Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_vector(self):
     """test vectorized QR decomposition"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(10, 75, 50))
     for economy in [False, True]:
         for workers in [1, -1]:
             q, r = gulinalg.qr(a, economy=economy, workers=workers)
             res = np.stack([np.dot(q[i], r[i]) for i in range(len(a))])
             assert_allclose(res, a)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_m_lt_n(self):
     """For M < N, return full MxM Q matrix and all M rows of R."""
     m = 50
     n = 75
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(m, n))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, q.T), np.identity(m), atol=1e-15)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_m_lt_n(self):
     """For M < N, return full MxM Q matrix and all M rows of R."""
     m = 50
     n = 75
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(m, n))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, q.T), np.identity(m), atol=1e-15)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_qr_size_one_matrix(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing size 1 matrix"""
     m = 1
     n = 1
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(m, n))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     assert q.shape == (m, n)
     assert r.shape == (n, n)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_m_and_n_zero(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing where m = 0 and n = 0"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(0, 0))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     # q is MxM or MxK (economy mode) and r is MxN or KxN (economy mode)
     # where K = min(M, N). As M = 0, K = 0. so q and r should be empty.
     assert q.shape == (0, 0)
     assert r.shape == (0, 0)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_n_zero(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing where n = 0"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(2, 0))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     # q is MxM or MxK (economy mode) and r is MxN or KxN (economy mode)
     # where K = min(M, N).
     assert q.shape == (2, 2)
     assert r.shape == (2, 0)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_qr_size_one_matrix(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing size 1 matrix"""
     m = 1
     n = 1
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(m, n))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     assert q.shape == (m, n)
     assert r.shape == (n, n)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_fortran_layout_matrix(self):
     """Input matrix is fortran layout matrix"""
     m = 75
     n = 50
     a = np.asfortranarray(np.random.randn(m, n))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a, economy=True)
     assert q.shape == (m, n)
     assert r.shape == (n, n)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_fortran_layout_matrix(self):
     """Input matrix is fortran layout matrix"""
     m = 75
     n = 50
     a = np.asfortranarray(np.random.randn(m, n))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a, economy=True)
     assert q.shape == (m, n)
     assert r.shape == (n, n)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_n_zero(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing where n = 0"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(2, 0))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     # q is MxM or MxK (economy mode) and r is MxN or KxN (economy mode)
     # where K = min(M, N).
     assert q.shape == (2, 2)
     assert r.shape == (2, 0)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_m_and_n_zero(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing where m = 0 and n = 0"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(0, 0))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     # q is MxM or MxK (economy mode) and r is MxN or KxN (economy mode)
     # where K = min(M, N). As M = 0, K = 0. so q and r should be empty.
     assert q.shape == (0, 0)
     assert r.shape == (0, 0)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_input_matrix_non_contiguous(self):
     """Input matrix is not a contiguous matrix"""
     m = 75
     n = 50
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(m, n, 2))[:, :, 0]
     assert not a.flags.c_contiguous and not a.flags.f_contiguous
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a, economy=True)
     assert q.shape == (m, n)
     assert r.shape == (n, n)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_vector_n_zero(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing where n = 0"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(10, 2, 0))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     # q is MxM or MxK (economy mode) and r is MxN or KxN (economy mode)
     # where K = min(M, N).
     assert q.shape == (10, 2, 2)
     assert r.shape == (10, 2, 0)
     res = np.stack([np.dot(q[i], r[i]) for i in range(len(a))])
     assert_allclose(res, a)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_vector_size_one_matrices(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing where m = 1 and n = 1"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(10, 1, 1))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     # q is MxM or MxK (economy mode) and r is MxN or KxN (economy mode)
     # where K = min(M, N). As M = 0, K = 0. so q and r should be empty.
     assert q.shape == (10, 1, 1)
     assert r.shape == (10, 1, 1)
     res = np.stack([np.dot(q[i], r[i]) for i in range(len(a))])
     assert_allclose(res, a)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_vector_n_zero(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing where n = 0"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(10, 2, 0))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     # q is MxM or MxK (economy mode) and r is MxN or KxN (economy mode)
