Ejemplo n.º 1
class Simulation(object):
    """Class that represents one simulation.

    Analysis capabilities are added via plugins.

    1. Set the *active plugin* with the :meth:`Simulation.set_plugin` method.
    2. Analyze the trajectory with the active plugin by calling the
       :meth:`Simulation.run` method.
    3. Analyze the output from :meth:`run` with :meth:`Simulation.analyze`; results are stored
       in the plugin's :attr:`~Worker.results` dictionary.
    4. Plot results with :meth:`Simulation.plot`.

    # NOTE: not suitable for multiple inheritance

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Set up a Simulation object.

             Any object that contains the attributes *tpr*, *xtc*,
             and optionally *ndx*
             (e.g. :class:`gromacs.cbook.Transformer`). The individual keywords such
             as *xtc* override the values in *sim*.
             Gromacs tpr file (**required**)
             Gromacs trajectory, can also be a trr (**required**)
             Gromacs energy file (only required for some plugins)
             Gromacs index file
             ``True``: Turn file names into absolute paths (typically required
             for most plugins); ``False`` keep a they are [``True``]
             ``True``: missing required file keyword raises a :exc:`TypeError`
             and missing the file itself raises a :exc:`IOError`.  ``False``:
             missing required files only give a warning. [``True``]
             directory under which derived data are stored;
             defaults to the directory containing the tpr [None]
           *plugins* : list
             plugin instances or tuples (*plugin class*, *kwarg dict*) or tuples
             (*plugin_class_name*, *kwarg dict*) to be used; more can be
             added later with :meth:`Simulation.add_plugin`.

        logger.info("Loading simulation data")

        sim = kwargs.pop('sim', None)
        strict = kwargs.pop('strict', True)

        def getpop(attr, required=False, strict=strict):
            """Return attribute from from kwargs or sim or None"""
            val = kwargs.pop(attr, None)  # must pop from kwargs to clean it
            if val is not None:
                return val
                return sim.__getattribute__(attr)
            except AttributeError:
                if required:
                    errmsg = "Required attribute {0!r} not found in kwargs or sim".format(
                    if strict:
                        raise TypeError(errmsg)
                        logger.warn(errmsg +
                                    "... continuing because of strict=False")
                return None

        make_absolute = kwargs.pop('absolute', True)

        def canonical(*args):
            """Join *args* and get the :func:`os.path.realpath`."""
            if None in args:
                return None
            if not make_absolute:
                return os.path.join(*args)
            return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(*args))

        # required files
        self.tpr = canonical(getpop('tpr', required=True))
        self.xtc = canonical(getpop('xtc', required=True))
        # optional files
        self.ndx = canonical(getpop('ndx'))
        self.edr = canonical(getpop('edr'))

        # check existence of required files
        resolve = "exception"
        if not strict:
            resolve = "warn"
        for v in ('tpr', 'xtc'):
            self.check_file(v, self.__getattribute__(v), resolve=resolve)

        self.analysis_dir = kwargs.pop('analysisdir',

        #: Registry for plugins: This dict is central.
        self.plugins = AttributeDict()
        #: Use this plugin if none is explicitly specified. Typically set with
        #: :meth:`~Simulation.set_plugin`.
        self.default_plugin_name = None

        # XXX: Or should we simply add instances and then re-register
        #      all instances using register() ?
        # XXX: ... this API should be cleaned up. It seems to be connected
        #      back and forth in vicious circles. -- OB 2009-07-10

        plugins = kwargs.pop('plugins', [])
        # list of tuples (plugin, kwargs) or just (plugin,) if no kwords
        # required (eg if plugin is an instance)
        for x in plugins:
                P, kwargs = asiterable(
                    x)  # make sure to wrap strings, especially 2-letter ones!
            except ValueError:
                P = x
                kwargs = {}
            self.add_plugin(P, **kwargs)

        # convenience: if only a single plugin was registered we default to that one
        if len(self.plugins) == 1:

        # Is this needed? If done properly, kwargs should be empty by now BUT
        # because the same list is re-used for all plugins I cannot pop them in
        # the plugins. I don't think multiple inheritance would work with this
        # setup so let's not pretend it does: hence comment out the super-init
        # call:
        ## super(Simulation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        logger.info("Simulation instance initialised:")

    def add_plugin(self, plugin, **kwargs):
        """Add a plugin to the registry.

