Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, cwd=None, env=None,
                 stdout_handler=None, stderr_handler=None):
        :param cwd:
            program working directory
        :param env:
            environment dictionary
        :param envmerge:
            if set to True (default) it is the :attr:`env` dictionaty is
            used to update the system environment
        :param stdout_handler:
            *OutputHandler* for the stdout of the tool
        :param stderr_handler:
            *OutputHandler* for the stderr of the tool

        .. seealso:: :class:`exectools.BaseOutputHandler`


        executable = utils.which('gsdstats')
        if executable:
            cmd = utils.scriptcmd(executable)
            cmd = _gsdtoolcmd('stats')

        super(StatsDescriptor, self).__init__(cmd, [],
                                    cwd, env, stdout_handler, stderr_handler)

        #: Disable statistics computation (default: False)
        self.nostats = None

        #: Compute statistics for a specific raster band.
        #: Default: all bands are precessed.
        self.band = None

        #: Allow approximate statistics computation.
        #: If set then statistics may be computed based on overviews or a
        #: subset of all tiles (default: False)
        self.approxok = None

        #: Only print minimum and maximum on the same line
        self.minmaxonly = None

        #: Specify source window in image coordinates.
        #: Default: the entire image is processed.
        self.srcwin = None

        #: Write results to FILE.
        self.outfile = None

        #: Suppress progress messages.
        self.quiet = False

        self._histreq = HistogramRequest()
        self._histreq.computehistogram = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, cwd=None, env=None,
                 stdout_handler=None, stderr_handler=None):
        :param cwd:
            program working directory
        :param env:
            environment dictionary
        :param envmerge:
            if set to True (default) it is the :attr:`env` dictionaty is
            used to update the system environment
        :param stdout_handler:
            *OutputHandler* for the stdout of the tool
        :param stderr_handler:
            *OutputHandler* for the stderr of the tool

        .. seealso:: :class:`exectools.BaseOutputHandler`


        executable = utils.which('gsdstats')
        if executable:
            cmd = utils.scriptcmd(executable)
            cmd = _gsdtoolcmd('stats')

        super(StatsDescriptor, self).__init__(
            cmd, [], cwd, env, stdout_handler, stderr_handler)

        #: Disable statistics computation (default: False)
        self.nostats = None

        #: Compute statistics for a specific raster band.
        #: Default: all bands are precessed.
        self.band = None

        #: Allow approximate statistics computation.
        #: If set then statistics may be computed based on overviews or a
        #: subset of all tiles (default: False)
        self.approxok = None

        #: Only print minimum and maximum on the same line
        self.minmaxonly = None

        #: Specify source window in image coordinates.
        #: Default: the entire image is processed.
        self.srcwin = None

        #: Write results to FILE.
        self.outfile = None

        #: Suppress progress messages.
        self.quiet = False

        self._histreq = HistogramRequest()
        self._histreq.computehistogram = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def loadSettings(self, settings):
        settings.beginGroup('plugins/%s' % info.name)
            googleearth = settings.value('gogle_earth_path')
            if not googleearth:
                if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
                    googleearth = utils.which('googleearth.exe')
                    for name in ('googleearth', 'google-earth'):
                        googleearth = utils.which(name)
                        if googleearth:

            action = self.actions.findChild(QtGui.QAction,
            if googleearth:
                self.googleearth = googleearth
                self.googleearth = None
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: core.py Proyecto: whigg/PySOL
    def loadSettings(self, settings):
        settings.beginGroup('plugins/%s' % info.name)
            googleearth = settings.value('gogle_earth_path')
            if not googleearth:
                if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
                    googleearth = utils.which('googleearth.exe')
                    for name in ('googleearth', 'google-earth'):
                        googleearth = utils.which(name)
                        if googleearth:

            action = self.actions.findChild(QtGui.QAction,
            if googleearth:
                self.googleearth = googleearth
                self.googleearth = None
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, cwd=None, env=None,
                 stdout_handler=None, stderr_handler=None):
        :param cwd:
            program working directory
        :param env:
            environment dictionary
        :param envmerge:
            if set to True (default) it is the :attr:`env` dictionaty is
            used to update the system environment
        :param stdout_handler:
            *OutputHandler* for the stdout of the tool
        :param stderr_handler:
            +OutputHandler* for the stderr of the tool

        .. seealso:: :class:`exectools.BaseOutputHandler`


        executable = utils.which('ras2vec')
        if executable:
            cmd = utils.scriptcmd(executable)
            cmd = _gsdtoolcmd('ras2vec')

        super(Ras2vecDescriptor, self).__init__(cmd, [],
                                    cwd, env, stdout_handler, stderr_handler)

        #: Generate an additional layer for GCPs.
        self.gcps = None

        #: Generate markers for bounding box corners.
        self.corners = None

        #: Store absolute path in bounding box feature description.
        self.abspath = None
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, cwd=None, env=None,
                 stdout_handler=None, stderr_handler=None):
        :param cwd:
            program working directory
        :param env:
            environment dictionary
        :param envmerge:
            if set to True (default) it is the :attr:`env` dictionaty is
            used to update the system environment
        :param stdout_handler:
            *OutputHandler* for the stdout of the tool
        :param stderr_handler:
            +OutputHandler* for the stderr of the tool

        .. seealso:: :class:`exectools.BaseOutputHandler`


        executable = utils.which('ras2vec')
        if executable:
            cmd = utils.scriptcmd(executable)
            cmd = _gsdtoolcmd('ras2vec')

        super(Ras2vecDescriptor, self).__init__(
            cmd, [], cwd, env, stdout_handler, stderr_handler)

