Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_rehashing(self):
     keys = [
         "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh",
         "eighth", "ninth", "tenth"
     values = list(range(1, 11))
     hm = HashMap()
     self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 0)
     self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8)
     for i in range(0, 5):
         hm.set(keys[i], values[i])
     self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 5)
     self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8)
     output = hm.keys()
     self.assertEqual(len(output), 5)
     for key in output:
         self.assertIn(key, keys)
     for i in range(5, 10):
         hm.set(keys[i], values[i])
     self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 10)
     self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 16)
     output = hm.keys()
     for key in output:
         self.assertIn(key, keys)
     for key in keys:
         self.assertIn(key, output)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_key_present(self):
     hm = HashMap()
     self.assertEqual(hm.get("asdf"), None)
     self.assertEqual(hm.get("asdf", 0), 0)
     hm.set("qwerty", 12345)
     self.assertEqual(hm.get("qwerty"), 12345)
     self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 1)
     self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_rehashing():
    keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))]
    values = list(range(1, 11))
    hm = HashMap()
    for k, v in zip(keys, values):
        hm.set(k, v)
    assert hm.size() == 10
    assert hm.capacity() == 13
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_clear():
    hm = HashMap()
    keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))]
    values = list(range(1, 11))
    for k, v in zip(keys, values):
        hm.set(k, v)
    assert hm.capacity() == 7
    assert hm.size() == 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_ten_keys(self):
     hm = HashMap()
     keys = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth"]
     values = list(range(1, 11))
     for i in range(len(keys)):
         hm.set(keys[i], values[i])
     self.assertEqual(hm.get("sixth"), 6)
     self.assertNotEqual(hm.get("sixth"), 7)
     self.assertNotEqual(hm.get("sixth"), 5)
     hm.set("third", 409)
     self.assertEqual(hm.get("third"), 409)
     self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 10)
     self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 16)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_empty_map(self):
     hm = HashMap()
     self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8)
     self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class HashMapTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.hashmap = HashMap()

    def populate(self, values):
        for value in values:

    def remove(self, values):
        for value in values:

    def test_put(self):
        # Can add to hashmap
        self.hashmap.put('Apples', 5)
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.get('Apples'), 5)

        # Size should increase with added elements
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.size(), 1)

        # Hashmap should no longer be marked as empty
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.is_empty(), False)

        # Should still work with multiple items added
        fruits = [('Oranges', 1), ('Pineapples', 10), ('Mangos', 7),
                  ('Grapefruit', 9), ('Avocado', 53), ('Blueberry', 16),
                  ('Strawberries', 42), ('Cherries', 21), ('Durian', 18),
                  ('Guava', 99), ('Blackberries', 53), ('Cranberries', 42)]


        # All inputted items should be retrievable
        for fruit in fruits:
            self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.get(fruit[0]), fruit[1])

        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.size(), len(fruits) + 1)

        # Should be able to override pre-existing values
        self.hashmap.put('Apples', 20)
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.get('Apples'), 20)

        # Should not increase hashmap size
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.size(), len(fruits) + 1)

    def test_remove(self):
        # Should work if hashmap contains only one element in bucket
        self.hashmap.put('Apples', 15)
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.get('Apples'), None)

        fruits = [('Oranges', 1), ('Bananas', 2), ('Pineapples', 10),
                  ('Mangos', 7)]

        # Should remove pre-existing element
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.get('Bananas'), None)

        # Size should decrease
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.size(), len(fruits) - 1)

        for fruit in fruits:

        # Hash Map should be empty
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.size(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.is_empty(), True)

    def test_resize(self):
        # Initialize HashMap with Initial Capacity of 4
        self.hashmap = HashMap(4)
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.capacity(), 4)

        fruits = [('Oranges', 1), ('Bananas', 2), ('Pineapples', 10),
                  ('Mangos', 7)]

        # Hashmap should double in capacity
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.size(), 4)
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.capacity(), 8)

        # Items should still be accessible
        for fruit in fruits:
            self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.get(fruit[0]), fruit[1])

        for fruit in fruits:

        # Hashmap should halve in size
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.capacity(), 4)

    def test_mixed_calls(self):
        fruits = [('Oranges', 1), ('Pineapples', 10), ('Mangos', 7),
                  ('Grapefruit', 9), ('Avocado', 53), ('Blueberries', 16),
                  ('Strawberries', 42), ('Cherries', 21), ('Durian', 18),
                  ('Guava', 99), ('Blackberries', 53), ('Cranberries', 42)]


        # Hashmap capacity should increase
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.capacity() > 8, True)

        fruits_to_remove = {'Grapefruit', 'Cherries', 'Guava', 'Oranges'}

        # Remove fruits from hashmap
        for fruit in fruits_to_remove:

        # Checks to make sure they are all deleted

        remaining = len(fruits) - len(fruits_to_remove)
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.size(), remaining)

        # Make sure all other fruits are still fine
        for fruit, val in fruits:
            if fruit in fruits_to_remove: continue
            self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.get(fruit), val)

        # Add some more fruits
        additional_fruits = [('Longan', 32), ('Pomegranate', 82),
                             ('Papaya', 92)]

        # Size should update accordingly
        new_size = remaining + len(additional_fruits)
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.size(), new_size)

        # Updating some existing fruit values
        updates = [('Papaya', 53), ('Cranberries', 32), ('Durian', 9)]

        # Size should not increase
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.size(), new_size)

        additional_fruits_to_remove = {
            'Longan', 'Pomegranate', 'Papaya', 'Strawberries', 'Blueberries',
            'Blackberries', 'Durian', 'Cranberries'
        fruits_to_remove = fruits_to_remove.union(additional_fruits_to_remove)

        # Hashmap size should be a quarter of its capacity, capacity should halve
        self.assertEqual(self.hashmap.capacity(), 8)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_empty_map():
    hm = HashMap()
    assert hm.capacity() == 7
    assert hm.size() == 0