Ejemplo n.º 1
def run( step, parset, H ):
    Copy values from a table to another (of the same kind)
    If tables have different sampling, then resample the values
    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter
    inTable = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "InTable"]), '' )
    outTable = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "OutTable"]), '' )

    tr = solFetcher(inTable)
    inVals, inCoord = tr.getValues()
    tw = solWriter(outTable)
    outVals, outCoord = tw.getValues()

    shapeDiff = tuple(np.array(outVals.shape)/np.array(inVals.shape))

    inValsNew = np.kron(inVals, np.ones(shapeDiff))
    if inValsNew.shape != outVals.shape:
        logging.error("Incompatible shapes for copying solutions. The outTable axes can be a multiple of the inTable axis dimension.")

    # writing on the output table

    tw.addHistory('COPY (from table %s)' % (inTable))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run(step, parset, H):
    Copy values from a table to another (of the same kind)
    If tables have different sampling, then resample the values
    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    inTable = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "InTable"]), '')
    outTable = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "OutTable"]),

    tr = solFetcher(inTable)
    inVals, inCoord = tr.getValues()
    tw = solWriter(outTable)
    outVals, outCoord = tw.getValues()

    shapeDiff = tuple(np.array(outVals.shape) / np.array(inVals.shape))

    inValsNew = np.kron(inVals, np.ones(shapeDiff))
    if inValsNew.shape != outVals.shape:
            "Incompatible shapes for copying solutions. The outTable axes can be a multiple of the inTable axis dimension."

    # writing on the output table

    tw.addHistory('COPY (from table %s)' % (inTable))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run( step, parset, H ):

    import scipy.ndimage.filters
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
    pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
    dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )

    axesToSmooth = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Axes"]), [] )
    FWHM = parset.getIntVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "FWHM"]), [] )

    if len(axesToSmooth) != len(FWHM):
        logging.error("Axes and FWHM lenghts must be equal.")
        return 1

    for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):

        sf = solFetcher(soltab)
        sw = solWriter(soltab)

        logging.info("Smoothing soltab: "+soltab._v_name)

        sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

        for i, axis in enumerate(axesToSmooth[:]):
            if axis not in sf.getAxesNames():
                del axesToSmooth[i]
                del FWHM[i]
                logging.warning('Axis \"'+axis+'\" not found. Ignoring.')

        for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToSmooth):

            valsnew = scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter(vals, FWHM)
            # TODO: implement flag control
            # find the local mean (without any nans)
#            valmean = np.ma.mean(np.ma.masked_array(vals, np.isnan(vals)), axis=0)
            # print 'mean value: ' + str(valmean)
            # replace any nans with median
#            valbool = np.isnan(vals)
#            nanindex = np.where(valbool)
#            if valbool.any():
#                logging.warning('Found NaNs in solutions. Replacing with local mean.')
                # check if valmean is iterable
#                if valmean.shape is tuple():
#                    np.putmask(vals, valbool, valmean)
#                else:
#                    for x,mval in enumerate(valmean):
#                        np.putmask(vals[:,x], valbool[:,x], mval)

            # writing back the solutions (selection on all the coord axis)
            # this can be properly broacasted
            coord = removeKeys(coord, axesToSmooth)

        sw.addHistory('SMOOTH (over %s with box size = %s)' % (axesToSmooth, FWHM))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def run( step, parset, H ):

    import scipy.ndimage.filters
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
    pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
    dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )

    axesToSmooth = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Axes"]), [] )
    FWHM = parset.getIntVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "FWHM"]), [] )

    if len(axesToSmooth) != len(FWHM):
        logging.error("Axes and FWHM lenghts must be equal.")
        return 1

    for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):

        sf = solFetcher(soltab)
        sw = solWriter(soltab)

        logging.info("Smoothing soltab: "+soltab._v_name)

        sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

        for i, axis in enumerate(axesToSmooth[:]):
            if axis not in sf.getAxesNames():
                del axesToSmooth[i]
                del FWHM[i]
                logging.warning('Axis \"'+axis+'\" not found. Ignoring.')

        for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToSmooth):

            valsnew = scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter(vals, FWHM)

            # Assume 1D filtering
#            window=FWHM[0]/2
#            valsnew=np.zeros(len(vals))
#            for i in xrange(0,len(vals)):
#                min=i-window;
#                if (min<0):
#                    min=0;
#                max=i+window;
#                if (max>=len(vals)):
#                    max=len(vals)-1
#                valsnew[i]=np.median(vals[min:max])

            coord = removeKeys(coord, axesToSmooth)

        sw.addHistory('SMOOTH (over %s with box size = %s)' % (axesToSmooth, FWHM))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run(step, parset, H):
    Normalize the solutions to a given value
    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    solsets = getParSolsets(step, parset, H)
    soltabs = getParSoltabs(step, parset, H)
    solTypes = getParSolTypes(step, parset, H)
    ants = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'ant')
    pols = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'pol')
    dirs = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'dir')

    normVal = parset.getFloat('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "NormVal"]), 1.)
    normAxis = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "NormAxis"]),

    for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):
        logging.info("--> Working on soltab: " + soltab._v_name)

        tr = solFetcher(soltab)
        tw = solWriter(soltab)

        axesNames = tr.getAxesNames()
        if normAxis not in axesNames:
            logging.error('Normalization axis ' + normAxis + ' not found.')
            return 1

        tr.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)
        for vals, coord in tr.getValuesIter(returnAxes=normAxis):

            # construct grid
            coordSel = removeKeys(coord, normAxis)
            logging.debug("Working on coords:" + str(coordSel))

            # rescale solutions
            valsMean = np.mean(vals)
            valsNew = normVal * vals / valsMean
            logging.debug("Rescaling by: " + str(normVal / valsMean))

            # writing back the solutions

    tw.addHistory('NORM (on axis %s)' % (normAxis))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def run( step, parset, H ):
    Normalize the solutions to a given value
    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter
    solsets = getParSolsets( step, parset, H )
    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    solTypes = getParSolTypes( step, parset, H )
    ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
    pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
    dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )

    normVal = parset.getFloat('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "NormVal"]), 1. )
    normAxis = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "NormAxis"]), 'time' )

    for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):
        logging.info("--> Working on soltab: "+soltab._v_name)

        tr = solFetcher(soltab)
        tw = solWriter(soltab)

        axesNames = tr.getAxesNames()
        if normAxis not in axesNames:
            logging.error('Normalization axis '+normAxis+' not found.')
            return 1

        tr.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)
        for vals, coord in tr.getValuesIter(returnAxes=normAxis):

            # construct grid
            coordSel = removeKeys(coord, normAxis)
            logging.debug("Working on coords:"+str(coordSel))

            # rescale solutions
            valsMean = np.mean(vals)
            valsNew = normVal*vals/valsMean
            logging.debug("Rescaling by: "+str(normVal/valsMean))

            # writing back the solutions

    tw.addHistory('NORM (on axis %s)' % (normAxis))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run(step, parset, H):

    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs(step, parset, H)
    ants = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'ant')
    pols = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'pol')
    dirs = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'dir')

    # No need to specify an axis, just use time
    axesToAbs = ['time']

    for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):

        sf = solFetcher(soltab)
        sw = solWriter(soltab)

        logging.info("Taking ABSolute value of soltab: " + soltab._v_name)

        sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

        total = 0
        count = 0
        for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToAbs):

            total += len(vals)
            count += np.count_nonzero(vals < 0)
            valsnew = np.abs(vals)

            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, axesToAbs)

        logging.info('Abs: %i points initially negative (%f %%)' %
                     (count, float(count) / total))

        sw.addHistory('ABSolute value taken')

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def run( step, parset, H ):

    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
    pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
    dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )

    # No need to specify an axis, just use time
    axesToAbs = ['time']

    for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):

        sf = solFetcher(soltab)
        sw = solWriter(soltab)

        logging.info("Taking ABSolute value of soltab: "+soltab._v_name)

        sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

        for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToAbs):


            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, axesToAbs)

        logging.info('Abs: %i points initially negative (%f %%)' % (count,float(count)/total))

        sw.addHistory('ABSolute value taken')
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run( step, parset, H ):

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher

    solsets = getParSolsets( step, parset, H )
    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
    pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
    dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )

    plotType = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "PlotType"]), '' )
    axesToPlot = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Axes"]), '' )
    minZ, maxZ = parset.getDoubleVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "MinMax"]), [0,0] )
    prefix = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Prefix"]), '' )

    if plotType.lower() in ['1d', '2d']:
        for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):

            sf = solFetcher(soltab)
            logging.info("Plotting soltab: "+soltab._v_name)

            sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

            # some checks
            for axis in axesToPlot:
                if axis not in sf.getAxesNames():
                    logging.error('Axis \"'+axis+'\" not found.')
                    return 1

            if (len(axesToPlot) != 2 and plotType == '2D') or \
               (len(axesToPlot) != 1 and plotType == '1D'):
                logging.error('Wrong number of axes.')
                return 1

            for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToPlot):
                # TODO: implement flag control, using different color?

                title = ''
                for axis in coord:
                    if axis in axesToPlot: continue
                    title += str(coord[axis])+'_'
                title = title[:-1]

                if plotType == '2D':
                    fig = plt.figure()
                    ax = plt.subplot(111)
                    p = ax.imshow(coord[axesToPlot[1]], coord[axesToPlot[0]], vals)
                    if not (minZ == 0 and maxZ == 0):
                        plt.zlim(zmin=minZ, zmax=maxZ)
                    logging.info("Saving "+prefix+title+'.png')

                if plotType == '1D':
                    fig = plt.figure()
                    ax = plt.subplot(111)
                    if not (minZ == 0 and maxZ == 0):
                        plt.ylim(ymin=minZ, ymax=maxZ)
                    p = ax.plot(coord[axesToPlot[0]], vals)
                    logging.info("Saving "+prefix+title+'.png')

    elif plotType.lower() == 'tecscreen':
        # Plot various TEC-screen properties

        for st_scr in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):

            # Check if soltab is a tecscreen table
            full_name = st_scr._v_parent._v_name + '/' + st_scr._v_name
            if st_scr._v_title != 'tecscreen':
                logging.warning('Solution table {0} is not a tecscreen solution '
                    'table. Skipping.'.format(full_name))
            logging.info('Using input solution table: {0}'.format(full_name))

