Ejemplo n.º 1
def pc_project(call_expr, loadings_expr, af_expr):
    """Projects genotypes onto pre-computed PCs. Requires loadings and
    allele-frequency from a reference dataset (see example). Note that
    `loadings_expr` must have no missing data and reflect the rows
    from the original PCA run for this method to be accurate.

    >>> # Compute loadings and allele frequency for reference dataset
    >>> _, _, loadings_ht = hl.hwe_normalized_pca(mt.GT, k=10, compute_loadings=True)   # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> mt = mt.annotate_rows(af=hl.agg.mean(mt.GT.n_alt_alleles()) / 2)                # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> loadings_ht = loadings_ht.annotate(af=mt.rows()[loadings_ht.key].af)            # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> # Project new genotypes onto loadings
    >>> ht = pc_project(mt_to_project.GT, loadings_ht.loadings, loadings_ht.af)         # doctest: +SKIP

    call_expr : :class:`.CallExpression`
        Entry-indexed call expression for genotypes
        to project onto loadings.
    loadings_expr : :class:`.ArrayNumericExpression`
        Location of expression for loadings
    af_expr : :class:`.Float64Expression`
        Location of expression for allele frequency

        Table with scores calculated from loadings in column `scores`
    check_entry_indexed('pc_project', call_expr)
    check_row_indexed('pc_project', loadings_expr)
    check_row_indexed('pc_project', af_expr)

    gt_source = call_expr._indices.source
    loadings_source = loadings_expr._indices.source
    af_source = af_expr._indices.source

    loadings_expr = _get_expr_or_join(loadings_expr, loadings_source, gt_source, '_loadings')
    af_expr = _get_expr_or_join(af_expr, af_source, gt_source, '_af')

    mt = gt_source._annotate_all(row_exprs={'_loadings': loadings_expr, '_af': af_expr},
                                 entry_exprs={'_call': call_expr})

    if isinstance(loadings_source, hl.MatrixTable):
        n_variants = loadings_source.count_rows()
        n_variants = loadings_source.count()

    mt = mt.filter_rows(hl.is_defined(mt._loadings) & hl.is_defined(mt._af) & (mt._af > 0) & (mt._af < 1))

    gt_norm = (mt._call.n_alt_alleles() - 2 * mt._af) / hl.sqrt(n_variants * 2 * mt._af * (1 - mt._af))

    return mt.select_cols(scores=hl.agg.array_sum(mt._loadings * gt_norm)).cols()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def locus_windows(locus_expr, radius, coord_expr=None, _localize=True):
    """Returns start and stop indices for window around each locus.


    Windows with 2bp radius for one contig with positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:

    >>> starts, stops = hl.linalg.utils.locus_windows(
    ...     hl.balding_nichols_model(1, 5, 5).locus,
    ...     radius=2)
    >>> starts, stops
    (array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2]), array([3, 4, 5, 5, 5]))

    The following examples involve three contigs.

    >>> loci = [{'locus': hl.Locus('1', 1), 'cm': 1.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('1', 2), 'cm': 3.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('1', 4), 'cm': 4.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('2', 1), 'cm': 2.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('2', 1), 'cm': 2.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('3', 3), 'cm': 5.0}]

    >>> ht = hl.Table.parallelize(
    ...         loci,
    ...         hl.tstruct(locus=hl.tlocus('GRCh37'), cm=hl.tfloat64),
    ...         key=['locus'])

    Windows with 1bp radius:

    >>> hl.linalg.utils.locus_windows(ht.locus, 1)
    (array([0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 5]), array([2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6]))

    Windows with 1cm radius:

    >>> hl.linalg.utils.locus_windows(ht.locus, 1.0, coord_expr=ht.cm)
    (array([0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5]), array([1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6]))

    This function returns two 1-dimensional ndarrays of integers,
    ``starts`` and ``stops``, each of size equal to the number of rows.

    By default, for all indices ``i``, ``[starts[i], stops[i])`` is the maximal
    range of row indices ``j`` such that ``contig[i] == contig[j]`` and
    ``position[i] - radius <= position[j] <= position[i] + radius``.

    If the :meth:`.global_position` on `locus_expr` is not in ascending order,
    this method will fail. Ascending order should hold for a matrix table keyed
    by locus or variant (and the associated row table), or for a table that has
    been ordered by `locus_expr`.

    Set `coord_expr` to use a value other than position to define the windows.
    This row-indexed numeric expression must be non-missing, non-``nan``, on the
    same source as `locus_expr`, and ascending with respect to locus
    position for each contig; otherwise the function will fail.

    The last example above uses centimorgan coordinates, so
    ``[starts[i], stops[i])`` is the maximal range of row indices ``j`` such
    that ``contig[i] == contig[j]`` and
    ``cm[i] - radius <= cm[j] <= cm[i] + radius``.

    Index ranges are start-inclusive and stop-exclusive. This function is
    especially useful in conjunction with

    locus_expr : :class:`.LocusExpression`
        Row-indexed locus expression on a table or matrix table.
    radius: :obj:`int`
        Radius of window for row values.
    coord_expr: :class:`.Float64Expression`, optional
        Row-indexed numeric expression for the row value.
        Must be on the same table or matrix table as `locus_expr`.
        By default, the row value is given by the locus position.

    (:class:`ndarray` of :obj:`int64`, :class:`ndarray` of :obj:`int64`)
        Tuple of start indices array and stop indices array.
    if radius < 0:
        raise ValueError(f"locus_windows: 'radius' must be non-negative, found {radius}")
    check_row_indexed('locus_windows', locus_expr)
    if coord_expr is not None:
        check_row_indexed('locus_windows', coord_expr)

    src = locus_expr._indices.source
    if locus_expr not in src._fields_inverse:
        locus = Env.get_uid()
        annotate_fields = {locus: locus_expr}

        if coord_expr is not None:
            if coord_expr not in src._fields_inverse:
                coords = Env.get_uid()
                annotate_fields[coords] = coord_expr
                coords = src._fields_inverse[coord_expr]

        if isinstance(src, hl.MatrixTable):
            new_src = src.annotate_rows(**annotate_fields)
            new_src = src.annotate(**annotate_fields)

        locus_expr = new_src[locus]
        if coord_expr is not None:
            coord_expr = new_src[coords]

    if coord_expr is None:
        coord_expr = locus_expr.position

    rg = locus_expr.dtype.reference_genome
    contig_group_expr = hl.agg.group_by(hl.locus(locus_expr.contig, 1, reference_genome=rg), hl.agg.collect(coord_expr))

    # check loci are in sorted order
    last_pos = hl.fold(lambda a, elt: (hl.case()
                                         .when(a <= elt, elt)
                                         .or_error("locus_windows: 'locus_expr' global position must be in ascending order.")),
                                        .when(hl.is_defined(locus_expr), locus_expr.global_position())
                                        .or_error("locus_windows: missing value for 'locus_expr'.")))
    checked_contig_groups = (hl.case()
                               .when(last_pos >= 0, contig_group_expr)
                               .or_error("locus_windows: 'locus_expr' has length 0"))

    contig_groups = locus_expr._aggregation_method()(checked_contig_groups, _localize=False)

    coords = hl.sorted(hl.array(contig_groups)).map(lambda t: t[1])
    starts_and_stops = hl._locus_windows_per_contig(coords, radius)

    if not _localize:
        return starts_and_stops

    starts, stops = hl.eval(starts_and_stops)
    return np.array(starts), np.array(stops)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: misc.py Proyecto: jigold/hail
def locus_windows(locus_expr, radius, coord_expr=None, _localize=True):
    """Returns start and stop indices for window around each locus.


    Windows with 2bp radius for one contig with positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:

    >>> starts, stops = hl.linalg.utils.locus_windows(
    ...     hl.balding_nichols_model(1, 5, 5).locus,
    ...     radius=2)
    >>> starts, stops
    (array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2]), array([3, 4, 5, 5, 5]))

    The following examples involve three contigs.

    >>> loci = [{'locus': hl.Locus('1', 1), 'cm': 1.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('1', 2), 'cm': 3.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('1', 4), 'cm': 4.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('2', 1), 'cm': 2.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('2', 1), 'cm': 2.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('3', 3), 'cm': 5.0}]

    >>> ht = hl.Table.parallelize(
    ...         loci,
    ...         hl.tstruct(locus=hl.tlocus('GRCh37'), cm=hl.tfloat64),
    ...         key=['locus'])

    Windows with 1bp radius:

    >>> hl.linalg.utils.locus_windows(ht.locus, 1)
    (array([0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 5]), array([2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6]))

    Windows with 1cm radius:

    >>> hl.linalg.utils.locus_windows(ht.locus, 1.0, coord_expr=ht.cm)
    (array([0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5]), array([1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6]))

    This function returns two 1-dimensional ndarrays of integers,
    ``starts`` and ``stops``, each of size equal to the number of rows.

    By default, for all indices ``i``, ``[starts[i], stops[i])`` is the maximal
    range of row indices ``j`` such that ``contig[i] == contig[j]`` and
    ``position[i] - radius <= position[j] <= position[i] + radius``.

    If the :meth:`.global_position` on `locus_expr` is not in ascending order,
    this method will fail. Ascending order should hold for a matrix table keyed
    by locus or variant (and the associated row table), or for a table that has
    been ordered by `locus_expr`.

    Set `coord_expr` to use a value other than position to define the windows.
    This row-indexed numeric expression must be non-missing, non-``nan``, on the
    same source as `locus_expr`, and ascending with respect to locus
    position for each contig; otherwise the function will fail.

    The last example above uses centimorgan coordinates, so
    ``[starts[i], stops[i])`` is the maximal range of row indices ``j`` such
    that ``contig[i] == contig[j]`` and
    ``cm[i] - radius <= cm[j] <= cm[i] + radius``.

    Index ranges are start-inclusive and stop-exclusive. This function is
    especially useful in conjunction with

    locus_expr : :class:`.LocusExpression`
        Row-indexed locus expression on a table or matrix table.
    radius: :obj:`int`
        Radius of window for row values.
    coord_expr: :class:`.Float64Expression`, optional
        Row-indexed numeric expression for the row value.
        Must be on the same table or matrix table as `locus_expr`.
        By default, the row value is given by the locus position.

    (:class:`ndarray` of :obj:`int64`, :class:`ndarray` of :obj:`int64`)
        Tuple of start indices array and stop indices array.
    if radius < 0:
        raise ValueError(f"locus_windows: 'radius' must be non-negative, found {radius}")
    check_row_indexed('locus_windows', locus_expr)
    if coord_expr is not None:
        check_row_indexed('locus_windows', coord_expr)

    src = locus_expr._indices.source
    if locus_expr not in src._fields_inverse:
        locus = Env.get_uid()
        annotate_fields = {locus: locus_expr}

        if coord_expr is not None:
            if coord_expr not in src._fields_inverse:
                coords = Env.get_uid()
                annotate_fields[coords] = coord_expr
                coords = src._fields_inverse[coord_expr]

        if isinstance(src, hl.MatrixTable):
            new_src = src.annotate_rows(**annotate_fields)
            new_src = src.annotate(**annotate_fields)

        locus_expr = new_src[locus]
        if coord_expr is not None:
            coord_expr = new_src[coords]

    if coord_expr is None:
        coord_expr = locus_expr.position

    rg = locus_expr.dtype.reference_genome
    contig_group_expr = hl.agg.group_by(hl.locus(locus_expr.contig, 1, reference_genome=rg), hl.agg.collect(coord_expr))

    # check loci are in sorted order
    last_pos = hl.fold(lambda a, elt: (hl.case()
                                         .when(a <= elt, elt)
                                         .or_error("locus_windows: 'locus_expr' global position must be in ascending order.")),
                                        .when(hl.is_defined(locus_expr), locus_expr.global_position())
                                        .or_error("locus_windows: missing value for 'locus_expr'.")))
    checked_contig_groups = (hl.case()
                               .when(last_pos >= 0, contig_group_expr)
                               .or_error("locus_windows: 'locus_expr' has length 0"))

    contig_groups = locus_expr._aggregation_method()(checked_contig_groups, _localize=False)

    coords = hl.sorted(hl.array(contig_groups)).map(lambda t: t[1])
    starts_and_stops = hl._locus_windows_per_contig(coords, radius)

    if not _localize:
        return starts_and_stops

    starts, stops = hl.eval(starts_and_stops)
    return np.array(starts), np.array(stops)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def locus_windows(locus_expr, radius, coord_expr=None):
    """Returns start and stop indices for window around each locus.


    Windows with 2bp radius for one contig with positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:

    >>> starts, stops = hl.linalg.utils.locus_windows(
    ...     hl.balding_nichols_model(1, 5, 5).locus,
    ...     radius=2)
    >>> starts, stops
    (array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2]), array([3, 4, 5, 5, 5]))

    The following examples involve three contigs.

    >>> loci = [{'locus': hl.Locus('1', 1), 'cm': 1.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('1', 2), 'cm': 3.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('1', 4), 'cm': 4.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('2', 1), 'cm': 2.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('2', 1), 'cm': 2.0},
    ...         {'locus': hl.Locus('3', 3), 'cm': 5.0}]

    >>> ht = hl.Table.parallelize(
    ...         loci,
    ...         hl.tstruct(locus=hl.tlocus('GRCh37'), cm=hl.tfloat64),
    ...         key=['locus'])

    Windows with 1bp radius:

    >>> hl.linalg.utils.locus_windows(ht.locus, 1)
    (array([0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 5]), array([2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6]))

    Windows with 1cm radius:

    >>> hl.linalg.utils.locus_windows(ht.locus, 1.0, coord_expr=ht.cm)
    (array([0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5]), array([1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6]))

    This function returns two 1-dimensional ndarrays of integers,
    ``starts`` and ``stops``, each of size equal to the number of rows.

    By default, for all indices ``i``, ``[starts[i], stops[i])`` is the maximal
    range of row indices ``j`` such that ``contig[i] == contig[j]`` and
    ``position[i] - radius <= position[j] <= position[i] + radius``.

    If the :meth:`.global_position` on `locus_expr` is not in ascending order,
    this method will fail. Ascending order should hold for a matrix table keyed
    by locus or variant (and the associated row table), or for a table that has
    been ordered by `locus_expr`.

    Set `coord_expr` to use a value other than position to define the windows.
    This row-indexed numeric expression must be non-missing, non-``nan``, on the
    same source as `locus_expr`, and ascending with respect to locus
    position for each contig; otherwise the function will fail.

    The last example above uses centimorgan coordinates, so
    ``[starts[i], stops[i])`` is the maximal range of row indices ``j`` such
    that ``contig[i] == contig[j]`` and
    ``cm[i] - radius <= cm[j] <= cm[i] + radius``.

    Index ranges are start-inclusive and stop-exclusive. This function is
    especially useful in conjunction with

    locus_expr : :class:`.LocusExpression`
        Row-indexed locus expression on a table or matrix table.
    radius: :obj:`int`
        Radius of window for row values.
    coord_expr: :class:`.Float64Expression`, optional
        Row-indexed numeric expression for the row value.
        Must be on the same table or matrix table as `locus_expr`.
        By default, the row value is given by the locus position.

    (:class:`ndarray` of :obj:`int64`, :class:`ndarray` of :obj:`int64`)
        Tuple of start indices array and stop indices array.
    if radius < 0:
        raise ValueError(
            f"locus_windows: 'radius' must be non-negative, found {radius}")
    check_row_indexed('locus_windows', locus_expr)
    if coord_expr is None:
        global_pos_list = locus_expr.global_position().collect()
        n_loci = len(global_pos_list)
        global_pos = np.zeros(n_loci, dtype=np.int64)
        for i, p in enumerate(global_pos_list):
            if p is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"locus_windows: missing value for 'locus_expr' global position at row {i}"
            global_pos[i] = p
        coord = global_pos
        del global_pos_list
        check_row_indexed('locus_windows', coord_expr)
        global_pos_and_coord =\
            hl.tuple([locus_expr.global_position(), coord_expr]).collect()  # raises exception if sources differ
        n_loci = len(global_pos_and_coord)

        global_pos = np.zeros(n_loci, dtype=np.int64)
        coord = np.zeros(n_loci, dtype=np.float64)
        for i, x in enumerate(global_pos_and_coord):
            if x[0] is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"locus_windows: missing value for 'locus_expr' global position at row {i}"
            global_pos[i] = x[0]
            if x[1] is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"locus_windows: missing value for 'coord_expr' at row {i}"
            coord[i] = x[1]
        del global_pos_and_coord

    if n_loci == 0:
        return np.zeros(shape=0, dtype=np.int64), np.zeros(shape=0,

    contig_name = locus_expr.dtype.reference_genome.contigs
    contig_len = locus_expr.dtype.reference_genome.lengths
    contig_cum_len = np.cumsum([contig_len[name] for name in contig_name])

    assert (global_pos[-1] < contig_cum_len[-1])

    contig_start_idx = _compute_contig_start_idx(global_pos, contig_cum_len)
    n_contigs = len(contig_start_idx)
    contig_bounds = [
        array_windows(coord[contig_start_idx[c]:contig_start_idx[c + 1]],
                      radius) for c in range(n_contigs)
    starts = np.concatenate(
        [contig_start_idx[c] + contig_bounds[c][0] for c in range(n_contigs)])
    stops = np.concatenate(
        [contig_start_idx[c] + contig_bounds[c][1] for c in range(n_contigs)])

    return starts, stops