Ejemplo n.º 1
def calculate_triangulation_angle_in_degrees(
        camera_1: PinholeCameraCal3Bundler, camera_2: PinholeCameraCal3Bundler,
        point_3d: np.ndarray) -> float:
    """Calculates the angle formed at the 3D point by the rays backprojected from 2 cameras.
    In the setup with X (point_3d) and two cameras C1 and C2, the triangulation angle is the angle between rays C1-X
    and C2-X, i.e. the angle subtendted at the 3d point.
       / \
      /   \
     /     \
    C1      C2
    - https://github.com/colmap/colmap/blob/dev/src/base/triangulation.cc#L122
        camera_1: the first camera.
        camera_2: the second camera.
        point_3d: the 3d point which is imaged by the two camera centers, and where the angle between the light rays 
                  associated with the measurements are computed.
        the angle formed at the 3d point, in degrees.
    camera_center_1: np.ndarray = camera_1.pose().translation()
    camera_center_2: np.ndarray = camera_2.pose().translation()

    # compute the two rays
    ray_1 = point_3d - camera_center_1
    ray_2 = point_3d - camera_center_2

    return geometry_utils.compute_relative_unit_translation_angle(
        Unit3(ray_1), Unit3(ray_2))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def compute_keypoint_intersections(
        keypoints: Keypoints,
        gt_camera: PinholeCameraCal3Bundler,
        gt_scene_mesh: Trimesh,
        verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Computes intersections between ground truth surface mesh and rays originating from image keypoints.

        keypoints: N keypoints computed in image.
        gt_camera: ground truth camera.
        gt_scene_mesh: ground truth triangular surface mesh.

        keypoint_ind: (M,) array of keypoint indices whose corresponding ray intersected the ground truth mesh.
        intersections_locations: (M, 3), array of ray intersection locations.
    num_kpts = len(keypoints)
    src = np.repeat(gt_camera.pose().translation().reshape((-1, 3)),
                    axis=0)  # At_i1A
    drc = np.asarray([
        gt_camera.backproject(keypoints.coordinates[i], depth=1.0) - src[i, :]
        for i in range(num_kpts)
    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    intersections, keypoint_ind, _ = gt_scene_mesh.ray.intersects_location(
        src, drc, multiple_hits=False)
    if verbose:
        logger.debug("Case %d rays in %.6f seconds.", num_kpts,
                     timeit.default_timer() - start_time)

    return keypoint_ind, intersections
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calculate_triangulation_angles_in_degrees(
        camera_1: PinholeCameraCal3Bundler, camera_2: PinholeCameraCal3Bundler,
        points_3d: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Vectorized. calculuation of the angles formed at 3D points by the rays backprojected from 2 cameras.
    In the setup with X (point_3d) and two cameras C1 and C2, the triangulation angle is the angle between rays C1-X
    and C2-X, i.e. the angle subtendted at the 3d point.
       / \
      /   \
     /     \
    C1      C2
    - https://github.com/colmap/colmap/blob/dev/src/base/triangulation.cc#L122
        camera_1: the first camera.
        camera_2: the second camera.
        points_3d: (N,3) 3d points which are imaged by the two camera centers, and where the angle between the
                  light rays associated with the measurements are computed.
        the angles formed at the 3d points, in degrees.

    camera_center_1: np.ndarray = camera_1.pose().translation()
    camera_center_2: np.ndarray = camera_2.pose().translation()

    N = points_3d.shape[0]
    # ensure broadcasting is in the correct direction
    rays1 = points_3d - camera_center_1.reshape(1, 3)
    rays2 = points_3d - camera_center_2.reshape(1, 3)

    # normalize rays to unit length
    rays1 /= np.linalg.norm(rays1, axis=1).reshape(N, 1)
    rays2 /= np.linalg.norm(rays2, axis=1).reshape(N, 1)

    dot_products = np.multiply(rays1, rays2).sum(axis=1)
    dot_products = np.clip(dot_products, -1, 1)
    angles_rad = np.arccos(dot_products)
    angles_deg = np.rad2deg(angles_rad)
    return angles_deg