Ejemplo n.º 1
def run():
    c = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
    filename = c['/filename']
    dir_path,basename = os.path.split(filename)
    basename = basename[0:-4]
    #print dir_path,base_name
    d = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
    data_field_id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)
    meta_field = '/' + str(data_field_id) + '/meta'
    title = '/' + str(data_field_id) + '/data/title'
    channel = c[title]
    #print channel
    #meta = c[meta_field]
    #print meta.keys_by_name()
    #bias = meta['Bias']
    #bias, bu = bias.split(' ')
    #current = meta['Z controller Setpoint']
    #current, cu = current.split(' ')
    #current = float(current) * 1e12
    #cu = 'pA'
    #current_bias = 'pm'
    #xd = d.get_xreal() * 1e9
    #yd = d.get_yreal() * 1e9
    #xyu = 'nm'
    output_path = dir_path
    output_name = basename + '.png'
    output = os.path.join(output_path,output_name)
    gwy.gwy_file_save(c, output, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def heightediting(data, k):
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(data, k)

    # Flatten the data
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('flatten_base', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    datafield = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
    mask = gwy.DataField.new_alike(datafield, False)
    datafield.grains_mark_height(mask, 30, False)

    # Re-do polynomial correction with masked height
    s["/module/polylevel/masking"] = 1
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('polylevel', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # Re-do align rows with masked heights
    s["/module/linematch/masking"] = 1
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('align_rows', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # # Remove scars
    # gwy.gwy_process_func_run('scars_remove', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # Gaussian filter to remove noise
    current_data = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)

    filter_width = 5 * dx * 1e9


    # Set zero to mean value
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('zero_mean', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run():
    c = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
    _id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)

    # key = "/0/select/line"
    selections = [
        key for key in c.keys_by_name() if "/{}/select".format(_id) in key
    # print(selections)

    # create new combo box
    combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
    # add in valid selection options
    for selection in selections:
    # set default value as first in selections list, otherwise -1: None
    combo.set_active(0 if len(selections) else -1)

    # set up generic dialogue window
    dialogue = gtk.Dialog(
        title="Choose Selection",

    # add combobox widget to dialogue

    # main loop and wait for user response
    response = dialogue.run()

    # heavy lifting done below here...
    # is user pressed OK
    if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
        key = selections[combo.get_active()]
        # for each datafield in container
        for _id0 in gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_data_ids(c):
            # copy line
            line = c[key].duplicate()
            # add to new datafield with new key
                gwy.gwy_key_from_name(key.replace(str(_id), str(_id0))), line)

    # kill dialogue
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_current_datafield():
   Short version of function L{gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current}(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)

   @return: current datafield
   return gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_current_container():
   Short version of function L{gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current}(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)

   @return: current container
    return gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_current_datafield():
   Short version of function L{gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current}(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)

   @return: current datafield
    return gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_current_container():
   Short version of function L{gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current}(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)

   @return: current container
   return gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def editfile(data, k):
    # select each channel of the file in turn
    # this is run within the for k in chosen_ids loop so k refers to the index of each chosen channel to analyse
    # NONINTERACTIVE is only for file modules
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(data, k)

    # align rows (b)
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run("align_rows", data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # flatten the data (c)
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run("level", data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # align rows (d)
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run("align_rows", data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    datafield = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
    mask = gwy.DataField.new_alike(datafield, False)
    datafield.grains_mark_height(mask, 10, False)

    # Re-do polynomial correction with masked height (e)
    s["/module/polylevel/masking"] = 0
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('polylevel', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # Re-do align rows with masked heights (f)
    s["/module/linematch/masking"] = 0
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('align_rows', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # Re-do level with masked heights (g)
    s["/module/polylevel/masking"] = 1
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('polylevel', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # flatten base (h)
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('flatten_base', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # remove scars (i)
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('scars_remove', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # Fix zero (j)
    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('zero_mean', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # Apply a 1.5 pixel gaussian filter (k)
    data_field = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
    # # Shift contrast - equivalent to 'fix zero'
    # datafield.add(-data_field.get_min())

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run():
    # get current image data
    _id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)
    container = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)

    # analyse_particles_otsu_median(container, datafield_id=datafield_id)
    # get datafield and compute threshold
    datafield = container.get_object_by_name(get_data_key(_id))
    threshold = threshold_otsu_median(datafield)
    # create grain mask
    grains = create_mask(datafield, threshold)
    # add mask field to container
    container.set_object_by_name(get_mask_key(_id), grains)
    # set mask colour and opacity
    set_mask_colour(container, _id)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run():
    # get current data and correct container for file
    _id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)
    container = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)