            # Plot TEC screens as images
            solset = st_scr._v_parent
            sf_scr = solFetcher(st_scr)
            r, axis_vals = sf_scr.getValues()
            source_names = axis_vals['dir']
            station_names = axis_vals['ant']
            station_dict = H.getAnt(solset)
            station_positions = []
            for station in station_names:
            times = axis_vals['time']

            tec_screen, axis_vals = sf_scr.getValues()
            times = axis_vals['time']
            residuals = sf_scr.getValues(weight=True, retAxesVals=False)
            height = st_scr._v_attrs['height']
            order = st_scr._v_attrs['order']
            beta_val = st_scr._v_attrs['beta']
            r_0 = st_scr._v_attrs['r_0']
            pp = sf_scr.t.piercepoint

            if (minZ == 0 and maxZ == 0):
                min_tec = None
                max_tec = None
                min_tec = minZ
                max_tec = maxZ

            make_tec_screen_plots(pp, tec_screen, residuals,
                np.array(station_positions), np.array(source_names), times,
                height, order, beta_val, r_0, prefix=prefix,
                remove_gradient=True, show_source_names=False, min_tec=min_tec,

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run( step, parset, H ):
    Interpolate the solutions from one table into a destination table
    import itertools
    import scipy.interpolate
    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter
    solsets = getParSolsets( step, parset, H )
    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    solTypes = getParSolTypes( step, parset, H )
    ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
    pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
    dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )

    calSoltab = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "CalSoltab"]), '' )
    calDir = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "CalDir"]), '' )
    interpAxes = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "InterpAxes"]), ['time','freq'] )
    interpMethod = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "InterpMethod"]), 'linear' )
    medAxes = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "MedAxes"]), [''] )
    rescale = parset.getBool('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Rescale"]), False )

    if interpMethod not in ["nearest", "linear", "cubic"]:
        logging.error('Interpolation method must be nearest, linear or cubic.')
        return 1
    if rescale and medAxes == []:
        logging.error('A medAxis is needed for rescaling.')
        return 1

    # open calibration table
    css, cst = calSoltab.split('/')
    cr = solFetcher(H.getSoltab(css, cst))
    cAxesNames = cr.getAxesNames()

    for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):
        logging.info("--> Working on soltab: "+soltab._v_name)

        tr = solFetcher(soltab)
        tw = solWriter(soltab)

        axesNames = tr.getAxesNames()
        for i, interpAxis in enumerate(interpAxes[:]):
            if interpAxis not in axesNames or interpAxis not in cAxesNames:
                logging.error('Axis '+interpAxis+' not found. Ignoring.')
                del interpAxes[i]
        for i, medAxis in enumerate(medAxes[:]):
            if medAxis not in axesNames or medAxis not in cAxesNames:
                logging.error('Axis '+medAxis+' not found. Ignoring.')
                del medAxes[i]

        tr.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)
        for vals, coord in tr.getValuesIter(returnAxes=interpAxes):

            # construct grid
            coordSel = removeKeys(coord, interpAxes)
            logging.debug("Working on coords:"+str(coordSel))
            # change dir if sepcified
            if calDir != '':
                coordSel['dir'] = calDir
            calValues, calCoord = cr.getValues()
            # fill all medAxes with the median value
            for medAxis in medAxes:
                axis = cAxesNames.index(medAxis)
                calValues = np.repeat( np.expand_dims( np.median( calValues, axis ), axis ), calValues.shape[axis], axis )
            # create a list of values whose coords are calPoints
            calValues = np.ndarray.flatten(calValues)

            # create calibrator/target coordinates arrays
            calPoints = []
            targetPoints = []
            for interpAxis in interpAxes:
            calPoints = np.array([x for x in itertools.product(*calPoints)])
            targetPoints = np.array([x for x in itertools.product(*targetPoints)])

            # interpolation
            valsNew = scipy.interpolate.griddata(calPoints, calValues, targetPoints, interpMethod)

            # fill values outside boudaries with "nearest" solutions
            if interpMethod != 'nearest':
                valsNewNearest = scipy.interpolate.griddata(calPoints, calValues, targetPoints, 'nearest')
                valsNew[ np.where(valsNew == np.nan) ] = valsNewNearest [ np.where(valsNew == np.nan) ]
            valsNew = valsNew.reshape(vals.shape)

            if rescale:
                # rescale solutions
                for medAxis in medAxes:
                    axis = interpAxes.index(medAxis)
                    valsMed = np.repeat( np.expand_dims( np.median( vals, axis ), axis ), vals.shape[axis], axis )
                    valsNewMed = np.repeat( np.expand_dims( np.median( valsNew, axis ), axis ), valsNew.shape[axis], axis )
                valsNew = vals*valsNewMed/valsMed
                #print "Rescaling by: ", valsNewMed[:,0]/valsMed[:,0]

            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, interpAxes)

    tw.addHistory('INTERP (from table %s)' % (calSoltab))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
def collect_solutions(H, dirs=None, freq_tol=1e6, solsets=None):
    Collects and returns phase solutions, etc. needed for fitting

    Keyword arguments:
    H -- H5parm object
    dirs -- list of directions to use (None => all)
    freq_tol -- tolerance for grouping of phase solutions into bands (Hz)
    solsets -- list of solution sets in H to search (None => all)
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import find
    import progressbar
    import re
    logging.info("Scanning for solutions needed for TEC fitting...")

    # Determine axis lengths
    sources = []
    freqs = []
    stations = []
    if solsets is None:
        solsets = H.getSolsets().keys()
    N_times_max = 0
    first_solset = None
    for solset in solsets[:]:
        logging.info('  --Scanning solution set {0}...'.format(solset))
        has_phase_st = False
        soltabs = H.getSoltabs(solset)

        for soltab in soltabs:
            # Only use soltabs with phase solutions
            if 'phase' in soltabs[soltab]._v_title:
                    '    --Scanning solution table {0}...'.format(soltab))
                has_phase_st = True
                solset_sources = H.getSou(solset)
                if len(solset_sources) == 1 and 'pointing' in solset_sources:
                    logging.info('      Found direction-independent solutions')
                    dir_indep = True
                    soln_type_dirindep = soltabs[soltab]._v_title
                    if first_solset is None:
                        first_solset = solset
                    logging.info('      Found direction-dependent solutions')
                    dir_indep = False
                    if first_solset is None:
                        first_solset = solset
                if not dir_indep:
                    soln_type_dirdep = soltabs[soltab]._v_title
                    logging.info('      Found sources: {0}'.format(
                    sources += H.getSou(solset).keys()
                    stations += H.getAnt(solset).keys()
                    t = solFetcher(soltabs[soltab])
                    solns, axis_vals = t.getValues()
                    times = axis_vals['time']
                    N_times = len(times)
                    if N_times > N_times_max:
                        N_times_max = N_times
                        times_max = times
        if not has_phase_st:
            logging.info('    --No phase solutions found')

    # Consolidate frequencies into bands (defined by freq_tol parameter)
    has_dup = True
    while has_dup:
        has_dup = False
        for freq in freqs[:]:
            nfreq = len(
                find((np.array(freqs) > (freq - freq_tol))
                     & (np.array(freqs) < (freq + freq_tol))))
            if nfreq > 1:
                has_dup = True
    freqs = np.array(sorted(freqs))
    N_freqs = len(freqs)
    stations_set = set(stations)
    sources_set = set(sources)
    if 'pointing' in sources_set:
    if dirs is not None:
        sources_filt = []
        for dir in dirs:
            if dir in sources_set:
        sources_set = set(sources_filt)
    source_names = np.array(sorted(list(sources_set)))
    N_sources = len(set(source_names))
    N_stations = len(set(stations))
    N_times = N_times_max
    logging.info('Scanning complete')
    logging.info('  Number of sources: {0}'.format(N_sources))
    logging.info('  Number of stations: {0}'.format(N_stations))
    logging.info('  Number of times: {0}'.format(N_times))
    logging.info('  Number of bands: {0}'.format(N_freqs))
    if N_sources == 0 or N_stations == 0 or N_times == 0 or N_freqs == 0:
        logging.error('No solutions found.')
        return (None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None,
                None, None)

    # Initialize the arrays
    freqwidths = np.zeros(N_freqs)
    timewidths = np.zeros(N_times)
    m = np.zeros((N_sources, N_freqs))
    phases0 = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations, N_freqs, N_times))
    phases1 = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations, N_freqs, N_times))
    flags = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations, N_freqs, N_times))
    source_positions = np.zeros((N_sources, 2))
    solset_array_dir_dep = np.zeros((N_sources, N_freqs), dtype='|S100')
    solset_array_dir_indep = np.zeros(N_freqs, dtype='|S100')

    # Populate the arrays
    for solset in solsets:
        source_dict = H.getSou(solset)
        sources = source_dict.keys()
        soltabs = H.getSoltabs(solset)

        for soltab in soltabs:
            t = solFetcher(soltabs[soltab])
            solns, axes = t.getValues()
            freq = axes['freq'][0]
            freq_indx = find((np.array(freqs) > (freq - freq_tol))
                             & (np.array(freqs) < (freq + freq_tol)))

            for source in sources:
                if source in source_names:
                    source_indx = find(source_names == source)
                    m[source_indx, freq_indx] = 1
                    solset_array_dir_dep[source_indx, freq_indx] = solset
                elif source == 'pointing' and len(sources) == 1:
                    solset_array_dir_indep[freq_indx] = solset

    # Collect station properties and pointing direction
    station_dict = H.getAnt(first_solset)
    station_names = np.array(list(stations_set))
    station_positions = np.zeros((len(station_names), 3), dtype=np.float)
    for i, station_name in enumerate(station_names):
        station_positions[i, 0] = station_dict[station_name][0]
        station_positions[i, 1] = station_dict[station_name][1]
        station_positions[i, 2] = station_dict[station_name][2]

    source_dict = H.getSou(first_solset)
    ra = source_dict['pointing'][0]
    dec = source_dict['pointing'][1]
    pointing = np.array(
        [np.cos(ra) * np.cos(dec),
         np.sin(ra) * np.cos(dec),