        - If *plugin* is a :class:`Plugin` instance then the
          instance is directly registered and any keyword arguments
          are ignored.

        - If *plugin* is a :class:`Plugin` class object or a
          string that can be found in :mod:`gromacs.analysis.plugins`
          then first an instance is created with the given keyword
          arguments and then registered.

            *plugin* : class or string, or instance
               If the parameter is a class then it should have been derived
               from :class:`Plugin`. If it is a string then it is taken as a
               plugin name in :mod:`gromacs.analysis.plugins` and the
               corresponding class is added. In both cases any parameters for
               initizlization should be provided.

               If *plugin* is already a :class:`Plugin` instance then the kwargs
               will be ignored.
               The kwargs are specific for the plugin and should be
               described in its documentation.
        # simulation=self must be provided so that plugin knows who owns it

        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            # NOTE: this except clause can mask bugs in the plugin code!!
            if type(plugin) is str:
                import plugins  # We should be able to import this safely now...
                plugin = plugins.__plugin_classes__[plugin]
            # plugin registers itself in self.plugins
            plugin(simulation=self, **kwargs)  # simulation=self is REQUIRED!

    def topdir(self, *args):
        """Returns a path under self.analysis_dir, which is guaranteed to exist.

        .. Note:: Parent dirs are created if necessary."""
        p = os.path.join(self.analysis_dir, *args)
        parent = os.path.dirname(p)
        except OSError, err:
            if err.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        return p
Ejemplo n.º 2
class _COM(Worker):
    """COM worker class."""
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Set up COM analysis.

               list of index group names
               index file if groups are not in the default index
               add the *offset* to the residue numbers [0]
               plugin name [COM]
               The :class:`gromacs.analysis.Simulation` instance that
               owns the plugin [None]
        group_names = asiterable(kwargs.pop('group_names', []))
        ndx = kwargs.pop('ndx', None)
        offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0)

        super(_COM, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.parameters.group_names = group_names
        self.parameters.offset = offset
        self.ndx = ndx

        if self.simulation is not None:

    def _register_hook(self, **kwargs):
        """Run when registering; requires simulation."""

        super(_COM, self)._register_hook(**kwargs)
        assert self.simulation is not None

        if self.ndx is None:
            self.ndx = self.simulation.ndx

        self.parameters.filenames = {                     # result xvg files
            'com': self.plugindir('com.xvg'),

        # default filename for the plots -- not used
        self.parameters.fignames = {
            'com': self.figdir('com'),

    def run(self, force=None, **gmxargs):
        """Analyze trajectory and write COM file.

        All three components of the COM coordinate are written.

          - *force*: ``True`` does analysis and overwrites existing files
          - *gmxargs*: additional keyword arguments for :func:`gromacs.g_bundle`
        gmxargs['com'] = True
        gmxargs['mol'] = False
        gmxargs['ng'] = len(self.parameters.group_names)
        gmxargs['x'] = True
        gmxargs['y'] = True
        gmxargs['z'] = True

        if gmxargs['ng'] == 0:
            errmsg = "No index group name(s) provided. Use group_name with the constructor."
            raise ValueError(errmsg)

        if self.check_file_exists(self.parameters.filenames['com'],

        logger.info("Analyzing COM ...")
        f = self.parameters.filenames

    def analyze(self, **kwargs):
        """Collect output xvg files as :class:`gromacs.formats.XVG` objects.

        - Make COM as a function of time available as XVG files and
        - Compute RMSD of the COM of each group (from average
          position, "rmsd").
        - Compute distance whic encompasses 50% of observations ("median")
        - Compute drift of COM, i.e. length of the vector between
          initial and final position. Initial and final position are
          computed as averages over *nframesavg* frames ("drift").

        RMSD, median, and drift are columns in an xvg file. The rows correspond
        to the groups in :attr:`gromacs.analysis.plugins.com.Worker.results.group_names`.

              number of initial and final frames that are averaged in
              order to compute the drift of the COM of each group
              group name whose com is taken as the reference and subtracted from
              all other coms for the distance calculations. If supplied,
              additional result 'com_relative_*refgroup*' is created.

        :Returns:  a dictionary of the results and also sets
        from gromacs.formats import XVG

        logger.info("Preparing COM graphs as XVG objects.")
        self.results = AttributeDict(
            (k, XVG(fn)) for k, fn in self.parameters.filenames.items())

        # compute RMSD of COM and shift of COM (drift) between avg pos
        # over first/last 5,000 frames
        nframesavg = kwargs.pop('nframesavg', 5000)
        ngroups = len(self.parameters.group_names)
        xcom = self.results['com'].array

        refgroup = kwargs.pop('refgroup', None)
        if refgroup is not None:
            if not refgroup in self.parameters.group_names:
                errmsg = "refgroup={0!s} must be one of {1!r}".format(
                    refgroup, self.parameters.group_names)
                raise ValueError(errmsg)
            nreference = 1 + 3 * self.parameters.group_names.index(
                refgroup)  # 1-based !!
            reference_com = xcom[nreference:nreference + 3]
            xcom[1:] -= numpy.vstack(ngroups *
                                     [reference_com])  # can't use broadcast
            logger.debug("distances computed with refgroup %r", refgroup)

                           names=['time'] + self.parameters.group_names)

        def vlength(v):
            return numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v**2,
                                        axis=0))  # distances over time step

            "drift calculated between %d-frame averages at beginning and end",
        records = []
        for i in xrange(1, 3 * ngroups + 1, 3):
            x = xcom[i:i + 3]
            r = vlength(
                x -
                x.mean(axis=1)[:, numpy.newaxis])  # distances over time step
            #r0 = vlength(r - r[:,0][:,numpy.newaxis])         # distances over time step from r(t=0)
            #h,edges = numpy.histogram(r, bins=kwargs.get('bins', 100), normed=True)
            #m = 0.5*(edges[1:]+edges[:-1])
            #c = h.cumsum(dtype=float)    # integral
            #c /= c[-1]                   # normalized (0 to 1)
            #median = m[c < 0.5][-1]
            #g =  h/(4*numpy.pi*m**2)
            #import scipy.integrate
            #radint = lambda y: 4*numpy.pi*scipy.integrate.simps(m**2*y, x=m)
            #g /= radint(g)  # properly normalized radial distribution function
            rmsd = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(
                r**2))  # radial spread sqrt(radint(m**2 * g))
            median = numpy.median(
                r)  # radius that contains 50% of the observations
            dx = x[:, :nframesavg].mean(axis=1) - x[:,
            drift = vlength(dx)
            records.append((rmsd, median, drift))

        return self.results

    def plot(self, **kwargs):
        """Plot all results in one graph, labelled by the result keys.

              select one or more of the stored results. Can be a list
              or a string (a key into the results dict). ``None``
              plots everything [``None``]
               - ``True``: save figures in the given formats
               - "name.ext": save figure under this filename (``ext`` -> format)
               - ``False``: only show on screen [``False``]
           formats : sequence
               sequence of all formats that should be saved [('png', 'pdf')]
               keyword arguments for pylab.plot()

        import pylab
        figure = kwargs.pop('figure', False)
        observables = asiterable(kwargs.pop('observables',
        extensions = kwargs.pop('formats', ('pdf', 'png'))

        for name in observables:
            result = self.results[name]
                )  # This requires result classes with a plot() method!!
            except AttributeError:
                    "Sorry, plotting of result {name!r} is not implemented".

        # quick labels -- relies on the proper ordering
        labels = [
            str(n) + " " + dim for n in self.parameters.group_names
            for dim in 'xyz'
        if kwargs.get('columns') is not None:
            # select labels according to columns; only makes sense
            # if plotting against the time (col 0)
            if kwargs['columns'][0] == 0:
                labels = numpy.array([None] + labels)[kwargs['columns'][1:]]
                labels = ()

        pylab.legend(labels, loc='best')
        if figure is True:
            for ext in extensions:
        elif figure:
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Simulation(object):
    """Class that represents one simulation.

    Analysis capabilities are added via plugins.

