Ejemplo n.º 1
class GuidataView(view.GenericView):
    _CONST_Views = ['Splitter', 'Tabs', 'Standard']

    def __init__(self, viewname = '', viewtype ='Standard', qtapp=None):
        self._app = qtapp
        self._frame = None
        self._parentFrame = None
        self._viewtype = viewtype
        self._groupbox = None
        self._previousValues = OrderedDict()

    def getViewType(self):
        return self._viewtype

    viewtype = property(getViewType, doc='The view type, see _CONST_Views for available views. Readonly')

    def setParentView(self, parentview):
        Set the parent widget associated to this view (GenericView)
        :param parentview:
        if self._parentFrame is not None:
            raise view.ViewInternalError(self, self._viewname, 'Parent was already set')
        # self._parentFrame = parentview.getViewContainer()
        self._parentFrame = parentview

    def show(self):
        # QT Stuff
        if self._app is None:
            self._app = QApplication([])
        if self._parentFrame is None:
            self._parentFrame = QMainWindow()

        # self._parentFrame.setWindowIcon(get_icon('python.png'))

         # Add the frame to this frame
        self._parentFrame.setContentsMargins(10, 5, 10, 5)

        self._previousValues = self._dumpValues()

    def close(self, closeapp=False):
        Implement the close view in the GerericView class, furthermore  close the QT application which this view belongs
        :param closeapp:
        if self._parentFrame is not None:
            del self._parentFrame
        if self._app is not None and closeapp:
            del self._app

    def getFrame(self):
        Return the frame containing the presentation, check if the frame was created, otherwise it is created
        if self._frame is None:
        return self._frame

    def _generateFrame(self):
        Return the frame containing the presentation, check if the frame was created, otherwise it is created
        # generate the frame if necessary
        if self._frame is None:
            # Generate frame and define the layout based on the frame
            self._frame = QFrame(self._parentFrame)
            _layout = QVBoxLayout()

            # Add the "Main" group box for this view, if present. It is rendered in foreground
            if self._generateGroupBox() is not None:

            # Add to layout eventually the other subview
            if self._viewtype == 'Tabs':
                _tabs = QTabWidget()
            elif self._viewtype == 'Splitter':
                _splitter =QSplitter()
                _sub_frame = QFrame()
                _sub_frame_layout = QHBoxLayout()

            # Add all the sub view as sub frames in the layout
            for sw in self._subViewDictionary.values():
                if self._viewtype == 'Tabs':
                    _tabs.addTab(sw.getFrame(), sw.viewname)
                elif self._viewtype == 'Splitter':

        return self._frame

    def _generateGroupBox(self):
        Generate if necessary the group box for this
        if self._groupbox is None:
            # from  widgets create the view containing the datasets
            _dataSetView = self._generateGuidataDataset()
            if len(_dataSetView._items) > 0:
                if self._viewtype == 'Tabs':
                    self._groupbox = DataSetEditGroupBox(self.viewname, _dataSetView, comment='')
                    self._groupbox = DataSetEditGroupBox(self.viewname, _dataSetView, comment='')

        return self._groupbox

    def getViewContainer(self):
        This method must be reimplemented returning the proper window/frame etc.. It is based on the GUI implementation
        :return: a reference to the window container
        return self._parentFrame

    def getQTApp(self):
        Return the associated QT application, which is mandatory for guidata framework
        return self._app

    def addWidget(self, widgetinstance):
        if not isinstance(widgetinstance, GuidataWidget):
            raise view.WrongWidgetClass(self, self._viewname, widgetinstance, GuidataWidget)

    def _dumpValues(self):
        widgetvalue = OrderedDict()

        for n, w in self._widgetDictionary.items():
            # I need to store the widget value and NOT the value returned (for example in a combo box I need to store
            # the index, not the value
            # widgetvalue[n] = w.getWidgetValue()
            widgetvalue[n] = GuidataWidget.convertValueToWidgetValue(w, w.getWidgetValue())

        return widgetvalue

    def _updatedViewHook(self):
        # En Widget ' + str(wtry point for a change...

        differences = {}
        differencesConverted = {}
        dataset = self._groupbox.dataset

        for n, w in self._widgetDictionary.items():
            # if nameProp in  vars(dataset):
            # TODO: workaround,  the mechanism in the guidata framework is not very well documented.
            # TODO: then in order to get the proper value this is collected through the groupbox insteadm the value.
            # So i check in dataset every nameprop
            nameProp = w.name
            actualValue = getattr(dataset, nameProp) #, w.getWidgetValue())
            prevValue   = self._previousValues.get(n)
            logging.debug('--widgetname=' + w.name)

            if not (prevValue == actualValue):
                differences[n] = actualValue
                differencesConverted[n] = GuidataWidget.convertWidgetValueToValue(w, actualValue)
                logging.debug('  DIFFERENCE viewname={0}  prevvalue={1} - newvalue={2}'.format(n, prevValue, actualValue))
                logging.debug('  DIFFERENCE CONVERTED viewname={0}  prevvalue={1} - newvalue={2}'.format
                              (n, GuidataWidget.convertWidgetValueToValue(w, prevValue), differencesConverted[n]))
                logging.debug('  NO DIFFERENCE viewname={0}  prevvalue={1} - newvalue={2}'.format(n, prevValue, actualValue))

        if len(differences):
            self._previousValues = self._dumpValues()
        return differencesConverted

    def _forceRefreshToWidgets(self, widget_to_set):
        A refresh to update the widget with the values stored in the groupbox associated
        This is a workaround relative to the guidata framework. (should be improved)
        if self._groupbox == None:

        #for key, w in self._widgetDictionary.items():
        for wname, valuetoconvert in widget_to_set.items():
            w = self.getWidget(wname)
            if w is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Widget cannot\'t be None')

            # TODO: this is horrible, but need a workaround for guidata to get the value from data set and force it in the GUI
            #valuetoconvert = getattr(self._groupbox.dataset, wname)
            converteddataset = GuidataWidget.convertWidgetValueToValue(w, valuetoconvert)
            logging.debug('For widget['+wname+'] Converted value from '+str(valuetoconvert)+' to ' + str(converteddataset))

            w.setWidgetValue(converteddataset) # Convertire from index to value
            logging.debug('\tValue set is '+str(w.getWidgetValue()))

    def _forceRefreshFromWidgets(self):
        A refresh to update the whole groupbox with the proper value associated in the widget
        A workaround in the bad documented guidata in order to  force the refresh from the data stored in the widget
        if self._groupbox == None:

        for key, w in self._widgetDictionary.items():
            value = w.getWidgetValue()
            valueconverted = w._getGuidataWidgetValue()
            logging.debug('For widget ['+key+'] Converted value from '+str(value)+' to ' + str(valueconverted))
            setattr(self._groupbox.dataset, key, valueconverted)
            logging.debug('\tRead back value  '+str(getattr(self._groupbox.dataset, key)))

        #PROBLEM IN GET!!! se faccio la get nelle combo box setto il valore del ITEM id e non del valore vero
        # in prarice il setattr dovrebbe settare l'ITEM ID per le combo box

    def _userWidgetUpdatedHandler(self, sender):
        # WORKAROUND: the guidata need to be forced to update  the UI if the underlay widget is changed
        if not isinstance(sender, widget.GenericWidget):
            raise view.WrongWidgetClass(self,self.viewname, sender, widget.GenericWidget)


    def _generateGuidataDataset(self):
        class DataSetView(DataSet):
            key = None
            value = None
            for key, value in self._widgetDictionary.items():
                locals()[key] = value.getDataSet()
            del key, value
        return DataSetView