    # Collect source positions and phase solutions for each band
    logging.info('Collecting phase solutions...')
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(source_names)).start()
    for i, source1 in enumerate(source_names):
        for k in range(N_freqs):
            if m[i, k]:
                solset_name = str(solset_array_dir_dep[i, k])
                soltab = H.getSoltab(solset=solset_name,
                                     soltab=soln_type_dirdep + '000')
                solset_dir_indep_name = str(solset_array_dir_indep[k])
                source_dict = H.getSou(solset_name)
                source_positions[i, ] = source_dict[source1]

                if solset_dir_indep_name != '':
                    soltab_dir_indep = H.getSoltab(
                        soltab=soln_type_dirindep + '000')
                    sf_dir_indep = solFetcher(soltab_dir_indep)
                    sf_dir_indep = None
                sf_dir_dep = solFetcher(soltab)

                for l, station in enumerate(station_names):
                    if soln_type_dirdep == 'scalarphase':
                        sf_dir_dep.setSelection(ant=station, dir=source1)
                    values_dir_dep = sf_dir_dep.getValues()
                    v1_phase = np.array(values_dir_dep[0]).squeeze()
                    times_dir_dep = values_dir_dep[1]['time']
                    if sf_dir_indep is not None:
                        if soln_type_dirindep == 'scalarphase':
                            sf_dir_indep.setSelection(ant=station, pol='XX')
                        values_dir_indep = sf_dir_indep.getValues()
                        v1_dir_indep = np.array(values_dir_indep[0]).squeeze()
                        times_dir_indep = values_dir_indep[1]['time']
                        v1_dir_indep_interp = interpolate_phase(
                            v1_dir_indep, times_dir_indep, times_dir_dep)
                        v1_phase += v1_dir_indep_interp
                    if len(times_dir_dep) != N_times_max:
                        phases0 = interpolate_phase(phases0, times_dir_indep,
                    phases0[i, l, k, :] = v1_phase

                    if soln_type_dirdep == 'scalarphase':
                        phases1[i, l, k, :] = v1_phase
                        values_dir_dep = sf_dir_dep.getValues()
                        v1_phase = np.array(values_dir_dep[0]).squeeze()
                        times_dir_dep = values_dir_dep[1]['time']
                        if sf_dir_indep is not None:
                            if soln_type_dirindep == 'scalarphase':
                            values_dir_indep = sf_dir_indep.getValues()
                            v1_dir_indep = np.array(
                            times_dir_indep = values_dir_indep[1]['time']
                            v1_dir_indep_interp = interpolate_phase(
                                v1_dir_indep, times_dir_indep, times_dir_dep)
                            v1_phase += v1_dir_indep_interp
                        if len(times_dir_dep) != N_times_max:
                            phases1 = interpolate_phase(
                                phases1, times_dir_indep, times_max)
                        phases1[i, l, k, :] = v1_phase

                    flags[i, l, k, :] = sf_dir_dep.getValues(weight=True,
                    if np.all(phases0[i, l, k, :] == 0.0):
                        # Check for flagged stations
                        flags[i, l, k, :] = 0.0
    logging.info('Collection complete')
    for i, source in enumerate(source_names):
        nbands = len(find(m[i, :]))
        logging.info('  Source {0} has solutions in {1} bands'.format(
            source, nbands))

    # Invert the weights to give flags (0 => unflagged, 1 => flagged)
    zeroflags = np.where(flags == 0.0)
    oneflags = flags.nonzero()
    flags[zeroflags] = 1.0
    flags[oneflags] = 0.0

    return (phases0, phases1, flags, m, station_names, station_positions,
            source_names, source_positions, freqs, times, pointing,
Ejemplo n.º 12
def run(step, parset, H):

    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs(step, parset, H)
    ants = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'ant')
    pols = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'pol')
    dirs = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'dir')

    axesToClip = parset.getStringVector(
        '.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Axes"]), [])
    clipLevel = parset.getFloat('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "ClipLevel"]),

    if len(axesToClip) < 1:
        logging.error("Please specify axes to clip.")
        return 1
    if clipLevel == 0.:
            "Please specify factor above/below median at which to clip.")
        return 1

    for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):

        sf = solFetcher(soltab)
        sw = solWriter(soltab)

        logging.info("Clipping soltab: " + soltab._v_name)

        sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

        # some checks

        for i, axis in enumerate(axesToClip[:]):
            if axis not in sf.getAxesNames():
                del axesToClip[i]
                logging.warning('Axis \"' + axis + '\" not found. Ignoring.')

        before_count = 0
        after_count = 0
        total = 0
        for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToClip):

            total += len(vals)
            before_count += np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(vals))

            # clipping
            # first find the median and standard deviation
            valmedian = np.median(vals)
            clipvalue = valmedian * clipLevel
            np.putmask(vals, vals > clipvalue, np.nan)
            clipvalue = valmedian / clipLevel
            np.putmask(vals, vals < clipvalue, np.nan)

            after_count += np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(vals))

            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, axesToClip)

        sw.addHistory('CLIP (over %s with %s sigma cut)' %
                      (axesToClip, clipLevel))
            'Clip: %i points initially bad, %i after clipping (%f %%)' %
            (before_count, after_count, float(after_count) / total))

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
def run( step, parset, H ):

    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
    pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
    dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )

    axesToMed = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Axes"]), [] )
    clipLevel = parset.getFloat('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "SigLevel"]), 0. )
    if len(axesToMed) < 1:
        logging.error("Please specify axes.")
        return 1
    if clipLevel == 0.:
        logging.error("Please specify significance level above which to clip.")
        return 1

    for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):

        sf = solFetcher(soltab)
        sw = solWriter(soltab)

        logging.info("Flagging soltab: "+soltab._v_name)

        sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

        # some checks
        if len(axesToMed) < 1:
            logging.error("Please specify axes.")
            return 1

        if clipLevel == 0.:
            logging.error("Please specify significance level above which to clip.")
            return 1

        for i, axis in enumerate(axesToMed[:]):
            if axis not in sf.getAxesNames():
                del axesToMed[i]
                logging.warning('Axis \"'+axis+'\" not found. Ignoring.')

        for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToMed):


            # clipping
            # first find the median and standard deviation
            valmedian = np.median(vals)
            clipvalue = valmedian * clipLevel
            np.putmask(vals, vals > clipvalue, np.nan)
            clipvalue = valmedian / clipLevel
            np.putmask(vals, vals < clipvalue, np.nan)

            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, axesToMed)

        sw.addHistory('FLAG (over %s with %s sigma cut)' % (axesToMed, clipLevel))
        logging.info('Clip: %i points initially bad, %i after flagging (%f %%)' % (before_count,after_count,float(after_count)/total))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 14
def run(step, parset, H):

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher

    solsets = getParSolsets(step, parset, H)
    soltabs = getParSoltabs(step, parset, H)
    ants = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'ant')
    pols = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'pol')
    dirs = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'dir')

    plotType = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "PlotType"]),
    axesToPlot = parset.getStringVector(
        '.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Axes"]), '')
    minZ, maxZ = parset.getDoubleVector(
        '.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "MinMax"]), [0, 0])
    prefix = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Prefix"]), '')

    if plotType.lower() in ['1d', '2d']:
        for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):

            sf = solFetcher(soltab)
            logging.info("Plotting soltab: " + soltab._v_name)

            sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

            # some checks
            for axis in axesToPlot:
                if axis not in sf.getAxesNames():
                    logging.error('Axis \"' + axis + '\" not found.')
                    return 1

            if (len(axesToPlot) != 2 and plotType == '2D') or \
               (len(axesToPlot) != 1 and plotType == '1D'):
                logging.error('Wrong number of axes.')
                return 1

            for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToPlot):
                # TODO: implement flag control, using different color?

                title = ''
                for axis in coord:
                    if axis in axesToPlot: continue
                    title += str(coord[axis]) + '_'
                title = title[:-1]

                if plotType == '2D':
                    fig = plt.figure()
                    ax = plt.subplot(111)
                    p = ax.imshow(coord[axesToPlot[1]], coord[axesToPlot[0]],
                    if not (minZ == 0 and maxZ == 0):
                        plt.zlim(zmin=minZ, zmax=maxZ)
                    plt.savefig(title + '.png')
                    logging.info("Saving " + prefix + title + '.png')

                if plotType == '1D':
                    fig = plt.figure()
                    ax = plt.subplot(111)
                    if not (minZ == 0 and maxZ == 0):
                        plt.ylim(ymin=minZ, ymax=maxZ)
                    p = ax.plot(coord[axesToPlot[0]], vals)
                    plt.savefig(prefix + title + '.png')
                    logging.info("Saving " + prefix + title + '.png')

    elif plotType.lower() == 'tecscreen':
        # Plot various TEC-screen properties

        for st_scr in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):

            # Check if soltab is a tecscreen table
            full_name = st_scr._v_parent._v_name + '/' + st_scr._v_name
            if st_scr._v_title != 'tecscreen':
                    'Solution table {0} is not a tecscreen solution '
                    'table. Skipping.'.format(full_name))
            logging.info('Using input solution table: {0}'.format(full_name))

            # Plot TEC screens as images
            solset = st_scr._v_parent
            sf_scr = solFetcher(st_scr)
            r, axis_vals = sf_scr.getValues()
            source_names = axis_vals['dir']
            station_names = axis_vals['ant']
            station_dict = H.getAnt(solset)
            station_positions = []
            for station in station_names:
            times = axis_vals['time']

            tec_screen, axis_vals = sf_scr.getValues()
            times = axis_vals['time']
            residuals = sf_scr.getValues(weight=True, retAxesVals=False)
            height = st_scr._v_attrs['height']
            order = st_scr._v_attrs['order']
            beta_val = st_scr._v_attrs['beta']
            r_0 = st_scr._v_attrs['r_0']
            pp = sf_scr.t.piercepoint

            if (minZ == 0 and maxZ == 0):
                min_tec = None
                max_tec = None
                min_tec = minZ
                max_tec = maxZ


    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 15
def run( step, parset, H ):
   Generic unspecified step for easy expansion.
   import numpy as np
   from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter
   # all the following are LoSoTo function to extract information from the parset

   # get involved solsets using local step values or global values or all
   solsets = getParSolsets( step, parset, H )
   logging.info('Solset: '+str(solsets))
   # get involved soltabs using local step values or global values or all
   soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
   logging.info('Soltab: '+str(soltabs))
   # get list of Antennas using local step values or global values or all
   ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
   logging.info('Ant: '+str(ants))
   # get list of Polarizations using local step values or global values or all
   pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
   logging.info('Pol: '+str(pols))
   # get list of SolTypes using local step values or global values or all
   solTypes = getParSolTypes( step, parset, H )
   logging.info('SolType: '+str(solTypes))
   # get list of Directions using local step values or global values or all
   dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )
   logging.info('Dir: '+str(dirs))

   # do something on every soltab (use the openSoltab LoSoTo function)
   for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):
        logging.info("--> Working on soltab: "+soltab._v_name)
        # use the solFetcher from the H5parm lib
        t = solFetcher(soltab)
        tw = solWriter(soltab)

        axisNames = t.getAxesNames()
        logging.info("Axis names are: "+str(axisNames))

        solType = t.getType()
        logging.info("Soltab type is: "+solType)

