Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testLatimesIpsum(self):
        from greeking import latimes_ipsum

        story = latimes_ipsum.get_story()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(story, latimes_ipsum.Story))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(story.content, six.string_types))

        related_items = latimes_ipsum.get_related_items()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(related_items[0], latimes_ipsum.RelatedItem))
        self.assertTrue(len(related_items) == 4)
        self.assertTrue(len(latimes_ipsum.get_related_items(1)) == 1)

        image = latimes_ipsum.get_image(250)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(image, latimes_ipsum.Image))
        t2 = latimes_ipsum.get_image(250, 250, True)
        ctx, out = self.render(t2)
            t2.url != 'http://placehold.it/250x250/cccccc/969696/'
        t3 = latimes_ipsum.get_image(250)
        ctx, out = self.render(t3)
            t3.url == 'http://placehold.it/250x250/cccccc/969696/'

        quote = latimes_ipsum.get_quote()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(quote, latimes_ipsum.Quote))

        Tests the tags for pulling story, image, related items, and quotes

        t4 = "{% load greeking_tags %}{% latimes_story as obj %}"
        ctx, out = self.render(t4)

        t5 = "{% load greeking_tags %}{% latimes_image 250 250 000000 as obj %} \
        {{ obj.url }} \
        {{ obj.caption }} \
        {{ obj.credit }}"
        ctx, out = self.render(t5)

        t6 = "{% load greeking_tags %}{% latimes_quote as obj %} \
        {{ obj.quote }} \
        {{ obj.source }}"
        ctx, out = self.render(t6)

        t7 = "{% load greeking_tags %}{% latimes_related_items as obj %} \
        {{ obj.headline }} \
        {{ obj.url }} \
        {{ obj.image_url }}"
        ctx, out = self.render(t7)

        t8 = "{% load greeking_tags %}{% latimes_related_items 1 as obj %}"

        ctx, out = self.render(t8)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def latimes_image(width, height, background_color):
    Return an latimes_ipsum Image object with a default background color of #ccc unless you specify
    a background color. Also has option to return caption and credit.

    Usage format:

        {% latimes_image [width] [height] [background_color] as obj %}

    Example usage:

        Image at 250 wide and 400 high with background color of #000
        {% latimes_image 250 400 000000 %}
        <img src="{{obj.url}}">
        {{ obj.caption }}
        {{ obj.credit }}

    return get_image(width, height, background_color)