Ejemplo n.º 1
def getPeakProfile(parmDict, xdata, varyList, bakType):
    yb = getBackground('', parmDict, bakType, xdata)
    yc = np.zeros_like(yb)
    cw = np.diff(xdata)
    cw = np.append(cw, cw[-1])
    #if 'C' in dataType:
    U = parmDict['U']
    V = parmDict['V']
    W = parmDict['W']
    X = parmDict['X']
    Y = parmDict['Y']
    #shl = max(parmDict['SH/L'],0.002)
    shl = 0.002
    Ka2 = False
    if 'Lam1' in parmDict.keys():
        Ka2 = True
        lamRatio = 360 * (parmDict['Lam2'] -
                          parmDict['Lam1']) / (np.pi * parmDict['Lam1'])
        kRatio = parmDict['I(L2)/I(L1)']
    iPeak = 0
    while True:
            pos = parmDict['pos' + str(iPeak)]
            theta = (pos - parmDict['Zero']) / 2.0
            intens = parmDict['int' + str(iPeak)]
            sigName = 'sig' + str(iPeak)
            if sigName in varyList:
                sig = parmDict[sigName]
                sig = U * tand(theta)**2 + V * tand(theta) + W
            sig = max(sig, 0.001)  #avoid neg sigma
            gamName = 'gam' + str(iPeak)
            if gamName in varyList:
                gam = parmDict[gamName]
                gam = X / cosd(theta) + Y * tand(theta)
            gam = max(gam, 0.001)  #avoid neg gamma
            Wd, fmin, fmax = gsas.getWidthsCW(pos, sig, gam, shl)
            iBeg = np.searchsorted(xdata, pos - fmin)
            iFin = np.searchsorted(xdata, pos + fmin)
            if not iBeg + iFin:  #peak below low limit
                iPeak += 1
            elif not iBeg - iFin:  #peak above high limit
                return yb + yc
            yc[iBeg:iFin] += intens * gsas.getFCJVoigt3(
                pos, sig, gam, shl, xdata[iBeg:iFin])
            if Ka2:
                pos2 = pos + lamRatio * tand(
                    pos / 2.0)  # + 360/pi * Dlam/lam * tan(th)
                iBeg = np.searchsorted(xdata, pos2 - fmin)
                iFin = np.searchsorted(xdata, pos2 + fmin)
                if iBeg - iFin:
                    yc[iBeg:iFin] += intens * kRatio * gsas.getFCJVoigt3(
                        pos2, sig, gam, shl, xdata[iBeg:iFin])
            iPeak += 1
        except KeyError:  #no more peaks to process
            return yb + yc
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getPeakProfile(parmDict,xdata,varyList,bakType):
    yb = getBackground('',parmDict,bakType,xdata)
    yc = np.zeros_like(yb)
    cw = np.diff(xdata)
    cw = np.append(cw,cw[-1])
    #if 'C' in dataType:
    U = parmDict['U']
    V = parmDict['V']
    W = parmDict['W']
    X = parmDict['X']
    Y = parmDict['Y']
    #shl = max(parmDict['SH/L'],0.002)
    Ka2 = False
    if 'Lam1' in parmDict.keys():
        Ka2 = True
        lamRatio = 360*(parmDict['Lam2']-parmDict['Lam1'])/(np.pi*parmDict['Lam1'])
        kRatio = parmDict['I(L2)/I(L1)']
    iPeak = 0
    while True:
            pos = parmDict['pos'+str(iPeak)]
            theta = (pos-parmDict['Zero'])/2.0
            intens = parmDict['int'+str(iPeak)]
            sigName = 'sig'+str(iPeak)
            if sigName in varyList:
                sig = parmDict[sigName]
                sig = U*tand(theta)**2+V*tand(theta)+W
            sig = max(sig,0.001)          #avoid neg sigma
            gamName = 'gam'+str(iPeak)
            if gamName in varyList:
                gam = parmDict[gamName]
                gam = X/cosd(theta)+Y*tand(theta)
            gam = max(gam,0.001)             #avoid neg gamma
            Wd,fmin,fmax = gsas.getWidthsCW(pos,sig,gam,shl)
            iBeg = np.searchsorted(xdata,pos-fmin)
            iFin = np.searchsorted(xdata,pos+fmin)
            if not iBeg+iFin:       #peak below low limit
