Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _displaySetup(self, dsPath, head):
     if os.path.exists(dsPath):
         nickNames = set()
         for block in DataProvider.loadFromFile(dsPath).getBlocks():
         utils.vprint('Mapping between nickname and other settings:\n', -1)
         report = []
         for nick in sorted(nickNames):
             lumi_filter_str = formatLumi(
                 self._nmLumi.lookup(nick, '', is_selector=False))
             if len(lumi_filter_str) > 4:
                 nice_lumi_filter = '%s ... %s (%d entries)' % (
                     lumi_filter_str[0], lumi_filter_str[-1],
                 nice_lumi_filter = str.join(', ', lumi_filter_str)
             config_files = self._nmCfg.lookup(nick, '', is_selector=False)
             tmp = {
                 0: nick,
                 1: str.join(', ', imap(os.path.basename, config_files)),
                 2: nice_lumi_filter
             lookupvars = {'DATASETNICK': nick}
             for src in self._pm.lookupSources:
                 src.fillParameterInfo(None, lookupvars)
         utils.printTabular(head, report, 'cl')
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def process(self, pNum, splitInfo, result):
		if not self._lumi_filter.empty():
			lumi_filter = self._lumi_filter.lookup(splitInfo[DataSplitter.Nickname], is_selector = False)
			if lumi_filter:
				idxRuns = splitInfo[DataSplitter.MetadataHeader].index("Runs")
				iterRuns = ichain(imap(lambda m: m[idxRuns], splitInfo[DataSplitter.Metadata]))
				short_lumi_filter = filterLumiFilter(list(iterRuns), lumi_filter)
				result['LUMI_RANGE'] = str.join(',', imap(lambda lr: '"%s"' % lr, formatLumi(short_lumi_filter)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def process(self, pNum, splitInfo, result):
		if self.enabled():
			lumi_filter = self._lumi_filter.lookup(splitInfo[DataSplitter.Nickname], is_selector = False)
			if lumi_filter:
				idxRuns = splitInfo[DataSplitter.MetadataHeader].index("Runs")
				iterRuns = ichain(imap(lambda m: m[idxRuns], splitInfo[DataSplitter.Metadata]))
				short_lumi_filter = filterLumiFilter(list(iterRuns), lumi_filter)
				result['LUMI_RANGE'] = str.join(',', imap(lambda lr: '"%s"' % lr, formatLumi(short_lumi_filter)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, config, name):
        head = [(0, "Nickname")]

        # Mapping between nickname and config files:
        cfgList = config.get("nickname config", "")
        self.nmCfg = config.getDict(
            "nickname config", {}, parser=lambda x: map(str.strip, x.split(",")), str=lambda x: str.join(",", x)
        if cfgList:
            if "config file" in config.getOptions():
                raise ConfigError("Please use 'nickname config' instead of 'config file'")
            allConfigFiles = utils.flatten(self.nmCfg.values())
            config.set("config file", str.join("\n", allConfigFiles))
            head.append((1, "Config file"))

            # Mapping between nickname and constants:
        self.nmCName = map(str.strip, config.get("nickname constants", "").split())
        self.nmConst = {}
        for var in self.nmCName:
            tmp = config.getDict(var, {})[0]
            for (nick, value) in tmp.items():
                if value:
                    self.nmConst.setdefault(nick, {})[var] = value
                    self.nmConst.setdefault(nick, {})[var] = ""
            head.append((var, var))

            # Mapping between nickname and lumi filter:
        if "lumi filter" in config.getOptions():
            raise ConfigError("Please use 'nickname lumi filter' instead of 'lumi filter'")
        lumiParse = lambda x: formatLumi(parseLumiFilter(x))
        self.nmLumi = config.getDict("nickname lumi filter", {}, parser=lumiParse)[0]
        if self.nmLumi:
            for dataset in config.get("dataset", "").splitlines():
                (datasetNick, datasetProvider, datasetExpr) = DataProvider.parseDatasetExpr(config, dataset, None)
                    "dataset %s" % datasetNick,
                    "lumi filter",
                    str.join(",", utils.flatten(fromNM(self.nmLumi, datasetNick, []))),
            config.set("lumi filter", str.join(",", self.nmLumi.get(None, [])))
            head.append((2, "Lumi filter"))

        utils.vprint("Mapping between nickname and other settings:\n", -1)

