Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: rest.py Proyecto: mtog/AraGWAS
 def aggregated_statistics(self, request, pk):
     """ Retrieve the aggregation percentage for associations meeting filters criteria for this gene. Check the FAQ for details on the filters. """
     gene = elastic.load_gene_by_id(pk)
     zoom = int(request.query_params.get('zoom', 0))
     selected = bool(request.query_params.get('gene', '') == "1")
     # last_el = [request.query_params.get('lastel', '')]
     filters = _get_filter_from_params(request.query_params)
     filters['chr'] = [gene['chr']]
     filters['start'] = gene['positions']['gte'] - zoom
     filters['end'] = gene['positions']['lte'] + zoom
     if selected:
         filters['start'] = gene['positions']['gte']
         filters['end'] = gene['positions']['lte']
         filters['gene_id'] = gene['name']
     chr, maf, mac, type, annotations = elastic.get_aggregated_filtered_statistics(
     chr_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(chr)
     maf_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(maf)
     mac_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(mac)
     type_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(type)
     annotations_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(annotations)
     return Response({
         'chromosomes': chr_dict,
         'maf': maf_dict,
         'mac': mac_dict,
         'types': type_dict,
         'annotations': annotations_dict
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def associations(self, request, pk):
     """ Return associations for the selected gene. Can add zoom and other filters. Check the FAQ for details on the filters. """
     gene = elastic.load_gene_by_id(pk)
     zoom = int(request.query_params.get('zoom', 0))
     selected = bool(request.query_params.get('gene', '') == "1")
     # last_el = [request.query_params.get('lastel', '')]
     filters = _get_filter_from_params(request.query_params)
     filters['chr'] = [gene['chr']]
     filters['start'] = gene['positions']['gte'] - zoom
     filters['end'] = gene['positions']['lte'] + zoom
     if selected:
         filters['start'] = gene['positions']['gte']
         filters['end'] = gene['positions']['lte']
         filters['gene_id'] = gene['name']
     limit = self.paginator.get_limit(request)
     offset = self.paginator.get_offset(request)
     associations, count = elastic.load_filtered_top_associations(filters, offset, limit)
     queryset = EsQuerySet(associations, count)
     paginated_asso = self.paginate_queryset(queryset)
     return self.get_paginated_response(paginated_asso)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: rest.py Proyecto: mtog/AraGWAS
 def retrieve(self, request, pk):
     """ Retrieve information about a specific gene """
     gene = elastic.load_gene_by_id(pk)
     return Response(gene)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: rest.py Proyecto: mtog/AraGWAS
    def download_csv(self, request):
        """ Prepare a csv file from the elasticsearch database and return it as a downloadable file through a celery task. Check the FAQ for details on the filters.
        # Load studies from regular db
        import datetime
        filters = _get_filter_from_params(request.query_params)
        gene_id = request.query_params.getlist(
        )  # We need to do this because we cannot solely rely on the annotations of the SNPs for gene-name
        import os
        export_folder = '%s/export' % settings.HDF5_FILE_PATH
        if not os.path.isdir(export_folder):
        # Other download basenames:
        download_name = "aragwas_associations"
        if filters['study_id'] != []:
            if isinstance(filters['study_id'], list):
                filters['study_id'] = filters['study_id'][0]
            study_name = Study.objects.get(pk=filters['study_id']).name
            download_name = "{}_associations".format(study_name)
        elif filters['phenotype_id'] != []:
            phenotype_name = Phenotype.objects.get(
            download_name = "{}_associations".format(phenotype_name)
        if gene_id != []:
            download_name = "{}_associations".format(
                gene_id[0])  # Override previous ones
            zoom = int(request.query_params.getlist('zoom')[0])
            gene = elastic.load_gene_by_id(gene_id[0])
            filters['chr'] = [gene['chr']]
            filters['start'] = gene['positions']['gte'] - zoom
            filters['end'] = gene['positions']['lte'] + zoom
        if _is_filter_whole_dataset(filters):
            # download_name = "all_associations"
            file_name = "%s/all_associations.csv" % (settings.HDF5_FILE_PATH)
            chunk_size = 8192
            response = StreamingHttpResponse(FileWrapper(
                open(file_name, "rb"), chunk_size),
            response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(file_name)
            file_name = '%s/' % export_folder + str(
                datetime.datetime.now()) + '.csv'  # give it a unique name
            opts = dict(doc_type='associations', output_file=file_name)
            fn = download_es2csv(opts, filters)
            # wait for file to be done
            # Add filters to name:
            if 'chr' in filters and len(filters['chr']) > 0 and len(
                    filters['chr']) < 5:
                download_name += "_chr"
                for c in filters['chr']:
                    download_name += "_{}".format(c)
            if 'maf' in filters and len(filters['maf']) > 0 and len(
                    filters['maf']) < 4:
                download_name += "_maf_filtered"
            if 'annotation' in filters and len(
                    filters['annotation']) > 0 and len(
                        filters['annotation']) < 4:
                download_name += "_annotation_filtered"
            if 'type' in filters and len(filters['type']) == 1:
                download_name += "_{}".format(filters['type'][0])
            if 'significant' in filters:
                if filters['significant'] == ['p']:
                    download_name += "_significant_permutation"
                elif filters['significant'] == ['b']:
                    download_name += "_significant_bonferroni"

            chunk_size = 8192
            response = StreamingHttpResponse(FileWrapper(
                open(file_name, "rb"), chunk_size),
            response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(file_name)
        response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename={}.csv".format(
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def retrieve(self, request, pk):
     """ Retrieve information about a specific gene """
     gene = elastic.load_gene_by_id(pk)
     gene['ko_associations'] = elastic.load_gene_ko_associations(pk, return_only_significant=True)
     return Response(gene)