     # where K = min(M, N).
     assert q.shape == (10, 2, 2)
     assert r.shape == (10, 2, 0)
     res = np.stack([np.dot(q[i], r[i]) for i in range(len(a))])
     assert_allclose(res, a)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_vector_size_one_matrices(self):
     """Corner case of decomposing where m = 1 and n = 1"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(10, 1, 1))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     # q is MxM or MxK (economy mode) and r is MxN or KxN (economy mode)
     # where K = min(M, N). As M = 0, K = 0. so q and r should be empty.
     assert q.shape == (10, 1, 1)
     assert r.shape == (10, 1, 1)
     res = np.stack([np.dot(q[i], r[i]) for i in range(len(a))])
     assert_allclose(res, a)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_input_matrix_non_contiguous(self):
     """Input matrix is not a contiguous matrix"""
     m = 75
     n = 50
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(m, n, 2))[:, :, 0]
     assert not a.flags.c_contiguous and not a.flags.f_contiguous
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a, economy=True)
     assert q.shape == (m, n)
     assert r.shape == (n, n)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_m_gt_n_economy(self):
     If M > N, economy mode returns only N columns for Q and N rows for R.
     m = 75
     n = 50
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(m, n))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a, economy=True)
     assert q.shape == (m, n)
     assert r.shape == (n, n)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_m_gt_n_economy(self):
     If M > N, economy mode returns only N columns for Q and N rows for R.
     m = 75
     n = 50
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(m, n))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a, economy=True)
     assert q.shape == (m, n)
     assert r.shape == (n, n)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_infinity_handling(self):
     """Infinity in one output shouldn't contaminate remaining outputs"""
     a = np.array([[[3, 4, 5], [np.inf, 1, 3]], [[3, 4, 5], [2, 1, 3]]])
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     ref_q = np.array([[-0.83205029, -0.5547002], [-0.5547002, 0.83205029]])
     ref_r = np.array([[-3.60555128, -3.88290137, -5.82435206],
                       [0., -1.38675049, -0.2773501]])
     # For infinity input i.e. a[0], expected output in ATLAS, MKL and SCIPY
     # is: [[nan, nan], [nan, nan]]
     # However openblas output is:
     # [[-0.707107, nan], [nan, nan]].
     # As this test checks that infinity in one input should not impact
     # output for second input, comparing output for second is enough.
     assert_allclose(q[1], ref_q)
     assert_allclose(r[1], ref_r)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_infinity_handling(self):
     """Infinity in one output shouldn't contaminate remaining outputs"""
     a = np.array([[[3, 4, 5], [np.inf, 1, 3]],
                   [[3, 4, 5], [2, 1, 3]]])
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     ref_q = np.array([[-0.83205029, -0.5547002],
                       [-0.5547002, 0.83205029]])
     ref_r = np.array([[-3.60555128, -3.88290137, -5.82435206],
                       [0., -1.38675049, -0.2773501]])
     # For infinity input i.e. a[0], expected output in ATLAS, MKL and SCIPY
     # is: [[nan, nan], [nan, nan]]
     # However openblas output is:
     # [[-0.707107, nan], [nan, nan]].
     # As this test checks that infinity in one input should not impact
     # output for second input, comparing output for second is enough.
     assert_allclose(q[1], ref_q)
     assert_allclose(r[1], ref_r)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test_complex_numbers(self):
     """Test for complex numbers input."""
     a = np.array([[1 + 2j, 3 + 4j], [5 + 6j, 7 + -8j]])
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_vector(self):
     """test vectorized QR decomposition"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(10, 75, 50))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     res = np.stack([np.dot(q[i], r[i]) for i in range(len(a))])
     assert_allclose(res, a)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def test_vector(self):
     """test vectorized QR decomposition"""
     a = np.ascontiguousarray(np.random.randn(10, 75, 50))
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     res = np.stack([np.dot(q[i], r[i]) for i in range(len(a))])
     assert_allclose(res, a)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_complex_numbers(self):
     """Test for complex numbers input."""
     a = np.array([[1 + 2j, 3 + 4j], [5 + 6j, 7 + -8j]])
     q, r = gulinalg.qr(a)
     assert_allclose(np.dot(q, r), a)