def _combine(task):
    The actual code that will be ran inside of a task to combine all results and add the parameter
    column to the final SFrame(s).
    # Initialize empty SFrames for each output.
    for out_name in task.get_outputs():
        task.outputs[out_name] = _SFrame()

    params_to_outputs = task.params[_COMBINE_PARAMETER_NAME]
    for params, path in params_to_outputs:
        for out_name in task.get_outputs():

                cur_result = _SFrame(_path_join(path, out_name))
            except IOError:
      "No output for %s with parameters: %s " % (out_name, str(params)))

            # Add the 'Parameters' column and append to previous results.
            cur_result['parameters'] = _SArray.from_const(params, len(cur_result))
            task.outputs[out_name] = task.outputs[out_name].append(cur_result)