Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: test.py Proyecto: AdaCore/gps
def driver():
    # Open an editor and go to a line where there's a code action
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("hello.adb"))
    v = b.current_view()
    v.goto(b.at(5, 9))

    # Wait until the language server has responded to the codeAction request
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction")

    # Verify that one codeAction message has been created
    m = GPS.Message.list()
    gps_assert(len(m), 1, "there should be one message at this point")
    gps_assert(m[0].get_category(), "_internal_code_actions",
               "we have a message, but not in the expected category")

    b.click_on_side_column(5, 1, "gps-light-bulb")

    # Wait for the language server
    yield wait_language_server("workspace/executeCommand")

    # Check that the edits have been received
    gps_assert(b.get_chars(b.at(5, 1), b.at(6, 1)).strip(),
               'Put_Line (Item => "hello");',
               "edits not received")

    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction")
    m = GPS.Message.list(category="_internal_code_actions")
    gps_assert(len(m), 0, "there should be no code action message")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_test():
    buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File('main.adb'))
    buf.current_view().goto(buf.at(5, 10))

    # wait LSP responses has been processed to have folding information
    if GPS.LanguageServer.is_enabled_for_language_name("Ada"):
        yield wait_tasks(other_than=known_tasks)

    GPS.execute_action('goto declaration')
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/declaration')

    current_buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
    gps_assert(current_buf.file(), GPS.File('hello_world.ads'),
               "'goto declaration' did not open the right file")

    current_loc = current_buf.main_cursor().location()
    gps_assert(current_loc, current_buf.at(3, 33),
               "'goto declaration' did not jump to right location")

    # wait LSP responses has been processed to have folding information
    if GPS.LanguageServer.is_enabled_for_language_name("Ada"):
        yield wait_tasks(other_than=known_tasks)

    GPS.execute_action('goto body')
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/implementation')

    current_buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
    gps_assert(current_buf.file(), GPS.File('hello_world.adb'),
               "'goto body' did not open the right file")

    current_loc = current_buf.main_cursor().location()
    gps_assert(current_loc, current_buf.at(5, 33),
               "'goto body' did not jump to right location")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def driver():
    buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("test_fold.adb"))
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/foldingRange")
    buf.select(buf.at(10, 11), buf.at(15, 11))
    GPS.execute_action("Cut to Clipboard")
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/foldingRange")
    buf.at(7, 1).block_fold()
    buf.current_view().goto(buf.at(7, 19))
    GPS.execute_action("Paste from Clipboard")
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/foldingRange")

    # Verify that the contents is what we logically expect
    gps_assert(buf.get_chars(), expected,
               "Buffer corruption when inserting after folded block")

    # Verify that the logical contents correspond to the contents
    # on screen!
    g = buf.gtk_text_buffer()
               g.get_text(g.get_start_iter(), g.get_end_iter(), False),
               "Corruption between the visible text and the logical text")

    # Last layer of safety: verify that saving + undo works
Ejemplo n.º 4
def driver():
    # Open an editor and go to a line where there's a code action
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("main.c"))
    v = b.current_view()
    v.goto(b.at(5, 8))

    # Wait until the language server has responded to the codeAction request
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction", "C")

    # Verify that one codeAction message has been created
    m = GPS.Message.list()
    gps_assert(len(m), 1, "there should be one message at this point")
    gps_assert(m[0].get_category(), "_internal_code_actions",
               "we have a message, but not in the expected category")

    # Click on the side action
    b.click_on_side_icon(5, 1, "gps-codefix")
    # Allow a timeout for the asynchronous popup of the menu
    yield timeout(1000)

    menu = get_widget_by_name("gnatstudio_code_actions_menu")
    gps_assert(menu is not None, True, "no menu found")

    # Check that the menu contains the "Name parameters" action
    item = menu.get_children()[0]
    gps_assert(item.get_label(), "Expand macro 'FOO'",
               "the menu item doesn' have the right title")