        def report():
            for nick in sorted(set(self.nmCfg.keys() + self.nmConst.keys() + self.nmLumi.keys())):
                tmp = {
                    0: nick,
                    1: str.join(", ", map(os.path.basename, self.nmCfg.get(nick, ""))),
                    2: self.displayLumi(self.nmLumi.get(nick, "")),
                yield utils.mergeDicts([tmp, self.nmConst.get(nick, {})])

        utils.printTabular(head, report(), "cl")
        CMSSW.__init__(self, config, name)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def getActiveLumiFilter(self, lumifilter, jobNum = None):
		getLR = lambda x: str.join(',', map(lambda x: '"%s"' % x, formatLumi(x)))
		return getLR(lumifilter) # TODO: Validate subset selection
			splitInfo = self.dataSplitter.getSplitInfo(jobNum)
			runTag = splitInfo[DataSplitter.MetadataHeader].index("Runs")
			runList = utils.listMapReduce(lambda m: m[runTag], splitInfo[DataSplitter.Metadata])
			return getLR(filterLumiFilter(runList, lumifilter))
		except Exception:
			return getLR(lumifilter)
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def _displaySetup(self, dsPath, head):
		if os.path.exists(dsPath):
			nickNames = set()
			for block in DataProvider.loadFromFile(dsPath).getBlocks():
			utils.vprint('Mapping between nickname and other settings:\n', -1)
			report = []
			for nick in sorted(nickNames):
				lumi_filter_str = formatLumi(self._nmLumi.lookup(nick, '', is_selector = False))
				if len(lumi_filter_str) > 4:
					nice_lumi_filter = '%s ... %s (%d entries)' % (lumi_filter_str[0], lumi_filter_str[-1], len(lumi_filter_str))
					nice_lumi_filter = str.join(', ', lumi_filter_str)
				config_files = self._nmCfg.lookup(nick, '', is_selector = False)
				tmp = {0: nick, 1: str.join(', ', imap(os.path.basename, config_files)), 2: nice_lumi_filter}
				lookupvars = {'DATASETNICK': nick}
				for src in self._pm.lookupSources:
					src.fillParameterInfo(None, lookupvars)
			utils.printTabular(head, report, 'cl')
			utils.vprint(level = -1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def __init__(self, config, datasetExpr, datasetNick, datasetID = 0):
		DataProvider.__init__(self, config, datasetExpr, datasetNick, datasetID)
		# PhEDex blacklist: 'T1_DE_KIT', 'T1_US_FNAL' and '*_Disk' allow user jobs - other T1's dont!
		self.phedexBL = config.getList('phedex sites', ['-T3_US_FNALLPC'])
		self.phedexWL = config.getList('phedex t1 accept', ['T1_DE_KIT', 'T1_US_FNAL'])
		self.phedexT1 = config.get('phedex t1 mode', 'disk').lower()
		self.onlyComplete = config.getBool('only complete sites', True)
		self.locationFormat = config.get('location format', 'hostname').lower() # hostname or sitedb
		if self.locationFormat not in ['hostname', 'sitedb', 'both']:
			raise ConfigError('Invalid location format: %s' % self.locationFormat)

		(self.datasetPath, self.url, self.datasetBlock) = utils.optSplit(datasetExpr, '@#')
		self.url = utils.QM(self.url, self.url, config.get('dbs instance', ''))
		self.datasetBlock = utils.QM(self.datasetBlock, self.datasetBlock, 'all')
		self.includeLumi = config.getBool('keep lumi metadata', False)
		self.onlyValid = config.getBool('only valid', True)
		self.checkUnique = config.getBool('check unique', True)

		# This works in tandem with active task module (cmssy.py supports only [section] lumi filter!)
		self.selectedLumis = parseLumiFilter(config.get('lumi filter', ''))
		if self.selectedLumis:
			utils.vprint('Runs/lumi section filter enabled! (%d entries)' % len(self.selectedLumis), -1, once = True)
			utils.vprint('\tThe following runs and lumi sections are selected:', 1, once = True)
			utils.vprint('\t' + utils.wrapList(formatLumi(self.selectedLumis), 65, ',\n\t'), 1, once = True)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def formatLumiNice(lumis):
	lumi_filter_str = formatLumi(lumis)
	if len(lumi_filter_str) < 5:
		return str.join(', ', lumi_filter_str)
	return '%s ... %s (%d entries)' % (lumi_filter_str[0], lumi_filter_str[-1], len(lumi_filter_str))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def fmtLR(x):
     if x:
         return self.displayLumi(formatLumi(x))
     return x
Ejemplo n.º 10
def outputGC(lumis, stream = sys.stdout):
	stream.write('%s\n' % utils.wrapList(formatLumi(lumis), 60, ',\n'))
Ejemplo n.º 11
#!/usr/bin/env python
# | Copyright 2010-2016 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# |
# | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# | You may obtain a copy of the License at
# |
# |     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# |
# | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# | limitations under the License.

