Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_fitting_region(order, pixel):
    """Expand tile by quarter of a pixel for fitting

    :param order: the HEALPix resolution level
    :param pixel: given HEALPix pixel that needs to be fit
    :return: HEALPix pixels that need to be fit

    #define old and new order
    old_nside = 2**order
    new_nside = 2**(order + 2)

    #get co-ord of main pixel
    theta, phi = pixelfunc.pix2ang(old_nside, pixel, nest=True)
    #define offsets such that main pixel is split into four sub pixels
    scale = pixelfunc.max_pixrad(old_nside)
    offset_theta = np.array([-0.125, 0.0, 0.125, 0.0]) * scale
    offset_phi = np.array([0.0, -0.125, 0.0, 0.125]) * scale
    #convert co-ords to pixels at higher order
    pix_fit = pixelfunc.ang2pix(new_nside,
                                theta + offset_theta,
                                phi + offset_phi,
    #get neighbouring pixels and remove duplicates
    moc_tile = MOC()
    pixels = np.unique(
        pixelfunc.get_all_neighbours(new_nside, pix_fit, nest=True))
        order + 2,
        np.unique(pixelfunc.get_all_neighbours(new_nside, pixels, nest=True)))
    return moc_tile
Ejemplo n.º 2
def healpix_bins(nside, rs, phis, thetas):
    npix = pf.nside2npix(nside)
    ipix = pf.ang2pix(nside, thetas, phis)
    r_bins = [[] for _ in xrange(npix)]
    for (r, i) in zip(rs, ipix):
    return r_bins
Ejemplo n.º 3
def healpix_bins(nside, rs, phis, thetas):
    npix = pf.nside2npix(nside)
    ipix = pf.ang2pix(nside, thetas, phis)
    r_bins = [[] for _ in xrange(npix)]
    for (r, i) in zip(rs, ipix):
    return r_bins
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_fitting_region(order,pixel):
    """Expand tile by quarter of a pixel for fitting

    :param order: the HEALPix resolution level
    :param pixel: given HEALPix pixel that needs to be fit
    :return: HEALPix pixels that need to be fit

    #define old and new order

    #get co-ord of main pixel
    theta,phi=pixelfunc.pix2ang(old_nside, pixel, nest=True)
    #define offsets such that main pixel is split into four sub pixels
    #convert co-ords to pixels at higher order
    pix_fit=pixelfunc.ang2pix(new_nside, theta+offset_theta, phi+offset_phi, nest=True)
    #get neighbouring pixels and remove duplicates
    pixels=np.unique(pixelfunc.get_all_neighbours(new_nside, pix_fit,nest=True))
    moc_tile.add(order+2,np.unique(pixelfunc.get_all_neighbours(new_nside, pixels,nest=True)))
    return moc_tile
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def filter_table(self, table, ra_column, dec_column, keep_inside=True):
        Filter an astropy.table.Table to keep only rows inside (or outside) the MOC instance
        Return the (newly created) filtered Table
        from healpy import pixelfunc
        filtered_table = Table()

        kept_rows = []
        pixels_best_res = set()
        for val in self.best_res_pixels_iterator():

        max_order = self.max_order
        nside = 2**max_order
        for row in table:
            theta, phi = utils.radec2thetaphi(row[ra_column], row[dec_column])
            ipix = pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True)
            if (ipix in pixels_best_res) == keep_inside:

        if len(kept_rows) == 0:
            return Table(names=table.colnames)
            return Table(rows=kept_rows, names=table.colnames)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def add_position(self, ra, dec, max_norder):
        add the HEALPix bin containing the (ra, dec) position
        from healpy import pixelfunc

        theta, phi = utils.radec2thetaphi(ra, dec)
        ipix = pixelfunc.ang2pix(2**max_norder, theta, phi, nest=True)
        self.add_pix(max_norder, ipix)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def skycoord_to_healpix(skycoord, nside=None):
    Convert an array of RA DEC values to their HEALPIX values.
    if nside is None:
        nside = HEALPIX_NSIDE
    return pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside,
Ejemplo n.º 8
def tile_in_tile(order_small, tile_small, order_large):
    """Routine to find our what larger tile to load data from when fitting smaller tiles.
     Returns larger tile no. Useful for when fitting segmented maps on HPC using a hierarchical segmentation scheme

    :param order_small: order of smaller tile
    :param tile_small:  tile no. of smaller tile
    :param order_large: order of larger tiling scheme
    :return: pixel number of larger tile
    theta, phi = pixelfunc.pix2ang(2**order_small, tile_small, nest=True)
    ipix = pixelfunc.ang2pix(2**order_large, theta, phi, nest=True)
    return ipix
Ejemplo n.º 9
def tile_in_tile(order_small,tile_small,order_large):
    """Routine to find our what larger tile to load data from when fitting smaller tiles.
     Returns larger tile no. Useful for when fitting segmented maps on HPC using a hierarchical segmentation scheme

    :param order_small: order of smaller tile
    :param tile_small:  tile no. of smaller tile
    :param order_large: order of larger tiling scheme
    :return: pixel number of larger tile
    theta, phi =pixelfunc.pix2ang(2**order_small, tile_small, nest=True)
    ipix = pixelfunc.ang2pix(2**order_large, theta, phi, nest=True)
    return ipix
Ejemplo n.º 10
def rectangle_to_healpix(nside, nest, *rectangle):
    Generate a unique list of HEALPix pixels for the given rectangle.

    size = nside2resol(nside) * 180 / pi

    ra, dec = rectangle_mesh(size / size_factor, *rectangle)

    # Change from RA, DEC to theta, phi where 0 <= theta <= pi

    return np.unique(ang2pix(nside, pi / 2 - dec * pi / 180,
                             ra * pi / 180, nest=nest))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main(pathfilein, energy, costheta, momcntrx, momcntry, galoff, calonly, tol, maxnum, output):

    aHpxGalOFF = None
    nhpside = 16
    if galoff is True:
        pathCatalogue = "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u/mtakahas/FermiAnalysis/Catalogues/gll_psch_v13.fit" #3FHL
        aHpxGalOFF = find_galoff_healpxs(nhpside, 0, pathCatalogue)
        print 'Galactic OFF:', aHpxGalOFF

    with open(pathfilein, 'r') as inp:
        print 'Input file', pathfilein, 'is opened.'
        line = inp.readline()

        with open(output, 'w') as ou:
            print 'Output file', output, 'is opened.'
            ou.write("# RunID   EvtID   RECON_File   MERIT_File")

