Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    fullData = dict()
    for folder in os.listdir(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Pictures')):
        fullData[folder] = (detectVideoEmotion(os.path.join(
            'Pictures', folder)))
    with open('appFaceData.json', 'w') as fp:
    scores = dict()
    for folder in os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Audio')):
        strList = (detectSpeech(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Audio', folder)))
        sentiments = []
        for item in strList:
        sum = 0
        for item in sentiments:
            sum = sum + item
        sum = sum / len(sentiments)
        goodpart, badpart = os.path.splitext(folder)
        scores[(goodpart)] = sum
    sortedSpeechData = dict()
    for k in sorted(scores.keys()):
        sortedSpeechData[k] = scores[k]
    with open("appSpeechData.json", "w") as fp:

def cosineTranscripts(dataset, queryTranscript, queryName, reference, k):
    matrix, query = cosineComparison.calculateComparison(dataset, queryTranscript, k)
    scores = cosineComparison.scoreDocuments(query, matrix, reference)

    xAxis = [pair[0] for pair in scores]
    values = [pair[1] for pair in scores]
    graphs.makeGraph(xAxis, "scores", "Transcript Cosine. Reference = {0} K = {1}".\
        format(queryName,k), values)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def graphByMonthGraph(dicForm, title, context):
    monthScore = np.ones(
        [12]).tolist()  # value is on dissimilarity so start at one
    months = generateMonths()

    for date in dicForm:

        month = date.month - 1
        monthScore[month] -= dicForm[date]  # subtract dissimilarlity
    graphs.makeGraph(months, "accumulative scores", title, monthScore, context)
def KlPmTranscripts(dataset, queryTranscript, queryName, reference):

    #print dataset
    matrix, query = cosineComparison.matrixQueryNoTransformation(dataset, queryTranscript)

    scores = cosineComparison.KLdivergence(query, matrix, reference) #jointEntropy
    scores.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])

    print scores

    xAxis = [pair[0] for pair in scores]
    values = [pair[1] for pair in scores]
    graphs.makeGraph(xAxis, "scores", "transcript budget log for {0}".format(queryName), values, queryName)
def KlHansard(dataset, queryTranscript, queryName, reference, smoothing):
    # This is for when i have a specific target year to compare others to
    #print dataset

    scores = cosineComparison.KLdivergence(queryTranscript, dataset, reference,
                                           smoothing)  #jointEntropy

    print scores

    xAxis = [pair[0] for pair in scores]
    values = [pair[1] for pair in scores]

        xAxis, "scores",
        "KL Hansard for {0} Smoothing - {1}".format(queryName, smoothing),
        values, queryName)
def KLBackwardsGraph(dataset, queryTranscript, queryName, reference,
    # Want to compare all years to specific year. All years is reference to predict specific.
    #print dataset

    scores = cosineComparison.KLBackwardsDivergence(queryTranscript, dataset,
                                                    smoothing)  #jointEntropy

    print scores

    xAxis = [pair[0] for pair in scores]
    values = [pair[1] for pair in scores]

        xAxis, "scores",
        "KL Hansard for {0} Smoothing - {1}".format(queryName, smoothing),
        values, queryName)
def KlHansardIterative(dataset, reference, smoothing):
    # I want to compare the previous year to current year itteratively
    print reference
    print len(dataset)
    #print dataset[0]
    klValues = []
    yearsInvestigated = []
    for i in range(1, len(dataset)):
        priorBow = dataset[i - 1]
        currentBow = dataset[i]
        currentYear = reference[i]

        klValues.append(cosineComparison.KLbow(currentBow, priorBow,

    print klValues
        yearsInvestigated, "scores",
        "KL Iterative Opposition - Smooth = {0}".format(smoothing), klValues,
        "not sure what this is")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def graphByMonthYearGraph(dicForm, title, context):
    maxYear, minYear = calculateMinMaxYear(dicForm.keys())
    numYears = maxYear - minYear + 1
    print maxYear
    print minYear
    print numYears
    monthScore = np.ones([12 * (numYears)]).tolist()

    print "len is {0}".format(len(monthScore))
    xLabel = numYears * generateMonths()
    for date in dicForm:
        #print date
        yearOffset = date.year - minYear
        monthOffset = date.month - 1
        indexOffset = yearOffset * 12 + monthOffset

        monthScore[indexOffset] += (
            1 - dicForm[date]
        )  # attempt to make high look good. Note we need to normalise by number in that month

    graphs.makeGraph(xLabel, "accumulative scores", title, monthScore, context)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def createGraph(referenceBudget, yearAsString):

    referenceBudget = budget2006

    # budgets = [budget[0] for budget in budgetList]
    # names = [[budget[1] for budget in budgetList]]
    reference, documents = cosineComparison.arrayToBow(budgets, bowDirectory)

    _, queryBow = cosineComparison.arrayToBow([referenceBudget], bowDirectory)

    matrix, query = cosineComparison.matrixQueryNoTransformation(documents, queryBow[0])

    #print matrix
    scores = cosineComparison.inverseKLdivergence(query, matrix, reference) #jointEntropy

    values = [pair[1] for pair in scores]
    xAxis = [pair[0][0:4] for pair in scores]

    graphs.makeGraph(xAxis, "scores", "budget log for {0}".format(yearAsString), values)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def makeGraphs():
    course = request.args.get("course")
    return render_template("graph.html", courseNum=course)
Ejemplo n.º 11
partyFunction = hansardHandler.filenameToPartyInCharge

_, hansardBows, hansardReference = hansardHandler.budgetToBow(
    initialYear, finalYear, None, partyFunction, True, True, False,

#print hansardBows

#print reference

_, transcriptBows, transcriptReference = transcriptHandler.getTranscriptsBudgetDateTechnique(
    initialYear, finalYear, None, None, transcriptSource, False, False, True)

#print transcriptBows

#print transcriptReference

klValues = []
xAxis = []
for i in range(len(transcriptBows)):
    klValues.append(cosineComparison.KLbow(hansardBows[i], transcriptBows[i]))

print klValues
for i in range(len(klValues)):
    print "{0} : {1}".format(transcriptReference[i], klValues[i])

#xAxis = [pair[0] for pair in transcriptReference[i]]

graphs.makeGraph(xAxis, "scores", "KlHansardTranscripts", klValues)