Ejemplo n.º 1
def write_cocktail_instructions_return_next_row(
        cocktail_recipe: CocktailRecipe,
        ws: gspread.Worksheet = None,
        row: int = None) -> int:
    Writes a cocktail_recipe recipe into a google sheet worksheet.
        0, 0, 0,
        Cocktail name,
        Instruction 1,
        Instruction limit
    The cocktail has a separator line after the previous entry in the
    worksheet, unless the worksheet is empty.
    :param ws: The worksheet where to write the cocktail_recipe to
    :param cocktail_recipe: The cocktail_recipe recipe to write
    :param row: the row the entries should populate from
    :return: The next empty row below the instructions for this cocktail.
    current_row = write_cocktail_header_return_next_row(
        cocktail_recipe, ws, row)
    for instruction in cocktail_recipe.get_instructions():
        ws.update_cell(current_row, 2, instruction)
        current_row += 1
    return current_row
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def apply_to_sheet(self, worksheet: gspread.Worksheet):
        Update the specified Google Sheet worksheet by altering the row
        corresponding to this update's edited message.
        # Find existing cell with the same ID
            cell = worksheet.find(self.message_id)
        except gspread.CellNotFound:
            logger.error(f"Failed to edit message with id={self.message_id} - original message not found in sheet.")

        if not cell.col == ColumnHeaders['MessageID'].value:
            logger.error(f"Failed to edit message with id={self.message_id} - no message with same ID found.")

        # Get column value where the message is stored
        message_cell_col = ColumnHeaders['Message'].value
        # Get column value where edited timestamp is stored
        edited_timestamp_cell_col = ColumnHeaders['LastEdited'].value

        # Updated the cells with new edits
        worksheet.update_cell(cell.row, message_cell_col, self.message)
        worksheet.update_cell(cell.row, edited_timestamp_cell_col, self.edit_timestamp.isoformat())

        # Prints success to console
        logger.info(f"Cells ({cell.row}, {message_cell_col}), ({cell.row}, {edited_timestamp_cell_col}) updated")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def update_date(self,
                 ws: Worksheet,
                 env: Env,
                 prog: TestProgress,
                 date: Optional[datetime] = None):
     ws.update_cell(self.id + 1,
                    self.columns.index(f'{env.name}_{prog.name}') + 1,
                    date.strftime(self.date_fmt) if date else '')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def write_separator_line(ws: gspread.Worksheet, separator_row_index: int,
                         width: int, separator: Union[str, int]) -> None:
    Writes a separator line to mark the start of a new entry.
    :param ws: Worksheet to write the line to
    :param separator_row_index: index of the row to write the line in
    :param width: How many cells should be written to in the given row
    :param separator: The value which to fills the cells with
    :return: None
    for col in range(1, width + 1):
        ws.update_cell(separator_row_index, col, separator)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def write_cocktail_names_based_on_ingredient_return_next_row(
        ingredient: str,
        ws: gspread.Worksheet,
        limit: int = 1) -> int:
    :param ingredient: The main ingredient of the drinks whose name to write.
    :param ws: The worksheet to insert the drink name to
    :param next_empty_row: If known, the next empty row where to write the drink names to.
    :param limit: The maximum number of drink names to write for the given ingredient.
    :return: The next empty row below where the drink names were written.
    current_row = write_ingredient_header_return_next_row(
        ingredient, ws, next_empty_row)
    for cocktail in get_drinks_based_on_ingredient(ingredient, limit):
        ws.update_cell(current_row, 2, cocktail.get_name())
        current_row += 1
    return current_row
Ejemplo n.º 6
def write_cocktail_ingredients_into_spreadsheet_return_next_row(
        cocktail_recipe: CocktailRecipe,
        ws: gspread.Worksheet,
        next_empty_row=None) -> int:
    Inserts the cocktail_recipe recipe into the bottom of the spreadsheet.
    The first entry in the row is the
    :param cocktail_recipe: The cocktail_recipe recipe to insert into the spreadsheet.
    :param ws: The worksheet to insert the cocktail_recipe to
    :param next_empty_row: If known, the next empty row where to write the ingredients to.
    :return The next empty row below the current row.
    current_row = write_cocktail_header_return_next_row(
        cocktail_recipe, ws, next_empty_row)
    for ingredient, amount in cocktail_recipe.get_ingredients().items():
        ws.update_cell(current_row, 2, ingredient)
        ws.update_cell(current_row, 3, amount)
        current_row += 1
    return current_row
Ejemplo n.º 7
def write_cocktail_header_return_next_row(cocktail_recipe: CocktailRecipe,
                                          ws: gspread.Worksheet,
                                          row: int = None):
    Writes a separator line and drink name into the spreadsheet at the next available row
    :param cocktail_recipe: Recipe to which to write the header for.
    :param ws: Worksheet that should be written to.
    :param row: Row which to write the header into.
    :return: The rwo below the cocktail header
    top_margin_row = 3
    current_row = row
    if row is None:
        current_row = find_next_empty_row_index(ws)
    if current_row >= top_margin_row:
        write_separator_line(ws, current_row, width=3, separator="0")
        current_row += 1
    ws.update_cell(current_row, 1, cocktail_recipe.get_name())
    current_row += 1
    return current_row
Ejemplo n.º 8
def write_ingredient_header_return_next_row(ingredient: str,
                                            ws: gspread.Worksheet,
                                            row: int = None):
    Writes a separator line and ingredient name into the spreadsheet at the next available row.
    If no row is given, it finds the next empty row in the worksheet.
    :param ingredient: The ingredient of the drinks
    :param ws: Worksheet that should be written to.
    :param row: Row which to write the header to.
    :return: The row below the ingredient header.
    top_margin_row = 3
    current_row = row
    if current_row is None:
        current_row = find_next_empty_row_index(ws)
    if current_row >= top_margin_row:
        write_separator_line(ws, current_row, width=2, separator="0")
        current_row += 1
    ws.update_cell(current_row, 1, ingredient)
    current_row += 1
    return current_row
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_gsheet_cells(row, cursheet: gspread.Worksheet, line_num) -> None:
    (helper) Paste values found in tracker_listings to the Needs Review Tracker

    row : pandas Series
        The current row in the tracker_listings dataframe
    cursheet : gspread.Worksheet
        The current sheet. This should always be 'Needs Review Tracker'
    line_num : TYPE
        The index of the Needs Review Tracker where there is a blank value.
        This is based off of the length of the 'Date Assigned' column of the
        Needs Review Tracker


    line_num += row[3]  # To go to the next row, according to the Priority Rank value
    cursheet.update_cell(line_num, 8, row[0])  # Date Assigned
    cursheet.update_cell(line_num, 10, row[1])  # client_id
    cursheet.update_cell(line_num, 13, row[2])  # total_sales
    cursheet.update_cell(line_num, 14, row[3])  # Priority Rank
    cursheet.update_cell(line_num, 15, row[4])  # Count - Priority Items
    time.sleep(5)  # Necessary, otherwise it'll throw an error from running too fast
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def update_state(self, ws: Worksheet, s: State, env: Env):
     ws.update_cell(self.id + 1,
                    self.columns.index(f'{env.name}_state') + 1, s.name)
     ws.update_cell(self.id + 1,
                    self.columns.index('machine') + 1, socket.gethostname())