Ejemplo n.º 1
 def render(self, mode='human'):
     assert mode in ['human', 'human-vsync', 'rgb_array', 'manual']
     if mode == 'human-vsync':
         self.vsync = True
     if mode == 'manual':
         self.manual = 1
     if self.viewer is None:
         self.viewer = Viewer(window_h_size, window_v_size, self.manual,
         [self.track_label, self.time_label, self.episode_label] = \
             self.viewer.labels(self.main_batch, self.label_font_size, self.track_name, self.t, self.episode)
         # redefine draw event
         pyglet.gl.glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)  # white background
         self.viewer.toDraw = [self.track_batch, self.main_batch]
         if debug:
         if self.manual:
             self.keys = pyglet.window.key.KeyStateHandler()
     if self.viewer.is_open:
         if mode == 'human' or mode == 'manual':
         elif mode == 'rgb_array':
             rgb = self.viewer.render(True)
             return rgb
     if mode == 'manual':
 def render(self, mode='human'):
     'human' - runs as fast as possible
     'human-vsync' - runs at screen framerate (timestep per frame is still 1/60) also includes anti aliasing
     'rgb_array' - returns an RGB array instead of rendering the output in the window
     'manual' - overrides input actions with keyboard inputs, renders like human-vsync
     assert mode in ['human', 'human-vsync', 'rgb_array', 'manual']
     if mode == 'human-vsync':
         self.vsync = True
     if mode == 'manual':
         self.manual = 1
     if self.viewer is None:
         self.viewer = Viewer(window_h_size, window_v_size, self.manual,
         [self.track_label, self.time_label, self.episode_label] = \
             self.viewer.labels(self.main_batch, 36, self.track_name, self.t, self.episode)
         # redefine draw event
         pyglet.gl.glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)  # white background
         self.viewer.toDraw = [self.track_batch, self.main_batch]
         if debug:
         if self.manual:
             self.keys = pyglet.window.key.KeyStateHandler()
     if self.viewer.is_open:
         if mode == 'human' or mode == 'manual':
         elif mode == 'rgb_array':
             rgb = self.viewer.render(True)
             return rgb
     if mode == 'manual':
Ejemplo n.º 3
class CarAIEnv(gym.Env):
    metadata = {
        'render.modes': ['human', 'human-vsync', 'rgb_array', 'manual'],
        'video.frames_per_second': 60
    human - displays the environment, no vsync, timestep as fast as possible, 
    human-vsync - displays the environment, vsync 
    rgb_array - Outputs rgb array instead of rendering
    manual - human-vsync but actions are taken from arrow keys and not from the inputs. Testing mode. 
    def __init__(self):
        pyglet.resource.path = ['gym_carai/envs/resources']
        self.mode = 'not_simple'
        self.label_font_size = 36
        self.viewer = None
        self.Terminate = False
        self.manual = None
        self.keys = None
        self.vsync = False

        # 3 batches, one for car, one for obstacles, one for debug features
        self.main_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
        self.track_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
        self.debug_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()

        # Labels for score and level, scaled based upon score label font size
        self.score = 0
        self.t = 0
        self.episode = 1

        self.done = 0
        self.reward = 0
        self.JStar = 0

        self.track_label = None
        self.time_label = None
        self.episode_label = None

        self.action_space = spaces.Box(np.array([-1]), np.array(
            [+1]))  # steering only, -1 to +1 on one action

        self.track_name = 'roundSimpleTrackBC'

        # define functions
        self.walls, self.checkpoints, car_position = generate_track(
            'gym_carai/envs/resources/' + self.track_name + '.csv',
        self.current_checkpoint = 1

        self.car_obj = Car(car_position,
        self.car_bumpers = [
            self.car_obj.Bumper, self.car_obj.SideL, self.car_obj.SideR,