            ncount = 0
            flag_break = False
            while line and flag_break is False:
                merit = line[:-1]
                print merit
                fileIn = ROOT.TFile.Open(merit)
                print fileIn.GetName(), 'is opened.'
                trIn = fileIn.Get('MeritTuple')
                print trIn.GetName(), 'is found.'
                for iEvt in range(trIn.GetEntries()):
                    if energy>=trIn.WP8CalOnlyEnergy*(1.-tol) and energy<trIn.WP8CalOnlyEnergy*(1.+tol) and costheta>=trIn.Cal1MomZDir*(1.-0.1) and costheta<trIn.Cal1MomZDir*(1.+0.1) and ( ( momcntrx is None or (abs(momcntrx)>=abs(trIn.Cal1MomXCntrCor)*(1.-tol) and abs(momcntrx)<abs(trIn.Cal1MomXCntrCor)*(1.+tol)) ) or ( momcntry is None or (abs(momcntry)>=abs(trIn.Cal1MomYCntrCor)*(1.-tol) and abs(momcntry)<abs(trIn.Cal1MomYCntrCor)*(1.+tol)) ) ) and trIn.FT1CalZenithTheta<=90.:
                        if calonly is False or (trIn.TkrNumTracks==0 or (math.log10(max(trIn.CalTrackAngle,1E-4)) > (0.529795)*(trIn.EvtJointLogEnergy < 3.000000)  + ((1.0)*((0.529795)*(1.0)+(-1.379791)*(pow((trIn.EvtJointLogEnergy-3.000000)/0.916667,1))+(0.583401)*(pow((trIn.EvtJointLogEnergy-3.000000)/0.916667,2))+(-0.075555)*(pow((trIn.EvtJointLogEnergy-3.000000)/0.916667,3))))*(trIn.EvtJointLogEnergy  >= 3.000000 and trIn.EvtJointLogEnergy <= 5.750000) + (-0.398962)*(trIn.EvtJointLogEnergy >  5.750000)) ):
                            if aHpxGalOFF is not None:
                                nhpx_evt = hppf.ang2pix(nhpside, math.pi/2.-math.radians(trIn.FT1CalDec), math.radians(trIn.FT1CalRa))
                                print nhpx_evt
                                if nhpx_evt in aHpxGalOFF:
{run} {evt} {reco} {meri}""".format(run=trIn.EvtRun, evt=trIn.EvtEventId, reco=merit.replace('merit', 'recon'), meri=merit))
                                    print ncount
                                    ncount += 1
{run} {evt} {reco} {meri}""".format(run=trIn.EvtRun, evt=trIn.EvtEventId, reco=merit.replace('merit', 'recon'), meri=merit))
                                print ncount, 'events found.'
                                ncount += 1
                    if ncount>maxnum:
                        print 'Number of selected events reached {0}.'.format(ncount)
                        flag_break = True
                line = inp.readline()
            print ''
            print 'Finished.'
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def azel_value(self, az=None, el=None, n=100):
        """ Get the :attr:`~nenupy.astro.hpxsky.HpxSky.skymap`
            values at ``az``, ``el`` coordinates.

            :param az:
                Azimuth in horizontal coordinates (degrees)
                Default: None
            :type az: `float`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            :param el:
                Elevation in horizontal coordinates (degrees)
                Default: None
            :type el: `float`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            :param n:
                Number of points to evaluate if one coordinate is `None`
                Default: 100
            :type n: `int`

            :returns: Sky map values at ``az``, ``el``
            :rtype: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        if (az is not None) and (el is not None):
        elif (az is not None) and (el is None):
            if isinstance(az, u.Quantity):
                az = az.to(u.deg).value
            az = np.ones(n) * az
            el = np.linspace(0, 90, n)
        elif (az is None) and (el is not None):
            if isinstance(el, u.Quantity):
                el = el.to(u.deg).value
            az = np.linspace(0, 360, n)
            el = np.ones(n) * el
            raise Exception('Give at least one coordinate')
        # Transform to RADEC
        altaz = AltAz(az=az * u.deg,
                      alt=el * u.deg,
        radec = altaz.transform_to(ICRS)
        # Get the indices
        indices = ang2pix(theta=radec.ra.deg,
        return self.skymap[indices]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_HEALPix_pixels(order, ra, dec, unique=True):
    """Work out what HEALPix a source is in

    :param order: order of HEALPix
    :param ra: Right Ascension
    :param dec: Declination
    :param unique: if unique is true, removes duplicate pixels
    :return: list of HEALPix pixels :rtype:
    HPX_D2R = np.pi / 180.0
    #Convert catalogue to polar co-ords in radians
    phi = ra * HPX_D2R
    theta = np.pi / 2.0 - dec * HPX_D2R
    #calculate what pixel each object is in
    ipix = pixelfunc.ang2pix(2**order, theta, phi, nest=True)
    #return unique pixels (i.e. remove duplicates)
    if unique is True:
        return np.unique(ipix)
        return ipix
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_HEALPix_pixels(order,ra,dec,unique=True):

    """Work out what HEALPix a source is in

    :param order: order of HEALPix
    :param ra: Right Ascension
    :param dec: Declination
    :param unique: if unique is true, removes duplicate pixels
    :return: list of HEALPix pixels :rtype:
    #Convert catalogue to polar co-ords in radians
    phi = ra*HPX_D2R
    theta = np.pi/2.0 - dec*HPX_D2R
    #calculate what pixel each object is in
    ipix = pixelfunc.ang2pix(2**order, theta, phi, nest=True)
    #return unique pixels (i.e. remove duplicates)
    if unique is True:
        return np.unique(ipix)
        return ipix
Ejemplo n.º 15
def fits2csv(fits_name):
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from astropy import table
    from astropy.io import fits
    import healpy.pixelfunc as pf

    hdulist = fits.open(fits_name)
    tbdata = hdulist[1].data
    ra = tbdata['RA']
    dec = tbdata['DEC']
    z = tbdata['Z']
    absmag = tbdata['AMAG']
    appmag = tbdata['OMAG']
    d = {
        'zobs': z.astype('float64'),
        'ra': ra.astype('float64'),
        'dec': dec.astype('float64'),
        'u_ab': absmag[:, 0].astype('float64'),
        'g_ab': absmag[:, 1].astype('float64'),
        'r_ab': absmag[:, 2].astype('float64'),
        'i_ab': absmag[:, 3].astype('float64'),
        'z_ab': absmag[:, 4].astype('float64'),
        'u_ap': appmag[:, 0].astype('float64'),
        'g_ap': appmag[:, 1].astype('float64'),
        'r_ap': appmag[:, 2].astype('float64'),
        'i_ap': appmag[:, 3].astype('float64'),
        'z_ap': appmag[:, 4].astype('float64')
    fit_table = table.Table(d)
    data = fit_table.to_pandas()
    data['big_pix'] = pf.ang2pix(32,
    return (data)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def desi(in_path, out_path):
    import time
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import healpy.pixelfunc as pf

    # Reading CSV
    t0 = time.time()
    var_names = [
        'id_galaxy_sam', 'id_galaxy_sky', 'zcos', 'zobs', 'BCDM', 'ra', 'dec',
        'u_ap', 'u_ab', 'g_ap', 'g_ab', 'r_ap', 'r_ab', 'i_ap', 'i_ab', 'z_ap',
    data = pd.read_csv(f'{in_path}DESI_LC.csv', header=None, names=var_names)
    data = data.drop(columns=['id_galaxy_sam', 'zcos', 'BCDM'])
    big_pixels = pf.ang2pix(32,
    big_pixel_ID = np.unique(big_pixels)

    # Saving CSV
    fnames = []
    for pix in big_pixel_ID:
        fname = f'{out_path}galaxies_GALFORM_{pix}.csv'
        data_subset = data.loc[big_pixels == pix]
        data_subset.to_csv(fname, index=False)

    t1 = time.time()
    print(f'Data prepared in {t1-t0} s')
    return (fnames)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def radec_value(self, ra=None, dec=None, n=100):
        """ Get the :attr:`~nenupy.astro.hpxsky.HpxSky.skymap`
            values at ``ra``, ``dec`` coordinates.