    # create undo point
    gwy.gwy_undo_qcheckpoint(container, container.keys())

    # get datafield and compute threshold
    datafield = container.get_object(gwy.gwy_app_get_data_key_for_id(_id))
    threshold = threshold_otsu_median(datafield)
    # create grain mask
    grains = create_mask(datafield, threshold)
    # add mask field to container
    container.set_object(gwy.gwy_app_get_mask_key_for_id(_id), grains)

    # set mask colour and opacity
    set_mask_colour(container, _id)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def run():
    import sys
    import os
    home = os.getenv('HOME')
    sys.path.append(home + '/.gwyddion/pygwy/')

    from SpeckView.BE.Spektrum import Spektrum
    Spektrum(home + '/.gwyddion/pygwy/SpeckView/BE/',
Ejemplo n.º 12
def run():
    import sys
    import os
    home = os.getenv('HOME')
    sys.path.append(home + '/.gwyddion/pygwy/')

    from SpeckView.BE.Spektrum import Spektrum
        home + '/.gwyddion/pygwy/SpeckView/BE/',
Ejemplo n.º 13
def imagedetails(data):
    # select the channel file of chosen_ids
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(data, k)

    datafield = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)

    xres = datafield.get_xres()
    yres = datafield.get_yres()
    xreal = datafield.get_xreal()
    yreal = datafield.get_yreal()
    dx = xreal / xres
    dy = yreal / yres
    return xres, yres, xreal, yreal, dx, dy
Ejemplo n.º 14
def grainfinding(data, minarea, k, thresholdingcriteria, gaussian, dx):
    # Select channel 'k' of the file
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(data, k)
    datafield = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
    # Gaussiansize = 0.25e-9 / dx
    # datafield.filter_gaussian(Gaussiansize)

    mask = gwy.DataField.new_alike(datafield, False)

    Gaussiansize = gaussian / dx

    # Mask data that are above thresh*sigma from average height.
    # Sigma denotes root-mean square deviation of heights.
    # This criterion corresponds to the usual Gaussian distribution outliers detection if thresh is 3.
    datafield.mask_outliers2(mask, 5, thresholdingcriteria)

    # excluding mask, zero mean
    stats = datafield.area_get_stats_mask(mask, gwy.MASK_EXCLUDE, 0, 0,

    # Set the image display to fixed range and the colour scale for the images
    maximum_disp_value = data.set_int32_by_name(
        "/" + str(k) + "/base/range-type", int(1))
    minimum_disp_value = data.set_double_by_name("/" + str(k) + "/base/min",
    maximum_disp_value = data.set_double_by_name("/" + str(k) + "/base/max",

    ### Editing grain mask
    # Remove grains touching the edge of the mask

    # Calculate pixel width in nm
    # dx = datafield.get_dx()
    # Calculate minimum feature size in pixels (integer) from a real size specified in the main
    minsize = int(minarea / dx)
    # Remove grains smaller than the minimum size in integer pixels

    # Numbering grains for grain analysis
    grains = mask.number_grains()

    # Update data to show mask, comment out to remove mask
    # data['/%d/mask' % k] = mask

    return data, mask, datafield, grains
Ejemplo n.º 15
def run(container, mode):
    container = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
    filename = container['/filename']
    path, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
    output_path = path + OUTPUT_SUFFIX
    if not os.path.exists(output_path):

    for i, id_ in enumerate(gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_data_ids(container)):
        title = container['/{}/data/title'.format(id_)]
        gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(container, id_)
        output_filename = '{:03d}_{}.{}'.format(id_, title, OUTPUT_FILESUFFIX)
        output_filename = os.path.join(output_path, output_filename)
        mode = gwy.RUN_INTERACTIVE if i == 0 else gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE
        print 'Exporting {} ...'.format(output_filename)
        gwy.gwy_file_save(container, output_filename, mode)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def run(container, mode):
    data_field_id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)
    data_field = container[gwy.gwy_app_get_data_key_for_id(data_field_id)]

    new_container = gwy.Container()

    # Need to populate container with dummy data, otherwise
    # gwy_app_data_browser_copy_channel crashes.
    dummy_id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_add_data_field(
        data_field, new_container, False
    new_id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_copy_channel(
        container, data_field_id, new_container
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(new_container, new_id)

    # Get rid of dummy reference.
def run():
    ### Create undo point
    #gwy.gwy_app_undo_checkpoint(gwy.data, [key])

    ### get Data Field

    originalDField = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
    dummyDF = originalDField.new_alike()

    sixtyDegreeField = originalDField.new_rotated(dummyDF, 60. * (PI / 180.),

    onetwentyDegreeField = originalDField.new_rotated(
        dummyDF, 120. * (PI / 180.), gwy.INTERPOLATION_LINEAR,

    originalDField.sum_fields(originalDField, sixtyDegreeField)
    originalDField.sum_fields(originalDField, onetwentyDegreeField)
    originalDField.multiply(1. / 3.)

