Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_physics_recovery_kernels(boundary):

    m = IntervalMesh(3, 3)
    mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers=3, layer_height=1.0)

    cell = m.ufl_cell().cellname()
    hori_elt = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)
    vert_elt = FiniteElement("CG", interval, 1)
    theta_elt = TensorProductElement(hori_elt, vert_elt)
    Vt = FunctionSpace(mesh, theta_elt)
    Vt_brok = FunctionSpace(mesh, BrokenElement(theta_elt))

    initial_field = Function(Vt)
    true_field = Function(Vt_brok)
    new_field = Function(Vt_brok)

    initial_field, true_field = setup_values(boundary, initial_field,

    kernel = kernels.PhysicsRecoveryTop(
    ) if boundary == "top" else kernels.PhysicsRecoveryBottom()
    kernel.apply(new_field, initial_field)

    tolerance = 1e-12
    index = 11 if boundary == "top" else 6
    assert abs(true_field.dat.data[index] - new_field.dat.data[index]) < tolerance, \
        "Value at %s from physics recovery is not correct" % boundary
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,

        self.v_DG1 = v_DG1
        self.v_CG1 = v_CG1
        self.v_DG1_old = Function(v_DG1.function_space())
        self.eff_coords = eff_coords

        self.method = method
        mesh = v_CG1.function_space().mesh()
        DG0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
        CG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)

        if DG0.extruded:
            cell = mesh._base_mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
            DG1_hori_elt = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 1, variant="equispaced")
            DG1_vert_elt = FiniteElement("DG",
            DG1_element = TensorProductElement(DG1_hori_elt, DG1_vert_elt)
            cell = mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
            DG1_element = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 1, variant="equispaced")
        DG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, DG1_element)

        self.num_ext = find_domain_boundaries(mesh)

        # check function spaces of functions
        if self.method == Boundary_Method.dynamics:
            if v_CG1.function_space() != CG1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "This boundary recovery method requires v1 to be in CG1.")
            if v_DG1.function_space() != DG1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "This boundary recovery method requires v_out to be in DG1."
            if eff_coords is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Need eff_coords field for dynamics boundary methods')

        elif self.method == Boundary_Method.physics:
            # check that mesh is valid -- must be an extruded mesh
            if not DG0.extruded:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'The physics boundary method only works on extruded meshes'
            # base spaces
            cell = mesh._base_mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
            w_hori = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0, variant="equispaced")
            w_vert = FiniteElement("CG", interval, 1, variant="equispaced")
            # build element
            theta_element = TensorProductElement(w_hori, w_vert)
            # spaces
            Vtheta = FunctionSpace(mesh, theta_element)
            Vtheta_broken = FunctionSpace(mesh, BrokenElement(theta_element))
            if v_CG1.function_space() != Vtheta:
                raise ValueError(
                    "This boundary recovery method requires v_CG1 to be in DG0xCG1 TensorProductSpace."
            if v_DG1.function_space() != Vtheta_broken:
                raise ValueError(
                    "This boundary recovery method requires v_DG1 to be in the broken DG0xCG1 TensorProductSpace."
            raise ValueError(
                "Boundary method should be a Boundary Method Enum object.")

        vec_DG1 = VectorFunctionSpace(DG0.mesh(), DG1_element)
        x = SpatialCoordinate(DG0.mesh())
        self.interpolator = Interpolator(self.v_CG1, self.v_DG1)

        if self.method == Boundary_Method.dynamics:

            # STRATEGY
            # obtain a coordinate field for all the nodes
            self.act_coords = Function(vec_DG1).project(
                x)  # actual coordinates
            self.eff_coords = eff_coords  # effective coordinates
            self.output = Function(DG1)
            self.on_exterior = find_domain_boundaries(mesh)

            self.gaussian_elimination_kernel = kernels.GaussianElimination(DG1)

        elif self.method == Boundary_Method.physics:

            self.bottom_kernel = kernels.PhysicsRecoveryBottom()
            self.top_kernel = kernels.PhysicsRecoveryTop()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,

        self.v_DG1 = v_DG1
        self.v_CG1 = v_CG1
        self.v_DG1_old = Function(v_DG1.function_space())
        self.coords_to_adjust = coords_to_adjust

        self.method = method
        mesh = v_CG1.function_space().mesh()
        VDG0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
        VCG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)

        if VDG0.extruded:
            cell = mesh._base_mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
            DG1_hori_elt = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 1, variant="equispaced")
            DG1_vert_elt = FiniteElement("DG",
            DG1_element = TensorProductElement(DG1_hori_elt, DG1_vert_elt)
            cell = mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
            DG1_element = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 1, variant="equispaced")
        VDG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, DG1_element)

        self.num_ext = Function(VDG0)

