Ejemplo n.º 1
def diagnose_center(args):
    Diagnostic tools to find rotation center.
    Helps finding the rotation center manually by
    visual inspection of the selected reconstructions
    with different centers. The outputs for different
    centers are put into ``data/diagnose`` directory
    and the corresponding center positions are printed
    so that one can skim through the images and
    select the best.
    data : ndarray
        Input data.
    slice_no : scalar, optional
        The index of the slice to be used for diagnostics.
    center_start, center_end, center_step : scalar, optional
        Values of the start, end and step of the center values to
        be used for diagnostics.
    data, theta, dir_path, slice_no, center_start, center_end, center_step = args
    num_projections =  data.shape[0]
    num_slices =  data.shape[1]
    num_pixels =  data.shape[2]
    # Define diagnose region.
    if slice_no is None:
        slice_no = num_slices / 2
    if center_start is None:
        center_start = (num_pixels / 2) - 20
    if center_end is None:
        center_end = (num_pixels / 2) + 20
    if center_step is None:
        center_step = 1
    center_step /= 2.

    # Make preperations for the slices and corresponding centers.
    slice_data = data[:, slice_no, :]
    center = np.arange(center_start, center_end, center_step)
    num_center = center.size
    stacked_slices = np.zeros((num_projections, num_center, num_pixels))
    for m in range(num_center):
        stacked_slices[:, m, :] = slice_data

    # Reconstruct the same slice with different centers.
    recon = Gridrec(stacked_slices)
    recon.run(stacked_slices, center=center, theta=theta)

    # Save it to a temporary directory for manual inspection.
    for m in range(center.size):
        if m % 2 == 0: # 2 slices same bec of gridrec
            img = misc.toimage(recon.data_recon[m, :, :])
            file_name = dir_path + str(np.squeeze(center[m])) + ".tif"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def gridrec_wrapper(TomoObj, *args, **kwargs):
    if not TomoObj.FLAG_DATA:
        logger.warning("optimize rotation center (data missing) [bypassed]")
    if not TomoObj.FLAG_THETA:
        logger.warning("optimize rotation center (angles missing) [bypassed]")

    # Find center if center is absent.
    if not hasattr(TomoObj, 'center'):
        TomoObj.center = optimize_center(TomoObj.data, TomoObj.theta)
    recon = Gridrec(TomoObj.data, *args, **kwargs)
    recon.run(TomoObj.data, center=TomoObj.center, theta=TomoObj.theta)
    TomoObj.data_recon = recon.data_recon
    TomoObj.gridrec_pars = recon.params
    TomoObj.FLAG_DATA_RECON = True
    TomoObj.provenance['gridrec'] = (args, kwargs)
    logger.info("gridrec reconstruction [ok]")