Ejemplo n.º 18
def run():
    # get current image data
    datafield_id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)
    container = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)

    laplacian_of_gaussian(container, datafield_id=datafield_id)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def otsuthresholdgrainfinding(data, k):
    # 'align_rows' function
    # s["/module/linematch/direction"] = 0
    # s["/module/linematch/do_extract"] = False
    # s["/module/linematch/do_plot"] = False
    # s["/module/linematch/masking"] = 2
    # s["/module/linematch/max_degree"] = 0
    # s["/module/linematch/method"] = 0  # uses median
    # s["/module/linematch/trim_fraction"] = float(0.05)

    # Select channel 'k' of the file
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(data, k)
    datafield = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
    mask = gwy.DataField.new_alike(datafield, False)

    # Apply a 1.5 pixel gaussian filter
    data_field = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)

    # # Mask data that are above thresh*sigma from average height.
    # # Sigma denotes root-mean square deviation of heights.
    # # This criterium corresponds to the usual Gaussian distribution outliers detection if thresh is 3.
    # datafield.mask_outliers(mask, 1)

    # # Shift contrast - equivalent to 'fix zero' - essential for next step to work
    # Calculate min, max and range of data to allow calculation of relative value for grain thresholding
    min_datarange = datafield.get_min()
    max_datarange = datafield.get_max()
    datarange = max_datarange + min_datarange
    # Calculate Otsu threshold for data
    o_threshold = datafield.otsu_threshold()
    o_threshold = o_threshold + min_datarange
    # Calculate relative threshold for grain determination
    rel_threshold = 100 * (o_threshold / datarange)
    # Mask grains using either relative threshold of the data, i.e. a percentage
    # this can be set manually i.e. 35 or
    # as the otsu threshold expressed as a percentage which is rel_threshold
    # this will fail unless the min_datarange is negative
    datafield.grains_mark_height(mask, rel_threshold, False)

    # # Invert mask to maks things below the membrane

    gwy.gwy_process_func_run("align_rows", data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)
    # # gwy.gwy_process_func_run("level", data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)
    # gwy.gwy_process_func_run('flatten_base', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # Select channel 'k' of the file
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(data, k)
    datafield = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
    mask = gwy.DataField.new_alike(datafield, False)
    # # Mask data that are above thresh*sigma from average height.
    # # Sigma denotes root-mean square deviation of heights.
    # # This criterium corresponds to the usual Gaussian distribution outliers detection if thresh is 3.
    # datafield.mask_outliers(mask, 1)

    # # Shift contrast - equivalent to 'fix zero' - essential for next step to work
    # Calculate min, max and range of data to allow calculation of relative value for grain thresholding
    min_datarange = datafield.get_min()
    max_datarange = datafield.get_max()
    datarange = max_datarange + min_datarange
    # Calculate Otsu threshold for data
    o_threshold = datafield.otsu_threshold()
    o_threshold = o_threshold + min_datarange
    # Calculate relative threshold for grain determination
    rel_threshold = 100 * (o_threshold / datarange)
    # Mask grains using either relative threshold of the data, i.e. a percentage
    # this can be set manually i.e. 35 or
    # as the otsu threshold expressed as a percentage which is rel_threshold
    # this will fail unless the min_datarange is negative
    datafield.grains_mark_height(mask, rel_threshold, False)

    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('zero_mean', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # # Invert mask to make things below the membrane

    # Calculate pixel width in nm
    dx = datafield.get_dx()
    # Calculate minimum feature size in pixels (integer)
    minsize = int(2000e-9 / dx)
    # Remove grains smaller than (size) in integer pixels

    gwy.gwy_process_func_run('zero_mean', data, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    # Numbering grains for grain analysis
    grains = mask.number_grains()
    print max(grains)

    # Update data to show mask, comment out to remove mask
    s['/module/pixmap/draw_mask'] = True
    data['/0/mask/red'] = 0.1234

