Ejemplo n.º 1
    def assemble_data(self):
        """Assemble the data required for the auto-analysis.

        See the docstring for auto_analyses.relax_fit for details.  All data is taken from the relax data store, so data upload from the GUI to there must have been previously performed.

        @return:    A container with all the data required for the auto-analysis.
        @rtype:     class instance, list of str

        # The data container.
        data = Container()
        missing = []

        # The pipe name and bundle.
        data.pipe_name = self.data.pipe_name
        data.pipe_bundle = self.data.pipe_bundle

        # The frequency.
        frq = gui_to_str(self.field_nmr_frq.GetValue())
        if frq == None:
            missing.append('NMR frequency')

        # File root.
        data.file_root = '%s.%s' % (self.analysis_type, frq)

        # Check if sequence data is loaded
        if not exists_mol_res_spin_data():
            missing.append("Sequence data")

        # Spectral data.
        if not hasattr(cdp, 'spectrum_ids') or len(cdp.spectrum_ids) < 3:
            missing.append("Spectral data")

        # Increment size.
        data.inc = gui_to_int(self.grid_inc.GetValue())

        # The number of Monte Carlo simulations to be used for error analysis at the end of the analysis.
        data.mc_sim_num = gui_to_int(self.mc_sim_num.GetValue())

        # Results directory.
        data.save_dir = self.data.save_dir

        # Return the container and list of missing data.
        return data, missing
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def assemble_data(self):
        """Assemble the data required for the Auto_noe class.

        @return:    A container with all the data required for the auto-analysis.
        @rtype:     class instance, list of str

        # The data container.
        data = Container()
        missing = []

        # The pipe name and bundle.
        data.pipe_name = self.data.pipe_name
        data.pipe_bundle = self.data.pipe_bundle

        # The frequency.
        frq = gui_to_str(self.field_nmr_frq.GetValue())
        if frq == None:
            missing.append('NMR frequency')

        # Filename.
        data.file_root = 'noe.%s' % frq

        # Results directory.
        data.save_dir = self.data.save_dir

        # Check if sequence data is loaded
        if not exists_mol_res_spin_data():
            missing.append("Sequence data")

        # Spectral data.
        if not hasattr(cdp, 'spectrum_ids') or len(cdp.spectrum_ids) < 2:
            missing.append("Spectral data")

        # Return the container and list of missing data.
        return data, missing
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def assemble_data(self):
        """Assemble the data required for the auto-analysis.

        See the docstring for auto_analyses.dauvernge_protocol for details.  All data is taken from the relax data store, so data upload from the GUI to there must have been previously performed.

        @return:    A container with all the data required for the auto-analysis.
        @rtype:     class instance, list of str

        # The data container.
        data = Container()
        missing = []

        # The pipe name and bundle.
        data.pipe_name = self.data.pipe_name
        data.pipe_bundle = self.data.pipe_bundle

        # The model-free models (do not change these unless absolutely necessary).
        data.local_tm_models = self.local_tm_model_field.GetValue()
        data.mf_models = self.mf_model_field.GetValue()

        # Automatic looping over all rounds until convergence (must be a boolean value of True or False).
        data.conv_loop = True

        # Increment size.
        data.inc = gui_to_int(self.grid_inc.GetValue())
        if hasattr(self.data, 'diff_tensor_grid_inc'):
            data.diff_tensor_grid_inc = self.data.diff_tensor_grid_inc
            data.diff_tensor_grid_inc = {
                'sphere': 11,
                'prolate': 11,
                'oblate': 11,
                'ellipsoid': 6

        # The number of Monte Carlo simulations to be used for error analysis at the end of the analysis.
        data.mc_sim_num = gui_to_int(self.mc_sim_num.GetValue())

        # Number of maximum iterations.
        data.max_iter = self.data.max_iter

        # Results directory.
        data.save_dir = self.data.save_dir

        # Check if sequence data is loaded
        if not exists_mol_res_spin_data():
            missing.append("Sequence data")

        # Relaxation data.
        if not hasattr(cdp, 'ri_ids') or len(cdp.ri_ids) == 0:
            missing.append("Relaxation data")

        # Insufficient data.
        if hasattr(cdp, 'ri_ids') and len(cdp.ri_ids) <= 3:
                "Insufficient relaxation data, 4 or more data sets are essential for the execution of the dauvergne_protocol auto-analysis. Check that you have entered data for a least two spectrometer fields."

