Ejemplo n.º 1
class Server(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    Generic server object. An interface for ServerIRC or ServerSkype or whatever objects.

    # Constants
    TYPE_IRC = "irc"
    TYPE_MOCK = "mock"
    TYPE_TELEGRAM = "telegram"
    STATE_CLOSED = "disconnected"
    STATE_OPEN = "connected"
    STATE_CONNECTING = "connecting"
    STATE_DISCONNECTING = "disconnecting"

    type = None

    def __init__(self, hallo):
        Constructor for server object
        :param hallo: Hallo Instance of hallo that contains this server object
        :type hallo: hallo.Hallo
        self.hallo = hallo  # The hallo object that created this server
        # Persistent/saved class variables
        self.name = None  # Server name
        self.auto_connect = (
            True  # Whether to automatically connect to this server when hallo starts
        self.channel_list = (
        )  # List of channels on this server (which may or may not be currently active)
        """ :type : list[Destination.Channel]"""
        self.user_list = [
        ]  # Users on this server (not all of which are online)
        """ :type : list[Destination.User]"""
        self.nick = None  # Nickname to use on this server
        self.prefix = None  # Prefix to use with functions on this server
        self.full_name = None  # Full name to use on this server
        self.permission_mask = PermissionMask(
        )  # PermissionMask for the server
        """ :type : PermissionMask"""
        # Dynamic/unsaved class variables
        self.state = Server.STATE_CLOSED  # Current state of the server, replacing open

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (isinstance(other, Server) and self.hallo == other.hallo
                and self.type == other.type
                and self.name.lower() == other.name.lower())

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.hallo, self.type, self.name.lower()))

    def start(self):
        Starts the new server, launching new thread as appropriate.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def disconnect(self, force=False):
        Disconnects from the server, shutting down remaining threads
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reconnect(self):
        Disconnects and reconnects from the server

    def send(self, event):
        Sends a message to the server, or a specific channel in the server
        :param event: Event to send, should be outbound.
        :type event: events.ServerEvent
        :rtype : events.ServerEvent | None
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reply(self, old_event, new_event):
        Sends a message as a reply to another message, such as a response to a function call
        :param old_event: The event which was received, to reply to
        :type old_event: events.ChannelUserTextEvent
        :param new_event: The event to be sent
        :type new_event: events.ChannelUserTextEvent
        # This method will just do some checks, implementations will have to actually send events
        if not old_event.is_inbound or new_event.is_inbound:
            raise ServerException(
                "Cannot reply to outbound event, or send inbound one")
        if old_event.channel != new_event.channel:
            raise ServerException(
                "Cannot send reply to a different channel than original message came from"
        if new_event.user is not None and old_event.user != new_event.user:
            raise ServerException(
                "Cannot send reply to a different private chat than original message came from"
        if old_event.server != new_event.server:
            raise ServerException(
                "Cannot send reply to a different server than the original message came from"

    def to_json(self):
        Returns a dict formatted so it may be serialised into json configuration data
        :return: dict
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_nick(self):
        """Nick getter"""
        if self.nick is None:
            return self.hallo.default_nick
        return self.nick

    def set_nick(self, nick):
        Nick setter
        :param nick: New nick for hallo to use on this server
        :type nick: str
        self.nick = nick

    def get_prefix(self):
        """Prefix getter"""
        if self.prefix is None:
            return self.hallo.default_prefix
        return self.prefix

    def set_prefix(self, prefix):
        Prefix setter
        :param prefix: Prefix for hallo to use for function calls on this server
        :type prefix: str | bool | None
        self.prefix = prefix

    def get_full_name(self):
        """Full name getter"""
        if self.full_name is None:
            return self.hallo.default_full_name
        return self.full_name

    def set_full_name(self, full_name):
        Full name setter
        :param full_name: Full name for Hallo to use on this server
        :type full_name: str
        self.full_name = full_name

    def get_auto_connect(self):
        """AutoConnect getter"""
        return self.auto_connect

    def set_auto_connect(self, auto_connect):
        AutoConnect setter
        :param auto_connect: Whether or not to autoconnect to the server
        :type auto_connect: bool
        self.auto_connect = auto_connect

    def is_connected(self):
        """Returns boolean representing whether the server is connected or not."""
        return self.state == Server.STATE_OPEN

    def get_channel_by_name(self, channel_name):
        Returns a Channel object with the specified channel name.
        :param channel_name: Name of the channel which is being searched for
        :type channel_name: str
        :rtype: Optional[Destination.Channel]
        channel_name = channel_name.lower()
        for channel in self.channel_list:
            if channel.name == channel_name:
                return channel
        return None

    def get_channel_by_address(self, address, channel_name=None):
        Returns a Channel object with the specified channel name.
        :param address: Address of the channel
        :type address: str
        :param channel_name: Name of the channel which is being searched for
        :type channel_name: str
        :rtype: destination.Channel
        for channel in self.channel_list:
            if channel.address == address:
                return channel
        if channel_name is None:
            channel_name = self.get_name_by_address(address)
        new_channel = Channel(self, address, channel_name)
        return new_channel

    def get_name_by_address(self, address):
        Returns the name of a destination, based on the address
        :param address: str
        :return: str
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def add_channel(self, channel_obj):
        Adds a channel to the channel list
        :param channel_obj: Adds a channel to the list, without joining it
        :type channel_obj: destination.Channel

    def join_channel(self, channel_obj):
        Joins a specified channel
        :param channel_obj: Channel to join
        :type channel_obj: destination.Channel
        raise NotImplementedError

    def leave_channel(self, channel_obj):
        Leaves a specified channel
        :param channel_obj: Channel for hallo to leave
        :type channel_obj: destination.Channel
        # If channel isn't in channel list, do nothing
        if channel_obj not in self.channel_list:
        # Set channel to not AutoJoin, for the future
        channel_obj.auto_join = False
        # Set not in channel

    def get_user_by_name(self, user_name):
        Returns a User object with the specified user name.
        :param user_name: Name of user which is being searched for
        :type user_name: str
        :rtype: destination.User | None
        user_name = user_name.lower()
        for user in self.user_list:
            if user.name == user_name:
                return user
        # No user by that name exists, return None
        return None

    def get_user_by_address(self, address, user_name=None):
        Returns a User object with the specified user name.
        :param address: address of the user which is being searched for or added
        :type address: str
        :param user_name: Name of user which is being searched for
        :type user_name: str
        :return: Destination.User | None
        for user in self.user_list:
            if user.address == address:
                return user
        if user_name is None:
            user_name = self.get_name_by_address(address)
        # No user by that name exists, so create one
        new_user = User(self, address, user_name)
        return new_user

    def get_user_list(self):
        """Returns the full list of users on this server."""
        return self.user_list

    def add_user(self, user_obj):
        Adds a user to the user list
        :param user_obj: User to add to user list
        :type user_obj: destination.User

    def rights_check(self, right_name: str) -> bool:
        Checks the value of the right with the specified name. Returns boolean
        :param right_name: Name of the right to check default server value for
        :type right_name: str
        if self.permission_mask is not None:
            right_value = self.permission_mask.get_right(right_name)
            # If PermissionMask contains that right, return it.
            if right_value in [True, False]:
                return right_value
        # Fallback to the parent Hallo's decision.
        return self.hallo.rights_check(right_name)

    def check_user_identity(self, user_obj):
        Check if a user is identified and verified
        :param user_obj: User to check identity of
        :type user_obj: destination.User
        raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 2
class UserGroup:
    UserGroup object, mostly exists for a speedy way to apply a PermissionsMask to a large amount of users at once

    def __init__(self, name, hallo):
        :param name: Name of the user group
        :type name: str
        :param hallo: Hallo object which owns the user group
        :type hallo: hallo.Hallo
        self.user_list = set()  # Dynamic userlist of this group
        """:type : set[Destination.User]"""
        self.hallo = hallo  # Hallo instance that owns this UserGroup
        """:type : Hallo.Hallo"""
        self.name = name  # Name of the UserGroup
        """:type : str"""
        self.permission_mask = PermissionMask()  # PermissionMask for the UserGroup
        """:type : PermissionMask"""

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.hallo, self.name) == (self.hallo, other.name)

    def __hash__(self):
        return (self.hallo, self.name).__hash__()

    def rights_check(self, right_name, user_obj, channel_obj=None):
        """Checks the value of the right with the specified name. Returns boolean
        :param right_name: Name of the right to check
        :type right_name: str
        :param user_obj: User which is having rights checked
        :type user_obj: destination.User
        :param channel_obj: Channel in which rights are being checked, None for private messages
        :type channel_obj: destination.Channel | None
        :rtype: bool
        right_value = self.permission_mask.get_right(right_name)
        # PermissionMask contains that right, return it.
        if right_value in [True, False]:
            return right_value
        # Fall back to channel, if defined
        if channel_obj is not None:
            return channel_obj.rights_check(right_name)
        # Fall back to the parent Server's decision.
        return user_obj.server.rights_check(right_name)

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

    def get_permission_mask(self):
        return self.permission_mask

    def set_permission_mask(self, new_permission_mask):
        Sets the permission mask of the user group
        :param new_permission_mask: Permission mask to set for user group
        :type new_permission_mask: PermissionMask.PermissionMask
        self.permission_mask = new_permission_mask

    def get_hallo(self):
        return self.hallo

    def add_user(self, new_user):
        Adds a new user to this group
        :param new_user: User to add to group
        :type new_user: destination.User

    def remove_user(self, remove_user):

    def to_json(self):
        Returns the user group configuration as a dict for serialisation into json
        :return: dict
        json_obj = dict()
        json_obj["name"] = self.name
        if not self.permission_mask.is_empty():
            json_obj["permission_mask"] = self.permission_mask.to_json()
        return json_obj

    def from_json(json_obj, hallo):
        Creates a UserGroup object from json object dictionary
        :param json_obj: json object dictionary
        :type json_obj: dict
        :param hallo: root hallo object
        :type hallo: hallo.Hallo
        :return: new user group
        :rtype: UserGroup
        new_group = UserGroup(json_obj["name"], hallo)
        if "permission_mask" in json_obj:
            new_group.permission_mask = PermissionMask.from_json(
        return new_group