Ejemplo n.º 1
import os
import sqlite3
import operator
from pytz import timezone
import pytz


if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    USAGE = """usage: timetable.py inputfile.gtfsdb [calendar start date] 
    If a start date is provided in YYYY-MM-DD format, a calendar will be built for the 32 days following the given date. 
    Otherwise the service calendar will be analyzed and the month with the maximum number of running services will be used."""
    print USAGE

db = GTFSDatabase(sys.argv[1])

out = open("./timetable.dat", "wb")

feed_start_date, feed_end_date = db.date_range()
print 'feed covers %s -- %s' % (feed_start_date, feed_end_date)

# second command line parameter: start date for 32-day calendar
    start_date = date(*map(int, sys.argv[2].split('-')))
    print 'Scanning service calendar to find the month with maximum service.'
    print 'NOTE that this is not necessarily accurate and you can end up with sparse service in the chosen period.'
    start_date = db.find_max_service()
print 'calendar start date is %s' % start_date
Ejemplo n.º 2
# requires graphserver to be installed
from gtfsdb import GTFSDatabase

verbose = False
RADIUS = 800 # meters
OBSTRUCTION = 1.3 # factor to expand straight-line distance
range_lat = RADIUS / 111111.111

if len(sys.argv) < 2 :
    print 'usage: transfers.py infile.gtfsdb [verbose]'
gtfsdb_file = sys.argv[1]
try :
    with open(gtfsdb_file) as f :
        db = GTFSDatabase(gtfsdb_file)    
except IOError as e :
    print 'gtfsdb file "%s" cannot be opened' % gtfsdb_file
if len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == "verbose" :
    verbose = True
# a normal index on lat and lon is sufficiently fast, no need for a spatial index
all_query = "select stop_id, stop_name, stop_lat, stop_lon from stops;"
near_query = """
select stop_id, stop_name, stop_lat, stop_lon from stops where 
stop_lat > (:lat - :range_lat) and stop_lat < (:lat + :range_lat) and
stop_lon > (:lon - :range_lon) and stop_lon < (:lon + :range_lon) ;