def show_kmap(klm=None, fname=None, lmin=200, lmax=1024, nside=1024, v=.1, lonra=[147, 244], latra=[-3, 21], output=False, title=''): import curvedsky if fname is not None: Flm, __ = pickle.load(open(fname, "rb")) if klm is not None: Flm = klm.copy() Flm[:lmin, :] = 0. kmap = curvedsky.utils.hp_alm2map(nside, lmax, lmax, Flm[:lmax + 1, :lmax + 1]) print('max,min:', np.max(kmap), np.min(kmap)) hp.cartview(kmap, lonra=lonra, latra=latra, min=-v, max=v, cbar=False, title=title) if output: return kmap
def plot_sky_projection_healpy_count(Sliced_Halo_data,nside): HEALPix_mode = read_data_bool(tag_name = 'HEALPix_Cartesian',file_name = 'parameters/Output_Parameters.xml') HEALPix_grat = read_data_bool(tag_name = 'HEALPix_Graticule',file_name = 'parameters/Output_Parameters.xml') fdir = './Output/plots/HEALPix/' Sl_n = len(Sliced_Halo_data) Z_max = max(Sliced_Halo_data[Sl_n-1].Z_red[:]) rc('text',usetex=True) for k in range(Sl_n): pix = zeros(12*nside**2) n = len(Sliced_Halo_data[k].RA[:]) for i in range(n): j = hp.ang2pix(nside,DtoR*(90.0-Sliced_Halo_data[k].DEC[i]),DtoR*Sliced_Halo_data[k].RA[i]) pix[j] += 1 clf() if (HEALPix_mode): hp.cartview(pix) else: hp.mollview(pix) if (HEALPix_grat): hp.graticule() fname = 'sky_projection_HEALPix_Count_%i_%i.pdf'%(nside,(k+1)) title(r'sky projection for redshift between %0.2f and %0.2f'%(Sliced_Halo_data[k].z_min,Sliced_Halo_data[k].z_max),fontsize = 20) print 'Saving plot', fname savefig(fdir+fname,bbox_inches='tight') rc('text',usetex=False) close() return 0
def plot_healpix(self, map_name, view='cart', **kwargs): import healpy import numpy as np m, pix, nside = self.read_healpix(map_name, return_all=True) lon, lat = healpy.pix2ang(nside, pix, lonlat=True) npix = healpy.nside2npix(nside) if len(pix) == 0: print(f"Empty map {map_name}") return if len(pix) == len(m): w = np.where((m != healpy.UNSEEN) & (m != 0)) else: w = None lon_range = [lon[w].min() - 0.1, lon[w].max() + 0.1] lat_range = [lat[w].min() - 0.1, lat[w].max() + 0.1] m[m == 0] = healpy.UNSEEN title = kwargs.pop('title', map_name) if view == 'cart': healpy.cartview(m, lonra=lon_range, latra=lat_range, title=title, hold=True, **kwargs) elif view == 'moll': healpy.mollview(m, title=title, hold=True, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown Healpix view mode {mode}")
def footprint_area(cat,ngal=1,mask=None,nside=4096,nest=True,label=''): import healpy as hp import matplotlib matplotlib.use ('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #'/home/troxel/SVA1/SVA1StyleSheet.mplstyle') from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm import pylab mask=CatalogMethods.check_mask(cat.coadd,mask) if not hasattr(cat, 'pix'): cat.pix=CatalogMethods.radec_to_hpix(cat.ra,cat.dec,nside=nside,nest=True) area=hp.nside2pixarea(nside)*(180./np.pi)**2 print 'pixel area (arcmin)', area*60**2 mask1=np.bincount(cat.pix[mask])>ngal print 'footprint area (degree)', np.sum(mask1)*area pix=np.arange(len(mask1))[mask1] print pix tmp=np.zeros((12*nside**2), dtype=[('hpix','int')]) tmp['hpix'][pix.astype(int)]=1 print tmp['hpix'][pix.astype(int)] fio.write('footprint_hpix'+label+'.fits.gz',tmp,clobber=True) tmp2=np.zeros(12*nside**2) tmp2[tmp.astype(int)]=1 hp.cartview(tmp2,nest=True) plt.savefig('footprint_hpix'+label+'.png') plt.close() return
def plot_footprint_base(cat, mask=None, label='', bins=100, part=''): if not hasattr(cat, 'gdmask'): cat.gdmask = hp.read_map(config.golddir + '') cat.badmask = hp.read_map(config.golddir + '') if not hasattr(cat, 'pix'): cat.pix = hp.ang2pix(4096, np.pi / 2. - np.radians(cat.dec), np.radians(cat.ra), nest=False) mask0 = (cat.gdmask >= 1) & (cat.badmask == 0) hpmap = np.ones((12 * 4096**2)) * hp.UNSEEN hpmap[(cat.gdmask >= 1)] = 0 cnt = np.zeros(12 * 4096**2) cnt[:np.max(cat.pix[mask]) + 1] = np.bincount(cat.pix[mask]) hpmap[mask0] = cnt[mask0] hp.cartview(hpmap, latra=config.dec_lim.get(part), lonra=config.ra_lim.get(part), xsize=10000, title=label) plt.savefig('plots/footprint/footprint_' + + '_' + label + '_' + part + '.png', dpi=1000, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() # dra=config.ra_lim.get(part)[1]-config.ra_lim.get(part)[0] # ddec=config.dec_lim.get(part)[1]-config.dec_lim.get(part)[0] # plt.figure() # tmp=config.ra_lim.get(part),config.dec_lim.get(part) # a=plt.hist2d(cat.ra[mask],cat.dec[mask],bins=(int(dra*bins),int(ddec*bins)),range=tmp,normed=True, # cb = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') # plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', 'box') # plt.savefig('plots/footprint/footprint_''_'+label+'_'+part+'.png', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() # plt.figure() # plt.hist2d(cat.ra[mask],cat.dec[mask],bins=(int(dra*bins),int(ddec*bins)),range=((np.min(cat.ra[mask])-.1*dra,np.max(cat.ra[mask])+.1*dra),(np.min(cat.dec[mask])-.1*ddec,np.max(cat.dec[mask])+.1*ddec)),normed=True,norm=LogNorm(), # #cb = plt.colorbar() # plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', 'box') # plt.savefig('plots/footprint/footprint_''_'+label+'_log.png', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() return
def display_healpix(self, map_name, **kwargs): import healpy import numpy as np m, pix, nside = self.read_healpix(map_name, return_all=True) lon, lat = healpy.pix2ang(nside, pix, lonlat=True) npix = healpy.nside2npix(nside) lon_range = [lon.min() - 0.1, lon.max() + 0.1] lat_range = [lat.min() - 0.1, lat.max() + 0.1] title = kwargs.pop('title', map_name) healpy.cartview(m, lonra=lon_range, latra=lat_range, title=title, **kwargs)
def plot_sky(self,ra=None,dec=None,norm = 'log',unit='Kelvin',heapix_array=None): """ plot_sky plots the sky tempreture and overlays pointing centers as red dots The sky tempreture is the data that was loaded when the class was iniitated. plot_sky takes in 3 optional parameters: ra,dec are list/1D-array like values of right assension and declanation returns matplotlib figure object that the plot is assosated with. """ #self.freq_map fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,9)) hp.cartview(self.freq_map,norm = norm,unit=unit,fig=fig.number) c = SkyCoord(ra=ra*, dec=dec*, frame='icrs') l = np.degrees(angle_wrap(-c.galactic.l.radian % (np.pi*2)) ) b = np.degrees(c.galactic.b.radian) plt.plot(l,b,'ro') #hp.graticule() return fig
def plot_lotss_map(mp, title=None, cbar=True, mask=None, fname=None, **kwargs): lonra = [159.5, 232.5] latra = [44, 59] if mask is not None: mp2plot = mp.copy() mp2plot[mask <= 0] = np.inf else: mp2plot = mp arr = hp.cartview(mp2plot, lonra=lonra, latra=latra, return_projected_map=True) plt.cla() plt.close(plt.gcf()) fig = plt.figure() if title is not None: plt.title(title, fontsize=14) im = plt.imshow(arr, origin='lower', extent=(lonra[1], lonra[0], latra[0], latra[1]), interpolation='none', **kwargs) plt.xlabel(r'${\rm R.A.}$', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel(r'${\rm dec.}$', fontsize=15) if cbar: fig.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', aspect=40) if fname is not None: plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot(self, ax=None, projection='mollweide', **kwargs): """ Plot healpix sky image using a global projection. Parameters ---------- projection : ['mollweide', 'cartesian'] Which projection to use for plotting. """ #TODO: add other projections if projection == 'mollweide': hp.mollview(, nest=self.wcs.nested, **kwargs) elif projection == 'cartesian': hp.cartview(, nest=self.wcs.nested, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Projection must be 'cartesian' or 'mollweide'")
def plot_map(totCl, FileName=False, view='Mollweide'): np.random.seed(42) l = np.arange(len(totCl)) + 1 totCl_raw = totCl * 2 * np.pi / (l * (l + 1)) # --- create healpix map map = hp.synfast(totCl_raw, nside=2048) if view == 'Mollweide': # --- Mollweide plot m = hp.mollview(map, return_projected_map=True, cmap=cmap) dpi = 600 figsize_inch = 6, 4 fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_inch, dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.imshow(m, cmap=cmap) ax.axis('off') if FileName: fig.savefig(FileName, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches="tight") # save else: fig.clf() if view == 'Cartesian': # --- Cartesian view of a 20 deg2 region # hp.cartview(map=None, fig=None, rot=None, zat=None, coord=None, unit='', xsize=800, ysize=None, lonra=None, latra=None, title='Cartesian view', nest=False, remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, gal_cut=0, min=None, max=None, flip='astro', format='%.3g', cbar=True, cmap=None, badcolor='gray', bgcolor='white', norm=None, aspect=None, hold=False, sub=None, margins=None, notext=False, return_projected_map=False) m = hp.cartview(map=map, xsize=300, lonra=[-5, 5], latra=[-5, 5], title=None, return_projected_map=True) plt.close() dpi = 150 figsize_inch = 2, 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_inch, dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.imshow(m, cmap=cmap, vmin=-500, vmax=500) ax.axis('off') if FileName: fig.savefig(FileName, dpi=dpi) # save else: fig.clf()
def halo(): # Set stage grid = hp.Harpix().adddisc(vec=(1, 0, 0), radius=2, nside=256) #grid.addsingularity((0,0), 0.3, 2, n = 1000) expo = 10 r = lambda l, b: np.sqrt(l**2 + b**2) # Signal shape sig_shape = hp.zeroslike(grid).addfunc(lambda l, b: 0 + 1. / (r(l, b) + 10.)**1) # Background shapes (and error) bkg_shape = hp.zeroslike(grid).addfunc(lambda l, b: 1. / (r(l, b) + 1.0)**2) #err_shape = bkg_shape * 0.0001 #cov = hp.HarpixSigma1D(err_shape, corrlength = 1.) print(bkg_shape.getintegral() * expo) # Background component model bkg_comp = BkgComponent( lambda x: expo * (bkg_shape.getdata(mul_sr=True) * x[0] + bkg_shape.getdata(mul_sr=True) **3 * x[1] + bkg_shape.getdata(mul_sr=True)**2.5 * x[2] + x[3]), x0=[1e8, 1e8, 1e8, 1.], xerr=[0e3, 0e3, 0e3, 1.0], cov=None) SF = bkg_comp.getSwordfish() # Signal model #S = np.multiply.outer(sig_shape.getdata(mul_sr = True), sig_spec).flatten() S = sig_shape.getdata(mul_sr=True) #UL = SF.upperlimit(S, 0.05) print('infoflux...') F = SF.infoflux(S * expo, solver='direct') print('...done') = F grid._div_sr() m = grid.gethealpix(nside=256) #healpy.mollview(m, nest=True) healpy.cartview(m, nest=True, lonra=[-10, 10], latra=[-10, 10])
def Healpix2Cartesian(fname): # Read from hdf5 file f = h5py.File(fname,'r') for t in f['templates/']: print "Writing", t if t=="energies": continue # Get the cartesian maps for each energy hpixcube = f['templates/'+t][()] cartcube = np.zeros((hpixcube.shape[0], 721,1440), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(hpixcube.shape[0]): cartcube[i] = healpy.cartview(hpixcube[i], hold=True, return_projected_map=True, xsize=1440, lonra=[-179.875, 179.875],flip='geo') plt.gcf() # Generate new hdu object hdu_new = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(cartcube.astype(np.float32)) # Copy galdef into header galdef = dict(f['/galdef'].attrs.items()) hdu_new.header.add_comment("Diffuse model generated by Eric Carlson ([email protected])") for key, val in galdef.items(): hdu_new.header.add_comment(key + "=" +val) hdu_new.header['CRVAL1'] = 0.0 hdu_new.header['CRPIX1'] = 720 hdu_new.header['CDELT1'] = 0.25 hdu_new.header['CUNIT1']= 'deg' hdu_new.header['CTYPE2']= 'GLON-CAR' hdu_new.header['CRVAL2'] = 0 hdu_new.header['CRPIX2'] = 361 hdu_new.header['CDELT2'] = 0.25 hdu_new.header['CUNIT2']= 'deg' hdu_new.header['CTYPE2']= 'GLAT-CAR' hdu_new.header['CRVAL3'] = float(galdef['E_gamma_min']) hdu_new.header['CRPIX3'] = 0 hdu_new.header['CDELT3'] = np.log10(float(galdef['E_gamma_factor'])) hdu_new.header['CTYPE2']= 'Energy' hdu_new.header['CUNIT3']= 'MeV' hdu_new.header['EXTEND']=True hdu_new.header['CREATOR'] = ('Eric Carlson ([email protected])', '') # Write energy extension table energies = np.array([50*float(galdef['E_gamma_factor'])**i for i in range(cartcube.shape[0])]) tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([ pyfits.Column(name='Energy', format='D', array=energies),]) tbhdu.header['EXTNAME']="ENERGIES" hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu_new,tbhdu]) # Write to file fname_out = fname.split('.')[0]+"_"+t +'_mapcube.fits.gz' hdulist.writeto(fname_out,clobber=True)
def test3(): # Set stage grid = hp.Harpix().adddisc(vec=(1, 0, 0), radius=2, nside=1024) #grid.addsingularity((0,0), 0.3, 2, n = 1000) print(len( #quit() E = np.linspace(1, 2, 2) # Signal shape sig_shape = hp.zeroslike(grid).addfunc(lambda l, b: 1. / (l**2 + b**2 + 2.)) sig_spec = np.exp(-E) # Background shapes (and error) bkg_shape = hp.zeroslike(grid).addfunc( lambda l, b: 1 + 0 * np.cos(l / 10) * np.cos(b / 10) + 0 / (b**2 + 1)) bkg_spec = lambda x: E**-x[0] * x[1] err_shape = bkg_shape * 0.0001 cov = hp.HarpixSigma1D(err_shape, corrlength=1.) # Background component model bkg_comp = BkgComponent(lambda x: bkg_shape.getdata(mul_sr=True) * x[0], x0=[1.], xerr=[0.001], cov=cov).tensordot( BkgComponent(bkg_spec, x0=[2., 1.], xerr=[0.001, 0.001])) SF = bkg_comp.getSwordfish() # Signal model S = np.multiply.outer(sig_shape.getdata(mul_sr=True), sig_spec).flatten() #UL = SF.upperlimit(S, 0.05) print('infoflux...') F = SF.infoflux(S, solver='cg').reshape(-1, 2) print('...done') = F[:, 1] grid._div_sr() m = grid.gethealpix(nside=256) #healpy.mollview(m, nest=True) healpy.cartview(m, nest=True, lonra=[-10, 10], latra=[-10, 10])
def cut_map(self, rot, res=900, out_put_file = None): """ Returns map cut from desired region from the given longitudinal and latitudinal ranges (assuming small engough for flat sky limit)" """ map_cut=cartview(, rot=rot,lonra=[-10,10],latra=[-5,5],xsize=res,ysize=res,return_projected_map=True) close() return map_cut if out_put_file != None: dump(map_cut,open(out_put_file,'wb'), protocol = -1)
def footprint_area(cat, ngal=1, mask=None, nside=4096, nest=True, label=''): import healpy as hp import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #'/home/troxel/SVA1/SVA1StyleSheet.mplstyle') from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm import pylab mask = CatalogMethods.check_mask(cat.coadd, mask) if not hasattr(cat, 'pix'): cat.pix = CatalogMethods.radec_to_hpix(cat.ra, cat.dec, nside=nside, nest=True) area = hp.nside2pixarea(nside) * (180. / np.pi)**2 print 'pixel area (arcmin)', area * 60**2 mask1 = np.bincount(cat.pix[mask]) > ngal print 'footprint area (degree)', np.sum(mask1) * area pix = np.arange(len(mask1))[mask1] print pix tmp = np.zeros((12 * nside**2), dtype=[('hpix', 'int')]) tmp['hpix'][pix.astype(int)] = 1 print tmp['hpix'][pix.astype(int)] fio.write('footprint_hpix' + label + '.fits.gz', tmp, clobber=True) tmp2 = np.zeros(12 * nside**2) tmp2[tmp.astype(int)] = 1 hp.cartview(tmp2, nest=True) plt.savefig('footprint_hpix' + label + '.png') plt.close() return
def show_tmap(Tlm, ocl, mask=1, lmin=500, lmax=3000, v=3e11, nside=512, lonra=[148, 243], latra=[-3, 20], title=''): import curvedsky Flm = Tlm.copy() Flm[:lmin, :] = 0. Tmap = curvedsky.utils.hp_alm2map( nside, lmax, lmax, Flm[:lmax + 1, :lmax + 1] / (ocl[:lmax + 1, None] + 1e-30)) hp.cartview(mask * Tmap, lonra=lonra, latra=latra, min=-v, max=v, cbar=False, title=title)
def plot_full_sky_cart(Output_Para,pix,pix_bool): rc('font',family='serif') if (pix_bool): plt.clf() hp.cartview(pix, fig = 1) hp.graticule() plt.close() else: print "Please, first load a HEALPix map file ." raw_input("Press enter to continue ... ") return 0 save_ques = Read_YN_Input("Do you want to save its picture (please enter Y, y, N, or n)? ") if save_ques : rc('text',usetex=True) plt.clf() hp.cartview(pix, fig = 1) hp.graticule() print 'Saving plot', fname plt.savefig(fdir+fname+'_cart.pdf',bbox_inches='tight') # plt.savefig(fdir+fname+'.pdf') rc('text',usetex=False) plt.close()
def view(self, inclination=90*u.deg, phase=0.0, what='fluxes', projection='mollweide', cmap='magma', savefig=False, filename='star_surface.png', dlat=30, dlon=30, **kwargs): rot = (360*phase,, 0) if what == 'fluxes': vals = self.tile_fluxes * self.tile_scales vals = vals / vals.max() elif what == 'areas': vals = self.tile_areas / self.tile_areas.max() if 'mollweide'.find(projection) == 0: hp.mollview(vals, rot=rot, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) elif 'cartesian'.find(projection) == 0: hp.cartview(vals, rot=rot, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) elif 'orthographic'.find(projection) == 0: hp.orthview(vals, rot=rot, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognised projection') hp.graticule(dlat, dlon) if savefig: plt.savefig(filename) else:
def view_maps(output_maps, conds): ''' Display the output maps and the relative condition number. --------- output_maps : array-like healpy maps array conds: array-like ondition number relative to the scan ''' Freq = [90, 95, 100, 105, 110] for maps, cond in zip(output_maps, conds): cond[cond == np.inf] = hp.UNSEEN cart_opts = dict(unit=r'[$\mu K_{\mathrm{CMB}}$]') hp.cartview(cond, **cart_opts) hp.cartview(maps[0], min=-250, max=250, **cart_opts) hp.cartview(maps[1], min=-5, max=5, **cart_opts) hp.cartview(maps[2], min=-5, max=5, **cart_opts)
def cart_proj(args): """Cartesian projection to get a square part of a full sky map. """ import numpy as np import healpy import h5py import rotate as rot import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Read in maps data hpmap = None for mapname in args.mapfiles: with h5py.File(mapname, 'r') as f: if hpmap == None: hpmap = f['map'][:] else: hpmap += f['map'][:] lat_range = [args.clat - args.lat_ext, args.clat + args.lat_ext] lon_range = [args.clon - args.lon_ext, args.clon + args.lon_ext] # first rotate the map to let the point [clat, clon] be at the center # must rotate clon and clat separately, and NOTE the negative sign hpmap = rot.rotate_map(hpmap, rot=(-args.clon, 0.0, 0.0)) hpmap = rot.rotate_map(hpmap, rot=(0.0, -args.clat, 0.0)) # lat, lon value after rotation rot_lat_range = [lat_range[0] - args.clat, lat_range[1] - args.clat] rot_lon_range = [lon_range[0] - args.clon, lon_range[1] - args.clon] # cartesian projection cart_map = healpy.cartview(hpmap[args.ifreq, args.pol], latra=rot_lat_range, lonra=rot_lon_range, return_projected_map=True) # only T map out_file = args.outfile or 'cart_%.1f_%.1f_%.1f_%.1f.hdf5' % (lat_range[0], lat_range[1], lon_range[0], lon_range[1]) with h5py.File(out_file, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('map', data=cart_map) f.attrs['lat_min'] = lat_range[0] f.attrs['lat_max'] = lat_range[1] f.attrs['lon_min'] = lon_range[0] f.attrs['lon_max'] = lon_range[1]
def plot_cart(map, min=None, max=None, title='', label=r'[$\#$ $deg^{-2}$]', savename=None, show=True, galactic_plane=False, ecliptic_plane=False, sgr_plane=False): #attention au sens de l'axe en RA ! --> la on le prend normal et on le retourne à la fin :) plt.figure(1) m = map_to_plot = hp.cartview(m, nest=True, flip='geo', rot=120, fig=1, return_projected_map=True) plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11,7)) map_plotted = plt.imshow(map_to_plot, vmin=min, vmax=max, cmap='jet', origin='lower', extent=[-60, 300, -90, 90]) if label!=None: cb = plt.colorbar(map_plotted, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.8, aspect=40) cb.set_label(label) if galactic_plane: ax.plot(galactic_plane_icrs.ra.wrap_at(300*u.deg).degree[index_galactic],[index_galactic], linestyle='-', color='black', label='Galactic plane') if ecliptic_plane: ax.plot(ecliptic_plane_icrs.ra.wrap_at(300*u.deg).degree[index_ecliptic],[index_ecliptic], linestyle=':', color='slategrey', label='Ecliptic plane') if sgr_plane: ax.plot(sgr_plane_icrs.ra.wrap_at(300*u.deg).degree[index_sgr],[index_sgr], linestyle='--', color='navy', label='Sgr. plane') ax.set_xlim(-60, 300) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(-60, 330, 30)) plt.gca().invert_xaxis() ax.set_xlabel('R.A. [deg]') ax.set_ylim(-90, 90) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(-90, 120, 30)) ax.set_ylabel('Dec. [deg]') if galactic_plane or ecliptic_plane: ax.legend(loc='lower right') if title!='': plt.title(title) if savename != None: plt.savefig(savename) if show: else: plt.close()
def gen_plots(self,lon,lat,width): mapT_ol = np.zeros(self.nbpix,dtype='int') # if self.indT[0] != 0: mapT_ol[self.indT[0]] = 0 h.cartview(self.T/self.stdT,max=5,min=-5,rot=[lon,lat],lonra=[-width/2.,width/2.],latra=[-width/2.,width/2.],title='T S/N') h.graticule(dpar=10,dmer=10,coord='C') py.savefig(self.outdir+'/png/'+self.dir_coadd+'/mapT_sn.png') mapQ_ol = np.zeros(self.nbpix,dtype='int') # if self.indQ_ol[0] != 0: mapQ_ol[self.indQ_ol[0]] = 1 h.cartview(self.Q/self.stdQ,max=5,min=-5,rot=[lon,lat],lonra=[-width/2.,width/2.],latra=[-width/2.,width/2.],title='Q S/N') h.graticule(dpar=10,dmer=10,coord='C') py.savefig(self.outdir+'/png/'+self.dir_coadd+'/mapQ_sn.png') mapU_ol = np.zeros(self.nbpix,dtype='int') # if self.indU_ol[0] != 0: mapU_ol[self.indU_ol[0]] = 1 h.cartview(self.U/self.stdU,max=5,min=-5,rot=[lon,lat],lonra=[-width/2.,width/2.],latra=[-width/2.,width/2.],title='U S/N') h.graticule(dpar=10,dmer=10,coord='C') py.savefig(self.outdir+'/png/'+self.dir_coadd+'/mapU_sn.png') py.figure(10) par = plot_hist(self.T[self.indT[0]], 40, init_auto=True, xtitle='T', \ fname=self.outdir+'/png/'+self.dir_coadd+'/histT.png') py.figure(11) par = plot_hist(self.T[self.indT[0]], 40, init_auto=True, xtitle='T', \ fname=self.outdir+'/png/'+self.dir_coadd+'/histT_log.png',option_ylog=True) py.figure(12) par = plot_hist(self.Q[self.indQ[0]], 40, init_auto=True, xtitle='Q', \ fname=self.outdir+'/png/'+self.dir_coadd+'/histQ.png') py.figure(13) par = plot_hist(self.Q[self.indQ[0]], 40, init_auto=True, xtitle='Q', \ fname=self.outdir+'/png/'+self.dir_coadd+'/histQ_log.png',option_ylog=True) py.figure(14) par = plot_hist(self.U[self.indU[0]], 40, init_auto=True, xtitle='U', \ fname=self.outdir+'/png/'+self.dir_coadd+'/histU.png') py.figure(15) par = plot_hist(self.U[self.indU[0]], 40, init_auto=True, xtitle='U', \ fname=self.outdir+'/png/'+self.dir_coadd+'/histU_log.png',option_ylog=True)
