Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
  seed(0) #set seed
  #get graph info
  G = nx.read_gpickle("input/graphMTC_CentroidsLength6.gpickle") #noCentroidsLength15.gpickle") #does not have centroidal links. There is also the choice of a proper multidigraph: nx.read_gpickle("input/graphMTC_CentroidsLength5.gpickle")
  G = nx.freeze(G) #prevents edges or nodes to be added or deleted
  #get od info. This is in format of a dict keyed by od, like demand[sd1][sd2] = 200000.
  demand = bd.build_demand('input/BATS2000_34SuperD_TripTableData.csv', 'input/superdistricts_centroids.csv')
  #get earthquake info
  q = QuakeMaps('input/20130210_mtc_total_lnsas3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_magnitudes3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_faults3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_weights3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_scenarios3.pkl') #input/20130107_mtc_total_lnsas1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_magnitudes1.pkl','input/20130107_mtc_faults1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_weights1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_scenarios1.pkl') #'input/20130210_mtc_total_lnsas3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_magnitudes3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_faults3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_weights3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_scenarios3.pkl') #('input/20130107_mtc_total_lnsas1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_magnitudes1.pkl',  #totalfilename=None, magfilename=None, faultfilename=None, weightsfilename=None, scenariofilename=None):
  print 'weights: ', q.weights
  q.num_sites = len(q.lnsas[0])
  #determine which scenarios you want to run
  good_indices = pick_scenarios(q.lnsas, q.weights)
  travel_index_times = []
  index = 0
  #loop over scenarios
  print 'size of lnsas: ', len(q.lnsas)
  for scenario in q.lnsas: #each 'scenario' has 1557 values of lnsa, i.e. one per site
    if index in good_indices:
      print 'index: ', index
      (bridges, flow, path, path2) = run_simple_iteration(G, scenario, demand, False)
      travel_index_times.append((index, bridges, flow, path, path2))
#      print 'new travel times: ', travel_index_times
      if index%1000 ==0:
    index += 1 #IMPORTANT
  print 'the number of scenarios I considered doing: ', index
  print 'the number of scenarios I actually did: ', len(travel_index_times)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
  seed(0) #set seed
  #get graph info
  G = nx.read_gpickle("input/graphMTC_CentroidsLength5.gpickle") #noCentroidsLength15.gpickle") #does not have centroidal links
  print '|V| = ', len(G.nodes())
  print '|E| = ', len(G.edges())
  G = nx.freeze(G) #prevents edges or nodes to be added or deleted
  #get od info. This is in format of a dict keyed by od, like demand[sd1][sd2] = 200000.
  demand = bd.build_demand('input/BATS2000_34SuperD_TripTableData.csv', 'input/superdistricts_centroids.csv') #bd.build_demand('input/BATS2000_34SuperD_TripTableData.csv', 'input/superdistricts_centroids.csv')
  #get earthquake info
  q = QuakeMaps('input/20130210_mtc_total_lnsas3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_magnitudes3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_faults3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_weights3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_scenarios3.pkl') #(input/20130107_mtc_total_lnsas1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_magnitudes1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_faults1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_weights1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_scenarios1.pkl') #totalfilename=None, magfilename=None, faultfilename=None, weightsfilename=None, scenariofilename=None): 'input/20130210_mtc_total_lnsas3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_magnitudes3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_faults3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_weights3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_scenarios3.pkl') #(

  q.num_sites = len(q.lnsas[0])
  #determine which scenarios you want to run
  good_indices = pick_scenarios(q.lnsas, q.weights)
  travel_index_times = []
  index = 0
  #loop over scenarios
  for scenario in q.lnsas: #each 'scenario' has 1557 values of lnsa, i.e. one per site
    if index in good_indices:
      print 'index: ', index
      (travel_time, vmt) = run_iteration(G, scenario, demand)
      travel_index_times.append((index, travel_time, vmt))
#      print 'new travel times: ', travel_index_times
      if index%100 ==0:
    index += 1 #IMPORTANT
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
  '''can change the number of epsilons below'''
  seed(0) #set seed
  simple = False #False #simple is just %bridges out, which is computationally efficient
  #get graph info
  # G = nx.read_gpickle("input/graphMTC_CentroidsLength6.gpickle") #noCentroidsLength15.gpickle") #does not have centroidal links. There is also the choice of a proper multidigraph: nx.read_gpickle("input/graphMTC_CentroidsLength5.gpickle")
  G = nx.read_gpickle("input/graphMTC_CentroidsLength6highways.gpickle") #noCentroidsLength15.gpickle") #does not have centroidal links. Directed! only one edge between nodes
  # G1 = nx.read_gpickle("input/graphMTC_CentroidsLength5.gpickle") #undirected, multiple edges. It is a little funky because it has two links between A and B and two between B and A so is that double-counting?
  # '''a multigraph: An undirected graph class that can store multiedges.
  #   Multiedges are multiple edges between two nodes.  Each edge
  #   can hold optional data or attributes.
  #   A MultiGraph holds undirected edges.  Self loops are allowed.'''
  print 'nodes: ', len(G.nodes())
  G = nx.freeze(G) #prevents edges or nodes to be added or deleted
  # G1 = nx.freeze(G1)
  #get od info. This is in format of a dict keyed by od, like demand[sd1][sd2] = 200000.
  demand = bd.build_demand('input/BATS2000_34SuperD_TripTableData.csv', 'input/superdistricts_centroids.csv') #we just take a percentage in ita.py, namely  #to get morning flows, take 5.3% of daily driver values. 11.5/(4.5*6+11.5*10+14*4+4.5*4) from Figure S10 of http://www.nature.com/srep/2012/121220/srep01001/extref/srep01001-s1.pdf
          #get path
  #get earthquake info #UPDATED May 23, 2013
  q = QuakeMaps('input/20130612_mtc_total_lnsas5.pkl', 'input/20130612_mtc_magnitudes5.pkl', 'input/20130612_mtc_faults5.pkl', 'input/20130612_mtc_weights5.pkl', 'input/20130612_mtc_scenarios5.pkl') #input/20130107_mtc_total_lnsas1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_magnitudes1.pkl','input/20130107_mtc_faults1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_weights1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_scenarios1.pkl') #'input/20130210_mtc_total_lnsas3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_magnitudes3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_faults3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_weights3.pkl', 'input/20130210_mtc_scenarios3.pkl') #('input/20130107_mtc_total_lnsas1.pkl', 'input/20130107_mtc_magnitudes1.pkl',  #totalfilename=None, magfilename=None, faultfilename=None, weightsfilename=None, scenariofilename=None):
  q.num_sites = len(q.lnsas[0])
  numeps = 5 #CAHNGE THIS CHANGE THIS!!!!!!!!
  #determine which scenarios you want to run
  good_indices = pick_scenarios(q.lnsas, q.weights,True, numeps)
  targets = good_indices #[12, 35, 55, 71, 75, 82, 86, 87, 88, 106, 108, 115, 121, 231, 241, 247, 256, 258, 260, 261, 676, 730, 733, 1231, 1548] #indices between 0 and 2110. the scenarios for which you want to save the damaged bridge data
  print 'the number of scenarios for which I want to save bridge info: ', len(targets)

  travel_index_times = []
  index = 0
  good_index = 0
  # pdb.set_trace()
  #figure out what the travel time and vmt are if no damage to any bridges
  no_damage_travel_time = -1
  no_damage_vmt = -1
  found_no_damage = False
  for scenario in q.lnsas: #each 'scenario' has 1xxx values of lnsa, i.e. one per site
    while found_no_damage == False:
      (bridges, flow, path, path2, newG) = run_simple_iteration(G, scenario, demand, False, good_index, targets, True) #since looking for no damage case, it is ok to clean up
      if bridges == 0:
        found_no_damage = True
        print 'found case with no damage so I will save those and save you work later on'
        (no_damage_travel_time, no_damage_vmt) = run_iteration(G, scenario, demand, newG)

  #loop over scenarios
  print 'size of lnsas: ', len(q.lnsas)
  for scenario in q.lnsas: #each 'scenario' has 1xxx values of lnsa, i.e. one per site
    if index in good_indices:
      print 'index: ', index
      if simple == True:
        (bridges, flow, path, path2, newG) = run_simple_iteration(G, scenario, demand, False, good_index, targets)
        travel_index_times.append((index, bridges, flow, path, path2, -1, -1, bridges/float(q.num_sites), -1))
        (bridges, flow, path, path2, newG) = run_simple_iteration(G, scenario, demand, False, good_index, targets, False) #doesn't clean up the damage
        print 'what i found for bridges: ', bridges
        if bridges == 0:
          travel_time = no_damage_travel_time; 
          vmt = no_damage_vmt; 
          print 'attempting new'
          (travel_time, vmt) = run_iteration(G, scenario, demand, newG, True)
        print 'what i have for (tt, vmt): ', (travel_time, vmt)
        travel_index_times.append((index, bridges, flow, path, path2, travel_time, vmt, bridges/float(q.num_sites), -1))
      good_index += 1
        # travel_index_times.append((index, travel_time, vmt))
#      print 'new travel times: ', travel_index_times
    if index%1000 ==0:
      print 'index: ', index
    index += 1 #IMPORTANT
  print 'the number of scenarios I considered doing: ', index
  print 'the number of scenarios I actually did: ', len(travel_index_times)
  print 'i.e.: ', good_index
  print 'and now, I will save a dataset of damaged bridges in each scenario'
  with open(time.strftime("%Y%m%d")+'_damaged_bridges_5eps_extensive.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(BRIDGE_DAMAGE_DATASET, f)