Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_star_advanced():
	# This is (a*ba)*. Naively connecting the final states to the initial state
	# gives the incorrect result here.
	starred = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b"},
		states   = {0, 1, 2, "oblivion"},
		initial  = 0,
		finals   = {2},
		map      = {
			0          : {"a" : 0         , "b" : 1         },
			1          : {"a" : 2         , "b" : "oblivion"},
			2          : {"a" : "oblivion", "b" : "oblivion"},
			"oblivion" : {"a" : "oblivion", "b" : "oblivion"},
	assert starred.alphabet == frozenset(["a", "b"])
	assert starred.accepts("")
	assert not starred.accepts("a")
	assert not starred.accepts("b")
	assert not starred.accepts("aa")
	assert starred.accepts("ba")
	assert starred.accepts("aba")
	assert starred.accepts("aaba")
	assert not starred.accepts("aabb")
	assert starred.accepts("abababa")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_empty(a, b):
	assert not a.empty()
	assert not b.empty()

	assert FSM(
		alphabet = {},
		states = {0, 1},
		initial = 0,
		finals = {1},
		map = {0:{}, 1:{}},

	assert not FSM(
		alphabet = {},
		states = {0},
		initial = 0,
		finals = {0},
		map = {0:{}},

	assert FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b"},
		states = {0, 1, None, 2},
		initial = 0,
		finals = {2},
		map = { 
			0    : {"a" : 1   , "b" : 1   },
			1    : {"a" : None, "b" : None},
			None : {"a" : None, "b" : None},
			2    : {"a" : None, "b" : None},
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_alphabet_unions():
	# Thanks to sparse maps it should now be possible to compute the union of FSMs
	# with disagreeing alphabets!
	a = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a"},
		states   = {0, 1},
		initial  = 0,
		finals   = {1},
		map      = {
			0    : {"a" : 1},

	b = FSM(
		alphabet = {"b"},
		states   = {0, 1},
		initial  = 0,
		finals   = {1},
		map      = {
			0    : {"b" : 1},

	assert (a | b).accepts(["a"])
	assert (a | b).accepts(["b"])
	assert (a & b).empty()
	assert (a + b).accepts(["a", "b"])
	assert (a ^ b).accepts(["a"])
	assert (a ^ b).accepts(["b"])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_dead_default():
		You may now omit a transition, or even an entire state, from the map. This
		affects every usage of `fsm.map`.
	blockquote = FSM(
		alphabet = {"/", "*", anything_else},
		states = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
		initial = 0,
		finals = {4},
		map = {
				0 : {"/" : 1},
				1 : {"*" : 2},
				2 : {"/" : 2, anything_else : 2, "*" : 3},
				3 : {"/" : 4, anything_else : 2, "*" : 3},
	assert blockquote.accepts(["/", "*", "whatever", "*", "/"])
	assert not blockquote.accepts(["*", "*", "whatever", "*", "/"])
	str(blockquote) # test stringification
	blockquote | blockquote
	blockquote & blockquote
	blockquote ^ blockquote
	assert not blockquote.everythingbut().accepts(["/", "*", "whatever", "*", "/"])
	assert blockquote.everythingbut().accepts(["*"]) # deliberately seek oblivion
	assert blockquote.islive(3)
	assert blockquote.islive(4)
	assert not blockquote.islive(5)
	gen = blockquote.strings()
	assert next(gen) == ["/", "*", "*", "/"]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_anything_else_acceptance():
	a = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b", "c", anything_else},
		states = {1},
		initial = 1,
		finals = {1},
		map = {
			1 : {"a" : 1, "b" : 1, "c" : 1, anything_else : 1}
	assert a.accepts("d")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_new_set_methods(a, b):
	# A whole bunch of new methods were added to the FSM module to enable FSMs to
	# function exactly as if they were sets of strings (symbol lists), see:
	# https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#set-types-set-frozenset
	# But do they work?
	assert len(a) == 1
	assert len((a | b) * 4) == 16
		assert False
	except OverflowError:

	# "in"
	assert "a" in a
	assert not "a" in b
	assert "a" not in b

	# List comprehension!
	four = (a | b) * 2
	for string in four:
		assert string == ["a", "a"]
	assert [s for s in four] == [["a", "a"], ["a", "b"], ["b", "a"], ["b", "b"]]

	# set.union() imitation
	assert FSM.union(a, b) == a.union(b)
	assert len(FSM.union()) == 0
	assert FSM.intersection(a, b) == a.intersection(b)

	# This takes a little explaining. In general, `a & b & c` is equivalent to
	# `EVERYTHING & a & b & c` where `EVERYTHING` is an FSM accepting every
	# possible string. Similarly `a` is equivalent to `EVERYTHING & a`, and the
	# intersection of no sets at all is... `EVERYTHING`.
	# However, since we compute the union of alphabets, and there are no
	# alphabets, the union is the empty set. So the only string which `EVERYTHING`
	# actually recognises is the empty string, [] (or "" if you prefer).
	int_none = FSM.intersection()
	assert len(int_none) == 1
	assert [] in int_none

	assert (a | b).difference(a) == FSM.difference((a | b), a) == (a | b) - a == b
	assert (a | b).difference(a, b) == FSM.difference((a | b), a, b) == (a | b) - a - b == null("ab")
	assert a.symmetric_difference(b) == FSM.symmetric_difference(a, b) == a ^ b
	assert a.isdisjoint(b)
	assert a <= (a | b)
	assert a < (a | b)
	assert a != (a | b)
	assert (a | b) > a
	assert (a | b) >= a

	assert list(a.concatenate(a, a).strings()) == [["a", "a", "a"]]
	assert list(a.concatenate().strings()) == [["a"]]
	assert list(FSM.concatenate(b, a, b).strings()) == [["b", "a", "b"]]
	assert list(FSM.concatenate().strings()) == []
	assert not a.copy() is a
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_reduce():
	# FSM accepts no strings but has 3 states, needs only 1
	asdf = FSM(
		alphabet = {None},
		states   = {0, 1, 2},
		initial  = 0,
		finals   = {1},
		map = {
			0 : {None : 2},
			1 : {None : 2},
			2 : {None : 2},
	asdf = asdf.reduce()
	assert len(asdf.states) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_invalid_fsms():
	# initial state 1 is not a state
			alphabet = {},
			states = {},
			initial = 1,
			finals = set(),
			map = {}
		assert False
	except AssertionError:
		assert False
	except Exception:

	# final state 2 not a state
			alphabet = {},
			states = {1},
			initial = 1,
			finals = {2},
			map = {}
		assert False
	except AssertionError:
		assert False
	except Exception:

	# invalid transition for state 1, symbol "a"
			alphabet = {"a"},
			states = {1},
			initial = 1,
			finals = set(),
			map = {
				1 : {"a" : 2}
		assert False
	except AssertionError:
		assert False
	except Exception:
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_reverse_brzozowski():
	# This is (a|b)*a(a|b)
	brzozowski = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b"},
		states = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"},
		initial = "A",
		finals = {"C", "E"},
		map = {
			"A" : {"a" : "B", "b" : "D"},
			"B" : {"a" : "C", "b" : "E"},
			"C" : {"a" : "C", "b" : "E"},
			"D" : {"a" : "B", "b" : "D"},
			"E" : {"a" : "B", "b" : "D"},
	assert brzozowski.accepts("aa")
	assert brzozowski.accepts("ab")
	assert brzozowski.accepts("aab")
	assert brzozowski.accepts("bab")
	assert brzozowski.accepts("abbbbbbbab")
	assert not brzozowski.accepts("")
	assert not brzozowski.accepts("a")
	assert not brzozowski.accepts("b")
	assert not brzozowski.accepts("ba")
	assert not brzozowski.accepts("bb")
	assert not brzozowski.accepts("bbbbbbbbbbbb")

	# So this is (a|b)a(a|b)*
	b2 = reversed(brzozowski)
	assert b2.accepts("aa")
	assert b2.accepts("ba")
	assert b2.accepts("baa")
	assert b2.accepts("bab")
	assert b2.accepts("babbbbbbba")
	assert not b2.accepts("")
	assert not b2.accepts("a")
	assert not b2.accepts("b")
	assert not b2.accepts("ab")
	assert not b2.accepts("bb")
	assert not b2.accepts("bbbbbbbbbbbb")

	# Test string generator functionality.
	gen = b2.strings()
	assert next(gen) == ["a", "a"]
	assert next(gen) == ["b", "a"]
	assert next(gen) == ["a", "a", "a"]
	assert next(gen) == ["a", "a", "b"]
	assert next(gen) == ["b", "a", "a"]
	assert next(gen) == ["b", "a", "b"]
	assert next(gen) == ["a", "a", "a", "a"]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def to_fsm(self, alphabet=None, prefix_postfix=None, flags=None) -> FSM:
     if alphabet is None:
         alphabet = self.alphabet
     if prefix_postfix is None:
         prefix_postfix = self.prefix_postfix
     if flags is None:
         flags = _REFlags(0)
     flags = _combine_flags(flags, self.added_flags, self.removed_flags)
     return FSM.union(*(o.to_fsm(alphabet, prefix_postfix, flags)
                        for o in self.options))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_bug_36():
	etc1 = FSM(
		alphabet = {anything_else},
		states = {0},
		initial = 0,
		finals = {0},
		map = {
			0: {
				anything_else: 0
	etc2 = FSM(
		alphabet = {'s', anything_else},
		states = {0, 1},
		initial = 0,
		finals = {1},
		map = {
			0: {
				's': 1
			1: {
				's': 1,
				anything_else: 1
	both = etc1 & etc2
	assert etc1.accepts(["s"])
	assert etc2.accepts(["s"])
	assert both.alphabet == {anything_else, "s"}
	assert both.accepts(["s"])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_addbug():
	# Odd bug with fsm.__add__(), exposed by "[bc]*c"
	int5A = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b", "c", anything_else},
		states   = {0, 1},
		initial  = 1,
		finals   = {1},
		map      = {
			0: {anything_else: 0, "a": 0, "b": 0, "c": 0},
			1: {anything_else: 0, "a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 1},
	assert int5A.accepts("")

	int5B = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b", "c", anything_else},
		states   = {0, 1, 2},
		initial  = 1,
		finals   = {0},
		map      = {
			0: {anything_else: 2, "a": 2, "b": 2, "c": 2},
			1: {anything_else: 2, "a": 2, "b": 2, "c": 0},
			2: {anything_else: 2, "a": 2, "b": 2, "c": 2},
	assert int5B.accepts("c")

	int5C = int5A + int5B
	assert int5C.accepts("c")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def b():
	b = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b"},
		states   = {0, 1, "ob"},
		initial  = 0,
		finals   = {1},
		map      = {
			0    : {"a" : "ob", "b" : 1   },
			1    : {"a" : "ob", "b" : "ob"},
			"ob" : {"a" : "ob", "b" : "ob"},
	return b
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_oblivion_crawl(a):
	# When crawling a new FSM, we should avoid generating an oblivion state.
	# `abc` has no oblivion state... all the results should not as well!
	abc = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b", "c"},
		states = {0, 1, 2, 3},
		initial = 0,
		finals = {3},
		map = {
			0 : {"a" : 1},
			1 : {"b" : 2},
			2 : {"c" : 3},
	assert len((abc + abc).states) == 7
	assert len(abc.star().states) == 3
	assert len((abc * 3).states) == 10
	assert len(reversed(abc).states) == 4
	assert len((abc | abc).states) == 4
	assert len((abc & abc).states) == 4
	assert len((abc ^ abc).states) == 1
	assert len((abc - abc).states) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def to_fsm(self, alphabet=None, prefix_postfix=None, flags=None) -> FSM:
        if alphabet is None:
            alphabet = self.alphabet
        if prefix_postfix is None:
            prefix_postfix = self.prefix_postfix
        if prefix_postfix != (0, 0):
            raise ValueError("Can not have prefix/postfix on CharGroup-level")

