def make_healpix_image(plt, img, title, num_bins, source_json=None): """ Writes out an image as a healpy image """ nside = hp.pixelfunc.get_min_valid_nside(num_bins*num_bins*3/4) npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) pixels = np.arange(npix) m = np.zeros(npix) + hp.UNSEEN window_d = np.degrees(hp.nside2resol(nside)) for i in pixels: theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, i) if (theta < np.pi / 2): el = np.degrees(np.pi/2 - theta) az = np.degrees(phi) s = elaz.ElAz(el, az) x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, area = s.get_px_window(num_bins, window_deg=window_d) s_px = img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] m[i] = np.sum(s_px)/area hp.orthview(m, rot=(0, 90, 180), title=title, xsize=3000, cbar=False, half_sky=True) hp.graticule() if source_json is not None: src_list = elaz.from_json(source_json, el_limit=20.0, jy_limit=1e4) output_list = [] for s in src_list: l, m = s.get_lm() output_list.append(plt.Circle([-l, m], 0.03, color=(0.9, 0.2, 0.3), fill=False)) ax = plt.gca() for circle in output_list: ax.add_artist(circle)
def plot(self, plt, src_list): """ Modified plot to deal with the reduced number of pixels """ all_npix = hp.nside2npix(self.nside) all_pixels = np.zeros(all_npix) + hp.UNSEEN all_pixels[self.pixel_indices] = self.pixels rot = (0, 90, 0) plt.figure() # (figsize=(6,6))"self.pixels: {}".format(self.pixels.shape)) if True: hp.orthview(all_pixels, rot=rot, xsize=1000, cbar=True, half_sky=True, hold=False) hp.graticule(verbose=False) else: hp.mollview(all_pixels, rot=rot, xsize=1000, cbar=True) hp.graticule(verbose=True) if src_list is not None: for s in src_list: self.plot_x(plt, s.el_r, s.az_r)
def show_CMB_T_map(self,Tmap=None, max=100, title = "CMB graviational potential fluctuations as seen from inside the LSS", from_perspective_of = "observer", cmap=None): if Tmap is None: self.NSIDE = 256 self.Tmap = hp.alm2map(self.alm,self.NSIDE) else: self.Tmap = Tmap if from_perspective_of == "observer": dpi = 300 figsize_inch = 60, 40 fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_inch, dpi=dpi) # Sky map: hp.mollview(self.Tmap, rot=(-90,0,0), min=-max, max=max, title=title + ", $\ell_{max}=$%d " % self.truncated_lmax, cmap=cmap, unit="$\mu$K") plt.savefig(title+".png", dpi=dpi, bbox_inches="tight") else: # Interactive "external" view ([like this]( pass # beatbox.zoncaview(self.Tmap) # This did not work, sadly. Maybe we can find a 3D # spherical surface plot routine using matplotlib? For # now, just use the healpix vis. R = (0.0,0.0,0.0) # (lon,lat,psi) to specify center of map and rotation to apply hp.orthview(self.Tmap,rot=R,flip='geo',half_sky=True,title="CMB graviational potential fluctuations as seen from outside the LSS, $\ell_{max}$=%d" % self.truncated_lmax) print "Ahem - we can't visualize maps on the surface of the sphere yet, sorry." return
def orth(i, j, panel, ttl=None): if ttl is None: ttl = str(i) + ', ' + str(j) hp.orthview(func(A[:, i, j]), rot=[0, 90], half_sky=True, sub=[5, 4, panel], title=ttl)
def update(val): latitude = latitude_slider.val longitude = longitude_slider.val angle = angle_slider.val hp.orthview(data, fig=1, sub=211, half_sky=True, rot=(longitude, latitude, angle), norm='hist')
def view_healpix(self, n_side=32, show=True): """ View the beam pattern as a healpix map Shows orthographic view of beam pattern, using healpy plotting routines. """ hmap = self.to_healpix(n_side) hp.orthview(hmap) if show:
def displaymaps(zup,cen=[45.,-44.],cmap='inferno'): z=zup[::-1] i=0 for (z2,z1) in zip(z[:-1],np.roll(z,-1)): myMap=hp.read_map("map{:02d}.fits".format(i)) fig=plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) hp.orthview(myMap,fig=1,half_sky=True,cbar=False,rot=cen,cmap=cmap,title=r"{:.1f}<z<{:.1f}".format(z1,z2),min=-0.4,max=1,margins=(0,0,0,0)) plt.savefig("map{:02d}.png".format(i)) plt.close(1) i=i+1
def plot_skymap(skymap, smooth=None, decmax=None, scale=None, color_bins=40, color_palette='viridis', symmetric=False, cbar_min=None, cbar_max=None, cbar_title='Skymap', llabel=None, polar=False, fig=None, sub=None): cpalette = sns.color_palette(color_palette, color_bins) cmap = ListedColormap(cpalette.as_hex()) cmap.set_under('white') cmap.set_bad('gray') # if cbar_max and cbar_max and symmetric and (cbar_max != -cbar_min): # raise ValueError('The max/min colorbar values can\'t be symmetric') # elif cbar_max and cbar_max: # pass # elif: # skymap_min = skymap.min() # skymap_max = skymap.max() # maximum = np.max(np.abs([skymap_min, skymap_max])) # cbar_min = np.sign(skymap_min) * maximum # cbar_max = np.sign(skymap_max) * maximum # else: # cbar_min = cbar_min if cbar_min else skymap.min() # cbar_max = cbar_max if cbar_max else skymap.max() if polar: shrink = 0.6 rot = [0,-90,180] hp.orthview(skymap, half_sky=True, rot=rot, coord='C', title='', min=cbar_min, max=cbar_max, cbar=False, cmap=cmap, fig=fig, sub=sub) else: shrink = 1.0 hp.mollview(skymap, rot=180, coord='C', title='', min=cbar_min, max=cbar_max, cbar=False, cmap=cmap, fig=fig, sub=sub) hp.graticule(verbose=False) fig = plt.gcf() ax = plt.gca() image = ax.get_images()[0] cbar = fig.colorbar(image, orientation='horizontal', aspect=50, pad=0.01, fraction=0.1, ax=ax, format=FormatStrFormatter('%g'), shrink=shrink) if cbar_title: cbar.set_label(cbar_title, size=14) if not polar: ax.set_ylim(-1, 0.005) ax.annotate('0$^\circ$', xy=(1.8, -0.75), size=14) ax.annotate('360$^\circ$', xy=(-1.99, -0.75), size=14) if llabel: ax.annotate(llabel, xy=(-1.85,-0.24), size=20, color='white') return fig, ax
def plot_efield_beams(xt,xp,yt,yp,rot=[0,0],minv = [-1,-1,-1,-1],maxv=[1,1,1,1],figno=1): A = [xt,xp,yt,yp] plt.figure(figno) plt.clf() for a in range(4): hp.orthview(A[a],half_sky=True,sub=(2,2,a+1),min=minv[a],max=maxv[a],rot=rot) #plt.title(beam_labels[a,b]) hp.graticule() # return
