Ejemplo n.º 1
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

import sys

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, enum, always_seq, always_comb

from system import System
from wb import WbSlaveInterface
from clk import Clk
from rst import rstgen
from timebase import nsec
from regfile import RegFile, Port, Field, RoField, RwField, DummyField
from util import rename_interface

class ShifterBus(object):
    def __init__(self, num_cs):
        self.SCK = Signal(False)
        self.SDO = Signal(False)
        self.SDOE = Signal(False)
        self.CS = Signal(intbv(0)[num_cs:])

class Shifter(object):
    def __init__(self, system, bus, divider, width = 32, strict_sdoe = True):
        self.system = system
        self.bus = bus

        self.states = enum(
            "IDLE", "START", "PRE", "FIRST", "SECOND", "POST", "PULSE")
Ejemplo n.º 2
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, ResetSignal, intbv, instance, delay, SignalType

from timebase import timescale, nsec, usec, msec, sec
from system import System
from ddr import Ddr, DdrBus, DdrSource, ddr_connect
from clk import Clk
from rst import rstgen
from util import rename_interface, mask

def setup(addr_depth = 1024, data_width = 16):
    insts = []

    clk = Clk(100E6)

    if 1:
        rst = ResetSignal(0, active = 1, async = 0)
        insts.append(rstgen(rst, 100 * nsec, clk))
        rst = None

    system = System(clk, rst)

    bus = DdrBus(2, 12, 2)
    rename_interface(bus, None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, ResetSignal, intbv, always, always_seq, always_comb

from wb import WbSlave, WbSyncSlave, WbMux
from ram import AsyncRam

def wb_write(bus, adr, dat, timeout=10):
    print "wb_write", hex(adr), hex(dat), timeout

    yield (bus.CLK_I.posedge)
    bus.CYC_I.next = 1
    bus.STB_I.next = 1
    bus.WE_I.next = 1
    bus.ADR_I.next = adr
    bus.DAT_I.next = dat
    for t in range(timeout):
        yield (bus.CLK_I.posedge)
        if bus.ACK_O:
            print "write ACK", hex(bus.ADR_I), hex(bus.DAT_I)
        elif bus.ERR_O:
            print "write ERR", hex(bus.ADR_I), hex(bus.DAT_I)
        elif bus.RTY_O:
            print "write RTY", hex(bus.ADR_I), hex(bus.DAT_I)
Ejemplo n.º 4
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from pprint import pprint

from myhdl import (Signal, TristateSignal, ConcatSignal,
                   intbv, always_comb, always_seq)
from rhea.cores.misc import syncro

from spartan6 import (startup_spartan6, bufg,
                      ibufds, ibufgds_diff_out, ibufds_vec, iddr2)

from system import System
from spi_slave import SpiInterface, SpiSlave
from wb import WbMux
from hybrid_counter import HybridCounter
from util import tristate
from regfile import RegFile, Field, RwField, Port
from ddr import Ddr, DdrBus, DdrSource, ddr_connect
from sampler import Sampler
from shifter import Shifter, ShifterBus
from ram import Ram

def top(din, init_b, cclk,
        soc_clk_p, soc_clk_n, soc_cs, soc_ras, soc_cas, soc_we, soc_ba, soc_a,
        soc_dqs, soc_dm, soc_dq,
        adc_clk_p, adc_clk_n, adc_dat_p, adc_dat_n, adc_ovr_p, adc_ovr_n,
        shifter_sck, shifter_sdo,
Ejemplo n.º 5
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, SignalType, ResetSignal, intbv, always_seq, always_comb

class WbSlaveInterface(object):
    def __init__(self, addr_depth, data_width):
        addr_width = len(intbv(0, 0, addr_depth))
        sel_width = (data_width + 7) / 8

        self.CLK_I = Signal(False)
        self.RST_I = ResetSignal(0, active = 1, async = 0)

        self.CYC_I = Signal(False)
        self.STB_I = Signal(False)
        self.WE_I = Signal(False)

        self.ACK_O = Signal(False)
        self.ERR_O = Signal(False)
        self.RTY_O = Signal(False)

        self.ADR_I = Signal(intbv(0)[addr_width:])
        self.SEL_I = Signal(intbv(~0)[sel_width:])
        self.DAT_I = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])
        self.DAT_O = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])