                iPeak += 1
            elif not iBeg-iFin:     #peak above high limit
                return yb+yc
            yc[iBeg:iFin] += intens*gsas.getFCJVoigt3(pos,sig,gam,shl,xdata[iBeg:iFin])
            if Ka2:
                pos2 = pos+lamRatio*tand(pos/2.0)       # + 360/pi * Dlam/lam * tan(th)
                iBeg = np.searchsorted(xdata,pos2-fmin)
                iFin = np.searchsorted(xdata,pos2+fmin)
                if iBeg-iFin:
                    yc[iBeg:iFin] += intens*kRatio*gsas.getFCJVoigt3(pos2,sig,gam,shl,xdata[iBeg:iFin])
            iPeak += 1
        except KeyError:        #no more peaks to process
            return yb+yc
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getPeakProfileDerv(parmDict,xdata,varyList,bakType):
# needs to return np.array([dMdx1,dMdx2,...]) in same order as varylist = backVary,insVary,peakVary order
    dMdv = np.zeros(shape=(len(varyList),len(xdata)))
    dMdb = getBackgroundDerv('',parmDict,bakType,xdata)
    if 'Back:0' in varyList:            #background derivs are in front if present
        dMdv[0:len(dMdb)] = dMdb
    cw = np.diff(xdata)
    cw = np.append(cw,cw[-1])
    U = parmDict['U']
    V = parmDict['V']
    W = parmDict['W']
    X = parmDict['X']
    Y = parmDict['Y']
   # shl = max(parmDict['SH/L'], 0.002)
    Ka2 = False
    iPeak = 0
    while True:
            pos = parmDict['pos' + str(iPeak)]
            theta = (pos - parmDict['Zero']) / 2.0
            intens = parmDict['int' + str(iPeak)]
            sigName = 'sig' + str(iPeak)
            tanth = tand(theta)
            costh = cosd(theta)
            if sigName in varyList:
                sig = parmDict[sigName]
                sig = U * tanth ** 2 + V * tanth + W
                dsdU = tanth ** 2
                dsdV = tanth
                dsdW = 1.0
            sig = max(sig, 0.001)  # avoid neg sigma
            gamName = 'gam' + str(iPeak)
            if gamName in varyList:
                gam = parmDict[gamName]
                gam = X / costh + Y * tanth
                dgdX = 1.0 / costh
                dgdY = tanth
            gam = max(gam, 0.001)  # avoid neg gamma
            Wd, fmin, fmax = gsas.getWidthsCW(pos, sig, gam, shl)
            iBeg = np.searchsorted(xdata, pos - fmin)
            iFin = np.searchsorted(xdata, pos + fmin)
            if not iBeg + iFin:  # peak below low limit
                iPeak += 1
            elif not iBeg - iFin:  # peak above high limit
            dMdpk = np.zeros(shape=(6, len(xdata)))
            dMdipk = gsas.getdFCJVoigt3(pos, sig, gam, shl, xdata[iBeg:iFin]) 
            for i in range(1, 5):
                dMdpk[i][iBeg:iFin] += 100.*cw[iBeg:iFin] * intens * dMdipk[i]
            dMdpk[0][iBeg:iFin] += 100.*cw[iBeg:iFin] * dMdipk[0]
            dervDict = {'int':dMdpk[0], 'pos':dMdpk[1], 'sig':dMdpk[2], 'gam':dMdpk[3], 'shl':dMdpk[4]}
            for parmName in ['pos', 'int', 'sig', 'gam']:
                    idx = varyList.index(parmName + str(iPeak))
                    dMdv[idx] = dervDict[parmName]
                except ValueError:
            if 'U' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('U')] += dsdU * dervDict['sig']
            if 'V' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('V')] += dsdV * dervDict['sig']
            if 'W' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('W')] += dsdW * dervDict['sig']
            if 'X' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('X')] += dgdX * dervDict['gam']
            if 'Y' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('Y')] += dgdY * dervDict['gam']