        # check function spaces of functions
        if self.method == Boundary_Method.dynamics:
            if v_CG1.function_space() != VCG1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "This boundary recovery method requires v1 to be in CG1.")
            if v_DG1.function_space() != VDG1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "This boundary recovery method requires v_out to be in DG1."
            # check whether mesh is valid
            if mesh.topological_dimension() == 2:
                # if mesh is extruded then we're fine, but if not needs to be quads
                if not VDG0.extruded and mesh.ufl_cell().cellname(
                ) != 'quadrilateral':
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'For 2D meshes this recovery method requires that elements are quadrilaterals'
            elif mesh.topological_dimension() == 3:
                # assume that 3D mesh is extruded
                if mesh._base_mesh.ufl_cell().cellname() != 'quadrilateral':
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'For 3D extruded meshes this recovery method requires a base mesh with quadrilateral elements'
            elif mesh.topological_dimension() != 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'This boundary recovery is implemented only on certain classes of mesh.'
            if coords_to_adjust is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Need coords_to_adjust field for dynamics boundary methods'

        elif self.method == Boundary_Method.physics:
            # check that mesh is valid -- must be an extruded mesh
            if not VDG0.extruded:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'The physics boundary method only works on extruded meshes'
            # base spaces
            cell = mesh._base_mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
            w_hori = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0, variant="equispaced")
            w_vert = FiniteElement("CG", interval, 1, variant="equispaced")
            # build element
            theta_element = TensorProductElement(w_hori, w_vert)
            # spaces
            Vtheta = FunctionSpace(mesh, theta_element)
            Vtheta_broken = FunctionSpace(mesh, BrokenElement(theta_element))
            if v_CG1.function_space() != Vtheta:
                raise ValueError(
                    "This boundary recovery method requires v_CG1 to be in DG0xCG1 TensorProductSpace."
            if v_DG1.function_space() != Vtheta_broken:
                raise ValueError(
                    "This boundary recovery method requires v_DG1 to be in the broken DG0xCG1 TensorProductSpace."
            raise ValueError(
                "Boundary method should be a Boundary Method Enum object.")

        VuDG1 = VectorFunctionSpace(VDG0.mesh(), DG1_element)
        x = SpatialCoordinate(VDG0.mesh())
        self.interpolator = Interpolator(self.v_CG1, self.v_DG1)

        if self.method == Boundary_Method.dynamics:

            # STRATEGY
            # obtain a coordinate field for all the nodes
            self.act_coords = Function(VuDG1).project(x)  # actual coordinates
            self.eff_coords = Function(VuDG1).project(
                x)  # effective coordinates
            self.output = Function(VDG1)

            shapes = {
                np.prod(VuDG1.shape, dtype=int)

            num_ext_domain = ("{{[i]: 0 <= i < {nDOFs}}}").format(**shapes)
            num_ext_instructions = ("""
            <float64> SUM_EXT = 0
            for i
                SUM_EXT = SUM_EXT + EXT_V1[i]

            NUM_EXT[0] = SUM_EXT

            coords_domain = ("{{[i, j, k, ii, jj, kk, ll, mm, iii, kkk]: "
                             "0 <= i < {nDOFs} and "
                             "0 <= j < {nDOFs} and 0 <= k < {dim} and "
                             "0 <= ii < {nDOFs} and 0 <= jj < {nDOFs} and "
                             "0 <= kk < {dim} and 0 <= ll < {dim} and "
                             "0 <= mm < {dim} and 0 <= iii < {nDOFs} and "
                             "0 <= kkk < {dim}}}").format(**shapes)
            coords_insts = (
                            <float64> sum_V1_ext = 0
                            <int> index = 100
                            <float64> dist = 0.0
                            <float64> max_dist = 0.0
                            <float64> min_dist = 0.0

                # only do adjustment in cells with at least one DOF to adjust
                            if NUM_EXT[0] > 0

                # find the maximum distance between DOFs in this cell, to serve as starting point for finding min distances
                                for i
                                    for j
                                        dist = 0.0
                                        for k
                                            dist = dist + pow(ACT_COORDS[i,k] - ACT_COORDS[j,k], 2.0)
                                        dist = pow(dist, 0.5) {{id=sqrt_max_dist, dep=*}}
                                        max_dist = fmax(dist, max_dist) {{id=max_dist, dep=sqrt_max_dist}}

                # loop through cells and find which ones to adjust
                                for ii
                                    if EXT_V1[ii] > 0.5

                # find closest interior node
                                        min_dist = max_dist
                                        index = 100
                                        for jj
                                            if EXT_V1[jj] < 0.5
                                                dist = 0.0
                                                for kk
                                                    dist = dist + pow(ACT_COORDS[ii,kk] - ACT_COORDS[jj,kk], 2)
                                                dist = pow(dist, 0.5)
                                                if dist <= min_dist
                                                    index = jj
                                                min_dist = fmin(min_dist, dist)
                                                for ll
                                                    EFF_COORDS[ii,ll] = 0.5 * (ACT_COORDS[ii,ll] + ACT_COORDS[index,ll])

                # for DOFs that aren't exterior, use the original coordinates
                                        for mm
                                            EFF_COORDS[ii, mm] = ACT_COORDS[ii, mm]

                # for interior elements, just use the original coordinates
                                for iii
                                    for kkk
                                        EFF_COORDS[iii, kkk] = ACT_COORDS[iii, kkk]

            _num_ext_kernel = (num_ext_domain, num_ext_instructions)
            _eff_coords_kernel = (coords_domain, coords_insts)
            self.gaussian_elimination_kernel = kernels.GaussianElimination(

            # find number of external DOFs per cell
                     dx, {
                         "NUM_EXT": (self.num_ext, WRITE),
                         "EXT_V1": (self.coords_to_adjust, READ)

            # find effective coordinates
                'Finding effective coordinates for boundary recovery. This could give unexpected results for deformed meshes over very steep topography.'
                     dx, {
                         "EFF_COORDS": (self.eff_coords, WRITE),
                         "ACT_COORDS": (self.act_coords, READ),
                         "NUM_EXT": (self.num_ext, READ),
                         "EXT_V1": (self.coords_to_adjust, READ)

        elif self.method == Boundary_Method.physics:

            self.bottom_kernel = kernels.PhysicsRecoveryBottom()
            self.top_kernel = kernels.PhysicsRecoveryTop()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, v_CG1, v_DG1, method=Boundary_Method.physics, eff_coords=None):

        self.v_DG1 = v_DG1
        self.v_CG1 = v_CG1
        self.v_DG1_old = Function(v_DG1.function_space())
        self.eff_coords = eff_coords

        self.method = method
        mesh = v_CG1.function_space().mesh()
        DG0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
        CG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)

        if DG0.extruded:
            cell = mesh._base_mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
            DG1_hori_elt = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 1, variant="equispaced")
            DG1_vert_elt = FiniteElement("DG", interval, 1, variant="equispaced")
            DG1_element = TensorProductElement(DG1_hori_elt, DG1_vert_elt)
            cell = mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
            DG1_element = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 1, variant="equispaced")
        DG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, DG1_element)

        self.num_ext = find_domain_boundaries(mesh)

        # check function spaces of functions
        if self.method == Boundary_Method.dynamics:
            if v_CG1.function_space() != CG1:
                raise NotImplementedError("This boundary recovery method requires v1 to be in CG1.")
            if v_DG1.function_space() != DG1:
                raise NotImplementedError("This boundary recovery method requires v_out to be in DG1.")
            if eff_coords is None:
                raise ValueError('Need eff_coords field for dynamics boundary methods')

        elif self.method == Boundary_Method.physics:
            # check that mesh is valid -- must be an extruded mesh
            if not DG0.extruded:
                raise NotImplementedError('The physics boundary method only works on extruded meshes')
            # check that function spaces are valid
            sub_elements = v_CG1.function_space().ufl_element().sub_elements()
            if (sub_elements[0].family() not in ['Discontinuous Lagrange', 'DQ']
                    or sub_elements[1].family() != 'Lagrange'
                    or v_CG1.function_space().ufl_element().degree() != (0, 1)):
                raise ValueError("This boundary recovery method requires v_CG1 to be in DG0xCG1 TensorProductSpace.")

            brok_elt = v_DG1.function_space().ufl_element()
            if (brok_elt.degree() != (0, 1)
                or (type(brok_elt) is not BrokenElement
                    and (brok_elt.sub_elements[0].family() not in ['Discontinuous Lagrange', 'DQ']
                         or brok_elt.sub_elements[1].family() != 'Discontinuous Lagrange'))):
                raise ValueError("This boundary recovery method requires v_DG1 to be in the broken DG0xCG1 TensorProductSpace.")
            raise ValueError("Boundary method should be a Boundary Method Enum object.")

        vec_DG1 = VectorFunctionSpace(DG0.mesh(), DG1_element)
        x = SpatialCoordinate(DG0.mesh())
        self.interpolator = Interpolator(self.v_CG1, self.v_DG1)

        if self.method == Boundary_Method.dynamics:

            # STRATEGY
            # obtain a coordinate field for all the nodes
            self.act_coords = Function(vec_DG1).project(x)  # actual coordinates
            self.eff_coords = eff_coords  # effective coordinates
            self.output = Function(DG1)
            self.on_exterior = find_domain_boundaries(mesh)

            self.gaussian_elimination_kernel = kernels.GaussianElimination(DG1)

        elif self.method == Boundary_Method.physics:

            self.bottom_kernel = kernels.PhysicsRecoveryBottom()
            self.top_kernel = kernels.PhysicsRecoveryTop()