    1. Set the *active plugin* with the :meth:`Simulation.set_plugin` method.
    2. Analyze the trajectory with the active plugin by calling the
       :meth:`Simulation.run` method.
    3. Analyze the output from :meth:`run` with :meth:`Simulation.analyze`; results are stored
       in the plugin's :attr:`~Worker.results` dictionary.
    4. Plot results with :meth:`Simulation.plot`.
    # NOTE: not suitable for multiple inheritance

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Set up a Simulation object.

             Any object that contains the attributes *tpr*, *xtc*,
             and optionally *ndx*
             (e.g. :class:`gromacs.cbook.Transformer`). The individual keywords such
             as *xtc* override the values in *sim*.
             Gromacs tpr file (**required**)
             Gromacs trajectory, can also be a trr (**required**)
             Gromacs energy file (only required for some plugins)
             Gromacs index file
             ``True``: Turn file names into absolute paths (typically required
             for most plugins); ``False`` keep a they are [``True``]
             ``True``: missing required file keyword raises a :exc:`TypeError`
             and missing the file itself raises a :exc:`IOError`.  ``False``:
             missing required files only give a warning. [``True``]
             directory under which derived data are stored;
             defaults to the directory containing the tpr [None]
           *plugins* : list
             plugin instances or tuples (*plugin class*, *kwarg dict*) or tuples
             (*plugin_class_name*, *kwarg dict*) to be used; more can be
             added later with :meth:`Simulation.add_plugin`.

        logger.info("Loading simulation data")

        sim = kwargs.pop('sim', None)
        strict = kwargs.pop('strict', True)
        def getpop(attr, required=False, strict=strict):
            """Return attribute from from kwargs or sim or None"""
            val = kwargs.pop(attr, None)  # must pop from kwargs to clean it
            if not val is None:
                return val
                return sim.__getattribute__(attr)
            except AttributeError:
                if required:
                    errmsg = "Required attribute %r not found in kwargs or sim" % attr
                    if strict:
                        raise TypeError(errmsg)
                        logger.warn(errmsg+"... continuing because of strict=False")
                return None

        make_absolute = kwargs.pop('absolute', True)
        def canonical(*args):
            """Join *args* and get the :func:`os.path.realpath`."""
            if None in args:
                return None
            if not make_absolute:
                return os.path.join(*args)
            return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(*args))

        # required files
        self.tpr = canonical(getpop('tpr', required=True))
        self.xtc = canonical(getpop('xtc', required=True))
        # optional files
        self.ndx = canonical(getpop('ndx'))
        self.edr = canonical(getpop('edr'))

        # check existence of required files
        resolve = "exception"
        if not strict:
            resolve = "warn"
        for v in ('tpr', 'xtc'):
            self.check_file(v, self.__getattribute__(v), resolve=resolve)

        self.analysis_dir = kwargs.pop('analysisdir', os.path.dirname(self.tpr))

        #: Registry for plugins: This dict is central.
        self.plugins = AttributeDict()
        #: Use this plugin if none is explicitly specified. Typically set with
        #: :meth:`~Simulation.set_plugin`.
        self.default_plugin_name = None

        # XXX: Or should we simply add instances and then re-register
        #      all instances using register() ?
        # XXX: ... this API should be cleaned up. It seems to be connected
        #      back and forth in vicious circles. -- OB 2009-07-10

        plugins = kwargs.pop('plugins', [])
        # list of tuples (plugin, kwargs) or just (plugin,) if no kwords
        # required (eg if plugin is an instance)
        for x in plugins:
                P, kwargs = asiterable(x)   # make sure to wrap strings, especially 2-letter ones!
            except ValueError:
                P = x
                kwargs = {}
            self.add_plugin(P, **kwargs)

        # convenience: if only a single plugin was registered we default to that one
        if len(self.plugins) == 1:

        # Is this needed? If done properly, kwargs should be empty by now BUT
        # because the same list is re-used for all plugins I cannot pop them in
        # the plugins. I don't think multiple inheritance would work with this
        # setup so let's not pretend it does: hence comment out the super-init
        # call:
        ## super(Simulation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        logger.info("Simulation instance initialised:")

    def add_plugin(self, plugin, **kwargs):
        """Add a plugin to the registry.

        - If *plugin* is a :class:`Plugin` instance then the
          instance is directly registered and any keyword arguments
          are ignored.

        - If *plugin* is a :class:`Plugin` class object or a
          string that can be found in :mod:`gromacs.analysis.plugins`
          then first an instance is created with the given keyword
          arguments and then registered.

            *plugin* : class or string, or instance
               If the parameter is a class then it should have been derived
               from :class:`Plugin`. If it is a string then it is taken as a
               plugin name in :mod:`gromacs.analysis.plugins` and the
               corresponding class is added. In both cases any parameters for
               initizlization should be provided.

               If *plugin* is already a :class:`Plugin` instance then the kwargs
               will be ignored.
               The kwargs are specific for the plugin and should be
               described in its documentation.
        # simulation=self must be provided so that plugin knows who owns it

        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            # NOTE: this except clause can mask bugs in the plugin code!!
            if type(plugin) is str:
                import plugins            # We should be able to import this safely now...
                plugin = plugins.__plugin_classes__[plugin]
            # plugin registers itself in self.plugins
            plugin(simulation=self, **kwargs)  # simulation=self is REQUIRED!

    def topdir(self,*args):
        """Returns a path under self.analysis_dir, which is guaranteed to exist.

        .. Note:: Parent dirs are created if necessary."""
        p = os.path.join(self.analysis_dir, *args)
        parent = os.path.dirname(p)
        except OSError,err:
            if err.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        return p
Ejemplo n.º 4
class _COM(Worker):
    """COM worker class."""

    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
        """Set up COM analysis.

               list of index group names
               index file if groups are not in the default index
               add the *offset* to the residue numbers [0]
               plugin name [COM]
               The :class:`gromacs.analysis.Simulation` instance that
               owns the plugin [None]
        group_names = asiterable(kwargs.pop('group_names', []))
        ndx = kwargs.pop('ndx', None)
        offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0)

        super(_COM, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.parameters.group_names = group_names
        self.parameters.offset = offset
        self.ndx = ndx

        if not self.simulation is None:

    def _register_hook(self, **kwargs):
        """Run when registering; requires simulation."""

        super(_COM, self)._register_hook(**kwargs)
        assert not self.simulation is None

        if self.ndx is None:
            self.ndx = self.simulation.ndx

        self.parameters.filenames = {                     # result xvg files
            'com': self.plugindir('com.xvg'),

        # default filename for the plots -- not used
        self.parameters.fignames = {
            'com': self.figdir('com'),
    def run(self, force=None, **gmxargs):
        """Analyze trajectory and write COM file.

        All three components of the COM coordinate are written.

          - *force*: ``True`` does analysis and overwrites existing files
          - *gmxargs*: additional keyword arguments for :func:`gromacs.g_bundle` 
        gmxargs['com'] = True
        gmxargs['mol'] = False
        gmxargs['ng'] = len(self.parameters.group_names)
        gmxargs['x'] = True
        gmxargs['y'] = True
        gmxargs['z'] = True

        if gmxargs['ng'] == 0:
            errmsg = "No index group name(s) provided. Use group_name with the constructor."
            raise ValueError(errmsg)

        if self.check_file_exists(self.parameters.filenames['com'], resolve='warning', force=force):

        logger.info("Analyzing COM ...")
        f = self.parameters.filenames
        gromacs.g_traj(s=self.simulation.tpr, f=self.simulation.xtc, n=self.ndx,
                       ox=f['com'],  input=self.parameters.group_names,  **gmxargs)

    def analyze(self,**kwargs):
        """Collect output xvg files as :class:`gromacs.formats.XVG` objects.

        - Make COM as a function of time available as XVG files and
        - Compute RMSD of the COM of each group (from average
          position, "rmsd").
        - Compute distance whic encompasses 50% of observations ("median")
        - Compute drift of COM, i.e. length of the vector between
          initial and final position. Initial and final position are
          computed as averages over *nframesavg* frames ("drift").
        RMSD, median, and drift are columns in an xvg file. The rows correspond
        to the groups in :attr:`gromacs.analysis.plugins.com.Worker.results.group_names`.

              number of initial and final frames that are averaged in
              order to compute the drift of the COM of each group
              group name whose com is taken as the reference and subtracted from
              all other coms for the distance calculations. If supplied,
              additional result 'com_relative_*refgroup*' is created.
        :Returns:  a dictionary of the results and also sets
        from gromacs.formats import XVG

        logger.info("Preparing COM graphs as XVG objects.")        
        self.results = AttributeDict( (k, XVG(fn)) for k,fn in self.parameters.filenames.items() )

        # compute RMSD of COM and shift of COM (drift) between avg pos
        # over first/last 5,000 frames
        nframesavg = kwargs.pop('nframesavg', 5000)
        ngroups = len(self.parameters.group_names)
        xcom = self.results['com'].array

        refgroup = kwargs.pop('refgroup', None)
        if not refgroup is None:
            if not refgroup in self.parameters.group_names:
                errmsg = "refgroup=%s must be one of %r" % (refgroup, self.parameters.group_names)
                raise ValueError(errmsg)
            nreference = 1 + 3 * self.parameters.group_names.index(refgroup) # 1-based !!
            reference_com = xcom[nreference:nreference+3]
            xcom[1:] -= numpy.vstack(ngroups * [reference_com])  # can't use broadcast
            logger.debug("distances computed with refgroup %r", refgroup)

            self.store_xvg('com_relative_%s' % refgroup, xcom, 

        def vlength(v):
            return numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v**2, axis=0))  # distances over time step

        logger.debug("drift calculated between %d-frame averages at beginning and end",nframesavg)
        records = []
        for i in xrange(1, 3*ngroups+1, 3):
            x = xcom[i:i+3]
            r  = vlength(x - x.mean(axis=1)[:,numpy.newaxis])  # distances over time step
            #r0 = vlength(r - r[:,0][:,numpy.newaxis])         # distances over time step from r(t=0)
            #h,edges = numpy.histogram(r, bins=kwargs.get('bins', 100), normed=True)
            #m = 0.5*(edges[1:]+edges[:-1])
            #c = h.cumsum(dtype=float)    # integral
            #c /= c[-1]                   # normalized (0 to 1)
            #median = m[c < 0.5][-1]
            #g =  h/(4*numpy.pi*m**2)
            #import scipy.integrate
            #radint = lambda y: 4*numpy.pi*scipy.integrate.simps(m**2*y, x=m)
            #g /= radint(g)  # properly normalized radial distribution function
            rmsd = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(r**2))  # radial spread sqrt(radint(m**2 * g))
            median = numpy.median(r)             # radius that contains 50% of the observations
            dx = x[:,:nframesavg].mean(axis=1) - x[:,-nframesavg:].mean(axis=1)
            drift = vlength(dx)
            records.append((rmsd, median, drift))
        self.store_xvg('distance', numpy.transpose(records), names="rmsd,median,drift")

        return self.results

    def plot(self, **kwargs):
        """Plot all results in one graph, labelled by the result keys.

              select one or more of the stored results. Can be a list
              or a string (a key into the results dict). ``None``
              plots everything [``None``]           
               - ``True``: save figures in the given formats
               - "name.ext": save figure under this filename (``ext`` -> format)
               - ``False``: only show on screen [``False``]
           formats : sequence
               sequence of all formats that should be saved [('png', 'pdf')]
               keyword arguments for pylab.plot()

        import pylab
        figure = kwargs.pop('figure', False)
        observables = asiterable(kwargs.pop('observables', self.results.keys()))
        extensions = kwargs.pop('formats', ('pdf','png'))

        for name in observables:
            result = self.results[name]
                result.plot(**kwargs)      # This requires result classes with a plot() method!!
            except AttributeError:
                warnings.warn("Sorry, plotting of result %(name)r is not implemented" % vars(),

        # quick labels -- relies on the proper ordering
        labels = [str(n)+" "+dim for n in self.parameters.group_names
                  for dim in 'xyz']
        if not kwargs.get('columns', None) is None:
            # select labels according to columns; only makes sense
            # if plotting against the time (col 0)
            if kwargs['columns'][0] == 0:
                labels = numpy.array([None]+labels)[kwargs['columns'][1:]]
                labels = ()

        pylab.legend(labels, loc='best')
        if figure is True:
            for ext in extensions:
        elif figure: