def get_google_spread_sheet(spread_sheet_name, site_name): ''' Function that uses gspread_pandas to get a spreadsheet from google sheets and place it into a dataframe. See for more details. :param spread_sheet_name: The name of the google spreadsheet to pull :param site_name: The specific tab that you want to work with within the spread sheet. :return: Returns a google sheet in a pandas dataframe. ''' #Make sure the the objects are strings. Useful in cases where a site name may be an integer. spread_sheet_name = str(spread_sheet_name) site_name = str(site_name) print("Pulling the Google sheet...") #Start a timer to see how long it takes. # start = timer() #Try to pull the sheet, which requires having a functioning api token. try: spread = gspread_pandas.Spread(str(spread_sheet_name)) url = str(spread.url) print("Retrieved {} from:\n".format(str(spread_sheet_name))) print(" ", url) spread.open_sheet(str(site_name)) print("Converting to data frame...") df = spread.sheet_to_df(header_rows=1) print('Data frame size is {rows} rows and {columns} columns'.format( columns=int(df.shape[1]), rows=int(df.shape[0]))) # end = timer() except: print("Couldn't retrieve google spread sheet {}".format(site_name)) # elapsed = abs(start - end) # print("Operation took: {:10.4f} seconds".format((float(elapsed)))) return df
def push_to_docs(df, email, book_name, sheet_name): print("Pushing to docs .... ") spread = gspread_pandas.Spread(email, book_name, sheet_name) spread_df = spread.sheet_to_df() spread_df = spread_df.append(df) spread.df_to_sheet(spread_df) #tab = workbook.fetch_tab(sheet_name) #tab.insert_data(df) return None
def write_to_sheet(outfile, credentials_path): df = pd.read_csv(outfile) spread = gspread_pandas.Spread( config.SPREADSHEET_ID, config=gspread_pandas.conf.get_config(file_name=credentials_path)) spread.df_to_sheet(df, index=False, sheet='Sheet1', start='A1', replace=True) return
je_folder = [ file['id'] for file in file_list if file['title'] == 'Jakub Eichler - mentoring' ][0] file_list = drive.ListFile({ 'q': f"'{je_folder}' in parents and trashed=false" }).GetList() #[print(e['title']) for e in file_list] sql_folder = [file['id'] for file in file_list if file['title'] == 'SQL'][0] file_list = drive.ListFile({ 'q': f"'{sql_folder}' in parents and trashed=false" }).GetList() #[print(e['title']) for e in file_list] sql_tutorial_db_sheet = [ file['id'] for file in file_list if file['title'] == 'sql_tutorial_db' ][0] sql_tutorial_db_sheet = gp.Spread(sql_tutorial_db_sheet, creds=credentials) sql_tutorial_db_sheet.sheets sql_letters = sql_tutorial_db_sheet.sheet_to_df(sheet='letters', index=0) sql_people = sql_tutorial_db_sheet.sheet_to_df(sheet='people', index=0) sql_cities = sql_tutorial_db_sheet.sheet_to_df(sheet='cities', index=0) #%% create a sql database and upload tables connection = sqlite3.connect('je_tutorial.db') cursor = connection.cursor() sql_letters.to_sql('letters', connection, if_exists='replace', index=False) sql_people.to_sql('people', connection, if_exists='replace', index=False) sql_cities.to_sql('cities', connection, if_exists='replace', index=False) connection.close()
# --- Structures for supported distributors --- # unsupported_items = {'Unsupported Distributors': []} digikey_items = { 'Link': [], 'Part': [], 'Price': [], 'Description': [], 'Detailed Description': [] } # --- Load in links --- # spreadsheet = gspread_pandas.Spread('GLV BOM', config=c) urls = fio.read_urls(spreadsheet) # --- Get distributors --- # data = list() # Final list of all dataframes for url in urls: dstbtr = get_distributer(url) if (dstbtr == 'digikey'): digi_item = items.DigiKeyItem(url)
def get_price_history_df(end_date=today_date, start_date="2000-01-01"): import gspread_pandas # worksheet = gspread_pandas.Spread("stocks", "DJP stocks") #TODO: Create a better way to save this config worksheet_config = { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "djp-portfolio", "private_key_id": "669cd846c30e067d26d504007addfa5ad4c5bd03", "private_key": os.environ.get("GS_API_KEY"), "client_email": "*****@*****.**", "client_id": "107324578022794643121", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" } import pdb pdb.set_trace() worksheet = gspread_pandas.Spread( "stocks", "DJP stocks", config={ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "djp-portfolio", "private_key_id": "669cd846c30e067d26d504007addfa5ad4c5bd03", "private_key": os.environ.get("GS_API_KEY"), "client_email": "*****@*****.**", "client_id": "107324578022794643121", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" }) worksheet.open_sheet("Price history") history_sheet = worksheet.sheet_to_df(index=0) history_sheet["date"] = pd.to_datetime(history_sheet["date"], format="%Y-%m-%d") history_sheet["price"] = history_sheet["price"].apply(float) history_sheet["units"] = history_sheet["units"].apply(float) history_sheet["name"] = history_sheet["stock"].str.split(":").str[1] history_sheet["value"] = history_sheet.apply( lambda row: row["price"] * row["units"], axis=1) return history_sheet[(history_sheet["date"] >= start_date) & (history_sheet["date"] <= end_date)]
sh.share(json.load(open('secret_key.json'))["client_email"], perm_type='user', role='writer') # Add a worksheet to spreadsheet worksheetName = 'work1' try: sh.add_worksheet(title=worksheetName, rows='10', cols='10') except gspread.exceptions.APIError: deleteYN = input( "A worksheet with that name already exists. Type 'y' to delete or 'n' to choose a new name: " ) if deleteYN == 'y': sh.del_worksheet(worksheet=sh.worksheet(title=worksheetName)) elif deleteYN == 'n': worksheetName = input('Enter new worksheet name: ') sh.add_worksheet(title=worksheetName, rows='10', cols='10') else: pass finally: print("No errors.") df = af.parse10k() spread = gspread_pandas.Spread(json.load( open('secret_key.json'))["client_email"], spreadsheetName, config=json.load(open('secret_key.json'))) spread.df_to_sheet(df=df, index=False, sheet='work1', start='A1', replace=True)
# authorization - wklejasz linki api google do przestrzeni w jakich chcesz operować, jest tego w opór na stronie googla scopes = [ '', # odpowiada za edycję arkuszy '' # odpowiada za operacje na plikach i folderach na dysku ] # credentials z google cloud manager, ta opcja dla cos tam usługi credentials = Credentials.from_service_account_file( r"C:/Users/Cezary/Documents/IBL-PAN-Python/pythonsheets-credentials.json", scopes=scopes) gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) #Translation test s = gp.Spread('1t_-_cxUzvRG2iYyKN6WMXmk7wxC9imnrFfowYJ8oIWo', creds=credentials) s.sheets df = s.sheet_to_df(sheet='multiple volumes', index=0) # nazwa arkusza i id folderu, gdzie ma się pojawić, wczeniej trzeba udostepnić ten folder dla mejla usługi z pliku json credentials sheet = gc.create('test', '1DjHGgS7rpWniyIY9FctYg60qkVtUcGpF') s = gp.Spread(, creds=credentials) s s.sheets s.url s.df_to_sheet(artykuly, sheet='trzeci') df = s.sheet_to_df(sheet='trzeci', index=0)
results_data = get_results_data(basedir=args.base_dir, pattern=args.file_pattern) results_data.to_csv(args.output_fpath, index=False) # below code stores as google sheet if args.do_not_save_to_sheets: exit() import gspread_pandas config = gspread_pandas.conf.get_config(args.google_auth_key_dir) client = gspread_pandas.Client(config=config) sheet = gspread_pandas.Spread( spread=args.google_sheets_name, client=client, create_spread=True, ) prev_results = sheet.sheet_to_df(sheet='results') results_data = (prev_results.append(results_data).drop_duplicates( subset='run_name', keep='last')) sheet.df_to_sheet(results_data, index=False, replace=True, sheet='results') # sharing access_sheet = authenticated_users = [ p["emailAddress"] for p in access_sheet.list_permissions() ] for user in args.share_with_users: if user not in authenticated_users: access_sheet.share(user, perm_type="user", role="writer")