        # all objects requiring .update()
        self.envObjects = [self.car_obj]

        self.sensors = self.car_obj.sensors

        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(
            self.car_obj.sensorRange * np.ones(len(self.sensors)))
        self.observations = np.array([np.zeros(len(self.sensors))])

    def step(self, action, dt):
        """"observation (object): agent's observation of the current environment
            reward (float) : amount of reward returned after previous action
            done (bool): whether the episode has ended, in which case further step() calls will return undefined results
            info (dict): contains auxiliary diagnostic information (helpful for debugging, and sometimes learning)"""
        self.reward = -0.05  # reward for current state if not at a checkpoint
        if self.manual:
            if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.LEFT] == 1:
                if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.RIGHT] == 1:
                    action[0] = 0
                    action[0] = -1
            elif self.keys[pyglet.window.key.RIGHT] == 1:
                action[0] = 1
                action[0] = 0
            if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.UP] == 1:
                if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.DOWN] == 1:
                    action[1] = 0
                    action[1] = 1
            elif self.keys[pyglet.window.key.DOWN] == 1:
                action[1] = -1
                action[1] = 0
            # if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.SPACE] == 1:
            #     action[2] = 1
            # else:
            #     action[2] = 0
        for obj in self.envObjects:
            obj.update(dt, action)
        for obj in self.walls:
            for car_bumper in self.car_bumpers:
                tf = line_overlapping(car_bumper.line(), obj.line())
                if tf:
                    self.done = 1
        for obj in self.checkpoints:
            if obj.id == self.current_checkpoint:
                for car_bumper in self.car_bumpers:
                    tf = line_overlapping(car_bumper.line(), obj.line())
                    if tf:
                        self.current_checkpoint += 1
                        if self.current_checkpoint > len(self.checkpoints):
                            self.current_checkpoint -= len(self.checkpoints)
                        self.reward = 0
        current_sensor_number = 0
        for sensor in self.sensors:
            min_distance = sensor.sensor_range
            closest_col_loc = [-50, -50]
            for obj in self.walls:
                tf, dist, col_loc = line_overlapping(sensor.line(),
                if dist is not None and tf is True:
                    if dist < min_distance:
                        min_distance = dist
                        closest_col_loc = col_loc
            sensor.collision_marker.x = closest_col_loc[0]
            sensor.collision_marker.y = closest_col_loc[1]
            self.observations[0][current_sensor_number] = min_distance
            current_sensor_number += 1
        self.t += dt
        if self.time_label:
            self.time_label.text = "Current Episode Time: " + str(round(
        if self.viewer:
            if not self.Terminate:
                self.Terminate = self.viewer.Terminate

        if self.done:
            self.reward = -50  # - 100/self.t  # penalty for hitting wall, higher penalty if wall is hit early
        self.JStar = 0  # All rewards are negative so JStar is zero.
        return self.observations, self.reward, self.done, {
            't': self.t,
            'JStar': self.JStar
        }, self.Terminate

    def reset(self):
        self.score = 0
        self.current_checkpoint = 1
        self.t = 0
        self.reward = 0
        self.done = 0
        for obj in self.envObjects:
        if self.viewer:
            self.episode_label.text = "Current episode:" + str(self.episode)
        self.episode += 1

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        assert mode in ['human', 'human-vsync', 'rgb_array', 'manual']
        if mode == 'human-vsync':
            self.vsync = True
        if mode == 'manual':
            self.manual = 1
        if self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = Viewer(window_h_size, window_v_size, self.manual,
            [self.track_label, self.time_label, self.episode_label] = \
                self.viewer.labels(self.main_batch, self.label_font_size, self.track_name, self.t, self.episode)
            # redefine draw event
            pyglet.gl.glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)  # white background
            self.viewer.toDraw = [self.track_batch, self.main_batch]
            if debug:
            if self.manual:
                self.keys = pyglet.window.key.KeyStateHandler()
        if self.viewer.is_open:
            if mode == 'human' or mode == 'manual':
            elif mode == 'rgb_array':
                rgb = self.viewer.render(True)
                return rgb
        if mode == 'manual':

    def close(self):
        if self.viewer: