Ejemplo n.º 1
    def set_action(self, action: Action) -> None:

        # Get the force value
        force = action.tolist()[0]

        # Set the force value
        model = self.world.get_model(self.model_name)
        ok_force = model.get_joint("linear").set_generalized_force_target(force)

        if not ok_force:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to set the force to the cart")
    def set_action(self, action: Action) -> bool:
        assert self.action_space.contains(action), \
            "%r (%s) invalid" % (action, type(action))

        # Get the robot object
        robot = self.robot

        # Read the action and send the force to the cart
        force = action.tolist()[0]
        ok = robot.set_joint_force("linear", force)

        if not ok:
            raise Exception("Failed to set the force to the cart")

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def set_action(self, action: Action) -> bool:
        # Validate the action
        assert self.action_space.contains(action), \
            "%r (%s) invalid" % (action, type(action))

        # Store the last action. It is used to calculate the reward.
        self._last_a = action

        # Read the action and send the force to the cart
        force = action.tolist()[0]
        ok = self.robot.set_joint_force("pivot", force)

        if not ok:
            raise Exception("Failed to set the force to the pendulum")

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def step(self, action: Action) -> State:
        assert self.action_space.contains(action), \
            "The action does not belong to the action space"

        # The bindings do not accept yet numpy types as arguments. We need to covert
        # numpy variables to the closer python type.

        # Check if the input variable is a numpy type
        is_numpy = type(action).__module__ == np.__name__

        if is_numpy:
            if isinstance(action, np.ndarray):
                action = action.tolist()
            elif isinstance(action, np.number):
                action = action.item()
                assert False

        # Actions must be std::vector objects, so if the passed action is a scalar
        # we have to store it inside a list object before passing it to the bindings
        if isinstance(action, Number):
            action_list = [action]
            action_list = list(action)

        # Create the gympp::Sample object
        action_buffer = getattr(bindings, 'Vector' + self._act_dt)(action_list)
        action_sample = bindings.Sample(action_buffer)

        # Execute the step and get the std::optional<gympp::State> object
        state_optional = self.gympp_env.step(action_sample)
        assert state_optional.has_value()

        # Get the gympp::State
        state = state_optional.value()

        # Get the std::vector buffer of gympp::Observation
        observation_vector = getattr(state.observation, 'getBuffer' + self._obs_dt)()
        assert observation_vector, "Failed to get the observation buffer"
        assert observation_vector.size() > 0, "The observation does not contain elements"

        # Convert the SWIG type to a list
        observation_list = list(observation_vector)

        # Convert the observation to a numpy array (this is the only required copy)
        if isinstance(self.observation_space, gym.spaces.Box):
            observation = np.array(observation_list)
        elif isinstance(self.observation_space, gym.spaces.Discrete):
            assert observation_vector.size() == 1, "The buffer has the wrong dimension"
            observation = observation_list[0]
            assert False, "Space not supported"

        assert self.observation_space.contains(observation), \
            "The returned observation does not belong to the space"

        # Create the info dict
        info = {'gympp': state.info}

        # Return the tuple
        return State((observation, state.reward, state.done, info))