def show_CMB_T_map( self, Tmap=None, max=100, title="CMB graviational potential fluctuations as seen from inside the LSS", from_perspective_of="observer", cmap=None): if Tmap is None: self.NSIDE = 256 self.Tmap = hp.alm2map(self.alm, self.NSIDE) else: self.Tmap = Tmap if from_perspective_of == "observer": dpi = 300 figsize_inch = 60, 40 fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_inch, dpi=dpi) # Sky map: hp.mollview(self.Tmap, rot=(-90, 0, 0), min=-max, max=max, title=title + ", $\ell_{max}=$%d " % self.truncated_lmax, cmap=cmap, unit="$\mu$K") plt.savefig(title + ".png", dpi=dpi, bbox_inches="tight") else: # Interactive "external" view ([like this]( pass # beatbox.zoncaview(self.Tmap) # This did not work, sadly. Maybe we can find a 3D # spherical surface plot routine using matplotlib? For # now, just use the healpix vis. R = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) # (lon,lat,psi) to specify center of map and rotation to apply hp.orthview( self.Tmap, rot=R, flip='geo', half_sky=True, title= "CMB graviational potential fluctuations as seen from outside the LSS, $\ell_{max}$=%d" % self.truncated_lmax) print "Ahem - we can't visualize maps on the surface of the sphere yet, sorry." return
def plot(self, plt, sphere, src_list): rot = (0, 90, 0) plt.figure() # (figsize=(6,6))'sphere.pixels: {}'.format(sphere.pixels.shape)) if True: hp.orthview(sphere.pixels, rot=rot, xsize=1000, cbar=True, half_sky=True, hold=True) hp.graticule(verbose=False) plt.tight_layout() else: hp.mollview(sphere.pixels, rot=rot, xsize=1000, cbar=True) hp.graticule(verbose=True) if src_list is not None: for s in src_list: sphere.plot_x(s.el_r, s.az_r)
def view(self, logged=False, show=False, **kwargs): """ View the local sky, in orthographic projection. Parameters ---------- logged: bool Default False, return the log2 image """ sky = self.observed_sky if logged: sky = np.log2(sky) hp.orthview(sky, half_sky=True, **kwargs) if show: show_plt() return sky
def plot_polarisation(sky, fig=3, title="", mode=3, sub=(1, 2, 1), show=False): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt assert (isinstance(mode, int) and 0 <= mode < 4) or isinstance(mode, str), \ "Mode should be an integer between 0 and 3, or a string of the form 'bb' where b is for binary." if isinstance(mode, str): mode = (int(mode[0]) << 1) + (int(mode[1]) << 0) sub2 = sub[2] lon, lat = sun2lonlat(sky.sun) f = plt.figure(fig, figsize=(15, 5)) if (mode >> 1) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.DOP, rot=SkyModel.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=1, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Degree of (linear) Polarisation", unit=r'', sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 if (mode >> 0) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.AOP, rot=SkyModel.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=np.pi, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Angle of (linear) Polarisation", unit=r'rad', sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 hp.projplot(lat, lon, 'yo') f.suptitle(title) if show: return f
def view(self, logged=False, show=False, **kwargs): """ View the local sky, in orthographic projection. Parameters ---------- logged: bool Default False, return the log2 image """ sky = self.observed_sky if logged: sky = np.log2(sky) hp.orthview(sky, half_sky=True, **kwargs) if show: return sky
def orth(base_UT22, start_UT22, unit, show=False): UT22_interp = np.zeros_like(base_UT22) c = 0 for i, val in enumerate(start_UT22): if np.isnan(val): c += 1 theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, i) neybs = hp.get_neighbours(nside, theta, phi=phi) UT22_interp[i] = np.nanmean(start_UT22[neybs[0]]) else: UT22_interp[i] = val print(c, 'NaN vals') hp.orthview(UT22_interp, rot=[0, 90], min=0, max=2, unit=unit, title='SAST 00:00 2012-02-13', half_sky=True) if show: return UT22_interp
def make_healpix_image(plt, img, title, num_bins, source_json=None): """ Writes out an image as a healpy image """ nside = hp.pixelfunc.get_min_valid_nside(num_bins * num_bins * 3 / 4) npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) pixels = np.arange(npix) m = np.zeros(npix) + hp.UNSEEN window_d = np.degrees(hp.nside2resol(nside)) for i in pixels: theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, i) if theta < np.pi / 2: el = np.degrees(np.pi / 2 - theta) az = np.degrees(phi) s = elaz.ElAz(el, az) x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, area = s.get_px_window( num_bins, window_deg=window_d) s_px = img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] m[i] = np.sum(s_px) / area hp.orthview(m, rot=(0, 90, 180), title=title, xsize=3000, cbar=False, half_sky=True) hp.graticule() if source_json is not None: src_list = elaz.from_json(source_json, el_limit=20.0, jy_limit=1e4) output_list = [] for s in src_list: l, m = s.get_lm() output_list.append( plt.Circle([-l, m], 0.03, color=(0.9, 0.2, 0.3), fill=False)) ax = plt.gca() for circle in output_list: ax.add_artist(circle)
def mapplot(self, mapstr=None, coord="C", norm="hist", **kwargs): """ Plots a molliweide projection of a map using healpy.mollview Parameters ---------- mapstr : str, {"mapname", "all"} or None Name of the map that should be plotted. Running with no arguments will list the available maps for plotting. kwargs Optional arguments passed to healpy.mollview Default coord="C", norm="hist" """ if isnone(mapstr): print("Here's the available keys:") print(list(self.maps.keys())) elif mapstr == 'all': [ hp.orthview(self.maps[ms].values, title=ms, coord=coord, norm=norm, **kwargs) for ms in self.maps.keys() ] else: try: hp.orthview(self.maps[mapstr], title=mapstr, coord=coord, norm=norm, **kwargs) hp.graticule() except KeyError: print("The map ''" + mapstr + "'' does not exist!") print("Here's the available keys:") print(list(self.maps.keys())) return 0
def view(self, logged=False, show=False, **kwargs): """ View the local sky, in orthographic projection. Parameters ---------- logged: bool Default False, return the log2 image """ import healpy as hp import pylab as plt sky = self.observed_sky if logged: import numpy as np sky = np.log2(sky) hp.orthview(sky, half_sky=True, **kwargs) if show: return sky
def plot_leakage_beams(nom_vis,rot=[0,0],mn=-2,mx=0,log=True,figno=2): if log: nom_vis_to_plot = np.log10(np.abs(nom_vis.copy())) else: nom_vis_to_plot = nom_vis.copy() fig = plt.figure(figno) plt.clf() for a in range(4): for b in range(4): if (a==b) and (not log): mn_plot = 0 mx_plot = 1 else: mn_plot = mn mx_plot = mx print mn_plot, mx_plot hp.orthview(nom_vis_to_plot[a,b,:],half_sky=True,title='',sub=(4,4,4*a+b+1),min=mn_plot,max=mx_plot,rot=rot)#,margins=[0.1,0.9,0.9,0.1]) hp.graticule() #fig.tight_layout() # return
def create_background(self): # hp.orthview(map=self.background, rot=[0.0,270.0,0.0], coord=['G','C'], half_sky=True, notext=True, min=-400, max=400, xsize=3000) m = self.background * self.factor + self.offset * self.factor msinh = np.arcsinh(m * 0.5)/np.log(10.0) cbticks = np.array([-500.0,0.0,100.0,1000.0, 1e6]) cbticklabels = np.array([r'$-500$',r'$0$',r'$100$',r'$1000$',r'$10^6$']) cbticks = np.arcsinh( (cbticks-80.0) * 0.5) / np.log(10.0) if not (self.bad_pixels is None): msinh[self.bad_pixels] = -1.6375e30 if (self.cbar): orth = hp.orthview(map=msinh, rot=[0.0,270.0,0.0], coord=[self.input_coord,'C'], half_sky=True, notext=True, xsize=3000, cmap=self.planck_color_map(), min=-3.1, max=7, cbticks=cbticks, cbticklabels=cbticklabels, title=self.title, cbtitle=r'$\mathrm{\mu K}$', sub=self.sub, return_projected_map=True) else: orth = hp.orthview(map=msinh, rot=[0.0,270.0,0.0], coord=[self.input_coord,'C'], half_sky=True, notext=True, xsize=3000, cmap=self.planck_color_map(), min=-3.1, max=7, cbar=False, title=self.title, sub=self.sub, return_projected_map=True) # self.create_spt_area() # self.create_graticule([160,140,120,100], np.arange(0,360,45)) # plt.savefig('test.png', format='png', dpi=600) return orth
def view(self, inclination=90*u.deg, phase=0.0, what='fluxes', projection='mollweide', cmap='magma', savefig=False, filename='star_surface.png', dlat=30, dlon=30, **kwargs): rot = (360*phase,, 0) if what == 'fluxes': vals = self.tile_fluxes * self.tile_scales vals = vals / vals.max() elif what == 'areas': vals = self.tile_areas / self.tile_areas.max() if 'mollweide'.find(projection) == 0: hp.mollview(vals, rot=rot, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) elif 'cartesian'.find(projection) == 0: hp.cartview(vals, rot=rot, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) elif 'orthographic'.find(projection) == 0: hp.orthview(vals, rot=rot, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognised projection') hp.graticule(dlat, dlon) if savefig: plt.savefig(filename) else:
def plot_healpix_projection(file, nside, outside=False, rotp=True, multiple=False, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors try: mesh = ToMesh(file, rot=rotp, tr=0.) data = ProjectOnSphere(nside, mesh, outside, multiple) except: print("Exception during transform of {}".format(file)) raise im1 = data[:, 0] id_im = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] cm = cm.set_under('w') cmin = np.min(im1) cmax = np.max(im1) im1[im1 > cmax] = np.nan #norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax) #norm = colors.PowerNorm(gamma=4) hp.orthview(im1, title='', nest=True, cmap=cm, min=cmin, max=cmax, **kwargs) plt.plot() if multiple: hp.orthview(data[:, 1], title=id_im, nest=True, cmap=cm, min=cmin, max=cmax, norm=norm) plt.plot() hp.orthview(data[:, 2], title=id_im, nest=True, cmap=cm, min=cmin, max=cmax, norm=norm) return im1
def test(nested=False): # test map previously masked and smoothed by gauss_beam 30' #testMap = '/Data/planckMaskedSmoothed.fits' # test map previously smoothed by gauss_beam 30' testMap = '/Data/planckSmoothed.fits' # test mask previously smoothed by gauss_beam 30' testMask = '/Data/pMaskSmoothed.fits' # test get_temps #result = get_temps(testMap,radius=3.5,maskFile=testMask,nside=2048,nested=nested) #print 'get_temps result: ',result # test getSDSSrnd result = getSDSSrnd() print 'getSDSSrnd result: ',result # 2d histogram in healpix map; check uniformity nside = 32 nrnd = 1000#0 title = 'test of random coordinate generator' mapArray = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside)) for drawNum in range(nrnd): print 'draw ',drawNum+1,' of ',nrnd randomCoord = getSDSSrnd() print 'random coord: ',randomCoord randomVec = mm.glgb2vec(randomCoord[0],randomCoord[1]) #returns array of unit vectors randomPix = hp.query_disc(nside,randomVec,1e-5,nest=nested,inclusive=True) print 'random pixel: ',randomPix[0] mapArray[randomPix[0]] += 1.0 projected = hp.orthview(mapArray,rot=[180,35],coord=['C'],half_sky=True, #,coord=['G','C'] nest=nested,flip='geo',title=title) hp.graticule(dpar=30,dmer=30) # test checknoise cSN,vSN = checknoise(testMap,radius=3.5,ntries=100,maskFile=testMask) print 'Signal to Noise ratios: ', cSN, vSN
def showMap(mapFile, nested=False, return_projected_map=False, title='ISW map over SDSS region'): """ Purpose: make orthographic plots of maps or masks over the SDSS region Note: This is translated from IDL function The IDL graphics are superior to the ones available in python, and the plotting functions have more options. Args: mapFile: nested: return_projected_map: pass to orthview, get back numpy map note: I don't know how to use this now 2016.01.19 title: the title of the plot Returns: if return_projected_map is set: the projected map in a numpy array """ #subTitle = 'equitorial coordinates with RA flipped' map = hp.read_map(mapFile, nest=nested) projected = hp.orthview(map, rot=[180, 35], coord=['G', 'C'], half_sky=True, nest=nested, flip='geo', title=title, return_projected_map=return_projected_map) #, #max=60,min=-60,unit='microK') hp.graticule(dpar=30, dmer=30) return projected
ras,decs = [],[] for p in ipix: dec,ra = IndexToDeclRa(p) ras.append(ra) decs.append(dec) ###### #dates = ['2012-02-10', '2012-02-11', '2012-02-13', '2012-02-14', '2012-02-15', '2012-02-16', '2012-02-17','2012-02-18', '2012-02-19', '2012-02-20', '2012-02-21', '2012-02-22'] dates = ['2011-12-06', '2011-12-07', '2011-12-08', '2011-12-09', '2011-12-10', '2011-12-11', '2011-12-12', '2011-12-13', '2011-12-14', '2011-12-15', '2011-12-16', '2011-12-17', '2011-12-18', '2011-12-19', '2011-12-20', '2011-12-21', '2011-12-22', '2011-12-23', '2011-12-24', '2011-12-25', '2011-12-26', '2011-12-27', '2011-12-28', '2011-12-29', '2011-12-30', '2011-12-31', '2012-01-01', '2012-01-02', '2012-01-03', '2012-01-04', '2012-01-05', '2012-01-06', '2012-01-07', '2012-01-08', '2012-01-09', '2012-01-10', '2012-01-11', '2012-01-12', '2012-01-13', '2012-01-14', '2012-01-15', '2012-01-16', '2012-01-17', '2012-01-18', '2012-01-19', '2012-01-20', '2012-01-21', '2012-01-22', '2012-01-23', '2012-01-24', '2012-01-25', '2012-01-26', '2012-01-27', '2012-01-28', '2012-01-29', '2012-01-30', '2012-01-31', '2012-02-01', '2012-02-02', '2012-02-03', '2012-02-04', '2012-02-05', '2012-02-06', '2012-02-07', '2012-02-08', '2012-02-09', '2012-02-10', '2012-02-11', '2012-02-12', '2012-02-13', '2012-02-14', '2012-02-15', '2012-02-16', '2012-02-17', '2012-02-18', '2012-02-19', '2012-02-20', '2012-02-21', '2012-02-22', '2012-02-23', '2012-02-24', '2012-02-25', '2012-02-26', '2012-02-27', '2012-02-28'] if not os.path.exists('%s_to_%s.pkl'%(dates[0],dates[-1])): IM = rm.IonoMap('30d43m17.5ss','21d25m41.9se',dates) IM.get_radec_RM(ras,decs) datadict = {} bm = beamPAPER(150.,nside=16) bm_map =,return_projected_map=True))[:,:400] plt.close() #negate orthview launching xwindow datadict['bm'] = bm_map for dayindex in range(IM.RMs.shape[0]): datadict[dates[dayindex]] = {} #TODO convert keys to JDs? would be neater for everything to be numeric for ut in range(IM.RMs.shape[1]): map = hp.orthview(IM.RMs[dayindex,ut,:],rot=[0,90],return_projected_map=True) map =[:,:400] #only get above horizon, mask elsewhere datadict[dates[dayindex]][ut] = map plt.close() #negate orthview launching xwindow output = open('%s_to_%s.pkl'%(dates[0],dates[-1]),'wb') pickle.dump(datadict,output) output.close() else: print 'Opening %s_to_%s.pkl'%(dates[0],dates[-1])
def plot_sun(sky, fig=1, title="", mode=15, sub=(1, 4, 1), show=False): assert (isinstance(mode, int) and 0 <= mode < 16) or isinstance(mode, str), \ "Mode should be an integer between 0 and 15, or a string of the form 'bbbb' where b is for binary." if isinstance(mode, str): mode = (int(mode[0]) << 3) + (int(mode[1]) << 2) + ( int(mode[2]) << 1) + (int(mode[3]) << 0) sub2 = sub[2] lon, lat = sun2lonlat(sky.sun) f = plt.figure(fig, figsize=(15, 5)) if (mode >> 3) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.theta_z, rot=SkyModel.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=np.pi, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Elevation", unit=r'rad', sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 if (mode >> 2) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.phi_z, rot=SkyModel.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=2 * np.pi, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Azimuth", unit=r'rad', sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 if (mode >> 1) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.theta_s, rot=SkyModel.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=np.pi, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Elevation", unit=r'rad', sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 if (mode >> 0) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.phi_s, rot=SkyModel.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=2 * np.pi, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Azimuth", unit=r'rad', sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 hp.projplot(lat, lon, 'yo') f.suptitle(title) if show: return f
def get_map(): # Get current time now = T = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=0) T = Time(T, format="datetime") loc = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation(lon=22.13303, lat=-31.58) ra = (T.sidereal_time("mean", longitude=22.13303)) / u.hourangle lon = ra * 15 - 360 rot = [(lon), -31.58] sid_time = T.sidereal_time("mean", longitude=22.13303) sidstr = sid_time.to_string() print(sidstr) moon = astropy.coordinates.get_moon(T, location=loc, ephemeris=None) sun = astropy.coordinates.get_sun(T) ssbodies = ["mercury", "venus", "mars", "jupiter", "saturn", "neptune", "uranus"] colors = ["grey", "pink", "red", "orange", "yellow", "blue", "blue", "blue"] pic = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord( ra="05h19m49.7230919028", dec="-45d 46m 44s" ) # Pictor forn = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra="03h23m25.1s", dec="-37d 08m") cass = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra="23h 23m 24s", dec="+58d 48.9m") crab = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra="05h 34m 31s", dec="+22d 00m 52.2s") lmc = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra="05h 40m 05s", dec="-69d 45m 51s") smc = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra="00h 52m 44.8s", dec="-72d 49m 43s") cenA = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra="13h 25m 27.6s", dec="-43d 01m 09s") callibrator1 = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord( ra=109.32351 *, dec=-25.0817 * ) callibrator2 = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord( ra=30.05044 *, dec=-30.89106 * ) callibrator3 = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord( ra=6.45484 *, dec=-26.0363 * ) source_list = [ [moon, "moon", "slategrey"], [sun, "sun", "y"], [pic, "pictor", "w"], [forn, "fornax", "w"], [cass, "Cass A", "w"], [crab, "Crab", "w"], [lmc, "LMC", "w"], [cenA, "Cen A", "w"], [smc, "SMC", "w"], [callibrator1, "J071717.6-250454", "r"], [callibrator2, "J020012.1-305327", "r"], [callibrator3, " J002549.1-260210", "r"], ] healpy.orthview( np.log10(mappy), title=sidstr, coord=["G", "C"], rot=rot, return_projected_map=True, min=0, max=2, half_sky=1, ) for item in source_list: if item[1] == "sun": name = item[1] healpy.projscatter( item[0].ra, item[0].dec, lonlat=True, s=1000, c=item[2], label=name ) healpy.projtext(item[0].ra, item[0].dec, lonlat=True, color="k", s=name) if item[1] == "moon": name = item[1] healpy.projscatter( item[0].ra, item[0].dec, lonlat=True, s=200, c=item[2], label=name ) healpy.projtext(item[0].ra, item[0].dec, lonlat=True, color="k", s=name) else: name = item[1] healpy.projscatter( item[0].ra, item[0].dec, lonlat=True, s=50, color=item[2], label=name ) healpy.projtext(item[0].ra, item[0].dec, lonlat=True, color="k", s=name) count = 0 for body in ssbodies: name = body body = astropy.coordinates.get_body(body, T) healpy.projscatter( body.ra, body.dec, lonlat=True, s=50, color=colors[count], label=name ) healpy.projtext(body.ra, body.dec, lonlat=True, color="k", s=name) count += 1
nom_vis = np.zeros([4,4,npix],dtype='complex64') S = 1./2*np.array([[1.,1,0,0],[0,0,1,1j],[0,0,1,-1j],[1,-1,0,0]]) Sinv = np.array([[1.,0,0,1],[1,0,0,-1],[0,1,1,0],[0,-1j,1j,0]]) for i in range(npix): J = A[:,:,i] AA[:,:,i] = np.kron(J,J) nom_vis[:,:,i] =,[:,:,i],S)) nom_vis = nom_vis.real plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') beam_labels = np.array([[r'A_x^{\theta}',r'A_x^\phi'],[r'A_y^{\theta}',r'A_y^\phi']]) plt.figure(1) for a in range(2): for b in range(2): hp.orthview(A[a,b,:],rot=[0,90],half_sky=True,sub=(2,2,2*a+b+1),min=-1,max=1) plt.title(beam_labels[a,b]) hp.graticule() plt.figure(2) for a in range(4): for b in range(4): hp.orthview(nom_vis[a,b,:],rot=[0,90],half_sky=True,title='',sub=(4,4,4*a+b+1),min=0,max=1) hp.graticule()
for p in ipix: dec,ra = IndexToDeclRa(p) ras.append(ra) decs.append(dec) tec,rmstec,ionh = IM.ionex_data(YYYY,MM,DD) IM.get_radec_RM(ras,decs) mc = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='c') mo = Basemap(projection='ortho',lon_0=Plon,lat_0=Plat,resolution='c') for ut in range(24): print 'UT=%i'%ut tecUT=hp.cartview(0.1*tec[ut,:],flip='geo',max=90,min=0,return_projected_map=True) mc.drawcoastlines() _tec = mc.imshow(tecUT, alpha=0.6,vmax=90,vmin=0) plt.title('UT %i hr, %s-%s-%s, TEC'%(ut,YYYY,MM,DD)) mc.colorbar(location='bottom') plt.savefig('TEC_%s-%s-%s_UT%i.png'%(YYYY,MM,DD,ut)) plt.close() hp.orthview(IM.RMs[0,ut,:],half_sky=True,rot=[0,90],flip='astro',max=5,min=-2,unit=r'${\rm rad\,m^{-2}}$',return_projected_map=True) #mo.drawcoastlines() #_rm = mo.imshow(rmUT,alpha=0.6,vmax=3,vmin=-3) plt.title('UT %i hr, %s-%s-%s'%(ut,YYYY,MM,DD)) #mo.colorbar(location='bottom') plt.savefig('RM_%s-%s-%s_UT%i.png'%(YYYY,MM,DD,ut)) plt.close()
trot,prot = r(t,p) ipix_rot = hp.ang2pix(nside,trot,prot) rotmap = map[ipix_rot] return rotmap beam = np.load('XX_beam_maps.npz')['maps'] freqs = np.linspace(0.117,0.182,num=131) #aipy likes GHz units. avoiding band edges nside = 128 npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) beam_167 = beam[100,:] #beam_167 += 1e-9 def brp(beam,rotarr,log=False): a1 = np.sqrt(beam) a2 = np.sqrt(rotate_hmap(beam_167,rotarr)) if not log: return a1*a2 else: return np.log10(a1*a2) L = True lb = '\n' #f,axarr = pylab.subplots(4,1) for i,rot in enumerate([0,10,20,30]): R = hp.orthview(brp(beam_167,[rot,0],log=L), rot=[180,0], half_sky=True, max=0, min=-3, title='Rotation=%i'%rot, unit=lb+r'$\log_{10}({\rm Normalized Response})$')#,hold=True)
pixels = hp.ang2pix(nside, thetas, j) n[pixels] = func[pixels] n[n < 0] = 0 filter_array = n # This is the filter to apply to GSM (latitude, longitude, elevation) = ('-32.998370', '148.263659', 100 ) # Near EDGES site delta_t = 60 # EDGES antenna takes a number of measurements in 24 hours; this is the time between measurements in minutes sky_array = [] timer = datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0) while timer.hour < 23: gsm = GSMObserver() gsm.lon = longitude = latitude gsm.elev = elevation = timer g = hp.ud_grade( gsm.generate(78), nside) # 78MHz is the frequency of the 21cm signal absorption feature g_filt = g * n #g_filt = g_filt*(np.amax(g)/np.amax(g_filt)) # normalisation hp.orthview(g_filt, half_sky=True) plt.savefig(timer.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "_filtered.png") g_int = np.trapz(g_filt) sky_array.append(g_int) timer = timer + timedelta(minutes=delta_t) sky_array = np.array(sky_array) sky = np.trapz(sky_array) print(sky)
def visualize_map(args): """Visualize sky maps in hdf5 files. Arguments --------- args : argparse namespace. """ import numpy as np import h5py import healpy # import hpvisual import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') try: # for new version matplotlib import as mstyle mstyle.use('classic') except ImportError: pass from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Read in maps data hpmap = None for mapname in args.mapfiles: with h5py.File(mapname, 'r') as f: if hpmap is None: hpmap = f['map'][:] else: hpmap += f['map'][:] # Check args validity if args.ifreq < -(hpmap.shape)[0] or args.ifreq >= (hpmap.shape)[0]: raise Exception('Invalid frequency channel %d, should be in range(-%d, %d).'%(args.ifreq, (hpmap.shape)[0], (hpmap.shape)[0])) else: ifreq = args.ifreq if args.ifreq >= 0 else args.ifreq + (hpmap.shape)[0] if args.pol >= (hpmap.shape)[1]: raise Exception('Invalid frequency channel %d, should be in range(0, %d).'%(args.pol, (hpmap.shape)[1])) if args.figlength <= 0: raise Exception('Figure length figlength (= %f) must greater than 0'%args.figlength) if args.figwidth <= 0: raise Exception('Figure width figwidth (= %f) must greater than 0'%args.figwidth) # Create output image file name if args.outfile: out_file = args.outfile else: out_file = ((args.mapfiles[0].split('/')[-1]).split('.')[0] + '_' + str(ifreq) + '_{' + str(args.pol) + '}' + '.' + args.figfmt).format('T', 'Q', 'U', 'V') # Plot and save image if args.view == 'o': fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6)) else: fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(args.figlength,args.figwidth)) map_data = hpmap[ifreq][args.pol] if args.sqrt: map_data = map_data / np.sqrt(np.abs(map_data)) map_data = map_data / np.sqrt(np.abs(map_data)) # map_data = map_data / np.sqrt(np.abs(map_data)) # smoothing the map with a Gaussian symmetric beam if args.fwhm is not None: fwhm = np.radians(args.fwhm) map_data = healpy.smoothing(map_data, fwhm=fwhm) if args.view == 'm': # set color map if args.cmap is None: cmap = None else: if args.cmap == 'jet09': import colormap cmap = colormap.jet09 else: from pylab import cm # cmap = cmap = getattr(cm, args.cmap) cmap.set_under('w') if args.abs: healpy.mollview(np.abs(map_data), fig=1, title='', unit=args.unit, cmap=cmap, min=args.min, max=args.max) else: healpy.mollview(map_data, fig=1, title='', unit=args.unit, cmap=cmap, min=args.min, max=args.max) # plot NVSS sources if args.nvss is not None: import aipy as a flux = args.nvss frequency = 750 # MHz catalog = 'nvss' # catalog = 'wenss' src = '%f/%f' % (flux, frequency / 1.0e3) srclist, cutoff, catalogs = a.scripting.parse_srcs(src, catalog) cat = a.src.get_catalog(srclist, cutoff, catalogs) nsrc = len(cat) # number of sources in cat ras = [ np.degrees(cat.values()[i]._ra) for i in range(nsrc) ] decs = [ np.degrees(cat.values()[i]._dec) for i in range(nsrc) ] jys = [ cat.values()[i].get_jys() for i in range(nsrc) ] # select sources inds = np.where(np.array(decs)>-15.0)[0] ras = np.array(ras)[inds] decs = np.array(decs)[inds] jys = np.array(jys)[inds] # healpy.projscatter(ras, decs, lonlat=True, s=jys, facecolors='none', edgecolors='w', alpha=1.0, linewidth=1.0) healpy.projscatter(ras, decs, lonlat=True, s=150, facecolors='none', edgecolors='w', alpha=1.0, linewidth=1.0) elif args.view == 'c': healpy.cartview(map_data, fig=1, title='', unit=args.unit, min=args.min, max=args.max) elif args.view == 'o': healpy.orthview(map_data, rot=(0, 90, 0), fig=1, title='', unit=args.unit, min=args.min, max=args.max, half_sky=True) # rot to make NCP at the center # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_axes() # cbar.solids.set_rasterized(True) if args.grid: healpy.graticule() if args.tight: fig.savefig(out_file, bbox_inches='tight') else: fig.savefig(out_file) fig.clf()
def test_radec_multip(self): self.rm_map.get_radec_RM(testRAs,testDecs) assert(self.rm_map.RMs.shape == (1,24,npix)) assert(self.rm_map.dRMs.shape == (1,24,npix)) hp.orthview(self.rm_map.RMs[0,0,:],half_sky=True,rot=[0,90]) plt.close()
# Set up the observer (latitude, longitude, elevation) = ('-30.7224', '21.4278', 1100) ov = GSMObserver() ov.lon = longitude = latitude ov.elev = elevation fig = plt.figure("Tsky calc") for poli, pol in enumerate(pols): for fi, freq in enumerate(freqs): print 'Forming HERA Tsky for frequency ' + str(freq) + ' MHz.' # Rotate and project hera beam (Need to figure out how to do this w/o making figure) pol_ang = 90 * (1 - poli) # Extra rotation for X hbeam = hp.orthview(hera_beam[pol][:, fi], rot=[pol_ang, 90], fig=fig.number, xsize=400, return_projected_map=True, half_sky=True) hbeam[np.isinf(hbeam)] = np.nan if calc_paper: pbeam = hp.orthview(paper_beam[pol][:, fi], rot=[pol_ang, 90], fig=fig.number, xsize=400, return_projected_map=True, half_sky=True) pbeam[np.isinf(pbeam)] = np.nan for ti, t in enumerate(hours): plt.clf() dt = datetime(2013, 1, 1,, * (t - np.floor(t))), * (60.0 * t - np.floor(t * 60.0)))) lsts[ti] = Time(dt).sidereal_time('apparent', longitude).hour = dt ov.generate(freq) d = ov.view(fig=fig.number) sky = hp.orthview(d, fig=fig.number, xsize=400, return_projected_map=True, half_sky=True)
#!/opt/local/bin/python2.7 import smallfield import healmap import healpy as hp import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": use_split = 'D' use_nside = 512 h1,h2 = healmap.get_input_maps(use_split,use_nside=use_nside,dir='..') sfac = 0.0395 squ = 10 st = 200 rot=[0,90,0] # hp.orthview([0,:]*sfac,rot=rot,nest=False,title="Split 1 T",min=0,max=st) hp.orthview([1,:]*sfac,rot=rot,nest=False,title="Split 1 Q",min=-squ,max=squ) hp.orthview([2,:]*sfac,rot=rot,nest=False,title="Split 1 U",min=-squ,max=squ) # hp.orthview([0,:]*sfac,rot=rot,nest=False,title="Split 2 T",min=0,max=st) hp.orthview([1,:]*sfac,rot=rot,nest=False,title="Split 2 Q",min=-squ,max=squ) hp.orthview([2,:]*sfac,rot=rot,nest=False,title="Split 2 U",min=-squ,max=squ) #
def plot_luminance(cls, sky, fig=2, title="", mode=31, sub=(1, 5, 1), show=False): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt assert (isinstance(mode, int) and 0 <= mode < 32) or isinstance(mode, str), \ "Mode should be an integer between 0 and 15, or a string of the form 'bbbb' where b is for binary." if isinstance(mode, str): mode = (int(mode[0]) << 3) + (int(mode[1]) << 2) + ( int(mode[2]) << 1) + (int(mode[3]) << 0) sub2 = sub[2] lon, lat = sun2lonlat(sky.sun) f = plt.figure(fig, figsize=(5 + 3 * (sub[1] - 1), 5 + 3 * (sub[0] - 1))) if (mode >> 4) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(, rot=cls.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=12, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Scattering indicatrix", unit=r'', sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 if (mode >> 3) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.lg, rot=cls.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=3, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Luminance gradation", unit=r'cd/m^2', sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 if (mode >> 2) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.L, rot=cls.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=30, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Luminance", unit=r'K cd/m^2', sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 if (mode >> 1) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.C_x, rot=cls.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=1.5, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Chromaticity x", sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 if (mode >> 0) % 2 == 1: hp.orthview(sky.C_y, rot=cls.VIEW_ROT, min=0, max=1.5, flip="geo", cmap="Greys", half_sky=True, title="Chromaticity y", sub=(sub[0], sub[1], sub2), fig=fig) sub2 += 1 # hp.projplot(lat, lon, 'yo') f.suptitle(title) if show: return f
def plot_healpix(data_map=None, sub=None, title=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, labels=True): '''Y'know, plot healpix maps''' rot = (-45, 90, 0) if vmin == None: if cmap == None: hp.orthview(map=data_map, coord='E', half_sky=True, xsize=400, title=title, rot=rot, sub=sub, notext=True, unit='dB', cbar=None) else: hp.orthview(map=data_map, coord='E', half_sky=True, xsize=400, title=title, rot=rot, sub=sub, cmap=cmap, notext=True, unit='dB', cbar=None) else: if cmap == None: hp.orthview(map=data_map, coord='E', half_sky=True, xsize=400, title=title, rot=rot, sub=sub, min=vmin, max=vmax, notext=True, unit='dB', cbar=None) else: hp.orthview(map=data_map, coord='E', half_sky=True, xsize=400, title=title, rot=rot, sub=sub, min=vmin, max=vmax, cmap=cmap, notext=True, unit='dB', cbar=None) hp.graticule(dpar=10, coord='E', color='k', alpha=0.1, dmer=45) if labels == True: hp.projtext(0.0 * (pi / 180.0), 0.0, r'$0^\circ$', coord='E') hp.projtext(30.0 * (pi / 180.0), 0.0, r'$30^\circ$', coord='E') hp.projtext(60.0 * (pi / 180.0), 0.0, r'$60^\circ$', coord='E') hp.projtext(80.0 * (pi / 180.0), (0.0 + rot[0]) * (pi / 180.0), "S", coord='E', color='w', verticalalignment='bottom', weight='bold') hp.projtext(80.0 * (pi / 180.0), (90.0 + rot[0]) * (pi / 180.0), "W", coord='E', color='w', horizontalalignment='left', weight='bold') hp.projtext(80.0 * (pi / 180.0), (180.0 + rot[0]) * (pi / 180.0), "N", coord='E', color='w', verticalalignment='top', weight='bold') hp.projtext(80.0 * (pi / 180.0), (270.0 + rot[0]) * (pi / 180.0), 'E', coord='E', color='w', horizontalalignment='right', weight='bold')
plt.title(title) plt.subplot(233) plt.semilogy(tau,Ptau_T_nu) plt.semilogy(-tau0.value*np.array([1.,1.]),[1e-2,1e5],'r--') plt.semilogy(tau0.value*np.array([1.,1.]),[1e-2,1e5],'r--') plt.subplot(234) plt.plot(C_f/C_f.max(),label='C_l,fringe') plt.plot(C_a/C_a.max(),label='C_l,beam') plt.xlim([0,150]) #plt.ylim([1e-8,1e1]) plt.legend() plt.subplot(235) plt.plot(ell,C_fa/C_fa.max()) plt.xlim([0,30]) hp.orthview((beam_nu*fringe)[:,100].real,rot=[0,90],half_sky=True,sub=236) hp.graticule()
if ut == 4.: UT4[p] = RM[i] if ut == 6.: UT6[p] = RM[i] if ut == 22.: UT22[p] = RM[i] eUT22[p] = eRM[i] except TypeError: continue except IOError: print 'issue with %s' % filename UT22[p] = np.nan c += 1 continue print c, 'IOErrors' hp.orthview(UT22, rot=[0, 90], max=2, unit=r'rad m$^{-1}$', title='SAST 00:00 2012-02-13', half_sky=True) print UT22 print 'Interpolating NaNs' UT22_interp = np.zeros_like(UT22) c = 0 for i, val in enumerate(UT22): if np.isnan(val): c += 1 theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, i) neybs = hp.get_interp_weights(nside, theta, phi=phi) v = np.nanmean(UT22[neybs[0]]) UT22_interp[i] = v
import healpy as hp import as ap import astropy.table as table import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab from matplotlib.pyplot import Slider, Button filename = 'commander_synch.fits' data = hp.fitsfunc.read_map(filename) b =, hdu=1) fig1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(16, 9)) hp.orthview(data, fig=1, sub=211, norm='hist', half_sky=True) axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' axlatitude = plt.axes([0.2, 0.35, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) axlongitude = plt.axes([0.2, 0.4, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) axangle = plt.axes([0.2, 0.45, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) latitude_slider = Slider(axlatitude, 'Latitude', -90, 90, valinit=0) longitude_slider = Slider(axlongitude, 'Longitude', -90, 90, valinit=0) angle_slider = Slider(axangle, 'Angle', -90, 90, valinit=0) def update(val): latitude = latitude_slider.val longitude = longitude_slider.val angle = angle_slider.val hp.orthview(data,
def plot_healpix( data_map=None, fig=None, sub=None, title=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, cbar=True, ): """Yeesh do some healpix magic to plot the thing""" # Disable cryptic healpy warnings. Can't figure out where they originate import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) hp.delgraticules() hp.orthview( map=data_map, coord="E", fig=fig, half_sky=True, rot=(0, 90, 180), xsize=1200, title=title, sub=sub, min=vmin, max=vmax, cmap=cmap, notext=True, hold=True, cbar=cbar, return_projected_map=False, ) hp.graticule(dpar=10, coord="E", color="k", alpha=0.7, dmer=45, lw=0.4, ls=":") # Altitude grid hp.projtext( 00.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), 225.0 * (np.pi / 180), "0", color="k", coord="E", fontsize=6, fontweight="light", ) hp.projtext( 30.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), 225.0 * (np.pi / 180), "30", color="k", coord="E", fontsize=6, fontweight="light", ) hp.projtext( 60.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), 225.0 * (np.pi / 180), "60", color="k", coord="E", fontsize=6, fontweight="light", ) # NSEW hp.projtext( 80.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), 000.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), r"$N $", coord="E", color="w", fontweight="light", verticalalignment="top", ) hp.projtext( 80.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), 090.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), r"$E $", coord="E", color="w", fontweight="light", horizontalalignment="right", ) hp.projtext( 80.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), 180.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), r"$S $", coord="E", color="w", fontweight="light", verticalalignment="bottom", ) hp.projtext( 80.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), 270.0 * (np.pi / 180.0), r"$W $", coord="E", color="w", fontweight="light", horizontalalignment="left", )
def myPlot(x, xerr, args): # General setup npix = len(x) nside = hp.npix2nside(npix) theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, range(npix)) degree = np.pi / 180. fDict = {'chi2':getChi2, 'pvals':getChi2, 'bayes':bayesFactor, 'test':getTest} f = fDict[args.maptype] # Compare each pixel to ensemble distribution for given declination map = np.zeros(npix, dtype=np.double) if args.decbands: thetaRings = np.array(sorted(list(set(theta)))) thetaRings = thetaRings[thetaRings > (180-args.thetaMax)*degree] for i, th in enumerate(thetaRings): c0 = (theta == th) map[c0] += f(x[c0], xerr[c0], args) else: map = f(x, xerr, args) # Option to calculate p-values #if args.maptype == 'pvals': # pvals = np.zeros(len(chi2), dtype=np.double) # for i, chi in enumerate(chi2): # if chi == 0: # continue # pvals[i] = stats.chisqprob(chi2[i], ndof[i]) # map = np.log10(pvals) # Mask map = mf.maskMap(map, args.thetaMin-90, args.thetaMax-90) if args.scale: map[map!=hp.UNSEEN] *= (10**args.scale) temp = {'Excess':(150,185)} title = makeTitle(args) ### SETUP FROM PLOTFITS ### unmasked = np.array([i for i in map if (i!=hp.UNSEEN and i!=np.inf)]) min = float(args.min) if args.min else unmasked.min() max = float(args.max) if args.max else unmasked.max() if not args.min: args.min = '%.2f' % min if not args.max: args.max = '%.2f' % max # Setup colormap with option for threshold colormap = plt.get_cmap('jet') colormap.set_under('white') colormap.set_bad('gray') pltParams = {'fig':1, 'rot':[0, -90, 180], 'title':'', 'min':min, \ 'max':max, 'cbar':False, 'notext':True, 'coord':'C', \ 'cmap':colormap} ### if args.polar: #hp.orthview(map, rot=(0,90,180), title=title, half_sky=True) hp.orthview(map, half_sky=True, **pltParams) for key in temp.keys(): hp.projtext(temp[key][0]*degree, temp[key][1]*degree, key) else: #hp.mollview(map, rot=(0,0,180), title=title) #hp.mollview(map, rot=(0,0,180), title='') hp.mollview(map, rot=180, title='') #for key in temp.keys(): # hp.projtext(temp[key][0]*degree, temp[key][1]*degree, key) hp.graticule(verbose=False) ### MORE SETUP FROM PLOTFITS ### labelDict = {'bayes':r'Bayes Factor [$\ln(B_{21})$]'} labelDict['test'] = r'Difference from Mean [$\overline{D_i} - \overline{D_{tot}}$]' label = labelDict[args.maptype] if args.scale: label += ' [x 10$^{-%d}$]' % args.scale cbarParams = {'label':label, 'min':args.min, 'max':args.max, \ 'coord':'C', 'fontsize':'small', \ 'projaxis':hp.projaxes.HpxOrthographicAxes} SetupColorBar(**cbarParams) if args.out != None: plt.savefig(args.out, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') if not args.batch:
def healpy_orthview(plot_map, fig=None, coord='G', xsize=2000, title='', min_value=0.0, max_value=0.0, cbar=True, notext=False, norm=None, name_out=None,, return_projected=False): """ map - healpix map (1-d array), fig - figure number to use, coord - coordinate system of the map ('G', ['G', 'E'] or ['G', 'C']), xsize - size of the image, title - title of the plot, min_value - minimum range value, max_value - maximum range value, cbar - display the colorbar, notext - if True, no text is printed around the map, norm - color normalization (None (linear), 'hist' or 'log'), name_out - name of the output picture, cmap - color map of the plot (jet, viridis, jet and other) """ cmap.set_under("w") if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) if return_projected: if min_value != 0.0 or max_value != 0.0: plot_map_out = hp.orthview(plot_map, fig.number, coord=coord, xsize=xsize, title=title, min=min_value, max=max_value, cbar=cbar, notext=notext, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, return_projected_map=True) else: plot_map_out = hp.orthview(plot_map, fig.number, coord=coord, xsize=xsize, title=title, cbar=cbar, notext=notext, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, return_projected_map=True) if name_out is not None: plt.savefig(name_out, dpi=400) return plot_map_out else: if min_value != 0.0 or max_value != 0.0: hp.orthview(plot_map, fig.number, coord=coord, xsize=xsize, title=title, min=min_value, max=max_value, cbar=cbar, notext=notext, norm=norm, cmap=cmap) else: hp.orthview(plot_map, fig.number, coord=coord, xsize=xsize, title=title, cbar=cbar, notext=notext, norm=norm, cmap=cmap) if name_out is not None: plt.savefig(name_out, dpi=400)
try: for i, ut in enumerate(UT): if ut==0.: UT0[p]=RM[i] if ut==4.: UT4[p]=RM[i] if ut==6.: UT6[p]=RM[i] if ut==22.: UT22[p]=RM[i] eUT22[p]=eRM[i] except TypeError: continue except IOError: print 'issue with %s'%filename UT22[p] = np.nan c+=1 continue print c,'IOErrors' hp.orthview(UT22,rot=[0,90],max=2,unit=r'rad m$^{-1}$',title='SAST 00:00 2012-02-13',half_sky=True) print UT22 print 'Interpolating NaNs' UT22_interp = np.zeros_like(UT22) c=0 for i,val in enumerate(UT22): if np.isnan(val): c+=1 theta,phi = hp.pix2ang(nside,i) neybs = hp.get_neighbours(nside,theta,phi=phi) v = np.nanmean(UT22[neybs[0]]) UT22_interp[i] = v else: UT22_interp[i]=val
def Orth(map): hp.orthview(map,rot=[0,90],half_sky=True) return
def Orth(map): hp.orthview(map,half_sky=True) return
norm=" ", sub=221, xsize=2000) #, min=-5e-7, max=5e7, xsize=2000) hp.orthview(map=eqdata, fig=3, rot=None, coord=None, unit='', xsize=800, half_sky=False, title='Orthographic view', nest=False, min=None, max=None, flip='astro', remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, gal_cut=0, format='%g', format2='%g', cbar=True, cmap=None, notext=False, norm=" ", hold=False, margins=None, sub=222, return_projected_map=False) hp.gnomview(map=eqdata, fig=3, rot=None,
for i in ip: map[i]+=1 map = hp.smoothing(map, fwhm=np.radians(14)) map = map/np.max(map) fsky = map.sum()/len(map) hp.mollview(map, title='Fractime: {0:4.1f}% - fsky: {1:4.1f}%'.format(fractime, fsky*100)) nside = 8 map = np.arange(12*8**2) idbicep2 = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.radians(90-galbicep2[1]), np.radians(galbicep2[0])) map[idbicep2]+=100 idnew = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.radians(90-galnew[1]), np.radians(galnew[0])) map[idnew]+=100 hp.orthview(map, rot=[0,90]) ############# Tower time, azimuth, elevation = observe_onespot(spot_bicep2, domec, nt=1000, DEFAULT_DATE_OBS='2016-01-01 00:00:00') time2, azimuth2, elevation2 = observe_onespot(newspot, domec, nt=1000, DEFAULT_DATE_OBS='2016-01-01 00:00:00') htower = 45. dtower = np.array([45., 70.]) thetatower = np.degrees(arctan2(htower, dtower)) clf() plot(azimuth, elevation)
hpxidx = np.arange(npix) theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx) phi = 2. * np.pi - phi RotAngle = np.radians(30.) RotAxis = np.array([0, -1, 0]) R = rotation_matrix(RotAxis, RotAngle) cosX, sinX = spherical_basis_transformation_components(theta, phi, R) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8)) hp.orthview(cosX, rot=[-45, 45], cmap='RdBu_r', sub=(1, 2, 1), half_sky=True, min=-1, max=1) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_title(r'$\cos \chi$', fontsize=32) hp.orthview(sinX, rot=[-45, 45], cmap='RdBu_r', sub=(1, 2, 2), half_sky=True, min=-1, max=1) ax = plt.gca()
def Orth90(map): hp.orthview(map,half_sky=True,rot=[0,90]) return
plt.plot(nu, T_nu.real, 'b') plt.plot(nu, T_nu.real - T_nu.mean(), 'b--') plt.plot(nu, window * T_nu.real, 'g') plt.plot(nu, T_nu.imag, 'r') plt.subplot(232) plt.plot(nu, T_nu.real / omega_nu) plt.title(title) plt.subplot(233) plt.semilogy(tau, Ptau_T_nu) plt.semilogy(-tau0.value * np.array([1., 1.]), [1e-2, 1e5], 'r--') plt.semilogy(tau0.value * np.array([1., 1.]), [1e-2, 1e5], 'r--') plt.subplot(234) plt.plot(C_f / C_f.max(), label='C_l,fringe') plt.plot(C_a / C_a.max(), label='C_l,beam') plt.xlim([0, 150]) #plt.ylim([1e-8,1e1]) plt.legend() plt.subplot(235) plt.plot(ell, C_fa / C_fa.max()) plt.xlim([0, 30]) hp.orthview((beam_nu * fringe)[:, 100].real, rot=[0, 90], half_sky=True, sub=236) hp.graticule()
m[:ring_max] = hp.pixelfunc.UNSEEN # replace nan values with zero if opts.fill: m = np.nan_to_num(m) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12,8)) if opts.mode.lower()=='h': norm = 'hist' elif opts.mode.lower()=='i': norm = None elif opts.mode.lower()=='l': norm = 'log' elif opts.mode.lower()=='s': norm = None if opts.visu.lower().startswith('moll'): # Mollweide projection hp.mollview(m, coord=coord_proj, norm=norm, max=opts.max, min=opts.min, cmap=plt.get_cmap(opts.cmap), cbar=cbar, fig=1, unit=unit, title=opts.title, xsize=xsize, rot=rot) elif opts.visu.lower().startswith('cart'): # Cartesian hp.cartview(m, coord=coord_proj, norm=norm, max=opts.max, min=opts.min, cmap=plt.get_cmap(opts.cmap), cbar=cbar, fig=1, unit=unit, title=opts.title, xsize=xsize, rot=rot) elif opts.visu.lower().startswith('ortho'): # Orthographic hp.orthview(m, coord=coord_proj, norm=norm, max=opts.max, min=opts.min, cmap=plt.get_cmap(opts.cmap), cbar=cbar, fig=1, unit=unit, title=opts.title, xsize=xsize, rot=rot) # set grid lines hp.graticule(dpar=5, dmer=5) if not(opts.savefig is None): plt.savefig(opts.savefig) else: