Ejemplo n.º 1
    def quit_team_forcedly(self, team, user):
        The operator(admin or superadmin) forces a user(team leader or other members) to quit a team.
        If the user is the only member of the team, the team will be deleted.
        Else if the user is the leader of a team with several members, the team will be decomposed into several
        new teams.
        Else if the user is not the leader of a team with several members, just the user quits the team.

        :rtype: bool
        :return: if dismiss success, return ok. if not ,return bad request.

        # here we don't check whether the operator has the permission,
        if not team.members or len(team.members) == 0:
            self.log.warn("this team doesn't have any members")
            return ok()
        member_users = [m.user for m in team.members if m.status == TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED]

        num_team_members = len(member_users)
        hackathon = team.hackathon
        if num_team_members > 1:
            if team.leader == user:
                for u in member_users:
                    if u.id != user.id:
                        self.create_default_team(hackathon, u)
            # num_team_members == 1

        return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def send_email_azure(self, kwargs):

        # team information
        team = self.__get_team_by_id(kwargs["id"])
        if not team:
            return not_found("team not exists")

        azure = team.azure
        if not azure.strip():
            if Azure.objects(status="0").count() == 0:
                return ok("请联系管理员.")
            azure_info = Azure.objects(status="0").first()
            azure_info = Azure.objects(account=azure).first()
        if not azure_info:
            return ok("请联系管理员!")

        primary_emails = []
        for i in xrange(0, len(team.members)):
            mem = team.members[i]
            resp = self.user_manager.user_display_info(mem.user)


        sender = ''
        email_title = ''
        email_content = ''

        return self.util.send_emails(sender, primary_emails, email_title, email_content)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def quit_team_forcedly(self, team, user):
        The operator(admin or superadmin) forces a user(team leader or other members) to quit a team.
        If the user is the only member of the team, the team will be deleted.
        Else if the user is the leader of a team with several members, the team will be decomposed into several
        new teams.
        Else if the user is not the leader of a team with several members, just the user quits the team.

        :rtype: bool
        :return: if dismiss success, return ok. if not ,return bad request.

        # here we don't check whether the operator has the permission,
        if not team.members or len(team.members) == 0:
            self.log.warn("this team doesn't have any members")
            return ok()
        member_users = [m.user for m in team.members if m.status == TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED]

        num_team_members = len(member_users)
        hackathon = team.hackathon
        if num_team_members > 1:
            if team.leader == user:
                for u in member_users:
                    if u.id != user.id:
                        self.create_default_team(hackathon, u)
            # num_team_members == 1

        return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def delete_hackathon_award(self, hackathon, award_id):
        award = hackathon.awards.get(id=award_id)
        hackathon.update_time = self.util.get_now()

        # delete granted award in teams
        award_uuid = uuid.UUID(award_id)
        Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon, awards=award_uuid).update(pull__awards=award_uuid)

        return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def delete_hackathon_award(self, hackathon, award_id):
        award = hackathon.awards.get(id=award_id)
        hackathon.update_time = self.util.get_now()

        # delete granted award in teams
        award_uuid = uuid.UUID(award_id)

        return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def kick_or_leave(self, operator, team_id, user_id):
            team = Team.objects(id=team_id, members__user=user_id).first()
        except ValidationError:
            return not_found()

        if not team:
            return not_found()
        mem = filter(lambda x: str(x.user.id) == user_id, team.members)
        assert len(mem) < 2
        if not mem:
            return not_found()
        mem = mem[0]

        hackathon = team.hackathon
        user = mem.user
        if str(team.leader.id) == user_id:  # if the user to be leaved or kicked is team leader
            return precondition_failed("leader cannot leave team")

        if str(operator.id) == user_id:  # leave team
            self.create_default_team(hackathon, user)
        else:  # kick somebody else
            self.__validate_team_permission(hackathon.id, team, operator)
            self.create_default_team(hackathon, user)

        return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __get_hackathon_detail(self, hackathon, user=None):
        """Return hackathon info as well as its details including configs, stat, organizers, like if user logon"""
        detail = hackathon.dic()

        detail["stat"] = {"register": 0, "like": 0}

        for stat in HackathonStat.objects(hackathon=hackathon):
            if stat.type == HACKATHON_STAT.REGISTER:
                detail["stat"]["register"] = stat.count
            elif stat.type == HACKATHON_STAT.LIKE:
                detail["stat"]["like"] = stat.count

        if user:
            user_hackathon = UserHackathon.objects(hackathon=hackathon,
            if user_hackathon and user_hackathon.like:
                detail['like'] = user_hackathon.like

            detail["user"] = self.user_manager.user_display_info(user)
            detail["user"]["is_admin"] = user.is_super or (
                user_hackathon and user_hackathon.role == HACK_USER_TYPE.ADMIN)