parser.add_option('-t','--targets',default=None) parser.add_option('-c','--coord',default='GAL') parser.add_option('-p','--proj',default='MOL',choices=['MOL','CAR']) parser.add_option('-f','--field',default='LOG_LIKELIHOOD') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() nside =[0])[1].header['NSIDE'] map = healpy.UNSEEN * numpy.ones( healpy.nside2npix(nside) ) pix,vals = ugali.utils.skymap.readSparseHealpixMap(args[0],opts.field,construct_map=False) map[pix] = vals[0] if opts.coord.upper() == "GAL": coord = 'G' elif opts.coord.upper() == "CEL": coord = 'GC' if opts.proj.upper() == "MOL": healpy.mollview(map,coord=coord,xsize=1000) elif opts.proj.upper() == "CAR": healpy.cartview(map,coord=coord,xsize=1000) else: raise Exception("...") healpy.graticule() if opts.targets: data = numpy.loadtxt(opts.targets,unpack=True,dtype='str') coord = 'CG' # For RA/DEC input healpy.projscatter(data[1].astype(float),data[2].astype(float), lonlat=True,coord=coord,marker='o',c='w') plt.savefig(opts.outfile)
return ret #================= MAIN ========================# info = read_info_no_co() # NSIDE = 2048 fact = 1.42144524614e-05 filename = 'HFI_CompMap_ThermalDustModel_2048_R1.20.fits' test_map = hp.read_map(filename, field = 0) #hp.mollview(test_map, title=filename, coord='G', unit='K', norm='hist', min=1e-7,max=1e-3, xsize=800) #hp.mollview(test_map) tmap = hp.cartview(test_map, title=filename, coord='G', rot=[0,0], unit='K', norm='hist', min=1e-7,max=1e-3, xsize=800, lonra=[-180,-160], latra=[63,90], return_projected_map=True, cbar=True) #hp.orthview(test_map) #hp.gnomview(test_map) # print hp.get_nside(test_map) # print hp.maptype(test_map) # print hp.get_map_size(test_map) # print len(test_map) # print test_map[0:10]*np.float(fact) # print test_map n = 16 rang = range(0,12*n**2) npix = hp.nside2npix(n) angs = hp.pix2ang(n,rang)
ymax = 1.0 xgrid, ygrid = NP.meshgrid(NP.linspace(xmin, xmax, backdrop_xsize), NP.linspace(ymin, ymax, backdrop_xsize)) nanind = (xgrid**2 + ygrid**2) > 1.0 goodind = (xgrid**2 + ygrid**2) <= 1.0 zgrid = NP.empty_like(xgrid) zgrid[nanind] = NP.nan zgrid[goodind] = NP.sqrt(1.0 - (xgrid[goodind]**2 + ygrid[goodind]**2)) xvect = xgrid.ravel() yvect = ygrid.ravel() zvect = zgrid.ravel() xyzvect = NP.hstack((xvect.reshape(-1,1), yvect.reshape(-1,1), zvect.reshape(-1,1))) if use_DSM or use_GSM: backdrop = HP.cartview(fluxes_DSM.ravel(), coord=['G','E'], rot=[180,0,0], xsize=backdrop_xsize, return_projected_map=True) elif use_GLEAM or use_SUMSS: if backdrop_coords == 'radec': backdrop = griddata(NP.hstack((ra_deg.reshape(-1,1), dec_deg.reshape(-1,1))), fpeak, NP.hstack((xvect.reshape(-1,1), yvect.reshape(-1,1))), method='cubic') backdrop = backdrop.reshape(backdrop_xsize/2, backdrop_xsize) elif backdrop_coords == 'dircos': if (telescope == 'mwa_dipole') or (obs_mode == 'drift'): backdrop = PB.primary_beam_generator(xyzvect, freq, telescope=telescope, freq_scale='Hz', skyunits='dircos', phase_center=[0.0,0.0,1.0]) backdrop = backdrop.reshape(backdrop_xsize, backdrop_xsize) else: if backdrop_coords == 'radec': backdrop = griddata(NP.hstack((ra_deg.reshape(-1,1), dec_deg.reshape(-1,1))), fpeak, NP.hstack((xvect.reshape(-1,1), yvect.reshape(-1,1))), method='nearest') backdrop = backdrop.reshape(backdrop_xsize/2, backdrop_xsize) elif backdrop_coords == 'dircos': if (telescope == 'mwa_dipole') or (obs_mode == 'drift'): backdrop = PB.primary_beam_generator(xyzvect, freq, telescope=telescope, freq_scale='Hz', skyunits='dircos', phase_center=[0.0,0.0,1.0])
def plot_cartmap(lvc_healpix_file, levels=[0.5, 0.9], angsize=3., tile_ra=None, tile_dec=None, targ_ra=None, targ_dec=None): """Plot the GW map with the DESI footprint in a Cartesian projection. Parameters ---------- lvc_healpix_file : str Relative or absolute path to LIGO/Virgo HEALPix angular reconstruction file. levels : list List of credible interval thresholds, e.g., 0.5, 0.9, etc. angsize : float Size of plot (-angsize, +angsize) in degrees about the center. tile_ra : list or ndarray List of RAs for DESI tiles (in deg). tile_dec : list or ndarray List of declinations for DESI tiles (in deg). targ_ra : list or ndarray List of RAs for DESI targets (in deg). targ_dec : list or ndarray List of declinations for DESI targets (in deg). Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.Figure Figure object for accessing or saving a plot. """ gwmap = hp.read_map(lvc_healpix_file) npix = len(gwmap) nside = hp.npix2nside(npix) # Compute contours. if nside > 256: _gwmap = hp.pixelfunc.ud_grade(gwmap, 256) _gwmap = _gwmap / np.sum(_gwmap) else: _gwmap = gwmap ra_contour, dec_contour = compute_contours(levels, _gwmap) # Create a temporary plot to produce a nice image array. # This code sets the size of the map around the maximum value. maxpix = np.argmax(gwmap) ra_c, dec_c = hp.pix2ang(nside, maxpix, lonlat=True) xmin = np.round(ra_c - angsize) xmax = np.round(ra_c + angsize) if xmax < xmin: xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin cxmin, cxmax = xmin, xmax frot = 0. if xmax > 90 and xmax < -90: frot, cxmin, cmax = 180., xmax - 180., xmax + 180. ymin = np.round(dec_c - angsize) ymax = np.round(dec_c + angsize) faspect = np.abs(cxmax - cxmin) / np.abs(ymax - ymin) fysize = 4 figsize = (fysize * faspect + 1, fysize + 2) # Open and close the temporary plot. tfig = plt.figure(num=2, figsize=figsize) rotimg = hp.cartview(gwmap, fig=2, coord='C', title="", cbar=False, flip='astro', lonra=[cxmin, cxmax], latra=[ymin, ymax], rot=frot, notext=True, xsize=1000, return_projected_map=True) plt.close(tfig) # Now make the real plot with the desired angular contours. fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, num=1, figsize=figsize) img = ax.imshow(rotimg, extent=[cxmax, cxmin, ymin, ymax], origin='lower', cmap='OrRd') for i, (rc, dc, lstyle, clev) in enumerate( zip(ra_contour, dec_contour, ['--', '-'], ['50', '90'])): p = ax.plot(rc, dc, 'g-', ls=lstyle, lw=2, label='{}% CI'.format(clev)) ax.set(xlim=(cxmax, cxmin), xlabel='RA [deg]', ylabel='Dec [deg]') ax.grid(ls=':') _h, _l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # Add DESI tile drawings, specified by central RA, Dec. if tile_ra is not None and tile_dec is not None: for _ra_c, _dec_c in zip(tile_ra, tile_dec): circ = plt.Circle((_ra_c, _dec_c), radius=1.6, fc='None', ec='b', ls=':', lw=2) ax.add_artist(circ) _h.append(circ) _l.append('DESI FOV') # Add DESI targets, specified by RA, Dec. if targ_ra is not None and targ_dec is not None: ax.plot(targ_ra, targ_dec, 'k.', alpha=0.1) ax.legend(handles=_h, labels=_l, fontsize=10, ncol=2) cb = fig.colorbar(img, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.95, fraction=0.04, pad=0.2, ax=ax) cb.set_label(r'$dp/d\Omega$ [deg$^{-2}$]') return fig
bmap.draw_parallels(); bmap.draw_meridians() for band,sky in sum_skymaps.items(): outfile = outbase%(band,NSIDE)+'.fits.gz' print "Writing %s..."%outfile hp.write_map(outfile,sky) outfile = outbase%(band,NSIDE)+'_mbt.png' print "Writing %s..."%outfile bmap.draw_hpxmap(np.log10(sky)) plt.savefig(outfile,bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() outfile = outbase%(band,NSIDE)+'_car.png' print "Writing %s..."%outfile hp.cartview(np.log10(sky),title='DECam Coverage (%s-band)'%band, unit='log10(TEFF*EXPTIME)',fig=1) plt.savefig(outfile,bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() outfile = outbase%(band,NSIDE)+'_hist.png' plt.hist(sky,bins=np.linspace(1,1e3,50),color=COLORS['band']) plt.title('%s-band'%band); plt.xlabel('sum(TEFF * EXPTIME)') plt.savefig(outfile,bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(1) bmap = DECamMcBride() bmap.draw_parallels(); bmap.draw_meridians() outbase = "decam_max_expmap_%s_n%s" for band,sky in max_skymaps.items():
def convert(infile='empty', i_ext=-1, i_col=-1, coordsys_out='-1'): """Main function of Execute --help for more details (it is not yet been fully implemented to be loaded within Python, also it should work already). """ warnings.warn( 'Attention: Conversion from HEALPix format to FITS image causes degradation.\n All information in the FITS header corresponds to the original HEALPix data.' ) # read header: hdulist_in = type = hdulist_in[1].header['TTYPE1'] # detect type of input file if type[:5] == 'PIXEL': print(' ... detected Healpix part-sky map...') fullsky = False if (hp_version > 1.2 and hp_version < 1.9): raise IOError( 'Handling of part-sky FITS files not supported by healpy versions < 1.9.0.' ) else: try: scheme = hdulist_in[1].header['INDXSCHM'] if scheme[:8] == 'IMPLICIT': print( ' ... detected Healpix full-sky map, e.g. created by Clumpy with the -o2 option.' ) fullsky = True elif scheme[:8] == 'EXPLICIT': print( ' ... detected Healpix part-sky map, e.g. created by Clumpy with the -o2 option.' ) fullsky = False else: raise IOError( 'FITS keyword "INDXSCHM" must be either "IMPLICIT" or "EXPLICIT".' ) except: warnings.warn( 'Possibly wrong input file format. Must contain Healpix sky map.\n' ) fullsky = True i_ext = 1 i_col = 1 if i_ext == -1: warnings.warn( 'No input extension specified with --extension or -e. Set to first extension.' ) i_ext = 1 if i_col == -1: warnings.warn( 'No input column specified with --column or -c. Set to first column.' ) i_col = 1 input_header = hdulist_in[i_ext].header ext_name = input_header['EXTNAME'] columns = hdulist_in[i_ext].columns if fullsky == False: column = columns[i_col] # zeroth column is PIXEL else: column = columns[i_col - 1] try: map_center_psi_deg = input_header['PSI_0'] except: raise IOError( 'Necessary input information "PSI_0" missing.\n Note: This script is tailored to read Healpix maps created by Clumpy > 2015.06_corr3.' ) try: map_center_theta_deg = input_header['THETA_0'] except: raise IOError( 'Necessary input information "THETA_0" missing.\n Note: This script is tailored to read Healpix maps created by Clumpy > 2015.06_corr3.' ) try: map_diam_theta_deg = input_header['SIZE_Y'] except: raise IOError( 'Necessary input information "SIZE_Y" missing.\n Note: This script is tailored to read Healpix maps created by Clumpy > 2015.06_corr3.' ) try: map_diam_theta_orth_deg = input_header['SIZE_X'] except: map_diam_theta_orth_deg = map_diam_theta_deg try: coordsys_in = input_header['COORDSYS'] except: raise IOError( 'Necessary input information "COORDSYS" missing.\n Note: This script is tailored to read Healpix maps created by Clumpy > 2015.06_corr3.' ) try: units = input_header['TUNIT' + str(i_col + 1)] except: units = 'not specified' try: fsky = input_header['F_SKY'] except: fsky = 'not specified' try: map_mean = input_header['MEAN'] except: map_mean = 'not specified' try: nside = input_header['NSIDE'] except: raise IOError('Necessary input information "NSIDE" missing.') try: dtype_hpx = input_header['HPX_TYPE'] except: raise IOError('Necessary input information "HPX_TYPE" missing.') # special treatment for clumpy halo mode files: map_center_psi_deg_out = map_center_psi_deg map_center_theta_deg_out = map_center_theta_deg try: simumode = input_header['SIMUMODE'] if (simumode[0] == 'h'): map_center_psi_deg = 0. map_center_theta_deg = 0. except: warnings.warn( 'Could not read "SIMUMODE" keyword. Possibly wrong sky area exported.' ) simumode = "-1" tbdata = hdulist_in[i_ext].data npix_fov = len(tbdata[]) map_sum = tbdata[].sum(dtype=np.float64) if map_mean == 'not specified': print('Calculate mean...') map_mean = tbdata[].mean(dtype=np.float64) hdulist_in.close() # read map: dtype_map = np.float64 if dtype_hpx == 'FLOAT32': dtype_map = np.float32 elif dtype_hpx == 'FLOAT64': dtype_map = np.float64 else: raise IOError( 'Healpix datatype (keyword "HPX_TYPE" in input file header) must be FLOAT32 or FLOAT64.' ) print('Read input map...') if fullsky == True: map_in = hp.read_map(infile) else: map_in = hp.read_map(infile, partial=True, field=i_col - 1, hdu=i_ext, dtype=dtype_map) if fsky == 'not specified': npix = len(map_in) fsky = float(npix_fov) / float(npix) if map_diam_theta_orth_deg < 342.85: map_diam_theta_orth_deg *= 1.05 if map_diam_theta_deg < 171.42: map_diam_theta_deg *= 1.05 pixelnr = hp.nside2npix(nside) resol_deg = hp.nside2resol(nside) * 180. / np.pi # make sure that npix_x, npix_y are odd numbers: npix_x_check = int(map_diam_theta_orth_deg / resol_deg) * 2 + 1 npix_y_check = int(map_diam_theta_deg / resol_deg) * 2 + 1 if npix_x_check > 1999: npix_x_check = 1997 warnings.warn( 'Maximum number of 1997 pixels in x-dimension is reached.') if npix_y_check > 1999: npix_y_check = 1997 warnings.warn( 'Maximum number of 1997 pixels in y-dimension is reached.') flip = 'astro' ## flip map for odd behavior at the gal. anticenter: #if abs(map_center_psi_deg) == 180.0 and map_center_theta_deg == 0: # flip='geo' # transform to galactic coordinates: if coordsys_in[:5] == 'G': print('Detected galactic coordinate system') if coordsys_out == '-1' or coordsys_out == 'G': coord = 'G' coordsys_out = coord else: coord = ['G', coordsys_out] elif coordsys_in[:5] == 'C': print('Detected equatorial coordinate system') coord = ['C', 'G'] if coordsys_out == '-1' or coordsys_out == 'C': coord = 'C' coordsys_out = coord else: coord = ['C', coordsys_out] elif coordsys_in[:5] == 'E': print('Detected ecliptic coordinate system') coord = ['E', 'G'] if coordsys_out == '-1' or coordsys_out == 'E': coord = 'E' coordsys_out = coord else: coord = ['E', coordsys_out] else: raise IOError( 'Input coordinate system not recognized. Must be either G, C, or E.' ) if coordsys_out not in ['-1', 'G', 'C', 'E']: raise IOError( 'Output coordinate system not recognized. Must be either G, C, or E.' ) if len(coord) > 1: map_center_theta_deg, map_center_psi_deg = hp.Rotator( coord=coord, deg=False)(np.pi / 2 - map_center_theta_deg / 180. * np.pi, map_center_psi_deg / 180. * np.pi) map_center_psi_deg *= 180. / np.pi map_center_theta_deg = 90. - map_center_theta_deg * 180. / np.pi # get projected map image_array = hp.cartview(map_in, rot = [map_center_psi_deg,map_center_theta_deg], \ lonra = [- map_diam_theta_orth_deg/2, map_diam_theta_orth_deg/2], \ latra = [- map_diam_theta_deg/2, map_diam_theta_deg/2], \ xsize=npix_x_check, \ flip=flip, \ coord=coord, \ return_projected_map = True) npix_x = image_array.shape[1] npix_y = image_array.shape[0] if npix_x_check != npix_x: warnings.warn('Attention! npix_x_check =' + str(npix_x_check) + '!= npix_x=' + str(npix_x)) if npix_y_check != npix_y: warnings.warn('Attention! npix_y_check =' + str(npix_y_check) + '!= npix_y=' + str(npix_y)) x_center = (npix_x + 1) / 2 y_center = (npix_y + 1) / 2 delta_x = map_diam_theta_orth_deg / npix_x delta_y = map_diam_theta_deg / npix_y print('Resolution of map ( delta_x , delta_y ): (' + str(delta_x) + ',' + str(delta_y) + ')') # rotate map for odd behavior at the gal. poles: #if abs(map_center_theta_deg) == 90.0: #map_center_psi_deg = map_center_psi_deg + 180 if map_center_psi_deg < 0: map_center_psi_deg += 360. map_out = np.zeros((npix_y, npix_x), dtype=dtype_map) map_out[:][:] = image_array[:][:] # replace 1e-40 values by HEALPIX blind value map_out[map_out < 4e-40] = -1.6375e30 # write out total J-Factor/flux in map: if 'sr^-1' in units: totalflux = map_mean * 4. * np.pi * fsky else: totalflux = map_sum # create fits header: if coordsys_out == 'G': coordlon = 'GLON-CAR' coordlat = 'GLAT-CAR' elif coordsys_out == 'C': coordlon = 'RA---CAR' coordlat = 'DEC--CAR' elif coordsys_out == 'E': coordlon = 'ELON-CAR' coordlat = 'ELAT-CAR' reference_header = input_header[41:] reference_header.update({'EXTNAME' : ('Skymap'), \ 'CDELT1' : (- delta_x, 'pixel size (approx.) in longitude-dir. [deg]'), \ 'CDELT2' : (delta_y, 'pixel size (approx.) in latitude-dir. [deg]'), \ 'CRPIX1' : (x_center, 'central pixel in longitude direction'), \ 'CRPIX2' : (y_center, 'central pixel in latitude direction'), \ 'CRVAL1' : (map_center_psi_deg_out, 'longitude coordinate of map center [deg]'), \ 'CRVAL2' : (map_center_theta_deg_out, 'latitude coordinate of map center [deg]'), \ 'CTYPE1' : (coordlon, 'longitude coord. system (cartesian projection)'), \ 'CTYPE2' : (coordlat, 'latitude coord. system (cartesian projection)'), \ 'CUNIT1' : ('deg', 'longitude axis unit'), \ 'CUNIT2' : ('deg', 'latitude axis unit'), \ 'NAXIS' : 2, \ 'NAXIS1' : (npix_x, 'number of pixels in longitude direction'), \ 'NAXIS2' : (npix_y, 'number of pixels in latitude direction'), \ 'BUNIT' : (units, 'pixel value unit'),\ 'F_SKY' : (fsky, 'fraction of sky covered by FOV'), \ 'MEAN' : (map_mean, 'mean value in FOV (same unit as BUNIT)'), \ 'FLUX_TOT': (totalflux, 'total integrated J-Factor (flux) in FOV'), \ 'NSIDE' : (nside, 'HEALPix resolution of original image'), \ 'AUTHOR' : 'file created by Clumpy,'}) # write fits file: if len(columns) > 1: outfile = infile[:-5] + '-' + ext_name + '-' + + '-image.fits' else: outfile = infile[:-5] + '-image.fits' if astropy_version < 2: fits.writeto(outfile, map_out, reference_header, clobber=True) else: fits.writeto(outfile, map_out, reference_header, overwrite=True) print('Output file written to: ' + outfile)
def visualize_map(args): """Visualize sky maps in hdf5 files. Arguments --------- args : argparse namespace. """ import numpy as np import h5py import healpy # import hpvisual import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') try: # for new version matplotlib import as mstyle mstyle.use('classic') except ImportError: pass from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Read in maps data hpmap = None for mapname in args.mapfiles: with h5py.File(mapname, 'r') as f: if hpmap is None: hpmap = f['map'][:] else: hpmap += f['map'][:] # Check args validity if args.ifreq < -(hpmap.shape)[0] or args.ifreq >= (hpmap.shape)[0]: raise Exception('Invalid frequency channel %d, should be in range(-%d, %d).'%(args.ifreq, (hpmap.shape)[0], (hpmap.shape)[0])) else: ifreq = args.ifreq if args.ifreq >= 0 else args.ifreq + (hpmap.shape)[0] if args.pol >= (hpmap.shape)[1]: raise Exception('Invalid frequency channel %d, should be in range(0, %d).'%(args.pol, (hpmap.shape)[1])) if args.figlength <= 0: raise Exception('Figure length figlength (= %f) must greater than 0'%args.figlength) if args.figwidth <= 0: raise Exception('Figure width figwidth (= %f) must greater than 0'%args.figwidth) # Create output image file name if args.outfile: out_file = args.outfile else: out_file = ((args.mapfiles[0].split('/')[-1]).split('.')[0] + '_' + str(ifreq) + '_{' + str(args.pol) + '}' + '.' + args.figfmt).format('T', 'Q', 'U', 'V') # Plot and save image if args.view == 'o': fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6)) else: fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(args.figlength,args.figwidth)) map_data = hpmap[ifreq][args.pol] if args.sqrt: map_data = map_data / np.sqrt(np.abs(map_data)) map_data = map_data / np.sqrt(np.abs(map_data)) # map_data = map_data / np.sqrt(np.abs(map_data)) # smoothing the map with a Gaussian symmetric beam if args.fwhm is not None: fwhm = np.radians(args.fwhm) map_data = healpy.smoothing(map_data, fwhm=fwhm) if args.view == 'm': # set color map if args.cmap is None: cmap = None else: if args.cmap == 'jet09': import colormap cmap = colormap.jet09 else: from pylab import cm # cmap = cmap = getattr(cm, args.cmap) cmap.set_under('w') if args.abs: healpy.mollview(np.abs(map_data), fig=1, title='', unit=args.unit, cmap=cmap, min=args.min, max=args.max) else: healpy.mollview(map_data, fig=1, title='', unit=args.unit, cmap=cmap, min=args.min, max=args.max) # plot NVSS sources if args.nvss is not None: import aipy as a flux = args.nvss frequency = 750 # MHz catalog = 'nvss' # catalog = 'wenss' src = '%f/%f' % (flux, frequency / 1.0e3) srclist, cutoff, catalogs = a.scripting.parse_srcs(src, catalog) cat = a.src.get_catalog(srclist, cutoff, catalogs) nsrc = len(cat) # number of sources in cat ras = [ np.degrees(cat.values()[i]._ra) for i in range(nsrc) ] decs = [ np.degrees(cat.values()[i]._dec) for i in range(nsrc) ] jys = [ cat.values()[i].get_jys() for i in range(nsrc) ] # select sources inds = np.where(np.array(decs)>-15.0)[0] ras = np.array(ras)[inds] decs = np.array(decs)[inds] jys = np.array(jys)[inds] # healpy.projscatter(ras, decs, lonlat=True, s=jys, facecolors='none', edgecolors='w', alpha=1.0, linewidth=1.0) healpy.projscatter(ras, decs, lonlat=True, s=150, facecolors='none', edgecolors='w', alpha=1.0, linewidth=1.0) elif args.view == 'c': healpy.cartview(map_data, fig=1, title='', unit=args.unit, min=args.min, max=args.max) elif args.view == 'o': healpy.orthview(map_data, rot=(0, 90, 0), fig=1, title='', unit=args.unit, min=args.min, max=args.max, half_sky=True) # rot to make NCP at the center # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_axes() # cbar.solids.set_rasterized(True) if args.grid: healpy.graticule() if args.tight: fig.savefig(out_file, bbox_inches='tight') else: fig.savefig(out_file) fig.clf()
