Ejemplo n.º 1
async def test_process_stopped_on_stop(process_queue):
    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': [sys.executable, '-c', 'import time; time.sleep(10)'],
        'delay': 0,
        'revive': False,
        'start_delay': 0.001,
        'create_timeout': 0.1,
        'sigint_timeout': 0.001,
        'sigkill_timeout': 0.001})
    p = await process_queue.get()
    assert p.returncode is None
    await asyncio.wait_for(p.wait(), 1)
    await component.async_close()
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def test_hard_terminate_process(short_start_delay, short_sigint_timeout,
                                      process_queue, tmpdir):
    component_path = tmpdir / 'component.py'
    running_path = tmpdir / 'running'
    signum = 'signal.SIGBREAK' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'signal.SIGINT'
    with open(component_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        f.write('import signal, sys, time\n'
                f'signal.signal({signum}, lambda *args: None)\n'
                f'open(r"{running_path}", "w").close()\n'
                'while True:\n'
                '    time.sleep(0.001)\n')

    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': ['python', str(component_path)],
        'delay': 0,
        'revive': False
    while not running_path.exists():
        await asyncio.sleep(0.001)

    p = await process_queue.get()
    assert p.returncode is None
    await component.async_close()
    assert p.returncode is not None
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def test_revive_on_delay():
    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': [sys.executable, '-c', 'import time; time.sleep(10)'],
        'delay': 1,
        'revive': False,
        'start_delay': 0.001,
        'create_timeout': 0.1,
        'sigint_timeout': 0.001,
        'sigkill_timeout': 0.001})
    for revive in [True, False] * 5:
        assert component.revive == revive
        assert component.status == Status.DELAYED
        await asyncio.sleep(0)
    await component.async_close()
    assert component.status == Status.STOPPED
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def test_closed():
    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': ['sleep', '10'],
        'delay': 0,
        'revive': False
    assert not component.closed.done()
    await component.async_close()
    assert component.closed.done()
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def test_initial_status():
    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': ['sleep', '10'],
        'delay': 1,
        'revive': False
    assert component.status == Status.DELAYED
    await component.async_close()
    assert component.status == Status.STOPPED

    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': ['sleep', '10'],
        'delay': 0,
        'revive': False
    assert component.status == Status.STOPPED
    await component.async_close()
    assert component.status == Status.STOPPED
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def test_process_stopped_on_close(short_start_delay, process_queue):
    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': ['sleep', '10'],
        'delay': 0,
        'revive': False
    p = await process_queue.get()
    await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
    assert p.returncode is None
    await component.async_close()
    assert p.returncode is not None
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def test_call_create_subprocess_exec_with_revive(short_start_delay):
    with unittest.mock.patch('asyncio.create_subprocess_exec') as create:
        create.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = None
        component = Component({
            'name': 'name',
            'args': ['sleep', '0'],
            'delay': 0,
            'revive': True
        while create.call_count <= 5:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.001)
        await component.async_close()
Ejemplo n.º 8
async def test_conf_properties():
    conf = {
        'name': 'name',
        'args': ['sleep', '10'],
        'delay': 0,
        'revive': False
    component = Component(conf)
    assert component.name == conf['name']
    assert component.args == conf['args']
    assert component.delay == conf['delay']
    assert component.revive == conf['revive']
    await component.async_close()
Ejemplo n.º 9
async def test_closed():
    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': [sys.executable, '-c', 'import time; time.sleep(10)'],
        'delay': 0,
        'revive': False,
        'start_delay': 0.001,
        'create_timeout': 0.1,
        'sigint_timeout': 0.001,
        'sigkill_timeout': 0.001})
    assert not component.is_closed
    await component.async_close()
    assert component.is_closed
Ejemplo n.º 10
async def test_initial_status():
    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': [sys.executable, '-c', 'import time; time.sleep(10)'],
        'delay': 1,
        'revive': False,
        'start_delay': 0.001,
        'create_timeout': 0.1,
        'sigint_timeout': 0.001,
        'sigkill_timeout': 0.001})
    assert component.status == Status.DELAYED
    await component.async_close()
    assert component.status == Status.STOPPED

    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': [sys.executable, '-c', 'import time; time.sleep(10)'],
        'delay': 0,
        'revive': False})
    assert component.status == Status.STOPPED
    await component.async_close()
    assert component.status == Status.STOPPED
Ejemplo n.º 11
async def test_revive_on_delay():
    component = Component({
        'name': 'name',
        'args': ['sleep', '10'],
        'delay': 1,
        'revive': False
    for revive in [True, False] * 5:
        assert component.revive == revive
        assert component.status == Status.DELAYED
        await asyncio.sleep(0)
    await component.async_close()
    assert component.status == Status.STOPPED
Ejemplo n.º 12
async def test_conf_properties():
    conf = {'name': 'name',
            'args': [sys.executable, '-c', 'import time; time.sleep(10)'],
            'delay': 0,
            'revive': False,
            'start_delay': 0.001,
            'create_timeout': 0.1,
            'sigint_timeout': 0.001,
            'sigkill_timeout': 0.001}
    component = Component(conf)
    assert component.name == conf['name']
    assert component.delay == conf['delay']
    assert component.revive == conf['revive']
    await component.async_close()
Ejemplo n.º 13
async def test_call_create_subprocess_exec_with_revive():
    with unittest.mock.patch('asyncio.create_subprocess_exec') as create:
        create.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = None
        component = Component({
            'name': 'name',
            'args': [sys.executable, '-c', 'import time; time.sleep(0)'],
            'delay': 0,
            'revive': True,
            'start_delay': 0.001,
            'create_timeout': 0.1,
            'sigint_timeout': 0.001,
            'sigkill_timeout': 0.001})
        while create.call_count <= 5:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.001)
        await component.async_close()
Ejemplo n.º 14
def create_component_with_status_queue(conf):
    component = Component(conf)
    status_queue = aio.Queue()
        lambda: status_queue.put_nowait(component.status))
    return component, status_queue