Ejemplo n.º 1
def index(*, page='1'):
    page_index = get_page_index(page)
    num = yield from Blog.findNumber('count(id)', "status=?", [1])
    page = Page(num, page_index)
    print('page info:%s' % page)
    if page == 0:
        blogs = []
        #sql = 'SELECT b.* ,COUNT(c.blog_id) as commentsNum FROM  `blogs` b LEFT JOIN comments c ON b.id = c.blog_id GROUP BY b.`id` ORDER BY b.`created_at` DESC limit %s,%s'%(page.offset, page.limit)
        sql = ' '.join([
            'SELECT b.* ,u.`name` AS user_name,u.`avatar`,COUNT(c.blog_id) AS commentsNum ,ca.name_CH,ca.color FROM  `blogs` b',
            'LEFT JOIN users u ON b.`user_id` = u.`id`',
            'LEFT JOIN comments c ON b.id = c.blog_id',
            'LEFT JOIN category ca ON b.`category_id`=ca.id',
            'WHERE b.`status` = 1', 'GROUP BY b.`id`',
            'ORDER BY b.`created_at` DESC',
            'LIMIT %s,%s' % (page.offset, page.limit)
        blogs = yield from Blog.unionSelect(sql)
        for blog in blogs:
            if blog.cover:
                blog.display = "block"
                blog.display = "none"
        #blogs = yield from Blog.findAll(orderBy='created_at desc', limit=(page.offset, page.limit))
    return {'__template__': 'index.html', 'page': page, 'blogs': blogs}
Ejemplo n.º 2
def api_blogs(request, *, userId, page='1'):
    page_index = get_page_index(page)
    num = yield from Blog.findNumber('count(id)', '`user_id`=?', [userId])
    p = Page(num, page_index)
    if num == 0:
        return dict(page=p, blogs=())
    blogs = ()
    #blogs = yield from Blog.findAll(orderBy='created_at desc', limit=(p.offset, p.limit))

    # sql = ' '.join(['SELECT b.* ,u.`name` AS user_name, u.`admin` FROM `blogs` b',
    # 					'LEFT JOIN users u ON b.`user_id` = u.`id`'
    # 					'GROUP BY b.`id`',
    # 					'ORDER BY b.`created_at` DESC',
    # 					'LIMIT %s,%s'%(p.offset, p.limit)])

    L = [
        'SELECT b.* ,u.`name` AS user_name, u.`admin`,COUNT(c.blog_id) AS commentsNum FROM `blogs` b',
        'LEFT JOIN users u ON b.`user_id` = u.`id`',
        'LEFT JOIN comments c ON b.id = c.blog_id',
        "WHERE u.`id` = '%s'" % userId, 'GROUP BY b.`id`',
        'ORDER BY b.`created_at` DESC',
        'LIMIT %s,%s' % (p.offset, p.limit)
    sql = ' '.join(L)
    blogs = yield from Blog.unionSelect(sql)
    for blog in blogs:
        blog.type = getBlogType(blog)
        blog.status = getBlogStatus(blog)
    return dict(page=p, blogs=blogs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def user_blogs(request, *, userId, page='1'):
    if request.__user__ is not None:
        return {
            '__template__': 'blog/user_blogs.html',
            'userId': userId,
            'page_index': get_page_index(page)
        return web.HTTPFound('/signin')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def manage_comments(request, *, page='1'):
    user = request.__user__
    if user is not None:
        return {
            '__template__': 'comment/manage_comments.html',
            'page_index': get_page_index(page)
        return web.HTTPFound('/')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def api_get_users(*, page='1'):
    page_index = get_page_index(page)
    num = yield from User.findNumber('count(id)', "admin=?", [0])
    p = Page(num, page_index)
    if num == 0:
        return dict(page=p, users=())
    users = yield from User.findAll('admin=?', [0],
                                    orderBy='created_at desc',
                                    limit=(p.offset, p.limit))
    for u in users:
        u.passwd = '******'
        u.status = getUseStatus(users[0].status)

    return dict(page=p, users=users)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def api_comments(*, page='1'):
    page_index = get_page_index(page)
    num = yield from Comment.findNumber('count(id)')
    p = Page(num, page_index)
    if num == 0:
        return dict(page=p, comments=())
    #comments = yield from Comment.findAll(orderBy='created_at desc', limit=(p.offset, p.limit))
    sql = " ".join([
        'SELECT c.* ,u.`name` AS user_name, u.`avatar` FROM `comments` c',
        'LEFT JOIN users u ON c.`user_id` = u.`id`', 'GROUP BY c.`id`',
        'ORDER BY c.`created_at` DESC',
        'LIMIT %s,%s' % (p.offset, p.limit)
    comments = yield from Comment.unionSelect(sql)
    return dict(page=p, comments=comments)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def api_comments(request, *, page='1'):
    page_index = get_page_index(page)
    num = yield from Blog.findNumber('count(id)', '`status`=?', [1])
    p = Page(num, page_index)
    if num == 0:
        return dict(page=p, comments=())
    #comments = yield from Comment.findAll(orderBy='created_at desc', limit=(p.offset, p.limit))
    sql = " ".join([
        'SELECT b.*,COUNT(c.blog_id) AS commentsNum FROM  `blogs` b',
        'LEFT JOIN comments c ON b.id = c.blog_id',
        "WHERE b.`status` = 1 AND b.`user_id`='%s'" % request.__user__.id,
        'GROUP BY b.`id`', 'ORDER BY b.`created_at` DESC',
        'LIMIT %s,%s' % (p.offset, p.limit)
    comments = yield from Comment.unionSelect(sql)
    if comments:
        for c in comments:
            c.commentState = getCommentState(c.commentState)
    return dict(page=p, comments=comments)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_comments(blog_id, *, page='1'):
    page_index = get_page_index(page)
    num = yield from Comment.findNumber('count(id)', '`blog_id`=?', [blog_id])
    page = Page(num, page_index)
    blog = yield from Blog.findAll('`id`=?', [blog_id])
    if num == 0:
        comments = []
        sql = " ".join([
            'SELECT c.* ,u.`name` AS user_name, u.`avatar` FROM `comments` c',
            'LEFT JOIN users u ON c.`user_id` = u.`id`',
            "WHERE c.`blog_id`='%s'" % blog_id, 'GROUP BY c.`id`',
            'ORDER BY c.`created_at` DESC',
            'LIMIT %s,%s' % (page.offset, page.limit)
        comments = yield from Comment.unionSelect(sql)
    return {
        '__template__': 'comment/blog_comments.html',
        'page': page,
        'blog': blog[0],
        'comments': comments
Ejemplo n.º 9
def manage_comments(*, page='1'):
    return {
        '__template__': 'comments/manage_comments.html',
        'page_index': get_page_index(page)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def followedUser(request,*,page=1):
	if request.__user__ is not None:
		user_Id = request.__user__.id
		# sql = " ".join(['SELECT u.*,f.followed_user FROM follow f ',
		# 				'LEFT JOIN users u ON f.followed_user = u.id',
		# 				"WHERE f.user_id ='%s'"%user_Id,
		# 				"and f.status=1"])
		# follows = yield from Follow.unionSelect(sql)

		# sql = " ".join(['SELECT f1.status AS status1,f2.status AS status2 FROM follow f1,follow f2',
		# 		'WHERE f1.user_id = f2.followed_user AND f1.followed_user = f2.user_id',
		# 		"AND f1.user_id = '%s'"%user_Id])
		# follow_relation  = yield from Follow.unionSelect(sql)

		page_index = get_page_index(page)
		num = yield from Follow.findNumber('count(id)',"user_id=? and status=?",[user_Id,1])
		page = Page(num,page_index)

		newFollows = []

		sql = " ".join(['SELECT u.*,f1.user_id,f1.followed_user,f1.status AS status1,f2.status AS status2 FROM follow f1',
				'LEFT JOIN follow f2 ON f1.user_id = f2.followed_user AND f1.followed_user = f2.user_id',
				'LEFT JOIN users u ON f1.followed_user = u.id',
				"WHERE f1.user_id = '%s'"%user_Id,
				'LIMIT %s,%s'%(page.offset, page.limit)])

		follows = yield from Follow.unionSelect(sql)
		for index,follow in enumerate(follows):
			newFollow = {}
			newFollow['index']= index
			newFollow['user_id'] = follow.id
			newFollow['user_name'] = follow.name
			newFollow['avatar_url'] = follow.avatar

			sql2 = " ".join(['SELECT u.* FROM users u WHERE id IN(SELECT t1.followed_user FROM',
					'(SELECT  user_Id,followed_user FROM follow',
					"WHERE user_id = '%s'"%user_Id,
					')AS t1 INNER JOIN'
					'(SELECT  user_Id,followed_user FROM follow',
					"WHERE user_id = '%s'"%follow.followed_user,
					')AS t2',
					'ON t1.followed_user = t2.followed_user) AND u.`status` = 1'])

			followInfos = yield from Follow.unionSelect(sql2)

			if(len(followInfos) >0):
				newFollow['cf_count'] = len(followInfos)
				newFollow['cf_info'] = followInfos[0].name
				newFollow['followed_user'] = followInfos[0].id
				newFollow['cf_count'] = 0
				newFollow['cf_info'] = ''
				newFollow['followed_user'] = '******'

			if follow.status1 == '1' and follow.status2 == '1':
				relation_status = 2
				is_followed = True
				is_following = True
			elif follow.status1 == '0' and follow.status2 == '1':
				relation_status = 1
				is_followed = False
				is_following = True
			elif follow.status1 == '1' and (follow.status2 == '0' or follow.status2 == None):
				relation_status = 1
				is_followed = True
				is_following = False
				relation_status = 0
				is_followed = False
				is_following = False

			newFollow['is_followed'] = is_followed
			newFollow['is_following'] = is_following
			newFollow['relation_status'] = relation_status


		return {
			'__template__': 'user/follow.html',
			'follows': newFollows
		#return dict(data=newFollows)
		return web.HTTPFound('/signin')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def manage_blogs(request, *, page='1'):
    return {
        '__template__': 'blogs/user_blogs.html',
        'page_index': get_page_index(page)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def index(*, page='1'):
    return {'__template__': 'index.html', 'page_index': get_page_index(page)}