Ejemplo n.º 1
def merge_spatial(input):
    weight = hl.Func("raised_cosine_weights")
    output = hl.Func("merge_spatial_output")

    v, x, y = hl.Var('v'), hl.Var('x'), hl.Var('y')

    # modified raised cosine window
    weight[v] = 0.5 - 0.5 * hl.cos(2 * math.pi * (v + 0.5) / TILE_SIZE)

    weight_00 = weight[idx_0(x)] * weight[idx_0(y)]
    weight_10 = weight[idx_1(x)] * weight[idx_0(y)]
    weight_01 = weight[idx_0(x)] * weight[idx_1(y)]
    weight_11 = weight[idx_1(x)] * weight[idx_1(y)]

    val_00 = input[idx_0(x), idx_0(y), tile_0(x), tile_0(y)]
    val_10 = input[idx_1(x), idx_0(y), tile_1(x), tile_0(y)]
    val_01 = input[idx_0(x), idx_1(y), tile_0(x), tile_1(y)]
    val_11 = input[idx_1(x), idx_1(y), tile_1(x), tile_1(y)]

    output[x, y] = hl.cast(hl.UInt(16), weight_00 * val_00
                           + weight_10 * val_10
                           + weight_01 * val_01
                           + weight_11 * val_11)

    weight.compute_root().vectorize(v, 32)

    output.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 32)

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 2
def gauss(input, k, rdom, name):
    blur_x = hl.Func(name + "_x")
    output = hl.Func(name)

    x, y, c, xi, yi = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c"), hl.Var("xi"), hl.Var("yi")

    val = hl.Expr("val")

    if input.dimensions() == 2:
        blur_x[x, y] = hl.sum(input[x + rdom, y] * k[rdom])
        val = hl.sum(blur_x[x, y + rdom] * k[rdom])
        if input.output_types()[0] == hl.UInt(16):
            val = hl.u16(val)
        output[x, y] = val
        blur_x[x, y, c] = hl.sum(input[x + rdom, y, c] * k[rdom])
        val = hl.sum(blur_x[x, y + rdom, c] * k[rdom])
        if input.output_types()[0] == hl.UInt(16):
            val = hl.u16(val)
        output[x, y, c] = val

    blur_x.compute_at(output, x).vectorize(x, 16)

    output.compute_root().tile(x, y, xi, yi, 256, 128).vectorize(xi, 16).parallel(y)

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():

    x = hl.Var('x')
    f_in = hl.Func('in')
    f_in[x] = hl.f32(x)  # Cast to float 32
    f_0 = hl.Func('f_0')
    f_0[x] = 2 * f_in[x]
    f_1 = hl.Func('f_1')
    f_1[x] = hl.sin(f_0[x])
    f_2 = hl.Func('f_2')
    f_2[x] = f_1[x] * f_1[x]

    # Setup
    f_2.set_estimate(x, 0, 1000)
    p = hl.Pipeline(f_2)
    target = hl.Target()
    # Only first parameter is used (number of cores on CPU)
    params = hl.MachineParams(32, 0, 0)
    result = p.auto_schedule('Li2018', target, params)

    p.compile_jit()  # compile
    buf = p.realize(1000)  # compute and get the buffer
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_basics3():
    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 3, 'input')
    r_sigma = hl.Param(hl.Float(32), 'r_sigma',
                       0.1)  # Value needed if not generating an executable
    s_sigma = 8  # This is passed during code generation in the C++ version

    x = hl.Var('x')
    y = hl.Var('y')
    z = hl.Var('z')
    c = hl.Var('c')

    # Add a boundary condition
    clamped = hl.Func('clamped')
    clamped[x, y] = input[hl.clamp(x, 0,
                                   input.width() - 1),
                          hl.clamp(y, 0,
                                   input.height() - 1), 0]