            # TODO: we need to review those items one by one to decide the API output
            # asset = self.db.find_all_objects_by(UserHackathonAsset, user_id=user.id, hackathon_id=hackathon.id)
            # if asset:
            #     detail["asset"] = [o.dic() for o in asset]

            if user_hackathon and user_hackathon.role == HACK_USER_TYPE.COMPETITOR:
                detail["registration"] = user_hackathon.dic()
                team = Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon,
                if team:
                    detail["team"] = team.dic()

        return detail
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_hackathon_team_list(self, hackathon_id, name=None, number=None):
        """Get the team list of selected hackathon

        :type hackathon_id: string or object_id
        :param hackathon_id: hackathon id

        :type name: str|unicode
        :param name: name of team. optional

        :type number: int
        :param number: querying condition, return number of teams

        :rtype: list
        :return: a list of team filter by name and number on selected hackathon
        query = Q(hackathon=hackathon_id)
        if name is not None:
            query &= Q(name__icontains=name)

            teams = Team.objects(query).order_by('name')[:number]
        except ValidationError:
            return []

        # check whether it's anonymous user or not
        user = None
        if self.user_manager.validate_login():
            user = g.user

        return [self.__team_detail(x, user) for x in teams]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_hackathon_list(self, args):
        # get values from request's QueryString
        page = int(args.get("page", 1))
        per_page = int(args.get("per_page", 20))
        order_by = args.get("order_by", "create_time")
        status = args.get("status")
        name = args.get("name")

        # build query by search conditions and order_by
        status_filter = Q()
        name_filter = Q()
        condition_filter = Q()
        order_by_condition = '-id'

        if status:
            status_filter = Q(status=status)
        if name:
            name_filter = Q(name__contains=name)

        if order_by == 'create_time':  # 最新发布
            order_by_condition = '-create_time'
        elif order_by == 'event_start_time':  # 即将开始
            order_by_condition = '-event_start_time'
        elif order_by == 'registered_users_num':  # 人气热点
            # hackathons with zero registered users would not be shown.
            hot_hackathon_stat = HackathonStat.objects(
                type=HACKATHON_STAT.REGISTER, count__gt=0).order_by('-count')
            hot_hackathon_list = [
                stat.hackathon.id for stat in hot_hackathon_stat
            condition_filter = Q(id__in=hot_hackathon_list)
            order_by_condition = '-id'

        # perform db query with pagination
        pagination = Hackathon.objects(status_filter & name_filter
                                       & condition_filter).order_by(
                                               page, per_page)

        hackathon_list = pagination.items
        hackathon_stat = HackathonStat.objects(hackathon__in=hackathon_list)

        user = None
        user_hackathon = []
        team = []
        if self.user_manager.validate_login():
            user = g.user
            user_hackathon = UserHackathon.objects(
                user=user, hackathon__in=hackathon_list)
            team = Team.objects(members__user=user,

        def func(hackathon):
            return self.__fill_hackathon_detail(hackathon, user,
                                                hackathon_stat, user_hackathon,

        # return serializable items as well as total count
        return self.util.paginate(pagination, func)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def check_notice_and_set_read_if_necessary(self, id):
        hackathon_notice = HackathonNotice.objects(id=id).first()
        if hackathon_notice:
            user = g.user
            if not user or user.id != hackathon_notice.receiver.id:  # not the user
                return ok()

            hackathon_notice.is_read = True
            if hackathon_notice.event == HACK_NOTICE_EVENT.HACK_PLAN:  # set is_read = True if dev_plan is complete
                user = hackathon_notice.receiver
                hackathon = hackathon_notice.hackathon
                team = Team.objects(members__user=user,
                if team:
                    if not team.dev_plan:  # the dev_plan isn't submitted
                        hackathon_notice.is_read = False
                    elif hackathon.config.get(
                            HACKATHON_CONFIG.REAL_NAME_AUTH_21V, False):
                            HACK_NOTICE_CATEGORY.HACKATHON, {'receiver': user})

            return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __get_hackathon_detail(self, hackathon, user=None):
        """Return hackathon info as well as its details including configs, stat, organizers, like if user logon"""
        detail = hackathon.dic()

        detail["stat"] = {
            "register": 0,
            "like": 0}

        for stat in HackathonStat.objects(hackathon=hackathon):
            if stat.type == HACKATHON_STAT.REGISTER:
                detail["stat"]["register"] = stat.count
            elif stat.type == HACKATHON_STAT.LIKE:
                detail["stat"]["like"] = stat.count

        if user:
            user_hackathon = UserHackathon.objects(hackathon=hackathon, user=user).first()
            if user_hackathon and user_hackathon.like:
                detail['like'] = user_hackathon.like

            detail["user"] = self.user_manager.user_display_info(user)
            detail["user"]["is_admin"] = user.is_super or (
                user_hackathon and user_hackathon.role == HACK_USER_TYPE.ADMIN)

