def encode_emoji(self, text): """ 絵文字をエンコードして返す GREEのInspectionAPI、モバゲーのTextDataAPI用 \ue000 ->  に変換 引数 text 返り値 エンコードした絵文字を返す """ if self.emoji_re is None: self.emoji_re = re.compile(u"[\ue000-\uf0fc]") Log.debug("encode_emoji before: %r" % text) def emoji_open(m): """ emoji_open """ return "&#x%x" % ord( encoded = self.emoji_re.sub(emoji_open, text) Log.debug("encode_emoji after: %r" % encoded) return encoded
def encode_emoji(self, text): """ Encode "Emoji" and return it. For Gree`s InspectionAPI eg. \ue000 ->  argument: text return value: encoded "emoji" 絵文字をエンコードして返す GREEのInspectionAPI、モバゲーのTextDataAPI用 \ue000 ->  に変換 引数 text 返り値 エンコードした絵文字を返す """ Log.debug('encode_emoji before: %r' % text) if self.emoji_re is None: self.emoji_re = re.compile(u'[\ue000-\uf0fc]') def emoji_open(m): return '&#x%x' % ord( encoded = self.emoji_re.sub(emoji_open, text) Log.debug('encode_emoji after: %r' % encoded) return encoded
def get_normalized_parameters(self): """ Return a string that contains the parameters that must be signed. """ Log.debug("[Method] get_normalized_parameters") params = self.parameters try: # Exclude the signature if it exists. del params['oauth_signature'] except: pass # Escape key values before sorting. key_values = [] for key, value in params.iteritems(): if isinstance(key, basestring) and not _is_post_values_key(key): key_values.append( (escape(_utf8_str(key)), escape(_utf8_str(value)))) else: try: value = list(value) except TypeError, e: assert 'is not iterable' in str(e) key_values.append( (escape(_utf8_str(key)), escape(_utf8_str(value)))) else: if _is_post_values_key(key): key = _remove_post_values_key(key) key_values.extend( (escape(_utf8_str(key)), escape(_utf8_str(item) ) if isinstance(item, basestring) else item) for item in value)
def _security_check(request, session_id): """ Security check using cookie cookieによるセキュリティチェック """ #リクエストサービスのコールバックにcookieチェックは不要 if settings.GREE_REQUEST_API and request.path == reverse(settings.GREE_REQUEST_API_HEADER): return True from import get_current_device device = get_current_device() Log.debug("_security_check device.is_webview %s" % device.is_webview) if device.is_webview: Log.debug("[Method] _security_check webview Pass") return True Log.debug("[Method] _security_check ") ua = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', None) if ua is None: return False security_name = request.COOKIES.get(_get_security_name(), u'') m = hashlib.md5() m.update(ua) m.update(str(session_id)) Log.debug("[Method] _security_check security_name: %s", security_name) Log.debug("[Method] _security_check m.hexdigest: %s", m.hexdigest()) return m.hexdigest() == security_name
def _create_endpoint_url(self, path, secure=False, url_tail=None): """ FP/SP/WEBVIEW判定し対応したendpoint_urlを返す """ protocol = 'https' if secure else 'http' from import get_current_device device = get_current_device() if device: if device.is_webview: endpoint = self.container['endpoint_webview'] elif device.is_smartphone: endpoint = self.container['endpoint_sp'] else: endpoint = self.container['endpoint_fp'] else: endpoint = self.container['endpoint_fp'] Log.debug("url_tail %s " % url_tail) if url_tail or url_tail == '': url = '%s://%s%s%s' % (protocol, endpoint, url_tail, path) else: url = '%s://%s%s%s' % (protocol, endpoint, self.container['api_url_tail'], path) return url
def encode_emoji(self, text): """ 絵文字をエンコードして返す GREEのInspectionAPI、モバゲーのTextDataAPI用 \ue000 ->  に変換 引数 text 返り値 エンコードした絵文字を返す """ if self.emoji_re is None: self.emoji_re = re.compile(u'[\ue000-\uf0fc]') Log.debug('encode_emoji before: %r' % text) def emoji_open(m): """ emoji_open """ return '&#x%x' % ord( encoded = self.emoji_re.sub(emoji_open, text) Log.debug('encode_emoji after: %r' % encoded) return encoded
def test_debug(self): """ 関数が問題なく通るかのみ確認 """ msg = 'Simplejson Error1.' obj = 'hoge' Log.debug(msg, obj)
def decode_emoji(self, text): """ 絵文字をデコードして返す GREEのInspectionAPI、モバゲーのTextDataAPI用  -> \ue000に変換 絵文字じゃない &#xXXXX は空文字にする 引数 text 返り値 デコードした絵文字を返す """ if self.emoji_re is None: self.emoji_re = re.compile(u"[\ue000-\uf0fc]") if self.emoji_decode_re is None: self.emoji_decode_re = re.compile(r"&#x(\w{4})") Log.debug("decode_emoji before: %r" % text) def emoji_close(m): """ emoji_close """ c = unichr(int(, 16)) if return c else: return "" decoded = self.emoji_decode_re.sub(emoji_close, text) Log.debug("decode_emoji after: %r" % decoded) return decoded
def post(self, userid, message): ''' POST(新規登録) 戻したJSONのtextIdを用いることで再度このテキストにアクセスすることができる POST(Newly register) You can access to this text using the textId of returned JSON. ''' # ローカルではリクエストできない # You can`t request on local. if settings.OPENSOCIAL_DEBUG: return None message = self.container.encode_emoji(message) data = simplejson.dumps({'data': message}) text_id = None json = None response = self._api_request('POST', userid, data = data) Log.debug('Inspection POST. response: %s' % (response)) json = simplejson.loads(response) if 'entry' in json: entry = json['entry'][0] if 'textId' in entry: text_id = entry['textId'] Log.debug('Inspection: post: textId:%s' % text_id) if not json: error = self.container.ResponseError('post', 'Inspection POST') raise error return text_id
def test_warn(self): """ 関数が問題なく通るかのみ確認 """ msg = 'Simplejson Error4.' obj = 'hoge', obj)
def _create_endpoint_url(self, path, secure=False, url_tail=None): """ FP/SP/WEBVIEW判定し対応したendpoint_urlを返す """ protocol = "https" if secure else "http" from import get_current_device device = get_current_device() if device: if device.is_webview: endpoint = self.container["endpoint_webview"] elif device.is_smartphone: endpoint = self.container["endpoint_sp"] else: endpoint = self.container["endpoint_fp"] else: endpoint = self.container["endpoint_fp"] Log.debug("url_tail %s " % url_tail) if url_tail or url_tail == "": url = "%s://%s%s%s" % (protocol, endpoint, url_tail, path) else: url = "%s://%s%s%s" % (protocol, endpoint, self.container["api_url_tail"], path) return url
def get_or_cache_thumbnail_list(self): """ cacheがなければAPIgetする """ url_list = {} path = self.thumbnail_path_key() try: data = cache.get(path, None) if data: Log.debug("data %s" % data) url_list = msgpack.unpackb(data) Log.debug("data url_list %s" % url_list) else: request = get_current_request() request_params = [value for key,value in self.THUMBNAIL_MAPS.items()] request_params = (',').join(request_params) profile = People(request).get_myself(, request_params, caching=False) for key, value in self.THUMBNAIL_MAPS.items(): url_list[value] = profile[value] Log.debug("new data url_list %s" % url_list) pack_data = msgpack.packb(url_list) Log.debug("pack_data url_list %s" % pack_data) cache.set(path, pack_data, timeout=self.CACHE_TIME) except: url_list = {} Log.debug("return url_list %s" % url_list) return url_list
def encode_emoji(self, text): """ Encode "Emoji" and return it. For Gree`s InspectionAPI eg. \ue000 ->  argument: text return value: encoded "emoji" 絵文字をエンコードして返す GREEのInspectionAPI、モバゲーのTextDataAPI用 \ue000 ->  に変換 引数 text 返り値 エンコードした絵文字を返す """ Log.debug("encode_emoji before: %r" % text) if self.emoji_re is None: self.emoji_re = re.compile(u"[\ue000-\uf0fc]") def emoji_open(m): return "&#x%x" % ord( encoded = self.emoji_re.sub(emoji_open, text) Log.debug("encode_emoji after: %r" % encoded) return encoded