	from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
except ImportError:
	from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
import sys
from gcSupport import utils
from grid_control_cms.lumi_tools import formatLumi, mergeLumi, parseLumiFromJSON

server = ServerProxy('http://pccmsdqm04.cern.ch/runregistry/xmlrpc')
data = server.DataExporter.export('RUNLUMISECTION', 'GLOBAL', 'json', {'groupName': 'Collisions10'})
runs = parseLumiFromJSON(data)
sys.stdout.write('lumi filter = %s\n' % utils.wrapList(formatLumi(mergeLumi(runs)), 60, ',\n\t'))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def formatLumiNice(lumis):
    lumi_filter_str = formatLumi(lumis)
    if len(lumi_filter_str) < 5:
        return str.join(', ', lumi_filter_str)
    return '%s ... %s (%d entries)' % (lumi_filter_str[0], lumi_filter_str[-1],
Ejemplo n.º 13
def outputGC(lumis, stream=sys.stdout):
    stream.write('%s\n' % utils.wrapList(formatLumi(lumis), 60, ',\n'))
Ejemplo n.º 14
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-#  Copyright 2010 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
#-#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#-#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#-#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#-#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#-#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#-#  limitations under the License.

from gcSupport import utils
from grid_control_cms.lumi_tools import formatLumi, parseLumiFromJSON, mergeLumi
import xmlrpclib

server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://pccmsdqm04.cern.ch/runregistry/xmlrpc')
data = server.DataExporter.export('RUNLUMISECTION', 'GLOBAL', 'json', {'groupName': 'Collisions10'})
runs = parseLumiFromJSON(data)
utils.vprint("lumi filter = %s" % utils.wrapList(formatLumi(mergeLumi(runs)), 60, ',\n\t'), -1)
Ejemplo n.º 15
	if "#" in opts.remove:
		for block in api.listBlocks(opts.remove.split("#")[0]):

elif opts.listlumis:
	allrl = []
	for fileInfo in api.listFiles(opts.listlumis, retriveList=['retrive_lumi']):
		lfn = fileInfo['LogicalFileName']
		rl = []
		for lumi in fileInfo['LumiList']:
			rl.append(([int(lumi["RunNumber"]), int(lumi["LumiSectionNumber"])], [int(lumi["RunNumber"]), int(lumi["LumiSectionNumber"])]))
		print lfn
		print utils.wrapList(formatLumi(mergeLumi(rl)), 70, ',\n\t')
	print "\nComplete dataset:"
	print utils.wrapList(formatLumi(mergeLumi(allrl)), 70, ',\n\t')

elif opts.list:
	for block in api.listBlocks(opts.list):
		print block["Name"]

elif opts.files:
	for f in api.listFiles(opts.files, retriveList=['retrive_block', 'retrive_run', 'retrive_lumi']):
		print f

elif opts.dump:
	print api.listDatasetContents(opts.dump.split("#")[0], opts.dump)
Ejemplo n.º 16
#!/usr/bin/env python
# | Copyright 2010-2016 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# |
# | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# | You may obtain a copy of the License at
# |
# |     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# |
# | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# | limitations under the License.

    from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
except ImportError:
    from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
import sys
from gcSupport import utils
from grid_control_cms.lumi_tools import formatLumi, mergeLumi, parseLumiFromJSON

server = ServerProxy('http://pccmsdqm04.cern.ch/runregistry/xmlrpc')
data = server.DataExporter.export('RUNLUMISECTION', 'GLOBAL', 'json',
                                  {'groupName': 'Collisions10'})
runs = parseLumiFromJSON(data)
sys.stdout.write('lumi filter = %s\n' %
                 utils.wrapList(formatLumi(mergeLumi(runs)), 60, ',\n\t'))