    # Construct the bilateral grid
    r = hl.RDom([(0, s_sigma), (0, s_sigma)], 'r')
    val = clamped[x * s_sigma + r.x - s_sigma // 2,
                  y * s_sigma + r.y - s_sigma // 2]
    val = hl.clamp(val, 0.0, 1.0)
    zi = hl.i32((val / r_sigma) + 0.5)
    histogram = hl.Func('histogram')
    histogram[x, y, z, c] = 0.0

    ss = hl.select(c == 0, val, 1.0)
    left = histogram[x, y, zi, c]
    left += 5
    left += ss
Ejemplo n.º 5
def combine2(im1, im2, width, height, dist):
    init_mask1 = hl.Func("mask1_layer_0")
    init_mask2 = hl.Func("mask2_layer_0")
    accumulator = hl.Func("combine_accumulator")
    output = hl.Func("combine_output")

    x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")

    im1_mirror = hl.BoundaryConditions.repeat_edge(im1, [(0, width), (0, height)])
    im2_mirror = hl.BoundaryConditions.repeat_edge(im2, [(0, width), (0, height)])

    weight1 = hl.f32(dist[im1_mirror[x, y]])
    weight2 = hl.f32(dist[im2_mirror[x, y]])

    init_mask1[x, y] = weight1 / (weight1 + weight2)
    init_mask2[x, y] = 1 - init_mask1[x, y]

    mask1 = init_mask1
    mask2 = init_mask2

    accumulator[x, y] = hl.i32(0)

    accumulator[x, y] += hl.i32(im1_mirror[x, y] * mask1[x, y]) + hl.i32(im2_mirror[x, y] * mask2[x, y])

    output[x, y] = hl.u16_sat(accumulator[x, y])

    init_mask1.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    accumulator.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    accumulator.update(0).parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_basics():
    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.UInt(16), 2, 'input')
    x, y = hl.Var('x'), hl.Var('y')

    blur_x = hl.Func('blur_x')
    blur_xx = hl.Func('blur_xx')
    blur_y = hl.Func('blur_y')

    yy = hl.i32(1)
    assert yy.type() == hl.Int(32)

    z = x + 1
    input[x, y]
    input[0, 0]
    input[z, y]
    input[x + 1, y]
    input[x, y] + input[x + 1, y]

    if False:
        aa = blur_x[x, y]
        bb = blur_x[x, y + 1]
        aa + bb
        blur_x[x, y] + blur_x[x, y + 1]

    (input[x, y] + input[x + 1, y]) / 2
    blur_x[x, y]
    blur_xx[x, y] = input[x, y]

    blur_x[x, y] = (input[x, y] + input[x + 1, y] + input[x + 2, y]) / 3
    blur_y[x, y] = (blur_x[x, y] + blur_x[x, y + 1] + blur_x[x, y + 2]) / 3

    xi, yi = hl.Var('xi'), hl.Var('yi')
    blur_y.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 8, 4).parallel(y).vectorize(xi, 8)
    blur_x.compute_at(blur_y, x).vectorize(x, 8)
def histogram(x, y, c, img, w, h, hist_index):
    print("GET HIST ON: ", w, h)
    histogram = hl.Func("histogram")

    # Histogram buckets start as zero.
    histogram[hist_index] = 0

    # Define a multi-dimensional reduction domain over the input image:
    r = hl.RDom([(0, w), (0, h)])

    # For every point in the reduction domain, increment the
    # histogram bucket corresponding to the intensity of the
    # input image at that point.

    histogram[hl.Expr(img[r.x, r.y])] += 1
    histogram.set_estimate(hist_index, 0, 255)

    # Get the sum of all histogram cells
    r = hl.RDom([(0,255)])
    hist_sum = hl.Func('hist_sum')
    hist_sum[()] = 0.0 # Compute the sum as a 32-bit integer
    hist_sum[()] += histogram[r.x]

    # Return each histogram as a % of total color
    pct_hist = hl.Func('pct_hist')
    pct_hist[hist_index] = histogram[hist_index] / hist_sum[()]

    return histogram
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, input):

        assert input.type() == hl.UInt(8)

        self.lut = hl.Func("lut")
        self.padded = hl.Func("padded")
        self.padded16 = hl.Func("padded16")
        self.sharpen = hl.Func("sharpen")
        self.curved = hl.Func("curved")
        self.input = input

        # For this lesson, we'll use a two-stage pipeline that sharpens
        # and then applies a look-up-table (LUT).

        # First we'll define the LUT. It will be a gamma curve.
        gamma = hl.f32(1.2)
        self.lut[i] = hl.u8(hl.clamp(hl.pow(i / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0, 0, 255))

        # Augment the input with a boundary condition.
        self.padded[x, y, c] = input[hl.clamp(x, 0,
                                              input.width() - 1),
                                     hl.clamp(y, 0,
                                              input.height() - 1), c]

        # Cast it to 16-bit to do the math.
        self.padded16[x, y, c] = hl.u16(self.padded[x, y, c])

        # Next we sharpen it with a five-tap filter.
        self.sharpen[x, y, c] = (
            self.padded16[x, y, c] * 2 -
            (self.padded16[x - 1, y, c] + self.padded16[x, y - 1, c] +
             self.padded16[x + 1, y, c] + self.padded16[x, y + 1, c]) / 4)

        # Then apply the LUT.
        self.curved[x, y, c] = self.lut[self.sharpen[x, y, c]]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_blur(input):
    assert type(input) == hl.ImageParam
    assert input.dimensions() == 2

    x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")

    clamped_input = hl.BoundaryConditions.repeat_edge(input)

    input_uint16 = hl.Func("input_uint16")
    input_uint16[x, y] = hl.cast(hl.UInt(16), clamped_input[x, y])
    ci = input_uint16

    blur_x = hl.Func("blur_x")
    blur_y = hl.Func("blur_y")

    blur_x[x, y] = (ci[x, y] + ci[x + 1, y] + ci[x + 2, y]) / 3
    blur_y[x, y] = hl.cast(
        hl.UInt(8), (blur_x[x, y] + blur_x[x, y + 1] + blur_x[x, y + 2]) / 3)

    # schedule
    xi, yi = hl.Var("xi"), hl.Var("yi")
    blur_y.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 8, 4).parallel(y).vectorize(xi, 8)
    blur_x.compute_at(blur_y, x).vectorize(x, 8)

    return blur_y
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def upsample2D(f):
        upx, upy = hl.Func('upx%d'%upsample_counter[0]), hl.Func('upy%d'%upsample_counter[0])
        upsample_counter[0] += 1

        upx[x,y] = 0.25 * f[(x//2) - 1 + 2*(x%2),y] + 0.75 * f[x//2,y]
        upy[x,y] = 0.25 * upx[x, (y//2) - 1 + 2*(y%2)] + 0.75 * upx[x,y//2]

        return upy
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def downsample2D(f):
        downx, downy = hl.Func('downx%d'%downsample_counter[0]), hl.Func('downy%d'%downsample_counter[0])
        downsample_counter[0] += 1

        downx[x,y] = (f[2*x-1,y] + 3.0*(f[2*x,y]+f[2*x+1,y]) + f[2*x+2,y])/8.0
        downy[x,y] = (downx[x,2*y-1] + 3.0*(downx[x,2*y]+downx[x,2*y+1]) + downx[x,2*y+2])/8.0

        return downy
Ejemplo n.º 12
def merge_temporal(images, alignment):
    weight = hl.Func("merge_temporal_weights")
    total_weight = hl.Func("merge_temporal_total_weights")
    output = hl.Func("merge_temporal_output")

    ix, iy, tx, ty, n = hl.Var('ix'), hl.Var('iy'), hl.Var('tx'), hl.Var('ty'), hl.Var('n')
    rdom0 = hl.RDom([(0, 16), (0, 16)])

    rdom1 = hl.RDom([(1, images.dim(2).extent() - 1)])

    imgs_mirror = hl.BoundaryConditions.mirror_interior(images, [(0, images.width()), (0, images.height())])

    layer = box_down2(imgs_mirror, "merge_layer")

    offset = Point(alignment[tx, ty, n]).clamp(Point(MINIMUM_OFFSET, MINIMUM_OFFSET),
                                               Point(MAXIMUM_OFFSET, MAXIMUM_OFFSET))

    al_x = idx_layer(tx, rdom0.x) + offset.x / 2
    al_y = idx_layer(ty, rdom0.y) + offset.y / 2

    ref_val = layer[idx_layer(tx, rdom0.x), idx_layer(ty, rdom0.y), 0]
    alt_val = layer[al_x, al_y, n]

    factor = 8.0
    min_distance = 10
    max_distance = 300 # max L1 distance, otherwise the value is not used

    distance = hl.sum(hl.abs(hl.cast(hl.Int(32), ref_val) - hl.cast(hl.Int(32), alt_val))) / 256

    normal_distance = hl.max(1, hl.cast(hl.Int(32), distance) / factor - min_distance / factor)

    # Weight for the alternate frame
    weight[tx, ty, n] = hl.select(normal_distance > (max_distance - min_distance), 0.0,
                                  1.0 / normal_distance)

    total_weight[tx, ty] = hl.sum(weight[tx, ty, rdom1]) + 1

    offset = Point(alignment[tx, ty, rdom1])

    al_x = idx_im(tx, ix) + offset.x
    al_y = idx_im(ty, iy) + offset.y

    ref_val = imgs_mirror[idx_im(tx, ix), idx_im(ty, iy), 0]
    alt_val = imgs_mirror[al_x, al_y, rdom1]

    # Sum all values according to their weight, and divide by total weight to obtain average
    output[ix, iy, tx, ty] = hl.sum(weight[tx, ty, rdom1] * alt_val / total_weight[tx, ty]) + ref_val / total_weight[
        tx, ty]

    weight.compute_root().parallel(ty).vectorize(tx, 16)

    total_weight.compute_root().parallel(ty).vectorize(tx, 16)

    output.compute_root().parallel(ty).vectorize(ix, 32)

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 13
def default_inline():
    print("=" * 50)
    x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")
    A, B = hl.Func("A_default"), hl.Func("B_default")
    A[x, y] = x + 10 * y
    B[x, y] = A[x, y] + 1

    print("pipeline with default schedule: inline")
    print('-' * 50)
    B.realize(w, h)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def compute_root():
    print("=" * 50)
    A, B = hl.Func("A_root"), hl.Func("B_root")
    A[x, y] = x + 10 * y
    B[x, y] = A[x, y] + 1

    print("pipeline with schedule: A.compute_root()")
    print('-' * 50)
    B.realize(w, h)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_basics4():
    # Test for f[g[r]] = ...
    # See https://github.com/halide/Halide/issues/4285
    x = hl.Var('x')
    f = hl.Func('f')
    g = hl.Func('g')
    g[x] = 1
    f[x] = 0.0
    r = hl.RDom([(0, 100)])
    f[g[r]] = 2.3 # This triggers a warning of double-to-float conversion
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_basics4():
    # Test for f[g[r]] = ...
    # See https://github.com/halide/Halide/issues/4285
    x = hl.Var('x')
    f = hl.Func('f')
    g = hl.Func('g')
    g[x] = 1
    f[x] = 0.0
    r = hl.RDom([(0, 100)])
    f[g[r]] = 2.5
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_mux_tuple():
    f = hl.Func()
    g = hl.Func()
    x = hl.Var()
    c = hl.Var()
    g[x] = (123, 456, x)
    f[x, c] = hl.mux(c, g[x])
    b = f.realize(1, 4)
    assert b[0, 0] == 123
    assert b[0, 1] == 456
    assert b[0, 2] == 0
    assert b[0, 3] == 0
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def upsample(f):
        nonlocal n_upsamples
        upx, upy = hl.Func('upx%i' % n_upsamples), hl.Func('upy%i' %
        n_upsamples += 1

        upx[x, y, c] = 0.25 * f[(x // 2) - 1 + 2 *
                                (x % 2), y, c] + 0.75 * f[x // 2, y, c]
        upy[x, y, c] = 0.25 * upx[x, (y // 2) - 1 + 2 *
                                  (y % 2), c] + 0.75 * upx[x, y // 2, c]

        return upy
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def downsample2D(f):
        nonlocal n_downsamples
        downx, downy = hl.Func('downx%i' % n_downsamples), hl.Func(
            'downy%i' % n_downsamples)
        n_downsamples += 1

        downx[x, y] = (f[2 * x - 1, y] + 3.0 *
                       (f[2 * x, y] + f[2 * x + 1, y]) + f[2 * x + 2, y]) / 8.0
        downy[x, y] = (downx[x, 2 * y - 1] + 3.0 *
                       (downx[x, 2 * y] + downx[x, 2 * y + 1]) +
                       downx[x, 2 * y + 2]) / 8.0

        return downy
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_basics():

    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.UInt(16), 2, 'input')
    x, y = hl.Var('x'), hl.Var('y')

    blur_x = hl.Func('blur_x')
    blur_xx = hl.Func('blur_xx')
    blur_y = hl.Func('blur_y')

    yy = hl.cast(hl.Int(32), 1)
    assert yy.type() == hl.Int(32)
    print("yy type:", yy.type())

    z = x + 1
    print("ping 0.2")

    if False:
        aa = blur_x[x,y]
        bb = blur_x[x,y+1]
        aa + bb

    print("ping 0.3")
    (input[x,y]+input[x+1,y]) / 2
    print("ping 0.4")
    print("ping 0.4.1")
    blur_xx[x,y] = input[x,y]

    print("ping 0.5")
    blur_x[x,y] = (input[x,y]+input[x+1,y]+input[x+2,y])/3
    print("ping 1")
    blur_y[x,y] = (blur_x[x,y]+blur_x[x,y+1]+blur_x[x,y+2])/3

    xi, yi = hl.Var('xi'), hl.Var('yi')
    print("ping 2")
    blur_y.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 8, 4).parallel(y).vectorize(xi, 8)
    blur_x.compute_at(blur_y, x).vectorize(x, 8)

    print("Compiled to jit")

Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_generate_halide(self):
     zone = self.define_original_twoel()
     decomposed = zone.split_recursive()
     self.vars  = {k: hl.Var(k) for k in "ijkl"}
     i, j, k, l = [self.vars[k] for k in "ijkl"]
     g_dens = hl.Func("g_dens")
     g_dens[i,j] = i * j
     g = hl.Func("g")
     g[i,j,k,l] = hl.cos(i*j) * hl.sin(k*l)
     self.inputs = {"g": g, "g_dens": g_dens}
     self.clamps = {"g": g, "g_dens": g_dens}
     self.funcs = {"g": g, "g_dens": g_dens}
     self.loopnest_funcs = {}
     func = decomposed.generate_halide(self, [8, 8, 8, 8])
Ejemplo n.º 22
def align_images(images):
    print(f'\n{"=" * 30}\nAligning images...\n{"=" * 30}')
    start = datetime.utcnow()

    alignment_3 = hl.Func("layer_3_alignment")
    alignment = hl.Func("alignment")

    tx, ty, n = hl.Var('tx'), hl.Var('ty'), hl.Var('n')

    print('Subsampling image layers...')
    imgs_mirror = hl.BoundaryConditions.mirror_interior(
        images, [(0, images.width()), (0, images.height())])
    # Each consecutive layer is downsampled by a factor of 4 (2 in both x- and y-dimensions)
    layer_0 = box_down2(imgs_mirror, "layer_0")
    layer_1 = gaussian_down4(layer_0, "layer_1")
    layer_2 = gaussian_down4(layer_1, "layer_2")

    # Search regions
    min_search = Point(-4, -4)
    max_search = Point(3, 3)

    min_3 = Point(0, 0)
    min_2 = DOWNSAMPLE_RATE * min_3 + min_search
    min_1 = DOWNSAMPLE_RATE * min_2 + min_search

    max_3 = Point(0, 0)
    max_2 = DOWNSAMPLE_RATE * max_3 + max_search
    max_1 = DOWNSAMPLE_RATE * max_2 + max_search

    print('Aligning layers...')
    alignment_3[tx, ty, n] = Point(0, 0)  # Initial alignment (0,0)

    # Align layers of the gaussian pyramid from coarse to fine
    # Pass previous alignment as initial guess for alignment
    alignment_2 = align_layer(layer_2, alignment_3, min_3, max_3)
    alignment_1 = align_layer(layer_1, alignment_2, min_2, max_2)
    alignment_0 = align_layer(layer_0, alignment_1, min_1, max_1)

    num_tx = math.floor(images.width() / TILE_SIZE_2 - 1)  # number of tiles
    num_ty = math.floor(images.height() / TILE_SIZE_2 - 1)

    alignment[tx, ty, n] = 2 * Point(
        alignment_0[tx, ty, n])  # alignment of the original image

    alignment_repeat = hl.BoundaryConditions.repeat_edge(
        alignment, [(0, num_tx), (0, num_ty)])

    print(f'Alignment finished in {time_diff(start)} ms.\n')
    return alignment_repeat
Ejemplo n.º 23
def main():

    gradient = hl.Func("gradient")
    x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")

    # We'll define our gradient function as before.
    gradient[x, y] = x + y

    # And tell Halide that we'd like to be notified of all
    # evaluations.

    # Realize the function over an 8x8 region.
    print("Evaluating gradient")
    output = gradient.realize(8, 8)

    # This will print out all the times gradient(x, y) gets
    # evaluated.

    # Now that we can snoop on what Halide is doing, let's try our
    # first scheduling primitive. We'll make a new version of
    # gradient that processes each scanline in parallel.
    parallel_gradient = hl.Func("parallel_gradient")
    parallel_gradient[x, y] = x + y

    # We'll also trace this function.

    # Things are the same so far. We've defined the algorithm, but
    # haven't said anything about how to schedule it. In general,
    # exploring different scheduling decisions doesn't change the code
    # that describes the algorithm.

    # Now we tell Halide to use a parallel for loop over the y
    # coordinate. On linux we run this using a thread pool and a task
    # queue. On os x we call into grand central dispatch, which does
    # the same thing for us.

    # This time the printfs should come out of order, because each
    # scanline is potentially being processed in a different
    # thread. The number of threads should adapt to your system, but
    # on linux you can control it manually using the environment
    # variable HL_NUMTHREADS.
    print("\nEvaluating parallel_gradient")
    parallel_gradient.realize(8, 8)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_member_logical_not_function():
    x = hl.Var('x')

    f = hl.Func('f')
    f[x] = x > 5

    not_f = hl.Func('not_f')
    not_f[x] = f[x].logical_not()

    f_out = f.realize(10)
    not_f_out = not_f.realize(10)

    for i in range(10):
        assert f_out[i] == (i > 5)
        assert not_f_out[i] == (i <= 5)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def resize_scale(input, fx, fy):
    shr = hl.Func('resize')
    x, y, c = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c")

    index_x = hl.Func("index_x")
    index_y = hl.Func("index_y")

    index_x[x] = hl.cast(hl.Int(32), x / fx)
    index_y[y] = hl.cast(hl.Int(32), y / fy)

    final = hl.Func("final")
    final[x, y, c] = input[index_x[x], index_y[y], c]
    return final
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_free_logical_not_function():
    x = hl.Var('x')

    f = hl.Func('f')
    f[x] = x > 5

    not_f = hl.Func('not_f')
    not_f[x] = hl.logical_not(f[x])

    f_out = f.realize([10])
    not_f_out = not_f.realize([10])

    for i in range(10):
        assert f_out[i] == (i > 5)
        assert not_f_out[i] == (i <= 5)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def main():
    x = h.Var("x")

    f = h.Func("f")

    f[x] = 100 * x

    args = []

    f.compile_to_bitcode("f.bc", args, "f")
    assert os.path.isfile("f.bc")

    f.compile_to_c("f.cpp", args, "f")
    assert os.path.isfile("f.cpp")

    f.compile_to_object("f.o", args, "f")
    assert os.path.isfile("f.o")

    f.compile_to_header("f.h", args, "f")
    assert os.path.isfile("f.h")

    f.compile_to_assembly("f.s", args, "f")
    assert os.path.isfile("f.s")

    f.compile_to_lowered_stmt("f.txt", args)
    assert os.path.isfile("f.txt")

    f.compile_to_file("f_all", args)
    assert os.path.isfile("f_all.h")
    assert os.path.isfile("f_all.o")


