinstance(object_type, GraphQLUnionType)
    assert Thing._meta.type_name == 'Thing'
    assert object_type.description == 'Thing union description'
    assert object_type.get_types() == [schema.T(Human), schema.T(Pet)]
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_field_resolve_vars():
    class Query(ObjectType):
        hello = String(first_name=String())

        def resolve_hello(self, args, info):
            return 'Hello ' + args.get('first_name')

    schema = Schema(query=Query)

    result = schema.execute("""
    query foo($firstName:String)
                            args={"firstName": "Serkan"})

    expected = {'hello': 'Hello Serkan'}
    assert result.data == expected
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_interface_inheritance():
    class Character(Interface):

    class GeneralInterface(Interface):

    class ShouldBeObjectType(GeneralInterface, Character):

    schema = Schema()

    assert Character._meta.interface
    assert not ShouldBeObjectType._meta.interface
    assert issubclass(ShouldBeObjectType, ObjectType)
    assert Character in ShouldBeObjectType._meta.interfaces
    assert GeneralInterface in ShouldBeObjectType._meta.interfaces
    assert isinstance(schema.T(Character), GraphQLInterfaceType)
    assert isinstance(schema.T(ShouldBeObjectType), GraphQLObjectType)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_field_custom_arguments():
    field = Field(None, name='my_customName', p=String())
    schema = Schema()

    args = field.arguments
    assert 'p' in schema.T(args)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_field_name_as_argument():
    field = Field(None, name=String())
    schema = Schema()

    args = field.arguments
    assert 'name' in schema.T(args)
Ejemplo n.º 24
        return self._write_prop

    def write_prop(self, value):
        self._write_prop = value

class Droid(Character):
    '''Droid description'''

class CharacterType(Droid, Human):
    '''Union Type'''

schema = Schema()

def test_interface():
    object_type = schema.T(Character)
    assert Character._meta.is_interface is True
    assert isinstance(object_type, GraphQLInterfaceType)
    assert Character._meta.type_name == 'core_Character'
    assert object_type.description == 'Character description'
    assert list(object_type.get_fields().keys()) == ['name']

def test_interface_cannot_initialize():
    with raises(Exception) as excinfo:
    assert 'An interface cannot be initialized' == str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 25
        to = graphene.Int()

    result = graphene.String()

    def mutate(cls, instance, args, info):
        global my_id
        my_id = args.get('to', my_id + 1)
        return ChangeNumber(result=my_id)

class MyResultMutation(graphene.ObjectType):
    change_number = graphene.Field(ChangeNumber)

schema = Schema(query=Query, mutation=MyResultMutation)

def test_mutation_input():
    assert list(schema.T(ChangeNumber.arguments).keys()) == ['to']

def test_execute_mutations():
    query = '''
    mutation M{
      first: changeNumber {
      second: changeNumber {