        # this will make a selection for the getValues() and getValuesIter()
        t.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)
        logging.info("Selection is: "+str(t.selection))

        # find axis values
        logging.info("Antennas (no selection) are: "+str(t.getAxisValues('ant', ignoreSelection=True)))
        logging.info("Antennas (with selection) are: "+str(t.getAxisValues('ant')))
        # but one can also use (selection is active here!)
        logging.info("Antennas (other method) are: "+str(t.ant))
        logging.info("Frequencies are: "+str(t.freq))
        logging.info("Directions are: "+str(t.dir))
        logging.info("Polarizations are: "+str(t.pol))
        # try to access a non-existent axis

        # now get all values given this selection
        logging.info("Get data using t.val")
        val = t.val
        logging.debug('shape of val: '+str(t.val.shape))
        logging.info("$ val is "+str(val[0,0,0,0,100]))
        weight = t.weight
        time = t.time
        thisTime = t.time[100]

        # another way to get the data is using the getValues()
        logging.info("Get data using getValues()")
        grid, axes = t.getValues()
        # axis names
        logging.info("Axes: "+str(t.getAxesNames()))
        # axis shape
        print axes
        print [t.getAxisLen(axis) for axis in axes] # not ordered, is a dict!
        # data array shape (same of axis shape)
        logging.info("Shape of values: "+str(grid.shape))
        #logging.info("$ val is "+str(grid[0,0,0,0,100]))

        # reset selection
        logging.info('Reset selection to \'\'')
        logging.info("Antennas are: "+str(t.ant))
        logging.info("Frequencies are: "+str(t.freq))
        logging.info("Directions are: "+str(t.dir))
        logging.info("Polarizations are: "+str(t.pol))

        # finally the getValuesIter allaws to iterate across all possible combinations of a set of axes
        logging.info('Iteration on time/freq')
        for vals, coord in t.getValuesIter(returnAxes=['time','freq']):
            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, ['time','freq']) # removeKeys is an function of the operation_lib
        logging.info('Iteration on time')
        for vals, coord in t.getValuesIter(returnAxes=['time']):
            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, ['time','freq']) # removeKeys is an function of the operation_lib
        logging.info('Iteration on dir after selection to 1 dir')
        for vals, coord in t.getValuesIter(returnAxes=['dir']):
            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, ['time','freq']) # removeKeys is an function of the operation_lib
   return 0 # if everything went fine, otherwise 1
Ejemplo n.º 16
def run( step, parset, H ):

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher

    solsets = getParSolsets( step, parset, H )
    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
    pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
    dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )

    plotType = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "PlotType"]), '' )
    axesToPlot = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Axes"]), '' )
    minZ, maxZ = parset.getDoubleVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "MinMax"]), [0,0] )
    prefix = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Prefix"]), '' )

    if plotType.lower() != 'tecscreen':
        for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):

            sf = solFetcher(soltab)
            logging.info("Plotting soltab: "+soltab._v_name)

            sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

            # some checks
            for axis in axesToPlot:
                if axis not in sf.getAxesNames():
                    logging.error('Axis \"'+axis+'\" not found.')
                    return 1

            if (len(axesToPlot) != 2 and plotType == '2D') or \
               (len(axesToPlot) != 1 and plotType == '1D'):
                logging.error('Wrong number of axes.')
                return 1

            for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToPlot):
                # TODO: implement flag control, using different color?

                title = ''
                for axis in coord:
                    if axis in axesToPlot: continue
                    title += str(coord[axis])+'_'
                title = title[:-1]

                if plotType == '2D':
                    fig = plt.figure()
                    ax = plt.subplot(111)
                    p = ax.imshow(coord[axesToPlot[1]], coord[axesToPlot[0]], vals)
                    if not (minZ == 0 and maxZ == 0):
                        plt.zlim(zmin=minZ, zmax=maxZ)
                    logging.info("Saving "+prefix+title+'.png')

                if plotType == '1D':
                    fig = plt.figure()
                    ax = plt.subplot(111)
                    if not (minZ == 0 and maxZ == 0):
                        plt.ylim(ymin=minZ, ymax=maxZ)
                    p = ax.plot(coord[axesToPlot[0]], vals)
                    logging.info("Saving "+prefix+title+'.png')
        # Plot TEC screens
        i = 0
        st_tec = None
        st_pp = None
        st_tfw = None

        # Find required soltabs
        for st in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):
            if st._v_title == 'tec':
                st_tec = st
                tec_indx = i
            elif st._v_title == 'tecfitwhite':
                st_tfw = st
            elif st._v_title == 'piercepoint':
                st_pp = st
            i += 1

        if st_tec is None or st_pp is None or st_tfw is None:
            logging.warning('One or more of the required TEC solution tables '
                'not found')
            return 1

        solset = soltabs[tec_indx].split('/')[0]
        station_dict = H.getAnt(solset)
        station_names = station_dict.keys()
        station_positions = station_dict.values()
        source_dict = H.getSou(solset)
        source_names = source_dict.keys()
        source_positions = source_dict.values()

        sf_tec = solFetcher(st_tec)
        r, axis_vals = sf_tec.getValues()
        times = axis_vals['time']
        N_sources = len(source_names)
        N_times = len(times)
        N_stations = len(station_names)
        N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
        rr = np.reshape(r.transpose([0, 2, 1]), [ N_piercepoints, N_times])

        sf_pp = solFetcher(st_pp)
        pp = sf_pp.getValues(retAxesVals=False)
        height = st_tfw._v_attrs['height']
        order = st_tfw._v_attrs['order']
        beta_val = st_tfw._v_attrs['beta']
        r_0 = st_tfw._v_attrs['r_0']

        sf_tfw = solFetcher(st_tfw)
        tec_fit_white = sf_tfw.getValues(retAxesVals=False)
        tec_fit = sf_tfw.getValues(weight=True, retAxesVals=False)

        make_tec_screen_plots(pp, rr, tec_fit_white, tec_fit,
            np.array(station_positions), np.array(source_names), times,
            height, order, beta_val, r_0, prefix=prefix, remove_gradient=True)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 17
def run(step, parset, H):

    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs(step, parset, H)
    ants = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'ant')
    pols = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'pol')
    dirs = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'dir')

    axesToMed = parset.getStringVector(
        '.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Axes"]), [])
    clipLevel = parset.getFloat('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "SigLevel"]),

    if len(axesToMed) < 1:
        logging.error("Please specify axes.")
        return 1
    if clipLevel == 0.:
        logging.error("Please specify significance level above which to clip.")
        return 1

    for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):

        sf = solFetcher(soltab)
        sw = solWriter(soltab)

        logging.info("Smoothing soltab: " + soltab.name)

        sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

        # some checks
        if len(axesToMed) < 1:
            logging.error("Please specify axes.")
            return 1

        if clipLevel == 0.:
                "Please specify significance level above which to clip.")
            return 1

        for i, axis in enumerate(axesToMed[:]):
            if axis not in sf.getAxes():
                del axesToSmooth[i]
                logging.warning('Axis \"' + axis + '\" not found. Ignoring.')

        for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToMed):

            # clipping
            # first find the median and standard deviation
            valmedian = np.median(vals)
            clipvalue = valmedian * clipLevel
            np.putmask(vals, vals > clipvalue, np.nan)

            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, axesToSmooth)

        sw.addHistory('FLAG (over %s with %s sigma cut)' %
                      (axesToMed, clipLevel))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 18
def run(step, parset, H):
    Fits a screen to TEC values derived by the TECFIT operation.

    The TEC values are read from the specified tec soltab.

    The results of the fit are stored in the specified tecscreen solution table.
    These values are the screen TEC values per station per pierce point per
    solution interval. The pierce point locations are stored in an auxiliary
    array in the output solution table.

    TEC screens can be plotted with the PLOT operation by setting PlotType =

    The H5parm_exporter.py tool can be used to export the screen to a parmdb
    that BBS and the AWimager can use. Note, however, that the output screens
    are not normalized properly (any normalization was lost due to the use of
    source-to-source phase gradients in the TECFIT operation). Therefore, a
    direction-independent calibration must be done after exporting the screens
    to a parmdb file, with the following settings in the BBS solve step:

        Model.Ionosphere.Enable = T
        Model.Ionosphere.Type = EXPION
    import numpy as np
    import re
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs(step, parset, H)
    outSoltabs = parset.getStringVector(
        '.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "OutSoltab"]), [])
    height = np.array(
        parset.getDoubleVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Height"]),
    order = int(
        parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Order"]), '15'))

    # Load TEC values from TECFIT operation
    indx = 0
    for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):
        if 'tec' not in soltab._v_title:
                'No TECFIT solution tables found for solution table '
            indx += 1
        solset = soltabs[indx].split('/')[0]
        logging.info('Using input solution table: {0}'.format(soltabs[indx]))
        logging.info('Using output solution table: {0}'.format(

        # Collect station and source names and positions and times, making sure
        # that they are ordered correctly.
        t = solFetcher(soltab)
        r, axis_vals = t.getValues()
        source_names = axis_vals['dir']
        source_dict = H.getSou(solset)
        source_positions = []
        for source in source_names:
        station_names = axis_vals['ant']
        station_dict = H.getAnt(solset)
        station_positions = []
        for station in station_names:
        times = axis_vals['time']

        # Get sizes
        N_sources = len(source_names)
        N_times = len(times)
        N_stations = len(station_names)
        N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
        rr = np.reshape(r.transpose([0, 2, 1]), [N_piercepoints, N_times])

        heights = set(np.linspace(height[0], height[-1], 5))
        if len(heights) > 1:
            logging.info('Trying range of heights: {0} m'.format(
        for i, height in enumerate(heights):
            # Find pierce points and airmass values for given screen height
            logging.info('Using height = {0} m and order = {1}'.format(
                height, order))
            pp, airmass = calculate_piercepoints(np.array(station_positions),
                                                 np.array(times), height)

            # Fit a TEC screen
            r_0 = 10e3
            beta = 5.0 / 3.0
            tec_screen, residual = fit_screen_to_tec(station_names,
                                                     source_names, pp, airmass,
                                                     rr, times, height, order,
                                                     r_0, beta)
            total_resid = np.sum(np.abs(residual))
            if i > 0:
                if total_resid < best_resid:
                    tec_screen_best = tec_screen
                    pp_best = pp
                    height_best = height
                    best_resid = total_resid
                tec_screen_best = tec_screen
                pp_best = pp
                height_best = height
                best_resid = total_resid
            if len(heights) > 1:
                    'Total residual for fit: {0}\n'.format(total_resid))