    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_basics2():
    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 3, 'input')
    r_sigma = hl.Param(hl.Float(32), 'r_sigma', 0.1)
    s_sigma = 8

    x = hl.Var('x')
    y = hl.Var('y')
    z = hl.Var('z')
    c = hl.Var('c')

    # Add a boundary condition
    clamped = hl.Func('clamped')
    clamped[x, y] = input[hl.clamp(x, 0,
                                   input.width() - 1),
                          hl.clamp(y, 0,
                                   input.height() - 1), 0]

    # Construct the bilateral grid
    r = hl.RDom([(0, s_sigma), (0, s_sigma)], 'r')
    val0 = clamped[x * s_sigma, y * s_sigma]
    val00 = clamped[x * s_sigma * hl.i32(1), y * s_sigma * hl.i32(1)]
    val22 = clamped[x * s_sigma - hl.i32(s_sigma // 2),
                    y * s_sigma - hl.i32(s_sigma // 2)]
    val2 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma // 2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma // 2]
    val3 = clamped[x * s_sigma + r.x - s_sigma // 2,
                   y * s_sigma + r.y - s_sigma // 2]

        val1 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma / 2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma / 2]
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'Implicit cast from float32 to int' in str(e)
        assert False, 'Did not see expected exception!'
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_basics2():

    input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 3, 'input')
    r_sigma = hl.Param(hl.Float(32), 'r_sigma', 0.1) # Value needed if not generating an executable
    s_sigma = 8 # This is passed during code generation in the C++ version

    x = hl.Var('x')
    y = hl.Var('y')
    z = hl.Var('z')
    c = hl.Var('c')

    # Add a boundary condition
    clamped = hl.Func('clamped')
    clamped[x, y] = input[hl.clamp(x, 0, input.width()-1),
                          hl.clamp(y, 0, input.height()-1),0]

    # Construct the bilateral grid
    r = hl.RDom(0, s_sigma, 0, s_sigma, 'r')
    val0 = clamped[x * s_sigma, y * s_sigma]
    val00 = clamped[x * s_sigma * hl.cast(hl.Int(32), 1), y * s_sigma * hl.cast(hl.Int(32), 1)]
    #val1 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma/2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma/2] # should fail
    val22 = clamped[x * s_sigma - hl.cast(hl.Int(32), s_sigma//2),
                    y * s_sigma - hl.cast(hl.Int(32), s_sigma//2)]
    val2 = clamped[x * s_sigma - s_sigma//2, y * s_sigma - s_sigma//2]
    val3 = clamped[x * s_sigma + r.x - s_sigma//2, y * s_sigma + r.y - s_sigma//2]

Ejemplo n.º 30
def desaturate_noise(input, width, height):
    print('    desaturate_noise')

    output = hl.Func("desaturate_noise_output")

    x, y, c = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y"), hl.Var("c")

    input_mirror = hl.BoundaryConditions.mirror_image(input, [(0, width), (0, height)])

    blur = gauss_15x15(gauss_15x15(input_mirror, "desaturate_noise_blur1"), "desaturate_noise_blur_2")

    factor = 1.4

    threshold = 25000

    output[x, y, c] = input[x, y, c]

    output[x, y, 1] = hl.select((hl.abs(blur[x, y, 1]) / hl.abs(input[x, y, 1]) < factor) &
                                (hl.abs(input[x, y, 1]) < threshold) & (hl.abs(blur[x, y, 1]) < threshold),
                                0.7 * blur[x, y, 1] + 0.3 * input[x, y, 1], input[x, y, 1])

    output[x, y, 2] = hl.select((hl.abs(blur[x, y, 2]) / hl.abs(input[x, y, 2]) < factor) &
                                (hl.abs(input[x, y, 2]) < threshold) & (hl.abs(blur[x, y, 2]) < threshold),
                                0.7 * blur[x, y, 2] + 0.3 * input[x, y, 2], input[x, y, 2])

    output.compute_root().parallel(y).vectorize(x, 16)

    return output