def _security_check(request, session_id): """ Security check using cookie cookieによるセキュリティチェック """ #リクエストサービスのコールバックにcookieチェックは不要 if settings.GREE_REQUEST_API and request.path == reverse( settings.GREE_REQUEST_API_HEADER): return True from import get_current_device device = get_current_device() Log.debug("_security_check device.is_webview %s" % device.is_webview) if device.is_webview: Log.debug("[Method] _security_check webview Pass") return True Log.debug("[Method] _security_check ") ua = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', None) if ua is None: return False security_name = request.COOKIES.get(_get_security_name(), u'') m = hashlib.md5() m.update(ua) m.update(str(session_id)) Log.debug("[Method] _security_check security_name: %s", security_name) Log.debug("[Method] _security_check m.hexdigest: %s", m.hexdigest()) return m.hexdigest() == security_name
def get_or_cache_thumbnail_list(self): """ cacheがなければAPIgetする """ url_list = {} path = self.thumbnail_path_key() try: data = cache.get(path, None) if data: Log.debug("data %s" % data) url_list = msgpack.unpackb(data) Log.debug("data url_list %s" % url_list) else: request = get_current_request() request_params = [ value for key, value in self.THUMBNAIL_MAPS.items() ] request_params = (',').join(request_params) profile = People(request).get_myself(, request_params, caching=False) for key, value in self.THUMBNAIL_MAPS.items(): url_list[value] = profile[value] Log.debug("new data url_list %s" % url_list) pack_data = msgpack.packb(url_list) Log.debug("pack_data url_list %s" % pack_data) cache.set(path, pack_data, timeout=self.CACHE_TIME) except: url_list = {} Log.debug("return url_list %s" % url_list) return url_list
def decode_emoji(self, text): """ 絵文字をデコードして返す GREEのInspectionAPI、モバゲーのTextDataAPI用  -> \ue000に変換 絵文字じゃない &#xXXXX は空文字にする 引数 text 返り値 デコードした絵文字を返す """ if self.emoji_re is None: self.emoji_re = re.compile(u'[\ue000-\uf0fc]') if self.emoji_decode_re is None: self.emoji_decode_re = re.compile(r'&#x(\w{4})') Log.debug('decode_emoji before: %r' % text) def emoji_close(m): """ emoji_close """ c = unichr(int(, 16)) if return c else: return '' decoded = self.emoji_decode_re.sub(emoji_close, text) Log.debug('decode_emoji after: %r' % decoded) return decoded
def get_normalized_parameters(self): """ Return a string that contains the parameters that must be signed. """ Log.debug("[Method] get_normalized_parameters") params = self.parameters try: # Exclude the signature if it exists. del params['oauth_signature'] except: pass # Escape key values before sorting. key_values = [] for key, value in params.iteritems(): if isinstance(key, basestring) and not _is_post_values_key(key): key_values.append((escape(_utf8_str(key)), escape(_utf8_str(value)))) else: try: value = list(value) except TypeError, e: assert 'is not iterable' in str(e) key_values.append((escape(_utf8_str(key)), escape(_utf8_str(value)))) else: if _is_post_values_key(key): key = _remove_post_values_key(key) key_values.extend((escape(_utf8_str(key)), escape(_utf8_str(item)) if isinstance(item, basestring) else item) for item in value)
def create_rsa_hash(request, params): """ create_rsa_hash """ Log.debug("[Method] create_rsa_hash") message = create_message(request, params) return hashlib.sha1(message).digest()
def get_friends_page(self, userid, has_app=True, fields=None, page=1, limit=10): """ アプリを利用しているユーザーの友達情報を指定件数分返す 件数指定がない場合は10件 キャッシュはしない Return specified amount of the user`s friend information.By default,it will return 10 friends information. No caching. """ path = '/people/%s/@friends' % userid params = {'format': 'json'} params['count'] = limit params['startIndex'] = 1 + limit * (page - 1) data = None if fields: params['fields'] = fields if has_app: params['filterBy'] = 'hasApp' params['filterOp'] = 'equals' params['filterValue'] = 'true' res = self.get_response(userid, path, params=params) if res: try: data = simplejson.loads(res) except TypeError: Log.error(LOG_MSG2, [userid, path, res]) try: data = simplejson.loads(unicode(res, "utf-8", "ignore")) except TypeError: Log.error(LOG_MSG3, [userid, path, res]) except Exception: Log.error(LOG_MSG1, [userid, path, res]) except Exception: Log.error(LOG_MSG1, [userid, path, res]) else: Log.error(LOG_MSG4, [userid, path, res]) if data == None: data = { 'error': True, 'entry': [], 'totalResults': '0', 'itemsPerPage': '0', 'startIndex': '1' } return data
def get_osuser(opensocial_user_id, request=None): """ osuser を opensocial_user_id から取得。該当者がいない場合は None 24時間で自動的にキャッシュがきれる筈なので、その間隔で更新する """ #リクエストキャッシュ 1リクエスト内で同じget_osuser を複数回実行しない if request is not None: Log.debug('[OPENSOCIAL] get_osuser: call. useid=%s' % opensocial_user_id) request_cache = getattr(request, '_get_osuser_cache', {}) if opensocial_user_id in request_cache: Log.debug('[OPENSOCIAL] get_osuser: request_cache hit. useid=%s' % opensocial_user_id) return request_cache[opensocial_user_id] osuser = cache.get(OpenSocialUser.get_cache_key(opensocial_user_id)) if osuser is None or (hasattr(osuser, 'friend_cache') and osuser.friend_cache): # キャッシュに存在しないか存在してもfriendの場合 # キャッシュに存在しない場合、タイムアウトしたならPeople APIを再度呼び出してキャッシュする # モデルに存在しない場合は新規作成 update_profile_result = False try: # 存在確認だけ osuser = OpenSocialUser.objects.partition(opensocial_user_id).get( userid=opensocial_user_id) update_profile_result = osuser.update_profile( request) # GET でPeople APIを呼び出して更新する except OpenSocialUser.DoesNotExist: # 初作成の筈(set_cacheは内部で行われない) try: osuser = OpenSocialUser.objects.partition( opensocial_user_id).create(userid=opensocial_user_id) update_profile_result = osuser.update_profile( request) # GET でPeople APIを呼び出して更新する except IntegrityError: # duplicateすることがある return osuser if update_profile_result: osuser.set_cache() if request is not None: request_cache[opensocial_user_id] = osuser request._get_osuser_cache = request_cache return osuser # 以前の実装 path = OpenSocialUser.get_cache_key(opensocial_user_id) osuser = cache.get(path, None) if osuser is None: # キャッシュに存在しない try: osuser = OpenSocialUser.objects.partition(opensocial_user_id).get( userid=opensocial_user_id) osuser.set_cache() except OpenSocialUser.DoesNotExist: osuser = None return osuser
def create_record(self, auth_id, is_authorized = False, user_grade=None): """ 認証レコード作成 作成したAuthDeviceモデルインスタンスを返す """ Log.debug('Check is_authorized.', is_authorized) auth = AuthDevice.objects.partition(self.user_id).create( osuser_id=self.user_id, auth_id=auth_id, user_grade=user_grade, is_authorized=is_authorized) GsocialCache.set_cache(self.cache_key, None, 1) # キャッシュ削除 return auth
def create_hmac_hash(request, params, oauth_token_secret): """ create_hmac_hash """ Log.debug("[Method] create_hmac_hash") message = create_message(request, params) shared_key = '%s&%s' % (oauth.escape( settings.CONSUMER_SECRET), oauth.escape(oauth_token_secret)) hashed =, message, hashlib.sha1) return hashed.digest()
def create_hmac_hash(request, params, oauth_token_secret): """ create_hmac_hash """ Log.debug("[Method] create_hmac_hash") message = create_message(request, params) shared_key = '%s&%s' % (oauth.escape(settings.CONSUMER_SECRET), oauth.escape(oauth_token_secret)) hashed =, message, hashlib.sha1) return hashed.digest()
def _get_security_name(): """ Creates a key which wil be used in Cookie-security-check If there is no "SECURITY_COOKIE_NAME" in,this will be option. cokkieによるセキュリティチェックのkey生成 settings.pyに「SECURITY_COOKIE_NAME」がなければoptionになる """ Log.debug("[Method] _get_security_name") return getattr(settings, 'SECURITY_COOKIE_NAME', 'option')
def _get_id_from_result(self, result_json): """ 保存結果jsonから登録IDを取得 """ if result_json: try: result_dict = simplejson.loads(result_json) except simplejson.JSONDecodeError, e: Log.warn(e) return None else: return result_dict['entry'][0]['id']
def get_friends_page(self, userid, has_app=True, fields=None, page=1, limit=10): """ アプリを利用しているユーザーの友達情報を指定件数分返す 件数指定がない場合は10件 キャッシュはしない Return specified amount of the user`s friend information.By default,it will return 10 friends information. No caching. """ path = '/people/%s/@friends' % userid params = {'format': 'json'} params['count'] = limit params['startIndex'] = 1 + limit * (page - 1) data = None if fields: params['fields'] = fields if has_app: params['filterBy'] = 'hasApp' params['filterOp'] = 'equals' params['filterValue'] = 'true' res = self.get_response(userid, path, params=params) if res: try: data = simplejson.loads(res) except TypeError: Log.error(LOG_MSG2, [userid, path, res]) try: data = simplejson.loads(unicode(res, "utf-8", "ignore")) except TypeError: Log.error(LOG_MSG3, [userid, path, res]) except Exception: Log.error(LOG_MSG1, [userid, path, res]) except Exception: Log.error(LOG_MSG1, [userid, path, res]) else: Log.error(LOG_MSG4, [userid, path, res]) if data == None: data = {'error': True, 'entry': [], 'totalResults': '0', 'itemsPerPage': '0', 'startIndex': '1' } return data
def send_action(self, request, queryset): if len(queryset) == 1: # 送信? message_info = queryset[0] Log.debug(queryset[0]) message_info.send_message(request) url = message_info.url if not url: url = '/m/' self.message_user(request, u'メッセージ[%s:%s](%s)は送信されました。' % (message_info.title, message_info.body, url)) else: self.message_user(request, u'メッセージは一つだけ選択してください。') pass
def oauth_timeout_response(request): """ For Gree """ request.session.flush() ctxt = _oauth_reauth_context(request) if request.device.is_ios and'^6', request.device.version): Log.debug("[Method] oauth_timeout_response ios6 ") return HttpResponseForbidden( render_to_string('root/auth_redirect.html', ctxt)) else: Log.debug("[Method] oauth_timeout_response ") return HttpResponseForbidden( render_to_string(settings.SMARTPHONE_ERROR_TEMPLATE, ctxt))
def set_thread_local_session_id(session_id): """ Set Session ID on thread local. セッションIDをスレッドローカルにセットする """ Log.debug(""" ########################################################################## # set_thread_local_session_id ########################################################################## """) global thread_local if thread_local is None: thread_local = threading.local() thread_local.session_id = session_id
def send_action(self, request, queryset): if len(queryset) == 1: # 送信? message_info = queryset[0] Log.debug(queryset[0]) message_info.send_message(request) url = message_info.url if not url: url = '/m/' self.message_user( request, u'メッセージ[%s:%s](%s)は送信されました。' % (message_info.title, message_info.body, url)) else: self.message_user(request, u'メッセージは一つだけ選択してください。') pass
