Ejemplo n.º 1
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    hashtable = HashTable(length)
    route = [None] * length

    # firstly, insert all tickets in the tickets list into the hashtable using insert method
    # passing in the ticket source as the key and the ticket destination as the value
    for ticket in tickets:
        hash_table_insert(hashtable, ticket.source, ticket.destination)

    # we know that the very first ticket is going to have to have a source on "NONE"
    # declare variable 'source' and initialize it to "NONE"
    source = "NONE"
    # now loop over the route array
    for i in range(len(route)):
        # at every index, set the value equal to what is returned from retrieving from the hash table, passing the current value of source as the key to look for
        curr_ticket = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, source)
        # set the value of source to the value of curr_ticket, will be used as the key to retrieve the next ticket from hashtable
        source = curr_ticket
        # set the value in the route array at the current index equal to the curr_ticket
        route[i] = curr_ticket

    # return the route
    return [r for r in route if r != "NONE"]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    hashtable = HashTable(length)
    route = []

    # loop through scrambled tickets
    for ticket in tickets:
        # add to hashtable
        hash_table_insert(hashtable, ticket.source, ticket.destination)

    current_ticket = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, 'NONE')

    # find order of tickers
    def sortTickets(ticket):
        if ticket == 'NONE':

        # get next stop ticket
        next_ticket = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, ticket)

        if next_ticket != 'NONE':
            # add to route

        # go to next ticket in trip
        return sortTickets(next_ticket)


    return route
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    ht = HashTable(length)
    route = [None] * length

    current_ticket = None

    # for every ticket in tickets
    # add it to the hash table key = source, value = destination
    for i in range(length):
        hash_table_insert(ht, tickets[i].source, tickets[i].destination)
        # when you find ticket with current location (NONE)
        if tickets[i].source == "NONE":
            # add it to variable `current_ticket`
            current_ticket = tickets[i].destination
            # and make it the first destination of the route
            route[0] = current_ticket

    # then loop over the tickets again
    for i in range(1, length):
        # find the next destination
        dest = hash_table_retrieve(ht, current_ticket)
        # add it to the route array
        route[i] = dest
        # and make it current_ticket
        current_ticket = dest

    return route
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    # make a hashTable of length equivalent to the length of the weights array
    ht = HashTable(len(weights) or length)

    # insert each of the weights in the hashtable using their indices as values
    for index, weight in enumerate(weights):
        hash_table_insert(ht, weight, index)
    # initialize variables to hold our matching indices    
    match_pair_index = None
    weight_index = None
    # loop through the weights and find the matching pair index, if exists
    for weight in weights:
        # determine the matching digit
        match = limit - weight
        # retrieve match: should return None if not existing yet
        match_pair_index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, match)
        # if match is a weight in the hashtable
        if match_pair_index is not None:
            # retrieve the index of the weight from hashtable
            weight_index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, weight)

            # format responses, with highest value in first index
            if match == weight:
                return (1, 0)
            elif match_pair_index > weight_index:
                return (match_pair_index, weight_index)
            elif match_pair_index < weight_index:
                return (weight_index, match_pair_index)
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)

    # For loop: for i in range of 0 and the length of the weights.
    for i in range(0, len(weights)):
        # Set wt to weights[i]
        wt = weights[i]
        # set retrieve to hash table retrieve `limit - weight`
        retrieve = hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - wt)
        if retrieve is None:
            # then return hash table insert
            hash_table_insert(ht, wt, i)
            print(f'Weight Index: {i} Value: {wt}')
        # Otherwise
            # return i, and retrieve
            return (i, retrieve)

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    # Initialize Hashtable/ pass in the length(capacity), and assign to itinerary
    itinerary = HashTable(length)
    # Preallocate the route (array) memory by length/capacity
    route = [None] * length
    # For each ticket we have...
    for t in tickets:
        # Insert the itinerary (ht), source (key), and desination (value) in the hash table
        hash_table_insert(itinerary, t.source, t.destination)
    # Retrieve and assign the first ticket -- has destination, but no source (key or initial connecting flight)
    ticket = hash_table_retrieve(itinerary, "NONE")
    # While the ticket *does* have a destination on its key...
    while ticket != "NONE":
        # For each index in the range of our route array's length...
        for i in range(len(route)):
            # Assign each route's destination [value] to ticket, which places it inside the array
            route[i] = ticket
            # Call retrieve again on the same ticket's key to find the ticket with a matching source
            ticket = hash_table_retrieve(itinerary, ticket)
            # If the ticket doesn't have a destination...
            if ticket == "NONE":
                # Place at the end of our route
                    i +
                    1]  # have to increment because we aren't assining a value to ticket
                # Break out of the loop since work is done
    # Return our newly organized route
    return route
Ejemplo n.º 7
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    #print(f"tickets: {tickets} length: {length}")
    hashtable = HashTable(length)
    route = [None] * length
    # ticket_1 = Ticket("NONE", "PDX")
    # ticket_2 = Ticket("PDX", "DCA")
    # ticket_3 = Ticket("DCA", "NONE")

    #we need to insert the tickets and attach them to a starting location and a destination location. start: key, dest: value
    for i in range(0, length):
        #print(f"tickets: {tickets[i]}")
        #need to use hash_table_insert to get the key and value into our ht buckets
        hash_table_insert(hashtable, tickets[i].source, tickets[i].destination)

    #we set index of 0 to whatever ticket has the source of NONE
    route[0] = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, 'NONE')

    #HINT: the ith location in the route can be found by checking the hash table for the i-1th location. start at 1 because 0 has already been taken up by the 'NONE' source ticket, then iterate forward.
    for i in range(1, length):
        route[i] = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, route[i - 1])

    return route

# ticket_1 = Ticket("NONE", "PDX")
# ticket_2 = Ticket("PDX", "DCA")
# ticket_3 = Ticket("DCA", "NONE")

# tickets = [ticket_1, ticket_2, ticket_3]

# reconstruct_trip(tickets, 3)
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    # weights = weights_1, weights_2, etc
    # length = lenght of weights_1, weights2, etc
    # limit = Amount needed when the 2 weights are added together
    ht = HashTable(16)
    result = []

    # Must add 2 numbers, so only 1 number would automatically be false
    if length == 1:
        result = None

# insert values
    for i in range(length):
        hash_table_insert(ht, weights[i], i)

# retrieve values
    for i in range(length):
        package1 = weights[i]
        package2 = limit - package1
        check = hash_table_retrieve(ht, package2)

        if check is not None:
            if check > i:
                result = (check, i)

            elif check < i:
                result = (i, check)

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)

    # for i in range(len(weights) - 1):
    #     for j in range(i+1, len(weights)):
    #         print(weights[i] + weights[j])
    #         if weights[i] + weights[j] == limit:
    #             result = (i, j) if i > j else (j, i)
    #             return result

    # return None

    if len(weights) == 2 and weights[0] + weights[1] == limit:
        return (1, 0)
    for i in range(len(weights) - 1):
        hash_table_insert(ht, weights[i], i)

    for i in range(len(weights) - 1):
        key = hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - weights[i])
        if key:
            val_1 = i
            val_2 = weights.index(limit - weights[i])
            result = (val_1, val_2) if val_1 > val_2 else (val_2, val_1)
            return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(length)
    # print("ht". ht.storage)
    count = 0
    for i in weights:
        print("IIII", i, count, hash_table_retrieve(ht, i))
        if hash_table_retrieve(ht, i) != None:
            print("I and I", i + i, limit)
            if i + i == limit:
                if hash_table_retrieve(ht, i) > count:
                    return (hash_table_retrieve(ht, i), count)
                return (count, hash_table_retrieve(ht, i), count)

        hash_table_insert(ht, i, count)
        if hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - i):
            print("Inside", hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - i), count)
            if hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - i) > count:
                print("Inside Inside", hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - i),
                return (hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - i), count)
            print("Inside Outside", count, hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - i))
            return (count, hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - i), count)
        print("COUNT", count)
        count += 1
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 11
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    hashtable = HashTable(length)
    route = [None] * length

    # loop through the tickets
    for ticket in tickets:
        # add the tickets source/destination to the hashtable as a pair
        hash_table_insert(hashtable, ticket.source, ticket.destination)