        base = FSM.union(*(g.to_fsm(alphabet, flags=flags)
                           for g in self.groups))
        if self.negate:
            return _ALL.to_fsm(alphabet).difference(base)
            return base
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def to_fsm(self, alphabet=None, prefix_postfix=None, flags=None) -> FSM:
        if alphabet is None:
            alphabet = self.alphabet
        if prefix_postfix is None:
            prefix_postfix = self.prefix_postfix

        all = _ALL.to_fsm(alphabet)
        all_star = all.star()
        fsm_parts = []
        current = [all.times(prefix_postfix[0])]
        for part in self.parts:
            if isinstance(part, _NonCapturing):
                inner = part.inner.to_fsm(alphabet, (0, 0), flags)
                if part.backwards:
                    raise NotImplementedError("lookbacks are not implemented")
                    # try:
                    #     inner.cardinality()
                    # except OverflowError:
                    #     raise NotImplementedError("Can not deal with infinite length lookaheads")
                    fsm_parts.append((None, current))
                    fsm_parts.append((part, inner))
                    current = []
                current.append(part.to_fsm(alphabet, (0, 0), flags))
        result = FSM.concatenate(*current)
        for m, f in reversed(fsm_parts):
            if m is None:
                result = FSM.concatenate(*f, result)
                assert isinstance(m, _NonCapturing) and not m.backwards
                if m.negate:
                    result = result.difference(f)
                    result = result.intersection(f + all_star)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def to_fsm(self, alphabet=None, prefix_postfix=None, flags=None) -> FSM:
     if alphabet is None:
         alphabet = self.alphabet
     if flags is None or not flags & _REFlags.SINGLE_LINE:
         chars = alphabet - {'\n'}
         chars = alphabet
     return FSM(
         states={0, 1},
         map={0: {symbol: 1
                  for symbol in chars}},
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_reverse_abc():
	abc = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b", "c"},
		states   = {0, 1, 2, 3, None},
		initial  = 0,
		finals   = {3},
		map = {
			0    : {"a" : 1   , "b" : None, "c" : None},
			1    : {"a" : None, "b" : 2   , "c" : None},
			2    : {"a" : None, "b" : None, "c" : 3   },
			3    : {"a" : None, "b" : None, "c" : None},
			None : {"a" : None, "b" : None, "c" : None},
	cba = reversed(abc)
	assert cba.accepts("cba")
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_difference(a, b):
	aorb = FSM(
		alphabet = {"a", "b"},
		states = {0, 1, None},
		initial = 0,
		finals = {1},
		map = { 
			0    : {"a" : 1   , "b" : 1   },
			1    : {"a" : None, "b" : None},
			None : {"a" : None, "b" : None},

	assert list((a ^ a).strings()) == []
	assert list((b ^ b).strings()) == []
	assert list((a ^ b).strings()) == [["a"], ["b"]]
	assert list((aorb ^ a).strings()) == [["b"]]
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def to_fsm(self, alphabet=None, prefix_postfix=None, flags=None) -> FSM:
        if alphabet is None:
            alphabet = self.alphabet
        if prefix_postfix is None:
            prefix_postfix = self.prefix_postfix
        if prefix_postfix != (0, 0):
            raise ValueError("Can not have prefix/postfix on CharGroup-level")
        insensitive = False
        if flags is not None:
            insensitive = flags & _REFlags.CASE_INSENSITIVE
            flags &= ~_REFlags.CASE_INSENSITIVE
            flags &= ~_REFlags.SINGLE_LINE
            if flags:
                raise NotImplementedError(flags)
        if insensitive:
            chars = frozenset({
                *(c.lower() for c in self.chars),
                *(c.upper() for c in self.chars)
            chars = self.chars

