Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_gnuchess():
    with createClient() as client:
        g, players = startGame(client, u'chess', 2)
        p1, p2 = players

        board = client.command(u'chess_board', g)
        assert ''.join(board) == (
            '        '
            '        '
            '        '
            '        '

        # Test white
        moves = client.command(u'chess_possible_moves', g, 'a2')
        assert set(moves) == set(('a3', 'a4'))
        moves = client.command(u'chess_possible_moves', g, 'b1')
        assert set(moves) == set(('a3', 'c3'))

        # Test black
        moves = client.command(u'chess_possible_moves', g, 'c7')
        assert set(moves) == set(('c6', 'c5'))
        moves = client.command(u'chess_possible_moves', g, 'g8')
        assert set(moves) == set(('f6', 'h6'))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_mille_bornes1():
    with createClient() as client:
        client.command(u'server_random_seed', 0xDEEDBEEF)

        g, players = startGame(client, u'1000 bornes', 2)
        p1, p2 = players

        # test states
        check_states(client, g,
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True},
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True})

        # test hand
        hand1 = client.command(u'mille_bornes_hand', g, p1)
        assert hand1 == [OUT_OF_GAS, KM_100, STOP, KM_75, END_OF_LIMIT, u'']
        hand2 = client.command(u'mille_bornes_hand', g, p2)
        assert hand2 == [END_OF_LIMIT, SPARE_TIME, KM_25, KM_100, SPEED_LIMIT, u'']

        # test pick + discard
        card_index, card = client.command(u'mille_bornes_pick', g, p1)
        assert card_index == 5
        assert card == KM_100
        client.command(u'mille_bornes_discard', g, p1, 3)
        checkAsync(client, u'game_turn', g, 1)
        card_index, card = client.command(u'mille_bornes_pick', g, p2)
        assert card_index == 5
        assert card == KM_75

        # test hazard (speed of limit)
        client.command(u'mille_bornes_hazard', g, p2, 4, p1)
            (u'mille_bornes_hazard', g, p2, 4, SPEED_LIMIT, p1),
            (u'game_turn', g, 0))
        check_states(client, g,
            {u'hazard': SPEED_LIMIT, u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True},
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True})

        # test play (end of limit)
        card_index, card = client.command(u'mille_bornes_pick', g, p1)
        assert card_index == 3
        assert card == KM_25
        client.command(u'mille_bornes_play', g, p1, 4)
            (u'mille_bornes_play', g, 0, END_OF_LIMIT),
            (u'game_turn', g, 1))
        check_states(client, g,
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True},
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_awale():
    with createClient() as client:
        g, players = startGame(client, u'awale', 2)
        p1, p2 = players

        homes = client.command(u'awale_homes', g)
        assert homes == [
            4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
            4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]

        client.command(u'awale_play', g, p1, 5)
        homes = client.command(u'awale_homes', g)
        assert homes == [
            4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 5,
            5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4]
        checkAsync(client, u'awale_played', g, 5)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_awale():
    with createClient() as client:
        # test player_create (1)
        p1 = client.command(u'player_create', u'alice')
        players = client.command(u'player_list')
        players = dict((player['id'], player) for player in players)
        assert len(players) == 1
        player1 = players[p1]
        assert player1['name'] == u'alice'
        assert player1['playing'] == []

        # test player_create (2)
        p2 = client.command(u'player_create', u'bob')
        players = client.command(u'player_list')
        players = dict((player['id'], player) for player in players)
        assert len(players) == 2
        assert players[p1] == player1
        player2 = players[p2]
        assert player2['name'] == u'bob'
        assert player2['playing'] == []
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_game():
    with createClient() as client:
        p1 = client.command(u'player_create', u'alice')
        p2 = client.command(u'player_create', u'bob')

        # test game_create
        game = client.command(u'game_create', p1, u'awale', u'label:\xe9\u20ac')
        g = game['id']
        assert game['type'] == u'awale'
        assert game['state'] == WAITING
        assert game['label'] == u'label:\xe9\u20ac'
        assert game['owner'] == p1
        assert game['players'] == [p1]
        assert game['observers'] == []

        # test game_list
        games = client.command(u'game_list')
        assert games == [game]

        # test game_info
        games = client.command(u'game_info', [g])
        assert games == [game]

        # test game_join
        client.command(u'game_join', g, p2)
        checkAsync(client, u'game_joined', g, p2)
        games = client.command(u'game_info', [g])
        game = games[0]
        assert game['players'] == [p1, p2]

        # test game_start
        client.command(u'game_start', g, p1)
        checkAsync(client, u'game_started', g)
        games = client.command(u'game_info', [g])
        game = games[0]
        assert game['state'] == PLAYING

        # test game_leave
        client.command(u'game_leave', g, p2)
        checkAsync(client, u'game_aborted', g,
            u'The player bob leaved, not enough players')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_mille_bornes2():
    with createClient() as client:
        client.command(u'server_random_seed', 0xDEEDBEE0)

        g, players = startGame(client, u'1000 bornes', 2)
        p1, p2 = players

        hand1 = client.command(u'mille_bornes_hand', g, p1)
        assert hand1 == [ACCIDENT, KM_200, ROLL, DRIVING_ACE, REPAIRS, u'']
        hand2 = client.command(u'mille_bornes_hand', g, p2)
        assert hand2 == [ROLL, KM_100, REPAIRS, KM_25, KM_25, u'']
        check_states(client, g,
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True},
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True})

        # play roll
        check_play(client, g, p1, 2)
        check_states(client, g,
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': False},
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True})
        check_play(client, g, p2, 0)
        check_states(client, g,
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': False},
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': False})

        # give accident
        client.command(u'mille_bornes_pick', g, p1)
        client.command(u'mille_bornes_hazard', g, p1, 0, p2)
            (u'mille_bornes_hazard', g, p1, 0, ACCIDENT, p2),
            (u'game_turn', g, 1))
        check_states(client, g,
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': False},
            {u'hazard': ACCIDENT, u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True})

        # use repairs
        check_play(client, g, p2, 2)
        check_states(client, g,
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': False},
            {u'hazard': u'', u'km': 0, u'need_roll': True})