def create_agg_directory(self): global aggregate_id global aggdir aggregate_id = self.aggregate_field.get() aggdir = temppath + "\\" + aggregate_id print "Aggregate project ID: ", aggregate_id # Create storage directory if os.path.isdir(aggdir) is False: ra.aggdirectory(temppath, aggregate_id) print "Directory for aggregate project ID " + aggregate_id + " created." else: print "Directory already exists, copying required files..." # Copy RBD Merge tool and RBD Template files to the Aggregates directory ra.cp( const.RBD_MERGE, temppath + "\\" + aggregate_id + r"\Templates\2017 RBD Merge.xls") ra.cp( const.RBD_TEMPLATE, temppath + "\\" + aggregate_id + r"\Templates\2017 RBD Template.xls") # Make file confirmation button active self.confirm_button.config(highlightbackground="dark gray", highlightthickness=1, state="normal")
def get_merge_temp(contract): ''' Get the appropriate Mail Merge Template file. ''' merge_template = const.MERGE_TEMPLATE % contract['SurveyType'] ra.cp(merge_template, temp_path) merge_temp = temp_path + '\\%s' % contract['SurveyType'] + ' Mail Merge.csv' return merge_temp
def prep_clones(contract, path): ''' Get the appropriate Excel and Word template file and copy them to the temporary clone directory. ''' contractdir = const.CONTRACTDIR % contract['ProjectID'] temp_path = contractdir + '\\clones' excel_temp = const.EXCEL_TEMPLATE % contract['SurveyType'] ra.cp(excel_temp, temp_path) word_temp = const.WORD_TEMPLATE % contract['SurveyType'] ra.cp(word_temp, temp_path) return 0
def create_aggregate(self, files): aggregate_path = temppath + "\\" + aggregate_id + r"\%s.txt" % aggregate_id # Path to aggregate file aggregate_log = open(aggregate_path, 'w') # Write initial file to new aggregate filename first_path = temppath + "\\" + aggregate_id + r'\Files' + r'\%s.txt' % files[ 0] start = open(first_path) for i, line in enumerate(start): line.strip() aggregate_log.write(line) start.close() aggregate_log.close() print "Wrote " + files[ 0] + '.txt to new aggregate file, ' + aggregate_id + '.txt' # Make iterable and skip first file iterfiles = iter(files) next(iterfiles) # Remove headers and combine remaining files for item in iterfiles: path = temppath + "\\" + aggregate_id + r'\Files' + r'\%s.txt' % item piece = open(path) aggregate_log = open(aggregate_path, 'a') for i, line in enumerate(piece): if i > 0: line.strip() aggregate_log.write(line) piece.close() aggregate_log.close() print "Wrote " + item + '.txt to new aggregate file, ' + aggregate_id + '.txt' # Copy new file to Data Files directory ra.cp(aggregate_path, datapath % aggregate_id) print "Aggregate file with Project ID " + aggregate_id + " was copied to the Data Files folder."
def run_xl_report(contract): ''' Runs the Excel portion of the final report. ''' # Define global variables global temp_path global rbd_path global rbda_path global banners_1 global banners_2 global excel_temp global word_temp global excel_report global word_report global excel_pdf global merge_temp global mail_merge global prereqs # Start Progress bar ui.progress_bar() print "\nGathering resources...", # Get the paths before we start temp_path = get_temp_path(contract) rbd_path = get_RBD(contract, temp_path) rbda_path = get_RBD_A(contract, temp_path) banners_1 = get_banners_1(contract) banners_2 = get_banners_2(contract) excel_temp = get_excel_temp(contract, temp_path) word_temp = get_word_temp(contract, temp_path) excel_report = get_excel_report(contract) word_report = get_word_report(contract) excel_pdf = get_excel_pdf(contract) merge_temp = get_merge_temp(contract) mail_merge = get_mail_merge(contract) print "Success!" # Verify that the prepwork module was run first. print "\nVerifying prerequisites...", prereqs = os.path.isdir(temp_path) if prereqs is False: check_prereqs(prereqs) # print "\n>> You must run the prep work module ( before running this module." # print ">> This is because several files are created within the prep work module that are required to successfully create contract reports." # print ">> This program will now quit. Please run the prepwork module first." # print ">> Goodbye!" # sys.exit() else: print "Success!" # Update Verify Check status ui.verify_check.config(fg="#60E83B") ui.verify_check_text.config(fg="#60E83B") time.sleep(0.1) ui.progress.step() ui.progress.update() # Make sure we have all the required inputs try: assert os.path.exists(rbd_path) except AssertionError: print "Oops! It looks like you don't have an RBD for this contract." print "Try again once you have an RBD available." try: assert os.path.exists(banners_1) assert os.path.exists(banners_2) except AssertionError: print "Banners not found. Please check the contract directory" print "as they may have been moved or renamed." # Copy appropriate Excel & Word templates to contract folder print "Cloning templates...", cp(excel_temp, excel_report) cp(word_temp, word_report) cp(merge_temp, mail_merge) print "Success!" #pdb.set_trace() # Begin Excel report production print "\nBeginning Excel Report production..." ui.progress.update() with excel.xlconnection() as xlapp: # Open the Excel report #begin_excel(contract, xlapp) print ">> Opening Excel workbook...", global xlrpt xlrpt = excel.open_workbook(xlapp, excel_report) print "Success!" # Find the tabs you want to paste data into global banners_1_dst global banners_2_dst global rbd_dst global rbd2_dst banners_1_dst = excel.get_tab(xlrpt, "Banners1") banners_2_dst = excel.get_tab(xlrpt, "Banners2") rbd_dst = excel.get_tab(xlrpt, "RBD") if contract['SurveyType'] == 'MCS CCC': rbd2_dst = excel.get_tab(xlrpt, "RBD2") # # Get .csv core banner set 1 apply_banner1(contract, xlapp) # banners_1_src = excel.open_workbook(xlapp, banners_1) # banners_1_data_src = excel.get_tab(banners_1_src, "%s Banners1" % # contract['ProjectID']) # # Copy core banners to Banners1 tab # excel.paste_range(banners_1_data_src, "A:Y", banners_1_dst, "A:Y") # # Remove '-' from Wincross tab # excel.replace_zeros(banners_1_dst, "A:Y") # # Close core banner file # print ">> Applying Banner Set 1...", # del banners_1_data_src # excel.close_workbook(banners_1_src, False) # print "Success!" # # Get .csv core banner set 2 apply_banner2(contract, xlapp) # banners_2_src = excel.open_workbook(xlapp, banners_2) # banners_2_data_src = excel.get_tab(banners_2_src, "%s Banners2" % # contract['ProjectID']) # # Copy core banners to Banners2 tab # excel.paste_range(banners_2_data_src, "A:Y", banners_2_dst, "A:Y") # # Remove '-' from Wincross tab # excel.replace_zeros(banners_2_dst, "A:Y") # # Close core banner file # print ">> Applying Banner Set 2...", # del banners_2_data_src # excel.close_workbook(banners_2_src, False) # print "Success!" # # Get RBD apply_rbd(contract, xlapp) # if contract['SurveyType'] == 'MCS CCC': # rbdbooksrc = excel.open_workbook(xlapp, rbda_path) # rbdtabsrc = excel.get_tab(rbdbooksrc, "RoundsByDispoCAHPS2017") # rbd2booksrc = excel.open_workbook(xlapp, rbd_path) # rbd2tabsrc = excel.get_tab(rbd2booksrc, "RoundsByDispoCAHPS2017") # excel.paste_range(rbd2tabsrc, "A:AA", rbd2_dst, "A:AA") # del rbd2tabsrc # excel.close_workbook(rbd2booksrc, False) # else: # rbdbooksrc = excel.open_workbook(xlapp, rbd_path) # rbdtabsrc = excel.get_tab(rbdbooksrc, "RoundsByDispoCAHPS2017") # # Copy RBD to RBD tab # excel.paste_range(rbdtabsrc, "A:AA", rbd_dst, "A:AA") # # Close RBD file # print ">> Applying RBD file...", # del rbdtabsrc # excel.close_workbook(rbdbooksrc, False) # print "Success!" # # Group sheets for PDF # create_xl_pdf(contract, xlrpt) # if contract['SurveyType'] == 'CAS': # allsheets = const.ALL_CAS_SHEETS # elif contract['SurveyType'] == 'MAS': # allsheets = const.ALL_MAS_SHEETS # elif contract['SurveyType'] == 'MCS': # allsheets = const.ALL_MCS_SHEETS # elif contract['SurveyType'] == 'MCS CCC': # allsheets = const.ALL_MCS_CCC_SHEETS # else: # return 1 # print ">> Grouping sheets for PDF report...", # group = excel.group_sheets(xlrpt, allsheets) # # Export Excel report to PDF # print ">> Exporting to PDF...", # excel.export_excel_pdf(group, excel_pdf) # print "Success!" # # Create a MergeData file create_merge(contract, xlapp) # mergecsv = excel.open_workbook(xlapp, mail_merge) # mergedatadst = excel.get_tab(mergecsv, 1) # mergedatasrc = excel.get_tab(xlrpt, "MergeData") # srcdata = mergedatasrc.Range("1:2") # srcdata.Copy() # mergedatadst.Range("1:2").PasteSpecial( # Paste=-4122, # Operation=-4142, # SkipBlanks=False, # Transpose=False) # mergedatadst.Range("1:2").PasteSpecial( # Paste=-4163, # Operation=-4142, # SkipBlanks=False, # Transpose=False) # print ">> Creating MergeData file...", # mergecsv.SaveAs(Filename=mail_merge) # excel.close_workbook(mergecsv) # print "Success!" # Cleanup and closing print ">> Beginning cleanup procedures...", mergedatasrc.Select(Replace=True) mergedatasrc.Range("A1").Select() excel.close_workbook(xlrpt) # Test for correct PDF global finrpt print "\n>> Opening files to create PDF...", finrpt = excel.open_workbook(xlapp, excel_report) print "Success!" create_xl_pdf(contract, finrpt) excel.close_workbook(finrpt) excel.quit_xl_app(xlapp) print "Success!" # End Excel report production return 0
def copy_banners(): ''' Check the process status for copying the banners to the Reporting folder and and update the labels. ''' # Update Banner Check status ui.copy_banner.config(fg="#B68C14") ui.copy_banner_text.config(fg="#B68C14") time.sleep(0.1) ui.progress.step() ui.progress.update() status = 0 orig_path = r"\\\PM2018_Peak10\Analytics CAHPS\Banners\%s" % contract[ 'ProjectID'] reporting_dir = r"\\\PM2018_Peak10\Analytics CAHPS\Reporting\%s" % contract[ 'ProjectID'] reporting_path = reporting_dir + '\\Banners\\' htm_path = orig_path + '\\Banners\\' + '%s' % contract[ 'ProjectID'] + ' Banners.htm' pdf_path = orig_path + '\\Banners\\' + '%s' % contract[ 'ProjectID'] + ' Banners.pdf' csv1_path = orig_path + '\\Banners\\' + '%s' % contract[ 'ProjectID'] + ' Banners1.csv' csv2_path = orig_path + '\\Banners\\' + '%s' % contract[ 'ProjectID'] + ' Banners2.csv' logo_path = r"\\\PM2018_Peak10\Analytics CAHPS\Banners\%s\Banners\logo.png" % contract[ 'ProjectID'] print htm_path print pdf_path print csv1_path print csv2_path print logo_path # Copy Banners to Reporting folder print ">> Creating Reporting folder copies...", try: ra.cp(htm_path, reporting_path) ra.cp(pdf_path, reporting_path) ra.cp(csv1_path, reporting_path) ra.cp(csv2_path, reporting_path) ra.cp(logo_path, reporting_path) except IOError: pass status = 1 print "Success!" if status == 0: # Update Banner Check status ui.copy_banner.config(fg="#60E83B") ui.copy_banner_text.config(fg="#60E83B") time.sleep(0.1) ui.progress.step() ui.progress.update() else: # Update Copy Banner status ui.copy_banner.config(fg="#E8483B") ui.copy_banner_text.config(fg="#E8483B") ui.cbanner_passfail.set(ui.failpass) time.sleep(0.1) ui.progress.step() ui.progress.update()
def check_copies(): ''' Check the process status for copying the data and RBD files and update the labels. ''' # Update Copy Check status ui.copy_check.config(fg="#B68C14") ui.copy_check_text.config(fg="#B68C14") time.sleep(0.1) ui.progress.step() ui.progress.update() status = 0 # Copy text data and RBD to Data folder print ">> Creating Data folder copies...", try: ra.cp( r"\\\PM2018_Peak10\Analytics CAHPS\Data Files\%s.txt" % contract['ProjectID'], textdata) ''' ra.cp(r"\\\PM2017_Peak10\Analytics 2017\Analytics CAHPS\RBD\%sRBD.xls" % contract['ProjectID'], rbd_path) if contract['SurveyType'] == 'MCS CCC': ra.cp(r"\\\PM2017_Peak10\Analytics 2017\Analytics CAHPS\RBD\%sRBD_A.xls" % contract['ProjectID'], rbda_path)''' except IOError: pass status = 1 print "Success!" # Copy text data and RBD to clones folder print ">> Cloning text data...", try: ra.cp( r"\\\PM2018_Peak10\Analytics CAHPS\Data Files\%s.txt" % contract['ProjectID'], temp_path) '''ra.cp(r"\\\PM2017_Peak10\Analytics 2017\Analytics CAHPS\RBD\%sRBD.xls" % contract['ProjectID'], temp_path) if contract['SurveyType'] == 'MCS CCC': ra.cp(r"\\\PM2017_Peak10\Analytics 2017\Analytics CAHPS\RBD\%sRBD_A.xls" % contract['ProjectID'], temp_path)''' except IOError: pass status = 1 print "Success!" if status == 0: # Update Copy Check status ui.copy_check.config(fg="#60E83B") ui.copy_check_text.config(fg="#60E83B") time.sleep(0.1) ui.progress.step() ui.progress.update() else: # Update Copy Check status ui.copy_check.config(fg="#E8483B") ui.copy_check_text.config(fg="#E8483B") ui.copy_passfail.set(ui.failpass) time.sleep(0.1) ui.progress.step() ui.progress.update()
def confirm_files(self): global files global entries files = [] entries = [] # FILE 01 if len(self.id_field_1.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_1.get()) # FILE 02 if len(self.id_field_2.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_2.get()) # FILE 03 if len(self.id_field_3.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_3.get()) # FILE 04 if len(self.id_field_4.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_4.get()) # FILE 05 if len(self.id_field_5.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_5.get()) # FILE 06 if len(self.id_field_6.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_6.get()) # FILE 07 if len(self.id_field_7.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_7.get()) # FILE 08 if len(self.id_field_8.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_8.get()) # FILE 09 if len(self.id_field_9.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_9.get()) # FILE 10 if len(self.id_field_10.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_10.get()) # FILE 11 if len(self.id_field_11.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_11.get()) # FILE 12 if len(self.id_field_12.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_12.get()) # FILE 13 if len(self.id_field_13.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_13.get()) # FILE 14 if len(self.id_field_14.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_14.get()) # FILE 15 if len(self.id_field_15.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_15.get()) # FILE 16 if len(self.id_field_16.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_16.get()) # FILE 17 if len(self.id_field_17.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_17.get()) # FILE 18 if len(self.id_field_18.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_18.get()) # FILE 19 if len(self.id_field_19.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_19.get()) # FILE 20 if len(self.id_field_20.get()) == 0: pass else: files.append(self.id_field_20.get()) print "Text data files will be copied for the following projects:" for item in files: pull_data = datapath % item print ">> " + item try: assert os.path.isfile( pull_data) # Ensure the file actually exists except IOError, AssertionError: print "The file " + pull_data + "was not found." # Copy data files to Aggregate directory copydata = temppath + "\\" + aggregate_id + r"\Files\%s.txt" % item ra.cp(pull_data, copydata) print "Copied text data for Project ID #" + item + " to Aggregate directory"