def plot_patches(src_num, info): # Define constants # deg2rad = np.pi/180. # Define the width of area # beam = 14.4 # Beam = 3.5' dbeam = beam/60./2. # Beam = 3.5' -> dbeam = beam/60/2 in degree offset = dbeam # degree # HI continuum map and resolution # cont = hp.read_map(os.getenv("HOME")+'/hdata/hi/lambda_chipass_healpix_r10.fits', field = 0, h=False) nside = hp.get_nside(cont) res = hp.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=False) dd = res/deg2rad/5.0 # OK - Go # tb = {} for i in range(0,src_num): if(i ==2): continue if(i ==3): continue if(i ==6): continue if(i ==11): continue ## Find the values of Continuum temperature # tb[i] = [] ## Longitude and latitude ## l = info['l'][i] b = info['b'][i] # if(i != 14): continue # Plot cartview a/o mollview # ll = l if (l>180): ll = ll-360. f = 10. # if (i == sr): proj = hp.cartview(cont, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+')', coord='G', unit='', norm=None, xsize=1920, lonra=[ll-0.5,ll+0.5], latra=[b-0.5,b+0.5], return_projected_map=True) # hp.cartview(cont, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+')', coord='G', unit='', # norm='hist', xsize=800, lonra=[ll-offset-f*offset,ll+offset+f*offset], latra=[b-offset-f*offset,b+offset+f*offset], # return_projected_map=True) # hp.orthview(cont, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+')', coord='G', unit='', # norm='hist', xsize=800, return_projected_map=True) # hp.mollview(cont, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+')', # coord='G', unit='', rot=[0,0,0], norm='hist') # hp.mollzoom(cont, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+')', # coord='G', unit='', rot=[0,0,0], norm=None, min=4599., max=4600.) print proj print proj.shape # Cal. # theta = (90.0-b)*deg2rad phi = l*deg2rad pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) if (cont[pix] > -1.0e30) : # Some pixels not defined tb[i].append(cont[pix]) for x in pl.frange(l-offset, l+offset, dd): for y in pl.frange(b-offset, b+offset, dd): cosb = np.cos(b*deg2rad) cosy = np.cos(y*deg2rad) if ( (((x-l)**2 + (y-b)**2) <= offset**2) ): theta = (90.0 - y)*deg2rad phi = x*deg2rad pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) # hp.projtext(x, y, '.'+str(pix)+str(cont[pix]), lonlat=True, coord='G') # hp.projtext(x, y, '.'+str(cont[pix]), lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projtext(x, y, '.', lonlat=True, coord='G')
notext=False, return_projected_map=False) hp.cartview(map=eqdata, fig=3, rot=None, zat=None, coord=None, unit='', xsize=800, ysize=None, lonra=None, latra=None, title='Cartesian view', nest=False, remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, gal_cut=0, min=None, max=None, flip='astro', format='%.3g', cbar=True, cmap=None, norm=" ", aspect=None, hold=False, sub=224, margins=None, notext=False, return_projected_map=False)
def __call__(self, metricValueIn, slicer, userPlotDict, fignum=None): """ Plot the sky map of metricValue using healpy cartview plots in thin strips. raMin: Minimum RA to plot (deg) raMax: Max RA to plot (deg). Note raMin/raMax define the centers that will be plotted. raLen: Length of the plotted strips in degrees decMin: minimum dec value to plot decMax: max dec value to plot metricValueIn: metric values """ plotDict = {} plotDict.update(self.defaultPlotDict) plotDict.update(userPlotDict) metricValue = applyZPNorm(metricValueIn, plotDict) norm = None if plotDict['logScale']: norm = 'log' clims = setColorLims(metricValue, plotDict) cmap = setColorMap(plotDict) racenters = np.arange(plotDict['raMin'], plotDict['raMax'], plotDict['raLen']) nframes = racenters.size fig = plt.figure(fignum) # Do not specify or use plotDict['subplot'] because this is done in each call to hp.cartview. for i, racenter in enumerate(racenters): if i == 0: useTitle = plotDict['title'] + ' /n' + '%i < RA < %i' % ( racenter - plotDict['raLen'], racenter + plotDict['raLen']) else: useTitle = '%i < RA < %i' % (racenter - plotDict['raLen'], racenter + plotDict['raLen']) hp.cartview(metricValue.filled(slicer.badval), title=useTitle, cbar=False, min=clims[0], max=clims[1], flip='astro', rot=(racenter, 0, 0), cmap=cmap, norm=norm, lonra=[-plotDict['raLen'], plotDict['raLen']], latra=[plotDict['decMin'], plotDict['decMax']], sub=(nframes + 1, 1, i + 1), fig=fig) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) # Add colorbar (not using healpy default colorbar because want more tickmarks). ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, .15, .8, .075]) # left, bottom, width, height # Add label. if plotDict['label'] is not None: plt.figtext(0.8, 0.9, '%s' % plotDict['label']) # Make the colorbar as a seperate figure, # from http: // cnorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=clims[0], vmax=clims[1]) # supress silly colorbar warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax, cmap=cmap, norm=cnorm, orientation='horizontal', format=plotDict['cbarFormat']) cb.set_label(plotDict['xlabel'])['labelsize']) if norm == 'log': tick_locator = ticker.LogLocator(numticks=plotDict['nTicks']) cb.locator = tick_locator cb.update_ticks() if (plotDict['nTicks'] is not None) & (norm != 'log'): tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=plotDict['nTicks']) cb.locator = tick_locator cb.update_ticks() # If outputing to PDF, this fixes the colorbar white stripes if plotDict['cbar_edge']: cb.solids.set_edgecolor("face") fig = plt.gcf() return fig.number
import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import healpy as hp gauss_data = '/tigress/nrodd/NPTFWorking/FindPS/plots/nptf/IG_NDI/FD_check.txt.gz' king_data = '/tigress/nrodd/NPTFWorking/FindPS/plots/nptf_king/IG_NDI/FD_check.txt.gz' gaussload = np.loadtxt(gauss_data) gaussmap = np.sum(gaussload[8:16,::],axis=0) kingload = np.loadtxt(king_data) kingmap = np.sum(kingload[8:16,::],axis=0) hp.cartview(gaussmap,lonra=[-10,10], latra=[-10,10],title='Gauss NFW+Disk PS 10x10',max=30) plt.savefig('./Plots/gauss10to10.pdf') plt.close() hp.cartview(kingmap,lonra=[-10,10], latra=[-10,10],title='King NFW+Disk PS 10x10',max=30) plt.savefig('./Plots/king10to10.pdf') plt.close() hp.cartview(gaussmap,lonra=[-30,30], latra=[-30,30],title='Gauss NFW+Disk PS 30x30',max=30) plt.savefig('./Plots/gauss30to30.pdf') plt.close() hp.cartview(kingmap,lonra=[-30,30], latra=[-30,30],title='King NFW+Disk PS 30x30',max=30) plt.savefig('./Plots/king30to30.pdf') plt.close()
plt.grid() l = 51.641648 b = -9.6750019 # Plot cartview a/o mollview # ll = l if (l>180): ll = ll-360. offset = 1. lonr = [51.25, 52.0] latr = [-10., -9.35] m = hp.cartview(ir_map, title=r'$CO$', coord='G', unit='Krj km/s', #min=-2.,max=3., norm=None, xsize=800, lonra=lonr, latra=latr, #lonra=[ll-offset,ll+offset], latra=[b-offset,b+offset], return_projected_map=True) # hp.mollview(tau_map, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+') - '+map_file, # coord='G', unit='', rot=[l,b,0], norm='hist', min=1e-7,max=1e-3, xsize=800) # Cal. # hp.projplot(ll, b, 'bo', lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projtext(ll, b, ' (' + str(round(ll,2)) + ',' + str(round(b,2)) + ')', lonlat=True, coord='G', fontsize=18, weight='bold') # theta = (90.0-b)*deg2rad # phi = l*deg2rad # pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) # for x in pl.frange(l-offset, l+offset, dd): # for y in pl.frange(b-offset, b+offset, dd):
def plot_haslam_408mhz_map(): # map_file = 'data/haslam408_dsds_Remazeilles2014.fits' # lambda_haslam408_nofilt.fits # lambda_haslam408_dsds.fits # lambda_zea_haslam408_dsds.fits # haslam408_dsds_Remazeilles2014.fits # haslam408_ds_Remazeilles2014.fits # lambda_chipass_healpix_r10.fits # Define constants # map_file = os.getenv("HOME")+'/hdata/oh/haslam408_dsds_Remazeilles2014.fits' deg2rad = np.pi/180. factor = (408./1665.)**2.8 # Define the width of area # beam = 51. # Beam for Haslam survey = 51' dbeam = beam/120.0 # Beam = 51' -> dbeam = beam/60/2 in degree offset = dbeam # degree edge = dbeam/40. # To plot a rectangle about the source info = read_src_lb() src = info['src'] gl = info['l'] gb = info['b'] il = info['il'] ib = info['ib'] tbg = info['tbg'] lid = info['l-idx'] bid = info['b-idx'] bg1 = info['tbg1'] bgh = info['tbg_hpy'] tb408 = hp.read_map(map_file,field=0, nest=False, hdu=1, h=False, verbose=False) nside = hp.get_nside(tb408) res = hp.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=False) dd = res/deg2rad/10.0 hp.cartview(tb408, title='Continuum background at 408 MHz from Haslam et al. Survey', coord='G', unit='K',\ norm='hist', xsize=800) #min=19.9,max=20.6 # hp.mollview(tb408, title='Continuum background at 408 MHz from Haslam et al. Survey', coord='G', unit='K', norm='hist', xsize=800) #min=19.9,max=20.6 for i in range(len(src)): sl = gl[i] sb = gb[i] if (sl > 180.) : sl = sl - 360. ## Plot cartview a/o mollview # # ll = sl # if (sl>180): # ll = ll-360. # hp.cartview(tb408, title=src[i]+': ' + str(sl) + ',' + str(sb), coord='G', unit='', # norm='hist', xsize=800, lonra=[ll-offset-0.1*offset,ll+offset+0.1*offset], latra=[sb-offset-0.1*offset,sb+offset+0.1*offset], # return_projected_map=True) ## End Plot cartview a/o mollview ## theta = (90.0 - sb)*deg2rad phi = sl*deg2rad pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) tbg_i = [] if (tb408[pix] > 0.) : # Some pixels not defined tbg_i.append(tb408[pix]) for x in pl.frange(sl-offset, sl+offset, dd): for y in pl.frange(sb-offset, sb+offset, dd): cosb = np.cos(sb*deg2rad) cosy = np.cos(y*deg2rad) if ( ((x-sl)**2 + (y-sb)**2) <= offset**2 ): # hp.projtext(x, y, '.', lonlat=True, coord='G') theta = (90.0 - y)*deg2rad phi = x*deg2rad pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) if (tb408[pix] > 0.) : tbg_i.append(tb408[pix]) # # tbg_i = list(set(tbg_i)) tbg_i = np.asarray(tbg_i, dtype = np.float32) val = np.mean(tbg_i) if(i<18): print '{0}\t\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7}\t{8}\t{9}'\ .format(src[i], gl[i], gb[i], il[i], ib[i], tbg[i], lid[i], bid[i], bg1[i], val) else: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7}\t{8}\t{9}'\ .format(src[i], gl[i], gb[i], il[i], ib[i], tbg[i], lid[i], bid[i], bg1[i], val) b_edge = 300.*edge l_edge = b_edge/np.cos(sb*deg2rad) equateur_lon = [sl-l_edge, sl+l_edge, sl+l_edge, sl-l_edge, sl-l_edge] equateur_lat = [sb+b_edge, sb+b_edge, sb-b_edge, sb-b_edge, sb+b_edge] # hp.projplot(equateur_lon, equateur_lat, lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projplot(sl, sb, 'ko', lonlat=True, coord='G') # hp.projtext(sl, sb, src[i] +' ('+ str("{0:.4e}".format(val))+')', lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projtext(sl, sb, src[i], lonlat=True, coord='G', fontsize=14)
def plot_patches(map_file, info): src = info['src'] # Define constants # deg2rad = np.pi/180. # Define the width of area # beam = 4.3 # Beam = 4.3' dbeam = beam/120.0 # Beam = 30' -> dbeam = beam/60/2 in degree offset = dbeam # degree # TTYPE1 = 'TAU353 ' / Optical depth at 353GHz # TTYPE2 = 'ERR_TAU ' / Error on optical depth # TTYPE3 = 'EBV ' / E(B-V) color excess # TTYPE4 = 'RADIANCE' / Integrated emission # TTYPE5 = 'TEMP ' / Dust equilibrium temperature # TTYPE6 = 'ERR_TEMP' / Error on T # TTYPE7 = 'BETA ' / Dust emission spectral index # TTYPE8 = 'ERR_BETA' / error on Beta ir_map = hp.read_map(map_file, field = 0) nside = hp.get_nside(ir_map) res = hp.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=False) dd = res/deg2rad/2.0 # OK - Go # ebv = [] nh = [] nhi = [] for i in range(0,len(src)): # if( i != 15): # continue l = info['l'][i] b = info['b'][i] # Plot cartview a/o mollview # ll = l if (l>180): ll = ll-360. # offset = 1. hp.cartview(ir_map, title=info['src'][i], coord='G', unit='', norm='hist', xsize=800, lonra=[ll-offset-0.1*offset,ll+offset+0.1*offset], latra=[b-offset-0.1*offset,b+offset+0.1*offset], return_projected_map=True) # hp.mollview(tau_map, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+') - '+map_file, # coord='G', unit='', rot=[l,b,0], norm='hist', min=1e-7,max=1e-3, xsize=800) # Cal. # hp.projplot(ll, b, 'bo', lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projtext(ll, b, ' (' + str(round(ll,2)) + ',' + str(round(b,2)) + ')', lonlat=True, coord='G', fontsize=18, weight='bold') theta = (90.0-b)*deg2rad phi = l*deg2rad pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) for x in pl.frange(l-offset, l+offset, dd): for y in pl.frange(b-offset, b+offset, dd): cosb = np.cos(b*deg2rad) cosy = np.cos(y*deg2rad) if ( (((x-l)**2 + (y-b)**2) <= offset**2) ): # hp.projtext(x, y, '.', lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projplot(x, y, 'kx', lonlat=True, coord='G') mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size':30})
def plot_patches(map_file, src_num, info): # Define constants # deg2rad = np.pi/180. fukui_cf = 2.10 #2.10e26 planck_cf = 0.84 #8.40e-27, 0.84e-26 pl_fact_err = 0.3 #3.0e-27 fk_fact_err = 0.0 #unknown # Define the width of area # beam = 5.0 # Beam = map_resolution = 5' dbeam = beam/120.0 # Beam = 3.5' -> dbeam = beam/60/2 in degree offset = dbeam # degree # tau353 map, err_tau353 map and resolution # tau_map = hp.read_map(map_file, field = 0) err_map = hp.read_map(map_file, field = 1) nside = hp.get_nside(tau_map) res = hp.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=False) dd = res/deg2rad/5.0 # OK - Go # tau353 = [] nh = [] nhi = [] tau = {} t_err = {} rat_fk = 0. rat_pl = 0. for i in range(0,src_num): # Find the values of Tau353 and Err_tau353 in small area # tau[i] = [] t_err[i] = [] l = info['l'][i] b = info['b'][i] # Plot cartview a/o mollview # ll = l if (l>180): ll = ll-360. hp.cartview(tau_map, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+') - '+map_file, coord='G', unit='', norm='hist', xsize=800, lonra=[ll-offset-0.1*offset,ll+offset+0.1*offset], latra=[b-offset-0.1*offset,b+offset+0.1*offset], return_projected_map=True) # hp.mollview(tau_map, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+') - '+map_file, # coord='G', unit='', rot=[l,b,0], norm='hist', min=1e-7,max=1e-3, xsize=800) # Cal. # theta = (90.0-b)*deg2rad phi = l*deg2rad pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) if (tau_map[pix] > -1.0e30) : # Some pixels not defined tau[i].append(tau_map[pix]) if (err_map[pix] >= 6.9e-11 and err_map[pix] <= 0.00081): # Checked Invalid error t_err[i].append(err_map[pix]) for x in pl.frange(l-offset, l+offset, dd): for y in pl.frange(b-offset, b+offset, dd): cosb = np.cos(b*deg2rad) cosy = np.cos(y*deg2rad) if ( (((x-l)**2 + (y-b)**2) <= offset**2) ): # hp.projtext(x, y, '.', lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projplot(x, y, 'kx', lonlat=True, coord='G')
mw=hp.ud_grade([1])),512,order_out='Ring')*1000. m30=hp.ud_grade([0])),512)*1.e6 m44=hp.ud_grade([1])),512)*1.e6 m70=hp.ud_grade([2])),512)*1.e6 m100=hp.ud_grade([0])),512)*1.e6 m143=hp.ud_grade([1])),512)*1.e6 m217=hp.ud_grade([2])),512)*1.e6 mv.mask=mv.mask|psmask|galmask40 mw.mask=mw.mask|psmask|galmask40 m30.mask=m30.mask|psmask|galmask40 m44.mask=m44.mask|psmask|galmask40 m70.mask=m70.mask|psmask|galmask40 m100.mask=m100.mask|psmask|galmask40 m143.mask=m143.mask|psmask|galmask40 m217.mask=m217.mask|psmask|galmask40 hp.cartview(mw-np.mean(mw[sgppix]),cmap=cmap,min=-250,max=250,lonra=[-20,20],latra=[-20,20],rot=[0,-90,0],remove_mono=True,title='WMAP W: SGP $\pm 10 \deg$',unit='$\mu K$') savefig('/global/u1/p/peterm/plots/map_comparisons/sgp_w.png') hp.cartview(mv-np.mean(mv[sgppix]),cmap=cmap,min=-250,max=250,lonra=[-20,20],latra=[-20,20],rot=[0,-90,0],remove_mono=True,title='WMAP V: SGP $\pm 10 \deg$',unit='$\mu K$') savefig('/global/u1/p/peterm/plots/map_comparisons/sgp_v.png') hp.cartview(m30-np.mean(m30[sgppix]),cmap=cmap,min=-250,max=250,lonra=[-20,20],latra=[-20,20],rot=[0,-90,0],remove_mono=True,title='Planck 30 GHz: SGP $\pm 10 \deg$',unit='$\mu K$') savefig('/global/u1/p/peterm/plots/map_comparisons/sgp_30.png') hp.cartview(m44-np.mean(m44[sgppix]),cmap=cmap,min=-250,max=250,lonra=[-20,20],latra=[-20,20],rot=[0,-90,0],remove_mono=True,title='Planck 44 GHz: SGP $\pm 10 \deg$',unit='$\mu K$') savefig('/global/u1/p/peterm/plots/map_comparisons/sgp_44.png') hp.cartview(m70-np.mean(m70[sgppix]),cmap=cmap,min=-250,max=250,lonra=[-20,20],latra=[-20,20],rot=[0,-90,0],remove_mono=True,title='Planck 70 GHz: SGP $\pm 10 \deg$',unit='$\mu K$') savefig('/global/u1/p/peterm/plots/map_comparisons/sgp_70.png') hp.cartview(m100-np.mean(m100[sgppix]),cmap=cmap,min=-250,max=250,lonra=[-20,20],latra=[-20,20],rot=[0,-90,0],remove_mono=True,title='Planck 100 GHz: SGP $\pm 10 \deg$',unit='$\mu K$') savefig('/global/u1/p/peterm/plots/map_comparisons/sgp_100.png') hp.cartview(m143-np.mean(m143[sgppix]),cmap=cmap,min=-250,max=250,lonra=[-20,20],latra=[-20,20],rot=[0,-90,0],remove_mono=True,title='Planck 143 GHz: SGP $\pm 10 \deg$',unit='$\mu K$') savefig('/global/u1/p/peterm/plots/map_comparisons/sgp_143.png') hp.cartview(m217-np.mean(m217[sgppix]),cmap=cmap,min=-250,max=250,lonra=[-20,20],latra=[-20,20],rot=[0,-90,0],remove_mono=True,title='Planck 217 GHz: SGP $\pm 10 \deg$',unit='$\mu K$') savefig('/global/u1/p/peterm/plots/map_comparisons/sgp_217.png')
def main(argv): ''' Main function: Takes input parameters, read observability map, select best areas, and show and/or save areas at an output file. Run program with -h for help. ''' parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i",'--input', help="Input file with masked healpy observability map (output of",type="string") parser.add_option("-m",'--mask', help="Extra mask to be readed (field 0 of output from",type="string") parser.add_option("-f",'--field',default=0, help="Field to be readed from input file. May be 0, 1 or 2, see for info.",type="int") parser.add_option("--phi_min", help="Inferior limit on phi as spacial cut (default = 0 graus).",type="float",default=0.) parser.add_option("--phi_max", help="Superior limit on phi as spacial cut (default = 180 graus).",type="float",default=180.) parser.add_option("--theta_min", help="Inferior limit on theta as spacial cut (default = 0 graus).",type="float",default=-180) parser.add_option("--theta_max", help="Superior limit on theta as spacial cut (default = 360).",type="float",default=360.) parser.add_option("-o",'--output', help="Output file. ",type="string") parser.add_option('--save_mapped', help="Output file for the masked map. Will store a healpy fits file with 1.0 for the marked areas and 0.0 otherwise.",type="string") parser.add_option("-s", '--show',action="store_true", default=False, help="Show map before quiting. If no output file is given, then consider show=True.") parser.add_option("-c",'--coordinates', help="Coordinates to use on spacial cut. Can be either 'G' (Galactic) or 'E' (Ecliptic). Default is 'G'.",type="string",default='G') parser.add_option("-v", '--verbose',action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Don't print status messages to stdout") opt,arg = parser.parse_args(argv) if opt.input: if opt.verbose: print '(M):\n(M): Reading input file {0} ...\n(M):'.format(opt.input) obsMap = H.read_map(opt.input,field=opt.field) else: print '(E):\n(E): Input map not given.\n(E):' return -1 emask = np.zeros(len(obsMap)) == 0 if opt.mask: emask = H.read_map(opt.mask) == 1. if opt.verbose: print '''(R): (R): Reading extra mask from {0} (assuming field = 0)... (R):'''.format(opt.mask) nside = H.npix2nside(len(obsMap)) phi,theta = H.pix2ang(nside,np.arange(len(obsMap))) if opt.coordinates == 'E': print '''(R): (R): Using ecliptic coordinates (J2000.). Convertion is made (R): elementwise and may take some time. (R):''', sys.stdout.flush() # rate = 0. # sys.stdout.write('\r(R): {0:8.1f} %'.format(rate*10)) # sys.stdout.flush() phi *= -180./np.pi phi += 90. theta *= 180./np.pi for i in range(len(phi)): # if rate != np.floor(i * 10. / len(phi)): # rate = np.floor(i * 10. / len(phi)) # sys.stdout.write('\r(R): {0:8.1f} %'.format(rate*10)) # sys.stdout.flush() phi[i],theta[i] = _skysub.gal2radec(theta[i],phi[i],2000.) mask_phi = np.bitwise_and(phi > opt.phi_min , phi < opt.phi_max) mask_theta = np.bitwise_and(theta > opt.theta_min ,theta < opt.theta_max ) print else: print '''(R): (R): Using galactic coordinates. (R):''' mask_phi = np.bitwise_and(phi > opt.phi_min * np.pi / 180. , phi < opt.phi_max * np.pi / 180. ) mask_theta = np.bitwise_and(theta > opt.theta_min * np.pi / 180. ,theta < opt.theta_max * np.pi / 180. ) # print 'phi_min = {0}\nphi_max = {1}\ntheta_min = {2}\ntheta_max = {3}\n'.format(phi.min(),phi.max(),theta.min(),theta.max()) # mask = np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_and(mask_phi,mask_theta),obsMap > 0.) mask = np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_and(mask_phi,mask_theta),emask) print '''(R): (R): Npix_select = {npixs} (R): Npix_s/Npix_tot = {rnpix} (R): selected Area = {sarea} square-degree (R): pixel Area = {parea} square-degree (R): Avg Observability = {avgobs} (R):'''.format(npixs = len(obsMap[mask]), sarea = len(obsMap[mask])*H.nside2pixarea(nside) * (180. / np.pi)**2., avgobs = np.mean(obsMap[mask]), rnpix = len(obsMap[mask]) * 1.0 / len(obsMap), parea = H.nside2pixarea(nside) * (180. / np.pi)**2. ) obsMap[np.bitwise_not(mask)] = 0. if opt.output: amask = np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_and(mask,obsMap == 0.),emask) fp = open(opt.output,'a') fp.write('{avgtime} {avgarea} {avgobs}\n'.format(avgtime = (opt.phi_max+opt.phi_min) * 0.5, avgarea = len(obsMap[amask])*H.nside2pixarea(nside) * (180. / np.pi)**2., avgobs = np.sum(obsMap[mask]) ) ) fp.close() if opt.save_mapped: H.write_map(opt.save_mapped,obsMap,fits_IDL=False) if # #H.cartview(phi,sub=(2,1,1),coord=['G','E']) amask = np.bitwise_and(mask,emask) obsMap[np.bitwise_not(amask)] = 0. #obsMap[emask] = 1. H.mollview(obsMap,sub=(2,1,1)) H.cartview(obsMap,coord=['G','E'],sub=(2,1,2))
