urdfName = "hyq"
urdfSuffix = ""
srdfSuffix = ""

fullBody = FullBody()

fullBody.loadFullBodyModel(urdfName, rootJointType, meshPackageName,
                           packageName, urdfSuffix, srdfSuffix)
fullBody.setJointBounds("base_joint_xyz", [-6, 5, -4, 4, 0.6, 2])

from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.problem_solver import ProblemSolver

nbSamples = 20000

ps = tp.ProblemSolver(fullBody)
r = tp.Viewer(ps)

rootName = 'base_joint_xyz'

#  Creating limbs
# cType is "_3_DOF": positional constraint, but no rotation (contacts are punctual)
cType = "_3_DOF"
# string identifying the limb
rLegId = 'rfleg'
# First joint of the limb, as in urdf file
rLeg = 'rf_haa_joint'
# Last joint of the limb, as in urdf file
rfoot = 'rf_foot_joint'
# Specifying the distance between last joint and contact surface
offset = [0., -0.021, 0.]
# Specifying the contact surface direction when the limb is in rest pose
#  Information to retrieve urdf and srdf files.
urdfName = "hyq"
urdfSuffix = ""
srdfSuffix = ""

fullBody = FullBody()

fullBody.loadFullBodyModel(urdfName, rootJointType, meshPackageName, packageName, urdfSuffix, srdfSuffix)
fullBody.setJointBounds("base_joint_xyz", [-6, 5, -4, 4, 0.6, 2])

from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.problem_solver import ProblemSolver

nbSamples = 20000

ps = tp.ProblemSolver(fullBody)
r = tp.Viewer(ps, viewerClient=tp.r.client)

rootName = 'base_joint_xyz'

#  Creating limbs
# cType is "_3_DOF": positional constraint, but no rotation (contacts are punctual)
cType = "_3_DOF"
# string identifying the limb
rLegId = 'rfleg'
# First joint of the limb, as in urdf file
rLeg = 'rf_haa_joint'
# Last joint of the limb, as in urdf file
rfoot = 'rf_foot_joint'
# Specifying the distance between last joint and contact surface
offset = [0., -0.021, 0.]
# Specifying the contact surface direction when the limb is in rest pose