        # 0 is initial, 1 is final

        # If negated, make a singular FSM accepting any other characters
        if self.negated:
            mapping = {
                0: dict([(symbol, 1) for symbol in alphabet - chars]),

        # If normal, make a singular FSM accepting only these characters
            mapping = {
                0: dict([(symbol, 1) for symbol in chars]),

        return FSM(
            states={0, 1},
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_bug_28():
	# This is (ab*)* and it caused some defects.
	abstar = FSM(
		alphabet = {'a', 'b'},
		states   = {0, 1},
		initial  = 0,
		finals   = {1},
		map = {
			0: {'a': 1},
			1: {'b': 1}
	assert abstar.accepts("a")
	assert not abstar.accepts("b")
	assert abstar.accepts("ab")
	assert abstar.accepts("abb")
	abstarstar = abstar.star()
	assert abstarstar.accepts("a")
	assert not abstarstar.accepts("b")
	assert abstarstar.accepts("ab")
	assert not abstar.star().accepts("bb")
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_crawl_reduction():
	# this is "0*1" in heavy disguise. crawl should resolve this duplication
	# Notice how states 2 and 3 behave identically. When resolved together,
	# states 1 and 2&3 also behave identically, so they, too should be resolved
	# (this is impossible to spot before 2 and 3 have been combined).
	# Finally, the oblivion state should be omitted.
	merged = FSM(
		alphabet = {"0", "1"},
		states   = {1, 2, 3, 4, "oblivion"},
		initial  = 1,
		finals   = {4},
		map      = {
			1          : {"0" : 2         , "1" : 4         },
			2          : {"0" : 3         , "1" : 4         },
			3          : {"0" : 3         , "1" : 4         },
			4          : {"0" : "oblivion", "1" : "oblivion"},
			"oblivion" : {"0" : "oblivion", "1" : "oblivion"},
	assert len(merged.states) == 2
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_concatenate_bug(a):
	# This exposes a defect in fsm.concatenate.
	assert FSM.concatenate(a, epsilon({"a"}), a).accepts("aa")
	assert FSM.concatenate(a, epsilon({"a"}), epsilon({"a"}), a).accepts("aa")
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_binary_3():
	# Binary numbers divisible by 3.
	# Disallows the empty string
	# Allows "0" on its own, but not leading zeroes.
	div3 = FSM(
		alphabet = {"0", "1"},
		states = {"initial", "zero", 0, 1, 2, None},
		initial = "initial",
		finals = {"zero", 0},
		map = {
			"initial" : {"0" : "zero", "1" : 1   },
			"zero"    : {"0" : None  , "1" : None},
			0         : {"0" : 0     , "1" : 1   },
			1         : {"0" : 2     , "1" : 0   },
			2         : {"0" : 1     , "1" : 2   },
			None      : {"0" : None  , "1" : None},
	assert not div3.accepts("")
	assert div3.accepts("0")
	assert not div3.accepts("1")
	assert not div3.accepts("00")
	assert not div3.accepts("01")
	assert not div3.accepts("10")
	assert div3.accepts("11")
	assert not div3.accepts("000")
	assert not div3.accepts("001")
	assert not div3.accepts("010")
	assert not div3.accepts("011")
	assert not div3.accepts("100")
	assert not div3.accepts("101")
	assert div3.accepts("110")
	assert not div3.accepts("111")
	assert not div3.accepts("0000")
	assert not div3.accepts("0001")
	assert not div3.accepts("0010")
	assert not div3.accepts("0011")
	assert not div3.accepts("0100")
	assert not div3.accepts("0101")
	assert not div3.accepts("0110")
	assert not div3.accepts("0111")
	assert not div3.accepts("1000")
	assert div3.accepts("1001")