            :param ra:
                RA in equatorial coordinates (in degrees if `float`)
                Default: None
            :type ra: `float`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            :param dec:
                Declination in equatorial coordinates (in degrees if `float`)
                Default: None
            :type dec: `float`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            :param n:
                Number of points to evaluate if one coordinate is `None`
                Default: 100
            :type n: `int`

            :returns: Sky map values at ``ra``, ``dec``
            :rtype: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        if (ra is not None) and (dec is not None):
        elif (ra is not None) and (dec is None):
            if isinstance(ra, u.Quantity):
                ra = ra.to(u.deg).value
            ra = np.ones(n) * ra
            dec = np.linspace(0, 90, n)
        elif (ra is None) and (dec is not None):
            if isinstance(dec, u.Quantity):
                dec = dec.to(u.deg).value
            ra = np.linspace(0, 360, n)
            dec = np.ones(n) * dec
            raise Exception('Give at least one coordinate')
        # Get the indices
        indices = ang2pix(theta=ra, phi=dec, nside=self.nside, lonlat=True)
        return self.skymap[indices]
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def source_positions_ang(self, nbar):
        dx = self._healpix_deltax+1

        # Limit the range on the sky that we populate for efficiency
        maxtheta = self.get_maxtheta()
        angular_size = 2*np.pi*(1 - np.cos(maxtheta))

        ntot = np.random.poisson(nbar * angular_size)
        pos = np.zeros((2,ntot))

        ndone = 0
        nleft = ntot

        pixweights = dx / np.max(dx)
        overweight = len(pixweights)/np.sum(pixweights)

        while nleft > 0:
            theta, phi = randsphere(int(nleft*overweight), theta_range=(0,maxtheta))
            pix = pixelfunc.ang2pix(self.params['nside'], theta, phi)
            weights = pixweights[pix]

            rnd = np.random.random(len(theta))
            w, = np.where(rnd < weights)
            if w.size > 0:
                if w.size >  nleft:
                    theta = theta[w][:nleft]
                    phi = phi[w][:nleft]
                    theta = theta[w]
                    phi = phi[w]

                pos[:,ndone:ndone+min(w.size,nleft)] = np.array([theta,phi])

            ndone += w.size
            nleft -= w.size

        return pos
            wiener = S.dot(SNi)

            print "Applying Wiener filter...",
            w_solution = wiener.dot(raw_solution)

            ###adding back point source for plotting:
            if ps:
                for i in range(len(point_sources)):
                    ra, dec = point_sources[i]
                    theta = np.pi / 2 - dec
                    phi = ra
                        nside, theta, phi)] += raw_solution[12 * nside**2 + i]
                        nside, theta, phi)] += w_solution[12 * nside**2 + i]

                         title='Original map')
                         title='Wienered map')
            #if nside != nside_standard:
            #hpv.mollview(equatorial_GSM, min=0,max=5000,fig=2,title='mean map')
        wiener = S.dot(SNi)

        print "Applying Wiener filter...",
        w_solution = wiener.dot(solution)

        ###adding back point source:
        if ps:
            for i in range(len(point_sources)):
                ra, dec = point_sources[i]
                theta = np.pi/2 - dec
                phi = ra
                solution[hpf.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi)] += raw_solution[12*nside**2 + i]
                w_solution[hpf.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi)] += raw_solution[12*nside**2 + i]

        #hpv.mollview(equatorial_GSM_standard, min=0,max=5000,fig=1,title='Original map')
        #if nside != nside_standard:
            #hpv.mollview(equatorial_GSM, min=0,max=5000,fig=2,title='mean map')
        hpv.mollview(solution, min=0,max=5000,title='Raw solution, rcond = %i, noise = %i'%(np.log10(rcondA), np.log10(noise)))
        hpv.mollview(np.log10(np.abs(solution-equatorial_GSM)/equatorial_GSM), return_projected_map=True, min=-2, max=0,title='log10(relative error), rcond = %i, noise = %i'%(np.log10(rcondA), np.log10(noise)))
        hpv.mollview(w_solution, min=0,max=5000,title='Wiener solution, rcond = %i, noise = %i'%(np.log10(rcondA), np.log10(noise)))
        hpv.mollview(np.log10(np.abs(w_solution-equatorial_GSM)/equatorial_GSM), return_projected_map=True, min=-2, max=0,title='log10(relative error wiener), rcond = %i, noise = %i'%(np.log10(rcondA), np.log10(noise)))
        #hpv.mollview(solution/B.dot(equatorial_GSM_standard), min=0, max=3, fig=4,title='sol/mean')

        print " "
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def hpix(self, nside=64, nest=True):
     return ang2pix(nside, -self.dec.rad + pi / 2, self.ra.rad, nest)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test(temp, file_path):
    import time
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import healpy.pixelfunc as pf

    # DF definition
    filter_set = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z']
    filter_set = [f'{fs}_ap'
                  for fs in filter_set] + [f'{fs}_ab' for fs in filter_set]
    zrange = [[0.0, 0.3], [0.3, 0.6], [0.6, 0.9], [0.9, 1.2], [1.2, 2.5]]

    # Create galaxies
    temp = np.linspace(22.8, 24.8, 1000)
    temp = {f: temp for f in filter_set}
    temp['id_galaxy'] = np.arange(1000)

    # Position galaxies
    '''A ring order is used for this set.'''
    pix_region = pf.get_all_neighbours(32,
    pix_region = np.concatenate([
        np.array([pf.ang2pix(32, 90, 0, nest=False, lonlat=True)])
    pix_map = np.zeros(pf.nside2npix(32))
    pix_map[pix_region] = 1
    pix_map = pf.ud_grade(pix_map, 64, order_in='RING', order_out='RING')
    pix_region = np.arange(pf.nside2npix(64))[pix_map > 0]
    ra_region, dec_region = pf.pix2ang(64, pix_region, nest=False, lonlat=True)
    data = []
    for i in range(len(pix_region)):
        for j in range(len(zrange)):
            temp['ra'] = ra_region[i]
            temp['dec'] = dec_region[i]
            temp['zobs'] = (zrange[j][0] + zrange[j][1]) / 2
    data = pd.concat(data)
    big_pixels = pf.ang2pix(32,
    big_pixel_ID = np.unique(big_pixels)

    # File save
    fnames = []
    for pix in big_pixel_ID:
        fname = f'{file_path}galaxies_test_{pix}.csv'
        data_subset = data.loc[big_pixels == pix]
        data_subset.to_csv(fname, index=False)
    print('Test data created')
    return (fnames)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def model(self, TP_HTG_KING, HTG2_LIVETIME, NHPSIDE=256, THRESHOLD_ANGDIST=15, tpl_path_perf=('/nfs/farm/g/glast/u/mtakahas/v20r09p09_G1haB1/S18/S18V200909_020RAWE20ZDIR020ZCS000wwoTRKwoMCZDIR00woRWcatTwo_15/S18ZDIR020catTwoZDIR060_E28binx_Cth40bins_CalOnly_R100_perf.root', '/nfs/farm/g/glast/u/mtakahas/v20r09p09_G1haB1/S18/S18V200909_020RAWE20ZDIR020ZCS000wwoTRKwoMCZDIR00woRWcatTwo_15/S18ZDIR020catTwoZDIR060_E28binx_Cth40bins_CalOnly_R30_perf.root', '/nfs/farm/g/glast/u/mtakahas/v20r09p09_G1haB1/S18/S18V200909_020RAWE20ZDIR020ZCS000wwoTRKwoMCZDIR00woRWcatTwo_15/S18ZDIR020catTwoZDIR060_E28binx_Cth40bins_CalOnly_R10_perf.root'), aeff_regular=None):
        """Model the point source with the PSF of King function. Energy dispersion is ignored currently.
        PIX_TRUE = hppf.ang2pix(NHPSIDE, pi/2.-self.DEC_RAD, self.RA_RAD) # #Pixel the true position of the source locates in
        TP_DIR_TRUE = (pi/2.-self.DEC_RAD, self.RA_RAD)
        print 'NSIDE:', NHPSIDE
        NPIX = hppf.nside2npix(NHPSIDE)
        print NPIX, 'pixels.'
        print 'Pixel resolution:', degrees(hppf.nside2resol(NHPSIDE)), 'deg'
        sa_pix = hppf.nside2pixarea(NHPSIDE) # Solid angle of a pixel [sr]
        print 'Solid angle of each pixel:', sa_pix, 'sr'
        coo_src = SkyCoord(self.RA, self.DEC, unit="deg") # True coordinate of the source

        self.dctt_htg_sed_model_enr[NHPSIDE] = {}

        htg_aeff_regular = None
        if aeff_regular!=None:
            file_aeff_regular = ROOT.TFile(aeff_regular, 'READ')
            htg_aeff_regular = file_aeff_regular.Get('htgEaRegular')
            print htg_aeff_regular.GetName()

