Ejemplo n.º 1
def writeRec9():
    PRES = 1013.0  # Sea level presure (replicate Sara's file)
    # total accumulated rainfall from past hour (replicate Sara's file)
    RAIN = 0.0
    SC = 0  # snow cover
    RADSW = 0.0  # SW radiation at surface (replicate Sara's file)
    RADLW = 0.0  # LW radiation at top (replicate Sara's file)
    VAPMR = 0.0  # Vagour mixing ratio (replicate Sara's file)
    for t in range(nfiles):
        print("Processing file " + filenames[t])
        dateTime = parse(date) + dt.timedelta(hours=t * 6)
        MYR = dateTime.year  # Year of data block
        MMO = dateTime.month  # Month of data block
        MDAY = dateTime.day  # Day of data block
        MHR = dateTime.hour  # Hour of data block
        # GRIB file processing:
        f = open(filePaths[t], 'r')  # Open GRIB file
        gribapi.grib_multi_support_on()  # Turn on multi-message support
        mcount = gribapi.grib_count_in_file(f)  # number of messages in file
         for i in range(mcount)]  # Get handles for all messages
        f.close()  # Close GRIB file
        # Initialse 3D arrays for holding required fields:
        HGTgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        TMPgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        Ugrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        Vgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        Wgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        RHgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        # Loop through included levels and store the values in the appropriate k index of the 3D arrays
        for k in range(NZ):
            HGTvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidHGT[k]))
            HGTgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(HGTvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            TMPvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidTMP[k]))
            TMPgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(TMPvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            Uvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidU[k]))
            Ugrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(Uvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            Vvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidV[k]))
            Vgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(Vvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            Wvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidW[k]))
            Wgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(Wvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            RHvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidRH[k]))
            RHgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(RHvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
        WSgrd = np.sqrt(Ugrd**2 + Vgrd**2)  # Calculate wins speed (pythagoras)
        # Calculate wind direction:
        # radians, between [-pi,pi], positive anticlockwise from positive x-axis
        WDgrd = np.arctan2(Vgrd, Ugrd)
        # degrees, between [-180,180], positive anticlockwise from positive x-axis
        WDgrd *= 180 / np.pi
        # degrees, between [0,360], positive anticlockwise from negative x-axis (Since we specify the direction the wind is blowing FROM, not TO)
        WDgrd += 180
        # degrees, between [-360,0], positive clockwise from negative x-axis (Since wind direction is positive clockwise)
        WDgrd = -WDgrd
        # degrees, between [-270,90], positive clockwise from positive y-axis (Since wind direction is from North)
        WDgrd += 90
        # degrees, between [0,360], positive clockwise from positive y-axis (DONE!)
        WDgrd = np.mod(WDgrd, 360)
        if t > 0:
            dateTime = parse(date) + dt.timedelta(hours=(t * 6) - 3)
            MYR = dateTime.year  # Year of data block
            MMO = dateTime.month  # Month of data block
            MDAY = dateTime.day  # Day of data block
            MHR = dateTime.hour  # Hour of data block
            HGTgrd = np.mean(np.array([HGTgrd + HGTgrd_ini]), axis=0)
            TMPgrd = np.mean(np.array([TMPgrd + TMPgrd_ini]), axis=0)
            Wgrd = np.mean(np.array([Wgrd + Wgrd_ini]), axis=0)
            RHgrd = np.mean(np.array([RHgrd + RHgrd_ini]), axis=0)
            WDgrd = np.mean(np.array([WDgrd + WDgrd_ini]), axis=0)
            WSgrd = np.mean(np.array([WSgrd + WSgrd_ini]), axis=0)
            inds = HGTgrd.argsort(axis=2)
            HGTgrd = take_along_axis(HGTgrd, inds, axis=2)
            TMPgrd = take_along_axis(TMPgrd, inds, axis=2)
            Wgrd = take_along_axis(Wgrd, inds, axis=2)
            RHgrd = take_along_axis(RHgrd, inds, axis=2)
            WSgrd = take_along_axis(WSgrd, inds, axis=2)
            WDgrd = take_along_axis(WDgrd, inds, axis=2)
            # Loop over grid cells:
            for j in range(NY):
                JX = j + 1  # J-index of grid cell
                for i in range(NX):
                    IX = i + 1  # i-index of grid cell
                        ('{:4d}' + '{:02d}' * 3 + '{:3d}' * 2 +
                         '{:7.1f}{:5.2f}{:2d}' + '{:8.1f}' * 2 + '\n').format(
                             MYR, MMO, MDAY, MHR, IX, JX, PRES, RAIN, SC,
                             RADSW, RADLW))
                    for k in range(NZ):
                        PRES2 = levsIncl[k]  # Pressure (mb)
                        # Elevation (m above sea level)
                        Z = int(HGTgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k])
                        # Temperature (Kelvin)
                        TEMPK = TMPgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k]
                        # Wind direction (degrees)
                        WD = int(WDgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k])
                        # Wind speed (m/s)
                        WS = WSgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k]
                        # Vertical velocity (m/s)
                        W = Wgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k]
                        # Relative humidity (%)
                        RH = int(RHgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k])
                        ).format(PRES2, Z, TEMPK, WD, WS, W, RH, VAPMR))
            # Release all messages:
            for i in range(mcount):
                gribapi.grib_release(i + 1)
        # GRIB file processing:
        dateTime = parse(date) + dt.timedelta(hours=t * 6)
        MYR = dateTime.year  # Year of data block
        MMO = dateTime.month  # Month of data block
        MDAY = dateTime.day  # Day of data block
        MHR = dateTime.hour  # Hour of data block
        f = open(filePaths[t], 'r')  # Open GRIB file
        gribapi.grib_multi_support_on()  # Turn on multi-message support
        mcount = gribapi.grib_count_in_file(f)  # number of messages in file
         for i in range(mcount)]  # Get handles for all messages
        f.close()  # Close GRIB file
        # Initialse 3D arrays for holding required fields:
        HGTgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        TMPgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        Ugrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        Vgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        Wgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        RHgrd = np.zeros(shape=(Nj, Ni, NZ))
        # Loop through included levels and store the values in the appropriate k index of the 3D arrays
        for k in range(NZ):
            HGTvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidHGT[k]))
            HGTgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(HGTvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            TMPvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidTMP[k]))
            TMPgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(TMPvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            Uvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidU[k]))
            Ugrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(Uvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            Vvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidV[k]))
            Vgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(Vvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            Wvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidW[k]))
            Wgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(Wvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
            RHvals = gribapi.grib_get_values(int(gidRH[k]))
            RHgrd[:, :, k] = np.reshape(RHvals, (Nj, Ni), 'C')
        HGTgrd_ini = HGTgrd
        TMPgrd_ini = TMPgrd
        Wgrd_ini = Wgrd
        RHgrd_ini = RHgrd
        WSgrd = np.sqrt(Ugrd**2 + Vgrd**2)  # Calculate wins speed (pythagoras)
        # Calculate wind direction:
        # radians, between [-pi,pi], positive anticlockwise from positive x-axis
        WDgrd = np.arctan2(Vgrd, Ugrd)
        # degrees, between [-180,180], positive anticlockwise from positive x-axis
        WDgrd *= 180 / np.pi
        # degrees, between [0,360], positive anticlockwise from negative x-axis (Since we specify the direction the wind is blowing FROM, not TO)
        WDgrd += 180
        # degrees, between [-360,0], positive clockwise from negative x-axis (Since wind direction is positive clockwise)
        WDgrd = -WDgrd
        # degrees, between [-270,90], positive clockwise from positive y-axis (Since wind direction is from North)
        WDgrd += 90
        # degrees, between [0,360], positive clockwise from positive y-axis (DONE!)
        WDgrd = np.mod(WDgrd, 360)
        WDgrd_ini = WDgrd
        WSgrd_ini = WSgrd
        inds = HGTgrd.argsort(axis=2)
        HGTgrd = take_along_axis(HGTgrd, inds, axis=2)
        TMPgrd = take_along_axis(TMPgrd, inds, axis=2)
        Wgrd = take_along_axis(Wgrd, inds, axis=2)
        RHgrd = take_along_axis(RHgrd, inds, axis=2)
        WSgrd = take_along_axis(WSgrd, inds, axis=2)
        WDgrd = take_along_axis(WDgrd, inds, axis=2)
        # Loop over grid cells:
        for j in range(NY):
            JX = j + 1  # J-index of grid cell
            for i in range(NX):
                IX = i + 1  # i-index of grid cell
                    ('{:4d}' + '{:02d}' * 3 + '{:3d}' * 2 +
                     '{:7.1f}{:5.2f}{:2d}' + '{:8.1f}' * 2 + '\n').format(
                         MYR, MMO, MDAY, MHR, IX, JX, PRES, RAIN, SC, RADSW,
                for k in range(NZ):
                    PRES2 = levsIncl[k]  # Pressure (mb)
                    # Elevation (m above sea level)
                    Z = int(HGTgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k])
                    # Temperature (Kelvin)
                    TEMPK = TMPgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k]
                    # Wind direction (degrees)
                    WD = int(WDgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k])
                    # Wind speed (m/s)
                    WS = WSgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k]
                    # Vertical velocity (m/s)
                    W = Wgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k]
                    # Relative humidity (%)
                    RH = int(RHgrd[iLatMinGRIB + j, iLonMinGRIB + i, k])
                         ).format(PRES2, Z, TEMPK, WD, WS, W, RH, VAPMR))
        # Release all messages:
        for i in range(mcount):
            gribapi.grib_release(i + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __len__(self):
     """Return total messages in GRIB file."""
     return gribapi.grib_count_in_file(self.file_handle)
Ejemplo n.º 3
filePrefix = 'nam.t'
fileSuffix = 'z.afwaca00.tm00.grib2'
# fileSuffix = 'z.afwaca00.grb2.tm00'
filenames = []
filePaths = []
for i in range(nfiles):
    filenames.append(filePrefix + '{:02d}'.format(i * 6) + fileSuffix)
    filePaths.append(os.path.join(inDir, filenames[i]))

f = open(filePaths[0], 'r')
mcount = gribapi.grib_count_in_file(f)  # number of messages in file
gids = [gribapi.grib_new_from_file(f) for i in range(mcount)]

varNames = []
levels = []
for i in range(mcount):
    gid = gids[i]
    varNames.append(gribapi.grib_get(gid, 'shortName'))
    levels.append(gribapi.grib_get(gid, 'level'))

gidPRMSL = varNames.index("prmsl") + 1  # Pressure reduced to mean sea level