            if 'SH/L' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('SH/L')] += dervDict['shl']  # problem here
            if 'I(L2)/I(L1)' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('I(L2)/I(L1)')] += dervDict['L1/L2']
            iPeak += 1
        except KeyError:  # no more peaks to process
    return dMdv     
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getPeakProfileDerv(parmDict, xdata, varyList, bakType):
    # needs to return np.array([dMdx1,dMdx2,...]) in same order as varylist = backVary,insVary,peakVary order
    dMdv = np.zeros(shape=(len(varyList), len(xdata)))
    dMdb = getBackgroundDerv('', parmDict, bakType, xdata)
    if 'Back:0' in varyList:  #background derivs are in front if present
        dMdv[0:len(dMdb)] = dMdb

    cw = np.diff(xdata)
    cw = np.append(cw, cw[-1])
    U = parmDict['U']
    V = parmDict['V']
    W = parmDict['W']
    X = parmDict['X']
    Y = parmDict['Y']
    # shl = max(parmDict['SH/L'], 0.002)
    shl = 0.002
    Ka2 = False

    iPeak = 0
    while True:
            pos = parmDict['pos' + str(iPeak)]
            theta = (pos - parmDict['Zero']) / 2.0
            intens = parmDict['int' + str(iPeak)]
            sigName = 'sig' + str(iPeak)
            tanth = tand(theta)
            costh = cosd(theta)
            if sigName in varyList:
                sig = parmDict[sigName]
                sig = U * tanth**2 + V * tanth + W
                dsdU = tanth**2
                dsdV = tanth
                dsdW = 1.0
            sig = max(sig, 0.001)  # avoid neg sigma
            gamName = 'gam' + str(iPeak)
            if gamName in varyList:
                gam = parmDict[gamName]
                gam = X / costh + Y * tanth
                dgdX = 1.0 / costh
                dgdY = tanth
            gam = max(gam, 0.001)  # avoid neg gamma
            Wd, fmin, fmax = gsas.getWidthsCW(pos, sig, gam, shl)
            iBeg = np.searchsorted(xdata, pos - fmin)
            iFin = np.searchsorted(xdata, pos + fmin)
            if not iBeg + iFin:  # peak below low limit
                iPeak += 1
            elif not iBeg - iFin:  # peak above high limit
            dMdpk = np.zeros(shape=(6, len(xdata)))
            dMdipk = gsas.getdFCJVoigt3(pos, sig, gam, shl, xdata[iBeg:iFin])
            for i in range(1, 5):
                    iBeg:iFin] += 100. * cw[iBeg:iFin] * intens * dMdipk[i]
            dMdpk[0][iBeg:iFin] += 100. * cw[iBeg:iFin] * dMdipk[0]
            dervDict = {
                'int': dMdpk[0],
                'pos': dMdpk[1],
                'sig': dMdpk[2],
                'gam': dMdpk[3],
                'shl': dMdpk[4]
            for parmName in ['pos', 'int', 'sig', 'gam']:
                    idx = varyList.index(parmName + str(iPeak))
                    dMdv[idx] = dervDict[parmName]
                except ValueError:
            if 'U' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('U')] += dsdU * dervDict['sig']
            if 'V' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('V')] += dsdV * dervDict['sig']
            if 'W' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('W')] += dsdW * dervDict['sig']
            if 'X' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('X')] += dgdX * dervDict['gam']
            if 'Y' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('Y')] += dgdY * dervDict['gam']
            if 'SH/L' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('SH/L')] += dervDict['shl']  # problem here
            if 'I(L2)/I(L1)' in varyList:
                dMdv[varyList.index('I(L2)/I(L1)')] += dervDict['L1/L2']
            iPeak += 1
        except KeyError:  # no more peaks to process
    return dMdv