Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, channels, logger=Logger('buffer'), **kwargs):
     """Create a new `DataBuffer`
     if isinstance(channels, str):
         channels = [channels]
     self.channels = ChannelList.from_names(*channels)
     self.data = self.DictClass()
     self.logger = logger
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, channels, logger=Logger('buffer'), **kwargs):
     """Create a new `DataBuffer`
     if isinstance(channels, str):
         channels = [channels]
     self.channels = ChannelList.from_names(*channels)
     self.data = self.DictClass()
     self.logger = logger
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def add_channels(self, *channels, **fetchargs):
        """Add one of more channels to this `DataBuffer`

        *channels : `str`, `~gwpy.detector.Channel`
            one or more channels to add to the buffer. Any channels that
            already exist in the buffer will be ignored
            keyword arguments to pass to the `fetch()` method.
        # find new channels
        channels = ChannelList.from_names(*channels)
        new = []
        for c in channels:
            if c not in self.channels:
                self.data[c] = self.ListClass()
        # fetch data for new channels
        for seg in self.segments:
            self.get((seg[0], seg[1]), channels=new, **fetchargs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def add_channels(self, *channels, **fetchargs):
        """Add one of more channels to this `DataBuffer`

        *channels : `str`, `~gwpy.detector.Channel`
            one or more channels to add to the buffer. Any channels that
            already exist in the buffer will be ignored
            keyword arguments to pass to the `fetch()` method.
        # find new channels
        channels = ChannelList.from_names(*channels)
        new = []
        for c in channels:
            if c not in self.channels:
                self.data[c] = self.ListClass()
        # fetch data for new channels
        for seg in self.segments:
            self.get((seg[0], seg[1]), channels=new, **fetchargs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def from_ini(filepath, ifo=None):
    """Configure a new Monitor from an INI file

    filepath : `str`
        path to INI-format configuration file
    ifo : `str`, optional
        prefix of relevant interferometer. This is only required if
        '%(ifo)s' interpolation is used in the INI file. The default
        value is taken from the ``IFO`` environment variable, if found.

    monitor : `Monitor`
        a new monitor of the type given in the INI file

        if the configuration file cannot be read


        if IFO interpolation is used, but the `ifo` is not given or found
    # get ifo
    ifo = ifo or os.getenv('IFO', None)
    # read configuration file
    if isinstance(filepath, str):
        filepath = filepath.split(',')
    cp = ConfigParser()
    readok = cp.read(filepath)
    if not len(readok) == len(filepath):
        failed = [cf for cf in filepath if cf not in readok]
        raise ValueError("Failed to read configuration file %r" % failed[0])
    # get basic params
    basics = dict(cp.items('monitor', raw=True))
    type_ = basics.pop('type')
    channels = map(str, ChannelList.from_names(basics.pop('channels', '')))
    combinations = basics.pop('combinations', None)
    basics = dict((key, safe_eval(val)) for (key, val) in basics.iteritems())
    # get type
    monitor = get_monitor(type_)
    # get plotting parameters
    pparams = dict((key, safe_eval(val)) for (key, val) in cp.items('plot'))

    # get channel and reference curve names
    sections = cp.sections()
    if not channels:
        channels = [c for c in sections if c not in ['monitor', 'plot']
                    if c[:4] not in ['ref:', 'com:']]

    references = [c for c in sections if c not in ['monitor', 'plot']
                  if c[:4] == 'ref:']
    if combinations is None:
        combinations = [c for c in sections if c not in ['monitor', 'plot']
                        if c[:4] == 'com:']

    # get channel parameters
    cparams = {}
    for i, channel in enumerate(channels):
        # get channel section
        _params = cp.items(channel)
        # interpolate ifo
        if r'%(ifo)s' in channel and not ifo:
            raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate IFO in channel name without "
                             "IFO environment variable or --ifo on command "
        channels[i] = channel % {'ifo': ifo}
        for param, val in _params:
            val = safe_eval(val)
            if param not in cparams:
                cparams[param] = []
            while len(cparams[param]) < len(channels):
            cparams[param][i] = val

    # get reference parameters
    # reference parameters will be sent to the monitor in a dictionary
    #  with the path of each reference as keys and with the name and the other
    # parameters as a dictionary for each key

    rparams = OrderedDict()
    for reference in references:
        rparamsi = OrderedDict([('name', reference[4:])])
        for param, val in cp.items(reference):
            val = safe_eval(val)
            if param == 'path':
                refpath = val
                rparamsi[param] = val
                if os.path.isdir(refpath):
                    # Section is a directory:
                    # import all references in folder (assumes 'dat' format)
                    for f in os.listdir(refpath):
                        if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in ['.txt', '.dat', '.gz']:
                            refpath += f
                                'label', os.path.basename(refpath).split('.')
                                [0].replace('_', r' '))
                            rparams[refpath] = rparamsi

                        'label', os.path.basename(refpath).split('.')[0]
                            .replace('_', r' '))
                    rparams[refpath] = rparamsi
            except NameError:
                raise ValueError('Cannot load reference {0} plot if no '
                                 'parameter "path" is defined'

    # get combination parameters # IN PROGRESS
    combparams = OrderedDict()
    for comb in combinations:
        # get combination section
        _params = cp.items(comb)
        deflabel = comb[4:]
        combparamsi = OrderedDict([('label', deflabel)])
        for param, val in _params:
            val = safe_eval(val)
            combparamsi[param] = val
        combparams[deflabel] = combparamsi

    params = dict(basics.items() + pparams.items() + cparams.items())
    if rparams:
        params['reference'] = rparams
    if combparams:
        params['combination'] = combparams
    return monitor(*channels, **params)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_find(self):
     cl = ChannelList.from_names(*self.NAMES)
     self.assertEqual(cl.find(self.NAMES[2]), 2)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, cl.find, 'blah')
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_from_names(self):
     cl = ChannelList.from_names(*self.NAMES)
     self.assertListEqual(cl, map(Channel, self.NAMES))
     cl2 = ChannelList.from_names(','.join(self.NAMES))
     self.assertListEqual(cl, cl2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_find(self):
     cl = ChannelList.from_names(*self.NAMES)
     self.assertEqual(cl.find(self.NAMES[2]), 2)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, cl.find, 'blah')
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_from_names(self):
     cl = ChannelList.from_names(*self.NAMES)
     self.assertListEqual(cl, map(Channel, self.NAMES))
     cl2 = ChannelList.from_names(','.join(self.NAMES))
     self.assertListEqual(cl, cl2)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def from_ini(filepath, ifo=None):
    """Configure a new Monitor from an INI file

    filepath : `str`
        path to INI-format configuration file
    ifo : `str`, optional
        prefix of relevant interferometer. This is only required if
        '%(ifo)s' interpolation is used in the INI file. The default
        value is taken from the ``IFO`` environment variable, if found.

    monitor : `Monitor`
        a new monitor of the type given in the INI file

        if the configuration file cannot be read


        if IFO interpolation is used, but the `ifo` is not given or found
    # get ifo
    ifo = ifo or os.getenv('IFO', None)
    # read configuration file
    if isinstance(filepath, str):
        filepath = filepath.split(',')
    cp = ConfigParser()
    readok = cp.read(filepath)
    if not len(readok) == len(filepath):
        failed = [cf for cf in filepath if cf not in readok]
        raise ValueError("Failed to read configuration file %r" % failed[0])
    # get basic params
    basics = dict(cp.items('monitor', raw=True))
    type_ = basics.pop('type')
    channels = map(str, ChannelList.from_names(basics.pop('channels', '')))
    combinations = basics.pop('combinations', None)
    basics = dict((key, safe_eval(val)) for (key, val) in basics.iteritems())
    # get type
    monitor = get_monitor(type_)
    # get plotting parameters
    pparams = dict((key, safe_eval(val)) for (key, val) in cp.items('plot'))

    # get channel and reference curve names
    sections = cp.sections()
    if not channels:
        channels = [
            c for c in sections if c not in ['monitor', 'plot']
            if c[:4] not in ['ref:', 'com:']

    references = [
        c for c in sections if c not in ['monitor', 'plot'] if c[:4] == 'ref:'
    if combinations is None:
        combinations = [
            c for c in sections if c not in ['monitor', 'plot']
            if c[:4] == 'com:'

    # get channel parameters
    cparams = {}
    for i, channel in enumerate(channels):
        # get channel section
        _params = cp.items(channel)
        # interpolate ifo
        if r'%(ifo)s' in channel and not ifo:
            raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate IFO in channel name without "
                             "IFO environment variable or --ifo on command "
        channels[i] = channel % {'ifo': ifo}
        for param, val in _params:
            val = safe_eval(val)
            if param not in cparams:
                cparams[param] = []
            while len(cparams[param]) < len(channels):
            cparams[param][i] = val

    # get reference parameters
    # reference parameters will be sent to the monitor in a dictionary
    #  with the path of each reference as keys and with the name and the other
    # parameters as a dictionary for each key

    rparams = OrderedDict()
    for reference in references:
        rparamsi = OrderedDict([('name', reference[4:])])
        for param, val in cp.items(reference):
            val = safe_eval(val)
            if param == 'path':
                refpath = val
                rparamsi[param] = val
                if os.path.isdir(refpath):
                    # Section is a directory:
                    # import all references in folder (assumes 'dat' format)
                    for f in os.listdir(refpath):
                        if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in ['.txt', '.dat', '.gz']:
                            refpath += f
                                [0].replace('_', r' '))
                            rparams[refpath] = rparamsi

                            '_', r' '))
                    rparams[refpath] = rparamsi
            except NameError:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Cannot load reference {0} plot if no '
                    'parameter "path" is defined'.format(reference))

    # get combination parameters # IN PROGRESS
    combparams = OrderedDict()
    for comb in combinations:
        # get combination section
        _params = cp.items(comb)
        deflabel = comb[4:]
        combparamsi = OrderedDict([('label', deflabel)])
        for param, val in _params:
            val = safe_eval(val)
            combparamsi[param] = val
        combparams[deflabel] = combparamsi

    params = dict(basics.items() + pparams.items() + cparams.items())
    if rparams:
        params['reference'] = rparams
    if combparams:
        params['combination'] = combparams
    return monitor(*channels, **params)