            # TODO: we need to review those items one by one to decide the API output
            # asset = self.db.find_all_objects_by(UserHackathonAsset, user_id=user.id, hackathon_id=hackathon.id)
            # if asset:
            #     detail["asset"] = [o.dic() for o in asset]

            if user_hackathon and user_hackathon.role == HACK_USER_TYPE.COMPETITOR:
                detail["registration"] = user_hackathon.dic()
                team = Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon, members__user=user).first()
                if team:
                    detail["team"] = team.dic()

        return detail
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def join_team(self, user, team_id):
        """Join a team will create a record on user_team_rel table which status will be 0.

        :type user: User

        :rtype: dict
        :return: if user already joined team or team not exist, return bad request. Else, return a dict of joined
        if Team.objects(id=team_id, members__user=user.id).count():
            return ok("You already joined this team.")

        team = self.__get_team_by_id(team_id)
        if not team:
            return not_found()

        cur_team = self.__get_valid_team_by_user(user.id, team.hackathon.id)
        if cur_team and cur_team.members.count() > 1:
            return precondition_failed(
                "Team leader cannot join another team for team member count greater than 1"

        if not self.register_manager.is_user_registered(
                user.id, team.hackathon):
            return precondition_failed("user not registerd")

        mem = TeamMember(join_time=self.util.get_now(),


        return to_dic(mem)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def kick_or_leave(self, operator, team_id, user_id):
            team = Team.objects(id=team_id, members__user=user_id).first()
        except ValidationError:
            return not_found()

        if not team:
            return not_found()
        mem = [x for x in team.members if str(x.user.id) == user_id]
        assert len(mem) < 2
        if not mem:
            return not_found()
        mem = mem[0]

        hackathon = team.hackathon
        user = mem.user
        if str(
        ) == user_id:  # if the user to be leaved or kicked is team leader
            return precondition_failed("leader cannot leave team")

        if str(operator.id) == user_id:  # leave team
            self.create_default_team(hackathon, user)
        else:  # kick somebody else
            self.__validate_team_permission(hackathon.id, team, operator)
            self.create_default_team(hackathon, user)

        return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def join_team(self, user, team_id):
        """Join a team will create a record on user_team_rel table which status will be 0.

        :type user: User

        :rtype: dict
        :return: if user already joined team or team not exist, return bad request. Else, return a dict of joined
        if Team.objects(id=team_id, members__user=user.id).count():
            return ok("You already joined this team.")

        team = self.__get_team_by_id(team_id)
        if not team:
            return not_found()

        cur_team = self.__get_valid_team_by_user(user.id, team.hackathon.id)
        if cur_team and cur_team.members.count() > 1:
            return precondition_failed("Team leader cannot join another team for team member count greater than 1")

        if not self.register_manager.is_user_registered(user.id, team.hackathon):
            return precondition_failed("user not registerd")

        mem = TeamMember(


        return to_dic(mem)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def get_team_show_list_by_user(self, user_id):
        teams = Team.objects(members__match={"user": user_id, "status": TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED}).all()

        def get_team_show_detail(team):
            dic = self.__team_detail(team)
            dic["hackathon"] = team.hackathon.dic()
            return dic

        return [get_team_show_detail(team) for team in teams if not len(team.works) == 0]
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def get_granted_awards(self, hackathon):
        awards = []
        for team in Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon):
            awards += team.awards

        awards = [self.__award_with_detail(r) for r in awards]
        awards.sort(lambda a, b: (b.level - a.level) * 10 + int(a.create_time < b.create_time))

        return awards
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def get_hackathon_team_list(self, hackathon_id, name=None, number=None):
        """Get the team list of selected hackathon

        :type hackathon_id: string or object_id
        :param hackathon_id: hackathon id

        :type name: str|unicode
        :param name: name of team. optional

        :type number: int
        :param number: querying condition, return number of teams

        :rtype: list
        :return: a list of team filter by name and number on selected hackathon
        query = Q(hackathon=hackathon_id)
        if name is not None:
            query &= Q(name__icontains=name)

            teams = Team.objects(query).order_by('name')[:number]
        except ValidationError:
            return []

        # check whether it's anonymous user or not
        user = None
        if self.user_manager.validate_token():
            user = g.user

        def get_team(team):
            teamDic = team.dic()
            teamDic['leader'] = {
                'id': str(team.leader.id),
                'name': team.leader.name,
                'nickname': team.leader.nickname,
                'avatar_url': team.leader.avatar_url
            teamDic['cover'] = teamDic.get('cover', '')
            teamDic['project_name'] = teamDic.get('project_name', '')
            teamDic['dev_plan'] = teamDic.get('dev_plan', '')
            teamDic['works'] = teamDic.get('works', '')
                teamDic.pop(key, None) for key in
                ['assets', 'azure_keys', 'scores', 'templates', 'hackathon']
            teamDic["member_count"] = team.members.filter(

            def sub(t):
                m = to_dic(t)
                m["user"] = self.user_manager.user_display_info(t.user)
                return m

            teamDic["members"] = [sub(t) for t in team.members]
            return teamDic

        return [get_team(x) for x in teams]
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def get_granted_awards(self, hackathon):
        awards = []
        for team in Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon):
            awards += team.awards

        awards = [self.__award_with_detail(r) for r in awards]
        awards.sort(lambda a, b: b["level"] - a["level"])

        return awards
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __get_user_teams(self, user_id):
        """Get all teams of specific and related hackathon display info

        :type user_id: int
        :param user_id: User id to get teams. Cannot be None

        :rtype: list
        :return list of all teams as well as hackathon info
        return Team.objects(members__user=user_id).all()
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def get_team_source_code(self, team_id):
            team = Team.objects(id=team_id, works__type=TEAM_SHOW_TYPE.SOURCE_CODE)
        except ValidationError:
            return None

        if not team:
            return None

        return filter(lambda w: w.type == TEAM_SHOW_TYPE.SOURCE_CODE, team.works)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __get_user_teams(self, user_id):
        """Get all teams of specific and related hackathon display info

        :type user_id: int
        :param user_id: User id to get teams. Cannot be None

        :rtype: list
        :return list of all teams as well as hackathon info
        return Team.objects(members__user=user_id).all()
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def get_team_show_list_by_user(self, user_id):
        teams = Team.objects(members__match={
            "user": user_id,
            "status": TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED}).all()

        def get_team_show_detail(team):
            dic = self.__team_detail(team)
            dic["hackathon"] = team.hackathon.dic()
            return dic

        return [get_team_show_detail(team) for team in teams if not len(team.works) == 0]
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def get_hackathon_team_list(self, hackathon_id, name=None, number=None):
        """Get the team list of selected hackathon

        :type hackathon_id: string or object_id
        :param hackathon_id: hackathon id

        :type name: str|unicode
        :param name: name of team. optional

        :type number: int
        :param number: querying condition, return number of teams

        :rtype: list
        :return: a list of team filter by name and number on selected hackathon
        query = Q(hackathon=hackathon_id)
        if name is not None:
            query &= Q(name__icontains=name)

            teams = Team.objects(query).order_by('name')[:number]
        except ValidationError:
            return []

        # check whether it's anonymous user or not
        user = None
        if self.user_manager.validate_login():
            user = g.user

        def get_team(team):
            teamDic = team.dic()
            teamDic['leader'] = {
                'id': str(team.leader.id),
                'name': team.leader.name,
                'nickname': team.leader.nickname,
                'avatar_url': team.leader.avatar_url
            teamDic['cover'] = teamDic.get('cover', '')
            teamDic['project_name'] = teamDic.get('project_name', '')
            teamDic['dev_plan'] = teamDic.get('dev_plan', '')
            teamDic['works'] = teamDic.get('works', '')
            [teamDic.pop(key, None) for key in
             ['assets', 'awards', 'azure_keys', 'scores', 'templates', 'hackathon']]
            teamDic["member_count"] = team.members.filter(status=TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED).count()

            def sub(t):
                m = to_dic(t)
                m["user"] = self.user_manager.user_display_info(t.user)
                return m

            teamDic["members"] = [sub(t) for t in team.members]
            return teamDic

        return [get_team(x) for x in teams]
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def get_all_granted_awards(self, limit):
        teams = Team.objects().all()

        teams_with_awards = [team for team in teams if not team.awards == []]
        teams_with_awards.sort(key=lambda t: (
            Hackathon.objects(id=t.hackathon.id, awards__id=t.awards[0]).first().awards.get(id=t.awards[0]).level
        ), reverse=True)  # sort by hackathon and then sort by award level.

        teams_with_awards = teams_with_awards[0: int(limit)]

        return [self.__get_hackathon_and_show_detail(team) for team in teams_with_awards]
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def get_granted_awards(self, hackathon):
        awards = []
        team_id_with_awards = []
        for team in Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon):
            awards += team.awards
            if not len(team.awards) == 0:

        awards = [self.__award_with_detail(r) for r in awards]
        awards.sort(lambda a, b: b["level"] - a["level"])

        # find teams who are granted these awards
        for award in awards:
            award["team"] = []
            for team_id in team_id_with_awards:
                team = Team.objects(id=team_id).first()
                if uuid.UUID(award["id"]) in team.awards:

        # len(awards) is equal to the number of all awards granted, so it's duplicated, remove duplicated items in JS.
        return awards
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def get_team_source_code(self, team_id):
            team = Team.objects(id=team_id,
        except ValidationError:
            return None

        if not team:
            return None

        return [w for w in team.works
                if w.type == TEAM_SHOW_TYPE.SOURCE_CODE][0]
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __get_valid_team_by_user(self, user_id, hackathon_id):
        """Get valid Team(Mongo-document) by user and hackathon

        "valid" means user is approved. There might be other records where status=Init
        Since foreign keys are defined in Team, one can access team or user through the return result directly

        :rtype: Team
        :return instance of Team
        return Team.objects(
            hackathon=hackathon_id, members__match={"user": user_id, "status": TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED}
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def get_granted_awards(self, hackathon):
        awards = []
        team_id_with_awards = []
        for team in Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon):
            awards += team.awards
            if not len(team.awards) == 0:

        awards = [self.__award_with_detail(r) for r in awards]
        awards.sort(lambda a, b: b["level"] - a["level"])

        # find teams who are granted these awards
        for award in awards:
            award["team"] = []
            for team_id in team_id_with_awards:
                team = Team.objects(id=team_id).first()
                if uuid.UUID(award["id"]) in team.awards:

        # len(awards) is equal to the number of all awards granted, so it's duplicated, remove duplicated items in JS.
        return awards
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def get_hackathon_list(self, args):
        # get values from request's QueryString
        page = int(args.get("page", 1))
        per_page = int(args.get("per_page", 20))
        order_by = args.get("order_by", "create_time")
        status = args.get("status")
        name = args.get("name")

        # build query by search conditions and order_by
        status_filter = Q()
        name_filter = Q()
        condition_filter = Q()
        order_by_condition = '-id'

        if status:
            status_filter = Q(status=status)
        if name:
            name_filter = Q(name__contains=name)

        if order_by == 'create_time':  # 最新发布
            order_by_condition = '-create_time'
        elif order_by == 'event_start_time':  # 即将开始
            order_by_condition = '-event_start_time'
        elif order_by == 'registered_users_num':  # 人气热点
            # hackathons with zero registered users would not be shown.
            hot_hackathon_stat = HackathonStat.objects(type=HACKATHON_STAT.REGISTER, count__gt=0).order_by('-count')
            hot_hackathon_list = [stat.hackathon.id for stat in hot_hackathon_stat]
            condition_filter = Q(id__in=hot_hackathon_list)
            order_by_condition = '-id'

        # perform db query with pagination
        pagination = Hackathon.objects(status_filter & name_filter & condition_filter).order_by(

        hackathon_list = pagination.items
        hackathon_stat = HackathonStat.objects(hackathon__in=hackathon_list)

        user = None
        user_hackathon = []
        team = []
        if self.user_manager.validate_login():
            user = g.user
            user_hackathon = UserHackathon.objects(user=user, hackathon__in=hackathon_list)
            team = Team.objects(members__user=user, hackathon__in=hackathon_list)

        def func(hackathon):
            return self.__fill_hackathon_detail(hackathon, user, hackathon_stat, user_hackathon, team)

        # return serializable items as well as total count
        return self.util.paginate(pagination, func)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __get_valid_team_by_user(self, user_id, hackathon_id):
        """Get valid Team(Mongo-document) by user and hackathon

        "valid" means user is approved. There might be other records where status=Init
        Since foreign keys are defined in Team, one can access team or user through the return result directly

        :rtype: Team
        :return instance of Team
        return Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon_id,
                                "user": user_id,
                                "status": TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def delete_team_show(self, user, show_id):
            team = Team.objects(works__id=show_id).first()
        except (ValidationError, ValueError):
            return not_found("wrong id format")

        if team:
            self.__validate_team_permission(team.hackathon.id, team, user)
            for i in range(len(team.works)):
                if str(team.works[i].id) == show_id:

        return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def delete_team_show(self, user, show_id):
            team = Team.objects(works__id=show_id).first()
        except (ValidationError, ValueError):
            return not_found("wrong id format")

        if team:
            self.__validate_team_permission(team.hackathon.id, team, user)
            for i in xrange(len(team.works)):
                if str(team.works[i].id) == show_id:

        return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def __get_team_by_name(self, hackathon_id, team_name):
        """ get user's team basic information stored on table 'team' based on team name

        :type hackathon_id: int
        :param hackathon_id: hackathon id for the team

        :type team_name: str|unicode
        :param team_name: name of the team

        :rtype: Team
        :return: instance of Team if team found otherwise None
            return Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon_id, name=team_name).first()
        except ValidationError:
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def __get_team_by_name(self, hackathon_id, team_name):
        """ get user's team basic information stored on table 'team' based on team name

        :type hackathon_id: int
        :param hackathon_id: hackathon id for the team

        :type team_name: str|unicode
        :param team_name: name of the team

        :rtype: Team
        :return: instance of Team if team found otherwise None
            return Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon_id, name=team_name).first()
        except ValidationError:
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def check_notice_and_set_read_if_necessary(self, id):
        hackathon_notice = HackathonNotice.objects(id=id).first()
        if hackathon_notice:
            user = g.user
            if not user or user.id != hackathon_notice.receiver.id:  # not the user
                return ok()

            hackathon_notice.is_read = True
            if hackathon_notice.event == HACK_NOTICE_EVENT.HACK_PLAN:  # set is_read = True if dev_plan is complete
                user = hackathon_notice.receiver
                hackathon = hackathon_notice.hackathon
                team = Team.objects(members__user=user,
                if team:
                    if not team.dev_plan:  # the dev_plan isn't submitted
                        hackathon_notice.is_read = False
            return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def get_hackathon_show_list(self, hackathon_id, show_type=None, limit=6):
        query = Q(hackathon=hackathon_id)
        if show_type is not None:
            query &= Q(works__type=int(show_type))

        works = []
        for team in Team.objects(query).filter(works__1__exists=True).order_by(
                'update_time', '-age')[:limit]:
            teamDic = team.dic()
            teamDic['leader'] = {
                'id': str(team.leader.id),
                'name': team.leader.name,
                'nickname': team.leader.nickname,
                'avatar_url': team.leader.avatar_url
            teamDic['cover'] = teamDic.get('cover', '')
            teamDic['project_name'] = teamDic.get('project_name', '')
            teamDic['dev_plan'] = teamDic.get('dev_plan', '')
                teamDic.pop(key, None) for key in [
                    'assets', 'awards', 'azure_keys', 'scores', 'templates',
            # teamDic['works'] = []
            # for work in team.works:
            #     teamDic['works'].append(to_dic(work))


        # works.sort(lambda a, b: int(b["create_time"] - a["create_time"]))

        # def proc_work(w):
        #     w.pop("create_time")
        #     w["id"] = str(w["id"])
        #     w["team_id"] = str(w["team_id"])
        #     w["hackathon_id"] = str(w["hackathon_id"])
        #     return w

        return works
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def get_team_members(self, team_id):
        """Get team member list of specific team

        :rtype: dict
        :return: team's information and team's members list if team is found otherwise not_found()
            team = Team.objects(id=team_id).first()
        except ValidationError:
            return None

        if not team:
            return None

        def sub(t):
            m = to_dic(t)
            m["user"] = self.user_manager.user_display_info(t.user)
            return m

        return [sub(t) for t in team.members]
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def get_team_members(self, team_id):
        """Get team member list of specific team

        :rtype: dict
        :return: team's information and team's members list if team is found otherwise not_found()
            team = Team.objects(id=team_id).first()
        except ValidationError:
            return None

        if not team:
            return None

        def sub(t):
            m = to_dic(t)
            m["user"] = self.user_manager.user_display_info(t.user)
            return m

        return [sub(t) for t in team.members]
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def check_notice_and_set_read_if_necessary(self, id):
        hackathon_notice = HackathonNotice.objects(id=id).first()
        if hackathon_notice:
            user = g.user
            if not user or user.id != hackathon_notice.receiver.id:  # not the user
                return ok()

            hackathon_notice.is_read = True
            if hackathon_notice.event == HACK_NOTICE_EVENT.HACK_PLAN:  # set is_read = True if dev_plan is complete
                user = hackathon_notice.receiver
                hackathon = hackathon_notice.hackathon
                team = Team.objects(members__user=user, hackathon=hackathon).first()
                if team:
                    if not team.dev_plan:  # the dev_plan isn't submitted
                        hackathon_notice.is_read = False
                    elif hackathon.config.get(HACKATHON_CONFIG.REAL_NAME_AUTH_21V, False):
                        self.create_hackathon_notice(hackathon.id, HACK_NOTICE_EVENT.HACK_REGISTER_AZURE,
                                                     HACK_NOTICE_CATEGORY.HACKATHON, {'receiver': user})