    # set a variable source to string None
    source = "NONE"
    # set a variable position to 0
    position = 0

    # loop while position is less than length
    while position < length:
        # get the destination for the source from the hashtable
        destination = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, source)
        # set the value of source in route using the position
        route[position] = destination
        # set source to the destination for the next iteration
        source = destination
        # increment position
        position += 1

    return route
Ejemplo n.º 12
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    hashtable = HashTable(length)
    route = [None] * length


    for ticket in tickets:
        hash_table_insert(hashtable, ticket.source, ticket.destination)
    for i in range(0,len(route)):
        if i == 0:
            current = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, "NONE")
            current = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, current)
        route[i] = current
        # print("test 1", route)

    for location in route:
        if location == "NONE":
        # print("test 2", route)
    return route

# ticket_1 = Ticket("NONE", "PDX")
# ticket_2 = Ticket("PDX", "DCA")
# ticket_3 = Ticket("DCA", "NONE")
# tickets = [ticket_1, ticket_2, ticket_3]
# assert reconstruct_trip(tickets, 3) == ["PDX", "DCA"]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    print('weights: ' + str(weights) + ', length: ' + str(length) +
          ', limit: ' + str(limit))
    #if fewer than 2 weights
    if length < 2:
        return None

    #initialize hash table
    ht = HashTable(limit)

    for index in range(0, length):
        hash_table_insert(ht, weights[index], index)

    #if 2+ weights and no exact weight
    index1 = 0
    index2 = 0
    for larger_weight in range(limit, 0, -1):
        if larger_weight < limit / 2:
            return None
        returned = hash_table_retrieve(ht, larger_weight)
        if returned != None:
            index1 = returned[0]
            smaller_weight = limit - larger_weight
            returned = hash_table_retrieve(ht, smaller_weight)
            if returned != None:
                index2 = returned[0]
                if index2 == index1:
                    index2 = returned[1]
                if index1 > index2:
                    return (index1, index2)
                    return (index2, index1)

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)

    # store each weight in the input list as keys and
    # store each weight's list index as its value

    index = 0

    for item in weights:
        sum_weights = limit - item
        # check to see if the hash table contains an entry for weight
        existing_key = hash_table_retrieve(ht, item)

        if (existing_key == 0 or existing_key) and (limit - item
                                                    == sum_weights):
            return (index, existing_key)
        hash_table_insert(ht, item, index)
        index += 1

    for item in weights:
        sum_weights = limit - item

        weight_index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, sum_weights)

        if weight_index is not None:
            current_index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, item)
            if current_index > weight_index:
                return (current_index, weight_index)
                return (weight_index, current_index)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)
    index = 0

    for item in weights:
        sum_weights = limit - item
        existing_key = hash_table_retrieve(ht, item)

        if (existing_key == 0 or existing_key) and (limit - item
                                                    == sum_weights):
            return (index, existing_key)
        hash_table_insert(ht, item, index)
        index += 1

    for item in weights:
        sum_weights = limit - item

        weight_index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, sum_weights)

        if weight_index is not None:
            current_index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, item)
            if current_index > weight_index:
                return (current_index, weight_index)
                return (weight_index, current_index)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)

    for i in range(len(weights)):
        hash_table_insert(ht, weights[i], i)

    diff = []
    for i in weights:

    ans = []

    for i in diff:
        if hash_table_retrieve(ht, i) != None:
    if len(ans) == 2:
        x = hash_table_retrieve(ht, ans[0])
        y = hash_table_retrieve(ht, ans[1])
        if x == y:
            indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(weights) if x == ans[0]]
            return (indices[1], indices[0])
        if x > y:
            return (x, y)
            return (y, x)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(length)
    if length < 2:
        return None

    for i in range(0, length):
        hash_table_insert(ht, weights[i], i)
        # print(ht.storage)

    keep_going = True
    i = 0
    while i < length:
        val_to_find = limit - weights[i]
        check_find = hash_table_retrieve(ht, val_to_find)
        # print(f"check_find: {check_find} | val_to_find: {val_to_find}")
        if check_find is not None:
            if check_find < i:
                return [i, check_find]
                return [check_find, i]
            i += 1

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)

    for i in range(len(weights)):
        weight = weights[i]
        val = hash_table_retrieve(ht, weight)
        if val is None:
            hash_table_insert(ht, weight, i)
            # handle duplicates in weight
            hash_table_insert(ht, weight + 100, i)

    for weight in weights:
        diff = limit - weight
        # handle duplicates in weight
        if diff == weight:
            new_weight = weight + 100
            value = hash_table_retrieve(ht, new_weight)
            value = hash_table_retrieve(ht, diff)
        if value is not None:
            index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, weight)
            if index > value:
                return [index, value]
                return [value, index]
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)


    # loop through the weights
    for i in range(0, length):
      # the current weight is the weight at that index
        current_weight = weights[i]
        # use the hashtable insert function
        hash_table_insert(ht, current_weight, i)
        # get the index of limit - current weight using the retrieve function
        diff = limit - current_weight
        result = hash_table_retrieve(ht, diff)
        # since the order matters, check the size of the indices
        # of the weights and return in the correct order. 
        # The higher valued index should be placed in the `zeroth` index 
        # and the smaller index should be placed in the `first` index
        if result:
            if length == 2:
                return (1, 0)
            return (i, result)
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 20
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    hashtable = HashTable(length)
    route = [None] * length

    available_ticket = None

    for i in range(length):
        departure = tickets[i].source
        arrival = tickets[i].destination

        hash_table_insert(hashtable, departure, arrival)

        # check if the ticket for your first flight has a destination with a source of NONE
        if departure == "NONE":
            available_ticket = arrival
            # set as starting location
            route[0] = available_ticket

    for i in range(1, length):
        next_destination = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, available_ticket)
        route[i] = next_destination

        available_ticket = next_destination

    return route
Ejemplo n.º 21
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    hashtable = HashTable(length)
    route = [None] * length


    for ticket in tickets:
        # hash each ticket such that the starting location is the key
        key = ticket.source
        # and the destination is the value
        value = ticket.destination
        # store new key and value in hash table
        hash_table_insert(hashtable, key, value)
        # print(f'key: {ticket.source}, value: {ticket.destination}')

    # since the source of the first ticket is none we set the starting destination to place at the start of route
    route[0] = (hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, "NONE"))
    # print(route, "routr")

    # using the length of the tickets list we can find source of the next ticket in our route
    for i in range(1, length):
        # the `i`th location in the route can be found by checking the hash table for the `i-1`th location
        source_of_next_ticket = route[i-1]
        # and then set the ith location in the route as the next destination using the source retrive
        route[i] = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, str(source_of_next_ticket))

    # we pop off the none value on the end of our list

    return route
Ejemplo n.º 22
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    hashtable = HashTable(length)
    route = [None] * (length - 1)

    # loop over tickets and insert in ht
    for ticket in tickets:
        hash_table_insert(hashtable, ticket.source, ticket.destination)

    # find ticket with none src
    source_flight = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, "NONE")

    current = source_flight

    # looping over n-1 times to make up for the "NONE" flight source
    for i in range(length - 1):

        # used for chaining together flights
        next_stop = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, current)

        # setting the destination to the current 'i' index in the array
        route[i] = current

        # updating current to next flight source for next iteration
        current = next_stop

    return route
Ejemplo n.º 23
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)
    final = []
    for i in range(length):
        hash_table_insert(ht, weights[i], i)
    for w in range(length):
        # print(limit - weights[w])
        if hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - weights[w]):
            # print('above if')
            final = [w, weights.index(limit - weights[w])]
            # if w > limit - weights[w]:
            #     final[0] = w
            #     final[1] = limit - weights[w]
            #     return final
            # else:
            #     final[0] = limit - weights[w]
            #     final[1] = w
            #     return final
    if len(final):
        return final
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)


    # print the inputs we are working with
    # print(f'\nLength: {length}')
    # print(f'Weights: {weights}')
    print(f'Limit: {limit}')

    # loop through weights array
    for i in range(0, length):
        # store the weight = weights[i]
        weight = weights[i]
        print(f'Weight: {weight}')

        # store the difference between the weight and limit
        difference = limit - weight
        print(f'Difference: {difference}')

        # check if hash table contains an entry for limit - weight
        retrieved = hash_table_retrieve(ht, difference)

        if retrieved is not None:
            print((i, retrieved))
            return (i, retrieved)

        # store weight's list index as value
        hash_table_insert(ht, weight, i)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)
    # Look the length of weights given

    for index in range(length):

