Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, name, maptree, response_file, roi, flat_sky_pixels_size=0.17):

        # Store ROI
        self._roi = roi

        # Set up the flat-sky projection
        self._flat_sky_projection = roi.get_flat_sky_projection(flat_sky_pixels_size)

        # Read map tree (data)
        self._maptree = map_tree_factory(maptree, roi=roi)

        # Read detector response_file
        self._response = hawc_response_factory(response_file)

        # Use a renormalization of the background as nuisance parameter
        # NOTE: it is fixed to 1.0 unless the user explicitly sets it free (experimental)
        self._nuisance_parameters = collections.OrderedDict()
        self._nuisance_parameters['%s_bkg_renorm' % name] = Parameter('%s_bkg_renorm' % name, 1.0,
                                                                      min_value=0.5, max_value=1.5,
                                                                      desc="Renormalization for background map",

        # Instance parent class

        super(HAL, self).__init__(name, self._nuisance_parameters)

        self._likelihood_model = None

        # These lists will contain the maps for the point sources
        self._convolved_point_sources = ConvolvedSourcesContainer()
        # and this one for extended sources
        self._convolved_ext_sources = ConvolvedSourcesContainer()

        # All energy/nHit bins are loaded in memory
        self._all_planes = list(self._maptree.analysis_bins_labels)

        # The active planes list always contains the list of *indexes* of the active planes
        self._active_planes = None

        # Set up the transformations from the flat-sky projection to Healpix, as well as the list of active pixels
        # (one for each energy/nHit bin). We make a separate transformation because different energy bins might have
        # different nsides
        self._active_pixels = collections.OrderedDict()
        self._flat_sky_to_healpix_transform = collections.OrderedDict()

        for bin_id in self._maptree:

            this_maptree = self._maptree[bin_id]
            this_nside = this_maptree.nside
            this_active_pixels = roi.active_pixels(this_nside)

            this_flat_sky_to_hpx_transform = FlatSkyToHealpixTransform(self._flat_sky_projection.wcs,

            self._active_pixels[bin_id] = this_active_pixels
            self._flat_sky_to_healpix_transform[bin_id] = this_flat_sky_to_hpx_transform

        # This will contain a list of PSF convolutors for extended sources, if there is any in the model

        self._psf_convolutors = None

        # Pre-compute the log-factorial factor in the likelihood, so we do not keep to computing it over and over
        # again.
        self._log_factorials = collections.OrderedDict()

        # We also apply a bias so that the numerical value of the log-likelihood stays small. This helps when
        # fitting with algorithms like MINUIT because the convergence criterium involves the difference between
        # two likelihood values, which would be affected by numerical precision errors if the two values are
        # too large
        self._saturated_model_like_per_maptree = collections.OrderedDict()

        # The actual computation is in a method so we can recall it on clone (see the get_simulated_dataset method)

        # This will save a clone of self for simulations
        self._clone = None

        # Integration method for the PSF (see psf_integration_method)
        self._psf_integration_method = "exact"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_healpixRoi(geminga_maptree, geminga_response):

    #test to make sure writing a model with HealpixMapROI works fine
    ra, dec = 101.7, 16.
    data_radius = 9.
    model_radius = 24.

    m = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE))
    vec = Sky2Vec(ra, dec)
                    vec, (data_radius * u.degree).to(u.radian).value,
                    inclusive=False)] = 1

    #hp.fitsfunc.write_map("roitemp.fits" , m, nest=False, coord="C", partial=False, overwrite=True )

    map_roi = HealpixMapROI(data_radius=data_radius,
    #fits_roi = HealpixMapROI(data_radius=data_radius, ra=ra, dec=dec, model_radius=model_radius, roifile="roitemp.fits")
    hawc = HAL("HAWC", geminga_maptree, geminga_response, map_roi)
    hawc.set_active_measurements(1, 9)
  Define model: Two sources, 1 point, 1 extended

  Same declination, but offset in RA

  Different spectral idnex, but both power laws
    pt_shift = 3.0
    ext_shift = 2.0

    # First soource
    spectrum1 = Powerlaw()
    source1 = PointSource("point",
                          ra=ra + pt_shift,

    spectrum1.K = 1e-12 / (u.TeV * u.cm**2 * u.s)
    spectrum1.piv = 1 * u.TeV
    spectrum1.index = -2.3

    spectrum1.piv.fix = True
    spectrum1.K.fix = True
    spectrum1.index.fix = True