        #: Generate an additional layer for GCPs.
        self.gcps = None

        #: Generate markers for bounding box corners.
        self.corners = None

        #: Store absolute path in bounding box feature description.
        self.abspath = None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def init(app):
    import os
    import sys
    import logging

    from osgeo import gdal

    from gsdview import utils
    from gsdview import qtsupport

    from gsdview.gdalbackend import widgets
    from gsdview.gdalbackend import gdalsupport

    _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # @TODO: check

    # set file dialog filters

    # update versions info in about dialog

    # GDAL icon
    icon = qtsupport.geticon('GDALLogoColor.svg', __name__)

    # update the settings dialog
    #page = widgets.GDALPreferencesPage(app.preferencesdialog)
    page = widgets.BackendPreferencesPage(app.preferencesdialog)
    app.preferencesdialog.addPage(page, icon, 'GDAL')

    # add a new page in the about dialog
    page = widgets.GDALInfoWidget(app.aboutdialog)
    tabindex = app.aboutdialog.tabWidget.addTab(page, icon, 'GDAL')
    widget = app.aboutdialog.tabWidget.widget(tabindex)

    # @TODO: check
    # register the backend

    global _backendobj
    _backendobj = GDALBackend(app)

    # @TODO: fix
    #~ gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_PAM_ENABLED', 'YES')
    #~ gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_PAM_PROXY_DIR',
    #~ os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.gsdview',
    #~ 'cache')))
    # @TODO: fix
    # @NOTE: explicitly disable GDAL exceptions due to bug #3077
    #        (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3077)

    # Fix path for GDAL tools
    if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
        from gsdview import appsite
        os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(
            (appsite.GSDVIEWROOT, os.getenv('PATH', '')))
                             os.path.join(appsite.GSDVIEWROOT, 'data'))
        # @TODO: check
        #if app.settings.value('GDAL_DATA').isValid():
        #    msg = app.tr('"GDAL_DATA" from the user configuration file '
        #                     'overrides the default value')
        #    QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(app, app.tr('WARNING'), msg)
    elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
        gdaladdobin = utils.which('gdaladdo')
        if not gdaladdobin:
            frameworkroot = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gdal.__file__),
                                         os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir)
            frameworkroot = os.path.abspath(frameworkroot)
            binpath = os.path.join(frameworkroot, 'unix', 'bin')
            PATH = os.getenv('PATH', '')
            if binpath not in PATH:
                PATH = os.pathsep.join((binpath, PATH))
                os.environ['PATH'] = PATH

                _log.info('GDAL binary path added to system path: %s', binpath)
    #elif sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
    #    gdaladdobin = utils.which('gdaladdo')
    #    if not gdaladdobin:
    #        pass

    return _backendobj
Ejemplo n.º 8
def init(app):
    import os
    import sys
    import logging

    from osgeo import gdal

    from gsdview import utils
    from gsdview import qtsupport

    from gsdview.gdalbackend import widgets
    from gsdview.gdalbackend import gdalsupport

    _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # @TODO: check

    # set file dialog filters

    # update versions info in about dialog
        'GDAL', gdal.VersionInfo('RELEASE_NAME'), 'http://www.gdal.org')

    # GDAL icon
    icon = qtsupport.geticon('GDALLogoColor.svg', __name__)

    # update the settings dialog
    #page = widgets.GDALPreferencesPage(app.preferencesdialog)
    page = widgets.BackendPreferencesPage(app.preferencesdialog)
    app.preferencesdialog.addPage(page, icon, 'GDAL')

    # add a new page in the about dialog
    page = widgets.GDALInfoWidget(app.aboutdialog)
    tabindex = app.aboutdialog.tabWidget.addTab(page, icon, 'GDAL')
    widget = app.aboutdialog.tabWidget.widget(tabindex)

    # @TODO: check
    # register the backend

    global _backendobj
    _backendobj = GDALBackend(app)

    # @TODO: fix
    #~ gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_PAM_ENABLED', 'YES')
    #~ gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_PAM_PROXY_DIR',
                         #~ os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.gsdview',
                                                         #~ 'cache')))
    # @TODO: fix
    # @NOTE: explicitly disable GDAL exceptions due to bug #3077
    #        (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3077)

    # Fix path for GDAL tools
    if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
        from gsdview import appsite
        os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join((appsite.GSDVIEWROOT,
                                              os.getenv('PATH', '')))
                             os.path.join(appsite.GSDVIEWROOT, 'data'))
        # @TODO: check
        #if app.settings.value('GDAL_DATA').isValid():
        #    msg = app.tr('"GDAL_DATA" from the user configuration file '
        #                     'overrides the default value')
        #    QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(app, app.tr('WARNING'), msg)
    elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
        gdaladdobin = utils.which('gdaladdo')
        if not gdaladdobin:
            frameworkroot = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gdal.__file__),
                                         os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir)
            frameworkroot = os.path.abspath(frameworkroot)
            binpath = os.path.join(frameworkroot, 'unix', 'bin')
            PATH = os.getenv('PATH', '')
            if binpath not in PATH:
                PATH = os.pathsep.join((binpath, PATH))
                os.environ['PATH'] = PATH

                _log.info('GDAL binary path added to system path: %s', binpath)
    #elif sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
    #    gdaladdobin = utils.which('gdaladdo')
    #    if not gdaladdobin:
    #        pass

    return _backendobj