            return ok()
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def get_hackathon_show_list(self, hackathon_id, show_type=None, limit=6):
        query = Q(hackathon=hackathon_id)
        if show_type is not None:
            query &= Q(works__type=int(show_type))

        works = []
        for team in Team.objects(query):
            cur_works = []
            uris = []

            for work in team.works:
                    "name": team.name,
                    "description": team.description,
                    "logo": team.logo,
                    "id": work.id,
                    "note": work.description,
                    "team_id": team.id,
                    "hackathon_id": hackathon_id,
                    "create_time": time.mktime(work.create_time.timetuple())})
                uris.append((work.uri, work.type))

            uri = ",".join([uri + ':::' + str(type) for uri, type in uris])
            for work in cur_works:
                work["uri"] = uri

            works += cur_works

        works.sort(lambda a, b: int(b["create_time"] - a["create_time"]))

        def proc_work(w):
            w["id"] = str(w["id"])
            w["team_id"] = str(w["team_id"])
            w["hackathon_id"] = str(w["hackathon_id"])
            return w

        return [proc_work(x) for x in works[:limit]]
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def get_hackathon_show_list(self, hackathon_id, show_type=None, limit=6):
        query = Q(hackathon=hackathon_id)
        if show_type is not None:
            query &= Q(works__type=int(show_type))

        works = []
        for team in Team.objects(query).filter(works__1__exists=True).order_by('update_time', '-age')[:limit]:
            teamDic = team.dic()
            teamDic['leader'] = {
                'id': str(team.leader.id),
                'name': team.leader.name,
                'nickname': team.leader.nickname,
                'avatar_url': team.leader.avatar_url
            teamDic['cover'] = teamDic.get('cover', '')
            teamDic['project_name'] = teamDic.get('project_name', '')
            teamDic['dev_plan'] = teamDic.get('dev_plan', '')
            [teamDic.pop(key, None) for key in ['assets', 'awards', 'azure_keys', 'scores', 'templates', 'members']]
            # teamDic['works'] = []
            # for work in team.works:
            #     teamDic['works'].append(to_dic(work))


        # works.sort(lambda a, b: int(b["create_time"] - a["create_time"]))

        # def proc_work(w):
        #     w.pop("create_time")
        #     w["id"] = str(w["id"])
        #     w["team_id"] = str(w["team_id"])
        #     w["hackathon_id"] = str(w["hackathon_id"])
        #     return w

        return works
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def get_hackathon_show_list(self, hackathon_id, show_type=None, limit=6):
        query = Q(hackathon=hackathon_id)
        if show_type is not None:
            query &= Q(works__type=int(show_type))

        works = []
        for team in Team.objects(query).filter(works__1__exists=True).order_by("update_time", "-age")[:limit]:
            teamDic = team.dic()
            teamDic["leader"] = {
                "id": str(team.leader.id),
                "name": team.leader.name,
                "nickname": team.leader.nickname,
                "avatar_url": team.leader.avatar_url,
            teamDic["cover"] = teamDic.get("cover", "")
            teamDic["project_name"] = teamDic.get("project_name", "")
            teamDic["dev_plan"] = teamDic.get("dev_plan", "")
            [teamDic.pop(key, None) for key in ["assets", "awards", "azure_keys", "scores", "templates", "members"]]
            # teamDic['works'] = []
            # for work in team.works:
            #     teamDic['works'].append(to_dic(work))


        # works.sort(lambda a, b: int(b["create_time"] - a["create_time"]))

        # def proc_work(w):
        #     w.pop("create_time")
        #     w["id"] = str(w["id"])
        #     w["team_id"] = str(w["team_id"])
        #     w["hackathon_id"] = str(w["hackathon_id"])
        #     return w

        return works
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def update_team_member_status(self, operator, team_id, user_id, status):
        """ update user's status on selected team. if current user doesn't have permission, return bad request.
        Else, update user's status

        :type status: int
        :param status: the status of the team member, see TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS in constants.py

        :rtype: bool
        :return: if update success, return ok. if not , return bad request.
        team = self.__get_team_by_id(team_id)
        if not team:
            return not_found()

        mem = filter(lambda x: str(x.user.id) == user_id, team.members)
        assert len(mem) < 2
        if not mem:
            return not_found()
        mem = mem[0]

        # #NOTE1# we have to re-check this here
        # because of this situation:
        #   A is in a single-person team TeamA, and request join TeamB
        #   after that, C join TeamA and now TeamA has two members,
        #   this is not allowed when status == TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED
        cur_team = self.__get_valid_team_by_user(mem.user.id, team.hackathon.id)
        if cur_team and cur_team.members.count() > 1:
            return precondition_failed("Team leader cannot join another team for team member count greater than 1")

        self.__validate_team_permission(team.hackathon.id, team, operator)

        if mem.user.id == team.leader.id:
            return precondition_failed("cannot update status of team leader")

        if status == TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED:
            # disable previous team first
            # NOTE:
            #   Do we also have to delete status that is not TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED?
            #   i.e., if A request join both TeamB and TeamC, TeamC approve join first, then TeamB approved,
            #   this will cause A leave TeamB and join TeamC.
            #   is this the desired behaviour?
                "$pull": {
                    "members": {
                        "user": user_id,
                        "status": TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED}}})

            # because only team leader with single team can make join request
            # so we don't have to make default team for other members in this team
            # we make the check in #NOTE1# so this is always true
            Team.objects(hackathon=team.hackathon.id, leader=mem.user.id).delete()

            mem.status = TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED
            mem.update_time = self.util.get_now()
            return ok("approved")

        if status == TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.DENIED:
            user = mem.user
            hackathon = team.hackathon
            self.create_default_team(hackathon, user)
            return ok("Your request has been denied, please rejoin another team.")
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def get_team_by_user_and_hackathon(self, user, hackathon):
     team = Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon, members__user=user).first()
     return team
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def __get_team_by_id(self, team_id):
     """Get team by its primary key"""
         return Team.objects(id=team_id).first()
     except ValidationError:
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def __generate_team_name(self, hackathon, user):
     """Generate a default team name by user name. It can be updated later by team leader"""
     team_name = user.name
     if Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon, name=team_name).first():
         team_name = "%s (%s)" % (user.name, user.id)
     return team_name
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def __generate_team_name(self, hackathon, user):
     """Generate a default team name by user name. It can be updated later by team leader"""
     team_name = user.name
     if Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon, name=team_name).first():
         team_name = "%s (%s)" % (user.name, user.id)
     return team_name
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def __get_team_by_id(self, team_id):
     """Get team by its primary key"""
         return Team.objects(id=team_id).first()
     except ValidationError:
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def update_team_member_status(self, operator, team_id, user_id, status):
        """ update user's status on selected team. if current user doesn't have permission, return bad request.
        Else, update user's status

        :type status: int
        :param status: the status of the team member, see TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS in constants.py

        :rtype: bool
        :return: if update success, return ok. if not , return bad request.
        team = self.__get_team_by_id(team_id)
        if not team:
            return not_found()

        mem = [x for x in team.members if str(x.user.id) == user_id]
        assert len(mem) < 2
        if not mem:
            return not_found()
        mem = mem[0]

        # #NOTE1# we have to re-check this here
        # because of this situation:
        #   A is in a single-person team TeamA, and request join TeamB
        #   after that, C join TeamA and now TeamA has two members,
        #   this is not allowed when status == TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED
        cur_team = self.__get_valid_team_by_user(mem.user.id,
        if cur_team and cur_team.members.count() > 1:
            return precondition_failed(
                "Team leader cannot join another team for team member count greater than 1"

        self.__validate_team_permission(team.hackathon.id, team, operator)

        if mem.user.id == team.leader.id:
            return precondition_failed("cannot update status of team leader")

        if status == TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED:
            # disable previous team first
            # NOTE:
            #   Do we also have to delete status that is not TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED?
            #   i.e., if A request join both TeamB and TeamC, TeamC approve join first, then TeamB approved,
            #   this will cause A leave TeamB and join TeamC.
            #   is this the desired behaviour?
                    "$pull": {
                        "members": {
                            "user": user_id,
                            "status": TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED

            # because only team leader with single team can make join request
            # so we don't have to make default team for other members in this team
            # we make the check in #NOTE1# so this is always true

            mem.status = TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.APPROVED
            mem.update_time = self.util.get_now()
            return ok("approved")

        if status == TEAM_MEMBER_STATUS.DENIED:
            user = mem.user
            hackathon = team.hackathon
            self.create_default_team(hackathon, user)
            return ok(
                "Your request has been denied, please rejoin another team.")
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def get_team_by_user_and_hackathon(self, user, hackathon):
     team = Team.objects(hackathon=hackathon, members__user=user).first()
     return team