    # Now activate the menu item and wait for the application of the edits
    yield wait_language_server("workspace/executeCommand", "C")

    # Check that the edits have been received
        b.get_chars(b.at(5, 1), b.at(6, 1)).strip(), 'if (0 > 2)',
        "edits not received")

    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction", "C")
    m = GPS.Message.list(category="_internal_code_actions")
    gps_assert(len(m), 0, "there should be no code action message")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def driver():
    yield wait_tasks()
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("p.ads"))

    # Execute a first "find all references" for Foo and check the result
    b.current_view().goto(b.at(2, 4))
    GPS.execute_action("Find All References")
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/references")

    gps_assert(len(GPS.Message.list(category="References for Foo (p.ads:2)")),
               2, "There should be two references for Foo")

    # Simulate a file change on the filesystem for a file that has never
    # been opened

    shutil.copy("q.ads.lots", "q.ads")

    # Wait a bit for the filesystem + the ALS to catch up
    yield timeout(2000)

    # Re-execute the request and verify that we have updated results
    b.current_view().goto(b.at(2, 4))
    GPS.execute_action("Find All References")
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/references")

    gps_assert(len(GPS.Message.list(category="References for Foo (p.ads:2)")),
               5, "There should now be five references for Foo")

    # Now do the same as above, after deleting the file

    yield timeout(2000)
    b.current_view().goto(b.at(2, 4))
    GPS.execute_action("Find All References")
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/references")

    gps_assert(len(GPS.Message.list(category="References for Foo (p.ads:2)")),
               1, "There should now be one references for Foo")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def driver():
    def is_valid(expected, msg):
        `expected` : bool indicating if we should have a code action
        `msg` : string for error message
        m = GPS.Message.list()
        if expected:
            gps_assert(len(m), 1, "error at " + msg)
            gps_assert(m[0].get_category(), "_internal_code_actions",
                       "wrong category")
            gps_assert(len(m), 0, "error at " + msg)

    # Open an editor and go to a line where there's a code action
    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("foo.adb"))
    v = b.current_view()

    # go to the start of Hello and wait for the codeaction
    v.goto(b.at(2, 28))
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction")
    is_valid(True, "start of Hello")

    # go to the last index inside hello
    v.goto(b.at(2, 32))
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction")
    is_valid(True, "end of Hello")

    # go to the first index before hello
    v.goto(b.at(2, 27))
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction")
    is_valid(False, "before Hello")

    # go to the last index inside hello
    v.goto(b.at(2, 33))
    yield wait_language_server("textDocument/codeAction")
    is_valid(False, "after Hello")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def driver():

    b = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(GPS.File("main.cpp"))
    yield wait_tasks()

    # Autoindent file with the LLVM preset
    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()

    # Verify that the proper indentation is produced
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, LLVM, "Wrong autoindent")

    # Autoindent file with the Google preset
    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, Google, "Wrong autoindent")

    # Autoindent file with the Chromium preset
    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, Chromium, "Wrong autoindent")

    # Autoindent file with the Mozilla preset
    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, Mozilla, "Wrong autoindent")

    # Autoindent file with the WebKit preset
    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, WebKit, "Wrong autoindent")

    # Autoindent file with the Microsoft preset
    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, Microsoft, "Wrong autoindent")

    # Autoindent file with the GNU preset
    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, GNU, "Wrong autoindent")


    # Autoindent file with the different ContinuationIndentWidth value
    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, ContinuationIndentWidth, "Wrong autoindent")

    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, ColumnLimit, "Wrong autoindent")

    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, IndentWidth, "Wrong autoindent")

    #UseTab will be tested in TC14-011

    GPS.execute_action("autoindent file")
    yield wait_language_server('textDocument/formatting', 'C++')
    yield wait_idle()
    txt = b.get_chars(b.beginning_of_buffer(), b.end_of_buffer())
    gps_assert(txt, ReflowComments, "Wrong autoindent")