Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_grid_out_custom_opts(self):
        db = self.db.with_options(codec_options=UPPERSTR_DECODER_CODECOPTS)
        one = GridIn(db.fs, _id=5, filename="my_file",
                     contentType="text/html", chunkSize=1000, aliases=["foo"],
                     metadata={"foo": 'red', "bar": 'blue'}, bar=3,
        one.write(b"hello world")

        two = GridOut(db.fs, 5)

        self.assertEqual("my_file", two.name)
        self.assertEqual("my_file", two.filename)
        self.assertEqual(5, two._id)
        self.assertEqual(11, two.length)
        self.assertEqual("text/html", two.content_type)
        self.assertEqual(1000, two.chunk_size)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(two.upload_date, datetime.datetime))
        self.assertEqual(["foo"], two.aliases)
        self.assertEqual({"foo": 'red', "bar": 'blue'}, two.metadata)
        self.assertEqual(3, two.bar)
        self.assertEqual("5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3", two.md5)

        for attr in ["_id", "name", "content_type", "length", "chunk_size",
                     "upload_date", "aliases", "metadata", "md5"]:
            self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, two, attr, 5)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_version(self, filename, version=-1, **kwargs):
        """Get a file from GridFS by ``"filename"`` or metadata fields.

        Returns a version of the file in GridFS whose filename matches
        `filename` and whose metadata fields match the supplied keyword
        arguments, as an instance of :class:`~gridfs.grid_file.GridOut`.

        Version numbering is a convenience atop the GridFS API provided
        by MongoDB. If more than one file matches the query (either by
        `filename` alone, by metadata fields, or by a combination of
        both), then version ``-1`` will be the most recently uploaded
        matching file, ``-2`` the second most recently
        uploaded, etc. Version ``0`` will be the first version
        uploaded, ``1`` the second version, etc. So if three versions
        have been uploaded, then version ``0`` is the same as version
        ``-3``, version ``1`` is the same as version ``-2``, and
        version ``2`` is the same as version ``-1``.

        Raises :class:`~gridfs.errors.NoFile` if no such version of
        that file exists.

        An index on ``{filename: 1, uploadDate: -1}`` will
        automatically be created when this method is called the first

          - `filename`: ``"filename"`` of the file to get, or `None`
          - `version` (optional): version of the file to get (defaults
            to -1, the most recent version uploaded)
          - `**kwargs` (optional): find files by custom metadata.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.11
           `filename` defaults to None;
        .. versionadded:: 1.11
           Accept keyword arguments to find files by custom metadata.
        .. versionadded:: 1.9
        # This is took from pymongo source. We need to go a little deeper here
        self._GridFS__files.ensure_index([("filename", ASCENDING),
                                          ("uploadDate", DESCENDING)])
        ########## Begin of MongoKit hack ##########
        cursor = self._GridFS__files.find(
            self._get_spec(filename=filename, **kwargs))
        ########## end of MongoKit hack ############
        if version < 0:
            skip = abs(version) - 1
            cursor.limit(-1).skip(skip).sort("uploadDate", DESCENDING)
            cursor.limit(-1).skip(version).sort("uploadDate", ASCENDING)
            grid_file = cursor.next()
            return GridOut(self._GridFS__collection, grid_file["_id"])
        except StopIteration:
            raise NoFile("no version %d for filename %r" % (version, filename))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_version(self, filename, version=-1):
        """Get a file from GridFS by ``"filename"``.

        Returns a version of the file in GridFS with the name
        `filename` as an instance of
        :class:`~gridfs.grid_file.GridOut`. Version ``-1`` will be the
        most recently uploaded, ``-2`` the second most recently
        uploaded, etc. Version ``0`` will be the first version
        uploaded, ``1`` the second version, etc. So if three versions
        have been uploaded, then version ``0`` is the same as version
        ``-3``, version ``1`` is the same as version ``-2``, and
        version ``2`` is the same as version ``-1``.

        Raises :class:`~gridfs.errors.NoFile` if no such version of
        that file exists.

        An index on ``{filename: 1, uploadDate: -1}`` will
        automatically be created when this method is called the first

          - `filename`: ``"filename"`` of the file to get
          - `version` (optional): version of the file to get (defualts
            to -1, the most recent version uploaded)

        .. versionadded:: 1.9
        # This is took from pymongo source. We need to go a little deeper here
        self._GridFS__files.ensure_index([("filename", ASCENDING),
                                          ("uploadDate", DESCENDING)])
        ########## Begin of MongoKit hack ##########
        cursor = self._GridFS__files.find(self._get_spec(filename=filename))
        ########## end of MongoKit hack ############
        if version < 0:
            skip = abs(version) - 1
            cursor.limit(-1).skip(skip).sort("uploadDate", DESCENDING)
            cursor.limit(-1).skip(version).sort("uploadDate", ASCENDING)
            grid_file = cursor.next()
            return GridOut(self._GridFS__collection, grid_file["_id"])
        except StopIteration:
            raise NoFile("no version %d for filename %r" % (version, filename))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def read_image(fs_object: gridfs.GridOut) -> Image.Image:
    return Image.open(BytesIO(fs_object.read()))