def superimpose_hpxmap(self, hpx_map, label, color='red', coord_in='C', cbar=True): '''Superimpose a Healpix map on the background map. Parameters ---------- hpx_map : array-like The hpx_map to superimpose upon the background. label : string The label to put on the colorbar for this footprint. color : string or array-like with shape (3,) The color to use when overlaying the survey footprint. Either a string or rgb triplet. coord_in : 'C', 'G', or 'E' The coordinate system of the input healpix map. Notes ----- The input healpix map will have zeros replaced with NaNs to make those points completely transparent. ''' idx_nan = (hpx_map == 0) hpx_map /= np.max(hpx_map) hpx_map[idx_nan] = np.NaN cm1 = util.get_color_map(color) coord = [coord_in, self.coord_plot] if self.partialmap: # Colorbar is added to this and then deleted to make sure there is # room at the bottom of the map for the labels. Margins are to make # sure the title is not partially off the figure for a square map sub = (1, 1, 1) margins = (0.01, 0.025, 0.01, 0.03) map_tmp = H.cartview(hpx_map, title='', coord=coord, fig=self.fig.number, cmap=cm1, notext=True, flip='astro', sub=sub, margins=margins, return_projected_map=True, **self.kwds) idx = np.isfinite(map_tmp) cbar = len(map_tmp[idx]) > 0 else: self.mapview(hpx_map, title='', coord=coord, cbar=True, fig=self.fig.number, cmap=cm1, notext=True, flip='astro', **self.kwds) self.fig.delaxes(self.fig.axes[-1]) if cbar: # First add the new colorbar axis to the figure im0 = self.fig.axes[-1].get_images()[0] box = self.fig.axes[0].get_position() ax_color = pl.axes([len(, box.y0-0.1, 0.05, 0.05]) self.fig.colorbar(im0, cax=ax_color, orientation='horizontal', label=label, values=[1, 1]) # Read just the location of every colorbar ncb = len( left = 1.0 / (2.0*ncb) - 0.025 for ax_tmp in ax_tmp.set_position([left, box.y0-0.1, 0.05, 0.05]) left += 1.0 / ncb
def make_figure(moll=True, ecliptic=False, footprint=True, idr2=True, cmap='Greys', title='test', highlight=False, highlight_survey='HYDRA', highlight_tile='HYDRA-0011', path='./'): alpha = 0.3 lw = 2 dust_map = 'data/lambda_sfd_ebv.fits' bgmap = H.read_map(os.path.join(path, dust_map)) if highlight: title = highlight_survey + '/' + highlight_tile # plot the map projection cmap = cm.get_cmap(cmap) vmin = np.log10(np.percentile(bgmap, 20)) vmax = 1+np.log10(np.percentile(bgmap, 99)) cmap.set_under('w') # Set the color for low out-of-range values when norm.clip = False to white if moll: cart = H.mollview(np.log10(bgmap), coord=['G', 'C'], cmap=cmap, cbar=False, notext=False, title=title, min=vmin, max=vmax) add_numbers_on_axes = 1 if add_numbers_on_axes == 1: dra = -2 ddec = +1 H.projtext( 0+dra, 2+ddec,'0h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext( 30+dra, 2+ddec,'2h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext( 60+dra, 2+ddec,'4h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext( 90+dra, 2+ddec,'6h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext(120+dra, 2+ddec,'8h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext(150+dra, 2+ddec,'10h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext(210+dra, 2+ddec,'14h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext(240+dra, 2+ddec,'16h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext(270+dra, 2+ddec,'18h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext(300+dra, 2+ddec,'20h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext(330+dra, 2+ddec,'22h', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext( 0+dra,30+ddec,'30', coord='C', lonlat=True) H.projtext( 0+dra,60+ddec,'60', coord='C', lonlat=True) else: cart = H.cartview(np.log10(bgmap), coord=['G', 'C'], cmap=cmap, cbar=False, notext=True, title=title, min=vmin, max=vmax) # draw the ecliptic if ecliptic: ra = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,100) dec = np.zeros(100)+(90+23.5*np.sin(ra))*np.pi/180. H.projplot(dec,ra,'--', color='k', lw=2.) # draw the S-PLUS footprint if footprint: # read SPLUS pointings file splus_tiles_file = os.path.join(path,'data/all_pointings.csv') splus_tiles =, format="csv") splus_tiles['obs'] = 0 # add an extra column to mark if the pointing has been observed or not tilesize = 1.4 # degrees tilecol = ['b','g','r','m'] color_the_surveys = False surveys = ['SPLUS', 'STRIPE82', 'HYDRA', 'MC'] for s in range(0,len(surveys)): if color_the_surveys: col = tilecol[s] else: col = '0.5' idx = np.where(splus_tiles['PID'] == surveys[s]) tiledata = splus_tiles[idx] ntiles = len(tiledata) coords = SkyCoord(ra=tiledata['RA'], dec=tiledata['DEC'], unit=(u.hourangle, for j in range(0,ntiles): plotEqTile([coords[j].ra.value,coords[j].dec.value],tilesize,col,Tile=True,CenterPoints=False,CornerPoints=False,lw=1) if highlight: idx = (splus_tiles['PID'] == highlight_survey) & (splus_tiles['NAME'] == highlight_tile) tiledata = splus_tiles[idx] coords = SkyCoord(ra=tiledata['RA'], dec=tiledata['DEC'], unit=(u.hourangle, lon = coords[0].ra.value lat = coords[0].dec.value plotEqTile([lon,lat],tilesize,'r',Tile=True,CenterPoints=True,CornerPoints=False,lw=1) # draw the observed idr2 footprint if idr2: # read SPLUS pointings file splus_tiles_file = os.path.join(path,'data/all_pointings.csv') splus_tiles =, format="csv") splus_tiles_names = np.array(splus_tiles['NAME']) # read IDR2 pointings file idr2_tiles_file = os.path.join(path,'data/idr2_pointings.csv') idr2_tiles =, format="csv") idr2_tiles_names = np.array(idr2_tiles['FIELD']) tilesize = 1.4 # degrees for tile in range(0,len(splus_tiles)): sel = (idr2_tiles_names == splus_tiles_names[tile]) if np.sum(sel) > 0: tiledata = splus_tiles[tile] coords = SkyCoord(ra=tiledata['RA'], dec=tiledata['DEC'], unit=(u.hourangle, plotEqTile([coords.ra.value,coords.dec.value],tilesize,'g',Tile=True,CenterPoints=False,CornerPoints=False,lw=1) H.graticule() # draw the coordinate system axes return 0
def almPlots(path, outDir, bundle, nside=128, lmax=500, filterband='i', raRange=[-50,50], decRange=[-65,5], subsetsToConsider=[[130,165], [240, 300]], showPlots=True): """ Plot the skymaps/cartview plots corresponding to alms with specified l-ranges. Automatically creates the output directories and saves the plots. Required Parameters ------------------- * path: str: path to the main directory where output directory is saved * outDir: str: name of the main output directory * bundle: metricBundle object. Optional Parameters ------------------- * nside: int: HEALpix resolution parameter. Default: 128 * lmax: int: upper limit on the multipole. Default: 500 * filterBand: str: any one of 'u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'. Default: 'i' * raRange: float array: range of right ascention (in degrees) to consider in cartview plot; only useful when cartview= True. Default: [-50,50] * decRange: float array: range of declination (in degrees) to consider in cartview plot; only useful when cartview= True. Default: [-65,5] * subsetsToConsider: array of int arrays: l-ranges to consider, e.g. use [[50, 100]] to consider 50<l<100. Currently built to handle five subsets (= number of colors built in). Default: [[130,165], [240, 300]] * showPlots: boolean: set to True if want to show figures. Default: True """ # set up the output directory outDir2 = 'almAnalysisPlots_%s<RA<%s_%s<Dec<%s'%(raRange[0], raRange[1], decRange[0], decRange[1]) if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2)) outDir3 = 'almSkymaps' if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2, outDir3)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2, outDir3)) outDir4 = 'almCartviewMaps' if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2, outDir4)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2, outDir4)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # In order to consider the out-of-survey area as with data=0, assign the masked region of the # skymaps the median of the in-survey data, and then subtract the median off the entire survey. # Add the median back later. This gets rid of the massive fake monopole and allows reconstructing # the full skymap from components. surveyMedianDict = {} surveyStdDict = {} for dither in bundle: inSurvey = np.where(bundle[dither].metricValues.mask == False)[0] outSurvey = np.where(bundle[dither].metricValues.mask == True)[0] bundle[dither].metricValues.mask[outSurvey] = False # data pixels surveyMedian = np.median(bundle[dither][inSurvey]) surveyStd = np.std(bundle[dither][inSurvey]) # assign data[outOfSurvey]= medianData[inSurvey] bundle[dither][outSurvey] = surveyMedian # subtract median off bundle[dither][:] = bundle[dither][:]-surveyMedian # save median for later use surveyMedianDict[dither] = surveyMedian surveyStdDict[dither] = surveyStd # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # now find the alms correponding to the map. for dither in bundle: array = hp.anafast(bundle[dither].metricValues.filled(bundle[dither].slicer.badval), alm=True, lmax=500) cl = array[0] alm = array[1] l = np.arange(len(cl)) lsubsets = {} colorArray = ['y', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'c'] color = {} for case in range(len(subsetsToConsider)): lsubsets[case] = ((l>subsetsToConsider[case][0]) & (l<subsetsToConsider[case][1])) color[case] = colorArray[case] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plot things out plt.clf() plt.plot(l, (cl*l*(l+1))/(2.0*np.pi), color='b') for key in list(lsubsets.keys()): plt.plot(l[lsubsets[key]], (cl[lsubsets[key]]*l[lsubsets[key]]*(l[lsubsets[key]]+1))/(2.0*np.pi), color=color[key]) plt.title(dither) plt.xlabel('$\ell$') plt.ylabel(r'$\ell(\ell+1)C_\ell/(2\pi)$') filename = 'cls_%s.png'%(dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') if showPlots: else: plt.close() surveyMedian = surveyMedianDict[dither] surveyStd = surveyStdDict[dither] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plot full-sky-alm plots first nTicks = 5 colorMin = surveyMedian-1.5*surveyStd colorMax = surveyMedian+1.5*surveyStd increment = (colorMax-colorMin)/float(nTicks) ticks = np.arange(colorMin+increment, colorMax, increment) # full skymap hp.mollview(hp.alm2map(alm, nside=nside, lmax=lmax)+surveyMedian, flip='astro', rot=(0,0,0), min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='', cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title('Full Map') ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig = plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.015, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('$%s$-band Coadded Depth'%filterband) filename = 'alm_FullMap_%s.png'%(dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2, outDir3, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # full cartview hp.cartview(hp.alm2map(alm, nside=nside, lmax=lmax)+surveyMedian, lonra=raRange, latra=decRange, flip='astro', min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='', cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title('Full Map') ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig= plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, -0.05, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('$%s$-band Coadded Depth'%filterband) filename = 'alm_Cartview_FullMap_%s.png'%(dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2, outDir4, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # prepare for the skymaps for l-range subsets colorMin = surveyMedian-0.1*surveyStd colorMax = surveyMedian+0.1*surveyStd increment = (colorMax-colorMin)/float(nTicks) increment = 1.15*increment ticks = np.arange(colorMin+increment, colorMax, increment) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # consider each l-range for case in list(lsubsets.keys()): index = [] lowLim = subsetsToConsider[case][0] upLim = subsetsToConsider[case][1] for ll in np.arange(lowLim, upLim+1): for mm in np.arange(0,ll+1): index.append(hp.Alm.getidx(lmax=lmax, l=ll, m=mm)) alms1 = alm.copy() alms1.fill(0) alms1[index] = alm[index] # an unmasked array # plot the skymap hp.mollview(hp.alm2map(alms1, nside=nside, lmax=lmax)+surveyMedian, flip='astro', rot=(0,0,0), min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='', cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title('%s<$\ell$<%s'%(lowLim, upLim)) ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig= plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.015, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal',format='%.3f', ticks=ticks, cax = cbaxes) cb.set_label('$%s$-band Coadded Depth'%filterband) filename = 'almSkymap_%s<l<%s_%s.png'%(lowLim, upLim, dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2, outDir3, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # plot cartview hp.cartview(hp.alm2map(alms1, nside=nside, lmax=lmax)+surveyMedian, lonra=raRange, latra=decRange, flip='astro', min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='',cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title('%s<$\ell$<%s'%(lowLim, upLim)) ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig= plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, -0.05, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal',format='%.3f', ticks=ticks, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('$%s$-band Coadded Depth'%filterband) filename = 'almCartview_%s<l<%s_%s.png'%(lowLim, upLim, dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s/%s'%(path, outDir, outDir2, outDir4, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') if showPlots: else: plt.close('all')
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Plot map with Mercator projection") p.add_argument("fitsfile", nargs="*", help="Input HEALPix FITS file. " "To plot the weighted sum of multiple files, put a list of " "file weight file weight pairs.") p.add_argument("-a", "--abthresh", default=None, type=float, help="Apply an absolute (lower/upper) threshold to the map") p.add_argument("-c", "--coords", default="C", help="C=equatorial (default), G=galactic") p.add_argument("-C", "--column", dest="col", default=0, type=int, help="FITS column in which healpix map resides") p.add_argument( "--file-diff", dest="diff", default="", type=str, help= "FITS File to take the difference from (optional) otherwise uses positional argument" ) p.add_argument("-D", "--coldiff", default=-1, type=int, help="FITS column in which healpix map to be subtracted " "(if any) resides") p.add_argument( "--mjd", default=None, type=float, help= "MJD of the map. Will be plotted in J2000. Supersedes info in header") p.add_argument("-l", "--threshold", type=float, default=None, help="Apply a lower threshold to the plot.") p.add_argument( "--norm-sqdeg", dest="sqdeg", action="store_true", default=False, help="Normalize values to square degree, according to nSides" " (makes sense only certain kinds of maps)") p.add_argument("--milagro", action="store_true", help="Use Milagro color scale") p.add_argument( "--contours", dest="contours", type=float, nargs='*', default=None, help="plot contours. If --contourmap is provided, it will be" " used instead of plotted map. If no contours are" " provided, it will plot confidence intervals" " (1, 2, 3 sigma CI). Else, absolute sigmas are used," " e.g. --contours 1 2 3 4 [sigma] --contours") p.add_argument("--contourscolor", nargs='*', default=None, help="Draw options for contours") p.add_argument("--contoursstyle", nargs='*', default=None, help="Draw options for contours") p.add_argument("--contourswidth", type=float, nargs='*', default=None, help="Draw options for contours") p.add_argument("--contourfile", nargs='*', default=None, help="Draw contours from file with RA/Dec pairs") p.add_argument("--gamma", action="store_true", help="Use GeV/TeV gamma-ray color scale") p.add_argument("-L", "--label", default=None, help="Color bar label") p.add_argument("--cross", action="store_true", help="Plot a cross at the center of the plot") p.add_argument("--moon", action="store_true", dest="isMoon", help="is in moon centered coordinates") p.add_argument("-m", "--min", type=float, default=None, help="Plot minimum value") p.add_argument("-M", "--max", type=float, default=None, help="Plot maximum value") p.add_argument("-n", "--ncolors", type=int, default=256, help="Number of contours to use in the colormap") p.add_argument("--nocolorbar", dest="colorbar", action="store_false", help="Do not draw color bar.") p.add_argument("--nofill", action="store_true", help="Do not draw fill plot with colors. " "Useful for contours.") p.add_argument( "-o", "--output", default=None, help="Output file name (optional). " "If file name ends in .fits or .fit, save as a healpix map with the pixels outside the plot area set to hp.UNSEEN." ) p.add_argument("-s", "--scale", type=float, default=1., help="scale up or down values in map") p.add_argument("--sun", action="store_true", dest="isSun", help="is in Sun centered coordinates") p.add_argument("--dpar", type=float, default=1., help="Interval in degrees between parallels") p.add_argument("--dmer", type=float, default=1., help="Interval in degrees between meridians.") p.add_argument('--sexagesimal', action='store_true', help='Display RA in hh:mm.') p.add_argument("--nogrid", action="store_true", help="Do not plot gridlines.") p.add_argument("--interpolation", action='store_true', help="Uses bilinear interpolation in data map.") p.add_argument("--xsize", type=int, default=1000, help="Number of X pixels, Y will be scaled acordingly.") p.add_argument("-t", "--ticks", nargs="+", type=float, help="List of ticks for color bar, space-separated") p.add_argument("-T", "--title", help="title of map") p.add_argument("--squareaspect", action='store_true', help="Better Mercator X/Y ratio.") p.add_argument("--dpi", type=int, default=300, help="Change the dpi of the output") p.add_argument("--preliminary", action="store_true", help="Add a watermark indicating the plot as preliminary") p.add_argument("--onlystats", action="store_true", help="Exits after returning min, max and value at center. " "If map is called 'flux', it will give the error if there " "is a map called 'flux_error'") # Mutually exclusive option to specify plot xy range OR center + WxH argRange = p.