        # Interatomic data containers.
        if not hasattr(cdp, 'interatomic') or len(cdp.interatomic) == 0:
                "Interatomic data (for the dipole-dipole interaction)")

        # Get the mode.
        mode = gui_to_str(self.mode.GetValue())

        # Solve for all global models.
        if mode == 'Fully automated':
            # The global model list.
            data.global_models = [
                'local_tm', 'sphere', 'prolate', 'oblate', 'ellipsoid', 'final'

        # Any global model selected.
            data.global_models = [mode]

        # Check for vectors.
        vector_check = False
        if 'prolate' in data.global_models or 'oblate' in data.global_models or 'ellipsoid' in data.global_models:
            vector_check = True

        # Spin variables.
        for spin, spin_id in spin_loop(return_id=True):
            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spin.select:

            # The message skeleton.
            msg = "Spin '%s' - %s (try the %s user function)." % (spin_id,
                                                                  "%s", "%s")

            # Test if the nuclear isotope type has been set.
            if not hasattr(spin, 'isotope') or spin.isotope == None:
                missing.append(msg % ("nuclear isotope data", "spin.isotope"))

            # Test if the CSA value has been set for the heteronuclei.
            if (hasattr(spin, 'isotope') and spin.isotope
                    in ['15N', '13C']) and (not hasattr(spin, 'csa')
                                            or spin.csa == None):
                missing.append(msg % ("CSA data", "value.set"))

        # Interatomic data container variables.
        for interatom in interatomic_loop():
            # Get the spin containers.
            spin1 = return_spin(spin_hash=interatom._spin_hash1)
            spin2 = return_spin(spin_hash=interatom._spin_hash2)

            # Skip deselected spins.
            if not spin1.select:
            if not spin2.select:

            # The message skeleton.
            msg = "Spin pair '%s' and '%s' - %s (try the %s user function)." % (
                interatom.spin_id1, interatom.spin_id2, "%s", "%s")

            # Test if the interatomic distance has been set.
            if not hasattr(interatom, 'r') or interatom.r == None:
                missing.append(msg % ("bond length data", "value.set"))

            # Test if the unit vectors have been loaded.
            if vector_check and (not hasattr(interatom, 'vector')
                                 or interatom.vector is None):
                missing.append(msg %
                               ("unit vectors", "interatom.unit_vectors"))

        # Return the container and list of missing data.
        return data, missing
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def assemble_data(self):
        """Assemble the data required for the Auto_noe class.

        @return:    A container with all the data required for the auto-analysis, the missing list, and a list of models that don't match the experiment types.
        @rtype:     class instance, list of str, list of str

        # The data container.
        data = Container()
        missing = []
        model_mismatch = []

        # The pipe name and bundle.
        data.pipe_name = self.data.pipe_name
        data.pipe_bundle = self.data.pipe_bundle

        # Results directories.
        data.save_dir = self.data.save_dir
        data.pre_run_dir = gui_to_str(self.field_pre_run_dir.GetValue())

        # Check if sequence data is loaded
        if not exists_mol_res_spin_data():
            missing.append("Sequence data")

        # Spin variables.
        for spin, spin_id in spin_loop(return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
            # The message skeleton.
            msg = "Spin '%s' - %s (try the %s user function)." % (spin_id, "%s", "%s")

            # Test if the nuclear isotope type has been set.
            if not hasattr(spin, 'isotope') or spin.isotope == None:
                missing.append(msg % ("nuclear isotope data", "spin.isotope"))

        # Spectral data.
        if not hasattr(cdp, 'spectrum_ids') or len(cdp.spectrum_ids) < 2:
            missing.append("Spectral data")

        # The dispersion models.
        data.models = self.model_field.GetValue()

        # Invalid models.
        for model in data.models:
            # Invalid CPMG models.
            if model != MODEL_NOREX and model in MODEL_LIST_CPMG and not has_cpmg_exp_type():
                model_mismatch.append([model, 'CPMG'])

            # Invalid R1rho models.
            if model != MODEL_NOREX and model in MODEL_LIST_R1RHO and not has_r1rho_exp_type():
                model_mismatch.append([model, 'R1rho'])

        # The R1 parameter fitting flag.
        data.r1_fit = self.r1_fit.GetValue()

        # The numeric only solution.
        data.numeric_only = self.numeric_only.GetValue()

        # Increment size.
        data.inc = gui_to_int(self.grid_inc.GetValue())

        # The number of Monte Carlo simulations to be used for error analysis at the end of the analysis.
        data.mc_sim_num = gui_to_int(self.mc_sim_num.GetValue())
        data.exp_mc_sim_num = gui_to_int(self.exp_mc_sim_num.GetValue())
        data.mc_sim_all_models = self.mc_sim_all_models.GetValue()

        # The insignificance level.
        data.insignificance = self.insignificance.GetValue()
            data.insignificance = gui_to_float(data.insignificance)
            missing.append("The insignificance level must be a number.")

        # Optimisation precision.
        data.opt_func_tol = self.opt_func_tol
        data.opt_max_iterations = self.opt_max_iterations

        # Return the container, the list of missing data, and any models that don't match the experiment types.
        return data, missing, model_mismatch