Ejemplo n.º 1
 def decode_output(self,
                   output: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Iterable[torch.Tensor], Any],
                   mask: torch.BoolTensor,
                   batch: Dict[str, Any],
                   decoder, **kwargs) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]:
     (arc_scores, rel_scores), mask, punct_mask = output
     return BiaffineSemanticDependencyParser.decode(self, arc_scores, rel_scores, mask, batch)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def decode(self,
        output_1st, output_2nd = batch.get('outputs', (None, None))
        if output_1st is None:
            arc_scores_1st, arc_scores_2nd, rel_scores_1st, rel_scores_2nd = self.unpack_scores(
                arc_scores, rel_scores)
            output_1st = super().decode(arc_scores_1st, rel_scores_1st, mask)
            mask = self.compute_mask(arc_scores_2nd, batch, mask)
            # noinspection PyCallByClass
            output_2nd = BiaffineSemanticDependencyParser.decode(
                self, arc_scores_2nd, rel_scores_2nd, mask, batch)
            if self.config.get('no_cycle'):
                assert predicting, 'No cycle constraint for evaluation is not implemented yet. If you are ' \
                                   'interested, welcome to submit a pull request.'
                root_rel_idx = self.vocabs['rel'].token_to_idx.get(
                    self.config.get('root', None), None)
                arc_pred_1st, rel_pred_1st, arc_pred_2nd, rel_pred_2nd = *output_1st, *output_2nd
                arc_scores_2nd = arc_scores_2nd.transpose(
                    1, 2).cpu().detach().numpy()
                arc_pred_2nd = arc_pred_2nd.cpu().detach().numpy()
                rel_pred_2nd = rel_pred_2nd.cpu().detach().numpy()
                trees = arc_pred_1st.cpu().detach().numpy()
                graphs = []
                for i, (arc_scores, arc_preds, rel_preds, tree,
                        tokens) in enumerate(
                            zip(arc_scores_2nd, arc_pred_2nd, rel_pred_2nd,
                                trees, batch['token'])):
                    sent_len = len(tokens)
                    graph = add_secondary_arcs_by_preds(
                        arc_scores, arc_preds[:sent_len, :sent_len], rel_preds,
                        tree[:sent_len], root_rel_idx)
                    graphs.append(graph[1:])  # Remove root
                    # if not predicting:
                    #     # Write back to torch Tensor
                    #     for d, hr in zip(graph):
                    #         pass
                output_2nd = None, graphs

        return tuple(zip(output_1st, output_2nd))