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) argRange.add_argument("--xyrange", type=float, nargs=4, help="Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax plot range [degree]") argRange.add_argument( "--origin", type=float, nargs=4, help="Central (x,y) coords + width + height [degree]") # Plot P-Value instead of sigma, expects location and scale of # a right-skewed Gumble distribution p.add_argument("--gumbel", type=float, nargs=2, help="Plot P-Value instead of significance. " "Arguments: location and scale of right-skewed " "Gumble distribution.") # Download/plotting options for Fermi catalog sources p.add_argument( "--download-fermi", dest="dfermi", default=None, help="Download Fermi FITS data from NASA and exit. Enter version number" ) p.add_argument("--fermicat", default=None, help="Fermi xFGL catalog FITS file name") p.add_argument("--fermicat-labels", dest="fermicatLabels", action="store_true", help="Draw Fermi sources with labels.") # plotting options for Fermi Healpix file p.add_argument("--contourmap", default=None, help="Healpix map from which to grab contours.") p.add_argument( "--contourmapcoord", default="G", help= "Coordinate system of contourmap. C=equatorial, G=galactic (default)") # Download/plotting options for TeVCat sources p.add_argument("--download-tevcat", dest="dtevcat", action="store_true", help="Download data from and exit") p.add_argument("--tevcat", default=None, help="Draw TeVCat sources using TeVCat ASCII file") p.add_argument("--tevcat-labels", dest="tevcatLabels", action="store_true", help="Draw TeVCat sources with labels.") p.add_argument("--cat-labels-angle", dest="catLabelsAngle", default=90, help="Oriantation of catalog labels.") p.add_argument("--cat-labels-size", dest="catLabelsSize", default=8, help="Size of catalog labels.") # Highlight hotspots listed in an ASCII file p.add_argument("--hotspots", default=None, help="Hotspot coordinates in an ASCII file") p.add_argument("--hotspot-labels", dest="hotspotLabels", action="store_true", help="Draw hotspots sources with labels.") # Plot 2D Gaussian fit result listed in an ASCII file from p.add_argument("--gaussfit", default=None, help="2D-Gaussian fit result in an ASCII file") args = p.parse_args() #Sanity checks if (args.mjd is not None) and (not canPrecess): print("Missing necessary packages to make precession") raise SystemExit if args.nofill: # If we don't fill with colors, we don't plot the colorbar either args.colorbar = False # Download TeVCat if args.dtevcat: if haveTeVCat: print("Fetching data from") tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat() return None else: print("Sorry, AERIE TeVCat python module is not available.") raise SystemExit # Downlaod Fermi catalog if args.dfermi: if haveFermi: print("Fetching 2FGL catalog, version %s" % args.dfermi) FGLCatalog.fetch_catalog(args.dfermi) return None else: print("Sorry, AERIE Fermi python module is not available.") raise SystemExit # Start normal processing fitsfile = args.fitsfile if fitsfile == []: print("Please specify an FITS file to plot.") raise SystemExit # Fill 2D array xmin = -180. xmax = 180. ymax = 90 ymin = -90 if (args.xyrange): xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = args.xyrange xC = (xmin + xmax) / 2. yC = (ymin + ymax) / 2. elif (args.origin): xC, yC, w, h = args.origin xmin = xC - 0.5 * w xmax = xC + 0.5 * w ymin = yC - 0.5 * h ymax = yC + 0.5 * h else: print("Using default zoom window. " "To customize the zoom window you must specify either " "(xyrange) or (origin and width and height).") if args.isMoon or args.isSun: xmin += 180. xmax += 180. # Move to range expected by healpy while xmin < -180: xmin += 360 while xmin > 180: xmin -= 360 while xmax < -180: xmax += 360 while xmax > 180: xmax -= 360 if xmax < xmin: tmax = xmax tmin = xmin xmin = tmax xmax = tmin cxmin = xmin cxmax = xmax frot = 0. if xmax > 90. and xmin < -90.: frot = 180. cxmin = xmax - 180. cxmax = xmin + 180. if args.origin: while xC > 180: xC -= 360 # Read in the skymap and mask out empty pixels skymap, skymapHeader = hp.read_map(fitsfile[0], args.col, h=True) if len(fitsfile) > 1: skymap *= float(fitsfile[1]) # If fitsfile has more parameters, they should be "mapfile weight" pairs for i in range(2, len(fitsfile), 2): skymap2 = hp.read_map(fitsfile[i], args.col) skymap2 *= float(fitsfile[i + 1]) skymap += skymap2 # remove naughty values skymap[np.isnan(skymap)] = hp.UNSEEN skymap *= args.scale nside1 = hp.get_nside(skymap) npix = hp.nside2npix(nside1) if args.coldiff > -1: if os.path.isfile(args.diff): print("Taking difference with {0}".format(args.diff)) skymap2 = hp.read_map(args.diff, args.coldiff) else: print("No extra file provided, using same file as input") skymap2 = hp.read_map(fitsfile[0], args.coldiff) if len(fitsfile) > 1: skymap2 *= float(fitsfile[1]) print("Subtracting column {0} from skymap...".format(args.coldiff)) skymap -= skymap2 # If fitsfile has more parameters, they should be "mapfile weight" pairs for i in range(2, len(fitsfile), 2): skymap2 = hp.read_map(fitsfile[i], args.coldiff) skymap2 *= float(fitsfile[i + 1]) skymap -= skymap2 if (args.gumbel): assert haveGumbel gumbel_location, gumbel_scale = args.gumbel gumbel = gumbel_r(loc=gumbel_location, scale=gumbel_scale) skymap = gumbel.logsf(skymap) / log(10) def inf_suppressor(x): return x if np.isfinite(x) else 0. inf_suppressor = np.vectorize(inf_suppressor) skymap = inf_suppressor(skymap) # Normalize value to square degree if args.sqdeg: pixsizestr = 4 * np.pi / (12 * nside1**2) str2sqdeg = (180 / np.pi)**2 pixsizesqdeg = pixsizestr * str2sqdeg skymap /= pixsizesqdeg # I did not find header handler, thats all I came up with... toFind = 'TTYPE' + str(args.col + 1) #print type(skymapHeader), type(skymapHeader[0]), skymapHeader, toFind, dict(skymapHeader)[toFind] skymapName = dict(skymapHeader)[toFind] #Check if it is flux isFlux = False hasFluxError = False if skymapName == 'flux': isFlux = True keyname = dict((v, n) for n, v in skymapHeader).get("flux_error") if keyname is not None: if keyname.find('TTYPE') == 0 and len(keyname) == 6: hasFluxError = True fluxerrmap = hp.read_map(fitsfile[0], int(keyname[5]) - 1) if not hasFluxError: print("Map called 'flux_error' not present, will not print errors") isFluxError = False if skymapName == "flux_error": isFluxError = True # Find FOV pxls = np.arange(skymap.size) nZeroPix = pxls[(skymap != 0)] pxTh, pxPh = hp.pix2ang(nside1, pxls) # Mask outside FOV values = > pxTh[nZeroPix].max()) | (pxTh < pxTh[nZeroPix].min()) | (skymap == hp.UNSEEN) | (skymap == 1e20), skymap) # Plot the skymap as an image, setting up the color palette on the way mpl.rc("font", size=14, family="serif") faspect = abs(cxmax - cxmin) / abs(ymax - ymin) fysize = 4 # Set up the figure frame and coordinate rotation angle coords = ["C", "C"] gratcoord = "C" if args.coords == "G": coords = ["C", "G"] gratcoord = "G" if args.mjd is not None: rotMap = precess.mjd2J2000ang(mjd=args.mjd, coord=coords, rot=frot) rotVertex = precess.mjd2J2000ang(mjd=args.mjd, coord=coords) elif not (args.isMoon or args.isSun): mjd = False if havePyfits: hdulist =[0]) header = hdulist[0].header if 'EPOCH' in header: epoch = header['EPOCH'] if epoch == 'J2000': pass elif epoch == 'current': if 'STARTMJD' in header and 'STOPMJD' in header: startmjd = header['STARTMJD'] stopmjd = header['STOPMJD'] if (startmjd > 0 and stopmjd > 0) or startmjd > stopmjd: mjd = (stopmjd + startmjd) / 2 else: print( "STARTMJD/STOPMJD are not well-definned, will not attempt to precess!" ) else: print( "STARTMJD or STOPMJD not present in header, will not attempt to precess!" ) else: print( "Currently EPOCH can be J2000 or current. Will not attempt to precess" ) else: print("Key EPOCH not in header, will not attempt to precess!") else: print( "Pyfits not available -> Can't check map epoch -> Will not attempt to precess!" ) if mjd: print( "Current epoch detected in header, will precess from MJD%g to J2000" % mjd) rotMap = precess.mjd2J2000ang(mjd=mjd, coord=coords, rot=frot) rotVertex = precess.mjd2J2000ang(mjd=mjd, coord=coords) else: rotMap = frot rotVertex = 0 else: rotMap = frot rotVertex = 0 # Get extrema angverts = [[xmin,ymin],[xmax,ymin],\ [xmax,ymax],[xmin,ymax]] vertlist = [] cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=coords, rot=rotVertex) for x, y in angverts: ctht, cph = np.deg2rad((y, x)) ctht = 0.5 * np.pi - ctht if cph < 0: cph = 2. * np.pi + cph vertlist.append(cRot.I(hp.ang2vec(ctht, cph))) # Get pixels in image imgpix = hp.query_polygon(nside1, vertlist, inclusive=True) seenpix = imgpix[values[imgpix] > hp.UNSEEN] #if output is fits file: clip input healpy map by setting all pixels outside the plotted area to UNSEEN, #then save the result. if args.output and (args.output.endswith(".fits") or args.output.endswith(".fit")): pix = np.ones(npix, dtype=bool) pix[seenpix] = False values[pix] = hp.UNSEEN print("Saving clipped healpy map to %s" % args.output) hp.write_map(args.output, values, partial=True, column_names=[skymapName]) exit() #Get stats precRot = hp.Rotator(coord=coords, rot=rotVertex) pixMin, pixMax = seenpix[[ np.argmin(values[seenpix]), np.argmax(values[seenpix]) ]] dMin, dMax = values[[pixMin, pixMax]] [[thMin, thMax], [phMin, phMax]] = np.rad2deg(precRot(hp.pix2ang(nside1, [pixMin, pixMax]))) if args.coords == 'C': while phMin < 0: phMin += 360 while phMax < 0: phMax += 360 th0, ph0 = precRot.I((90. - yC) * degree, xC * degree) pix0 = hp.ang2pix(nside1, th0, ph0) if isFlux: if hasFluxError: fluxerrMin, fluxerrMax, fluxerr0 = fluxerrmap[[ pixMin, pixMax, pix0 ]] else: fluxerrMin, fluxerrMax, fluxerr0 = [0, 0, 0] print("Flux units: TeV^-1 cm^-2 s^-1") print("Coord units: deg") print("Min: %11.2e +/- %11.2e (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % (dMin, fluxerrMin, phMin, 90 - thMin)) print("Max: %11.2e +/- %11.2e (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % (dMax, fluxerrMax, phMax, 90 - thMax)) print("Map value at origin: %11.2e +/- %11.2e" % (skymap[pix0], fluxerr0)) elif isFluxError: print("Min: %5.4e (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % (dMin, phMin, 90 - thMin)) print("Max: %5.4e (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % (dMax, phMax, 90 - thMax)) print("Map value at origin: %5.4e" % skymap[pix0]) else: print("Min: %5.2f (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % (dMin, phMin, 90 - thMin)) print("Max: %5.2f (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % (dMax, phMax, 90 - thMax)) print("Map value at origin: %5.2f" % skymap[pix0]) if args.onlystats: return 0 figsize = (fysize * faspect + 2, fysize + 2.75) fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=figsize) # Set min/max value of map if args.min is not None: dMin = args.min values[(skymap < dMin) & (values > hp.UNSEEN)] = dMin if args.max is not None: dMax = args.max values[(skymap > dMax) & (values > hp.UNSEEN)] = dMax textcolor, colormap = MapPalette.setupDefaultColormap(args.ncolors) # Use the Fermi/HESS/VERITAS purply-red-yellow color map if args.gamma: textcolor, colormap = MapPalette.setupGammaColormap(args.ncolors) # Use the Milagro color map if args.milagro: dMin = -5 dMax = 15 dMin = args.min if args.min != None else -5 dMax = args.max if args.max != None else 15 thresh = args.threshold if args.threshold != None else 2. textcolor, colormap = \ MapPalette.setupMilagroColormap(dMin, dMax, thresh, args.ncolors) print("Milagro", dMin, dMax, thresh) # Use a thresholded grayscale map with colors for extreme values else: if args.threshold != None: textcolor, colormap = \ MapPalette.setupThresholdColormap(dMin, dMax, args.threshold, args.ncolors) elif args.abthresh != None: textcolor, colormap = \ MapPalette.setupAbsThresholdColormap(dMin, dMax, args.abthresh, args.ncolors) if args.interpolation: cRot = hp.Rotator(rot=rotMap, coord=coords) phi = np.linspace(np.deg2rad(xmax), np.deg2rad(xmin), args.xsize) if xmin < 0 and xmax > 0 and (xmax - xmin) > 180.: phi = np.linspace( np.deg2rad(xmin) + 2. * np.pi, np.deg2rad(xmax), args.xsize) phi[(phi > 2. * np.pi)] -= 2. * np.pi theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.linspace(np.deg2rad(ymin), np.deg2rad(ymax), args.xsize / faspect) Phi, Theta = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) rTheta,rPhi = cRot.I(Theta.reshape(phi.size*theta.size),\ Phi.reshape(phi.size*theta.size)) rotimg = hp.get_interp_val(values, rTheta.reshape(Phi.shape),\ rPhi.reshape(Theta.shape)) else: tfig = plt.figure(num=2, figsize=figsize) rotimg = hp.cartview(values, fig=2,coord=coords,title="",\ cmap=colormap, cbar=False,\ lonra=[cxmin,cxmax],latra=[ymin,ymax],rot=rotMap, notext=True, xsize=args.xsize, return_projected_map=True) plt.close(tfig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect(1.) # if plotting contours if args.contours != None: if args.contourmap: contourmap = args.contourmap contourmapcoord = args.contourmapcoord else: contourmap = fitsfile[0] contourmapcoord = 'C' contourSkyMap, contourSkyMapHeader = hp.read_map(contourmap, h=True) fnside1 = hp.get_nside(contourSkyMap) ftoFind = 'TTYPE' + str(1) contourSkyMapName = dict(contourSkyMapHeader)[ftoFind] #<<<<<<< .mine # fvalues = contourSkyMap == 0, contourSkyMap) #======= #>>>>>>> .r38901 if args.interpolation: cRot = hp.Rotator(rot=rotMap, coord=[contourmapcoord, coords[-1]]) phi = np.linspace(np.deg2rad(xmax), np.deg2rad(xmin), args.xsize) if xmin < 0 and xmax > 0 and (xmax - xmin) > 180.: phi = np.linspace( np.deg2rad(xmin) + 2. * np.pi, np.deg2rad(xmax), args.xsize) phi[(phi > 2. * np.pi)] -= 2. * np.pi theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.linspace( np.deg2rad(ymin), np.deg2rad(ymax), args.xsize / faspect) Phi, Theta = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) rTheta,rPhi = cRot.I(Theta.reshape(phi.size*theta.size),\ Phi.reshape(phi.size*theta.size)) frotimg = hp.get_interp_val(contourSkyMap,rTheta.reshape(Phi.shape),\ rPhi.reshape(Theta.shape)) else: tfig = plt.figure(num=3, figsize=figsize) frotimg = hp.cartview(contourSkyMap, fig=3, coord=[contourmapcoord, coords[-1]], title="", cmap=colormap, cbar=False, lonra=[xmin, xmax], latra=[ymin, ymax], rot=rotMap, notext=True, xsize=1000, min=dMin, max=dMax, return_projected_map=True) plt.close(tfig) if args.contours == []: rMaxSig2 = (contourSkyMap[imgpix].max())**2 if rMaxSig2 < 11.83: print( "No spot detected with at least a 3sigma confidence contour" ) contours = [-float("inf")] else: contours = [ sqrt(rMaxSig2 - 2.30), sqrt(rMaxSig2 - 6.18), sqrt(rMaxSig2 - 11.83) ] else: contours = args.contours ccolor = args.contourscolor or 'g' cstyle = args.contoursstyle or '-' cwidth = args.contourswidth or 2. print('Contours style: ', ccolor, cstyle, cwidth) contp = ax.contour(frotimg, levels=np.sort(contours), colors=ccolor, linestyles=cstyle, linewidths=cwidth, origin='upper', extent=[cxmax, cxmin, ymax, ymin]) rotimg[(rotimg > dMax)] = dMax rotimg[(rotimg < dMin)] = dMin if not args.nofill: imgp = ax.imshow(rotimg,extent=[cxmax, cxmin, ymax, ymin],\ vmin=dMin,vmax=dMax,cmap=colormap) imgp.get_cmap().set_under('w', alpha=0.) imgp.get_cmap().set_over('w', alpha=0.) #User defined contour if args.contourfile is not None: ccolor = args.contourscolor or ['g'] cstyle = args.contoursstyle or ['-'] cwidth = args.contourswidth or [2.] if len(ccolor) == 1: ccolor = np.repeat(ccolor[0], len(args.contourfile)) if len(cstyle) == 1: cstyle = np.repeat(cstyle[0], len(args.contourfile)) if len(cwidth) == 1: cwidth = np.repeat(cwidth[0], len(args.contourfile)) for i, f in enumerate(args.contourfile): ra, dec = np.loadtxt(f, unpack=True) if xmax > 90. and xmin < -90.: #Map at the discontinuity boundary ra -= 180 ra[ra > 180] -= 360 ra[ra < -180] += 360 ax.plot(ra, dec, color=ccolor[i], linestyle=cstyle[i], linewidth=cwidth[i]) # Draw grid lines xts = np.arange(np.floor(xmin), np.ceil(xmax + args.dmer), args.dmer)[1:-1] xtlbs = [ '%g' % (xt + 360) if args.coords == 'C' and xt < 0 else '%g' % xt for xt in xts ] if xmin < 0. and xmax > 0. and (xmax - xmin) > 180.: xts = np.arange(np.floor(cxmin), np.ceil(cxmax + args.dmer), args.dmer)[1:-1] xtlbs = [] for xt in xts: cval = xt - 180. if xt < 0: cval = 180. + xt if cval == -180: cval = 180 if args.isMoon or args.isSun: cval -= 180. if cval < -180.: cval += 360. elif args.coords == 'C' and cval < 0: cval += 360 xtlbs.append('%g' % (cval)) yts = np.arange(np.floor(ymin), np.ceil(ymax + args.dpar), args.dpar)[1:-1] if args.nogrid == False: ax.grid(color=textcolor) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(xts) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(xtlbs) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(yts) if args.preliminary: plt.text((xmin + xmax) / 2., ymin + 0.85 * (ymax - ymin), "PRELIMINARY", color=textcolor, alpha=0.8, fontdict={ "family": "sans-serif", "weight": "bold", "size": 28 }, horizontalalignment='center') # If TeVCat data are available, plot them if args.tevcat or args.tevcatLabels: if haveTeVCat: try: if args.tevcat: tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat(args.tevcat) elif args.tevcatLabels: tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat(args.tevcatLabels) except IOError as e: print(e) print("Downloading data from") tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat() except: print("Why caught here?") print("Downloading data from") tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat() cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=["C", coords[-1]]) tnside = 512 fpix = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(tnside)) for cId in (1, 2): catalog = tevcat.GetCatalog(cId) ra = catalog.GetRA() dec = catalog.GetDec() assoc = catalog.GetCanonicalName() cut = (assoc != 'Crab Pulsar') ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] assoc = assoc[cut] cpix = hp.ang2pix(tnside, np.pi * 0.5 - dec, ra) slpx = [] for sx, px in enumerate(cpix): fpix[px] += 1 if fpix[px] != 1: print("%s is a duplicate" % (assoc[sx])) slpx.append(sx) ra = np.delete(ra, slpx) dec = np.delete(dec, slpx) assoc = np.delete(assoc, slpx) y, x = cRot(np.pi * 0.5 - dec, ra) x = np.rad2deg(x) + frot x[(x > 180.)] -= 360. y = 90. - np.rad2deg(y) cut = (x > xmin) & (x < xmax) & (y > ymin) & (y < ymax) x = x[cut] y = y[cut] assoc = assoc[cut] ax.scatter(x, y, color=textcolor, facecolors="none", marker="s") if args.tevcatLabels: for r, d, s in zip(x, y, assoc): print(r, d, s) ax.text(r, d, s + ' .', color=textcolor, rotation=args.catLabelsAngle, fontdict={ 'family': 'sans-serif', 'size': args.catLabelsSize, 'weight': 'bold' }) else: print("Sorry, TeVCat could not be loaded.") # If Fermi data are available, plot them if args.fermicat: if haveFermi: fcat = None try: fcat = FGLCatalog.FGLCatalog(args.fermicat) aflag = fcat.GetAnalysisFlags() acut = (aflag == 0) # cut analysis errors flux = fcat.GetFlux1000() # 1-100 GeV flux dflx = fcat.GetFlux1000Error() # flux uncertainty fcut = dflx / flux < 0.5 # cut poorly measured srcs cuts = np.logical_and(acut, fcut) print('Using FGL') except: try: fcat = FHLCatalog.FHLCatalog(args.fermicat) cuts = (fcat.GetFlux() > 0.) # Dummy cut print('Using FHL') except: print('Fermi catalog could not be loaded!') if fcat != None: # Don't show TeV associations if plotting from TeVCat if args.tevcat or args.tevcatLabels: tcfg = fcat.GetTeVCatFlag() tcut = (tcfg == "N") | (tcfg == "C") cuts = np.logical_and(cuts, tcut) ra = fcat.GetRA()[cuts] dec = fcat.GetDec()[cuts] assoc = fcat.GetSourceName()[cuts] catnms = fcat.GetCatalogName()[cuts] for i in xrange(len(assoc)): if assoc[i] == '': assoc[i] = catnms[i] cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=["C", coords[-1]]) y, x = cRot(np.pi * 0.5 - dec, ra) x = np.rad2deg(x) + frot x[(x > 180.)] -= 360. y = 90. - np.rad2deg(y) cut = (x > xmin) & (x < xmax) & (y > ymin) & (y < ymax) x = x[cut] y = y[cut] assoc = assoc[cut] ax.scatter(x, y, color=textcolor, facecolors="none", marker="o") if args.fermicatLabels: for r, d, s in zip(x, y, assoc): ax.text(r, d, s, color=textcolor, rotation=args.catLabelsAngle, fontdict={ 'family': 'sans-serif', 'size': args.catLabelsSize, 'weight': 'bold' }) else: print("Sorry, the Fermi xFGL catalog could not be loaded.") # If a hotspot list is given, plot it if args.hotspots: fhot = open(args.hotspots, "r") ra = [] dec = [] assoc = [] for line in fhot: if line.startswith("#"): continue larr = line.strip().split() ra.append(float(larr[1])) dec.append(float(larr[2])) assoc.append(larr[4]) ra = np.deg2rad(ra) dec = np.deg2rad(dec) assoc = np.array(assoc) cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=["C", coords[-1]]) y, x = cRot(np.pi * 0.5 - dec, ra) x = np.rad2deg(x) + frot x[(x > 180.)] -= 360. y = 90. - np.rad2deg(y) cut = (x > xmin) & (x < xmax) & (y > ymin) & (y < ymax) x = x[cut] y = y[cut] assoc = assoc[cut] ax.scatter(x, y, color=textcolor, facecolors="none", marker="o") if args.hotspotLabels: for r, d, s in zip(x, y, assoc): print(r, d, s) ax.text(r, d, s + ' .', color=textcolor, rotation=90, fontdict={ 'family': 'sans-serif', 'size': 8, 'weight': 'bold' }) # If a gaussian fit file is given, plot it if args.gaussfit: gfit = open(args.gaussfit, "r") ra, raErr = [float(i) for i in] dec, decErr = [float(i) for i in] raW, raWErr = [float(i) for i in] decW, decWErr = [float(i) for i in] gfit.close() mrot = -180. if args.isMoon or args.isSun else 0. cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=["C", coords[-1]]) y, x = cRot(np.pi * 0.5 - np.deg2rad(dec), np.deg2rad(ra + mrot)) x = np.rad2deg(x) + frot x = x - 360. if x > 180. else x y = 90. - np.rad2deg(y) ellip0 = Ellipse((x, y), width=2 * raW, height=2 * decW, edgecolor='black', facecolor='None') ax.add_patch(ellip0) ax.scatter(x, y, s=20, color='black', facecolors="black", marker="o") print(x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) ax.text( x - 1, y + 1, "%s=%.02f$\pm$%.02f\n$\Delta\delta$=%.02f$\pm$%.02f\n%s=%.02f$\pm$%.02f\n$\sigma_\delta$=%.02f$\pm$%.02f" % (r"$\Delta\alpha$", ra, raErr, dec, decErr, r"$\sigma_\alpha$", raW, raWErr, decW, decWErr), color=textcolor, rotation=0, fontdict={"size": 12}) # Set up the color bar # Setup color tick marks if args.colorbar: cticks = args.ticks if args.ticks == None: if (dMax - dMin) > 3: clrmin = np.floor(dMin) clrmax = np.ceil(dMax) ctspc = np.round((clrmax - clrmin) / 10.) if ctspc == 0.: ctspc = 1. if clrmin < 0 and clrmax > 0: cticks = -np.arange(0, -clrmin, ctspc) cticks = np.sort( np.unique( np.append(cticks, np.arange(0, clrmax, ctspc)))) else: cticks = np.arange(clrmin, clrmax + ctspc, ctspc) else: cticks = None cb = fig.colorbar( imgp, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.85, fraction=0.1, #aspect=25, pad=0.1, ax=ax, ticks=cticks) if args.label: skymapName = args.label else: if re.match("significance", skymapName): skymapName = r"significance [$\sigma$]" if args.gumbel: skymapName = "log10(P-Value)" if args.colorbar: cb.set_label(skymapName) xUnit = " [$^\circ$]" if args.sexagesimal: xUnit = "" yUnit = " [$^\circ$]" xlabel = r"$\alpha$%s" % xUnit ylabel = r"$\delta$%s" % yUnit # Set up the color bar and tick axis if args.coords == "G": xlabel = r"$l$%s" % xUnit ylabel = r"$b$%s" % yUnit if args.isMoon or args.isSun: xlabel = r"$\Delta\alpha$%s" % xUnit ylabel = r"$\Delta\delta$%s" % yUnit # X axis label ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, color='k') # Y axis label ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, color='k') if args.sexagesimal: if haveAstropy: # Display RA with hh:mm nonsense. ticksLocationsRA = plt.xticks()[0] def degrees_to_hhmmss(ra): return Angle(ra,, fields=2) ticksLabelsRA = degrees_to_hhmmss(ticksLocationsRA) plt.xticks(ticksLocationsRA, ticksLabelsRA) # The same with DEC coordinates. Actually no, we never plot less than 1 degree... if False: ticksLocationsDEC = plt.yticks()[0] def degrees_to_ddmmss(dec): return Angle(dec,, fields=2) ticksLabelsDEC = degrees_to_ddmmss(ticksLocationsDEC) plt.yticks(ticksLocationsDEC, ticksLabelsDEC) else: print('Error: "--sexagesimal" ignored (needs astropy module)') # Title if args.title != None: ax.set_title(r"{0}".format(args.title.replace("\\n", "\n")), color='k') if args.cross: # Indicate the center of the plot with a thick black cross ax.scatter(xC, yC, s=20**2, marker="+", facecolor="#000000", color="#000000") ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_xlim(cxmax, cxmin) if args.squareaspect: plt.axes().set_aspect(1. / cos((ymax + ymin) / 2 * pi / 180)) # Either output the image to a file and quit or plot it in a window if args.output: if not args.nofill: fig.savefig(args.output, dpi=args.dpi) else: fig.savefig(args.output, dpi=args.dpi, transparent=True) print("File %s created" % args.output) else:
def Healpix2CartesianMerge(basedir, fname): # Read from hdf5 file f = h5py.File(fname,'r') output = { 'pi0_brem':['pi0','brem'], 'ics_all':['ics_cmb','ics_opt','ics_fir'] } for k, v in output.items(): print "Writing", k, v # Get the cartesian maps for each energy hpixcube=None for t in v: print 'Adding template:', t if hpixcube is None: hpixcube = f['templates/'+t][()] else: hpixcube += f['templates/'+t][()] cartcube = np.zeros((hpixcube.shape[0], 721,1440), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(hpixcube.shape[0]): cartcube[i] = healpy.cartview(hpixcube[i], hold=True, return_projected_map=True, xsize=1440, lonra=[-179.875, 179.875],flip='geo') plt.gcf() # Generate new hdu object hdu_new = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(cartcube.astype(np.float32)) # Copy galdef into header galdef = dict(f['/galdef'].attrs.items()) hdu_new.header.add_comment("Diffuse model generated by Eric Carlson ([email protected])") for key, val in galdef.items(): hdu_new.header.add_comment(key + "=" +val) hdu_new.header['CRVAL1'] = 0.0 hdu_new.header['CRPIX1'] = 720 hdu_new.header['CDELT1'] = 0.25 hdu_new.header['CUNIT1']= 'deg' hdu_new.header['CTYPE1']= 'GLON-CAR' hdu_new.header['CRVAL2'] = 0 hdu_new.header['CRPIX2'] = 361 hdu_new.header['CDELT2'] = 0.25 hdu_new.header['CUNIT2']= 'deg' hdu_new.header['CTYPE2']= 'GLAT-CAR' hdu_new.header['CRVAL3'] = float(galdef['E_gamma_min']) hdu_new.header['CRPIX3'] = 0 hdu_new.header['CDELT3'] = np.log10(float(galdef['E_gamma_factor'])) hdu_new.header['CTYPE3']= 'Energy' hdu_new.header['CUNIT3']= 'MeV' hdu_new.header['EXTEND']=True hdu_new.header['CREATOR'] = ('Eric Carlson ([email protected])', '') # Write energy extension table energies = np.array([float(galdef['E_gamma_min'])*float(galdef['E_gamma_factor'])**i for i in range(cartcube.shape[0])]) tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([ pyfits.Column(name='Energy', format='D', array=energies),]) tbhdu.header['EXTNAME']="ENERGIES" hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu_new,tbhdu]) fname_out = fname.split('.')[0]+"_"+k+"_mapcube.fits" hdulist.writeto(basedir+'/'+fname_out,clobber=True) # For some reason on my platform, pyfits gzip compression was writing corrupt files. p = subprocess.Popen(['gzip -f ' + basedir+'/' +fname_out ,], shell=True) print 'File written to ', fname_out
zgrid[goodind] = NP.sqrt(1.0 - (xgrid[goodind]**2 + ygrid[goodind]**2)) xvect = xgrid.ravel() yvect = ygrid.ravel() zvect = zgrid.ravel() xyzvect = NP.hstack((xvect.reshape(-1,1), yvect.reshape(-1,1), zvect.reshape(-1,1))) if use_DSM or use_GSM: dsm_file = '/data3/t_nithyanandan/project_MWA/foregrounds/gsmdata_{0:.1f}_MHz_nside_{1:0d}.fits'.format(freq/1e6,nside) hdulist = dsm_table = hdulist[1].data ra_deg = dsm_table['RA'] dec_deg = dsm_table['DEC'] temperatures = dsm_table['T_{0:.0f}'.format(freq/1e6)] fluxes = temperatures backdrop = HP.cartview(temperatures.ravel(), coord=['G','E'], rot=[0,0,0], xsize=backdrop_xsize, return_projected_map=True) elif use_GLEAM or use_SUMSS or use_NVSS or use_CSM: if use_GLEAM: catalog_file = '/data3/t_nithyanandan/project_MWA/foregrounds/mwacs_b1_131016.csv' # GLEAM catalog catdata =, data_start=1, delimiter=',') dec_deg = catdata['DEJ2000'] ra_deg = catdata['RAJ2000'] fpeak = catdata['S150_fit'] ferr = catdata['e_S150_fit'] freq_catalog = 1.4 # GHz spindex = -0.83 + NP.zeros(fpeak.size) fluxes = fpeak * (freq_catalog * 1e9 / freq)**spindex elif use_SUMSS: SUMSS_file = '/data3/t_nithyanandan/project_MWA/foregrounds/sumsscat.Mar-11-2008.txt' catalog = NP.loadtxt(SUMSS_file, usecols=(0,1,2,3,4,5,10,12,13,14,15,16)) ra_deg = 15.0 * (catalog[:,0] + catalog[:,1]/60.0 + catalog[:,2]/3.6e3)
def plotBundleMaps(path, outDir, bundle, dataLabel, filterBand, dataName=None, skymap=True, powerSpectrum=True, cartview=False, raRange=[-180, 180], decRange=[-70, 10], showPlots=True, saveFigs=False, outDirNameForSavedFigs='', lmax=500, nTicks=5, numFormat='%.2f', colorMin=None, colorMax=None): """ Plot maps for the data in a metricBundle object without using MAF routines. Required Parameters ------------------- * path: str: path to the main directory where output directory is saved * outDir: str: name of the main output directory * bundle: metricBundle object. * dataLabel: str: data type, e.g. 'counts', 'NumGal'. Will be the label for the colorbar in in skymaps/cartview plots. * filterBand: str: filter to consider, e.g. 'r' Optional Parameters ------------------- * dataName: str: dataLabel analog for filename. e.g. say for datalabel='c$_l$', a good dataName is 'cl' Default: None * skymap: boolean: set to True if want to plot skymaps. Default: True * powerSpectrum: boolean: set to True if want to plot powerspectra; dipole is removed. Default: True * cartview: boolean: set to True if want to plot cartview plots. Default: Fase * raRange: float array: range of right ascention (in degrees) to consider in cartview plot; only useful when cartview=True. Default: [-180,180] * decRange: float array: range of declination (in degrees) to consider in cartview plot; only useful when cartview=True. Default: [-70,10] * showPlots: boolean: set to True if want to show figures. Default: True * saveFigs: boolean: set to True if want to save figures. Default: False * outDirNameForSavedFigs: str: name for the output directory if saveFigs=True. Default: '' * lmax: int: upper limit on the multipole. Default: 500 * nTicks: int: (number of ticks - 1) on the skymap colorbar. Default: 5 * numFormat: str: number format for the labels on the colorbar. Default: '%.2f' * colorMin: float: lower limit on the colorscale for skymaps. Default: None * colorMax: float: upper limit on the colorscale for skymaps. Default: None """ if dataName is None: dataName = dataLabel if saveFigs: # set up the subdirectory outDirNew = outDirNameForSavedFigs if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDirNew)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDirNew)) if powerSpectrum: # plot out the power spectrum for dither in bundle: plt.clf() cl = hp.anafast(hp.remove_dipole( bundle[dither].metricValues.filled( bundle[dither].slicer.badval)), lmax=lmax) ell = np.arange(len(cl)) plt.plot(ell, (cl * ell * (ell + 1)) / 2.0 / np.pi) plt.title('%s: %s' % (dataLabel, dither)) plt.xlabel(r'$\ell$') plt.ylabel(r'$\ell(\ell+1)C_\ell/(2\pi)$') plt.xlim(0, lmax) if saveFigs: # save power spectrum filename = '%s_powerSpectrum_%s.png' % (dataName, dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDirNew, filename), bbox_inches='tight', format='png') if showPlots: else: plt.close('all') if skymap: # plot out the skymaps for dither in bundle: inSurveyIndex = np.where( bundle[dither].metricValues.mask == False)[0] median = np.median(bundle[dither][inSurveyIndex]) stddev = np.std(bundle[dither][inSurveyIndex]) if (colorMin == None): colorMin = median - 1.5 * stddev if (colorMax == None): colorMax = median + 1.5 * stddev increment = (colorMax - colorMin) / float(nTicks) ticks = np.arange(colorMin + increment, colorMax, increment) hp.mollview(bundle[dither].metricValues.filled( bundle[dither].slicer.badval), flip='astro', rot=(0, 0, 0), min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='', cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title(dither) ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig = plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.03, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', ticks=ticks, format=numFormat, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label(dataLabel) if saveFigs: # save skymap filename = '%s_skymap_%s.png' % (dataName, dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDirNew, filename), bbox_inches='tight', format='png') if showPlots: else: plt.close('all') if cartview: # plot out the cartview plots for dither in bundle: inSurveyIndex = np.where( bundle[dither].metricValues.mask == False)[0] median = np.median(bundle[dither][inSurveyIndex]) stddev = np.std(bundle[dither][inSurveyIndex]) if (colorMin == None): colorMin = median - 1.5 * stddev if (colorMax == None): colorMax = median + 1.5 * stddev increment = (colorMax - colorMin) / float(nTicks) ticks = np.arange(colorMin + increment, colorMax, increment) hp.cartview(bundle[dither].metricValues.filled( bundle[dither].slicer.badval), flip='astro', rot=(0, 0, 0), lonra=raRange, latra=decRange, min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='', cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title(dither) ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig = plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.25, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', ticks=ticks, format=numFormat, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label(dataLabel) if saveFigs: # save cartview plot filename = '%s_cartview_%s.png' % (dataName, dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDirNew, filename), bbox_inches='tight', format='png') if showPlots: else: plt.close('all')
moll_array = moll_array / (np.max(moll_array)) * 255.0 return moll_array ####### # changing data t_start = time.time() for num, path_ in enumerate(all_images): if not os.path.exists(destinationPath_data + 'msim_' + tag + '%04i_data.tif' % num) or overwrite: image_data = hp.read_map(path_) image_data = np.array(image_data, np.float32) moll_array = hp.cartview(image_data, title=None, xsize=x_size, ysize=y_size, return_projected_map=True) if mod: moll_array = modification(moll_array) if norm: moll_array = normalization(moll_array) if rgb: moll_array = toRGB(moll_array) moll_image = Image.fromarray(moll_array) print('Saving to ' + destinationPath_data + 'msim_' + tag + '%04i_data.tif' % num) + 'msim_' + tag + '%04i_data.tif' % num) print('Total elapsed time:', time.time() - t_start, 's')
plt.grid() l = 51.641648 b = -9.6750019 # Plot cartview a/o mollview # ll = l if (l>180): ll = ll-360. offset = 1. lonr = [51.25, 52.0] latr = [-10., -9.35] hp.cartview(ci_map, title='XXX', coord='G', unit='mag', min=0.1,max=0.4, norm=None, xsize=800, lonra=lonr, latra=latr, #lonra=[ll-offset,ll+offset], latra=[b-offset,b+offset], min=0, max=0.4, return_projected_map=True) # hp.mollview(tau_map, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+') - '+map_file, # coord='G', unit='', rot=[l,b,0], norm='hist', min=1e-7,max=1e-3, xsize=800) # Cal. # hp.projplot(ll, b, 'bo', lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projtext(ll, b, ' (' + str(round(ll,2)) + ',' + str(round(b,2)) + ')', lonlat=True, coord='G', fontsize=18, weight='bold') # theta = (90.0-b)*deg2rad # phi = l*deg2rad # pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) # for x in pl.frange(l-offset, l+offset, dd): # for y in pl.frange(b-offset, b+offset, dd):
def __init__(self, background, nside=None, fignum=None, projection='mollweide', coord_bg='G', coord_plot='C', partialmap=False, config='footprint.cfg', map_path=None, download_config=False, title='Survey Footprints', cbar=None, min=1.0, max=5000.0, log=True, unit='', **kwds): self.fig = pl.figure(fignum) self.coord_plot = coord_plot self.partialmap = partialmap self.kwds = kwds = [] if projection == 'mollweide': self.mapview = H.mollview self.mapcontour = vf.mollcontour elif projection == 'cartesian': self.mapview = H.cartview self.mapcontour = vf.cartcontour elif projection == 'orthographic': self.mapview = H.orthview self.mapcontour = vf.orthcontour elif projection == 'gnomonic': self.mapview = H.gnomview self.mapcontour = vf.gnomcontour if map_path is None: full_path = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()) abs_path = os.path.split(full_path)[0] map_path = os.path.join(abs_path, 'maps/') self.config = ConfigHandler(config, map_path, nside=nside, download_config=download_config) # Could also just call load_survey which will call get_background if isinstance(background, str): bgmap, coord_bg, unit2 = self.config.load_survey(background, get_unit=True) background = bgmap[0] if unit2 is not None: unit = unit2 if nside is None: nside = H.npix2nside(len(background)) self.nside = nside coord = [coord_bg, coord_plot] cm.Greys.set_under(alpha=0.0) if log: min = np.log(min) max = np.log(max) unit = r'$\log($' + unit + r'$)$' background = np.log(background) if self.partialmap: sub = (1, 1, 1) margins = (0.01, 0.025, 0.01, 0.03) H.cartview(background, title=title, coord=coord, fig=self.fig.number, cmap=cm.Greys, notext=True, flip='astro', min=min, max=max, sub=sub, margins=margins, **kwds) self.fig.delaxes(self.fig.axes[-1]) else: self.mapview(background, title=title, coord=coord, fig=self.fig.number, cmap=cm.Greys, min=min, max=max, notext=True, cbar=True, flip='astro', unit=unit, **kwds) if not cbar: self.fig.delaxes(self.fig.axes[-1]) H.graticule(dpar=30.0, dmer=30.0, coord='C', verbose=False)
weightsA = hp.fitsfunc.read_map( "/Volumes/DataDavy/Foregrounds/RHT_mask_Equ_ch16_to_24_w75_s15_t70_galfapixcorr_UPSIDEDOWN_plusbgt30cut_plusstarmask_plusHFI_Mask_PointSrc_2048_R2.00_TempPol_allfreqs_RING_apodFWHM15arcmin_zerod.fits" ) plotmaps = [Q353map, q_bamp1, q_bamp0p01, q_bamp0] plotmaps = [U353map, u_bamp1, u_bamp0p01, u_bamp0] plottitles = ["353 raw", "Z=1", "Z=1E-2", "Z=0"] subnums = [221, 222, 223, 224] fig = plt.figure() for i, (plotmap, subnum, plottitle) in enumerate(zip(plotmaps, subnums, plottitles)): plotmap[weightsA < 0.5] = None hp.cartview(plotmap, latra=(5, 90), lonra=(-30, 110), sub=subnum, title=plottitle) # hp.mollview(plotmap, sub=subnum, title=plottitle) RHT_TQU_Gal_fn = "../data/TQU_RHT_Planck_pol_ang_GALFA_HI_allsky_coadd_chS1004_1043_w75_s15_t70_Gal.fits" RHT_T_Gal, QRHT, URHT = hp.fitsfunc.read_map(RHT_TQU_Gal_fn, field=(0, 1, 2)) psi_planck_flatprior_fn = maproot + "/psiMB_DR2_SC_241_353GHz_adaptivep0_True_new.fits" psi_planck_flatprior = hp.fitsfunc.read_map(psi_planck_flatprior_fn) psi_planck_flatprior_mask = copy.copy(psi_planck_flatprior) psi_planck_flatprior_mask[weightsA < 0.5] = None plotmaps = [thetarhtgal_mask, thet353_mask, thet1mmax] subnums = [131, 132, 133] plottitles = [r'$\psi_{RHT}$', r'$\psi_{353}$', r'1-R($\psi$) prior']
src = info['src'] for i in range(len(src)): if( (src[i] != '3C409') ): continue l = info['l'][i] b = info['b'][i] # Plot cartview a/o mollview # ll = l if (l>180): ll = ll-360. hp.cartview(tau_map, title=src[i], coord='G', unit='', norm=None, xsize=800, lonra=[ll-offset-0.1*offset,ll+offset+0.1*offset], latra=[b-offset-0.1*offset,b+offset+0.1*offset], return_projected_map=True) hp.projplot(ll, b, 'bo', lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projtext(ll, b, ' (' + str(round(ll,2)) + ',' + str(round(b,2)) + ')', lonlat=True, coord='G', fontsize=18, weight='bold', color='b') # hp.mollview(tau_map, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+') - '+map_file, # coord='G', unit='', rot=[l,b,0], norm='hist', min=1e-7,max=1e-3, xsize=800) # Cal. # theta = (90.0-b)*deg2rad phi = l*deg2rad pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) for x in pl.frange(l-offset, l+offset, dd): for y in pl.frange(b-offset, b+offset, dd):
def main(): _path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) file_area = ['data/dcorr_smpas_obstime_15.fits', 'data/lambda_sfd_ebv.fits'] splus_tilles = os.path.join(_path,'data/splus_tiles.txt') sn_tiles_file = os.path.expanduser('~/OneDrive/Documents/Documents/t80s/s-plus/sn2.txt') # # Reading data # map_area = np.array([H.read_map(os.path.join(_path, file_area[1])), ]) pt_splus = np.loadtxt(splus_tilles, unpack=True, usecols=(1, 2)) sn_tiles = np.loadtxt(sn_tiles_file, unpack=True) for i in range(1, len(file_area)): map_area = np.append(map_area, np.array([H.read_map(os.path.join(_path, file_area[i])), ]), axis=0) # # Plotting graph # # H.cartview(map_area[0], coord=['G', 'E'], cmap=cm.gray_r, cbar=False, notext=True, # title='S-PLUS Survey Area', max=1) H.cartview(map_area[0], coord=['G', 'C'], cmap=cm.gray_r, cbar=False, notext=True, title='S-PLUS Survey Area', max=1) #################################################################################################################### # START S-PLUS # # S-PLUS Southern part # # for line in np.arange(-5, 1, 0.25): # # dec = np.zeros(100)+(90+20*np.sin(line))*np.pi/180. # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(35, -35, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='b', lw=1, alpha=0.2) for line in np.arange(15, 45, 0.25): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(1, -35, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='m', lw=1) #, alpha=0.2) H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(60., -60, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', lw=1, alpha=1) for line in np.arange(45, 70, 0.25): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(1, -35, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='m', lw=1) #, alpha=0.2) H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(70., -70, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', lw=1, alpha=1) for line in np.arange(70, 75, 0.25): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(1, -35, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='m', lw=1) #, alpha=0.2) H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(70., -90, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', lw=1, alpha=1) ###### # for line in np.arange(15, 35, 0.25): # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(1, -35, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # # color='m', lw=1) #, alpha=0.2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(0., -30, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=1, alpha=0.2) # for line in np.arange(35, 55, 0.25): # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(1, -35, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # # color='m', lw=1) #, alpha=0.2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(0., -60, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=1, alpha=0.2) # for line in np.arange(20, 55, 0.25): # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(1, -35, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # # color='m', lw=1) #, alpha=0.2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(0., 22.5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=1, alpha=0.2) # for line in np.arange(20, 60, 0.25): # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(1, -35, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # # color='m', lw=1) #, alpha=0.2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(22.5, 60, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=1, alpha=0.2) ###### # for line in np.arange(15, 60, 0.25): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(45, -75, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=1, alpha=0.2) # for line in np.arange(30, 60, 0.25): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(40, -60, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=1, alpha=0.2) # for line in np.arange(60, 80, 0.25): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(80, -80, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=1, alpha=0.2) # ra = np.linspace(-180*np.pi/180.,-150*np.pi/180.,100.) # dec = np.zeros(100)+(90+20*np.sin(ra))*np.pi/180. # for line in np.arange(-4.,4.,0.25): # H.projplot(dec+line * np.pi/180.,ra,'-',color='m',lw=2.) # # ra = np.linspace(150*np.pi/180.,180*np.pi/180.,100.) # dec = np.zeros(100)+(90+20*np.sin(ra))*np.pi/180. # for line in np.arange(-4.,4.,0.25): # H.projplot(dec+line * np.pi/180.,ra,'-',color='m',lw=2.) # for ra in np.linspace(-35 * np.pi / 180.,35 * np.pi / 180.,30.): # dec = (90+20*np.sin(ra))*np.pi/180. # H.projplot(np.array([dec, dec]) - 10. * np.pi / 180. ,[ra, -35 * np.pi /180.] ,'-',color='r',lw=2.,alpha=0.2) # for line in np.arange(dec[0], dec[-1] , 0.25): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-35, 35, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=1, alpha=0.2) # for line in np.arange(30, 45, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-60, 91, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # for line in np.arange(45, 80, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-90, 90, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # # S-PLUS Northern part # for line in np.arange(-10, 40, 0.5): H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(150, 180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', lw=2, alpha=1) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-157.5, -180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=2, alpha=0.2) # for line in np.arange(-15, 0, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(157.5,180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # for line in np.arange(-5., 0, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-120,-160, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=2, alpha=0.2) for line in np.arange(-10., 40, 0.5): H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-142.5,-180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', lw=2, alpha=1) # for line in np.arange(30., 40, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-165,-120., 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='r', lw=2, alpha=0.2) l_start = [-12,210] l_end = [12,260] # # # brange = [0.5,2,5,8,10,12] brange = np.arange(-10, 10) # for b in brange: for il in range(len(l_start)): H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + (90.