        # compare the difference between the limit and each weight given
        diff = limit - weights[index]

        # Check the table before newer weights added, otherwise proceed adding more weights to hashtable

        # Find the indices of weights that hit the limit
        target = hash_table_retrieve(ht, diff)

        # If target is not empty, then index of other element needed to sum up to limit is found
        if target is not None:
            # sum of Index weight and target weight should hit the limit
            return (index, target)
        # Store the weights inside of a hashtable
        hash_table_insert(ht, weights[index], index)

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 26
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)


    for index, item in enumerate(weights, start=0):   # default is zero
        hash_table_insert(ht, item, index)

        # print(hash_table_retrieve(ht, item))

    for i in weights:
        # print(i)
        first_index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, i)
        # print(f'first index is {first_index}')
        if hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - i):
            second_index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - i)
            pair = [max(first_index, second_index), min(first_index,second_index)]
            print(f'the pair is {pair}')
            return (pair)
        # else:
    print('no pair exists')
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(length * 2)  # twice as fat, etc., etc.
    one = None
    two = None
    if length == 1:
        return None
    for package, weight in enumerate(weights):
        attempt_retrieval = hash_table_retrieve(ht, weight)
        if attempt_retrieval == None:
            hash_table_insert(ht, weight, package)
            return package, attempt_retrieval
        if weight <= limit:
            if one == None:
                one = weight
            elif two == None:
                two = weight

    if one == None and two == None:
        return None
    weights = sorted(weights)
    for i in range(length):
        starter_weight = weights[i]
        starter = hash_table_retrieve(ht, starter_weight)
        attempt_weight = limit - starter_weight
        attempt = hash_table_retrieve(ht, attempt_weight)
        if attempt != None:
            if attempt > starter:
                return attempt, starter
                return starter, attempt

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 28
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    hashtable = HashTable(length) # 5
    route = [None] * length #[None,None,None,None,None,]


    for ticket in tickets:
        # here we are inserting a hash per the length of the tickets so here for example we have 5 tickets and so we insert the length of the ticket list, source ,and destination

        # we are starting the sequence so to speak so we can work with changing it around. 
       hash_table_insert(hashtable, ticket.source, ticket.destination)

    # here if find the location of the first airport which had no previous airport to fly from which will be our head so in the test case it will be ticket 1 PDX or in test2 LAX
    # so now we have our starting point and it's as simple as linking everything together since every ticket has a final destination
    location = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, "NONE")

    # so we want to loop as long as the length of the list of tickets.
    for i in range(length):
        # the list above labled "route" has a list of a bunch of NONE's so we change FIRST index with the current location which is our head
        route[i] = location
        # then we retrieve the next location by running "hash_table_retrieve" with the hashtable and the current "location" as the previous airport it arrived from and replacing the current location vairable with the new found destination
        location = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, location)

    # here we print because the READ ME said to
    # and now we return it
    return route
Ejemplo n.º 29
def get_indices_of_item_weights(weights, length, limit):
    ht = HashTable(16)

    for i, weight in enumerate(weights):
        existing_ht_entry = hash_table_retrieve(ht, weight)
        if existing_ht_entry == None:
            hash_table_insert(ht, weight, [i])
            hash_table_insert(ht, weight, existing_ht_entry + [i])

    for weight in weights:
        limit_minus_weight = hash_table_retrieve(ht, limit - weight)

        if limit_minus_weight != None:
            weight_index = hash_table_retrieve(ht, weight)[0]

            if limit - weight == weight:
                # print(limit_minus_weight)
                weight_index = limit_minus_weight[1]
            limit_minus_weight = limit_minus_weight[0]

            # print((max(limit_minus_weight, weight_index), min(limit_minus_weight, weight_index)))

            return (max(limit_minus_weight, weight_index), min(limit_minus_weight, weight_index))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def reconstruct_trip(tickets, length):
    hashtable = HashTable(length)
    route = [None] * length

    for i in tickets:
        hash_table_insert(hashtable, i.source, i.destination)

    begin = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, "NONE")
    current = begin

    route[0] = current

    j = 0

    while current != "NONE":
        current = hash_table_retrieve(hashtable, current)
        j += 1
        route[j] = current

    for airport in route:
        if airport == "NONE":
    return route