        # Use screen with lowest total residual
        if len(heights) > 1:
            tec_screen = tec_screen_best
            pp = pp_best
            height = height_best
                'Using height (with lowest total residual) of {0} m'.format(

        # Write the results to the output solset
        dirs_out = source_names
        times_out = times
        ants_out = station_names

        # Make output tecscreen table
        outSolset = outSoltabs[indx].split('/')[0]
        outSoltab = outSoltabs[indx].split('/')[1]
        if not outSolset in H.getSolsets().keys():
            solsetTEC = H.makeSolset(outSolset)
            dirs_pos = source_positions
            sourceTable = solsetTEC._f_get_child('source')
            sourceTable.append(zip(*(dirs_out, dirs_pos)))
            ants_pos = station_positions
            antennaTable = solsetTEC._f_get_child('antenna')
            antennaTable.append(zip(*(ants_out, ants_pos)))

        # Store tecscreen values. The residual values are stored in the weights
        # table
        vals = tec_screen.transpose([1, 0, 2])
        weights = residual.transpose([1, 0, 2])
        tec_screen_st = H.makeSoltab(outSolset,
                                     axesNames=['dir', 'time', 'ant'],
                                     axesVals=[dirs_out, times_out, ants_out],

        # Store beta, r_0, height, and order as attributes of the tecscreen
        # soltab
        tec_screen_st._v_attrs['beta'] = beta
        tec_screen_st._v_attrs['r_0'] = r_0
        tec_screen_st._v_attrs['height'] = height
        tec_screen_st._v_attrs['order'] = order

        # Make output piercepoint table
        tec_screen_solset = tec_screen_st._v_parent._v_name
        H.H.create_carray('/' + tec_screen_solset + '/' +

        # Add histories
        sw = solWriter(tec_screen_st)
        sw.addHistory('CREATE (by TECSCREEN operation)')
        indx += 1

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 19
def run( step, parset, H ):
    Fits a screen to TEC values derived by the TECFIT operation.

    The TEC values are read from the specified tec soltab.

    The results of the fit are stored in the specified tecscreen solution table.
    These values are the screen TEC values per station per pierce point per
    solution interval. The pierce point locations are stored in an auxiliary
    array in the output solution table.

    TEC screens can be plotted with the PLOT operation by setting PlotType =

    The H5parm_exporter.py tool can be used to export the screen to a parmdb
    that BBS and the AWimager can use. Note, however, that the output screens
    are not normalized properly (any normalization was lost due to the use of
    source-to-source phase gradients in the TECFIT operation). Therefore, a
    direction-independent calibration must be done after exporting the screens
    to a parmdb file, with the following settings in the BBS solve step:

        Model.Ionosphere.Enable = T
        Model.Ionosphere.Type = EXPION
    import numpy as np
    import re
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter
    # Switch to the Agg backend to prevent problems with pylab imports when
    # DISPLAY env. variable is not set
    import os
    if 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ:
        import matplotlib

    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    outSoltabs = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "OutSoltab"]), [] )
    height = np.array(parset.getDoubleVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Height"]), [200e3] ))
    order = int(parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Order"]), '15' ))

    # Load TEC values from TECFIT operation
    indx = 0
    for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):
        if 'tec' not in soltab._v_title:
            logging.warning('No TECFIT solution tables found for solution table '
            indx += 1
        solset = soltabs[indx].split('/')[0]
        logging.info('Using input solution table: {0}'.format(soltabs[indx]))
        logging.info('Using output solution table: {0}'.format(outSoltabs[indx]))

        # Collect station and source names and positions and times, making sure
        # that they are ordered correctly.
        t = solFetcher(soltab)
        r, axis_vals = t.getValues()
        source_names = axis_vals['dir']
        source_dict = H.getSou(solset)
        source_positions = []
        for source in source_names:
        station_names = axis_vals['ant']
        station_dict = H.getAnt(solset)
        station_positions = []
        for station in station_names:
        times = axis_vals['time']

        # Get sizes
        N_sources = len(source_names)
        N_times = len(times)
        N_stations = len(station_names)
        N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
        rr = np.reshape(r.transpose([0, 2, 1]), [N_piercepoints, N_times])

        heights = list(set(np.linspace(height[0], height[-1], 5)))
        if len(heights) > 1:
            logging.info('Trying range of heights: {0} m'.format(heights))
        for i, height in enumerate(heights):
            # Find pierce points and airmass values for given screen height
            logging.info('Using height = {0} m and order = {1}'.format(height, order))
            if height < 100e3:
                logging.warning("Height is less than 100e3 m.")
            pp, airmass = calculate_piercepoints(np.array(station_positions),
                np.array(source_positions), np.array(times), height)

            # Fit a TEC screen
            r_0 = 10e3
            beta = 5.0 / 3.0
            tec_screen, residual = fit_screen_to_tec(station_names, source_names,
                pp, airmass, rr, times, height, order, r_0, beta)
            total_resid = np.sum(np.abs(residual))
            if i > 0:
                if total_resid < best_resid:
                    tec_screen_best = tec_screen
                    pp_best = pp
                    height_best = height
                    best_resid = total_resid
                tec_screen_best = tec_screen
                pp_best = pp
                height_best = height
                best_resid = total_resid
            if len(heights) > 1:
                logging.info('Total residual for fit: {0}\n'.format(total_resid))

        # Use screen with lowest total residual
        if len(heights) > 1:
            tec_screen = tec_screen_best
            pp = pp_best
            height = height_best
            logging.info('Using height (with lowest total residual) of {0} m'.format(height))

        # Write the results to the output solset
        dirs_out = source_names
        times_out = times
        ants_out = station_names

        # Make output tecscreen table
        outSolset = outSoltabs[indx].split('/')[0]
        outSoltab = outSoltabs[indx].split('/')[1]
        if not outSolset in H.getSolsets().keys():
            solsetTEC = H.makeSolset(outSolset)
            dirs_pos = source_positions
            sourceTable = solsetTEC._f_get_child('source')
            sourceTable.append(zip(*(dirs_out, dirs_pos)))
            ants_pos = station_positions
            antennaTable = solsetTEC._f_get_child('antenna')
            antennaTable.append(zip(*(ants_out, ants_pos)))

        # Store tecscreen values. The residual values are stored in the weights
        # table. Flagged values of the screen have weights set to 0.0.
        vals = tec_screen.transpose([1, 0, 2])
        weights = residual.transpose([1, 0, 2])
        tec_screen_st = H.makeSoltab(outSolset, 'tecscreen', outSoltab,
            axesNames=['dir', 'time', 'ant'], axesVals=[dirs_out, times_out,
            ants_out], vals=vals, weights=weights)

        # Store beta, r_0, height, and order as attributes of the tecscreen
        # soltab
        tec_screen_st._v_attrs['beta'] = beta
        tec_screen_st._v_attrs['r_0'] = r_0
        tec_screen_st._v_attrs['height'] = height
        tec_screen_st._v_attrs['order'] = order

        # Make output piercepoint table
        tec_screen_solset = tec_screen_st._v_parent._v_name
            'piercepoint', obj=pp)

        # Add histories
        sw = solWriter(tec_screen_st)
        sw.addHistory('CREATE (by TECSCREEN operation)')
        indx += 1

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 20
def run( step, parset, H ):
    Separate phase solutions into Clock and TEC.

    Phase solutions are assumed to be stored in solsets of the H5parm file, one
    solset per field.

    The Clock and TEC values are stored in the specified output soltab with type 'clock' and 'tec'.

    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
    logging.info('Ant: '+str(ants))
    pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
    logging.info('Pol: '+str(pols))
    dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )
    logging.info('Dir: '+str(dirs))

    # get involved solsets using local step values or global values or all
    solsets = getParSolsets( step, parset, H )
    logging.info('Solset: '+str(solsets))
    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    logging.info('Soltab: '+str(soltabs))
    solTypes = ['phase']
    # do something on every soltab (use the openSoltab LoSoTo function)
    #for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):
    for soltabname in soltabs:
        soltab=H.getSoltab(solset=solsetname, soltab=soltabname.split('/')[1])
        logging.info("--> Working on soltab: "+soltab._v_name)
        # use the solFetcher from the H5parm lib
        t = solFetcher(soltab)
        tw = solWriter(soltab)

        axisNames = t.getAxesNames()
        logging.info("Axis names are: "+str(axisNames))

        solType = t.getType()
        if solType != 'phase':
           logging.info("Soltab type of "+soltab._v_name+" is: "+solType," should be phase")
        # this will make a selection for the getValues() and getValuesIter()
        t.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)
        logging.info("Selection is: "+str(t.selection))
        logging.info("axis names"+str(t.getAxesNames()))
        # Collect station properties
        station_dict = H.getAnt(solsetname)
        station_positions = np.zeros((len(stations), 3), dtype=np.float)
        for i, station_name in enumerate(stations):
            station_positions[i, 0] = station_dict[station_name][0]
            station_positions[i, 1] = station_dict[station_name][1]

            station_positions[i, 2] = station_dict[station_name][2]
        for vals, coord in t.getValuesIter(returnAxes=returnAxes):
            axes=[i for i in names if i in returnAxes]
            tf_st = H.makeSoltab(solsetname, 'tec', 'tec',
                                 axesNames=['time', 'ant','pol'], axesVals=[times, newstations,np.arange(2)],
            sw = solWriter(tf_st)
            sw.addHistory('CREATE (by CLOCKTECFIT operation)')
            tf_st = H.makeSoltab(solsetname, 'clock', 'clock',
                                 axesNames=['time', 'ant','pol'], axesVals=[times, newstations,np.arange(2)],
            sw = solWriter(tf_st)
            sw.addHistory('CREATE (by CLOCKTECFIT operation)')
            tf_st = H.makeSoltab(solsetname, 'offset', 'phase_offset',
                                 axesNames=['ant','pol'], axesVals=[newstations,np.arange(2)],
            sw = solWriter(tf_st)
            sw.addHistory('CREATE (by CLOCKTECFIT operation)')

    # Add history
    return 0 # if everything went fine, otherwise 1
Ejemplo n.º 21
def collect_solutions(H, dirs=None, freq_tol=1e6, solsets=None):
    Collects and returns phase solutions, etc. needed for fitting

    Keyword arguments:
    H -- H5parm object
    dirs -- list of directions to use (None => all)
    freq_tol -- tolerance for grouping of phase solutions into bands (Hz)
    solsets -- list of solution sets in H to search (None => all)
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import find
    import progressbar
    import re
    logging.info("Scanning for solutions needed for TEC fitting...")

    # Determine axis lengths
    sources = []
    freqs = []
    stations = []
    if solsets is None:
        solsets = H.getSolsets().keys()
    N_times_max = 0
    first_solset = None
    for solset in solsets[:]:
        logging.info('  --Scanning solution set {0}...'.format(solset))
        has_phase_st = False
        soltabs = H.getSoltabs(solset)

        for soltab in soltabs:
            # Only use soltabs with phase solutions
            if 'phase' in soltabs[soltab]._v_title:
                logging.info('    --Scanning solution table {0}...'.format(soltab))
                has_phase_st = True
                solset_sources = H.getSou(solset)
                if len(solset_sources) == 1 and 'pointing' in solset_sources:
                    logging.info('      Found direction-independent solutions')
                    dir_indep = True
                    soln_type_dirindep = soltabs[soltab]._v_title
                    if first_solset is None:
                        first_solset = solset
                    logging.info('      Found direction-dependent solutions')
                    dir_indep = False
                    if first_solset is None:
                        first_solset = solset
                if not dir_indep:
                    soln_type_dirdep = soltabs[soltab]._v_title
                    logging.info('      Found sources: {0}'.format(
                    sources += H.getSou(solset).keys()
                    stations += H.getAnt(solset).keys()
                    t = solFetcher(soltabs[soltab])
                    solns, axis_vals = t.getValues()
                    times = axis_vals['time']
                    N_times = len(times)
                    if N_times > N_times_max:
                        N_times_max = N_times
                        times_max = times
        if not has_phase_st:
            logging.info('    --No phase solutions found')

    # Consolidate frequencies into bands (defined by freq_tol parameter)
    has_dup = True
    while has_dup:
        has_dup = False
        for freq in freqs[:]:
            nfreq = len( find( (np.array(freqs) > (freq-freq_tol)) &
                               (np.array(freqs) < (freq+freq_tol)) ) )
            if nfreq > 1:
                has_dup = True
    freqs = np.array(sorted(freqs))
    N_freqs = len(freqs)
    stations_set = set(stations)
    sources_set = set(sources)
    if 'pointing' in sources_set:
    if dirs is not None:
        sources_filt = []
        for dir in dirs:
            if dir in sources_set:
        sources_set = set(sources_filt)
    source_names = np.array(sorted(list(sources_set)))
    N_sources = len(set(source_names))
    N_stations = len(set(stations))
    N_times = N_times_max
    times = times_max
    logging.info('Scanning complete')
    logging.info('  Number of sources: {0}'.format(N_sources))
    logging.info('  Number of stations: {0}'.format(N_stations))
    logging.info('  Number of times: {0}'.format(N_times))
    logging.info('  Number of bands: {0}'.format(N_freqs))
    if N_sources == 0 or N_stations == 0 or N_times == 0 or N_freqs == 0:
        logging.error('No solutions found.')
        return (None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None,
            None, None)

    # Initialize the arrays
    freqwidths = np.zeros(N_freqs)
    timewidths = np.zeros(N_times)
    m = np.zeros((N_sources, N_freqs))
    phases0 = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations, N_freqs, N_times))
    phases1 = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations, N_freqs, N_times))
    flags = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations, N_freqs, N_times))
    source_positions = np.zeros((N_sources, 2))
    solset_array_dir_dep = np.zeros((N_sources, N_freqs), dtype='|S100')
    solset_array_dir_indep = np.zeros(N_freqs, dtype='|S100')

    # Populate the arrays
    for solset in solsets:
        source_dict = H.getSou(solset)
        sources = source_dict.keys()
        soltabs = H.getSoltabs(solset)

        for soltab in soltabs:
            t = solFetcher(soltabs[soltab])
            solns, axes = t.getValues()
            freq = axes['freq'][0]
            freq_indx = find( (np.array(freqs) > (freq-freq_tol)) &
                (np.array(freqs) < (freq+freq_tol)) )

            for source in sources:
                if source in source_names:
                    source_indx = find(source_names == source)
                    m[source_indx, freq_indx] = 1
                    solset_array_dir_dep[source_indx, freq_indx] = solset
                elif source=='pointing' and len(sources) == 1:
                    solset_array_dir_indep[freq_indx] = solset

    # Collect station properties and pointing direction
    station_dict = H.getAnt(first_solset)
    station_names = np.array(list(stations_set))
    station_positions = np.zeros((len(station_names), 3), dtype=np.float)
    for i, station_name in enumerate(station_names):
        station_positions[i, 0] = station_dict[station_name][0]
        station_positions[i, 1] = station_dict[station_name][1]
        station_positions[i, 2] = station_dict[station_name][2]

    source_dict = H.getSou(first_solset)
    ra = source_dict['pointing'][0]
    dec = source_dict['pointing'][1]
    pointing = np.array([np.cos(ra) * np.cos(dec), np.sin(ra) * np.cos(dec),

    # Collect source positions and phase solutions for each band
    logging.info('Collecting phase solutions...')
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(source_names)).start()
    for i, source1 in enumerate(source_names):
        for k in range(N_freqs):
            if m[i, k]:
                solset_name = str(solset_array_dir_dep[i, k])
                soltab = H.getSoltab(solset=solset_name, soltab=soln_type_dirdep+'000')
                solset_dir_indep_name = str(solset_array_dir_indep[k])
                source_dict = H.getSou(solset_name)
                source_positions[i, ] = source_dict[source1]

                if solset_dir_indep_name != '':
                    soltab_dir_indep = H.getSoltab(solset=solset_dir_indep_name,
                    sf_dir_indep = solFetcher(soltab_dir_indep)
                    sf_dir_indep = None
                sf_dir_dep = solFetcher(soltab)

                for l, station in enumerate(station_names):
                    if soln_type_dirdep == 'scalarphase':
                        sf_dir_dep.setSelection(ant=station, dir=source1)
                        sf_dir_dep.setSelection(ant=station, pol='XX', dir=source1)
                    values_dir_dep = sf_dir_dep.getValues()
                    v1_phase = np.array(values_dir_dep[0]).squeeze()
                    times_dir_dep = values_dir_dep[1]['time']
                    ind = np.where(~np.isnan(v1_phase))
                    v1_phase = v1_phase[ind]
                    times_dir_dep = times_dir_dep[ind]

                    if sf_dir_indep is not None:
                        if soln_type_dirindep == 'scalarphase':
                            sf_dir_indep.setSelection(ant=station, pol='XX')
                        values_dir_indep = sf_dir_indep.getValues()
                        v1_dir_indep = np.array(values_dir_indep[0]).squeeze()
                        times_dir_indep = values_dir_indep[1]['time']
                        ind = np.where(~np.isnan(v1_dir_indep))
                        v1_dir_indep = v1_dir_indep[ind]
                        times_dir_indep = times_dir_indep[ind]
                        v1_dir_indep_interp = interpolate_phase(v1_dir_indep,
                            times_dir_indep, times_dir_dep)
                        v1_phase += v1_dir_indep_interp
                    if len(times_dir_dep) != N_times_max:
                         v1_phase = interpolate_phase(v1_phase, times_dir_dep,
                    phases0[i, l, k, :] = v1_phase

                    if soln_type_dirdep == 'scalarphase':
                        phases1[i, l, k, :] = v1_phase
                        sf_dir_dep.setSelection(ant=station, pol='YY', dir=source1)
                        values_dir_dep = sf_dir_dep.getValues()
                        v1_phase = np.array(values_dir_dep[0]).squeeze()
                        times_dir_dep = values_dir_dep[1]['time']
                        ind = np.where(~np.isnan(v1_phase))
                        v1_phase = v1_phase[ind]
                        times_dir_dep = times_dir_dep[ind]

                        if sf_dir_indep is not None:
                            if soln_type_dirindep == 'scalarphase':
                                sf_dir_indep.setSelection(ant=station, pol='YY')
                            values_dir_indep = sf_dir_indep.getValues()
                            v1_dir_indep = np.array(values_dir_indep[0]).squeeze()
                            times_dir_indep = values_dir_indep[1]['time']
                            ind = np.where(~np.isnan(v1_dir_indep))
                            v1_dir_indep = v1_dir_indep[ind]
                            times_dir_indep = times_dir_indep[ind]
                            v1_dir_indep_interp = interpolate_phase(v1_dir_indep,
                                times_dir_indep, times_dir_dep)
                            v1_phase += v1_dir_indep_interp
                        if len(times_dir_dep) != N_times_max:
                            v1_phase = interpolate_phase(v1_phase, times_dir_dep,
                        phases1[i, l, k, :] = v1_phase

                    if len(times_dir_dep) != N_times_max:
                        # Set all weights to unity if interpolation was required
                        flags[i, l, k, :] = 1.0
                        flags[i, l, k, :] = sf_dir_dep.getValues(weight=True,

                    if np.all(phases0[i, l, k, :] == 0.0):
                        # Check for flagged stations
                        flags[i, l, k, :] = 0.0
    logging.info('Collection complete')
    for i, source in enumerate(source_names):
        nbands = len(find(m[i, :]))
        logging.info('  Source {0} has solutions in {1} bands'.format(source, nbands))

    # Invert the weights to give flags (0 => unflagged, 1 => flagged)
    zeroflags = np.where(flags == 0.0)
    oneflags = flags.nonzero()
    flags[zeroflags] = 1.0
    flags[oneflags] = 0.0

    return (phases0, phases1, flags, m, station_names, station_positions,
        source_names, source_positions, freqs, times, pointing, soln_type_dirdep)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def run(step, parset, H):

    import scipy.ndimage.filters
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs(step, parset, H)
    ants = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'ant')
    pols = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'pol')
    dirs = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'dir')

    axesToSmooth = parset.getStringVector(
        '.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Axes"]), [])
    FWHM = parset.getIntVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "FWHM"]), [])

    if len(axesToSmooth) != len(FWHM):
        logging.error("Axes and FWHM lenghts must be equal.")
        return 1

    for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):

        sf = solFetcher(soltab)
        sw = solWriter(soltab)

        logging.info("Smoothing soltab: " + soltab._v_name)

        sf.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)

        for i, axis in enumerate(axesToSmooth[:]):
            if axis not in sf.getAxesNames():
                del axesToSmooth[i]
                del FWHM[i]
                logging.warning('Axis \"' + axis + '\" not found. Ignoring.')

        for vals, coord in sf.getValuesIter(returnAxes=axesToSmooth):

            valsnew = scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter(vals, FWHM)

            # TODO: implement flag control
            # find the local mean (without any nans)
            #            valmean = np.ma.mean(np.ma.masked_array(vals, np.isnan(vals)), axis=0)
            # print 'mean value: ' + str(valmean)
            # replace any nans with median
            #            valbool = np.isnan(vals)
            #            nanindex = np.where(valbool)
            #            if valbool.any():
            #                logging.warning('Found NaNs in solutions. Replacing with local mean.')
            # check if valmean is iterable
            #                if valmean.shape is tuple():
            #                    np.putmask(vals, valbool, valmean)
            #                else:
            #                    for x,mval in enumerate(valmean):
            #                        np.putmask(vals[:,x], valbool[:,x], mval)

            # writing back the solutions (selection on all the coord axis)
            # this can be properly broacasted
            coord = removeKeys(coord, axesToSmooth)

        sw.addHistory('SMOOTH (over %s with box size = %s)' %
                      (axesToSmooth, FWHM))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 23
def run( step, parset, H ):
   Generic unspecified step for easy expansion.
   import numpy as np
   from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter
   # all the following are LoSoTo function to extract information from the parset

   # get involved solsets using local step values or global values or all
   solsets = getParSolsets( step, parset, H )
   logging.info('Solset: '+str(solsets))
   # get involved soltabs using local step values or global values or all
   soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
   logging.info('Soltab: '+str(soltabs))
   # get list of Antennas using local step values or global values or all
   ants = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'ant' )
   logging.info('Ant: '+str(ants))
   # get list of Polarizations using local step values or global values or all
   pols = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'pol' )
   logging.info('Pol: '+str(pols))
   # get list of SolTypes using local step values or global values or all
   solTypes = getParSolTypes( step, parset, H )
   logging.info('SolType: '+str(solTypes))
   # get list of Directions using local step values or global values or all
   dirs = getParAxis( step, parset, H, 'dir' )
   logging.info('Dir: '+str(dirs))

   # do something on every soltab (use the openSoltab LoSoTo function)
   for soltab in openSoltabs( H, soltabs ):
        logging.info("--> Working on soltab: "+soltab._v_name)
        # use the solFetcher from the H5parm lib
        t = solFetcher(soltab)
        tw = solWriter(soltab)

        axisNames = t.getAxesNames()
        logging.info("Axis names are: "+str(axisNames))

        solType = t.getType()
        logging.info("Soltab type is: "+solType)

        # this will make a selection for the getValues() and getValuesIter()
        t.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)
        logging.info("Selection is: "+str(t.selection))

        # find all axis values
        logging.info("Antennas are: "+str(t.getAxisValues('ant')))
        # but one can also use
        logging.info("Antennas (other method) are: "+str(t.ant))
        logging.info("Frequencies are: "+str(t.freq))
        logging.info("Directions are: "+str(t.dir))
        logging.info("Polarizations are: "+str(t.pol))
        # try to access a non-existent axis

        # now get all values given this selection
        logging.info("Get data using t.val")
        val = t.val
        logging.info("$ val is "+str(val[0,0,0,0,100]))
        flag = t.weight
        time = t.time
        thisTime = t.time[100]

        # another way to get the data is using the getValues()
        logging.info("Get data using getValues()")
        grid, axes = t.getValues()
        # axis names
        logging.info("Axes: "+str(t.getAxesNames()))
        # axis shape
        print axes
        print [t.getAxisLen(axis) for axis in axes] # not ordered, is a dict!
Ejemplo n.º 24
def run( step, parset, H ):
    Fits a screen to TEC values derived by the TECFIT operation.

    The TEC values are read from the specified tec-type soltab.

    The results of the fit are stored in the specified tecfitwhite- and
    piercepoint-type soltabs.

    TEC screens can be plotted with the PLOT operation by setting PlotType =

    Note that the output screens are not normalized (any normalization was lost
    due to the use of source-to-source phase gradients in the TECFIT operation).
    Therefore, a direction-independent calibration must be done after exporting
    the screens to a parmdb file, with the following settings in the BBS solve
        Model.Ionosphere.Enable = T
        Model.Ionosphere.Type = EXPION
    import numpy as np
    import re
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    soltabs = getParSoltabs( step, parset, H )
    outSoltabsTEC = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "OutSoltabTEC"]), [] )
    outSoltabsPP = parset.getStringVector('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "OutSoltabPP"]), [] )
    height = np.float(parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Height"]), '200' ))
    order = int(parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Order"]), '15' ))
    logging.info('Using height = {0} m and order = {1}'.format(height, order))

    # Load TEC values from TECFIT operation
    indx = 0
    for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):
        if 'tec' not in soltab._v_title:
            logging.warning('No TECFIT solution tables found for solution table '
            indx += 1
        solset = soltabs[indx].split('/')[0]
        logging.info('Using input solution table: {0}'.format(soltabs[indx]))
        logging.info('Using output solution tables: {0} and {1}'.format(
            outSoltabsTEC[indx], outSoltabsPP[indx]))
        station_dict = H.getAnt(solset)
        station_names = station_dict.keys()
        station_positions = station_dict.values()
        source_dict = H.getSou(solset)
        source_names = source_dict.keys()
        source_positions = source_dict.values()

        t = solFetcher(soltab)
        r, axis_vals = t.getValues()
        times = axis_vals['time']
        N_sources = len(source_names)
        N_times = len(times)
        N_stations = len(station_names)
        N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
        rr = reshape(r.transpose([0,2,1]), [N_piercepoints, N_times])

        # Find pierce points and airmass values for given screen height
        pp, airmass = calculate_piercepoints(np.array(station_positions),
            np.array(source_positions), np.array(times), height)

        # Fit a TEC screen
        r_0 = 10e3
        beta = 5.0/3.0
        tec_fit, tec_fit_white = fit_screen_to_tec(station_names, source_names,
            pp, airmass, rr, times, height, order, r_0, beta)

        # Write the results to the output solset
        dirs_out = []
        dirs_pos = []
        for s in range(N_sources):

        times_out = times

        ants_out = []
        ants_pos = []
        for s in range(N_stations):

        # Make output tecfitwhite table
        outSolsetTEC = outSoltabsTEC[indx].split('/')[0]
        outSoltabTEC = outSoltabsTEC[indx].split('/')[1]
        if not outSolsetTEC in H.getSolsets().keys():
            solsetTEC = H.makeSolset(outSolsetTEC)
            dirs_out = []
            dirs_pos = []
            for s in range(N_sources):
            sourceTable = solsetTEC._f_get_child('source')
            sourceTable.append(zip(*(dirs_out, dirs_pos)))
            ants_out = []
            ants_pos = []
            for s in range(N_stations):
            antennaTable = solsetTEC._f_get_child('antenna')
            antennaTable.append(zip(*(ants_out, ants_pos)))

        # Store tecfitwhite values. The tec_fit values are stored in the weights
        # table to simplify things
        vals = tec_fit_white.transpose([1, 0, 2])
        weights = tec_fit.transpose([1, 0, 2])
        tec_fit_st = H.makeSoltab(outSolsetTEC, 'tecfitwhite', outSoltabTEC,
            axesNames=['dir', 'time', 'ant'], axesVals=[dirs_out, times_out,
            ants_out], vals=vals, weights=weights)

        # Store beta, r_0, height, and order as attributes of the tecfitwhite
        # soltab
        tec_fit_st._v_attrs['beta'] = beta
        tec_fit_st._v_attrs['r_0'] = r_0
        tec_fit_st._v_attrs['height'] = height
        tec_fit_st._v_attrs['order'] = order

        # Make output piercepoint table
        outSolsetPP = outSoltabsPP[indx].split('/')[0]
        outSoltabPP = outSoltabsPP[indx].split('/')[1]
        if not outSolsetPP in H.getSolsets().keys():
            solsetPP = H.makeSolset(outSolsetPP)
            sourceTable = solsetPP._f_get_child('source')
            sourceTable.append(zip(*(dirs_out, dirs_pos)))
            antennaTable = solsetPP._f_get_child('antenna')
            antennaTable.append(zip(*(ants_out, ants_pos)))

        # Store piercepoint positions
        pp_indx = range(N_piercepoints)
        pp_pos_indx = range(3) # 0 -> x, 1 -> y, 2 -> z
        pp_st = H.makeSoltab(outSolsetPP, 'piercepoint', outSoltabPP,
            axesNames=['time', 'piercepoint', 'coord'], axesVals=[times_out, pp_indx,
            pp_pos_indx], vals=pp, weights=np.ones_like(pp))

        # Add histories
        sw = solWriter(tec_fit_st)
        sw.addHistory('CREATE (by TECSCREEN operation)')
        sw = solWriter(pp_st)
        sw.addHistory('CREATE (by TECSCREEN operation)')
        indx += 1

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 25
def run(step, parset, H):
    Interpolate the solutions from one table into a destination table
    import itertools
    import scipy.interpolate
    import numpy as np
    from h5parm import solFetcher, solWriter

    solsets = getParSolsets(step, parset, H)
    soltabs = getParSoltabs(step, parset, H)
    solTypes = getParSolTypes(step, parset, H)
    ants = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'ant')
    pols = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'pol')
    dirs = getParAxis(step, parset, H, 'dir')

    calSoltab = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "CalSoltab"]),
    calDir = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "CalDir"]), '')
    interpAxes = parset.getStringVector(
        '.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "InterpAxes"]), ['time', 'freq'])
    interpMethod = parset.getString(
        '.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "InterpMethod"]), 'linear')
    medAxis = parset.getString('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "MedAxis"]), '')
    rescale = parset.getBool('.'.join(["LoSoTo.Steps", step, "Rescale"]),

    if interpMethod not in ["nearest", "linear", "cubic"]:
        logging.error('Interpolation method must be nearest, linear or cubic.')
        return 1

    if rescale and medAxis == '':
        logging.error('A medAxis is needed for rescaling.')
        return 1

    # open calibration table
    css, cst = calSoltab.split('/')
    cr = solFetcher(H.getSoltab(css, cst))
    cAxesNames = cr.getAxesNames()

    for soltab in openSoltabs(H, soltabs):
        logging.info("--> Working on soltab: " + soltab._v_name)

        tr = solFetcher(soltab)
        tw = solWriter(soltab)

        axesNames = tr.getAxesNames()
        for i, interpAxis in enumerate(interpAxes[:]):
            if interpAxis not in axesNames or interpAxis not in cAxesNames:
                logging.error('Axis ' + interpAxis + ' not found. Ignoring.')
                del interpAxes[i]
        if medAxis not in axesNames or medAxis not in cAxesNames:
            logging.error('Axis ' + medAxis + ' not found. Cannot proceed.')
            return 1

        tr.setSelection(ant=ants, pol=pols, dir=dirs)
        for vals, coord in tr.getValuesIter(returnAxes=interpAxes):

            # construct grid
            coordSel = removeKeys(coord, interpAxes)
            logging.debug("Working on coords:" + str(coordSel))
            # change dir if sepcified
            if calDir != '':
                coordSel['dir'] = calDir
            calValues, calCoord = cr.getValues()
            # fill medAxis with the median value
            axis = cAxesNames.index(medAxis)
            calValues = np.repeat(
                np.expand_dims(np.median(calValues, axis), axis),
                calValues.shape[axis], axis)

            # create a list of values whose coords are calPoints
            calValues = np.ndarray.flatten(calValues)

            # create calibrator/target coordinates arrays
            calPoints = []
            targetPoints = []
            for interpAxis in interpAxes:
            calPoints = np.array([x for x in itertools.product(*calPoints)])
            targetPoints = np.array(
                [x for x in itertools.product(*targetPoints)])

            # interpolation
            valsNew = scipy.interpolate.griddata(calPoints, calValues,
                                                 targetPoints, interpMethod)

            # fill values outside boudaries with "nearest" solutions
            if interpMethod != 'nearest':
                valsNewNearest = scipy.interpolate.griddata(
                    calPoints, calValues, targetPoints, 'nearest')
                valsNew[np.where(valsNew == np.nan)] = valsNewNearest[np.where(
                    valsNew == np.nan)]
            valsNew = valsNew.reshape(vals.shape)

            if rescale:
                # rescale solutions
                axis = interpAxes.index(medAxis)
                valsMed = np.repeat(
                    np.expand_dims(np.median(vals, axis), axis),
                    vals.shape[axis], axis)
                valsNewMed = np.repeat(
                    np.expand_dims(np.median(valsNew, axis), axis),
                    valsNew.shape[axis], axis)
                valsNew = vals * valsNewMed / valsMed
                #print "Rescaling by: ", valsNewMed[:,0]/valsMed[:,0]

            # writing back the solutions
            coord = removeKeys(coord, interpAxes)

    tw.addHistory('INTERP (from table %s)' % (calSoltab))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 26
def collect_solutions(H, dirs=None, freq_tol=1e6):
    Collects and returns phase solutions, etc. needed for fitting
    logging.info("Scanning for solutions needed for TEC fitting...")

    # Determine axis lengths
    sources = []
    freqs = []
    stations = []
    solsets = H.getSolsets().keys()
    N_times_max = 0
    first_solset = None
    for solset in solsets[:]:
        if 'ion' in solset:
        logging.info('  --Scanning solution set {0}...'.format(solset))
        has_phase_st = False
        soltabs = H.getSoltabs(solset)

        for soltab in soltabs:
            # Only use soltabs with phase solutions
            if 'phase' in soltabs[soltab]._v_title:
                logging.info('    --Scanning solution table {0}...'.format(soltab))
                has_phase_st = True
                solset_sources = H.getSou(solset)
                # Ignore direction-independent soltabs
                if len(solset_sources) == 1 and 'pointing' in solset_sources:
                    logging.info('      Found direction-independent solutions')
                    dir_indep = True
                    soln_type_dirindep = soltabs[soltab]._v_title
                    if first_solset is None:
                        first_solset = solset
                    logging.info('      Found direction-dependent solutions')
                    dir_indep = False
                if not dir_indep:
                    soln_type_dirdep = soltabs[soltab]._v_title
                    logging.info('      Found sources: {0}'.format(H.getSou(solset).keys()))
                    sources += H.getSou(solset).keys()
                    stations += H.getAnt(solset).keys()
                    t = solFetcher(soltabs[soltab])
                    solns, axis_vals = t.getValues()
                    times = axis_vals['time']
                    N_times = len(times)
                    if N_times > N_times_max:
                        N_times_max = N_times
                        times_max = times
        if not has_phase_st:
            logging.info('    --No phase solutions found')

    # Consolidate frequencies into bands (defined by freq_tol parameter)
    has_dup = True
    while has_dup:
        has_dup = False
        for freq in freqs[:]:
            nfreq = len( find( (array(freqs) > (freq-freq_tol)) &
                               (array(freqs) < (freq+freq_tol)) ) )
            if nfreq > 1:
                has_dup = True
    freqs = array(sorted(freqs))
    N_freqs = len(freqs)
    stations_set = set(stations)
    sources_set = set(sources)
    if 'pointing' in sources_set:
    if dirs is not None:
        sources_filt = []
        for dir in dirs:
            if dir in sources_set:
        sources_set = set(sources_filt)
    source_names = array(sorted(list(sources_set)))
    N_sources = len(set(source_names))
    N_stations = len(set(stations))
    N_times = N_times_max
    logging.info('Scanning complete')
    logging.info('  Number of sources: {0}'.format(N_sources))
    logging.info('  Number of stations: {0}'.format(N_stations))
    logging.info('  Number of times: {0}'.format(N_times))
    logging.info('  Number of freqs: {0}'.format(N_freqs))

    # Initialize the arrays
    freqwidths = zeros(N_freqs)
    timewidths = zeros(N_times)
    m = zeros((N_sources, N_freqs))
    phases0 = zeros((N_sources, N_stations, N_freqs, N_times))
    phases1 = zeros((N_sources, N_stations, N_freqs, N_times))
    flags = ones((N_sources, N_stations, N_freqs, N_times))
    source_positions = zeros((N_sources, 2))
    solset_array_dir_dep = chararray((N_sources, N_freqs), itemsize=100)
    solset_array_dir_indep = chararray((N_freqs), itemsize=100)

    # Populate the arrays
    for solset in solsets:
        if 'ion' in solset:
        source_dict = H.getSou(solset)
        sources = source_dict.keys()
        soltabs = H.getSoltabs(solset)
        # TODO: restrict to soltabs with phase and amp only (e.g., exclude tec soltabs)

        for soltab in soltabs:
            t = solFetcher(soltabs[soltab])
            solns, axes = t.getValues()
            freq = axes['freq'][0]
            freq_indx = find( (array(freqs) > (freq-freq_tol)) & (array(freqs) < (freq+freq_tol)) )

            for source in sources:
                if source in source_names:
                    source_indx = find(source_names == source)
                    m[source_indx, freq_indx] = 1
                    solset_array_dir_dep[source_indx, freq_indx] = solset
                elif source=='pointing' and len(sources) == 1:
                    solset_array_dir_indep[freq_indx] = solset

    # Collect station properties and pointing direction
    station_dict = H.getAnt(first_solset)
    station_names = np.array(list(stations_set))
    station_positions = np.zeros((len(station_names), 3), dtype=np.float)
    for i, station_name in enumerate(station_names):
        station_positions[i, 0] = station_dict[station_name][0]
        station_positions[i, 1] = station_dict[station_name][1]
        station_positions[i, 2] = station_dict[station_name][2]

    source_dict = H.getSou(first_solset)
    ra = source_dict['pointing'][0]
    dec = source_dict['pointing'][1]
    pointing = array([cos(ra) * cos(dec), sin(ra) * cos(dec), sin(dec)])

    # Collect source positions and phase solutions for each band
    logging.info('Collecting phase solutions...')
    for i, source1 in enumerate(source_names):
        logging.info('  Source {0}'.format(source1))
        for k in range(N_freqs):
            if m[i, k]:
                solset_name = solset_array_dir_dep[i, k]
                soltab = H.getSoltab(solset=solset_name, soltab=soln_type_dirdep+'000')
                solset_dir_indep_name = solset_array_dir_indep[k]
                source_dict = H.getSou(solset_name)
                source_positions[i, ] = source_dict[source1]

                if solset_dir_indep_name != '':
                    soltab_dir_indep = H.getSoltab(solset=solset_dir_indep_name, soltab=soln_type_dirindep+'000')
                    sf_dir_indep = solFetcher(soltab_dir_indep)
                    sf_dir_indep = None
                sf_dir_dep = solFetcher(soltab)

                for l, station in enumerate(station_names):
                    if soln_type_dirdep == 'scalarphase':
                        sf_dir_dep.setSelection(ant=station, dir=source1)
                        sf_dir_dep.setSelection(ant=station, pol='XX', dir=source1)
                    values_dir_dep = sf_dir_dep.getValues()
                    v1_phase = array(values_dir_dep[0]).squeeze()
                    times_dir_dep = values_dir_dep[1]['time']
                    if sf_dir_indep is not None:
                        if soln_type_dirindep == 'scalarphase':
                            sf_dir_indep.setSelection(ant=station, pol='XX')
                        values_dir_indep = sf_dir_indep.getValues()
                        v1_dir_indep = array(values_dir_indep[0]).squeeze()
                        times_dir_indep = values_dir_indep[1]['time']
                        v1_dir_indep_interp = interpolate_phase(v1_dir_indep, times_dir_indep, times_dir_dep)
                        v1_phase += v1_dir_indep_interp
                    if len(times_dir_dep) != N_times_max:
                        phases0 = interpolate_phase(phases0, times_dir_indep, times_max)
                    phases0[i, l, k, :] = v1_phase

                    if soln_type_dirdep == 'scalarphase':
                        phases1[i, l, k, :] = v1_phase
                        sf_dir_dep.setSelection(ant=station, pol='YY', dir=source1)
                        values_dir_dep = sf_dir_dep.getValues()
                        v1_phase = array(values_dir_dep[0]).squeeze()
                        times_dir_dep = values_dir_dep[1]['time']
                        if sf_dir_indep is not None:
                            if soln_type_dirindep == 'scalarphase':
                                sf_dir_indep.setSelection(ant=station, pol='YY')
                            values_dir_indep = sf_dir_indep.getValues()
                            v1_dir_indep = array(values_dir_indep[0]).squeeze()
                            times_dir_indep = values_dir_indep[1]['time']
                            v1_dir_indep_interp = interpolate_phase(v1_dir_indep, times_dir_indep, times_dir_dep)
                            v1_phase += v1_dir_indep_interp
                        if len(times_dir_dep) != N_times_max:
                            phases1 = interpolate_phase(phases1, times_dir_indep, times_max)
                        phases1[i, l, k, :] = v1_phase

                    flags[i, l, k, :] = sf_dir_dep.getValues(weight=True, retAxesVals=False)

    # Invert the weights to give flags (0 => unflagged, 1 => flagged)
    zeroflags = np.where(flags == 0.0)
    oneflags = flags.nonzero()
    flags[zeroflags] = 1.0
    flags[oneflags] = 0.0
    return (phases0, phases1, flags, m, station_names, station_positions,
        source_names, source_positions, freqs, times, pointing, soln_type_dirdep)