class WbBus(WbSlaveInterface):
    def __init__(self, system, addr_depth, data_width):
        super(WbBus, self).__init__(addr_depth, data_width)
Ejemplo n.º 6
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always_seq, always_comb

from ram import Ram
from spi_slave import SpiSlave, SpiInterface

from myhdl import instance, delay

def spi_test(bus, sclk_interval=43):
    from myhdl import instance, delay

    def logic():
        yield delay(200)

        bus.CS.next = 0
        bus.SCK.next = 0
        bus.SD_I.next = 0

        yield delay(sclk_interval)
        bus.CS.next = 1

        yield delay(sclk_interval)

        a = 0x1
        print "Reg Write Addr", hex(int(a))
Ejemplo n.º 7
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, ResetSignal, intbv, always, always_seq, always_comb

from wb import WbSlave, WbSyncSlave, WbMux
from ram import AsyncRam

def wb_write(bus, adr, dat, timeout = 10):
    print "wb_write", hex(adr), hex(dat), timeout

    bus.CYC_I.next = 1
    bus.STB_I.next = 1
    bus.WE_I.next  = 1
    bus.ADR_I.next = adr
    bus.DAT_I.next = dat
    for t in range(timeout):
        if bus.ACK_O:
            print "write ACK", hex(bus.ADR_I), hex(bus.DAT_I)
        elif bus.ERR_O:
            print "write ERR", hex(bus.ADR_I), hex(bus.DAT_I)
        elif bus.RTY_O:
            print "write RTY", hex(bus.ADR_I), hex(bus.DAT_I)
        print "write timeout", hex(bus.ADR_I), hex(bus.DAT_I)
Ejemplo n.º 8
#! /usr/bin/python

import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import ConcatSignal, SignalType, always_comb

def rename_interface(self, prefix):
    for k, v in vars(self).items():
        if isinstance(v, SignalType):
            if prefix is None:
                v._name = k
                v._name = prefix + '_' + k

def tristate(pin, i, o, oe):
    driver = pin.driver()

    def logic():
        i.next = pin
        if oe:
            driver.next = o
            driver.next = None

    return logic
Ejemplo n.º 9
#! /usr/bin/python

import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always_seq, always_comb

from wb import WbSlave

class AsyncRam(WbSlave):
    def __init__(self, addr_depth, data_width):
        super(AsyncRam, self).__init__(addr_depth, data_width, async=True)

        self.ram = [Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:]) for _ in range(addr_depth)]

    def gen(self, bus):
        @always_seq(bus.CLK_I.posedge, bus.RST_I)
        def ram_write_inst():
            if bus.CYC_I and bus.STB_I and bus.WE_I:
                if bus.ADR_I < len(self.ram):
                    # When I try to synthesize the following with
                    # Xlinx ISE I get "h is not a constant"
                    # for sel in range(len(bus.SEL_I)):
                    #     if bus.SEL_I[sel]:
                    #         l = sel * 8
                    #         h = sel * 8 + 8
                    #         self.ram[bus.ADR_I].next[h:l] = bus.DAT_I[h:l]
                    self.ram[bus.ADR_I].next = bus.DAT_I
Ejemplo n.º 10
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always, always_comb, instances

def gray_encode(bin_value):
    return bin_value ^ (bin_value >> 1)

def gray_decode(gray_value):
    bin_value = 0
    t = 0
    for i in range(len(gray_value)):
        n = len(gray_value) - i - 1
        t ^= gray_value[n]
        bin_value |= t << n
    return bin_value & ((1 << len(gray_value)) - 1)

def gray_encoder(bin_value, gray_value):
    assert len(bin_value) == len(gray_value)

    def comb():
        gray_value.next = gray_encode(bin_value)

    return comb
Ejemplo n.º 11
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, ResetSignal, SignalType, instance, always_comb, always_seq, intbv, instances

from simple.reg import Reg, Port, Field, RwField, RoField, DummyField

from spartan6 import pll_adv, bufg, bufgce, bufpll_mcb, mcb_ui_top

def mig_with_tb(sys_rst_i, sys_clk_p, sys_clk_n,
                calib_done, error,
                mcb3_dram_ck, mcb3_dram_ck_n,
                mcb3_dram_ras_n, mcb3_dram_cas_n, mcb3_dram_we_n,
                mcb3_dram_ba, mcb3_dram_a, mcb3_dram_odt,
                mcb3_dram_dqs, mcb3_dram_dqs_n,
                mcb3_dram_udqs, mcb3_dram_udqs_n,
                mcb3_dram_dm, mcb3_dram_udm,
                soc_clk, soc_clk_b = ''):