    # Second source
    shape = Gaussian_on_sphere(lon0=ra - ext_shift, lat0=dec, sigma=0.3)
    spectrum2 = Powerlaw()
    source2 = ExtendedSource("extended",

    spectrum2.K = 1e-12 / (u.TeV * u.cm**2 * u.s)
    spectrum2.piv = 1 * u.TeV
    spectrum2.index = -2.0

    spectrum2.piv.fix = True
    spectrum2.K.fix = True
    spectrum2.index.fix = True

    shape.lon0.fix = True
    shape.lat0.fix = True
    shape.sigma.fix = True

    model = Model(source1, source2)


    # Write the model map
    model_map_tree = hawc.write_model_map("test.hd5", test_return_map=True)

    # Read the model back
    hawc_model = map_tree_factory('test.hd5', map_roi)

    # Check written model and read model are the same
    check_map_trees(hawc_model, model_map_tree)

Ejemplo n.º 3
                    help='Overwrite existing files')

args = parser.parse_args()

filename = os.path.expandvars(args.input)
outfile = os.path.expandvars(args.output)
clobber = args.overwrite

if not os.path.isfile(filename):
    print("You must enter a valid file!")

# Export the entire map tree (full sky)
# this throws a warning for partial map trees but its OK
maptree = map_tree_factory(filename, None)

now = datetime.now()
startMJD = 56987.9286332

COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
DATE    = '2018-12-01T02:31:14' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)   
STARTMJD=     56987.9286332451 / MJD of first event                             
STOPMJD =     58107.2396848326 / MJD of last event                              
NEVENTS =                  -1. / Number of events in map                        
TOTDUR  =     24412.9020670185 / Total integration time [hours]                 
DURATION=      1.9943578604616 / Avg integration time [hours]                   
MAPTYPE = 'duration'           / e.g. Skymap, Moonmap                           
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_model_residual_maps(geminga_maptree, geminga_response, geminga_roi):

    #data_radius = 5.0
    #model_radius = 7.0
    output = dirname(geminga_maptree)

    ra_src, dec_src = 101.7, 16.0
    maptree, response, roi = geminga_maptree, geminga_response, geminga_roi

    hawc = HAL("HAWC", maptree, response, roi)

    # Use from bin 1 to bin 9
    hawc.set_active_measurements(1, 9)

    # Display information about the data loaded and the ROI
    Define model: Two sources, 1 point, 1 extended

    Same declination, but offset in RA

    Different spectral index, but both power laws

    pt_shift = 3.0
    ext_shift = 2.0

    # First source
    spectrum1 = Powerlaw()
    source1 = PointSource("point",
                          ra=ra_src + pt_shift,

    spectrum1.K = 1e-12 / (u.TeV * u.cm**2 * u.s)
    spectrum1.piv = 1 * u.TeV
    spectrum1.index = -2.3

    spectrum1.piv.fix = True
    spectrum1.K.fix = True
    spectrum1.index.fix = True

    # Second source
    shape = Gaussian_on_sphere(lon0=ra_src - ext_shift,
    spectrum2 = Powerlaw()
    source2 = ExtendedSource("extended",

    spectrum2.K = 1e-12 / (u.TeV * u.cm**2 * u.s)
    spectrum2.piv = 1 * u.TeV
    spectrum2.index = -2.0

    shape.lon0.fix = True
    shape.lat0.fix = True
    shape.sigma.fix = True

    spectrum2.piv.fix = True
    spectrum2.K.fix = True
    spectrum2.index.fix = True

    # Define model with both sources
    model = Model(source1, source2)

    # Define the data we are using
    data = DataList(hawc)

    # Define the JointLikelihood object (glue the data to the model)
    jl = JointLikelihood(model, data, verbose=False)

    # This has the effect of loading the model cache
    fig = hawc.display_spectrum()

    # the test file names
    model_file_name = "{0}/test_model.hdf5".format(output)
    residual_file_name = "{0}/test_residual.hdf5".format(output)

    # Write the map trees for testing
    model_map_tree = hawc.write_model_map(model_file_name,
    residual_map_tree = hawc.write_residual_map(residual_file_name,

    # Read the maps back in
    hawc_model = map_tree_factory(model_file_name, roi)
    hawc_residual = map_tree_factory(residual_file_name, roi)

    check_map_trees(hawc_model, model_map_tree)
    check_map_trees(hawc_residual, residual_map_tree)