    #excluding mask, zero mean
    stats = datafield.area_get_stats_mask(mask, gwy.MASK_EXCLUDE, 0, 0,

    return data, mask, datafield, grains
Ejemplo n.º 20
def run():
    # get open container
    container = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
    # run algorithm
Ejemplo n.º 21
def run():
    # get current image data
    datafield_id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)
    container = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)

    analyse_particles_otsu(container, datafield_id=datafield_id)
Ejemplo n.º 22
import gwy
import gwyutils
import re
import os
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw

import numpy as np
from skimage import io, exposure, img_as_uint, img_as_float
# get the current container and datafield
c = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
d = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
data_field_id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)
filename = c['/filename']
basename = filename[0:-4]
print filename.split('/')[-1][:-4]

meta_field = '/' + str(data_field_id) + '/meta'
title = '/' + str(data_field_id) + '/data/title'
channel = c[title]
print channel

meta = c[meta_field]
print meta.keys_by_name()
bias = meta['Bias']
bias, bu = bias.split(' ')
current = meta['Z controller Setpoint']
current, cu = current.split(' ')
current = float(current) * 1e12
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run('level', gwy_rawdata, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

        #flatten the data
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run('flatten_base', gwy_rawdata,

        #remove scars
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run('scars_remove', gwy_rawdata,

        #execute 'align_rows' function
        #s["/module/linematch/method"] = 2
        #gwy.gwy_process_func_run('align_rows', gwy_rawdata, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

        #Gaussian filter to remove noise
        current_data = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
        current_data.data_changed()  #not sure this line is needed

        makeBinaryMask(gwy_rawdata, i)

        #polynomial correction with masked height
        s["/module/polylevel/masking"] = 0
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run('polylevel', gwy_rawdata, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

        #remove scars
        #gwy.gwy_process_func_run('scars_remove', gwy_rawdata, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

        #Re-do align rows with masked heights
        s["/module/linematch/masking"] = 0
        s["/module/linematch/method"] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 24
def run():
    # get current data and correct container for file
    datafield_id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)
    container = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
    save_gwy_grain_mask_to_JSON(container, datafield_id=datafield_id)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def boundbox(cropwidth, datafield, grains, dx, dy, xreal, yreal, xres, yres):
    # Function to return the coordinates of the bounding box for all grains.
    # contains 4 coordinates per image
    bbox = datafield.get_grain_bounding_boxes(grains)

    # Remove all data up to index 4 (i.e. the 0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd).
    # These are the bboxes for grain zero which is the background and should be ignored
    del bbox[:4]

    # Find the center of each grain in x
    center_x = datafield.grains_get_values(grains, gwy.GRAIN_VALUE_CENTER_X)
    # Delete the background grain center
    del center_x[0]
    # Find the center of each grain in y
    center_y = datafield.grains_get_values(grains, gwy.GRAIN_VALUE_CENTER_Y)
    # Delete the background grain center
    del center_y[0]

    # Find the centre of the grain in pixels
    # get active container
    data = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
    # get current number of files
    orig_ids = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_data_ids(data)

    # Define the width of the image to crop to
    cropwidth = int((cropwidth / xreal) * xres)

    # make 2d array for grains
    multidim_grain_array = np.reshape(np.array(grains), (xres, yres))

    for i in range(len(center_x)):
        px_center_x = int((center_x[i] / xreal) * xres)
        px_center_y = int((center_y[i] / yreal) * yres)
        # ULcol = px_center_x - cropwidth
        xmin = px_center_x - cropwidth
        # ULrow = px_center_y - cropwidth
        ymin = px_center_y - cropwidth
        # BRcol = px_center_x + cropwidth
        xmax = px_center_x + cropwidth
        # BRrow = px_center_y + cropwidth
        ymax = px_center_y + cropwidth

        # making sure cropping boxes dont run outside the image dimensions
        if xmin < 0:
            xmin = 0
            xmax = 2 * cropwidth
        if ymin < 0:
            ymin = 0
            ymax = 2 * cropwidth
        if xmax > xres:
            xmax = xres
            xmin = xres - 2 * cropwidth
        if ymax > yres:
            ymax = yres
            ymin = yres - 2 * cropwidth

        # print ULcol, ULrow, BRcol, BRrow
        # crop the data
        crop_datafield_i = datafield.duplicate()
        crop_datafield_i.resize(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

        # add cropped datafield to active container
        gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_add_data_field(crop_datafield_i, data,
                                                i + (len(orig_ids)))

        # cropping the grain array:
        grain_num = i + 1
        cropped_np_grain = multidim_grain_array[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
        cropped_grain = [
            1 if i == grain_num else 0 for i in cropped_np_grain.flatten()

        # make a list containing each of the cropped grains
        except NameError:
            cropped_grains = [cropped_grain]

    # Generate list of datafields including cropped fields
    crop_ids = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_data_ids(data)

    return bbox, orig_ids, crop_ids, data, cropped_grains, cropwidth