Ejemplo n.º 1
    def verify_github_signature(request=None):
        Validates the github webhook signature

        :param request containing the header and body
        :type: flask.request object or None
        :return: None or raise

        if request is None:
            raise NoSignatureInfo("No request object given")

        sig = request.headers.get(

        if sig is None:
            raise NoSignatureInfo("No signature header found")

        digestmod, sig = sig.split('=')

        h = hmac.new(

        if h.hexdigest() != sig:
            raise InvalidSignature("Signature not validated")

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def verify_github_signature(request=None):
        Validates the GitHub webhook signature

        :param request containing the header and body
        :type: flask.request object or None
        :return: None or raise

        if request is None:
            raise NoSignatureInfo("No request object given")

        sig = request.headers.get(current_app.config.get("GITHUB_SIGNATURE_HEADER"))

        if sig is None:
            raise NoSignatureInfo("No signature header found")

        digestmod, sig = sig.split("=")

        h = hmac.new(
            current_app.config["GITHUB_SECRET"], msg=request.data, digestmod=hashlib.__getattribute__(digestmod)

        if h.hexdigest() != sig:
            raise InvalidSignature("Signature not validated")

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: sasl.py Proyecto: dwd/Polymer
def hash(s):
	import hashlib
	s = s.lower()
	if s.startswith('sha-'):
		s = 'sha' + s[4:]
	if s in dir(hashlib):
		return hashlib.__getattribute__(s)
	return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
def PRF(key, input_str, output_len=DEFAULT_PRF_OUTPUT_LEN, hashfunc='sha1'):
    """Creates pseudorandom output based on key and specified input.

  The hmac is used to create a prf that accepts input of varying size and
  outputs pseudorandom str of varying size.

    key: used to create pseudorandom output.
    input_str: a str that will be interpreted as raw bytes, mapped to a
               pseudorandom output.
    output_len: the length of the output requested in bytes - default is 16, and
                has to be less than 100,000,000.
    hashfunc: the underlying hash func used - default is 'sha1'. Other hashes
              guaranteed to work are md5, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512
              although more may work on a specific platform.

    a pseudorandom str of output_len consisting of the concatenation of
    16 bytes of hmac(0, input), 16 bytes of hmac(1, input),....,.

    ValueError: When key or output_len is empty, or input_str is not str.
    if len(key) < 1:
        raise ValueError('Key to PRF has to be a byte or larger.')
    if output_len < 1:
        raise ValueError('Prf output length has to be a byte or larger.')
    if not isinstance(input_str, str):
        raise ValueError('Expected str type for input_str, but got: %s' %
    count = 0
    output = []
    for _ in xrange(output_len / 16):
                     IntToFixedSizeString(count) + input_str,
        count += 1
    # if output_len is not a multiple of 16 then add the last partial block.
    if output_len % 16 != 0:
                     IntToFixedSizeString(count) + input_str,
                     hashlib.__getattribute__(hashfunc)).digest()[:output_len %
    return ''.join(output)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def spoton_account_save(self, data=None):
     spoton_users_collection = self.__conn__['spoton']['users']
     spoton_user = spoton_users_collection.find_one({'username':data["username"]})
     lib = hashlib.__getattribute__("sha1") 
     hex = lib(data['password']).hexdigest()
     if spoton_user:
def PRF(key, input_str, output_len=DEFAULT_PRF_OUTPUT_LEN, hashfunc='sha1'):
  """Creates pseudorandom output based on key and specified input.

  The hmac is used to create a prf that accepts input of varying size and
  outputs pseudorandom str of varying size.

    key: used to create pseudorandom output.
    input_str: a str that will be interpreted as raw bytes, mapped to a
               pseudorandom output.
    output_len: the length of the output requested in bytes - default is 16, and
                has to be less than 100,000,000.
    hashfunc: the underlying hash func used - default is 'sha1'. Other hashes
              guaranteed to work are md5, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512
              although more may work on a specific platform.

    a pseudorandom str of output_len consisting of the concatenation of
    16 bytes of hmac(0, input), 16 bytes of hmac(1, input),....,.

    ValueError: When key or output_len is empty, or input_str is not str.
  if len(key) < 1:
    raise ValueError('Key to PRF has to be a byte or larger.')
  if output_len < 1:
    raise ValueError('Prf output length has to be a byte or larger.')
  if not isinstance(input_str, str):
    raise ValueError('Expected str type for input_str, but got: %s'
                     % type(input_str))
  count = 0
  output = []
  for _ in xrange(output_len / 16):
    output.append(hmac.new(key, IntToFixedSizeString(count) + input_str,
    count += 1
  # if output_len is not a multiple of 16 then add the last partial block.
  if output_len % 16 != 0:
        key, IntToFixedSizeString(count) + input_str,
        hashlib.__getattribute__(hashfunc)).digest()[:output_len % 16])
  return ''.join(output)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __getattr__(self, attr):
     attrfunc = hashlib.__getattribute__(attr)
     if attr not in self.algos:
         return attrfunc
     def hashfunc(stream):
         d = attrfunc()
         if type(stream) is file:
             attr = iter(lambda:attr.read(4096), b'')
         for buf in stream:
         return d
     return hashfunc
Ejemplo n.º 8
def p_hash(algo, secret, seed, size):
  Calculate PHASH function
    algo : Hash algorithm (e.g. sha1, md5, sha256, ...)
    secret : (Pre-)Master Secret
    seed : Hash Seed
    size : Output Size
  References :
    * [RFC2246] Section 5. HMAC and the pseudorandom function
  out = bytearray([])
  algo = hashlib.__getattribute__(algo.lower())
  a = seed
  while len(out) < size:
    a = hmac.new(secret, a, algo).digest()
    out += hmac.new(secret, bytearray(a) + bytearray(seed), algo).digest()
  return out[:size]
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def encrypt_password(self, password, salt=False):
     lib = hashlib.__getattribute__(algo) 
     salt = salt if salt else lib(str(random.random())).hexdigest()[:5]
     hash = lib("%s%s"%(salt, password)).hexdigest()
     return "%s$%s$%s" % (algo, salt, hash)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def checkio(hashed_string, algorithm):
    return hashlib.__getattribute__(algorithm)(str(hashed_string.encode('utf-8'))).hexdigest()
Ejemplo n.º 11
#! /usr/bin/env python3

import os, sys, hashlib

# algs = hashlib.algorithms_available
algs = "blake2b blake2s md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha3_224 sha3_256 sha3_384 sha3_512 sha384 sha512"
algs = algs.split()
msg = "Please provide algorithm name and string.\n  algorithms: %s" % " ".join(

if len(os.sys.argv) != 3:
    print(msg, file=sys.stderr)

alg, string = os.sys.argv[1].lower(), os.sys.argv[2]

if alg not in algs:
    print("invalid hash algorithms", file=sys.stderr)

m = hashlib.__getattribute__(alg)()
strHash = m.hexdigest()

print(strHash + "\n" + strHash.upper())