def throw_error_with_path():
     with raises(GraphQLError) as exc_info:
         assert coerce_input_value([None],
     assert exc_info.value.message == (
         "Invalid value None at 'value[0]':"
         " Expected non-nullable type 'Int!' not to be None.")
    def _coerce_value(input_value, type_):
        errors: List[CoercedValueError] = []
        append = errors.append

        def on_error(path, invalid_value, error):
            append(CoercedValueError(error.message, path, invalid_value))

        value = coerce_input_value(input_value, type_, on_error)
        return CoercedValue(errors, value)
 def throw_error_without_path():
     with raises(GraphQLError) as exc_info:
         assert coerce_input_value(None, GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt))
     assert exc_info.value.message == (
         "Invalid value None: Expected non-nullable type 'Int!' not to be None."