        # ROI
        set_pix_roi = set([])
        dict_angdist = {}
        for ipix in range(NPIX):
            tp_pix = hppf.pix2ang(NHPSIDE, ipix)
            dict_angdist[ipix] = hp.rotator.angdist(tp_pix, TP_DIR_TRUE) # Angular distance between the source and each pixel in radians
            if dict_angdist[ipix] < THRESHOLD_ANGDIST_RADIANS:

        print 'ROI pixels:', set_pix_roi

        HTG1_LT = HTG2_LIVETIME.ProjectionX("{0}_projTheta".format(HTG2_LIVETIME.GetName()), 1, HTG2_LIVETIME.GetYaxis().FindBin(self.ZENITH_CUT)-1)

        # Preparation of ON region setup
        dct_path_perf = {}
        dct_file_perf = {}
        dct_htg_psf95 = {}
        dct_htg_acc = {}
        # PSF
        fc_King_annulus = ROOT.TF1("fc_King_annulus", "TMath::Sin(x)*[0]*(1.-1./[2])*pow(1.+(x/[1])**2/2./[2],-[2])/[1]**2", 0, pi)
        fc_King = ROOT.TF1("fc_King", "[0]*(1.-1./[2])*pow(1.+(x/[1])**2/2./[2],-[2])/2./TMath::Pi()/[1]**2", 0, pi)

        for (icla,cla) in enumerate(self.TPL_STR_CLASS):
            print '======================='
            print cla
            print '======================='

            dct_path_perf[cla] = tpl_path_perf[icla]
            dct_file_perf[cla] = ROOT.TFile(dct_path_perf[cla], 'READ')
            dct_htg_psf95[cla] = dct_file_perf[cla].Get('psf_q95_hist')
            dct_htg_acc[cla] = dct_file_perf[cla].Get('acc_cth_hist')

            htg2_model = ROOT.TH2D("htg2_model_{0}_NSIDE{1}".format(cla, NHPSIDE), "Model of {0} {1} (NSIDE={2})".format(cla, self.NAME, NHPSIDE), NPIX, 0, NPIX, self.NBIN_ENERGY, self.EDGE_ENERGY_LOW, self.EDGE_ENERGY_UP)
            htg2_model_on = htg2_model.Clone('{0}_ON'.format(htg2_model.GetName()))
            htg_sed_model = ROOT.TH2D('htg_sed_model_{0}'.format(cla), 'SED model of {0} {1}'.format(cla, self.NAME), self.HTG_SED.GetNbinsX(), self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), dct_htg_acc[cla].GetNbinsY(), dct_htg_acc[cla].GetYaxis().GetXmin(), dct_htg_acc[cla].GetYaxis().GetXmax())

            for iEne in range(1, self.HTG_SED.GetNbinsX()+1):
                print 'Energy:', self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(iEne), '-', self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(iEne)
                flux_true_itgl = self.HTG_SED.GetBinContent(iEne)
                fluxerr_true_itgl = self.HTG_SED.GetBinError(iEne)
                print '  Flux:', flux_true_itgl, '+/-', fluxerr_true_itgl, '[photons cm^-2 s^-1]'
                for iTh in range(1, HTG1_LT.GetNbinsX()+1):
                    scale_aeff = dct_htg_acc[cla].GetBinContent(dct_htg_acc[cla].GetXaxis().FindBin(self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(iEne)), dct_htg_acc[cla].GetYaxis().FindBin(HTG1_LT.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(iTh))) / (2*math.pi*dct_htg_acc[cla].GetYaxis().GetBinWidth(dct_htg_acc[cla].GetYaxis().FindBin(HTG1_LT.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(iTh)))) # Effective area [m^2]
                    if htg_aeff_regular!=None:
                        #print '=-=-=-=-='
                        #print scale_aeff
                        scale_aeff = scale_aeff + htg_aeff_regular.GetBinContent(htg_aeff_regular.GetXaxis().FindBin(10**self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(iEne)), htg_aeff_regular.GetYaxis().FindBin(HTG1_LT.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(iTh)))
                        #print scale_aeff
                    scale_exp = scale_aeff * 100.**2 * HTG1_LT.GetBinContent(iTh) # Integrated exposure value for a certain energy and inclination angle [cm^2 s]
                    nphoton = flux_true_itgl*scale_exp
                    nphotonerr = fluxerr_true_itgl*scale_exp
                    htg_sed_model.Fill(htg_sed_model.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(iEne), htg_sed_model.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(iTh), nphoton)
                    kxbin = TP_HTG_KING[0].GetXaxis().FindBin(self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(iEne))
                    kybin = TP_HTG_KING[0].GetYaxis().FindBin(HTG1_LT.GetBinCenter(iTh))
                    if nphoton>0 and kxbin>0 and kybin>0:
                        print '  cos(Inclination angle):', HTG1_LT.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(iTh), '-', HTG1_LT.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(iTh)
                        print '    Effective area:', scale_aeff, 'm^2'
                        print '    Exposure:', scale_exp, 'cm^2 s'
                        print '    Number of photons:', nphoton, '+/-', nphotonerr
                        print ''
                        for ipar in range(3): # Setting the parameters of King function
                        # PSF
                            par_value = TP_HTG_KING[ipar].GetBinContent(kxbin, kybin)
                            #print '    Parameter No.{0}:'.format(ipar), par_value
                            fc_King_annulus.FixParameter(ipar, par_value)
                            fc_King.FixParameter(ipar, par_value)
                        factor_norm = 1.0/fc_King_annulus.Integral(0, pi)
                        #print '    Normalization factor:', factor_norm
                        for ipix in set_pix_roi:
                            scale_psf = fc_King.Eval(dict_angdist[ipix])
                            htg2_model.Fill(ipix+0.5, htg2_model.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(iEne), nphoton*scale_psf*factor_norm*sa_pix)
#                        for cla in self.TPL_STR_CLASS:
                            deg_psf95 = dct_htg_psf95[cla].GetBinContent(dct_htg_psf95[cla].FindBin(self.HTG_SED.GetBinCenter(iEne)))
                            if radians(min(15, deg_psf95))>dict_angdist[ipix]:
                                htg2_model_on.SetBinContent(ipix, iEne, 1)
                                htg2_model_on.SetBinContent(ipix, iEne, 0)
                    if self.HTG_SED.GetBinContent(iEne)!=0:
                        htg_sed_model.SetBinError(iEne, iTh, self.HTG_SED.GetBinError(iEne)/self.HTG_SED.GetBinContent(iEne)*htg_sed_model.GetBinContent(iEne, iTh))
                        htg_sed_model.SetBinError(iEne, iTh, 0)

            print htg2_model_on.Integral()
            for ienr in range(1, htg2_model_on.GetYaxis().GetNbins()+1):
                for ipix in range(1, htg2_model_on.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1):
                    content = htg2_model.GetBinContent(ipix, ienr)
                    content_err = htg2_model.GetBinError(ipix, ienr)
                    content_on = htg2_model_on.GetBinContent(ipix, ienr)
                    if content>0:
                        htg2_model_on.SetBinError(ipix, ienr, content_err*content_on/content)
                        htg2_model_on.SetBinError(ipix, ienr, 0)
            print htg2_model_on.Integral()
            htg_sed_model_on = htg2_model_on.ProjectionY('{0}_ON'.format(htg_sed_model.GetName()))
            print 'ON photon number:', htg_sed_model_on.Integral()

            htg_sed_model_enr = htg_sed_model.ProjectionX('{0}_projEnergy'.format(htg_sed_model.GetName()))
            for ienr in range(1, htg_sed_model_on.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1):
                content = htg_sed_model_enr.GetBinContent(ienr)
                content_err = htg_sed_model_enr.GetBinError(ienr)
                content_on = htg_sed_model_on.GetBinContent(ienr)
                if content>0:
                    htg_sed_model_on.SetBinError(ienr, content_err*content_on/content)
                    htg_sed_model_on.SetBinError(ienr, 0)

            print 'Making map...'
            arr_map = []
            arr_map_energy = []
            for iEne in range(0, self.HTG_SED.GetNbinsX()+1):
                if iEne>0:
                    arr_map_energy.append((self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(iEne), self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(iEne)))
                    for ipix in range(htg2_model.GetXaxis().GetNbins()):
                        if ipix in set_pix_roi:
                            arr_map[-1].append(htg2_model.GetBinContent(ipix+1, iEne))
                    arr_map_energy.append((self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1), self.HTG_SED.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(self.HTG_SED.GetNbinsX())))
                    for ipix in range(htg2_model.GetXaxis().GetNbins()):
                        if ipix in set_pix_roi:
                            arr_map[-1].append(htg2_model.Integral(ipix+1, ipix+1, 1, htg2_model.GetNbinsY()))

                    print '  Energy:', arr_map_energy[-1][0], '-', arr_map_energy[-1][1]
                    nparr_map = np.array(arr_map[-1]) # Take this energy bin
                    hp.visufunc.cartview(nparr_map, iEne, self.tp_rotate, unit='cm^-2 s^-1 / {0:.1E} sr'.format(sa_pix), lonra=[-THRESHOLD_ANGDIST, THRESHOLD_ANGDIST], latra=[-THRESHOLD_ANGDIST, THRESHOLD_ANGDIST], title='{0} ({1:.3f} - {2:.3f} GeV)'.format(self.NAME, pow(10, arr_map_energy[-1][0]-3), pow(10, arr_map_energy[-1][1]-3)), min=0, flip='astro')
                    plt.savefig("png/Model-{0}_{1}_NSIDE{2}_{3}-{4}.png".format(self.NAME, cla, NHPSIDE, int(100*arr_map_energy[-1][0]+0.5), int(100*arr_map_energy[-1][1]+0.5)))
            self.dctt_htg_sed_model_enr[NHPSIDE][cla] = copy.copy(htg_sed_model_enr)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def main():
    global isNearest
    global maxgalid
    global db_flag
    global atc_flag

    if args.verbose > 0:
        print 'verbose = ', args.verbose

    if args.testdb > 0:
        sngals_file = 'SNGALS_TEST'
        sngals_file_id = 'COADD_OBJECTS_ID'  #'OBJECTS_ID'
        sngals_file = 'SNGALS'
        sngals_file_id = 'OBJECTS_ID'  # 'COADD_OBJECTS_ID'

    start_time = time.time()

    hostname = 'leovip148.ncsa.uiuc.edu'
    port = 1521
    dbname = args.dbname
    username = args.username
    password = args.password

    dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(hostname, port, service_name=dbname)
    connection = cx_Oracle.Connection(username, password, dsn)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    #----------- Query all transients that have no entry in the SNGALS table. ---------------------
    # ---------- These are the galaxies we are to host-match --------------------------------------

    query = (
        "SELECT c.transient_name, c.SNID, c.ra, c.dec, "
        #"substr(c.transient_name,6,2), FIELD "
        "from SNCAND c LEFT JOIN SNGALS g on c.SNID=g.SNID "
        "where c.transient_name is not NULL "
        "and c.transient_status >= 0 and c.snfake_id = 0 "
        "and g.SNGALID is NULL ")

    query_new = (
        "SELECT c.transient_name, c.SNID, c.ra, c.dec "
        #"c.FIELD as field "
        "from SNCAND c LEFT JOIN " + sngals_file + " g on c.SNID=g.SNID "
        #TO BE PUT BACK LATER! "where c.numepochs_ml>=1 and c.numobs_ml>=2 "
        "where (c.transient_status is NULL or c.transient_status >=0) "
        "and c.snfake_id=0 and c.cand_type >=0 "
        "and g.SNGALID is NULL "
        #"and g.SNGALID is NULL and c.FIELD is not NULL ")
        "and c.season=" + str(args.season) + " ")

    #print query_new
    data = cursor.fetchall()

    if args.verbose > 0:
        print "Number of DES Candidates to match = ", len(data)

    #Sort by field to lessen memory issues on loading large files
    if len(data) > 0:
        #data.sort(key=lambda x:x[4])
        data = np.array(data)
        print "WARNING:"
        print "The list of galaxies to host match is empty."
        print "The query below has failed:"
        print query_new
        print "This could be due to a previous successful run."
        print "If you wish to rerun, please clear the database using the following command:"
        print "delete from SNGALS where season=" + str(args.season) + ';'

    #------------ Query the maximum SNGALID to start counting with --------------------------------

    query = "SELECT max(SNGALID) from " + sngals_file

    galmax = cursor.fetchall()

    if galmax[0][0] is None:
        maxgalid = 0
        maxgalid = galmax[0][0]

    if args.verbose > 0:
        print "Max GALID = ", maxgalid

    #------------- Select all field names where a transient is ------------------------------------
    #------------- lacking an identified host and requires matching -------------------------------

    ra_cand = np.array(data[:, 2], dtype=float)
    dec_cand = np.array(data[:, 3], dtype=float)
    idx = [ra_cand < 0.0]
    ra_cand[idx] = ra_cand[idx] + 360.
    ra_cand = ra_cand * pi / 180.
    dec_cand = (90. - dec_cand) * pi / 180.
    pix = ang2pix(32, dec_cand, ra_cand)
    fields_cands = np.array(pix)
    fields = np.unique(pix)

    #------------- Select all the host galaxies that have already been assigned -------------------
    #------------- to a transient; this way we reassign the same SNGALID if one -------------------
    #------------- has previously been used -------------------------------------------------------

    query = ("select SNID, " + sngals_file_id + " , SNGALID from " +
             sngals_file + " where " + sngals_file_id + " is not NULL")

    temp = cursor.fetchall()
    temp = np.array(temp)

    current_host = np.zeros(np.sum(max(len(temp),1)), \
                            dtype={'names':['SNID','SNGALID','COADD_ID'], \

    if args.verbose > 0:
        print 'Number of objects currently in SNGALS:  ', len(temp)

    if len(temp):
        current_host['SNID'] = temp[:, 0]
        current_host['COADD_ID'] = temp[:, 1]
        current_host['SNGALID'] = temp[:, 2]
        current_host['SNID'] = -1
        current_host['COADD_ID'] = -1
        current_host['SNGALID'] = -1

    #------------- Loop through the data, querying for nearby galaxies ----------------------------
    #------------- and writing results to the database --------------------------------------------

    for thisField in fields:
        if args.verbose > 0:
            print "Starting field = ", thisField

        # Find all candidates in this field ...
        NCands = 0
        if len(data) > 0:
            index = np.where(pix == thisField)
            index = [s for s in data[index]]
            NCands = len(index)
            pix_edges = get_all_neighbours(32, thisField)

        if args.verbose > 0:
            print "\t", NCands, " entries to match in this field"

        if NCands > 0:
            # Read in field catalog using 'loadtxt' and store relevant data to an array
            if thisField < 10000:
                filename = INPUT_DIR + "GW_cat_hpx_0" + str(
                    thisField) + ".fits"
                filename = INPUT_DIR + "GW_cat_hpx_" + str(thisField) + ".fits"
            if args.verbose > 0:
                print "\tReading in catalog from file . . . . \n"
                print filename + '\n'

            h = fits.open(filename)
            cat = h[1].data

            for pix_edge in pix_edges:
                if pix_edge < 10000:
                    filename = INPUT_DIR + "GW_cat_hpx_0" + str(
                        pix_edge) + ".fits"
                    filename = INPUT_DIR + "GW_cat_hpx_" + str(
                        pix_edge) + ".fits"
                h = fits.open(filename)
                cat_edge = h[1].data
                cat = np.concatenate((cat, cat_edge))
#            cat = np.loadtxt(filename, \
#                                 dtype={'names': ('COADD_OBJECTS_ID','RA','DEC','PHOTOZ','PHOTOZ_ERR', \
#                                                      'MAG_AUTO_G','MAG_AUTO_R','MAG_AUTO_I','MAG_AUTO_Z', \
#                                                      'MAGERR_AUTO_G','MAGERR_AUTO_R','MAGERR_AUTO_I', \
#                                                      'MAGERR_AUTO_Z','MAG_APER_4_G','MAG_APER_4_R',   \
#                                                      'MAG_APER_4_I','MAG_APER_4_Z','MAGERR_APER_4_G', \
#                                                      'MAGERR_APER_4_R','MAGERR_APER_4_I','MAGERR_APER_4_Z', \
#                                                      'MAG_DETMODEL_G','MAG_DETMODEL_R','MAG_DETMODEL_I', \
#                                                      'MAG_DETMODEL_Z','MAGERR_DETMODEL_G', \
#                                                      'MAGERR_DETMODEL_R','MAGERR_DETMODEL_I',\
#                                                      'MAGERR_DETMODEL_Z','THETA_IMAGE','A_IMAGE','B_IMAGE', \
#                                                      'GALFLAG','CATALOG'), 'formats': \
#                                            ('S12','f8','f8','f8','f8','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10', \
#                                                 'S10','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10', \
#                                                 'S10','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10','S10',\
#                                                 'f8','f8','f8','f4','S12')}, \
#                                 skiprows=1, usecols=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,\
#                                                          20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33])

            if args.verbose > 0:
                print "\tCatalog contains", cat.shape[0], "rows\n"

            #Begin Loop...
            for i, entry in enumerate(index):  #this will not work

                transient_name = entry[0]
                if transient_name is None:
                    transient_name = 'NULL'

                SNID = entry[1]
                ra = float(entry[2])
                dec = float(entry[3])
                #field          = entry[4]

                if args.verbose > 0:
                    print '\ni=', i, entry[0], entry[
                        1], '(RA, dec) = (', ra, ',', dec, ')'

                # First pass search over a box
                jndex = (cat['RA'] > ra - farc/math.cos(dec*rad) ) & \
                    (cat['RA'] < ra + farc/math.cos(dec*rad) ) & \
                    (cat['DEC'] > dec - farc) & (cat['DEC'] < dec + farc)

                # store all catalog objects within tolerance in a temporary array
                array = cat[jndex]
                #Keep track of whether a host has been assigned for this object.
                #If not, mark as hostless in SNGALS to prevent repeated searches
                #for this candidate on subsequent runs.
                hostlessFlag = 1

                if len(array) > 0:

                    # distance to SN in arcsec
                    dist = 3600. * np.sqrt( ( np.cos( dec*rad ) * ( array['RA'] - ra ) )**2 + \
                                                ( array['DEC'] - dec )**2 )

                    # Check if galaxies are within search radius
                    circle = dist < search

                    if np.sum(circle) > 0:
                        # define structured array containing potential host info
                        hostinfo = np.zeros(np.sum(circle), \
                                                dtype={'names':['transient_name','SNID','SNGALID', \
                                                                    'COADD_ID','RA','DEC','sep','DLR', \
                                                                    'rank','host', 'X2','Y2','XY','A','B', \
                                                           'formats':['S12','S8','S8','S20','f8','f8','f8', \

                        hostinfo['transient_name'][:] = transient_name
                        hostinfo['SNID'][:] = SNID

                        hostinfo['sep'] = dist[circle]  # SN-galaxy separation

                        hostinfo['COADD_ID'] = array['ID'][circle]
                        hostinfo['RA'] = array['RA'][circle]
                        hostinfo['DEC'] = array['DEC'][circle]
                        hostinfo['A_IMAGE'] = array['A'][circle]
                        hostinfo['B_IMAGE'] = array['B'][circle]
                        hostinfo['THETA_IMAGE'] = array['THETA'][circle]
                        #print array.shape,hostinfo['COADD_ID']
                        #Deprecated until these parameters are included in DESDM catalogs
                        #hostinfo['X2']               = array['X2WIN_IMAGE'][circle]
                        #hostinfo['Y2']               = array['Y2WIN_IMAGE'][circle]
                        #hostinfo['XY']               = array['XYWIN_IMAGE'][circle]

                        # Compute d_DLR for all potential hosts
                        retval =  hma.get_DLR_ABT( ra, dec, hostinfo['RA'], hostinfo['DEC'],\
                                                       hostinfo['A_IMAGE'], hostinfo['B_IMAGE'], \
                                                       hostinfo['THETA_IMAGE'], hostinfo['sep'] )

                        hostinfo['DLR'] = retval[0]
                        hostinfo['A'] = retval[1]
                        hostinfo['B'] = retval[2]
                        hostinfo['rPHI'] = retval[3]

                        # Compute HOST_CONFUSION parameter and insert into SNCAND # RRG
                        #HC = hma.compute_HC(hostinfo['DLR'])
                        #if args.verbose > 0:
                        #    print "\tHOST_CONFUSION = ", HC
                        #query_HC = ("UPDATE SNCAND SET HOST_CONFUSION = {0} "
                        #            "WHERE SNID={1}").format(HC, SNID)
                        #if not args.test:
                        #    cursor.execute(query_HC)
                        #    connection.commit()

                        # continue # RRG -- skip the host matching part

                        #-------------- Order by Angular Separation -----------------------------------
                        #-------------- Results are output to file, and compared to -------------------
                        #---------------DLR, but are not written to database --------------------------


                        for k in range(0, len(hostinfo)):
                            # rank ordered galaxies
                            hostinfo['rank'][k] = k + 1

                            s = (
                                "{:10s}  {:7s}   {:30s}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}   "
                                "{:10.5f}   {:8.4f}   {:8.4f}   {:8.4f}   {:d}\n"
                            s = s.format(hostinfo['transient_name'][k], hostinfo['SNID'][k], \
                                             hostinfo['COADD_ID'][k], hostinfo['RA'][k], \
                                             hostinfo['DEC'][k], hostinfo['sep'][k], hostinfo['DLR'][k], \
                                             hostinfo['A'][k], hostinfo['B'][k], \
                                             hostinfo['rPHI'][k], hostinfo['rank'][k])

                            if args.verbose > 1:
                                print '\tSep: ',k, hostinfo['sep'][k], hostinfo['DLR'][k], \
                                    hostinfo['rank'][k], hostinfo['X2'][k], hostinfo['Y2'][k], \


                        if hostinfo['DLR'][0] == 99.99:
                            # if nearest ordered DLR host has DLR = 99.99,
                            # default to nearest separation

                        # Write to file_mismatch if host by angular separation and DLR are different
                        # Write both galaxies

                        if hostinfo['rank'][
                                0] == 1:  # smallest DLR is already nearest galaxy
                            isNearest += 1  # increment counter for this case
                            # write smallest angular separation object
                            r = np.where(hostinfo['rank'] == 1)
                            s = (
                                "{:10s}  {:7s}   {:30s}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}  "
                                "{:8.4f}   {:8.4f}   {:8.4f}   {:d}\n")
                            s = s.format( hostinfo['transient_name'][r[0][0]], \
                                              hostinfo['SNID'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['COADD_ID'][r[0][0]], \
                                              hostinfo['RA'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['DEC'][r[0][0]], \
                                              hostinfo['sep'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['DLR'][r[0][0]], \
                                              hostinfo['A'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['B'][r[0][0]], \
                                              hostinfo['rPHI'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['rank'][r[0][0]] )

                                'rank'][:] = 0  # reset all to 0 to clear the nearest galaxy
                                0] = 1  # set smallest DLR to have host=1

                            # write smallest DLR object
                            r = np.where(hostinfo['rank'] == 1)
                            s = (
                                "{:10s}  {:7s}   {:30s}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}  "
                                "{:8.4f}   {:8.4f}   {:8.4f}   {:d}\n")
                            s = s.format(hostinfo['transient_name'][r[0][0]], \
                                             hostinfo['SNID'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['COADD_ID'][r[0][0]], \
                                             hostinfo['RA'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['DEC'][r[0][0]], \
                                             hostinfo['sep'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['DLR'][r[0][0]], \
                                             hostinfo['A'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['B'][r[0][0]], \
                                             hostinfo['rPHI'][r[0][0]], hostinfo['rank'][r[0][0]] )

                        #------------------ Now go through each galaxy by DLR -------------------------
                        #------------------ (already sorted above) and write to file, -----------------
                        #------------------ write to DB, ngest into ATC, and tag there ----------------

                        for k in range(0, len(hostinfo)):
                            # rank ordered galaxies
                            if hostinfo['DLR'][k] < DLR_cut:
                                hostinfo['rank'][k] = k + 1
                                # assign negative rank if fails DLR cut
                                hostinfo['rank'][k] = (k + 1) * -1

                            if hostinfo['rank'][k] == 1:
                                # assign 'host'=1 only if 'rank'=1, else 'host'=0
                                hostinfo['host'][k] = 1
                                hostinfo['host'][k] = 0

                            s = (
                                "{:10s}  {:7s}   {:30s}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}   {:10.5f}  "
                                "{:8.4f}   {:8.4f}   {:8.4f}   {:3d}    {:d}\n"
                            s = s.format(hostinfo['transient_name'][k], hostinfo['SNID'][k], \
                                             hostinfo['COADD_ID'][k], hostinfo['RA'][k], \
                                             hostinfo['DEC'][k], hostinfo['sep'][k], hostinfo['DLR'][k], \
                                             hostinfo['A'][k], hostinfo['B'][k], hostinfo['rPHI'][k], \
                                             hostinfo['rank'][k], hostinfo['host'][k] )

                            if args.verbose > 1:
                                print '\tDLR: ',k, hostinfo['sep'][k], hostinfo['DLR'][k], \
                                    hostinfo['host'][k],hostinfo['X2'][k], hostinfo['Y2'][k], \

                            # Only write top 3 ranked galaxies to file/DB
                            if k < 3:
                                # ---------------- Write to File --------------------------------------

                                # ---------------- Write to Database ----------------------------------
                                temp_galid = 0
                                db_status = 0

                                # Does this galaxy already exist in the DB?
                                kndex = np.where(current_host['COADD_ID'] ==

                                if len(kndex[0]) > 0:
                                    temp_galid = current_host['SNGALID'][
                                    maxgalid += 1
                                    temp_galid = maxgalid
#print array
                                kndex = np.where(array['ID'][:] == int(
                                tt = kndex[0][0]
                                #hostname = hostinfo['SURVEY'][k] + "_ID-" + str(array['ID'][tt])

                                query = (
                                    "INSERT INTO " + sngals_file + " ( " +
                                    sngals_file_id + ", RA, DEC, PHOTOZ, "
                                    "PHOTOZ_ERR, MAG_AUTO_I, "
                                    "THETA_IMAGE, A_IMAGE, B_IMAGE, "
                                    "SNID, TRANSIENT_NAME, SNGALID, SEPARATION, "
                                    "DLR_RANK, HOST, SEASON, SURVEY,MAG_APER_4_I ) "  #Add DLR again once the a b issues are fixed
                                    "VALUES ("
                                    "{13},{14},{15},{16},{17} )")

                                # The Galaxy Catalogs use 99.999 for mag uncertainties.
                                # We have an upper limit of 9.999.
                                # Here's a very stupid fix to that.

                                #if float(array['MAGERR_AUTO_G'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_AUTO_G'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_AUTO_R'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_AUTO_R'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_AUTO_I'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_AUTO_I'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_AUTO_Z'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_AUTO_Z'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_APER_4_G'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_APER_4_G'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_APER_4_R'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_APER_4_R'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_APER_4_I'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_APER_4_I'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_APER_4_Z'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_APER_4_Z'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_DETMODEL_G'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_DETMODEL_G'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_DETMODEL_R'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_DETMODEL_R'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_DETMODEL_I'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_DETMODEL_I'][tt] = 9.000
                                #if float(array['MAGERR_DETMODEL_Z'][tt]) >= 10:
                                #    array['MAGERR_DETMODEL_Z'][tt] = 9.000

                                # Now execute query
                                query = query.format(array['ID'][tt],array['RA'][tt],\

                                if args.verbose > 0:
                                    print hostinfo['SNID'][k],hostinfo['transient_name'][k],\

                                dbstring = 'SN: {0:<12}{1:<16}{2:<16}{3:<12}{4:<12}{5:>10}{6:>7}\n'
                                hostlessFlag = 0
                                    if not args.test:
                                        db_status = 0
                                    db_status = 1
                                    #db_flag   += 1
                                #print hostlessFlag

                                        array['ID'][tt], array['RA'][tt],
                                        array['DEC'][tt], hostinfo['rank'][k],

                                #-------------------- Ingest to ATC (if not star ) --------------------

                                #if int(array['GALFLAG'][tt]) == 1:

                                #    atcstring = 'SN: {0:<12}{1:<25}{2:<16.8f}{3:<16.8f}{4:<7d}\n'
                                #    atc_status = 0

                                #Only ingest the host galaxies if a) we set the ingest flag, and
                                # b) the object the galaxies are associated with have a name.
                                # While this latter step is not strictly necessary, it saves time
                                # by avoiding ingesting lots of unneccesary entries.
                                #if args.atc and transient_name != 'NULL':

                                #    try:
                                #        host_incept = atcfuncs.create_incept_post(hostname,
                                #                                                  array['RA'][tt],
                                #                                                  array['DEC'][tt])
                                #    except:
                                #        atc_status += 1

                                #    try:
                                #       out = atcfuncs.send_posts(host_incept,
                                #                                  test_mode = args.test)
                                #        if args.verbose > 0:
                                #            print ('Successfully ingested host of ' +
                                #                   hostinfo['transient_name'][k] +
                                #                   ' as galaxy ' + hostname )
                                #    except:
                                #        # Assumes that all ATC post errors are due to the
                                #        # host galaxy already existing in the DB.
                                #        print ('WARNING:  ' + hostinfo['transient_name'][k] +
                                #               ' host ' + hostname + ' already exists in ATC.')
                                #    if int(hostinfo['rank'][k]) == 1:
                                #        host_tag = atcfuncs.create_host_post(
                                #            hostinfo['transient_name'][k],hostname
                                #            )

                                #        try:
                                #            out = atcfuncs.send_posts(host_tag,
                                #                                      test_mode = args.test)
                                #        except:
                                #            print ('WARNING:  unable to tag transient ' +
                                #                   hostinfo['transient_name'][k] +
                                #                   ' with host ' + hostname )
                                #            atc_status += 2
                                #    # If there is no attempt to write to the ATC, then candidates
                                #    # by definition remain to be uploaded
                                #    atc_status += 4

                                #if atc_status > 0 and transient_name != 'NULL':
                                #    atc_flag += 1
                                #If the atc_status flag is set, we print a failure warning
                                #UNLESS the SN candidate the host is matched to has no name,
                                #  in which case there is nowhere to upload to.

                                # Write to logfile for potential later ingestion
                                #logfile_atc.write( atcstring.format( transient_name,
                                #                                    hostname, array['RA'][tt],
                                #                                    array['DEC'][tt], atc_status ) )

                #At this point we know whether the hostlessFlag has been updated, or if the SNID
                # has no matching host galaxy.  If there is none, update with -1 values
                if hostlessFlag:
                    nohost_GALID = -1
                    nohost_RANK = 0

                    query = (
                        "INSERT INTO " + sngals_file +
                        " (SNID, TRANSIENT_NAME, SNGALID, DLR_RANK) VALUES "
                        " ({0}, '{1}', {2}, {3}) ")
                    query = query.format(SNID, transient_name, nohost_GALID,
                    print query

                    #if args.verbose > 0:
                    #    print SNID, transient_name,' NO HOST'

                    dbstring = 'SN: {0:<12}{1:<16}{2:<16}{3:<12}{4:<12}{5:>10}{6:>7}\n'

                        if not args.test:
                            db_status = 0
                        db_status = 1
                        #db_flag   += 1
#### I have added this line as it was giving error (didn't know what to put as db_status in logfile_db.write)
                    if args.test:
                        db_status = 1

                        dbstring.format(SNID, transient_name, 'N/A', 'N/A',
                                        'N/A', 0, db_status))

    #------------------- Summarize and close log files; Post to ATC ---------------
    print 'db_flag ', db_flag

    if db_flag == 0:
        logfile_db.write('#HostMatch Database Update:  SUCCESS\n')
        print 'HostMatch Database Update:  SUCCESS'
        logfile_db.write('#HostMatch Database Update:  FAILURE '
                         'on {} uploads\n'.format(db_flag))
        logfile_db.write('#Re-run HostMatch.  No input files needed.\n')
        print 'HostMatch Database Update:  FAILURE '

    #if (args.atc and atc_flag == 0):
    #    logfile_atc.write('#HostMatch ATC Posting & Tagging:  SUCCESS\n')

    #    if args.atc:
    #        logfile_atc.write('#HostMatch ATC Posting & Tagging:  FAILURE '
    #                          'on {} posts\n'.format(atc_flag))
    #        print 'HostMatch ATC Posting & Tagging:  FAILURE'
    #    else:
    logfile_atc.write('#HostMatchATC Posting & Tagging:  SKIPPED '
                      'on ALL posts\n')
    print 'HostMatch ATC Posting & Tagging:  SKIPPED'

    logfile_atc.write('#Re-run with --input flag set and input file:\n')
    print 'Run with desHostMatchFix with input file set as {0}'.format(

    if args.test:
            '#...Except this was only a TEST, so nothing has REALLY happened!\n'
        print '...Except this was only a TEST, so nothing has REALLY happened!'



Ejemplo n.º 25
 def a2p(radec):
     return ang2pix(nside, radec[0], radec[1], nest=True, lonlat=True)
Ejemplo n.º 26
        ubl for ubl in infoubl
        if la.norm(ubl) < inclusion_thresh * (nside_target * 299.792458 / freq)
print "%i UBLs to include" % len(ubls)

if len(tlist) * len(ubls) < 12 * nside**2:
    for i in range(5):
        print 'Not enough degree of freedom! %i*%i<%i.' % (
            len(tlist), len(ubls), 12 * nside**2)

A = np.empty((len(tlist) * len(ubls), nps), dtype='complex64')
for i in range(nps):
    ra, dec = point_sources[i]
    theta = np.pi / 2 - dec
    phi = ra
    theta_heal, phi_heal = hpf.pix2ang(nside, hpf.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi))

    A[:, i] = np.array([
                                            np.pi / 2. - theta_heal,
                                            tlist=tlist) for d in ubls
print float(time.time() - timer) / 60.
if all_ubl:
    A.tofile('/home/omniscope/data/GSM_data/AmatrixPS_allubl_nside%i_%iby%i_' %
             (nside, len(A), len(A[0])) + infofile.split('/')[-1])
    A.tofile('/home/omniscope/data/GSM_data/AmatrixPS_%iubl_nside%i_%iby%i_' %
vs.initial_zenith = np.array([0, lat_degree*np.pi/180])#self.zenithequ
beam_heal_equ = np.array(sv.rotate_healpixmap(beam_healpix, 0, np.pi/2 - vs.initial_zenith[1], vs.initial_zenith[0]))
timer = time.time()

if all_ubl:
    ubls = infoubl
    ubls = [ubl for ubl in infoubl if la.norm(ubl) < inclusion_thresh * (nside_target * 299.792458 / freq)]
print "%i UBLs to include"%len(ubls)

if len(tlist)*len(ubls) < 12*nside**2:
    for i in range(5):
        print 'Not enough degree of freedom! %i*%i<%i.'%(len(tlist), len(ubls), 12*nside**2)

A = np.empty((len(tlist)*len(ubls), nps), dtype='complex64')
for i in range(nps):
    ra, dec = point_sources[i]
    theta = np.pi/2 - dec
    phi = ra
    theta_heal, phi_heal = hpf.pix2ang(nside, hpf.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi))

    A[:, i] = np.array([vs.calculate_pointsource_visibility(phi_heal, np.pi/2.-theta_heal, d, freq, beam_heal_equ = beam_heal_equ, tlist = tlist) for d in ubls]).flatten()
print float(time.time()-timer)/60.
if all_ubl:
    A.tofile('/home/omniscope/data/GSM_data/AmatrixPS_allubl_nside%i_%iby%i_'%(nside, len(A), len(A[0])) + infofile.split('/')[-1])
    A.tofile('/home/omniscope/data/GSM_data/AmatrixPS_%iubl_nside%i_%iby%i_'%(len(ubls), nside, len(A), len(A[0])) + infofile.split('/')[-1])

Ejemplo n.º 28
def _catalog_to_cells_neighbor(catalog, radius, order):
    Convert a catalog to a list of cells.

    This is the original implementation of the `catalog_to_cells`
    function which does not make use of the Healpy `query_disc` routine.

    Note: this function uses a simple flood-filling approach and is
    very slow, especially when used with a large radius for catalog objects
    or a high resolution order.

    if not isinstance(radius, Quantity):
        radius = radius * arcsecond

    nside = 2**order

    # Ensure catalog is in ICRS coordinates.
    catalog = catalog.icrs

    # Determine central cell for each catalog entry.
    phi = catalog.ra.radian
    theta = (pi / 2) - catalog.dec.radian

    cells = np.unique(ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True))

    # Iteratively consider the neighbors of cells within our
    # catalog regions.
    new_cells = cells
    rejected = np.array((), dtype=np.int64)
    while True:
        # Find new valid neighboring cells which we didn't already
        # consider.
        neighbors = np.unique(
            np.ravel(get_all_neighbours(nside, new_cells, nest=True)))

        neighbors = np.extract([(x != -1) and (x not in cells) and
                                (x not in rejected)
                                for x in neighbors], neighbors)

        # Get the coordinates of each of these neighbors and compare them
        # to the catalog entries.
        (theta, phi) = pix2ang(nside, neighbors, nest=True)

        coords = SkyCoord(phi, (pi / 2) - theta, frame='icrs', unit='rad')

        (idx, sep2d, dist3d) = coords.match_to_catalog_sky(catalog)

        within_range = (sep2d < radius)

        # If we didn't find any new cells within range,
        # end the iterative process.
        if not np.any(within_range):

        new_cells = neighbors[within_range]
        cells = np.concatenate((cells, new_cells))
        rejected = np.concatenate(
            (rejected, neighbors[np.logical_not(within_range)]))

    return cells