-b) * np.pi / 180., np.linspace(l_start[il] * np.pi / 180., l_end[il] * np.pi / 180., 100), 'g-',lw=2,alpha=1.,coord=['G','E']) # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + (90.-b) * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(l_start[0] * np.pi / 180., l_end[0] * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=1,alpha=0.8,coord=['G','E']) # # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + (90.+b) * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(l_start[0] * np.pi / 180., l_end[0] * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=1,alpha=0.8,coord=['G','E']) # # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + (90.-b) * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(l_start[1] * np.pi / 180., l_end[1] * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=1,alpha=0.8,coord=['G','E']) # # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + (90.+b) * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(l_start[1] * np.pi / 180., l_end[1] * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=1,alpha=0.8,coord=['G','E']) # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + 85. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(-10. * np.pi / 180., -30. * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=2,alpha=0.2,coord=['G','E']) # # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + 95. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(-10. * np.pi / 180., -30. * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=2,alpha=0.2,coord=['G','E']) # # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + 82. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(-10. * np.pi / 180., -30. * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=2,alpha=0.2,coord=['G','E']) # # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + 98. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(-10. * np.pi / 180., -30. * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=2,alpha=0.2,coord=['G','E']) # # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + 90. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(210. * np.pi / 180., 230. * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=2,alpha=0.2,coord=['G','E']) # H.projplot(np.zeros(100) + 92. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(170. * np.pi / 180., 150. * np.pi / 180., 100), # 'r-',lw=2,alpha=0.2,coord=['G','E']) # H.projplot((90 - sn_tiles[1]) * np.pi / 180., sn_tiles[0] * np.pi / 180., 's', color='r', alpha=0.8, # coord='E') #,coord=['E','G']) H.graticule() # # # return 0 # END S-PLUS #################################################################################################################### # ATLAS # for line in np.arange(10, 40, 1.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-37.5, 60, 100)) * np.pi / 180., ':', # color='g', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 42) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-37.5, 61, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=3) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 10) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-37.5, 61, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-40, -10, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 62) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=3) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-40, -10, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 37.5) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=2) # # for line in np.arange(2, 29, 1.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(150, 180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., ':', # color='g', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # if line < 20: # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-180, -127.5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., ':', # color='g', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # else: # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-180, -135, 100)) * np.pi / 180., ':', # color='g', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 29) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(150, 180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 20) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-135, -127.5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='g', lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 29) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-180, -135., 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 2) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(150, 180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 2) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-180, -127.5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-29, -2, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 150) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-20, -2, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 127.5) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-29, -20, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 135) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='g', # lw=2) # # # H.projplot((90 - pt_splus[1]) * np.pi / 180., pt_splus[0] * np.pi / 180., 's', color='r', alpha=0.8, # # coord='E') #,coord=['E','G']) # # ra = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,100.) # dec = np.zeros(100)+(90+20*np.sin(ra))*np.pi/180. # H.projplot(dec,ra,'-',color='w',lw=2.) # H.projplot(dec,ra,'--',color='k',lw=2.) # # H.graticule() # # # # py.savefig(os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/figure_01.pdf')) # # # # py.savefig(os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/figure_01.pdf')) # # # # # # return 0 # # #################################################################################################################### # # Vista # # # ## VVV Bulge # # # # b = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.linspace(80. * np.pi / 180., 95. * np.pi / 180., 100), # np.zeros(100) + 80. * np.pi / 180.), # np.linspace(80. * np.pi / 180., 95. * np.pi / 180., 100)), # np.zeros(100) + 96. * np.pi / 180.) # # l = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.zeros(100) + 10. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(-10. * np.pi / 180., 10. * np.pi / 180., 100)), # np.zeros(100) - 10. * np.pi / 180.), # np.linspace(-10. * np.pi / 180., 10. * np.pi / 180., 100)) # H.projplot(b,l,'-',color="0.5",lw=2,coord=['G','E']) # # # # ## VVV Disk # # # # b = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.linspace(88. * np.pi / 180., 92. * np.pi / 180., 100), # np.zeros(100) + 88. * np.pi / 180.), # np.linspace(88. * np.pi / 180., 92. * np.pi / 180., 100)), # np.zeros(100) + 92. * np.pi / 180.) # # l = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.zeros(100) - 10. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(-10. * np.pi / 180., -65. * np.pi / 180., 100)), # np.zeros(100) - 65. * np.pi / 180.), # np.linspace(-65. * np.pi / 180., -10. * np.pi / 180., 100)) # H.projplot(b,l,'-',color="0.5",lw=2,coord=['G','E']) # # # ################################## # # VPHAS # # vb = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.linspace(80. * np.pi / 180., 100. * np.pi / 180., 100), # np.zeros(100) + 80. * np.pi / 180.), # np.linspace(80. * np.pi / 180., 100. * np.pi / 180., 100)), # np.zeros(100) + 100. * np.pi / 180.) # # vl = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.zeros(100) + 10. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(-10. * np.pi / 180., 10. * np.pi / 180., 100)), # np.zeros(100) - 10. * np.pi / 180.), # np.linspace(-10. * np.pi / 180., 10. * np.pi / 180., 100)) # # H.projplot(vb,vl,'r-',lw=2,coord=['G','E']) # # # # ## VPHAS Disk # # # # vb = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.linspace(85. * np.pi / 180., 95. * np.pi / 180., 100), # np.zeros(100) + 85. * np.pi / 180.), # np.linspace(85. * np.pi / 180., 95. * np.pi / 180., 100)), # np.zeros(100) + 95. * np.pi / 180.) # # vl = np.append(np.append(np.append(np.zeros(100) + 40. * np.pi / 180., # np.linspace(40. * np.pi / 180., -160. * np.pi / 180., 100)), # np.zeros(100) - 160. * np.pi / 180.), # np.linspace(-160. * np.pi / 180., 40. * np.pi / 180., 100)) # H.projplot(vb,vl,'m-',lw=2,coord=['G','E']) # # ################################## # # Avoiding region # vb = np.zeros(100) + 120. * np.pi / 180. # vl = np.linspace(0. * np.pi / 180., 360. * np.pi / 180., 100) # H.projplot(vb,vl,'w--',lw=2,coord=['G','E']) # # # # ## DECAL # # # for line in np.arange(-30, 10, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(120, 240, 100)) * np.pi / 180., ':', # color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # # for line in np.arange(-30, -15, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-30, 40, 100)) * np.pi / 180., ':', # color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # # for line in np.arange(-15, -1, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-45, 40, 100)) * np.pi / 180., ':', # color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # # for line in np.arange(-10, 10, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(40, 60, 100)) * np.pi / 180., ':', # color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # # for line in np.arange(1, 10, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-0, -45, 100)) * np.pi / 180., ':', # color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # # ## # # a = [0,0,5,5] # d = [-3,+3,+3,-3] # for d in np.arange(-3,3,0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + d) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(0, 5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='c', # lw=2) # # # H.projplot((90 + np.linspace(10, 30, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 61) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 30) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(60, 90, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 + np.linspace(30, 80, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 90) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 80) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-90, 90, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 + np.linspace(45, 80, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 90) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 45) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-90, -60, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 + np.linspace(10, 45, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) -60) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='r', # # lw=2) # # # # # H.projplot((90 - nna_pt[1]) * np.pi / 180., nna_pt[0] * np.pi / 180., '.', color='r', alpha=0.2, # # coord='E') #,coord=['E','G']) # # H.projplot((90 - nsa_pt[1]) * np.pi / 180., nsa_pt[0] * np.pi / 180., '.', color='r', alpha=0.2, # # coord='E') #,coord=['E','G']) # # # # H.projplot( (90-pt_kepler[1]) * np.pi/180. , pt_kepler[0] * np.pi /180., '-', color='c', alpha=1.0, # # coord='E',lw=2) #,coord=['E','G']) # # # # H.projplot((90 - pt_smaps_sul[1]) * np.pi / 180., pt_smaps_sul[0] * np.pi / 180., '.', color='r', alpha=0.2, # # coord='E') #,coord=['E','G']) # # H.projplot((90 - pt_smaps_nor[1]) * np.pi / 180., pt_smaps_nor[0] * np.pi / 180., '.', color='r', alpha=0.8, # # coord='E') #,coord=['E','G']) # # # H.projplot((90 - pt_spp[1]) * np.pi / 180., pt_spp[0] * np.pi / 180., 'o', # # color='b', coord='E') #,coord=['E','G']) # # #H.projplot((90-pt_smaps_lmc[1])*np.pi/180.,pt_smaps_lmc[0]*np.pi/180.,'.',color='k',alpha=1,coord='E')#,coord=['E','G']) # #H.projplot((90-pt_smaps_smc[1])*np.pi/180.,pt_smaps_smc[0]*np.pi/180.,'.',color='k',alpha=1,coord='E')#,coord=['E','G']) # # H.graticule() # # # # # # # return 0 # # # SPT # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 65) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-60, 105, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # # # for line in np.arange(40, 65, 0.5): # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-60, 105, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # # color='b', lw=2, alpha=0.5) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 40) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-60, 105, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 40) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-30, 105, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '--', color='b', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 40) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(+60, 105, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-65, -40, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 60) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-65, -40, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 105) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # # # VIKING # # for line in np.arange(25, 40, 0.5): # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-30, 60, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # # color='b', lw=2, alpha=0.5) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-40, -25, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 30) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-40, -25, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 60) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 25) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-30, 60, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # # # ROUND 82 # # for line in np.arange(-3, 45, 0.5): # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-25, 3, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # # color='b', lw=2, alpha=0.5) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(3, -45, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 25) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(3, -45, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 3) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 45) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-25, 3, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) - 3) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-25, 3, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(3, -25, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 45) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(3, -25, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 3) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 25) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(+45, -3, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) - 3) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(+45, -3, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', lw=2) # # # STRIPE 82 # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-1, +1, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 3) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-1, +1, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 43) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 1) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-3, -43, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) - 1) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-3, -43, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='b', # lw=2) # # # KIDS # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-5, +5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 120) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-5, +5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 202.5) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # # for line in np.arange(-5, 5, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-120, -180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='y', lw=2, alpha=0.5) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(157, 180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='y', lw=2, alpha=0.5) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) - 5) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(157, 180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 5) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(157, 180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) - 5) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-120, -180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 5) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-120, -180, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-30, -25, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 30) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-30, -25, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 53.5) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # # for line in np.arange(-30, -25, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) - line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-30.5, 53.5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='y', lw=2, alpha=0.5) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 30) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-30, 30, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 25) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-30, 30, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='y', # lw=2) # # # # ## GAMMA # # # # G02 30.2 : 38.8 / -10.25 : -3.72 # # G09 129.0 : 141.0 / -2 : +3 # # G12 174.0 : 186.0 / -3 : +2 # # G15 211.5 : 223.5 / -2 : +3 # # G23 339.0 : 351.0 / -35 : -30 # # for line in np.arange(3.72, 10.25, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(30.2, 38.8, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='#66FF33', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # for line in np.arange(-3, 2, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(129., 141., 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='#66FF33', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # for line in np.arange(-2, 3, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(174, 186, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='#66FF33', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # for line in np.arange(-3, -2, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(211.5, 223.5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='#66FF33', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # for line in np.arange(30, 35, 0.5): # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(339, 351, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # color='#66FF33', lw=2, alpha=0.9) # # # # ## VIKING # # # # #SGP: 22h00 < RA < 03h30 , -36 < Dec < -26 deg. # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 45.) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-36, -26, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='k', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-45, 30, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 36) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='k', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) - 30.) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-36, -26, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='k', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-45, 30, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 26) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='k', # # lw=2) # # # for line in np.arange(-45, 30, 0.5): # # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) - line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-36, -26, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # # # color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.5) # # #NGP: 10h00 < RA < 15h30, -5 < Dec < +4 deg # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 150.) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-5, 4, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='k', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-150, -232.5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) + 4) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='k', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + 232.5) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-5, +4, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='k', # # lw=2) # # H.projplot((90 - np.linspace(-150, -232.5, 100)) * np.pi / 180., (np.zeros(100) - 5) * np.pi / 180., '-', color='k', # # lw=2) # # for line in np.arange(150, 232.5, 0.5): # # H.projplot((90 - np.zeros(100) + line) * np.pi / 180., (np.linspace(-5, +4, 100)) * np.pi / 180., '-', # # color='k', lw=2, alpha=0.5) # # #################################################################################################################### # # Ecliptic # # # # # ra = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,100.) # # dec = np.zeros(100)+(90+20*np.sin(ra))*np.pi/180. # # H.projplot(dec,ra,'-',color='w',lw=2.) # # H.projplot(dec,ra,'--',color='k',lw=2.) H.graticule() py.savefig(os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/figure_01.pdf'))
def healpy_cartview(plot_map, fig=None, coord='G', xsize=2000, title='', min_value=0.0, max_value=0.0, cbar=True, notext=False, norm=None, name_out=None,, return_projected=False): """ map - healpix map (1-d array), fig - figure number to use, coord - coordinate system of the map ('G', ['G', 'E'] or ['G', 'C']), xsize - size of the image, title - title of the plot, min_value - minimum range value, max_value - maximum range value, cbar - display the colorbar, notext - if True, no text is printed around the map, norm - color normalization (None (linear), 'hist' or 'log'), name_out - name of the output picture, cmap - color map of the plot (jet, viridis, jet and other) """ cmap.set_under("w") if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) if return_projected: if min_value != 0.0 or max_value != 0.0: plot_map_out = hp.cartview(plot_map, fig.number, coord=coord, xsize=xsize, title=title, min=min_value, max=max_value, cbar=cbar, notext=notext, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, return_projected_map=True) else: plot_map_out = hp.cartview(plot_map, fig.number, coord=coord, xsize=xsize, title=title, cbar=cbar, notext=notext, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, return_projected_map=True) if name_out is not None: plt.savefig(name_out, dpi=400) return plot_map_out else: if min_value != 0.0 or max_value != 0.0: hp.cartview(plot_map, fig.number, coord=coord, xsize=xsize, title=title, min=min_value, max=max_value, cbar=cbar, notext=notext, norm=norm, cmap=cmap) else: hp.cartview(plot_map, fig.number, coord=coord, xsize=xsize, title=title, cbar=cbar, notext=notext, norm=norm, cmap=cmap) if name_out is not None: plt.savefig(name_out, dpi=400)
def __call__(self, metricValueIn, slicer, userPlotDict, fignum=None, ): """ Plot the sky map of metricValue using healpy cartview plots in thin strips. raMin: Minimum RA to plot (deg) raMax: Max RA to plot (deg). Note raMin/raMax define the centers that will be plotted. raLen: Length of the plotted strips in degrees decMin: minimum dec value to plot decMax: max dec value to plot metricValueIn: metric values """ fig = plt.figure(fignum) plotDict = {} plotDict.update(self.defaultPlotDict) plotDict.update(userPlotDict) norm = None if plotDict['logScale']: norm = 'log' if plotDict['cmap'] is None: cmap = cm.cubehelix else: cmap = plotDict['cmap'] if type(cmap) == str: cmap = getattr(cm, cmap) # Make colormap compatible with healpy cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('cmap', cmap._segmentdata, cmap.N) cmap.set_over(cmap(1.0)) cmap.set_under('w') cmap.set_bad('gray') if plotDict['zp'] is not None: metricValue = metricValueIn - plotDict['zp'] elif plotDict['normVal'] is not None: metricValue = metricValueIn / plotDict['normVal'] else: metricValue = metricValueIn if plotDict['percentileClip'] is not None: pcMin, pcMax = percentileClipping(metricValue.compressed(), percentile=plotDict['percentileClip']) if plotDict['colorMin'] is None: plotDict['colorMin'] = pcMin if plotDict['colorMax'] is None: plotDict['colorMax'] = pcMax if (plotDict['colorMin'] is not None) or (plotDict['colorMax'] is not None): clims = [plotDict['colorMin'], plotDict['colorMax']] else: clims = None # Make sure there is some range on the colorbar if clims is None: if metricValue.compressed().size > 0: clims = [metricValue.compressed().min(), metricValue.compressed().max()] else: clims = [-1, 1] if clims[0] == clims[1]: clims[0] = clims[0] - 1 clims[1] = clims[1] + 1 racenters = np.arange(plotDict['raMin'], plotDict['raMax'], plotDict['raLen']) nframes = racenters.size for i, racenter in enumerate(racenters): if i == 0: useTitle = plotDict['title'] + ' /n' + '%i < RA < %i' % (racenter - plotDict['raLen'], racenter + plotDict['raLen']) else: useTitle = '%i < RA < %i' % (racenter - plotDict['raLen'], racenter + plotDict['raLen']) hp.cartview(metricValue.filled(slicer.badval), title=useTitle, cbar=False, min=clims[0], max=clims[1], flip='astro', rot=(racenter, 0, 0), cmap=cmap, norm=norm, lonra=[-plotDict['raLen'], plotDict['raLen']], latra=[plotDict['decMin'], plotDict['decMax']], sub=(nframes + 1, 1, i + 1), fig=fig) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) # Add colorbar (not using healpy default colorbar because want more tickmarks). fig = plt.gcf() ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1, .15, .8, .075]) # left, bottom, width, height # Add label. if plotDict['label'] is not None: plt.figtext(0.8, 0.9, '%s' % plotDict['label']) # Make the colorbar as a seperate figure, # from http: // cnorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=clims[0], vmax=clims[1]) # supress silly colorbar warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") cb1 = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax1, cmap=cmap, norm=cnorm, orientation='horizontal', format=plotDict['cbarFormat']) cb1.set_label(plotDict['xlabel'])['labelsize']) # If outputing to PDF, this fixes the colorbar white stripes if plotDict['cbar_edge']: cb1.solids.set_edgecolor("face") fig = plt.gcf() return fig.number
plt.grid() l = 51.641648 b = -9.6750019 # Plot cartview a/o mollview # ll = l if (l>180): ll = ll-360. offset = 1. lonr = [51.25, 52.0] latr = [-10., -9.35] m = hp.cartview(ir_map, title='IRIS 100micron', coord='G', unit='MJy/sr', min=0.,max=26., norm=None, xsize=800, lonra=lonr, latra=latr, #lonra=[ll-offset,ll+offset], latra=[b-offset,b+offset], return_projected_map=True) # hp.mollview(tau_map, title=info['src'][i]+'('+str(info['l'][i])+','+str(info['b'][i])+') - '+map_file, # coord='G', unit='', rot=[l,b,0], norm='hist', min=1e-7,max=1e-3, xsize=800) # Cal. # hp.projplot(ll, b, 'bo', lonlat=True, coord='G') hp.projtext(ll, b, ' (' + str(round(ll,2)) + ',' + str(round(b,2)) + ')', lonlat=True, coord='G', fontsize=18, weight='bold') # theta = (90.0-b)*deg2rad # phi = l*deg2rad # pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=False) # for x in pl.frange(l-offset, l+offset, dd): # for y in pl.frange(b-offset, b+offset, dd):
def plotSkyMap(self, metricValueIn, xlabel=None, title='', raMin=-90, raMax=90, raLen=45., decMin=-2., decMax=2., logScale=False, cbarFormat='%.2f', cmap=cm.jet, percentileClip=None, colorMin=None, colorMax=None, plotMaskedValues=False, zp=None, normVal=None, cbar_edge=True, label=None, fignum=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the sky map of metricValue using healpy cartview plots in thin strips. raMin: Minimum RA to plot (deg) raMax: Max RA to plot (deg). Note raMin/raMax define the centers that will be plotted. raLen: Length of the plotted strips in degrees decMin: minimum dec value to plot decMax: max dec value to plot metricValueIn: metric values xlabel: units for metric color-bar label title: title for plot cbarFormat: format for color bar numerals (i.e. '%.2g', etc) (default to matplotlib default) plotMaskedValues: ignored, here to be consistent with OpsimFieldSlicer.""" if fignum: fig = plt.figue(fignum) else: fig=plt.figure() norm = None if logScale: norm = 'log' if cmap is None: cmap = cm.jet if type(cmap) == str: cmap = getattr(cm,cmap) # Make colormap compatible with healpy cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('cmap', cmap._segmentdata, cmap.N) cmap.set_over(cmap(1.0)) cmap.set_under('w') cmap.set_bad('gray') if zp: metricValue = metricValueIn - zp elif normVal: metricValue = metricValueIn/normVal else: metricValue = metricValueIn if percentileClip: pcMin, pcMax = percentileClipping(metricValue.compressed(), percentile=percentileClip) if colorMin is None and percentileClip: colorMin = pcMin if colorMax is None and percentileClip: colorMax = pcMax if (colorMin is not None) or (colorMax is not None): clims = [colorMin, colorMax] else: clims = None # Make sure there is some range on the colorbar if clims is None: if metricValue.compressed().size > 0: clims=[metricValue.compressed().min(), metricValue.compressed().max()] else: clims = [-1,1] if clims[0] == clims[1]: clims[0] = clims[0]-1 clims[1] = clims[1]+1 racenters=np.arange(raMin,raMax,raLen) nframes = racenters.size for i, racenter in enumerate(racenters): if i == 0: useTitle = title +' /n'+'%i < RA < %i'%(racenter-raLen, racenter+raLen) else: useTitle = '%i < RA < %i'%(racenter-raLen, racenter+raLen) hp.cartview(metricValue.filled(self.badval), title=useTitle, cbar=False, min=clims[0], max=clims[1], flip='astro', rot=(racenter,0,0), cmap=cmap, norm=norm, lonra=[-raLen,raLen], latra=[decMin,decMax], sub=(nframes+1,1,i+1), fig=fig) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) # Add colorbar (not using healpy default colorbar because want more tickmarks). fig = plt.gcf() ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1, .15,.8,.075]) #left, bottom, width, height # Add label. if label is not None: plt.figtext(0.8, 0.9, '%s' %label) # Make the colorbar as a seperate figure, # from cnorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=clims[0], vmax=clims[1]) # supress silly colorbar warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") cb1 = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax1, cmap=cmap, norm=cnorm, orientation='horizontal', format=cbarFormat) cb1.set_label(xlabel) # If outputing to PDF, this fixes the colorbar white stripes if cbar_edge: cb1.solids.set_edgecolor("face") fig = plt.gcf() return fig.number
def almPlots(path, outDir, bundle, nside=128, lmax=500, filterband='i', raRange=[-50, 50], decRange=[-65, 5], subsetsToConsider=[[130, 165], [240, 300]], showPlots=True): """ Plot the skymaps/cartview plots corresponding to alms with specified l-ranges. Automatically creates the output directories and saves the plots. Required Parameters ------------------- * path: str: path to the main directory where output directory is saved * outDir: str: name of the main output directory * bundle: metricBundle object. Optional Parameters ------------------- * nside: int: HEALpix resolution parameter. Default: 128 * lmax: int: upper limit on the multipole. Default: 500 * filterBand: str: any one of 'u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'. Default: 'i' * raRange: float array: range of right ascention (in degrees) to consider in cartview plot; only useful when cartview= True. Default: [-50,50] * decRange: float array: range of declination (in degrees) to consider in cartview plot; only useful when cartview= True. Default: [-65,5] * subsetsToConsider: array of int arrays: l-ranges to consider, e.g. use [[50, 100]] to consider 50<l<100. Currently built to handle five subsets (= number of colors built in). Default: [[130,165], [240, 300]] * showPlots: boolean: set to True if want to show figures. Default: True """ # set up the output directory outDir2 = 'almAnalysisPlots_%s<RA<%s_%s<Dec<%s' % ( raRange[0], raRange[1], decRange[0], decRange[1]) if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2)) outDir3 = 'almSkymaps' if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2, outDir3)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2, outDir3)) outDir4 = 'almCartviewMaps' if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2, outDir4)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2, outDir4)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # In order to consider the out-of-survey area as with data=0, assign the masked region of the # skymaps the median of the in-survey data, and then subtract the median off the entire survey. # Add the median back later. This gets rid of the massive fake monopole and allows reconstructing # the full skymap from components. surveyMedianDict = {} surveyStdDict = {} for dither in bundle: inSurvey = np.where(bundle[dither].metricValues.mask == False)[0] outSurvey = np.where(bundle[dither].metricValues.mask == True)[0] bundle[dither].metricValues.mask[outSurvey] = False # data pixels surveyMedian = np.median(bundle[dither][inSurvey]) surveyStd = np.std(bundle[dither][inSurvey]) # assign data[outOfSurvey]= medianData[inSurvey] bundle[dither][outSurvey] = surveyMedian # subtract median off bundle[dither][:] = bundle[ dither][:] - surveyMedian # save median for later use surveyMedianDict[dither] = surveyMedian surveyStdDict[dither] = surveyStd # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # now find the alms correponding to the map. for dither in bundle: array = hp.anafast(bundle[dither].metricValues.filled( bundle[dither].slicer.badval), alm=True, lmax=500) cl = array[0] alm = array[1] l = np.arange(len(cl)) lsubsets = {} colorArray = ['y', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'c'] color = {} for case in range(len(subsetsToConsider)): lsubsets[case] = ((l > subsetsToConsider[case][0]) & (l < subsetsToConsider[case][1])) color[case] = colorArray[case] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plot things out plt.clf() plt.plot(l, (cl * l * (l + 1)) / (2.0 * np.pi), color='b') for key in list(lsubsets.keys()): plt.plot(l[lsubsets[key]], (cl[lsubsets[key]] * l[lsubsets[key]] * (l[lsubsets[key]] + 1)) / (2.0 * np.pi), color=color[key]) plt.title(dither) plt.xlabel('$\ell$') plt.ylabel(r'$\ell(\ell+1)C_\ell/(2\pi)$') filename = 'cls_%s.png' % (dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') if showPlots: else: plt.close() surveyMedian = surveyMedianDict[dither] surveyStd = surveyStdDict[dither] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plot full-sky-alm plots first nTicks = 5 colorMin = surveyMedian - 1.5 * surveyStd colorMax = surveyMedian + 1.5 * surveyStd increment = (colorMax - colorMin) / float(nTicks) ticks = np.arange(colorMin + increment, colorMax, increment) # full skymap hp.mollview(hp.alm2map(alm, nside=nside, lmax=lmax) + surveyMedian, flip='astro', rot=(0, 0, 0), min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='', cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title('Full Map') ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig = plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.015, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('$%s$-band Coadded Depth' % filterband) filename = 'alm_FullMap_%s.png' % (dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2, outDir3, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # full cartview hp.cartview(hp.alm2map(alm, nside=nside, lmax=lmax) + surveyMedian, lonra=raRange, latra=decRange, flip='astro', min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='', cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title('Full Map') ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig = plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, -0.05, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('$%s$-band Coadded Depth' % filterband) filename = 'alm_Cartview_FullMap_%s.png' % (dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2, outDir4, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # prepare for the skymaps for l-range subsets colorMin = surveyMedian - 0.1 * surveyStd colorMax = surveyMedian + 0.1 * surveyStd increment = (colorMax - colorMin) / float(nTicks) increment = 1.15 * increment ticks = np.arange(colorMin + increment, colorMax, increment) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # consider each l-range for case in list(lsubsets.keys()): index = [] lowLim = subsetsToConsider[case][0] upLim = subsetsToConsider[case][1] for ll in np.arange(lowLim, upLim + 1): for mm in np.arange(0, ll + 1): index.append(hp.Alm.getidx(lmax=lmax, l=ll, m=mm)) alms1 = alm.copy() alms1.fill(0) alms1[index] = alm[index] # an unmasked array # plot the skymap hp.mollview(hp.alm2map(alms1, nside=nside, lmax=lmax) + surveyMedian, flip='astro', rot=(0, 0, 0), min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='', cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title('%s<$\ell$<%s' % (lowLim, upLim)) ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig = plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.015, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', format='%.3f', ticks=ticks, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('$%s$-band Coadded Depth' % filterband) filename = 'almSkymap_%s<l<%s_%s.png' % (lowLim, upLim, dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2, outDir3, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # plot cartview hp.cartview(hp.alm2map(alms1, nside=nside, lmax=lmax) + surveyMedian, lonra=raRange, latra=decRange, flip='astro', min=colorMin, max=colorMax, title='', cbar=False) hp.graticule(dpar=20, dmer=20, verbose=False) plt.title('%s<$\ell$<%s' % (lowLim, upLim)) ax = plt.gca() im = ax.get_images()[0] fig = plt.gcf() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.1, -0.05, 0.8, 0.04]) # [left, bottom, width, height] cb = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', format='%.3f', ticks=ticks, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('$%s$-band Coadded Depth' % filterband) filename = 'almCartview_%s<l<%s_%s.png' % (lowLim, upLim, dither) plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir2, outDir4, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') if showPlots: else: plt.close('all')
def plot_Total_Sky_Halos_Surface_Brightness(Halo_data,Input_Para,Output_Para): from XCat_Objects import DtoR, RtoD rc('font',family='serif') fdir = './Output/plots/HEALPixSurfaceBrightness/' nside = Output_Para.nside Sl_n = len(Halo_data) from XCat_Objects import Halo_Brightness_Surface_Sample_Object for k in range(Sl_n): pix = zeros(12*nside**2) if (len(Halo_data[k].RA[:]) == 0): pass else: for halo_n in range(len(Halo_data[k].RA[:])): Halo_Sample = Halo_Brightness_Surface_Sample_Object(Halo_data[k],Input_Para,Output_Para,halo_n) for i in range(len(Halo_Sample.sRA[:])): j = hp.ang2pix(nside,DtoR*(90.0-Halo_Sample.sDEC[i]),DtoR*(Halo_Sample.sRA[i])) pix[j] += Halo_Sample.sSB[i] if (Output_Para.log_scale): pix_min = max(pix[:])/10.0**4 pix = log10((pix+pix_min)*4.0*pi/(12.0*nside**2)) else: pix = pix/(12.0*nside**2) plt.clf() if (Output_Para.HEALpix_cart): hp.cartview(pix, fig = 1) else: hp.mollview(pix, fig = 1) if (Output_Para.HEALpix_grat): hp.graticule() plt.close() save_ques = Read_YN_Input("Do you want to save the plot (please enter Y, y, N, or n)? ") if save_ques : rc('text',usetex=True) plt.clf() if (Output_Para.HEALpix_cart): hp.cartview(pix, fig = 1) else: hp.mollview(pix, fig = 1) if (Output_Para.HEALpix_grat): hp.graticule() if (Output_Para.log_scale): fname = 'Full_Sky_Surface_Brightness_Profile_log_%i_%i.pdf'%(nside,(k+1)) else: fname = 'Full_Sky_Surface_Brightness_Profile_%i_%i.pdf'%(nside,(k+1)) plt.title(r'Surface Brightness Profile at redshift between %0.3f and %0.3f'%(Halo_data[k].z_min,Halo_data[k].z_max),fontsize = 20) print 'Saving plot', fname # savefig(fdir+fname,bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig(fdir+fname) rc('text',usetex=False) plt.close() save_ques = Read_YN_Input("Do you want to save the map data (please enter Y, y, N, or n)? ") if save_ques : if (Output_Para.log_scale): fname = 'Full_Sky_Surface_Brightness_Profile_log_HEALPix_map_%i_%i.txt'%(nside,(k+1)) else: fname = 'Full_Sky_Surface_Brightness_Profile_HEALPix_map_%i_%i.txt'%(nside,(k+1)) print 'Saving data', fname f = open(fdir+fname,'w') f.write("# Pix_Value \n") savetxt(f, array([pix]).T) f.close()