Ejemplo n.º 1
class User(ObjectType):
    id = ID(required=True)
    external_id = ID(required=True)
    email = String(required=True)
    name = String(required=True)

    first_name = String(required=True)
    last_name = String(required=True)

    picture_url = String(required=False)

    companies = List(NonNull(Company), resolver=companies_by_principal)

    def resolve_name(root, info):
        return "{} {}".format(root["first_name"], root["last_name"])
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Team(ObjectType):
    id = Int(required=True)
    webSite = String()
    contactEmail = String()
    since = DateTime(required=True)
    riders = List(NonNull(lambda: Rider), required=True)

    def resolve_rides(team, info):
            SELECT rider.id, firstName, lastName, email, birthday FROM rider
            INNER JOIN teamMember tm
              ON rider.id = tm.cyclistId
            WHERE tm.cyclistId = %(team_pk)s 
            """, {"team_pk": team['team_id']})
        return [Rider(**row_data) for row_data in db_cursor.fetchall()]
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Query(ObjectType):
    goodbye = String()
    posts = List(NonNull(Post))

    def resolve_posts(root, info):
        return [
            Post(id=1, title='title1', text='text1', files=[FileNode(id=1)]),
                 files=[FileNode(id=2), FileNode(id=3)]),
            Post(id=3, title='title3', text='text3'),

    def resolve_goodbye(root, info):
        return 'See ya!'
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Query(object):
    We don't want to have any root queries here
    invest_bucket = Field(GInvestmentBucket,
                          args={'id_value': Argument(NonNull(ID))})

    def resolve_invest_bucket(_self, info, id_value, **_args):
        The viewer represents the current logged in user
        if not info.context.user.is_authenticated():
            return None

        return InvestmentBucket.accessible_buckets(
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def type(self):
        from .types import DjangoObjectType

        _type = super(ConnectionField, self).type
        non_null = False
        if isinstance(_type, NonNull):
            _type = _type.of_type
            non_null = True
        assert issubclass(
            _type, DjangoObjectType
        ), "DjangoConnectionField only accepts DjangoObjectType types"
        assert _type._meta.connection, "The type {} doesn't have a connection".format(
        connection_type = _type._meta.connection
        if non_null:
            return NonNull(connection_type)
        return connection_type
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Supply(ObjectType):
    id = ID(required=True)
    is_active = Boolean(required=True)
    name = String(required=True)
    description = String(required=False)

    skills = List(NonNull(Skill), required=True)

    quantity = Int(required=True)
    hourly_salary = Float(required=False)
    company = Field(lambda: Company, required=True, resolver=company_by_id)

    def resolve_skills(root, info):
        if root.skills is None:
            return []

        return g.skill_loader.load_many(root.skills)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Query(ObjectType):
    user_by_email: Field = Field(

    users: NonNull = NonNull(List(UserType, required=False),

    async def resolve_user_by_email(self, info: ResolveInfo,
                                    **kwargs) -> typing.Union[None, UserType]:
        userData: typing.Union[None, UserType] = None
        result: typing.Union[typing.Mapping, None] = None

        email: str = kwargs.get('email', '').strip()
        if bool(email):
            # fetch one user based on the provided email:
            result = await fetch_one_record_filter_by_one_field(
                table=UserTable, filterField='email', filterValue=email)

        if not result is None:
            userData = dict(result)
            # remove password before sending to next operation

        return userData

    async def resolve_users(
            self, info: ResolveInfo,
            **kwargs) -> typing.Union[List, typing.List[UserType]]:
        users: list = []
        offset: int = kwargs.get('offset', 0)

        fetchResult: typing.Union[
            None, typing.List[typing.Mapping]] = await fetch_multiple_records(
                table=UserTable, offset=offset)

        if not fetchResult is None:
            for result in fetchResult:
                userData: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any] = dict(result)
                # remove 'hashed_password' field first:

        return users
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Query(ObjectType):
    goodbye = String()
    posts = List(NonNull(Post))

    def resolve_posts(root, info):
        return [
            Post(id=1, title='title1', text=FunnyText(id=1), files=[FileNode(id=1)]),
            Post(id=2, title='title2', text=FunnyText(id=2), files=[FileNode(id=2), FileNode(id=3)]),
            Post(id=3, title='title3', text=FunnyText(id=3)),
                id=4, title='title4', text=FunnyText(id=4),

    def resolve_goodbye(root, info):
        return 'See ya!'
Ejemplo n.º 9
class TagType(ObjectType):
    name = String(required=True, name=String())
    articles = List(NonNull(ArticleType))

    def resolve_name(parent, info, **kwargs):
        return parent.name

    # Remember to pass email into to fetch a certain user's articles
    def resolve_articles(parent, info, **kwargs):
        # Todo: Allowing query for a certain article with certain url
        article_urls = UserArticle.objects.filter(

        return [ArticleType(url=article_url) for article_url in article_urls]
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, ndb_key_prop, graphql_type_name, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__ndb_key_prop = ndb_key_prop
        self.__graphql_type_name = graphql_type_name
        is_repeated = ndb_key_prop._repeated
        is_required = ndb_key_prop._required

        _type = String
        if is_repeated:
            _type = List(_type)

        if is_required:
            _type = NonNull(_type)

        kwargs['args'] = {
            'ndb': Argument(Boolean, False, description="Return an NDB id (key.id()) instead of a GraphQL global id")

        super(NdbKeyStringField, self).__init__(_type, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Query(AbstractType):
    We don't want to have any root queries here
    invest_bucket = Field(GInvestmentBucket,
                          args={'id': Argument(NonNull(ID))})

    def resolve_invest_bucket(_self, args, context, _info):
        The viewer represents the current logged in user
        if not context.user.is_authenticated():
            return None

        return InvestmentBucket.objects.filter(
            Q(public=True) | Q(owner=context.user.profile)).get(
Ejemplo n.º 12
class LoginUser(Mutation):
    success = NonNull(Boolean)
    account = Field(UserType)
    token = String()
    message = String()

    class Arguments:
        username = NonNull(String)
        password = NonNull(String)

    def mutate(root, info, username, password):
        user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
        if not user:
            return LoginUser(success=False, message="Invalid Credentials")
        login(info.context, user)
        token, _ = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
        return LoginUser(success=True, account=user, token=token)
Ejemplo n.º 13
class Settings(ObjectType):
    default_subdomains = Field(NonNull(List(NonNull(String))))
    ipv4 = Field(NonNull(List(NonNull(String))))
    ipv6 = Field(NonNull(List(NonNull(String))))
    domains = Field(NonNull(List(NonNull(Domain))))

    async def resolve_default_subdomains(self, info: ResolveInfo):
        if info.context.get('current_user'):
            return Config()['settings']['default_subdomains']

    async def resolve_ipv4(self, info: ResolveInfo):
        if info.context.get('current_user'):
            return Config()['settings']['ipv4']

    async def resolve_ipv6(self, info: ResolveInfo):
        if info.context.get('current_user'):
            return Config()['settings']['ipv6']

    async def resolve_domains(self, info: ResolveInfo):
        if info.context.get('current_user'):
            return create_domain_list(Config())
Ejemplo n.º 14
class CompoundType(ObjectType):
    CID = NonNull(String)
    MolecularFormula = String()
    MolecularWeight = Float()
    CanonicalSMILES = String()
    IsomericSMILES = String()
    InChI = String()
    InChIKey = String()
    IUPACName = String()
    XLogP = Float()
    ExactMass = Float()
    MonoisotopicMass = Float()
    TPSA = Float()
    Complexity = Int()
    Charge = Int()
    HBondDonorCount = Int()
    HBondAcceptorCount = Int()
    RotatableBondCount = Int()
    HeavyAtomCount = Int()
    IsotopeAtomCount = Int()
    AtomStereoCount = Int()
    DefinedAtomStereoCount = Int()
    UndefinedAtomStereoCount = Int()
    BondStereoCount = Int()
    DefinedBondStereoCount = Int()
    UndefinedBondStereoCount = Int()
    CovalentUnitCount = Int()
    Volume3D = Float()
    XStericQuadrupole3D = Float()
    YStericQuadrupole3D = Float()
    ZStericQuadrupole3D = Float()
    FeatureCount3D = Int()
    FeatureAcceptorCount3D = Int()
    FeatureDonorCount3D = Int()
    FeatureAnionCount3D = Int()
    FeatureCationCount3D = Int()
    FeatureRingCount3D = Int()
    FeatureHydrophobeCount3D = Int()
    ConformerModelRMSD3D = Int()
    EffectiveRotorCount3D = Float()
    ConformerCount3D = Float()
    Fingerprint2D = String()
Ejemplo n.º 15
class ToggleFollowUser(ObjectMutation):
    ok = Boolean(required=True)
    errors = NonNull(List(String, required=False))

    class Arguments:
        toUserId = Int(required=True)

    async def mutate(self, info: ResolveInfo, **kwargs):
        ok: bool = False
        errors: typing.List[str] = []

        existingFollowingRecord: typing.Union[None, typing.Mapping]

        user: BaseUser = info.context['request'].user

        # check user authenticated or not:
        if user.is_authenticated:
            # get toUserId:
            toUserId: typing.Union[int, None] = kwargs.get('toUserId', None)
            if toUserId and isinstance(toUserId, int):
                # checking if this following relation ship does exist or not:
                if toUserId != user.id:
                    query: Select = select([UserFollowingTable]).where(
                        and_(UserFollowingTable.c.from_user_id == user.id,
                             UserFollowingTable.c.to_user_id == toUserId))
                    existingFollowingRecord = await fetch_one_record_with_query(
                    ok = True
                    errors.append('You cannot follow yourself.')
                errors.append('Invalid id of user.')
            errors.append('You have to log in to follow people.')

        if ok and len(errors) == 0:
            # add background task
            background: BackgroundTasks = info.context['background']
            background.add_task(update_user_following, toUserId, user.id,

        return ToggleFollowUser(ok=ok, errors=errors)
Ejemplo n.º 16
class Dns(ObjectType):
    generate = Field(NonNull(Result))

    def strip(self, text):
        return '\n'.join([x.lstrip() for x in text.split('\n')])

    async def resolve_generate(self, info: ResolveInfo):
        if info.context.get('current_user'):
            # Check environment
            result = check_docker_container()
            if result:
                return result

            result = check_root()
            if result:
                return result

            # Generate zone file
            zone_file = ZoneFile()
            for domain, template_output in zone_file.generate_zones():
                path = join(abspath(sep), 'etc', 'bind', domain + '.zone')
                    with open(path, 'w') as f:
                except IOError:
                    return Result('cannot write to ', extra=path)
            path = join(abspath(sep), 'etc', 'bind', 'named.conf.local')

            # Generate named.conf
                with open(path, 'w') as f:
                    template_output = (
            except IOError:
                return Result('cannot write to ', extra=path)

            # Restart bind
            run([join(abspath(sep), 'etc', 'init.d', 'bind9'), 'restart'])
            return Result()
            return Result('not logged in')
Ejemplo n.º 17
class Dataset(ObjectType):
    id = NonNull(ID)
    title = String(description="The title of the dataset")
    clusters = List(Cluster,
                    description="The clusters the algorithms were trained on")

    def __init__(self, dataset, **args):
        self._dataset = dataset

    def resolve_title(root, info):
        return root._dataset['title']

    def resolve_clusters(root, info):
        return [
            for cluster in root._dataset['clusters']
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, _type, page_size=graphql_api_settings.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, page_size_query_param=None,
                 max_page_size=graphql_api_settings.MAX_PAGE_SIZE, ordering="", ordering_param='order',
                 *args, **kwargs):

        kwargs.setdefault('args', {})

        # Client can control the page using this query parameter.
        self.page_query_param = 'page'

        # The default page size. Defaults to `None`.
        self.page_size = page_size

        # Client can control the page size using this query parameter.
        # Default is 'None'. Set to eg 'page_size' to enable usage.
        self.page_size_query_param = page_size_query_param

        # Set to an integer to limit the maximum page size the client may request.
        # Only relevant if 'page_size_query_param' has also been set.
        self.max_page_size = max_page_size

        self.ordering = ordering

        self.ordering_param = ordering_param

        self.page_size_query_description = 'Number of results to return per page. Actual \'page_size\': {}'.format(

        kwargs[self.page_query_param] = Int(default_value=1,
                                            description='A page number within the result paginated set. Default: 1')

        kwargs[self.ordering_param] = String(default_value='',
                                             description='A string or coma separate strings values that indicating the '
                                                         'default ordering when obtaining lists of objects.')

        if self.page_size_query_param:
            if not page_size:
                kwargs[self.page_size_query_param] = NonNull(Int, description=self.page_size_query_description)
                kwargs[self.page_size_query_param] = Int(description=self.page_size_query_description)

        super(PagePaginationField, self).__init__(List(_type), *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 19
class CountedConnection(Connection):

    copied from https://github.com/graphql-python/graphene-sqlalchemy/issues/153#issuecomment-501949939


    class Meta:
        # Being abstract is important because we can't reference the
        # node type here without creating a circular reference. Also, it
        # makes reuse easy.
        # The node type will be populated later with
        # `CountedConnection.create_class()` in `Foo`'s
        # `__init_subclass_with_meta__()`.
        abstract = True

    total_count = NonNull(Int)

    def resolve_total_count(self, info, **kwargs):
        return self.length
Ejemplo n.º 20
class ChangePasswordMutation(Mutation):
    class Arguments:
        old_password = NonNull(String)
        new_password = NonNull(String)

    committed = NonNull(Boolean)

    def mutate(cls, root, info, old_password, new_password, *args, **kwargs):
        # get current user
        user = info.context.user

        # reset if old password valid
        committed = False
        if user.check_password(old_password):
            committed = True

        return ChangePasswordMutation(committed=committed)
Ejemplo n.º 21
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
    chats = graphene.List(NonNull(Chat), required=True)
    chat = graphene.Field(Chat, chat_id=graphene.ID(name='id', required=True))
    player = graphene.Field(Player,
                            player_id=graphene.ID(name='id', required=True))
    my_profile = graphene.Field(TelegramProfile)

    def resolve_my_profile(root, info):
        return get_telegram_profile(info.context)

    def resolve_chats(root, info):
        return archive.Chat.objects.filter(parent=None).all()

    def resolve_chat(root, info, chat_id: str):
        return archive.Chat.objects.filter(id=chat_id).first()

    def resolve_player(root, info, player_id: str):
        return game.Player.objects.filter(id=player_id).first()
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def type(self):
        _type = super(ConnectionField, self).type
        non_null = False
        if isinstance(_type, NonNull):
            _type = _type.of_type
            non_null = True
        assert issubclass(
            _type, ModelObjectType
        ), "DjangoConnectionField only accepts ModelObjectType types"
        assert _type._meta.connection, "The type {} doesn't have a connection".format(

        if (_type._meta.filter_fields or _type._meta.filterset_class
            ) and type(self).__name__ == 'RelayConnectionField':
                "Using fiterns in a RelayConnectionField(%s). Consider to use a RelayFilterConnectionField instead."
                % _type._meta.name, )

        connection_type = _type._meta.connection
        if non_null:
            return NonNull(connection_type)
        return connection_type
Ejemplo n.º 23
class StockType(ObjectType):
    name = String(required=True)
    symbol = String(required=True, symbol=String())  # Index in Cassandra
    price = Int()
    articles = List(NonNull(ArticleType),
                    start=Int(default_value=1))  # start for pagination

    def resolve_name(parent, info, **kwargs):
        return kwargs['name']

    def resolve_symbol(parent, info, **kwargs):
        return kwargs['symbol']

    def resolve_price(parent, info, **kwargs):
        prices = fetch_stock_current_data(kwargs['symbol'])
        list_prices = list(prices.items())
        price = list_prices[0][1]['4. close']

        return price

    def resolve_articles(parent, info, **kwargs):
        # Todo: Try different search term & use NLP to pick out the best
        time_range = 'date:r:'
        if kwargs.get('start_date', None):
            time_range += str(kwargs['start_date'])
        time_range += ':' + kwargs['end_date']

        articles = fetch_url_metadata(kwargs['name'] + ' market news',

        return [ArticleType(article=article) for article in articles]
Ejemplo n.º 24
class Query(ObjectType):
    categories = NonNull(
        List(CategoryType, required=False)

    async def resolve_categories(self, info: ResolveInfo, **kwargs):
        allCategories: typing.List[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = []
        returns all categories and their subs
        query: Select = select([


        result = await database.fetch_all(query=query)
        for row in result:

        # for d in fetchResult:
        #     print(dict(d))

        return allCategories
Ejemplo n.º 25
    class Query(ObjectType):
        posts = Field(List(NonNull(Post)),
                      post_filter=Argument(PostFilterInput, required=True))

        def resolve_posts(parent, info, post_filter: PostFilterInput):
            if post_filter.uuid is None:
                return [
                    ) for p in repository.list()
                p = repository.get(UUID(post_filter.uuid))
                if not p:
                    return []
                return [
Ejemplo n.º 26
class Demand(ObjectType):
    id = ID(required=True)
    is_active = Boolean(required=True)
    name = String(required=True)
    description = String(required=False)

    skills = List(NonNull(Skill), required=True)

    quantity = Int(required=True)
    max_hourly_salary = Float(required=False)
    company = Field(lambda: Company, required=True, resolver=company_by_id)

    # we only have this for now
    def resolve_description(root, info):
        if root.description_ext is None:
            return None

        return root.description_ext

    def resolve_skills(root, info):
        if root.skills is None:
            return []

        return g.skill_loader.load_many(root.skills)
Ejemplo n.º 27
class GProfile(DjangoObjectType):
    GraphQL representation of a Profile
    stock_find = List(GStock,
                          'text': Argument(NonNull(String)),
                          'first': Argument(Int)
    invest_suggestions = DjangoFilterConnectionField(GInvestmentBucket, )

    class Meta(object):
        Meta Model for Profile
        model = Profile
        only_fields = ('id', 'trading_accounts', 'stock_find')
        interfaces = (relay.Node, )

    def resolve_stock_find(_self, args, _context, _info):
        Finds a stock given a case insensitive name
        query = Stock.objects.filter(name__icontains=args['text'])
        if 'first' in args:
            query = query[:args['first']]
        return query

    def resolve_invest_suggestions(_data, _args, context, _info):
        Finds all the investment suggestions available to the user
        return InvestmentBucket.objects.filter(
            Q(owner=context.user.profile) | Q(public=True))
Ejemplo n.º 28
class TalkType(ObjectType):
    class Meta:
        name = "Talk"

    id = NonNull(ID)
    title = NonNull(String)
    speakers = NonNull(List(NonNull(SpeakerType)))
    is_open_discussion = NonNull(Boolean)
    is_mine = NonNull(Boolean)

    def resolve_speakers(parent: Talk, info):
        return [parent.owner, *parent.other_speakers.all()]

    def resolve_is_open_discussion(parent: Talk, info):
        return parent.open_discussion

    def resolve_is_mine(parent: Talk, info):
        return parent.owner == info.context.user
Ejemplo n.º 29
class Document(MongoengineObjectType):
    class Meta:
        connection_field_class = DocumentConnectionField
        model = DocumentModel
        interfaces = (Node,)
        filter_fields = {
            "title": ["icontains"],
            # "privacy_settings": ["users_access"],

    author = NonNull("graph.types.user.User")
    is_author = NonNull(Boolean)

    def resolve_is_author(root, info):
        return current_user is not None and current_user == root.author

    access_permission = NonNull(AccessEnum)

    def resolve_access_permission(root, info):
        privacy: PrivacySettings = root.privacy_settings
        if current_user.pk == root.author.pk:
            return EDIT
        if privacy.visibility == PRIVATE:
            return NONE
        elif privacy.visibility == USERS:
            for user_access in privacy.users_access:
                if user_access.user.pk == current_user.pk:
                    return user_access.access_type
            return NONE
            return privacy.public_access_type

    contents = NonNull(List(NonNull(DocumentSection)))
    privacy_settings = NonNull(PrivacySettings)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def convert_field_to_boolean(field, registry=None):
    return NonNull(Boolean, description=field.help_text)