def _set_webview_session(request): Log.debug("_set_webview_session start") Log.debug("session_items before: %s" % request.session.items()) request.session['is_webview'] = True Log.debug("session_items after: %s" % request.session.items()) Log.debug("_set_webview_session end") return True
def get_thread_local_session_id(): """ Get Session ID of thread local. セッションIDをスレッドローカルを取得 """ Log.debug(""" ########################################################################## # get_thread_local_session_id ########################################################################## """) global thread_local if thread_local: return thread_local.session_id return None
def _oauth_reauth_context(request): """ 再認証誘導ページヘリダイレクト """ Log.debug("[Method] _oauth_reauth_context") if settings.OPENSOCIAL_SANDBOX: domain = '' else: domain = '' app_url = 'http://{}{}'.format(settings.SITE_DOMAIN, request.path) provider_url = 'http://{}/{}?url={}'.format(domain, settings.APP_ID, urllib.quote(app_url, '~')) return RequestContext(request, { 'message': u'ユーザー認証が失敗しました。もう一度ログインしてください。', 'back_url': provider_url, })
def _oauth_rekey(request, webview_flag=False): """ Reconfigure the keys for Oauth oauth周りのキーを再設定 """ Log.debug("[Method] _oauth_rekey") Log.debug("[Method] _oauth_rekey webview_flag:%s" % webview_flag) if request.REQUEST.get('opensocial_viewer_id', None): Log.debug("[Method] _oauth_rekey flush session") request.session.flush() request.session['opensocial_userid'] = request.REQUEST[ 'opensocial_viewer_id'] request.session['oauth_token'] = request.REQUEST['oauth_token'] request.session['oauth_token_secret'] = request.REQUEST[ 'oauth_token_secret'] request.session.set_expiry(60 * 30) if webview_flag: Log.debug("[Method] _oauth_rekey _set_webview_session") _set_webview_session(request) # Send information about WebView application to app_usr_agent # WebViewアプリ情報をapp_user_agentに # app_user_agent = request.REQUEST.get('X-GREE-User-Agent', '') #いらない # request.session['app_user_agent'] = # if request.device.is_webview: # request.session['is_webview'] = True request.session_id = request.session.session_key # display "the authorization success screen" # 認証成功画面を表示 ctx = RequestContext( request, { 'scid': request.session_id, 'next_path': request.path, 'is_webview': request.device.is_webview, 'get_dict': request.GET, 'post_dict': request.POST, }) device = get_current_device() if device.is_webview: return None res = render_to_response(settings.SMARTPHONE_AUTH_SUCCESS_TEMPLATE, ctx) res.set_cookie(settings.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, request.session_id) # check again # 心配なのでもう一つチェック _security_set(request, res) return res
def get_osuser(opensocial_user_id, request=None): """ osuser を opensocial_user_id から取得。該当者がいない場合は None 24時間で自動的にキャッシュがきれる筈なので、その間隔で更新する """ #リクエストキャッシュ 1リクエスト内で同じget_osuser を複数回実行しない if request is not None: Log.debug('[OPENSOCIAL] get_osuser: call. useid=%s' % opensocial_user_id) request_cache = getattr(request, '_get_osuser_cache', {}) if opensocial_user_id in request_cache: Log.debug('[OPENSOCIAL] get_osuser: request_cache hit. useid=%s' % opensocial_user_id) return request_cache[opensocial_user_id] osuser = cache.get(OpenSocialUser.get_cache_key(opensocial_user_id)) if osuser is None or (hasattr(osuser, 'friend_cache') and osuser.friend_cache): # キャッシュに存在しないか存在してもfriendの場合 # キャッシュに存在しない場合、タイムアウトしたならPeople APIを再度呼び出してキャッシュする # モデルに存在しない場合は新規作成 update_profile_result = False try: # 存在確認だけ osuser = OpenSocialUser.objects.partition(opensocial_user_id).get(userid=opensocial_user_id) update_profile_result = osuser.update_profile(request) # GET でPeople APIを呼び出して更新する except OpenSocialUser.DoesNotExist: # 初作成の筈(set_cacheは内部で行われない) try: osuser = OpenSocialUser.objects.partition(opensocial_user_id).create(userid=opensocial_user_id) update_profile_result = osuser.update_profile(request) # GET でPeople APIを呼び出して更新する except IntegrityError: # duplicateすることがある return osuser if update_profile_result: osuser.set_cache() if request is not None: request_cache[opensocial_user_id] = osuser request._get_osuser_cache = request_cache return osuser # 以前の実装 path = OpenSocialUser.get_cache_key(opensocial_user_id) osuser = cache.get(path, None) if osuser is None: # キャッシュに存在しない try: osuser = OpenSocialUser.objects.partition(opensocial_user_id).get(userid=opensocial_user_id) osuser.set_cache() except OpenSocialUser.DoesNotExist: osuser = None return osuser
def get_gree_thumbnail_url(self, size_type=IMG_NORMAL): """ 指定したSIZE TYPEのイメージURLを返す """ #self.delete_cache_thumbnail_list() if settings.OPENSOCIAL_DEBUG: url = self.LOCAL_THMBNAIL_MAPS[size_type] else: size = self.THUMBNAIL_MAPS[size_type] url_list = self.get_or_cache_thumbnail_list() try: url = url_list[size] except: url = None Log.debug("thumbnail_url(%s): %s" % (size, url)) return url
def create_hashed_debug_user_id(request): """ Creates User-id randomly from request. Combining HTTP_USER_AGENT and REMOTE_ADDR will create unique id. *This is not the decorator.oauth_signature_required will call it. requestから、ランダムなユーザーIDを作成する。 HTTP_USER_AGENTと、REMOTE_ADDRから一意なIDを生成。 ※デコレータでは無い。oauth_signature_required から呼ばれる。 """ Log.debug("[Method] create_hashed_debug_user_id") bulk_user_id = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT') hashed_debug_osuser_number = int(hashlib.sha1(bulk_user_id).hexdigest()[5:11], 16) hashed_debug_osuser_number %= 100000000 opensocial_debug_user_id = hashed_debug_osuser_number + 9900000000 return str(opensocial_debug_user_id)
def _get_opensocial_viewer(self, request): """ requestから「opensocial_viewer_id」を取得する """ if hasattr(request, 'opensocial_viewer_id'): opensocial_viewer_id = request.opensocial_viewer_id else: opensocial_viewer_id = request.REQUEST.get('opensocial_viewer_id', None) if not opensocial_viewer_id: if 'opensocial_userid' in request.session: opensocial_viewer_id = request.session['opensocial_userid'] else: raise SessionError('opensocial_userid is not in session.') Log.debug("_get_opensocial_viewer id: %s" % opensocial_viewer_id) Log.debug("_get_opensocial_viewer session: %s" % request.session) return opensocial_viewer_id
def _is_need_oauth_check_query(request): """ oauth_check_queryが必要かを判定 output True: 必要 False: 不必要 """ Log.debug("[Method] _is_need_oauth_check_query") must_path_list = getattr(settings, 'OAUTH_MUST_PATH_QUERY', []) path = request.path for p in must_path_list: if path.startswith(p): return True return False
def set_cache(cls, cache_key, cache_value, timeout=None): """ キャッシュにセットする アプリ側のsettingsのtimeoutがあれば使う なければgsocialのsettingのtimeoutを使う """ if timeout == None: # ここは普通のif文に変更した方がよいかも try: timeout = settings.GSOCIAL_CACHE_TIMEOUT except AttributeError:'GSOCIAL_CACHE_TIMEOUT isn\'t in settings.', timeout) timeout = DEFALT_CACHE_TIMEOUT Log.debug('Check timeout.', timeout) cache.set(cache_key, cache_value, timeout)
def create_message(request, params): """ create_message """ Log.debug("[Method] create_message") host = request.get_host() host = host.split(',')[0] base_url = request.is_secure( ) and 'https://' or 'http://' + host + request.path oauth_request = Request2(request.method, base_url, params) message = '&'.join(( oauth.escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_http_method()), oauth.escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_http_url()), oauth.escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_parameters()), )) return message
def _get_opensocial_viewer(self, request): """ requestから「opensocial_viewer_id」を取得する """ if hasattr(request, 'opensocial_viewer_id'): opensocial_viewer_id = request.opensocial_viewer_id else: opensocial_viewer_id = request.REQUEST.get( 'opensocial_viewer_id', None) if not opensocial_viewer_id: if 'opensocial_userid' in request.session: opensocial_viewer_id = request.session['opensocial_userid'] else: raise SessionError('opensocial_userid is not in session.') Log.debug("_get_opensocial_viewer id: %s" % opensocial_viewer_id) Log.debug("_get_opensocial_viewer session: %s" % request.session) return opensocial_viewer_id
def send_message(self, request): Log.debug('send_message Base.') # 自身の持つデータを全員に送信する #opensocial_users = OpenSocialUser.objects.all() player_list = DailyAccessLog.objects.all().values('osuser_id').distinct() send_player_list = [] for player_dict in player_list: send_player_list.append(player_dict['osuser_id']) #message = Message(request) #container = osrequest.Container(request) #for opensocial_user in opensocial_users: for user in send_player_list: # 全員に自身のメッセージを送信 #message.send(None, opensocial_user.userid, self.title, self.body, self.url) Message().send(None, user, self.title, self.body, self.url)
def create_hashed_debug_user_id(request): """ Creates User-id randomly from request. Combining HTTP_USER_AGENT and REMOTE_ADDR will create unique id. *This is not the decorator.oauth_signature_required will call it. requestから、ランダムなユーザーIDを作成する。 HTTP_USER_AGENTと、REMOTE_ADDRから一意なIDを生成。 ※デコレータでは無い。oauth_signature_required から呼ばれる。 """ Log.debug("[Method] create_hashed_debug_user_id") bulk_user_id = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT') hashed_debug_osuser_number = int( hashlib.sha1(bulk_user_id).hexdigest()[5:11], 16) hashed_debug_osuser_number %= 100000000 opensocial_debug_user_id = hashed_debug_osuser_number + 9900000000 return str(opensocial_debug_user_id)
def _oauth_rekey(request, webview_flag=False): """ Reconfigure the keys for Oauth oauth周りのキーを再設定 """ Log.debug("[Method] _oauth_rekey") Log.debug("[Method] _oauth_rekey webview_flag:%s" % webview_flag) if request.REQUEST.get('opensocial_viewer_id', None): Log.debug("[Method] _oauth_rekey flush session") request.session.flush() request.session['opensocial_userid'] = request.REQUEST['opensocial_viewer_id'] request.session['oauth_token'] = request.REQUEST['oauth_token'] request.session['oauth_token_secret'] = request.REQUEST['oauth_token_secret'] request.session.set_expiry(60 * 30) if webview_flag: Log.debug("[Method] _oauth_rekey _set_webview_session") _set_webview_session(request) # Send information about WebView application to app_usr_agent # WebViewアプリ情報をapp_user_agentに # app_user_agent = request.REQUEST.get('X-GREE-User-Agent', '') #いらない # request.session['app_user_agent'] = # if request.device.is_webview: # request.session['is_webview'] = True request.session_id = request.session.session_key # display "the authorization success screen" # 認証成功画面を表示 ctx = RequestContext(request, { 'scid': request.session_id, 'next_path': request.path, 'is_webview': request.device.is_webview, 'get_dict': request.GET, 'post_dict': request.POST, }) device = get_current_device() if device.is_webview: return None res = render_to_response(settings.SMARTPHONE_AUTH_SUCCESS_TEMPLATE, ctx) res.set_cookie(settings.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, request.session_id) # check again # 心配なのでもう一つチェック _security_set(request, res) return res