Ejemplo n.º 1
def ha_mapping(
    quantum_circuit: QuantumCircuit,
    initial_mapping: ty.Dict[Qubit, int],
    hardware: IBMQHardwareArchitecture,
    swap_cost_heuristic: ty.Callable[
            IBMQHardwareArchitecture,  # Hardware information
            QuantumLayer,  # Current front layer
            ty.List[DAGNode],  # Topologically sorted list of nodes
            int,  # Index of the first non-processed gate.
            ty.Dict[Qubit, int],  # The mapping before applying the tested SWAP/Bridge
            ty.Dict[Qubit, int],  # The initial mapping
            ty.Dict[Qubit, int],  # The trans mapping
            numpy.ndarray,  # The distance matrix between each qubits
            TwoQubitGate,  # The SWAP/Bridge we want to rank
    ] = sabre_heuristic,
    get_candidates: ty.Callable[
        [QuantumLayer, IBMQHardwareArchitecture, ty.Dict[Qubit, int], ty.Dict[Qubit, int], ty.Dict[Qubit, int], ty.Set[str],],
    ] = get_all_swap_bridge_candidates,
    get_distance_matrix: ty.Callable[
        [IBMQHardwareArchitecture], numpy.ndarray
    ] = get_distance_matrix_swap_number_and_error,
) -> ty.Tuple[QuantumCircuit, ty.Dict[Qubit, int]]:
    """Map the given quantum circuit to the hardware topology provided.

    :param quantum_circuit: the quantum circuit to map.
    :param initial_mapping: the initial mapping used to start the iterative mapping
    :param hardware: hardware data such as connectivity, gate time, gate errors, ...
    :param swap_cost_heuristic: the heuristic cost function that will estimate the cost
        of a given SWAP/Bridge according to the current state of the circuit.
    :param get_candidates: a function that takes as input the current front
        layer and the hardware description and that returns a list of tuples
        representing the SWAP/Bridge that should be considered by the heuristic.
    :param get_distance_matrix: a function that takes as first (and only) parameter the
        hardware representation and that outputs a numpy array containing the cost of
        performing a SWAP between each pair of qubits.
    :return: The final circuit along with the mapping obtained at the end of the
        iterative procedure.
    _adapt_quantum_circuit_and_mapping_arity(quantum_circuit, initial_mapping, hardware)
    # Creating the internal data structures that will be used in this function.
    dag_circuit = circuit_to_dag(quantum_circuit)
    distance_matrix = get_distance_matrix(hardware)
    resulting_dag_quantum_circuit = _create_empty_dagcircuit_from_existing(dag_circuit)
    current_mapping = initial_mapping
    explored_mappings: ty.Set[str] = set()
    # Sorting all the quantum operations in topological order once for all.
    # May require significant memory on large circuits...
    topological_nodes: ty.List[DAGNode] = list(dag_circuit.topological_op_nodes())
    current_node_index = 0
    # Creating the initial front layer.
    front_layer = QuantumLayer()
    current_node_index = update_layer(
        front_layer, topological_nodes, current_node_index
    trans_mapping = initial_mapping.copy()

    # Start of the iterative algorithm
    while not front_layer.is_empty():
        execute_gate_list = QuantumLayer()
        for op in front_layer.ops:
            if hardware.can_natively_execute_operation(op, current_mapping):
                # Delaying the remove operation because we do not want to remove from
                # a container we are iterating on.
                # front_layer.remove_operation(op)
        if not execute_gate_list.is_empty():
                resulting_dag_quantum_circuit, initial_mapping, trans_mapping
            # Empty the explored mappings because at least one gate has been executed.
            inverse_mapping = {val: key for key, val in initial_mapping.items()}
            # We cannot execute any gate, that means that we should insert at least
            # one SWAP/Bridge to make some gates executable.
            # First list all the SWAPs/Bridges that may help us make some gates
            # executable.
            swap_candidates = get_candidates(
                front_layer, hardware, initial_mapping, current_mapping, trans_mapping, explored_mappings
            # Then rank the SWAPs/Bridge and take the best one.
            best_swap_qubits = None
            best_cost = float("inf")
            for potential_swap in swap_candidates:
                cost = swap_cost_heuristic(
                if cost < best_cost:
                    best_cost = cost
                    best_swap_qubits = potential_swap
            # We now have our best SWAP/Bridge, let's perform it!
            current_mapping = best_swap_qubits.update_mapping(current_mapping)
            if isinstance(best_swap_qubits, SwapTwoQubitGate):
                control, target = current_mapping[best_swap_qubits.left], current_mapping[best_swap_qubits.right]
                swap_control, swap_target = inverse_mapping[control], inverse_mapping[target]
                best_swap_qubits = SwapTwoQubitGate(
                    swap_control, swap_target
                #print("swap gates is :", best_swap_qubits.left, best_swap_qubits.right)
                trans_mapping[best_swap_qubits.left], trans_mapping[best_swap_qubits.right] = (
                #print("brige gate is :", best_swap_qubits.left, best_swap_qubits.middle, best_swap_qubits.right)
            best_swap_qubits.apply(resulting_dag_quantum_circuit, front_layer, initial_mapping, trans_mapping)
        # Anyway, update the current front_layer
        current_node_index = update_layer(
            front_layer, topological_nodes, current_node_index

    # We are done here, we just need to return the results
    # resulting_dag_quantum_circuit.draw(scale=1, filename="qcirc.dot")
    resulting_circuit = dag_to_circuit(resulting_dag_quantum_circuit)
    return resulting_circuit, current_mapping
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ha_mapping_paper_compliant(
    quantum_circuit: QuantumCircuit,
    initial_mapping: ty.Dict[Qubit, int],
    hardware: IBMQHardwareArchitecture,
    swap_cost_and_effect_heuristic: ty.Callable[
            IBMQHardwareArchitecture,  # Hardware information
            QuantumLayer,  # Current front layer
            ty.List[DAGNode],  # Topologically sorted list of nodes
            int,  # Index of the first non-processed gate.
            ty.Dict[Qubit, int],  # The mapping before applying the tested SWAP/Bridge
            ty.Dict[Qubit, int],  # The initial mapping
            ty.Dict[Qubit, int],  # The trans mapping
            numpy.ndarray,  # The distance matrix between each qubits
            TwoQubitGate,  # The SWAP/Bridge we want to rank
            float,  # Cost of the SWAP pair
            float,  # Effect of the SWAP pair on the other gates
    ] = sabre_heuristic_with_effect,
    get_candidates: ty.Callable[
        [QuantumLayer, IBMQHardwareArchitecture, ty.Dict[Qubit, int], ty.Set[str],],
    ] = get_all_swap_candidates,
    get_distance_matrix: ty.Callable[
        [IBMQHardwareArchitecture], numpy.ndarray
    ] = get_distance_matrix_swap_number_and_error,
) -> ty.Tuple[QuantumCircuit, ty.Dict[Qubit, int]]:
    """Map the given quantum circuit to the hardware topology provided.

    This implementation uses the exact same algorithm described in the associated
    scientific paper. Another implementation using a different method to choose
    between SWAP and Bridge is available as `:py:func:`~hamap.mapping.ha_mapping`.

    :param quantum_circuit: the quantum circuit to map.
    :param initial_mapping: the initial mapping used to start the iterative mapping
    :param hardware: hardware data such as connectivity, gate time, gate errors, ...
    :param swap_cost_and_effect_heuristic: the heuristic cost function that will
        estimate the cost of a given SWAP according to the current state of the circuit
        and the effect of the SWAP on the following quantum gates. The two floats
        should be returned as a tuple (cost, effect).
    :param get_candidates: a function that takes as input the current front
        layer and the hardware description and that returns a list of tuples
        representing the SWAP that should be considered by the heuristic.
    :param get_distance_matrix: a function that takes as first (and only) parameter the
        hardware representation and that outputs a numpy array containing the cost of
        performing a SWAP between each pair of qubits.
    :return: The final circuit along with the mapping obtained at the end of the
        iterative procedure.
    _adapt_quantum_circuit_and_mapping_arity(quantum_circuit, initial_mapping, hardware)
    # Creating the internal data structures that will be used in this function.
    dag_circuit = circuit_to_dag(quantum_circuit)
    distance_matrix = get_distance_matrix(hardware)
    resulting_dag_quantum_circuit = _create_empty_dagcircuit_from_existing(dag_circuit)
    current_mapping = initial_mapping
    explored_mappings: ty.Set[str] = set()
    # Sorting all the quantum operations in topological order once for all.
    # May require significant memory on large circuits...
    topological_nodes: ty.List[DAGNode] = list(dag_circuit.topological_op_nodes())
    current_node_index = 0
    # Creating the initial front layer.
    front_layer = QuantumLayer()
    current_node_index = update_layer(
        front_layer, topological_nodes, current_node_index

    swap_distance_matrix = get_distance_matrix_swap_number(hardware)
    trans_mapping = initial_mapping.copy()
    # Start of the iterative algorithm
    while not front_layer.is_empty():
        execute_gate_list = QuantumLayer()
        for op in front_layer.ops:
            if hardware.can_natively_execute_operation(op, current_mapping):
                # Delaying the remove operation because we do not want to remove from
                # a container we are iterating on.
                # front_layer.remove_operation(op)
        if not execute_gate_list.is_empty():
                resulting_dag_quantum_circuit, initial_mapping, trans_mapping
            # Empty the explored mappings because at least one gate has been executed.
            # We cannot execute any gate, that means that we should insert at least
            # one SWAP/Bridge to make some gates executable.
            # First list all the SWAPs/Bridges that may help us make some gates
            # executable.
            inverse_mapping = {val: key for key, val in initial_mapping.items()}
            swap_candidates = get_candidates(
                front_layer, hardware, current_mapping, explored_mappings
            # Then rank the SWAPs/Bridge and take the best one.
            best_swap_qubits = None
            best_cost = float("inf")
            best_effect = 0.0
            for potential_swap in swap_candidates:
                cost, swap_effect = swap_cost_and_effect_heuristic(
                if cost < best_cost:
                    best_cost = cost
                    best_effect = swap_effect
                    best_swap_qubits = potential_swap
            # We now have our best SWAP, let's check if a Bridge is not better
            # if (
            #     best_effect < 0
            #     and swap_distance_matrix[best_swap_qubits.left][best_swap_qubits.right]
            #     == 2
            # ):
            #     i, j = best_swap_qubits
            #     common_neighbours = set(hardware.neighbors(i)) & set(
            #         hardware.neighbors(j)
            #     )
            #     if len(common_neighbours) < 1:
            #         raise RuntimeError("Less than one common neighbour")
            #     common_neighbour = list(common_neighbours)[0]
            #     best_gate = BridgeTwoQubitGate(i, common_neighbour, j)
            if best_effect < 0:
                inverse_trans_mapping = {val: key for key, val in trans_mapping.items()}
                for op in front_layer.ops:
                    if len(op.qargs) < 2:
                        # We just pass 1 qubit gates because they do not participate in the
                        # Bridge operation
                    if len(op.qargs) != 2:
                        logger.warning("A 3-qubit or more gate has been found in the circuit.")
                    control, target = op.qargs
                    control_index = initial_mapping[inverse_trans_mapping[initial_mapping[control]]]
                    target_index = initial_mapping[inverse_trans_mapping[initial_mapping[target]]]
                    for _, potential_middle_index in hardware.out_edges(control_index):
                        for _, potential_target_index in hardware.out_edges(potential_middle_index):
                            if potential_target_index == target_index:
                                best_swap_qubits = BridgeTwoQubitGate(

            current_mapping = best_swap_qubits.update_mapping(current_mapping)
            if isinstance(best_swap_qubits, SwapTwoQubitGate):
                control, target = current_mapping[best_swap_qubits.left], current_mapping[best_swap_qubits.right]
                swap_control, swap_target = inverse_mapping[control], inverse_mapping[target]
                best_swap_qubits = SwapTwoQubitGate(
                    swap_control, swap_target
                #print("swap gates is :", best_swap_qubits.left, best_swap_qubits.right)
                trans_mapping[best_swap_qubits.left], trans_mapping[best_swap_qubits.right] = (
                #print("brige gate is :", best_swap_qubits.left, best_swap_qubits.middle, best_swap_qubits.right)

            best_swap_qubits.apply(resulting_dag_quantum_circuit, front_layer, initial_mapping, trans_mapping)
        # Anyway, update the current front_layer
        current_node_index = update_layer(
            front_layer, topological_nodes, current_node_index

    # We are done here, we just need to return the results
    # resulting_dag_quantum_circuit.draw(scale=1, filename="qcirc.dot")
    resulting_circuit = dag_to_circuit(resulting_dag_quantum_circuit)
    return resulting_circuit, current_mapping