    sys_rst_i.read = True
    sys_clk_p.read = True
    sys_clk_n.read = True

    calib_done.driven = 'wire'
    error.driven = 'wire'

    mcb3_dram_ck.driven = 'wire'
    mcb3_dram_ck_n.driven = 'wire'
Ejemplo n.º 12
#! /usr/bin/python

import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always_seq, always_comb

from wb import WbSlave

class AsyncRam(WbSlave):
    def __init__(self, addr_depth, data_width):
        super(AsyncRam, self).__init__(addr_depth, data_width, async = True)

        self.ram = [ Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:]) for _ in range(addr_depth) ]

    def gen(self, bus):
        @always_seq(bus.CLK_I.posedge, bus.RST_I)
        def ram_write_inst():
            if bus.CYC_I and bus.STB_I and bus.WE_I:
                if bus.ADR_I < len(self.ram):
                    # When I try to synthesize the following with
                    # Xlinx ISE I get "h is not a constant"
                    # for sel in range(len(bus.SEL_I)):
                    #     if bus.SEL_I[sel]:
                    #         l = sel * 8
                    #         h = sel * 8 + 8
                    #         self.ram[bus.ADR_I].next[h:l] = bus.DAT_I[h:l]
                    self.ram[bus.ADR_I].next = bus.DAT_I

Ejemplo n.º 13
#! /usr/bin/python

import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always, always_seq, always_comb

from util import mask, lsh

class DdrBus(object):
    def __init__(self, ba_width, a_width, d_width):
        self.ba_width = ba_width
        self.a_width = a_width
        self.d_width = d_width

        self.CS_B = Signal(True)
        self.RAS_B = Signal(True)
        self.CAS_B = Signal(True)
        self.WE_B = Signal(True)
        self.BA = Signal(intbv(~0)[ba_width:])
        self.A = Signal(intbv(~0)[a_width:])

        self.DQS0_O = Signal(intbv(0)[d_width:])
        self.DQS0_I = Signal(intbv(0)[d_width:])
        self.DQS0_OE = Signal(False)

        self.DM0_I = Signal(intbv(0)[d_width:])
        self.DM0_O = Signal(intbv(0)[d_width:])
        self.DM0_OE = Signal(intbv(0)[d_width:])
Ejemplo n.º 14
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always

from clk import Clk
from util import Packer

class Interface(object):
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.a = Signal(False)
        self.b = Signal(intbv(0)[n:])
        self.c = Signal(False)

def test(clk):
    insts = []

    p = Packer(Interface, 3)

    src = p.create()

    packed = p.pack(src)

    dst = p.create()
    unpack_inst = p.unpack(packed, dst)

    @always (clk)
    def test_inst():
Ejemplo n.º 15
#! /usr/bin/python

import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always, always_seq, always_comb

from wb import WbSlave

class Sampler(WbSlave):
    def __init__(self, addr_depth, sample_clk, sample_data, sample_enable,
                 skip_cnt = 0):
        data_width = len(sample_data)
        super(Sampler, self).__init__(addr_depth, data_width, async = True)

        self.ram = [ Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:]) for _ in range(addr_depth) ]

        self.sample_clk = sample_clk
        self.sample_data = sample_data
        self.sample_enable = sample_enable

        self.skip_cnt = skip_cnt

    def gen(self, bus):
        req = Signal(False)

        def comb():
            req.next = (bus.CYC_I and bus.STB_I and
                        not bus.ACK_O and not bus.ERR_O and not bus.RTY_O)
Ejemplo n.º 16
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always_comb, always_seq

from gray import gray_decoder, gray_counter
from wb import WbSlave

class HybridCounter(WbSlave):
    """A hybrid asynchronous/synchronous counter which can count
    higher frequencies than sysclk on a number of pins.

    An asynchronous gray counter which counts the number of positive
    edges on a set of pins.  Each counter is split into an
    asynchronous part that can run faster than sysclk and a
    synchronous part that is updated periodically.

    The purpose of this counter is to save on the number of ripple
    carry resources used in an FPGA and to let the asynchronous
    counters run faster than they could have done otherwise.  It's
    only possible to fit about 80 asynchronous 32 bit counters into a
    Xilinx XC6SLX9 FPGA before the it runs out of space.  With the
    hybrid approach where only the lower 12 bits are updated
    asynchronously should be able to fit two or three times as many
    counters into the same FPGA.

    An asynchronous gray counter increments the lower async_width of
    the counter on every positive edge of the pin.
Ejemplo n.º 17
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always, always_comb, instances

def gray_encode(bin_value):
    return bin_value ^ (bin_value >> 1)

def gray_decode(gray_value):
    bin_value = 0
    t = 0
    for i in range(len(gray_value)):
        n = len(gray_value) - i - 1
        t ^= gray_value[n]
        bin_value |= t << n
    return bin_value & ((1<<len(gray_value)) - 1)

def gray_encoder(bin_value, gray_value):
    assert len(bin_value) == len(gray_value)
    def comb():
        gray_value.next = gray_encode(bin_value)
    return comb

def gray_decoder(gray_value, bin_value):
    assert len(gray_value) == len(bin_value)
    def comb():
        bin_value.next = gray_decode(gray_value)
Ejemplo n.º 18
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always_seq, always_comb

from ram import Ram
from spi_slave import SpiSlave, SpiInterface

from myhdl import instance, delay

def spi_test(bus, sclk_interval = 43):
    from myhdl import instance, delay

    def logic():
        yield delay(200)

        bus.CS.next = 0
        bus.SCK.next = 0
        bus.SD_I.next = 0

        yield delay(sclk_interval)
        bus.CS.next = 1

        yield delay(sclk_interval)

        a = 0x1
        print "Reg Write Addr", hex(int(a))
        dd = a << 1
Ejemplo n.º 19
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always_comb, always_seq
from bus import Bus

class Mux(object):
    def __init__(self, system):
        self.system = system

        self.slaves = []
        self.addr = 0
        self.align = True
        self.pad = True

        self.addr = 0

        self.addr_depth = 0
        self.data_width = 0

        self._bus = None

    def bus(self):
        if self._bus is None:
            self._bus = Bus(self.addr_depth, self.data_width)
        return self._bus

    def add(self, slaves, addr = None, align = None, pad = None):
        if isinstance(slaves, Bus):
Ejemplo n.º 20
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from pprint import pprint

from myhdl import (Signal, TristateSignal, ConcatSignal,
                   intbv, always_comb, always_seq)
from rhea.cores.misc import syncro

from spartan6 import (startup_spartan6, bufg,
                      ibufds, ibufgds_diff_out, ibufds_vec, iddr2)

from system import System
from spi_slave import SpiInterface, SpiSlave
from wb import WbMux
from hybrid_counter import HybridCounter
from util import tristate
from regfile import RegFile, Field, RoField, RwField, Port
from ddr import Ddr, DdrBus, DdrSource, ddr_connect
from sampler import Sampler
from shifter import Shifter, ShifterBus
from ram import Ram
from mig import mig

def top(din, init_b, cclk,
        soc_clk_p, soc_clk_n, soc_cs, soc_ras, soc_cas, soc_we, soc_ba, soc_a,
        soc_dqs, soc_dm, soc_dq,
        adc_clk_p, adc_clk_n, adc_dat_p, adc_dat_n, adc_ovr_p, adc_ovr_n,
Ejemplo n.º 21
#! /usr/bin/python
import hacking
if __name__ == '__main__':

from myhdl import Signal, SignalType, always_comb, always_seq, intbv
from timebase import sec
from util import rename_interface
from wb import WbSlave

class Port(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
	self.STB   = Signal(False)
        self.WE    = Signal(False)
	self.DAT_I = Signal(value)
	self.DAT_O = Signal(value)

class Field(object):
    def __init__(self, system, name, description, port):
        self.system = system
        self.name = name
        self.description = description
        self.port = port

    def gen(self, bus):
        def comb():
            self.port.STB.next = bus.STB_I
            self.port.WE.next = bus.WE_I
            self.port.DAT_I.next = bus.DAT_I[self.offset+self.width:self.offset]
            bus.DAT_O.next[self.offset+self.width:self.offset] = self.port.DAT_O